Anthropoligical Perspective of The Self
Anthropoligical Perspective of The Self
Anthropoligical Perspective of The Self
Perspective of the
The self and the person in
Homo Nadeli
,the newly found skeleton
believed to be the first human
in the world.
Deals with biological features ⬗ How are societies different
that makes us human and social and how are they the same
aspects, such as language, family ⬗ How has evolution shaped
culture, and religion. How how we think?
people behave, adapt to different ⬗ What is culture?
sorroundings, and communicate
and socialize with other in the
community Anthropology can increase
your understanding of
yourselves and others.
Contemporary Anthropologits
Believe that a person can be studied from
many points of views. To them, a person is
composed of composite levels or the
strtigraphic conception of the realtions
among psychological, social, and cultural
factors in youman nature.
Cultural Systems
Clifford Greetz,
(1926 – 2006) Geertz was an
American anthropologist
remembered mostly for his strong
support for and influence on the
practice of symbolic
Clifford Greetz,
Said “that man is an animal suspended
in webs of significance he himself has
spun, and he consider those cultures as
the webs, meaning without culture, no
Our Bodies and Culture
Thomas Csordas
An American professor of Anthropology and
Religion, discussed the self as embedded in
culture or what is termed as “embodiment”. It
describes both and attitude of our body to
incorporate techniques and social devices, and a
creative vocation to invent and incorporate new
and different expressive operatives ways to
discuss the self as influenced by culture.
For him, religious and any other cultural
symbols greatly affect how the body is
“ “Culture is one of the
fundamental aspects of how
the body is projected.”
The Self Embedded in
The Self Embedded in culture
There are statements that people These statements can either
make that constitute the self,
such as attitudes (I like be shared or universal and
reading), beliefs (I think that heavily influenced by culture,
smoking results in poor health), either group’s subjective
intentions (I plan to do stating), culture or culture specific.
norms (in my group people
should act this way), and values
(I think equality is very
Triandis discussed the
major distinction among
aspects of the self:
private, public, and
collective self
The Private Self
These are cognition that involve
traits, states, or behaviors of a
person. The private self is an
assesment of the self by the self.
The Public Self
These are cognitions concerning the
generalized others’ view of the self.
The public self is an assessment of
the self by the generalized others.
The Collective Self
These are cognitions concerning the
view of the self that is found in some
collective (e.g. family, coworker,
tribe, scientific, society). The
collective self corresponds to an
assessment of the self by a specific
reference of groups.
“ “These different kinds of selves are
heavily influenced by culture.
Culture specifies designs for living
that have been proven effective in the
past, ways of dealing with social
situations, and ways to think about
the self, and social behaviors that hae
been reinforced in the past”