A survey was conducted to assess COVID-19 knowledge levels among heads of households in several clusters. The results showed that 42 households had good knowledge levels while 3 had sufficient levels. Answers regarding treatment aspects showed the most mistakes. The issue identified is the need to improve knowledge levels among specific household groups in the Jatim, NTB, and Papua clusters. A nursing intervention plan was developed to conduct health education over 7 days to improve COVID-19 knowledge as demonstrated by improved post-survey scores.
A survey was conducted to assess COVID-19 knowledge levels among heads of households in several clusters. The results showed that 42 households had good knowledge levels while 3 had sufficient levels. Answers regarding treatment aspects showed the most mistakes. The issue identified is the need to improve knowledge levels among specific household groups in the Jatim, NTB, and Papua clusters. A nursing intervention plan was developed to conduct health education over 7 days to improve COVID-19 knowledge as demonstrated by improved post-survey scores.
A survey was conducted to assess COVID-19 knowledge levels among heads of households in several clusters. The results showed that 42 households had good knowledge levels while 3 had sufficient levels. Answers regarding treatment aspects showed the most mistakes. The issue identified is the need to improve knowledge levels among specific household groups in the Jatim, NTB, and Papua clusters. A nursing intervention plan was developed to conduct health education over 7 days to improve COVID-19 knowledge as demonstrated by improved post-survey scores.
A survey was conducted to assess COVID-19 knowledge levels among heads of households in several clusters. The results showed that 42 households had good knowledge levels while 3 had sufficient levels. Answers regarding treatment aspects showed the most mistakes. The issue identified is the need to improve knowledge levels among specific household groups in the Jatim, NTB, and Papua clusters. A nursing intervention plan was developed to conduct health education over 7 days to improve COVID-19 knowledge as demonstrated by improved post-survey scores.
1 DO : - Kesiapan peningkatan Hasil pengakajian tingkat pengetahuan Covid-19 pengetahuan kelompok khusus menunjukkan hasil Kepala Keluarga di Cluster - 42 KK memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik Jatim, NTB, Papua - 3 KK memiliki tingkat pengetahuan cukup Jawaban pada aspek pengobatan adalah yang paling banyak kesalahan. INTERVENSI KEPERAWATAN
Diagnosa (SLKI) Tujuan Khusus (SIKI)
Keperawatan Tujuan Umum Rencana Keperawatan Kesiapan Setelah dilakukan 1. Menjadikan Observasi meningkatakan intervensi keperawatan masyarakat cluster Identifikasi kesiapan pengetahuan di selama 7x24 jam maka Jatim, NTB, Papua dalam mnerima buktikan dengan tingkat pengetahuan yang memiliki informasi hasil skoring membaik dengan pengetahuan Identifikasi faktor- kuesioner Covid- kriteria hasil: tentang definisi, faktor yang dapat 19 7% tingkat - Perilaku sesuai penyebab, tanda meningatkan dan pengetahuan anjuran (5: gejala, pencegahan, menurunkan motivasi cukup, 93% baik. meningkat) pengobatan, hidup bersih dan sehat - Verbalisasi minat komplikasi, dan dalam belajar (5: pemeriksaan Terapeutik meningkat) penunjang Covid- Sediakan materi dan - Kemampuan 19 media pendidikan menjelaskan 2. Menjadikan keshatan sesuai pengetahuan tentang masyarakat cluster kesepakatan suatu topic (5: Jatim, NTB, Papua Jadwalkan pendidikan meningkat) yang memiliki kesehatan sesuai - Pertanyaan tentang pengetahuan kesepakatan masalah yang tentang kesehatan Berikan kesempatan dihadapi keluarga. untuk bertanya (5:menurun) - Persepsi yang keliru Edukasi terhadap masalah Jelaskan faktor risiko (5:menurun) yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan Ajarkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat Ajarkan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat.