E Health
E Health
E Health
Tabios, Shaira
Tiyad, Emily
Valledo, Denielle
According to e-health.ph:
“eHealth Philippines is an internet linked community where people can interact
with each other on specific health issues, topics, and at the same time have
access to the research databases, journal articles, advisories, and other health
related information”
The website aims to improve the flow of health information in the country and to
develop an accessible, timely, and relevant information resources for the health
community. Also, ehealth.ph wants to sustain content and infrastructure
development and to develop capacity building tools that match absorptive
capacity of information users. Lastly, the website aims to build a network and a
community of health practitioners where they can share their experiences and
2. Compare the e-health practice in Estonia in Philippines?
We can also adapt their e-health strategies because all the technological
and organizational components related to health data or the provision of
remote services are through e-channels. It is called the eHealth system and it
includes the state information library Health Information System (TIS) and other IT
devices and applications processing health information (including the
information systems of health care providers, the equipment in possession of
people, smart devices, etc.). With this it can help us to be more effective in
caring for our patients.
Philippines is not likely to adapt to new changes, not everyone will follow
and are not willing to change their IT infrastructure.
Not a lot of people are willing to adapt to change as well. Therefore,
there won't be as many people who will register for an e-health - also
because registration is not made mandatory for them. This will then
become a costly experiment for both the government and the citizens.
The major obstacle includes the recognition of licenses and liability issue.
The costs can be prohibited if the provider has other priorities in terms of
equipment upgrading. On the other hand, the use of store-forward
technology requires less investment costs compared to real-time
telemedicine practice which is not yet integrated in everyday use of
hospitals or healthcare providers.
There are still limited IT capabilities, or not a lot of people in the country
are computer literate – therefore, there is still a lack of knowledge and
skills of the people in order to properly implement the e-health system.
Filipinos have this mentality wherein they avoid going to the hospitals
because they believe that as long as they haven't felt the severity of their
condition or disease, they won't go for checkups. Also, they think that by
knowing what conditions they have will only make it worse. Making
implementing e-health in the country useless because it won't be properly
The country also lacks national e-health policies or laws which makes it
very risky as to what guidelines or standards are to follow and what needs
to be avoided.
The overall problem when implementing the e-health is the geographic
landscape. Because of the geographical landscape of the Philippines,
internet connectivity and signal is a huge problem making it difficult to
create and access electronic health systems.