Basic Grammar: Christian Schrade, Attorney-At-Law TESOL, College of Teachers
Basic Grammar: Christian Schrade, Attorney-At-Law TESOL, College of Teachers
Basic Grammar: Christian Schrade, Attorney-At-Law TESOL, College of Teachers
Christian Schrade, attorney-at-
TESOL, College of
They tell us who owns something. To own means to have and keep something: Jim
owns a lot of books. Bob is owner of a restaurant. To possess also means to own or have
something: Everything that I possess is in my bedroom.
They tell us that subject (I/we/etc.) and object (me/us/etc.) are the same person.
A/an means one out of many: Red is a color (there are many colors).
The tells us which one: The red of your shirt is nice (only this red).
Ease of pronunciation*
* pronunciation - how you speak the sound of words; to pronounce (v.); pronunciation (n.)
a an
a banana an apple
a hat an umbrella
a boring TV program an interesting TV program
Much means a lot, a great quantity or amount: There’s not much food in the icebox.
Many means a large number: There are many different colors.
A little means a small amount or quantity: Sue drank only a little of her milk.
A few means a small number, not many: There are only a few apples on the tree.
Some means a number or quantity that is not known: Brenda didn’t read all her
books. She read only some of them.
Any means that it does not matter which one: Take any seat you like.
limited unlimited
1 syllable : old, fat, late older, fatter, later oldest, fattest, latest
2 syllables: po·lite politer/more polite politest/most polite
3 syllables: beau·ti·ful more beautiful most beautiful
Take a seat!
couch chair/seat floor
* I can throw a ball farther than you (= distance). Wait for further instructions (= more instructions)
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Use the present simple for things that happen all the time or that are always true (it
is not about present time, but about timeless facts and permanent situations).
he/she/it + -s/ es
I play soccer every week. We don’t play soccer. Do you play soccer?
He pla ys soccer every week. She doe sn’t play Does he play
soccer. soccer?
Always True Negative does not = doesn’t Question
Water boils at 100 °C*. Water doesn’t boil at 50 °C*. Does water boil at 50 °C*?
* centigrade
am/is/are + -ing
Use the present progressive for actions or situations that are happening at or
around the time of speaking (before, during, and after the moment of speaking).
It’s raining at the moment. It isn’t raining at the moment. Is it raining at the moment?
For point-in-time actions we normally use the present simple: He hits the ball (that’s a
point in time, not a series of events or actions). The radiator* feels cold (that’s a point
in time and also a fact).
* a radiator is used for heating a room
Use the past simple to talk about events in the past. Regular verbs end in [–ed].
Mozart lived in Salzburg. Mozart di dn’t live in L.A. When did Mozart live?*
Mozart wrote music. Mozart di dn’t write books. Did Mozart write good music?
* 1756 -1791
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Compare: What were you doing when you heard the burglar** ? - I was reading in bed.
What did you do when you heard the burglar? - I called the police.
Use the past progressive for actions or situations that were happening at or around
a specific time in the past.
was/were + -ing
While I was running down I wasn’t wat ching TV when What we re you doing when
the stairs, I slipped and fell. you called me. I was the telephone rang?
working and didn’t hear
Jim is going to play soccer in Germany next week. plan post-present
The game starts at 7:00 PM next Saturday. schedule
He’s staying at a hotel near Frankfurt. arrangement
2 post-present
He thinks his team will win. guess
3 future
schedule – a list of times; a program of events
arrangement – planning we do ahead of time; preparation: Let’s make arrangements for our vacation.
guess – to try to think of the answer but having not enough information to be sure of it: I’d guess
that there were more than 1,000 people at the concert.
Use going to for plans and intentions (intention = having the mind set on a goal).
We’re going t o bu y a car. We aren’t going to buy a car. Are we going to buy a car?
The plane arri ves in NYC at The plane doesn’t arrive Does the plane arrive at 7:30
7:30 tomorrow morning. earlier than 7:30 tomorrow in
morning. NYC tomorrow morning?
He’s f lying next Friday. He isn’t f lying next Friday. Are you flying next Friday?
Use will to talk about what people think or guess will happen.
Good luck! We’ll be This time tomorrow, we Where will you be f lying today?
thi nking of you. won’t be lying on the beach
They play soccer every week. Do they play soccer?
Water boils at 100 °C (centigrade). Does water boil at 100 °C?
Mozart lived in Salzburg. Did Mozart live in Salzburg?
Mozart wrote music. Did Mozart write music?
verb = be do + infinitive
Two plus three is five. Is two plus three five?
They are all hungry. Are they all hungry?
1 Was he very angry?
He was very angry.
1 2
It is raining at the moment. Is it raining at the moment?
1 2
She was running downstairs too fast. Was she running downstairs too fast?
1 2 3
We are going to buy a new car. Are we going to buy a new car?
1 2
It will be cold tomorrow. Will it be cold tomorrow?
1 2
I can tell you the time. Can you tell me the time?
1 2
I must really write to uncle Bob. Must I really write to uncle Bob?
1 2
He is talking about English literature. What is he talking about?
The brown coat is mine. Which coat is yours?
1 1
They do their homework after school. When do they do their homework?
1 2
We are going to the movies tonight. Where are you going tonight?
1 2
Jim would like some coffee. Who would like some coffee?*
I liked Jim best. Whom did you like best?*
1 2 3
Jim is going to buy Bob’s car. Whose car is he going to buy?*
Birds fly south because of the climate. Why do birds fly south in winter?
1 2
She might be about 14 years old. How old might she be?
be + past participle
* Someone who cleans bedrooms in a hotel (chamber = a room: Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Future Active Chambermaids will be cleaning the room at this time tomorrow.
Progressive Passive The room will be being cleaned at this time tomorrow.
You can leave out the doer/actor. If you mention (= speak of) the doer, use by:
Sometimes you can even form two different passive sentences. This happens when the
verb has two objects (= two receivers):
Active Passive
We gave the information to the police. The information was given to the police.
The police were given the information.
Certain means known for sure, feeling no doubt: Are you certain that you left the book
on the bus? Probable means not certain but expected to happen: The probability of a
tossed coin (= flipped coin) landing heads up (or tail up) is 50%. Possible means
something can happen (maybe/perhaps): Rain is a possibility today.
Permission You can use the car if you like. Could I talk to you for a minute?
can, could, may, might May we use the phone? Do you think we might take a break now?
Examples - You can catch a thief or catch a bus (= to get aboard in time); a room can
catch fire (= to start burning) or you can catch a cold (= get an infection that causes a
running nose and sneezing). Have you noticed the collocation running nose?
Sometimes word combinations can have a special meaning that cannot be
understood from the meaning of the individual words. These are called idioms.
Break up (with somebody) is a phrasal verb. These verbs can have two or three parts
and the meaning is often different from the meaning of the parts taken separately.
Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object. Usually there are two possible positions: