Quitin TWC Draft1
Quitin TWC Draft1
Quitin TWC Draft1
F. Quitin and U. Madhow are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
(UCSB) ({fquitin, madhow}@ece.ucsb.edu)
M. Rahman and R. Mudumbai are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Iowa (mahboob-
rahman@uiowa.edu, rmudumbai@engineering.uiowa.edu)
Distributed transmit beamforming refers to a cooperative transmission technique for wireless networks
under which several nodes calibrate their transmissions in such a way that their individual transmitted
signals add up coherently at an intended receiver. In effect, under this scheme, the transmit nodes act as
a “virtual antenna array” and direct a beam towards the receiver, enhancing communication range and/or
power efficiency [1–3].
The key challenge in realizing the large potential gains from beamforming is in precisely synchronizing
the RF signals from each transmitter so that they are aligned in phase at the intended receiver. Each
transmitter obtains its RF carrier signal from a separate local oscillator, and even when two oscillators are
set to the same nominal frequency, because of manufacturing tolerances and temperature variations, they
would in general have a non-zero frequency offset with respect to each other. In addition, all oscillators
undergo random phase and frequency drifts over time. Finally, unlike a traditional phased array, a virtual
array of collaborating wireless nodes does not have a regular and precisely known geometry. Thus,
even if the destination’s location were known precisely (which is not the case in practice), it is not
possible to determine the phases that the transmitters in the virtual array must employ in order to direct
energy towards the destination. Indeed, explicitly computing beamforming weights requires knowledge
of the geometry of the transmitters and receiver to within a small fraction of the carrier wavelength, and
standard localization techniques such as GPS fall far short of the accuracy necessary to overcome this
geometric uncertainty. Thus, distributed beamforming requires a sophisticated synchronization architecture
that accounts for all of the preceding uncertainties. The prototype described in this paper illustrates a robust
and scalable feedback-based approach to this problem, and successfully demonstrates that distributed
transmit beamforming is indeed feasible even with off-the-shelf hardware and low-quality oscillators.
Contributions: We present an architecture for distributed transmit beamforming that is suitable for
packet wireless networks, and demonstrate it using a software-defined radio testbed. The objectives
of our prototyping effort are two-fold: (a) a proof-of-concept implementation to show that distributed
beamforming can be implemented on commodity hardware with minimal overhead using signaling similar
to that in existing packet wireless networks, and (b) reusable open-source building blocks for further
development, which we hope will lead to eventual incorporation of distributed beamforming in real-
world WiFi, Zigbee and cellular wireless networks. Our main contributions are summarized as follows.
feedback from the receiver. In principle, this allows the system to scale to an indefinitely large
number of cooperating transmitters. At each transmitter, the problems of frequency locking and
beamsteering are decoupled into two parallel algorithms. From the point of view of implementation,
a key contribution is the use of the same all-digital feedback packets for both parallel algorithms: the
single bit of feedback used for phase adaptation for beamsteering is embedded in the payload of a
GMSK modulated packet, and the modulated waveform in the packet is used to extract information
for frequency locking.
2) Extended Kalman filter for frequency locking. Each transmitter employs an extended Kalman filter
(EKF) to lock its frequency to that of the receiver. The EKF is driven by phase and frequency offset
measurements made from the modulated waveforms in the feedback packets, but does not make
use of the payload of the feedback packet (which carries information to be used for beamsteering).
The EKF provides a robust mechanism for using wrapped phase offset measurements to track the
unwrapped phase offset in the state evolution. We provide an approximate analysis of the EKF. This
yields design guidelines for the required feedback rate which are validated through experiments.
3) 1-bit feedback based beamsteering. The receiver broadcasts one bit indicating the change in its
received signal strength in each feedback packet. Each transmitter uses this to make phase corrections
(on top of the frequency/phase corrections for frequency locking based on the EKF) for beamsteering,
using the randomized ascent algorithm first proposed in [4].
Related work: Many information-theoretic analyses, ranging from three decades back [5, 6] to the present
[7–9], rely on the concept of distributed transmit beamforming, without addressing the synchronization
requirements involved in realizing it. Over the last decade, however, there have been serious attempts
to tackle these difficult synchronization problems, and a menu of synchronization techniques have been
studied, including closed loop methods with explicit channel feedback for each transmitter [10], one-
bit aggregate feedback [4, 11, 12], implicit feedback using reciprocity [2], round-trip synchronization
[13, 14], and two-way synchronization [15, 16]. These different synchronization techniques represent
different sets of tradeoffs between overheads of coordination, channel feedback and complexity (see the
survey article [3], and a discussion of more recent work in [17]). Distributed beamforming has also
been recently studied in the context of “coordinated multipoint (CoMP)” capabilities for 4G-LTE cellular
systems, where multiple base stations act as a distributed antenna array [18].
In addition to these theoretical investigations, this technique has also been demonstrated in several
experimental prototypes [11, 19–21]. The 1-bit feedback algorithm, presented in [11, 12], has proved to
be especially popular for experimental investigations because of its simplicity and scalability.
The results reported in this paper represents a significant advance over previous work in a number
of important respects. Early experimental prototypes for distributed beamforming [11, 19, 20] all used
wired side-channels for distributing common reference clock signals and/or channel feedback messages
to the transmitters. Similarly the CoMP studies for 4G cellular systems assume that the cooperating base
stations are all connected by dedicated backhaul links with high bandwidths and low latencies, as well as
uninterrupted GPS satellite connections. These assumptions substantially simplify the synchronization
process, and therefore these early prototypes do not fully resolve the question of the feasibility of
distributed beamforming in practical ad-hoc wireless networks. Furthermore these prototypes all use
custom-designed hardware which is not compatible with existing standards and devices.
An important contribution of the prototype described here, relative to prior work, is to show that
all-wireless distributed beamforming can be achieved with commodity hardware with modest overhead,
without requiring external (e.g., GPS-based) synchronization or wired side channels. The results in this
paper significantly improve upon our prior efforts [21, 22] towards this goal. The early prototype in
[21] uses analog signaling, and signal processing techniques based on analog circuits such as Costas
loops, which are less efficient and require a complex calibration process (specifically, manual estimation
of the latency of each node every time it is powered on). The present prototype is an evolution of an
earlier implementation reported in our recent conference paper [22]: while this also employed digital
feedback messages, it employed separate training signals for frequency locking and beamsteering. The
present prototype does not require manual calibration as in [21], and improves upon [22] by using
the same digital feedback packets (with standard modulation formats) for both purposes. A recent live
demo of the prototype was presented at [23]. We go beyond these conference publications by providing
detailed description and analysis of our architecture, including an analysis of the EKF which yields design
guidelines for setting the feedback rate.
As with prior prototypes, we demonstrate coherent addition of a carrier tone at the receiver, which
requires frequency locking and phase alignment. For distributed beamforming with modulated wave-
forms, an additional requirement is baseband timing alignment (or more generally, channel dispersion
compensation). While the latter is not addressed here, frequency synchronization and narrowband phase
alignment as implemented here could be used as building blocks for multicarrier techniques for distributed
beamforming over wideband dispersive channels.
Outline: The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the general architecture of
our distributed transmit beamforming setup, and discusses the design implications of fundamental limits on
frequency/phase synchronization. Section III focuses on frequency synchronization. The extended Kalman
filtering framework is presented, together with approximate modeling and performance analysis which
yield design guidelines. Finally, Section IV describes implementation of our architecture on software-
defined radios, and presents experimental results from our testbed.
We first outline a system model motivating our implementation. The underlying approach is quite
general, and is broadly applicable to WiFi, Zigbee and other packet wireless networks.
A. System model
Consider a distributed array with N nodes which seek to collaboratively transmit a common complex
baseband message signal m(t) to a receiver. Let the RF signal transmitted by a transmit node be denoted
by x(t) and θ the phase gain of the channel from the transmitter to the receiver (note that θ is different for
each transmitter). In order to achieve beamforming, each transmit node needs to synthesize and transmit
an RF signal x(t) = R (m(t) exp(j2πfc t − jθ)).
However, each transmitter has a local oscillator (LO) that derives its RF signal from its own separate
crystal reference which in general have small but non-zero frequency offsets with each other. Let α denote
the fractional offset of the reference signal of the transmit node from some standard universal reference.
These offsets are usually specified in parts per million (ppm); thus, a 10 ppm offset corresponds to
α = 10e − 6. The resulting frequency offset of the LO signal of the transmit node at the nominal frequency
fc is ∆f ≡ αfc . Thus the node’s LO signal can be written as e(t) = exp (j (2π (fc + ∆f )t + ∆φ), where
∆φ is the (unknown) phase offset. The problem of beamforming is to synthesize the signal x(t) from
Figures 1 shows a schematic representation of our system. As shown in the figure, the receiver regularly
broadcasts feedback messages; the transmitter nodes use these feedback messages to estimate and correct
for the offsets ∆f, ∆φ and to construct the desired beamforming signal x(t).
Figure 2 shows the the time-slotting model for the transmit nodes. Every time a feedback message is
received from the receiver, the transmit node will use the feedback message to make an estimation of the
frequency and phase offset ∆f and ∆φ. These estimations will be used by the transmit nodes to predict
and compensate for the LO offset until the next feedback message is received.
The feedback messages can be transmitted over the same frequency band as the beamforming signal
using a medium access control mechanism enabling time sharing, or we can employ frequency division
multiplexing, with the feedback and beamforming signals sent over different frequency bands. While
our architecture applies to both scenarios, we employ frequency division multiplexing in our prototype.
Thus, the beamforming nodes employ a reference signal at one frequency to synthesize a synchronized RF
signal at a different frequency. To do this, we assume that both carrier frequencies are synthesized from
the same crystal oscillator, hence there is a known multiplicative relationship between them which also
applies to the frequency offsets between two nodes that we wish to estimate and correct for. Specifically,
the offset ∆f2 at a frequency fc,2 can be obtained using the measured offset ∆f1 at another frequency
fc,1 as ∆f2 = αfc,2 ≡ ∆f1 fc,1
A key feature of our implementation is that the beamforming process is decoupled into two sub-
processes that run independently and concurrently. Roughly speaking, the first sub-process compensates
for the frequency offset ∆f , and the second sub-process compensates for the unknown phases ∆φ and
1) Frequency locking. In this sub-process, each transmitter locks its oscillator on to a shared reference
signal, which in our case is the set of feedback packets from the receiver. The purpose of this
sub-process is to ensure that the transmitters all have RF signals with the same frequency and a
fixed (but unknown) phase relationship with each other. The LO frequency offsets that can occur in
typical software-defined radios can range up to several kHz, making the frequency synchronization
of the transmit nodes especially challenging.
2) Beamsteering. This sub-process adjusts the phase relationship between the transmitters in such a
way that their transmitted signals add up coherently at the intended receiver. In our case, the feedback
packets from the receiver contains the one bit of SNR feedback in its payload that is used to steer
the beam using the 1-bit algorithm.
The main motivation for this decoupled design is simplicity: the 1-bit algorithm is easy to implement
and has low overhead. While it can be modified to provide both frequency and phase synchronization
[19], it cannot handle the significant frequency drifts that we encounter in our prototype, especially given
the large latencies in the feedback channel. The frequency locking process estimates and eliminates these
frequency offsets and allows the simple 1-bit algorithm to achieve and maintain coherence.
Our implementation of the two synchronization sub-processes are shown in the block diagram of a
transmit node in Figure 3. A key feature of our design is that the same set of periodically transmitted
feedback packets from the receiver (depicted in Figure 4) are used for both synchronization sub-processes:
the payload of the feedback packet contains the one bit of SNR information to drive the beamforming
algorithm, and the frequency and phase offset of the transmitter’s oscillator with respect to the receiver
is implicitly contained within the preamble and header symbols of the packet.
The performance limits and convergence properties of the 1-bit beamforming algorithm (assuming ideal
frequency synchronization) have been studied in detail [12]. We therefore focus here on understanding
the frequency synchronization sub-process, which estimates frequency and phase using training signals
transmitted in short periodic bursts of duration Test , and then smooths these estimates using an EKF. The
time between these bursts is denoted by Tslot . In this section, we discuss what insights the Cramer-Rao
Lower Bound (CRLB) for one-shot frequency/phase estimation provides regarding the desirable regime of
operation for the frequency synchronization sub-process. These insights are then verified by simulations
and experiments quantifying EKF performance.
Consider the process of obtaining one-shot frequency and phase estimates using a noise-corrupted
reference signal received by a transmitter over the training epoch of duration Test in one time-slot. Let
a(t) = A exp(jφ(t)) + n(t), t ∈ [0, Test ] which is the complex baseband waveform corresponding to one
feedback packet upon demodulation using the LO signal of the transmit node. The post-integration SNR
A2 Test
of this signal is defined as SNR ≡ 2N0 , where N0 is the power spectral density of the white noise
process n(t). The CRLBs for this one-shot phase and frequency estimation process are well-known in
the literature [24, 25]: if φerr and ferr respectively denote the one-shot phase and frequency estimation
errors, we have
σφ2 ≐ E [φ2err ] ≥
σf2 ≐ E [ferr
]≥ 2 SNR
2π 2 Test
Consider now the phase error that results when transmitters use one-shot frequency and phase estimates
from the training interval to predict and correct for the frequency and phase offsets of their oscillators
over the subsequent time slot. The variance of the resulting error φ(t) − φ̂(t) between the predicted phase
offset φ̂(t) and actual phase offset φ(t) of the transmitter with the reference signal grows with time and
its value at the end of the time-slot can be written as
E [(φ(t) − φ̂(t)) ] = σφ2 + Tslot
(2πσf )2
2 3
≥ (1 + 2 ) . (2)
SN R η
When the duty cycle of the estimation process is small i.e. η ≡ Test
Tslot ≪ 1, then the second term in (2)
dominates; in this setting, one-shot frequency estimates are highly unreliable as compared to the phase
Now consider an alternative approach to the frequency estimation problem. Instead of doing one-
shot frequency estimates, we can also estimate frequency by using two one-shot phase estimates in
two successive training epochs Tslot seconds apart. In other words, we consider the frequency estimate
φ̂(Tslot )−φ̂(0)
f˜ ≐ 2πTslot . This estimate has the variance
2σφ2 1
var(f˜) = ≥ , (3)
(2πTslot )2 2
π 2 SNRTslot
and this variance can be significantly smaller than the one-shot frequency variance σf2 in (1). This
suggests that we might be better off dispensing with one-shot frequency estimates altogether, and rely on
averaging phase estimates over multiple time slots to get good frequency estimates. Indeed, this approach,
implemented using a Kalman filter, is what is employed in [26]. However, using phase estimates alone
for both phase and frequency tracking requires access to unwrapped phase estimates. This in turn requires
that the frequency error in our estimate is small enough that 2π ambiguities in phase do not appear over
the slot duration Tslot between successive training bursts. For the low-quality oscillators in our software-
defined radios, the frequency drift is severe enough that satisfying this assumption would require excessive
In order to circumvent the preceding phase unwrapping problem, we employ crude one-shot frequency
estimates to complement the phase estimates. These one-shot frequency estimates need only be good
enough to avoid phase unwrapping errors over a single time-slot; in other words, we want σf Tslot that
is not too much larger than unity. Plugging this into (1), we obtain the following rule of thumb.
√ √
CRLB-based rule of thumb: TTslot est
≈ k SN R , where k = 2
3 π . Interestingly, this requirement only
applies to the ratio Test or equivalently to the duty-cycle of the training signal, not individually to Tslot
or Test . Note that this requirement is only meant to provide very rough guidance. More detailed design
insights are obtained via numerical simulations and experiments in Section III-B.
The frequency synchronization sub-process is divided into three stages, as shown in Figure 3. In the
first stage, the transmit node, upon receipt of each feedback packet, makes a measurement of its LO
frequency and (wrapped) phase offset relative to the receiver using a blind estimation algorithm. In the
second stage, the EKF uses these LO frequency and wrapped LO phase offset measurements to keep
track of the unwrapped LO phase offset. In the third stage, the transmit node compensates for the LO
offset based on the latest LO frequency and phase offset values as predicted by the EKF.
The blind estimation algorithm used in the first stage depends on the modulation format used for the
feedback message. For most classical modulation formats (PSK, QAM, GMSK etc.), these algorithm
transform the feedback message into a pilot tone, whose frequency can easily be estimated with classical
frequency estimation theory. After compensating the feedback message for the LO frequency offset, the
LO phase offset can easily be measured by correlating the feedback message with the (known) message
header. This will yield a wrapped measurement for the LO phase offset. The estimation algorithm used for
our implementation applies to GMSK feedback messages [27, 28], and is described in detail in Appendix
We use the following discrete state-space model for the LO offsets of each transmit node relative to
the receiver.
xk+1 = Fxk + wk (4)
where xk = [φk , ωk ] is the LO phase and angular frequency offset of the transmit node with respect to
the receive node at time-slot k (where ωk = 2π∆fk ). The state update matrix F is defined by
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 Tslot ⎥
⎢ ⎥
F=⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 1 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
and Tslot is the period of the feedback messages. Note that if aperiodic feedback messages are considered,
Tslot is not fixed and the state update matrix F is allowed to be time-varying. The process noise vector
wk ∼ N (0, Q (Tslot )) is the noise that causes the LO phase and frequency offset to deviate from their
nominal value.
We use the following measurement model for the blind LO offset estimation algorithm which provides
the inputs for the EKF.
zk = h (xk ) + vk (5)
⎡ ⎤
⎢ cos (φk ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
h ( xk ) = ⎢
⎢ sin (φk )
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ωk ⎥
⎣ ⎦
and vk ∼ N (0, R) is the additive white Gaussian measurement noise. Note that (5) defines a non-linear
measurement model reflecting the fact that the blind estimation algorithm yields only an estimate of the
wrapped phase offset.
The equations that determine the EKF evolution are split into two stages: an update phase and a
prediction phase. The update phase corrects the current state estimate given the last measurement zk , and
is mathematically defined as
yk = zk − h (xk∣k−1 ) (6a)
For each EKF cycle, the values contained in the vector xk∣k give a filtered estimate for the unwrapped
LO phase offset and LO angular frequency offset. The output of the EKF in Figure 3 will be the filtered
̃k and LO frequency offset ω
unwrapped LO phase offset φ ̃k .
The interplay between LO phase offset and LO frequency offset in equations (6)-(7) can be intuitively
understood by considering the elements of yk . It is first important to observe that the phase terms of yk
(the first two elements of yk ) cannot exceed 2, whereas the frequency term of yk (the third element of
yk ) can be arbitrarily large. In the early cycles of the EKF, the differences between the estimated and
measured LO frequency offsets are often large. As a results, the phase terms of yk will be negligible
compared to the frequency term of yk , and the LO frequency offset will be the main driving element
of the EKF. Once the estimated LO frequency offset approaches its measured values, the phase terms
of yk will no longer be negligible compared to the frequency term of yk . In this regime, the previously
predicted LO frequency offset is used to determine the number of 2π -phase wraps that has occurred
between the previous cycle and the current one. The current LO phase and frequency measurement are
then used to adjust the previously predicted LO phase and frequency offset.
B. EKF convergence
It was argued in Section II-C that in order for our estimation framework to successfully handle phase
unwrapping ambiguities, σf Tslot should not be too large. The value of σf Tslot depends on Tslot , Test
and the SNR of the feedback link. In this section, we will investigate how these parameters affect the
performances of the EKF, both with simulations and experiments.
Our simulations are based on a model for the process noise covariance matrix Q borrowed from
[26, 29]. The state-space noise covariance matrix is defined by
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ T 0 ⎥ ⎢ Ts3 Ts2⎥
2 2⎢ s ⎥ 2 2⎢ ⎥
Q (Ts ) = ωc q1 ⎢ ⎥ + ωc q 2 ⎢ 3 2
⎥ (8)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Ts2 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ Ts ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎦
where ωc is the carrier frequency and Ts is the sample period. The parameters q12 and q22 are the process
noise parameters that correspond to white frequency noise and random walk frequency noise, respectively.
For a class of oscillators, these two parameters can be obtained by using the Allan variance.
The Allan variance is a tool to characterize the frequency stability of an oscillator, under the presence
of various noise sources. It is mathematically defined as
1 2
σy2 (τ ) = 2
⟨(φ (t + 2τ ) − 2φ (t + τ ) + φ (t)) ⟩ (9)
2τ t
where φ (t) is the LO phase offset at time instant t with respect to some absolute reference. By applying
equation (9) to the state-space model (4) and the noise model (8), it is shown in [29] that the following
theoretical model can be obtained for the Allan variance:
q12 q22 τ
σy2 (τ ) = + (10)
τ 3
The Allan variance can also be measured experimentally be sending a pilot tone with a transmitter, and
by recording the received pilot tone (which will contain a certain LO clock offset). By entering the
unwrapped phase of the received pilot tone in (9) for various values of τ , it is possible to obtain an
experimental curve for the Allan variance. By fitting experimental Allan variance measurements to the
theoretical model (10), it is possible to obtain values for q12 and q22 . For the software-defined radios used
in the setup described in this paper, the obtained parameters are q12 = 8.47 × 10−22 and q12 = 5.51 × 10−18 .
Figure 5 shows the simulated average phase error at the output of the EKF for various values of
Tslot and Test . Figure 5 also shows the CRLB-based rule of thumb deduced in Section II-C. It can be
observed from the simulation results that there is a steep transition between the area where the EKF
works perfectly, with phase errors close to zero, and the area where the EKF diverges, with phase errors
that become arbitrarily large. It can also be observed that, for various SNR levels of the feedback link,
the convergence/divergence transition area of the EKF depends on Test . For SNR levels above 20 dB,
it can be seen that the convergence/divergence transition area of the EKF matches fairly well with the
CRLB-based rule of thumb. Note that the rule of thumb does not represent a hard threshold, but rather
a transition zone between the EKF convergence and EKF divergence area.
The experimental setup (described in Section IV) with one transmit node was also used to determine
the convergence/divergence of the EKF. Note that in order to obtain a measurement of the LO frequency
offset, the GMSK feedback packet is transformed in a pilot tone with a non-linear transformation, as
explained in Appendix A. The theory developed before for pilot tone thus also applies to our setup, which
uses GMSK feedback packets. Figure 6 shows the phase of the signal received by the receive node when
only one of the transmit node is transmitting (when the transmit node is synchronizing on the receive
node). In this figure, Tslot is varied while Test is fixed to 5.1 ms. It can be seen that for high values of
Tslot (feedback rates below 20 Hz), synchronization is not achieved and the frequency of the transmitted
signal is not synchronized with the receiver, hence the phase variations. For feedback rates of 20 Hz and
above, the received signal has a fairly constant phase indicating EKF convergence.
Figure 7 shows the convergence/divergence of the EKF for various values of Tslot and Test , both
experimentally and with simulations. The CRLB of σf Test is again plotted for comparison. The LO phase
offset error can not be determined experimentally since the real LO phase offset cannot be measured; it
can only be observed if the EKF of the transmit node is synchronized on the receive node or not (similarly
to what can be observed in Figure 6). The circles represents values of {Tslot , Test } for which the transmit
node was able to synchronize to the receive node, the crosses represent values of {Tslot , Test } for which
the transmit node could not synchronize to the receive node. It can be seen that the experimental results
match well with the simulations, and that both match quite well with the CRLB-based rule of thumb.
value, which can be computed recursively with equations (6b), (6c), (6e) and (7b). For an EKF, this value
cannot be computed independently of the state, since the Jacobian Hk depend on the actual state xk∣k .
For that reason, an equivalent linear Kalman filter is defined with the state-space model from (4) and the
following measurement model:
zk = Hxk + vk′ (11)
where H = I2 is an identity matrix and vk′ ∼ N (0, R′ ) is the additive white Gaussian measurement noise.
For this linear Kalman filter, the measurement matrix Hk = I2 is independent of the state, and Pk∣k can
be computed independently of the state. If the EKF is in the convergence area determined in Section
III-B, it can be assumed that the number of 2π -phase wraps is measured correctly, and the performance
of the EKF is expected to be identical to the performance of the linear Kalman filter.
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 0.05 ⋅ π /180 ⎥
⎢ 0 ⎥
The measurement noise matrix corresponding to our setup is R = ⎢ ⎥. By
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 1.5 ⋅ 2π ⎥
⎣ ⎦
entering this and the process noise parameters in equations (6b), (6c), (6e), (7b) and (8), it can be
computed that the state error covariance matrix converges to a stable value after a few cycles. The error
on the frequency estimate at the output of the Kalman filter σω̃2 is given by element (2, 2) of Pk∣k .
The frequency offset correction block in Figure 3 will use the latest phase and frequency estimates
until new ones are obtained from the EKF. When computing the error on the filtered LO phase and
frequency estimates σφ̃ and σω̃ , it can be determined that the LO phase estimation error is very low. It is
mainly the LO frequency estimation error that will deviate the phase of the beamformed signal until the
next state estimate is obtained from the EKF. The standard deviation of the maximum phase error then
corresponds to Tslot σω̃ . The standard deviation of the maximum phase error as a function of the feedback
rate 1/Tslot is shown in Figure 8. In [2] it was determined that as long as the phase error stays below
15○ , the beamforming gain stayed above 95% of the maximum beamforming gain. The 15○ treshold is
shown in Figure 8. For feedback rates above 15 Hz, the phase error shows that the beamforming gain can
be maintained. The standard deviation of the maximum phase error was also measured experimentally
with our experimental setup (described in Section IV). It can be seen that there is a reasonable match
between the theoretical prediction and the experimental result.
For the remainder of the paper, Tslot was fixed to 50 ms (a feedback rate of 20 Hz) and Test was fixed
to 5.1 ms, so that the setup would work even for lower SNR values, while maintaining the phase error
of the beamformed signal below 15○ .
The previously described architecture was implemented on a software-defined radio testbed using USRP
RF and baseband boards [30]. Our setup used a mix of USRP-2 and USRP-N200 baseband boards, and
WBX 50-2200 MHz RF daughterboards; however our implementation is completely portable to any
compatible SDR hardware. Our implementation is freely available for download online [31].
The estimation of the LO frequency and phase offset, using the GMSK feedback message, is explained
in Appendix A. This operation also gives the precise time of arrival of the packet, and this measured
value is then used for Tslot in the state-space matrix of the EKF.
In our setup, the feedback messages from the receiver to the beamforming nodes are sent at a frequency
of 964 MHz and the beamforming signal itself is transmitted at a different frequency 892 MHz. Thus
the EKF tracks the LO offset at the 964 MHz frequency, and translates this to the 892 MHz frequency
using the method described in Section II, to compensate for the LO offsets in the beamforming signal.
Once frequency synchronization is achieved between the different transmit nodes, the absolute phase
of the different nodes must be adjusted so that the different transmitted signal add up constructively at the
receiver. The one-bit feedback algorithm is used to achieve this [11], and works as follows. At each time
slot, all the transmitters add a random phase perturbation to their current phase. The receiver monitors
the aggregate received signal strength (RSS) of the beamforming signal and periodically broadcasts a
packet with one bit of feedback indicating increase or decrease of the RSS. The transmitters retain those
perturbations that lead to RSS increases and discard the others.
The main challenge for the implementation of this algorithm on the SDR testbed is the large global
round-trip latency of the system. The round-trip latencies measured with the USRPs ranged from 10 ms
to 30 ms. The chosen feedback rate of 20 Hz (or 50 ms between packets) ensures that the transmitters
have the time to add their new random phase perturbation before the receiver starts to measure the RSS.
In our implementation the random phase perturbations are chosen to be either +15○ or −15○ which offers
a good trade-off between convergence speed and residual signal fluctuations [11].
A. Experimental results
Figure 9 shows the received power at the receiver node when two nodes are cooperating to beamform
towards the receiver. When the second node is turned on, it can be seen that it takes some time for the
second transmit node to synchronize its frequency and to synchronize its phase. Once this is achieved,
it can be seen that the received amplitude is the sum of amplitudes of the two individual transmitters.
Figure 10 zooms in on the synchronization part in Figure 9. It can be seen that at first, the second
transmit node is still synchronizing its frequency: the total signal is the sum of two sinusoids of unequal
frequency. Once frequency synchronization is attained, the one-bit feedback algorithm will adapt the
phases of the two transmit nodes until the resulting signal is the sum of the two individual signals. The
time of the frequency synchronization can be reduced by entering a more precise value for the initial the
LO frequency offset in the EKF.
The algorithm described in this paper is scalable to larger network sizes. Figure 11 shows an example
with three transmit nodes. When running the prototype, it could be observed that the received signal power
sometimes drops. This can happen when the EKF convergence is momentarily lost due to a software
or hardware lags in the setup. However, it could be observed that the system was able to recover quite
quickly from such errors.
We first describe the blind estimation of the LO frequency offset. The complex envelope of a GMSK
signal can be written as
s (t) = exp (j ∑ ai q (t − iT )) (12)
2 i
where ai is the symbol stream, T is the symbol period and q (t) is the phase pulse (which is a Gaussian
phase pulse in the case of GMSK). Note that for an over-sampling rate of P , the symbol period is
T = P Ts where Ts is the sample period of the system.
If transmitted over a AWGN channel, the complex envelope of the received signal in the presence of
LO frequency offset can be modeled as
r (kTs ) = exp (j (ωkTs + φ)) exp (j ∑ ai q (t − ikTs )) + v (kTs ) (13)
2 i
where ω and φ are the LO frequency and phase offset, respectively, and v (kTs ) is the noise term.
We define a non-linear transformation of the signal as follows:
z [k ] = (−1) r2 (kP Ts ) (14)
It is shown in [27, 28] that z [k ] can be approximated as a discrete time sine wave with a frequency that
is twice the LO frequency offset of the original signal:
where Z [m] is the DFT of z [k ], and N is the number of points of z [k ] used for the frequency estimation.
This frequency estimate is further refined by using an interpolated estimate for our frequency estimate:
1 ∣Z [m̂ + 1]∣ ∣Z [m̂ − 1]∣
fˆ1 = [m̂ + I + − (1 − I + ) ]
N P Ts ∣Z [m̂ + 1]∣ + ∣Z [m̂]∣ ∣Z [m̂ − 1]∣ + ∣Z [m̂]∣
where m̂ is the index obtained in (16), and I + is defined as
⎪ 1, if ∣Z [m̂ + 1]∣ > ∣Z [m̂ − 1]∣
I =⎨
⎩ 0, if ∣Z [m̂ + 1]∣ < ∣Z [m̂ − 1]∣
The LO phase offset is then estimated as follows. If s [k ] is the sampled GMSK message sent by the
transmitter over an AWGN channel (which contains the message header t [k ] of length N ), the receiver
will receive the following sampled message:
where v [k ] is the noise term. The receiver first estimates the LO frequency offset as described above,
which will yield the estimate of the LO frequency offset fˆ1 . The receiver can then compensate the
where v ′ [k ] is the noise term. The receiver then correlates the frequency-compensated received signal
r′ with the (known) message header t [k ]:
γ [k ] = ∑ r ′ [k − n ] t [n ] (21)
The amplitude of γ [k ] will be maximum when r′ [k ] is aligned with the message header. The phase
offset is then also given by the phase of γ [k ]:
François Quitin acknowledges the financial support of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation.
This work was supported in part by the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies through grant W911NF-
09-0001 from the U.S. Army Research Office. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect
the position or the policy of the Government, and no official endorsement should be inferred. This work
is also funded in part by the US National Science Foundation under grants EPS1101284, ECCS-1150801
and a grant from the Roy J Carver Charitable Trust.
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Fig. 5. Simulated average phase error of the EKF for various values of Test and Tslot . The colors intensity represents the
phase error (in ○ ), and the black line represents the CRLB.
Fig. 7. EKF convergence/divergence as function of Test and Tslot , for simulations and measurements. The blue/red area
represents the {Tslot , Test }-pairs for which the EKF converges/diverges with simulations, the circles/crosses represents the
{Tslot , Test }-pairs for which the EKF converges/diverges with the experimental setup, and the black line show the CRLB.
Fig. 8. Standard deviation of the maximum phase error as a function of 1/Tslot , both theoretically and experimentally. The
dash-dotted line represents the 15○ treshold below which 95% of the maximum beamforming gain is achieved.
Fig. 9. Received power when two transmit nodes are beamforming. The first two bursts are the two individual nodes transmitting.
Fig. 10. Synchronization of the two transmit nodes. At first, the two nodes are synchronizing their frequency. Then, the phase
of the two nodes is adapted so that their signals add up.
Fig. 11. Received power when three transmit nodes are beamforming.