Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes

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The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume 1 issue 2 2014 page no.73-79 ISSN: 2349-2031

Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among

Scheduled Tribes
Dr. N.R. Savatikar
Assistant Professor of Sociology,
KLE Society’s S.V.S. Bellubbi
Arts and Commerce College, Saundatti,
Dist : Belgavi, Karnataka, India

Abstract : Religion is a matter of life and death. A man does not change religion as he changes his clothes. He takes it with him
beyond the grave. But today innumerable people are changing their original religion and converting to other religions.
Majority of these are of deprived sections of the society, particularly Dalits and scheduled tribes. Most of the Dalits are
embracing to Buddism, where as scheduled tribes embrace to Christianity. In the beginning the tribals, who were despised by
the Hindus as uncivilized, very backward group and looked down upon, the Christian missionaries provided with essential
educational and medical services, they won over their confidence and affection. The sympathetic understanding shown by the
Christian missionaries about the day-to-day problems and coming to their rescue and assistance at times of need has had its
impact. Many tribals areas have come under the impact of Christianity more readily than with Hinduism. In many areas the
native religious beliefs and practices of the tribals continued hand-in-hand with Christianity.

Keywords : Religion, Conversion, Scheduled Tribes

wider economic system and mainly depends on the forestry,

Introduction livestock and agriculture.
In fact, the issue of tribal identity is not something
No doubt, Christianity has been an important factor
new or a very recent phenomenon. In one stage, tribals
of cultural and social change among the tribals. After
preferred to follow the upper caste. Hindus in the process of
baptization the mentality of the aboriginals began to change
Sanskritization, giving up many of their own traditional
in an extensive way the value patterns of the indigenous way
beliefs, values and customs just to include themselves in the
of life experienced a service confrontation with the newly
Hindu fold. Then with the rapids industrialization tribals
development thoughts and ideas resulting from the change
faced a different type of identity crisis. Change in their
of religion. The territories, where Christianity took a deep
traditional economic spheres because of adopting many
based and wide spread role, become so much influenced that
industrial jobs, resulted into the reorientation in tribal way
the physical as well as social setting of the tribal villages
of life with some structural and organizational changes too.
developed. In course of time most of the tribal groups came
Since time immemorial. They live in isolation, under the spell of the caste system which resulted in the
observing a totally different value system, culture and life formation of a large number of low – graded communities
style, which have virtually remained unchanged since within the Hindu fold, many other have taken shelter to
ancient times. Their economy also been independent of Christianity and by this way the despotic exercise of power

Cite as : Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes.; Vol. 1|Issue
01|Pg:73-79 2014
of the caste based society had been avoided. Thus by opening hundreds of primary and secondary schools in
Christianity appeared as a protective force to these ill-fated different tribal belts of the country.
Similarly the role of Christian missionaries was
Review of Literature also notable, which brought about lot of changes among
weaker sections and tribals in this context Nurullah and
Danda (1988:327) says that, the processes today
Naik (1951:427) have observed that “In Bengal and Assam
are not exactly the same as they were immediately before
the education of the tribal children has been partly taken up
independence of the country, still it is a matter of
by the direct instrumentality of the state, but chiefly by the
gratification that due to exposure to the government
missionary societies with help and encouragement from the
sponsored programmes, particularly of education and
development, the scheduled tribe in India, instead of feeling
shy of or loosing their identity by way of absorption could Patel, Tara (1984:42) is also of the opinion that
become assertive about their right to maintain their upto the end of the 19th century, the spread of education
independent cultural identity and at the same time become among the tribal people was very insignificant and that too
partner of the larger national whole on equal terms. only at the primary level. Later on, the missionaries, with
the support of the government, continued their efforts.
In this regard Pati, R.N. and L. Jagatdeb (1991) in
While most native states did not make any significant
their book tribal demography in India, have opined that
contribution towards the welfare of the aborigines, some of
education is essential for the socio-economic modernization
the advanced native states, such as Baroda, opened a new
of all the societies. It is one of the important keys, that
vista in the area of tribal education and welfare.
unlocks the door of modernization.
Similarly Kamat A.R. (1981:1282) has opined that
The discussion of social change among the tribal
with the spread of education the Christian missionary
communities in India will be incomplete without a
influence became predominant in certain regions while with
discussion of the role of Christian missionaries. The
the growth of nationalist movement Indian missionary
missionary effort in education, health and proselytisation,
influence became predominant areas. Inevitably their land
was an important agency of starting for reaching social
started the process of consensus and conflict, of emulation
amongst them. As K.S. Singh (1978) has remarked,
of the dominant classes and of search for new self-identity.
“Christianity gave them an ideology created a myth and a
sense of history sharpened the feeling of separateness and Objectives
emphasized identity”.
1. The study aims at understanding the perception of
Christian missionaries working in tribal areas were scheduled tribes P.G. students towards process of
the first to start modern formal education among them in conversion and change in their social status.
1831, when the illiterate and ignorant folk was found to be
2. The study proposes to understand the impact of
exploited in various ways by the landlords, the
conversion to enhance their status in the society.
moneylenders and non-tribals. It was against this
background that the work of the Christian missionaries
comes as relief to the tribals. G.E.L. Mission, S.P.G. mission This study was conducted in four universities of
and Roman Catholic mission were some of the important Karnataka, which represent different regions of the state.
missions, which took a leading role in educating the tribals The universities are Mysore university, Mysore, Gulbarga
University, Gulbarga, Karnatak University, Dharwad and

Cite as : Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes.; Vol. 1|Issue
01|Pg:73-79 2014
Kuvempu University, Shimogga. The study is based on society many transformed tribal groups had to face severe
survey method to select samples quota sampling method hardships created by the Hindu landlords in their large scale
was used. To collect the required information interview malpractices of snatching agricultural lands from the grip of
schedules were used. For the present study 300 scheduled the so-called socially upgraded tribals. They were faced to
tribe PG students were selected as a samples. become daily wage earners under the disposal of these
landlords. In this meagre income they hardly could escape
Limitations of the Study
from the greedy clutches of the money lenders. Christianity
The present study is confined only to post-
appeared as a protective force to these ill-fated people in
graduate scheduled tribe students. The study covers the
that specific situation of degradation and oppression.
respondents from only four universities representing
After the attainment of India’s independence the
different regions of the Karnataka state.
tribal people of India have been focussed in a different
perspective. It has been felt by the national government that
Christianity has been an important factor of cultural the tribes of India are to be treated as the specific part and
change among the tribals since the British rule. Initially the parcel of the traditional Indian civilization and as a
conversion begun at individual and family level and was an necessary consequence, they should be integrated with the
uphill task. It is significant to note that during the process of mainstream of national social system by means of directed
conversion the choice fell on the numerically major tribes. developmental processes. In order to protect the tribals in
Sahay, K.N. (1967) said that the first impact of the transitional phase some constitutional safe-guards have
proselytization in the tribal areas was felt by the Khasis of been provided by the government. Various measures have
Assam in 1813, the Oraons of Chotanagpur in 1850 and been adopted to help the tribes of India in developing
Bhils of Madhya Pradesh in 1880. themselves socially, economically and educationally.

The impact of Christianity on the tribes of India has Recent-past the process of conversion among scheduled
opened up a lot of changing situations. The converted tribals tribes has gradually increased. As a result they are beginning
witnessed a rapid process of transformation. to enter the main stream of social economic, cultural and
political life. Therefore here an attempt is made to
After baptization the mentality of the aboriginals
understand the process of conversion and its impact on the
began to change in an extensive way the value patterns of
status of scheduled tribes.
the indigenous way of life experienced a severe
confrontation with the newly development thoughts and
ideas resulting from the change of religion. The territories,
where Christianity took a deep based and wide spread role,
become so much influenced that the physical as well as
social settings of the tribal villages developed there in faced
thorough change over. In course of time most of the tribal
groups came under the spell of the caste system which
resulted in the formation of a large number of low-graded
communities within the Hindu fold, many other have taken
shelter to Christianity and by this way the despotic exercise
of power of the caste based society had been avoided. After
getting lowly based position in the caste graded Hindu

Cite as : Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes.; Vol. 1|Issue
01|Pg:73-79 2014
Table 1
3. To acquire higher status 112 37.3
Social class and opinion regarding conversion to other in the society
4. Attraction towards other 63 21.0
Sl. Social Opinions Total religions
No. class
Yes No Not Total 300 100.0
The study revealed that conversion helps for
1. Upper 03 22 11 36 attainment of higher social status in society. Because in
class (8.3) (61.1) (30.6) (100.0) most of other religions there is no caste based discrimination
resemblance to caste system of Hinduism. Among all the
2. Middle 16 66 57 139
respondents 37.3%(112) respondents have opined that so
class (11.5) (47.5) (41.0) (100.0)
many people convert to other religions to acquire higher
status in the society.26.7%(80) respondents have said that
3. Lower 17 59 49 125
low caste people and scheduled tribe people convert to other
class (13.6) (47.2) (39.2) (100.0)
religions due to practice of inequality of Hinduism. In

Total 36 147 117 300 Hinduism the practice of casteism is present even today

(12.0) (49.0) (39.0) (100.0) 21.0%(63) respondents have opined that the people convert
to other religions only due to attraction towards other
As far as social class is concerned a most of the religions other religions like christainity, Buddism are based
upper class respondents do not want to convert to other on equality. Remaining 15.0% (45) respondents have
religions. But among the respondents who have already indicated that the people embrace to other religions to
decided to convert, most of the respondents belonged to remove caste stigma in Hinduism.
middle and lower social classes. It shows upper class
Thus the people of lower castes and scheduled tribes
respondents have been enjoying equal social status with the
convert to other religions to enhance their social status, to
mainstream of the society, whereas the respondents of lower
come out of clutches of Hinduism and to inculcate the
social class have been experiencing inferiority complex.
principles of other religions. In this way it is clear that
Hence one may find differences of opinions concerning to
conversion is helpful to achieve higher social status.
Further in the present study an attempt is made to
Table 2
understand the opinions of the respondents conversing
Reasons for conversion changes after conversion.

Sl. Reasons Frequency Percentage


1. Inequality in Hinduism 80 26.7

2. To remove caste stigma 45 15.0

Cite as : Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes.; Vol. 1|Issue
01|Pg:73-79 2014
Table 3 The study has shown that from the conversion one
cannot be identified with caste. But he is being identified by
Opinion regarding changes after conversion
religion but not caste. At the same time they can get higher
Sl. No. Opinions Frequency Percentage social status in the society. Among all the respondents, who
have said that conversion brings about changes, 29.7%(89)
1. Yes 142 47.3
respondents have opined that conversion removes caste
2. No 34 11.3 identity 13.0%(39) respondents have opined that conversion
provides higher social status in the society. 4.7%(14)
3. I don’t know 124 41.3
respondents have said that conversion brings about social,
Total 300 100.0 economic changes among converted people. Remaining

The data has clearly indicated that conversion 51.3%(154) respondents have not given any definite opinion

definitely brings about changes in the life of the converted regarding this aspect.

people. But some respondents have not given clear opinion Thus it is understood that conversion brings about
concerning the aspect. Among all the respondents 47.3(142) changes in the life of converted people. Further an attempt is
respondents have opined that no doubt conversion brings made to under stand the feelings of respondents if they
about changes. But 11.3%(34)respondents are of the opinion would convert to other religions.
that conversion does not bring any changes in the life of
Table 5
converted people. But remaining 41.3%(124) respondents
have no idea regarding conversion and results of conversion. The feelings of respondents if they convert to other religions

Thus from the above table it is clear that Sl. Opinions Frequency Percentage
conversion brings about lot of changes in the life of the No.
converted people. Therefore further an attempt is made to
1. Sense of liberation from 60 20.0
know the changes occurred after conversion. caste bindings

Table 4 2. A sense of feeling 71 23.7

something new in future
Changes occurred after conversion
3. One can achieve higher 19 6.3
Sl. Changes Frequency Percentage social status in society
4. Others 08 2.7
1. High status in the 39 13.0
society 5. No opinion 142 47.3

2. Remove caste identity 89 29.7 Total 300 100.0

3. Bring socio-economic 14 4.7

As it is already clear that most of the respondents have
4. No opinion 154 51.3 not interested in conversion to other religions. These
respondents have not given any response to the above
5. Others 04 1.3
question. Among other respondents 23.7%(71) respondents
Total 300 100.0 have opined that after conversion they feel a sense of
something new in future. They look forward in their life.

Cite as : Perception Regarding Conversion and Social Change Among Scheduled Tribes.; Vol. 1|Issue
01|Pg:73-79 2014
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