Module 1 Advancedstat PDF
Module 1 Advancedstat PDF
Module 1 Advancedstat PDF
Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844 Tel #: (034) 707-7469
Course Code:
Instructor: GERRY D. MAKILAN
Class: BEED 3A
Course Description/Overview: This course deals with non-parametric statistics. It covers the topics on
test of association such as Spearman Rho, Phi coefficient, Contingency coefficient, biserial, etc and test of
differences such as Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon, etc.
The science of statistics deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. We
see and use data in our everyday lives. Another definition of Statistics is the science concerned with developing
and studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data. Statistics is a highly
interdisciplinary field; research in statistics finds applicability in virtually all scientific fields and research
questions in the various scientific fields motivate the development of new statistical methods and theory. In
developing methods and studying the theory that underlies the methods statisticians draw on a variety of
mathematical and computational tools.
Statistics is used in almost all fields of human endeavor. In sports, for example, a statistician may keep
records of the number of yards a running back gains during a football game, or the number of hits a baseball
player gets in a season. In other areas, such as public health, an administrator might be concerned with the
number of residents who contract a new strain of flu virus during a certain year. In education, a researcher might
want to know if new methods of teaching are better than old ones. These are only a few examples of how
statistics can be used in various occupations. Furthermore, statistics is used to analyze the results of surveys
and as a tool in scientific research to make decisions based on controlled experiments. Other uses of statistics
include operations research, quality control, estimation, and prediction.
Warm it up!
Republic of the Philippines
Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844 Tel #: (034) 707-7469
•Nature is the real situation. It might refer to a phenomenon in biology, physics, or human societal interactions.
It is there whether you collect data or not.
• Design is your plan to collect data. Broadly speaking, design involves deciding how you are going to study
Nature. You could directly observe the phenomenon of interest, conduct an experiment, or analyze existing
measurements contained in a database; the design refers to the methods you will use to collect your data. Think
of design as something that happens before you get the actual numbers.
• Measurement refers to the type and units of the data that you will record and use; for example, a
measurement could be height in feet, rounded to the nearest inch. The binary “yes” or “no” choices on a
questionnaire is another example of a measurement. A measurement can also be a processed number such as
the average of responses to questions one through five on a questionnaire, where each response is 1, 2, 3, 4, or
• DATA are the potential data that you might observe. At this point, you should visualize a data set that will be
in your computer (e.g., in a spreadsheet), but you don’t know what the numbers are.
• Parametric Statistics Test are suitable for normally distributed data.
• Nonparametric tests are suitable for any continuous data, based on ranks of the data values. Because of this,
nonparametric tests are independent of the scale and the distribution of the data.
In terms of selecting a statistical test, the most important question is "what is the main study hypothesis?"
In some cases there is no hypothesis; the investigator just wants to "see what is there". For example, in a
prevalence study there is no hypothesis to test, and the size of the study is determined by how accurately the
investigator wants to determine the prevalence. If there is no hypothesis, then there is no statistical test. It is
important to decide a priori which hypotheses are confirmatory (that is, are testing some presupposed
relationship), and which are exploratory (are suggested by the data). No single study can support a whole series
of hypotheses. A sensible plan is to limit severely the number of confirmatory hypotheses. Although it is valid
to use statistical tests on hypotheses suggested by the data, the P values should be used only as guidelines, and
the results treated as tentative until confirmed by subsequent studies.
You’ve probably heard it’s best to use nonparametric tests if your data are not normally distributed—or
something along these lines. That seems like an easy way to choose, but there’s more to the decision than that.
Nonparametric tests don’t require that your data follow the normal distribution. They’re also known as
distribution-free tests and can provide benefits in certain situations. Typically, people who perform
statistical hypothesis tests are more comfortable with parametric tests than nonparametric tests.
The field of statistics exists because it is usually impossible to collect data from all individuals of interest
(population). Our only solution is to collect data from a subset (sample) of the individuals of interest, but our
real desire is to know the “truth” about the population. Quantities such as means, standard deviations and
proportions are all important values and are called “parameters” when we are talking about a population. Since
we usually cannot get data from the whole population, we cannot know the values of the parameters for that
population. We can, however, calculate estimates of these quantities for our sample. When they are calculated
from sample data, these quantities are called “statistics.” A statistic estimates a parameter. Parametric
statistical procedures rely on assumptions about the shape of the distribution (i.e., assume a normal
distribution) in the underlying population and about the form or parameters (i.e., means and standard
Republic of the Philippines
Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844 Tel #: (034) 707-7469
Take-home points
Here is a summary of the major points and how they might affect statistical analyses you perform:
Test Yourself 1
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. A more robust parametric alternative to the independent samples t test is the:
a. matched pairs t test.
b. one-way ANOVA.
c. Welch's t test.
d. Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
3. It is based on assumptions about the distribution of the underlying population from which the sample was
a. t-test
b.parametric test
c. non-parametric test
5. Assuming the assumptions of parametric tests are met, non-parametric tests, compared to their parametric
Test Yourself 2
a. Give a sample research problem and then choose either parametric or non-parametric test, and discuss your
b. Discuss the importance of Advanced Statistics in the recent situation of the world.
Make an idea map using a long bond paper and the center is Advanced Statistics.