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Metaheuristics : from Design to


E-G. Talbi
Professor – Polytech’Lille -
Team manager –INRIA – University of
Lille - CNRS –
Wiley, 2009 (596pp)
ISBN: 978-0-470-27858-1

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi


Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Outline of the book

„ Common concepts for Metaheuristics

„ Single-solution based metaheuristics
z Common concepts for S-metaheuristics
z Local search
z Landscape analysis
z Advanced local search (Simulated annealing, Tabu search, VNS,
ILS, GLS, …)
„ Population-based metaheuristics
z Common concepts for P-metaheuristics
z Evolutionary algorithms (Genetic algorithms, GP, ES, EDA, …)
z Swarm inteeligence: Ant colonies, Particle swarm, …
z Bess, Immune systems, …
„ Metaheuristics for Multi-objective Optimization
„ Hybrid Metaheuristics
„ Parallel metaheuristics

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Outline of the chapter 1

„ Optimization models
„ Optimization methods
z Exact algorithms / Approximate algorithms
z When using metaheuristics?
z Greedy heuristics
„ Main common concept of metaheuristics
z Representation
z Objective function
„ Constraint handling
„ Parameter tuning
„ Performance analysis of metaheuristics
„ Software frameworks for metaheuristics
z ParadisEO framework

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

From modeling to decision making

„ In practice, we find solutions for models representing

„ Usually models are simplifications of the reality

Importance of models

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Optimization problem

„ Definition (minimisation problem) : couple (S,f)

z Given a search space S which represents feasible solutions
z Given an objective function f: S Æ R
z Find s* ∈ S such as :
f ( s*) ≤ f ( s ) ∀s ∈ S
s* : global optimum

z Large scale and complex optimization problems in many areas of

science and industry (Telecommunications, Biology, Transportation-
Logistics, Environment, Finance, Design, ...).
z Problem size more and more important (combinatorial explosion) and/or
Delays more and more reduced.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Optimization models

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Complexity theory: Algorithms

„ Polynomial-time algorithms: shortest paths,

spanning tree, network flow, …
„ Exponential-time algorithms

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Complexity theory: Algorithms

• Two other notations to analyze algorithms

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Complexity theory: Problems

„ Complexity of a problem = complexity of the best

algorithm solving that problem

„ Tractable (easy) = there exists a polynomial-time

algorithm to solve it

„ Intractable = if no polynomial-time algorithm exists

„ Most of real-life problems are intractable

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Decision / Optimization problems

„ Decision problem has always « yes » or « no »


„ Optimization problem can always be reduced to a

decision problem

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Complexity classes

„ P class: decision problems

solved by a deterministic
machine in polynomial time
„ NP class: decision problems
solved by a non-
deterministic algorithm in
polynomial time
„ NP-complete: if all problems
of the class NP are reduced
polynomially to the problem
„ P=NP? Important open

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Complexity classes: Examples

„ P class:
z Shortest path, network flow
z Spanning tree, bipartite matching, linear programming, …

„ NP-complete:
z Sequencing and scheduling problems: flow-shop, job-shop,
open-shop, …
z Assignment and location problems: QAP, GAP, p-median, …
z Grouping problems: clustering, graph partitioning, coloring, …
z Routing and covering problems: set covering, VRP, …
z Knapsack, cutting and packing problems

„ Open problems: e.g. graph isomorphism

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Other models for optimization

„ Optimization under uncertainty

z Input data subject to noise
z e.g VRP – stochastic demands, travel times, …

„ Dynamic optimization
z Deterministic objective function, varies over time
z e.g. VRP – new demand Æ Track the optimal solution
z Multi-periodic optimization: periodic change (change known
a priori)
z e.g. planning problem (traffic, incoming technology)

„ Robust optimization: engineering design problems

„ Multi-objective optimization problems

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

“Generic” problems
„ Ex: SAT, TSP, and NLP are 3 canonical forms of
models than can be applied to solve different

„ Quadratic Assignment Problem

„ Bin Packing and Generalised Assignment Problems
„ Hub allocation problems
„ Graph Colouring & Partitioning
„ Vehicle Routing
„ Single & Multiple Knapsack
„ Set Partitioning & Set Covering Problems
„ Processor Allocation Problem
„ Various Staff Scheduling Problems
„ Job Shop Scheduling

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Size of the search space
ƒ SAT Problem : Boolean Satisfiability Problem (First NP-hard
ƒ Many applications : timetabling, routing, …
ƒ Find a set of boolean variables
X = ( X 1 ,..., X n )
such as the boolean expression F = TRUE
ƒ Boolean expression F = conjunction of clauses
ƒ Clauses are disjunctions of k variables (k-SAT) :
F ( X ) = ( X 1 ∨ X 3 ) ∧ ( X 1 ∨ X 2 ) ∧ ( X 4 ∨ X 2 ) ∧ ...
ƒ For n=100, size of the search space = 2100 ≈ 1030,
ƒ Evaluation of 1000 solutions / sec ; 15 billions of years (Big Bang) to
evaluate less than 1% of the search space.
ƒ k>2, NP-hard problem ; k=2, Polynomial problem

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Size of the search space

ƒ TSP Problem : n cities, find a circuit which minimize the

total distance ; all cities must be visited once.
ƒ Symmetric TSP dist(x,y)=dist(y,x)
ƒ |S| = n!/2n = (n-1)! / 2 ; n>6 TSP > SAT
ƒ 10 cities = 181 000 solutions
ƒ 20 cities = 10 000 000 000 000 000 solutions
ƒ 50 cities = 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 solutions
ƒ There is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 litres of water in
the planet

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

The traveling salesman problem (from Chvatal’s

• 1800-1900: first descriptions of the problem;

• 1920-1930: problem becomes well defined;
• 1940-50: it starts to be recognized as “hard”;
• 1954: an instance with 42 cities is solved to optimality.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Size of the search space

ƒ NLP problem : Non-Linear Programming Problem

ƒ Many applications : mechanics, aeronautics, …
ƒ Classical methods don’t give “good” results

n n

i =1
cos ( x i
)−2 ∏
i =1
cos 2 ( x)
Non linear Function
G 2( x ) = Global Optimum unknown

i =1
n n

∏ x ≥ 0.75
i =1
i ∑ x ≤ 7.5n i
0≤ x ≤ 10
i =1

Non-linear Constraint + linear constraint

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Size of the search space

ƒ Treated as a mathematical problem = infinite number of

solutions / dimension.
ƒ On machine : suppose a precision of six decimals, each
variable may take 10 000 000 different values.
ƒ |S| = 10 000 000n = 107n
ƒ Search space larger than TSP
ƒ Evaluation function and constraints ?
ƒ Maximize G2(x) ; Non feasible solutions = 0

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Most of the problems have constraints.

„ Ex : Timetabling :
z List of courses, classes, students / classes, professor /
classes, available rooms, capacity of rooms, logistics of
rooms (video, computer, microphone, …).

z Hard constraints (must be satisfied) :

z Each class must be assigned to a room with a sufficient
number of seats and required facilities.
z Students assigned to different classes must not be scheduled
at the same time.
z Professors must not be scheduled to courses in parallel.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Optimization + Simulation:
Cellular network design
Economical Challenge (Cost, Quality of service)
Network Design (Positioninig of antenna, Configuration of antenna

„ Objectives : „ Constraints :
z Min (number of sites) „ Covering
„ Handover
z Min (interferences)

z Min (traffic loss)

z Max (resource use)

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Parameters of antennaes
Decision variables
Data Bounds
Power [26, 55] dBm
Diagram 3 types
Height [30, 50] m
Azimut [0, 359] °
Tilt [-15, 0] °
Transmitters [1, 7]

„ Search space :
568 sites candidates Î 23689160 solutions
and ~ 600.109 choices for one antenna !
„ Cost Evaluation (pop : 100, Gen : 105,
cost = more than one year !!)
1 omni or 1-3 sectorial
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Impact of the parameters via
„ Cell = zone covered by a BTS
„ Limited Traffic for a site (technological constraint)
„ Many sites are necessary

Omni-directional Sectorial type 1 Sectorial type 2 Propagation Model ?:

60 dBm Free space

Azimut 50° PIRE -10 dBm Tilt -15°

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Model : Constraints
„ A set of BTS satisfying the
constraints :

z Covering

z Handover (mobility)

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Model : Objectives

„ Min Number of sites (cost)

„ Min Interferences

„ Max Trafic handled Zone géographique

Used Sites
Non-used Sites
Covered Zone
Handover Zone

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Other standard problems
i Integer programming problem (IP); Commercially
i (Weighted) constraint satisfaction problem (CSP,
i Maximum satisfiability problem (MAX SAT)
i Set covering problem (SCP)
Generalized assignment problem (GAP)
i Generalized quadratic assignment problem (GQAP)
i Resource constrained project scheduling problem
i Vehicle routing problem (VRP)
i Cutting stock problem (CSTP)
i 2-Dimensional Packing Problem (2PP)
i …
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Ex : Knapsack Problem
„ The classic Knapsack problem is typically put
forth as:
z A thief breaks into a store and wants to fill his
knapsack with as much value in goods as possible
before making his escape. Given the following list
of items available, what should he take?
z Item A, weighting wA pounds and valued at vA
z Item B, weighting wB pounds and valued at vB
z Item C, weighting wC pounds and valued at vC
z •••

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Ex : Knapsack Problem

„ Input
z Capacity K
z n items with weights wi and values vi
„ Goal
z Output a set of items S such that
z the sum of weights of items in S is at most K
z and the sum of values of items in S is maximized

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

The Simplest Versions…

Can items be divided up such that only a portion is taken?

The thief can hold 5 pounds and has to choose from:
3 pounds of gold dust at $379.22/pound
6 pounds of silver dust at $188.89/pound
1/9 pound of platinum dust at $433.25/pound

Are all of the weights or total values identical?

The thief breaks into a ring shop where all of the rings
weight 1oz. He can hold 12 ounces; which should he
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
A Deceptively Hard Version…

What if each problem has the same price/pound?

This problem reduces to the bin-packing problem: we

want to fit as many pounds of material into the knapsack
as possible.

How can we approach this problem?

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Optimization methods

Exact algorithms Approximate (Heuristics)

Branch Dynamic Specific

CP Metaheuristics
and X programming (ε-approximation)

Problems of small size


Simulated Tabu Evolutionary Ants,

annealing search algorithms SS, PSO

Tendance in exploitation Tendance in exploration


Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Exact methods

„ Obtain global optimal solutions

„ Guarantee their optimality
• Useless for large problems (problem, instance).

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Approximate algorithms
„ Approximate algorithms or Heuristics
z The word heuristic has its origin in the old Greek
word heuriskein: art of discovering new strategies
(rules) to solve problems
z Generate « high quality » solutions in a
reasonable time for practical use.
z No guarantee to find the global optimal solution
„ Approximation algorithms
z Guarantee on the bound of the obtained solution
from the global optimum.
z ε-approximation

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi


„ The suffix meta also a Greek word: upper

level methodology.
„ Introduced by F. Glover in 1986
„ Metaheuristic: Upper level general
methodology (templates) that can be used as
guiding strategies in designing underlying
heuristics to solve specific optimization

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Application of Metaheuristics

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Genealogy of Metaheuristics

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Metaheuristic design
No “Super Method” for all problems (NFL Theorem)
„ Exploration / Exploitation
„ Intensification / Diversification

„ Nature inspired / Non nature inspired

„ Memory usage / Memory less
„ Deterministic / Stochastic
„ Population based / Single-solution based
„ Iterative / Greedy
ƒ Dynamic vs. static objective function
ƒ One vs. various neighborhood structures

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Greedy heuristics
„ Start from scratch (empty solution) and constructs a
solution by assigning values to one decision variable at a
time until a complete solution is generated
„ Solution = presence/absence of a finite set of elements
E={e1,…,en}. Partial solution = subset of E
„ Objective function = f : 2E Æ R

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Constructive algorithms (Greedy)

„ Two design questions

z Definition of the set of elements

z Element selection heuristic: which gives the best

“profit” at each iteration.

„ Assignment of decision variables one by one

„ At each iteration, choose the optimal decision for the
current decision variable
„ Take an optimal decision at each step does not
guarantee global optimality.
„ Popular (Simplicity)
„ Reduced complexity
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Greedy for TSP: nearest neighbor

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Greedy for knapsack

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Greedy for spanning tree

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Constructive algorithms (SAT)

„ Heuristic : For each variable from 1 to n, in a given order,

assign the value which satisfies the maximum number of non
satisfied clauses (current).
„ Example :
x1 ∧ ( x1 ∨ x2 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x3 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x4 )
„ Let us consider the variable x1, x1=TRUE (3 clauses)
„ … Clause 1 non satisfied.
„ Poor Performances.

„ Heuristic for order selection: Order all the variables based

on the frequencies (from small to large values)

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Constructive algorithms (SAT)

„ Example :

( x1 ∨ x2 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x3 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x4 ) ∧ ( x 2 ∨ x 4 ) ∧ ( x2 ∨ x5 ) ∧ ( x2 ∨ x6 ) ∧ F

„ F does not contain the variables x1 and x2, but many

occurrences of the other variables.
„ Other variables = higher frequencies
„ x1=TRUE (2 clauses), x2=TRUE (2 clauses)
„ Impossible to satisfy the clauses 3 and 4
„ Other improvements : Forbid the assignment which
initializes a clause to FALSE, frequencies into non treated
clauses, size of the clauses in choosing the order, ...

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Constructive algorithms (NLP)

„ No efficient greedy algorithms for NLP problems

„ Example : function of two variables x1 and x2

„ Initialize one variable (ex. x1) to a constant, and vary
x2 until optimum found.

„ When optimum found (x2=constant), vary x1 until

optimum found

„ Efficient when no or small interactions between

variables (decomposable function)

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Ex : Constructive algorithms (Graph
f b

Color Largest Degree First (LF Algorithm)
Welsh and Powell [1967] d

Order by degree

Node : b, e, a, f, c, d
Color : 1 2 3 3 2 1
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Ex : Constructive algorithms (Graph
Merging Non-adjacent vertices
Dutton and Brigham [1981]
DB Algorithm

Cluster successively non-adjacent nodes,

Until the existence of non adjacents nodes
i.e. resultant graph is complete.

Heuristic : cluster first adjacent nodes

Which have the maximum number of common adjacent nodes

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Ex : Constructive algorithms (Graph
f a

(a, c) (a, f) (b, d) (c, d) (c, e) (d, f)
1 2 2 0 2 1
2 1 2
{a,f} {a,f}
e e {b,d}
{c,e} {b,d}
d c Metaheuristics c E-G. Talbi
When using Metaheuristics?

„ An easy problem (e.g. P class) with VERY large

„ An easy problem with hard real-time constraints
„ Difficult problem (e.g. NP-complete) with moderate
size and/or difficult input structures
„ Optimization problems with time-consuming objective
functions and/or constraints
„ Non-analytical models of optimization problems:
black box scenario (objective function).
„ Non deterministic complex models: uncertainty,
robust optimization, dynamic, multi-objective, …

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Design / Control problems

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Common design concepts for
iterative metaheuristics

„ Representation (Encoding) = search space

„ Objective function

„ Search space + objective function = landscape

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Representation: Characteristics

„ Completeness: All solutions associated to the

problem must be represented.
„ Connexity: A search path may exist between
any two solutions (related also to the search
operators), especially the global optimal
„ Efficiency: easy to manipulate bu the search
operators (time and space complexities).

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Types of Representations
„ Linear representation: strings of symbols of a
given alphabet
„ Non-linear representation: based generally on
graph structures (e.g. trees)

„ Representation-solution mapping
„ Direct versus indirect encodings

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Classical linear representations

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Representation ==> Search Space + Size

„ SAT Problem with n variables : Binary vector

of size n, element = variable
„ Size of the search space = 2n.
„ Each solution of the search space is feasible
„ TSP Problem of n cities : permutation of
integer numbers 1, …, n. element = city.
„ Size of the search space = n!
„ Symmetric TSP : n! / 2
„ Starting city: (n-1)! / 2

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Problem NLP : all real numbers for all n

„ Floating numbers representation to approximate real

numbers : 6 digits of precision, 107n possible different

„ Choice of the representation is important.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Example : 8 Queens

Problem : Place 8 queens on a 8x8 chess such that

two queens don’t overlap.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Example : 8 Queens

A permutation of the numbers from

1 to 8

1 3 5 2 6 4 7 8

Permutation : a configuration

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Problem Representation

„ For example, in the 8-Queens problem, when every

state is an assignment of the 8 queens on the board:
z The number of possibilities with all 8 queens on the board is
64 choose 8, which is over 4 billion.
z The solution of the problem prohibits more then one queen
per row, so we may assign each queen to a separate row,
now we’ll have 88 > 16 million possibilities.
z Same goes for not allowing 2 queens in the same column
either, this reduces the space to 8!, which is only 40,320

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Non-traditional linear representations

„ Random keys encoding: real-values for permutations

„ Messy representations
„ Non-coding regions
„ Diploid representations
„ Quantum representations
„ Mixed representations

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Representation / solution mapping
„ Transforms the encoding (genotype) to a
problem solution (phenotype).
z One-to-one: single solution = single encoding
z One-to-many: one solution = multiple encodings
(redundancy): e.g. symmetry in grouping problems
z Many-to-one: one encoding = multiple solutions

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Direct/ Indirect representations

„ Indirect representation: encoding is not a complete

„ A decoder is required: deterministic or non-
„ Ex: Flow-shop scheduling problem: j jobs. Each job
has M operations (M machines).

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Objective function

Formulation of the goal

„ Self-sufficient objective functions
„ Guiding objective functions
„ Representation decoding
„ Interactive optimization
„ Relative and competitive objective functions
„ Meta-modeling

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Self-sufficient objective functions

„ Straightforward objective function = original

formulation of the problem

„ TSP : minimize the total distance min ∑ dist( x, y )

„ SAT : boolean formulae satisfied (TRUE).
„ NLP : minimize the function G2(x).

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Guiding objective functions

„ Transform the original goal for a better

convergence (guide the search)

„ SAT : Non optimal solution = FALSE Æ

z No information on the quality of solutions,
z No indication on the improvement of solutions to
guide the search towards good solutions, ...
z New objective function = Number of satisfied

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Graph coloring

G = (S,A)
coloring f : S → C such as (s,t) ∈ A ⇒
f(s) ≠ f(t)
Chr(G) = min card f(S), chromatic number
of G

Chr(G) = 3

Many applications : frequency assignment

(telecommunications), scheduling,
timetabling, register allocation, …

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Representation decoding

„ Relationship between the representation and

the objective function

„ Decode the representation to compute the

objective function

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Steiner problem in a graph
„ Steiner problem in a graph:
non-oriented graph G=(V,E),V: vertices, E: edges
T: terminals (obligatory)
ce: weight of the edge e ∈ E

„ Find a spanning tree of terminal nodes of minimum

(particulier case: if T = V, spanning tree problem of
minimum weight)

„ Steiner vertices: non obligatory vertices which generate the

optimal solution.
„ Applications: Telecommunications, Phylogeny in biology, …

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Steiner problem in a graph
1 1
a 1 b

2 1 2

2 2
2 3 4

2 1 2

c 5 d
1 1
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Steiner problem in a graph
1 1
a 1 b

2 1 2

2 2
2 3 4

2 1 2

c 5 d
1 1
Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi
Steiner problem in a graph
„ Characterization of a solution
X ⊆ V: sub-set of non obligatory vertices

„ Steiner Tree
Tree which connects the terminal vertices (obligatory using a sub-
set X of non-obligatory vertices

„ Each Steiner Tree may be characterized by the sub-set of used

non-obligatory vertices

„ Optimal Steiner Tree

Spanning Tree with Minimum Weight connecting the terminal
vertices and using the optimal subset X* of non-obligatory vertices

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Steiner problem in a graph

„ |V| = p
„ Solution: s = (s1,s2,…,si,…,sp) ⇔ X
„ Representation by a 0-1 indication of appartenance
„ si = 1, if the i-th vertice non-obligatory is used (i.e., if
vi ∈ X)
si = 0, otherwise

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Interactive optimization
„ The user is involved on-line in the loop of a
„ Motivations:
z User intervention to guide the search process:
user knowledge, decision making in multi-criteria
problems, …
z User intervention to evaluate a solution: human
preferences (subjective evaluation), …
z Taste of coffee, wine, …
z Visual appeal or attractiveness

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Relative and competitive objective

„ Impossible to have an absolute objective function f

z Ex: Game theory, co-evolution, learning classifier systems
z Game: Strategy A may be better than B, B better than C, C
better than A
„ Relative fitness: associates a rank to a solution into a
„ Competitive fitness: competition between solutions
z Bipartite
z Tournament
z Full

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Time consuming part: evaluation of the
objective function
„ Approximate the objective function
z Extremely expensive objective functions: structural
design optimization (e.g. 3D aerodynamic system
design: computational fluid dynamics CFd
z Approaches
z Neural networks
z Response surface methodology
z Kriging models, DACE, Gaussian techniques, machine
learning approaches (SVM, …)

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi


Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Constraint handling

„ Not trivial to deal with contraints

z Reject strategies: only feasible solutions are kept
z Penalizing strategies: penalty functions
z Repairing strategies: repair infeasible solutions
z Decoding strategies: only feasible solutions are
z Preserving strategies: specific representation and
search operators which preserve the feasibility

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Parameter tuning

„ Many parameters have to be tuned for any

„ Large flexibility and robustness but careful initialization
(efficiency and effectiveness of the search)
„ Optimal tuning depends on the problem and instance:
no universally optimal tuning

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi


Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Performance analysis of
„ Experimental design: goals of the
experiments, selected instances (real-life,
constructed) and factors to be defined
z Random instances may be controversial
„ Measurements: measures to compute Æ
statistical analysis
„ Reporting in a comprehensive way

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Quality of solutions

„ Computational effort: search time, …

„ Robustness (instances, problems,

parameters, …)

„ Easy of use, simplicity, flexibility,

development cost, …

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Quality of solutions

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Statistical analysis: performance assessment and
estimante the confidence of the results to be
scientifically valid
„ Ordinal analysis: ranking metaheuristics (e.g. Borda
count voting method, Copeland’s method)
According to the characteristics of the measurements

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Reporting: Interaction plots

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Reporting: deviation bars, confidence

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Why a software framework?
„ 3 major approaches are used for the
development of metaheuristics:
z From scratch or no reuse: costly (time,
manpower), error prone, difficult maintain and
evolve, …
z Code reuse: reuse third party code – application
dependent, error prone, time consuming, …
z Code and design reuse (design patterns): use of
generic templates, inheritance,
z Problem dependent part
z Invariant part

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Why a software framework?
ƒ Optimization Problems in practice

ƒ Diversity

ƒ Continual evolution of the modeling (regards

needs, objectives, constraints, …)

ƒ Need to experiment many solving methods,

techniques of hybridization, parameters, …

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Main characteristics of software

„ Maximum design and code reuse

„ Flexibility and adaptability
„ Utility
„ Transparent and easy access to performance
and robustness
„ Portability
„ Ease of use and efficiency

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

ParadisEO framework

ƒ A templates-based, ANSI-C++ compliant Metaheuristic

Computation Framework.
ƒ GForge Project by INRIA Dolphin Team.
ƒ Paradigm Free (genetic algorithms, genetic programming,
particle swarm optimization, local search, TS, SA, ILS,
VNS, EDA, ES, …).
ƒ Hybrid, distributed and cooperative models.
ƒ Flexible / a considered problem.
ƒ Generic components (variation operators, selection,
replacement, termination, particle behaviors …).
ƒ Many services (visualization, managing command-line
parameters, saving/restarting, …).

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

ParadisEO framework

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Frameworks: State of the art

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Guideline in solving a given
optimization problem

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

„ Representation and objective functions

for the following problems
„ Greedy heuristics

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Ex : Magic Square


- Distinct N2 integers over a matrix N*N

- Magic square of order N : Arrangement such that the N numbers in
all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same constant
(magic sum)
- The magic sum has the value M(N) = (N3+N)/2.
- Magic squares of order n = 3, 4, 5, …, the magic constants are: 15,
34, 65, 111, 175, 260, ...

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Ex : ‘Casse-tete’

A non feasible solution

- 2D grid of size 4*4 covered by 16 jetons

- Each row and each column of the grid there
will be a pair number of jetons.

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Bin packing



w5 Items to pack

Bins and items have the same widht

Bin capacity C

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

VRP: Vehicle routing problem


Depot Depot

(a) (b)

„ Constraints :
„ Objectives :

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Greedy for knapsack

Constructed solution = (3,5,7)

1 5 7

w1=5 w2=4 w3=6 w4=3 w5=5 w6=8 w7=5 w8=9 knapsack with a
u1=3 u2=5 u3=7 u4=4 u5=2 u6=9 u7=5 u8=8 capacity of 15

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

Greedy for spanning tree

13 16

14 3 4

Constructed solution

(B,E), (C,F), (D,G), (E,H), (F,I), (E,D), (A,B), (H,I)

10 2

6 8

19 15

Metaheuristics E-G. Talbi

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