Caste System 1 9
Caste System 1 9
Caste System 1 9
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9 13
F. D. Vakil And K. H. Shivaji Rao, Indian M. Stephen, Introducing Christian Ethics, (Delhi:
Government And Politics (New Delhi: Sterling ISPCK, 2003), 253.
Publishers,1993), 367. Tayongtemjen, Introduction To The Christian
Vatsyayan, Contemporary Indian Society (Meerut: Ethics (Kolkata: SPACE, 2013), 215.
Kedarnath Ramnath & Company, 1979), 68. Tayongtemjen, The Christian Ethics, 215.
11 16
Vatsyayan, Contemporary Indian Society, 68. M. Stephen, Introducing Christian Ethics, 252.
12 17
Vatsyayan, Contemporary Indian Society, 69. M. Stephen, Introducing Christian Ethics, 252.
3 Mr. Solomon John
Christian. Around 2000 BC Aryans began to invade Bharatha the land of the aboriginal. From
time to time Aryans began to gain social, political and religious power by creating problems
between kingdoms of native rulers. By100 BC Aryans got the position to capture all political
power centers in north India by 600.Bc.27 Further he explains, they controlled almost all the
almost all the lands of the aboriginals. Then they divide in to four varnas or caste divisions.
In that barhmins, constituted the highest Varna took control of social through religion.
Second Kshatriyas they had the political control third Vyshyas got the economic control to
rule the people and fourth is Shudras are including women are the servants of upper caste. 28
Even if this kind of discrimination we find in the church as well. Therefore caste system is
evil, so Indian society should understand this evil practices. The below picture with chart may
give us the proper understanding. 29
Tayongtemjen, Introduction To The Christian Ethics, 215-216.
Tayongtemjen, Introduction To The Christian Ethics, 215-216.
“Caste system (partial) India”
7.0. The Caste System as a Vehicle of articulation and moulds its own design.33
Exploitation Politicians mobilize caste groupings and
identities in order to organize their power.34
It is important to distinguish two elements in
the caste system, caste as a form of group
identity and caste as a form of social 9. 0. Caste System in the Church
oppression. Caste system is not only in the Hinduism or
Basic forms of group identity built a other religion. Today caste system is seeing
various factors such as ethnicity, religion; in the Church also. The history of
region and language have existed in every Christianity of the India goes back to first
society. But the caste system became an century church onwards; the caste system
exploitative in which the dominant caste had its origin in the Church from the time of
possess the economic resources and political St. Thomas and the very beginning of
power, and this result the higher hierarchy of Christianity in the India. These Christians
the social order which was boost of the had many customs common to the Brahmins
population by the few powerful people. and were cut off from the main stream of the
Religion came in as a handy instrument to Christian world. They had their own lives
legitimize an exploitive system to make styles in the midst of non-Christians. As a
others accept it without protest. 30 result these Christians had no proper
This became the basis for all social instruction in Christian doctrine. They were
and cultural interaction in India. The also accused of practicing caste system in the
dominant class does not just exploit church. This was the beginning of the caste
economically and politically, they exercise in Indian Church. Not only that many
also a subtle ideological and cultural missionary came in India and worked among
exploitation.31 the upper castes. Even though the Christian
principles do not taught anything about caste
8.0. Casteism in Politics and Politicization system, but churches have different groups.
of Caste Stephen says, the dalits are used by the
Most of the times caste becomes an important
church and society for their selfish service
social institution of our country which gives the
and as vote banks. Also some places have
citizens a sense of belonging. Rajni Kothari says,
the caste structure provides one of the most separate churches and cemeteries built for
important organizational clusters in which the the dalits. This shows the complete
population is found to live. For the competitive discrimination.35
style of democratic politics involves not only In Kerala the Syrian Christians
distributives and conflictual aspects, but also became the oppressors by keeping caste
aspects of group actions. 32 Further he explains, discrimination in their mind. The Syrian
by drawing the caste system hit its web of Christian thinks that only high caste
organization; politics finds material for its educated people could produce intellectual
leadership in the Indian church and thus they
S.C Singhal, Human Rights (Agra: Lakshmi
Narain Agarwal, 2008), 8-9.
31 33
S.C Singhal, Human Rights, 8-9. Rajni Kothari, Politics In India, 230.
32 34
Rajni Kothari, Politics In India (New Delhi: Rajni Kothari, Politics In India, 230.
Orient Longman Ltd, 1999), 230. M. Stephen, Introducing Christian Ethics, 253.
6 Mr. Solomon John
were small in number became the ruling among the poor and needy people. These
class in the church. But they are not poor or low caste people got the privilege to
considering the tribal and Dalits Christian. study the basic education as well as people
Therefore in Kerala caste attitude practiced got the basic awareness. Christians
in the Syrian Christians. While missionaries‟ missionary open the school for the Dalits and
introduced westerns idea of equality and the low caste. The large number of Dalits and
gospel of brotherhood and love to this lower castes jointed the church as an
society that was governed mainly by caste. objection against the Hindu religion. Later
In spite of this the influence of caste Christian movement towards the Western
remained society and with the church though educational system later gave raise to anti
the rigidity of caste rules and untouchbility Brahmin movement and the rationalist
began to disappear. Therefore, missionaries movement in south India. This Brahmin and
are worked in India and taught against this rationalist are the main struggles of the dalits
evil practice in India. 36 and lower castes. In this situation church
have some responsibility. In early day‟s caste
10.0. Biblical View and the Responsibility system was more common in Hindu and
of the Church some other religion but today we finding this
It is important that churches around our problem inside the church as well. So as a
country examine their own responses to Christian must aware that God did not made
these powerful social forces and decide how, any caste rather God create the human
theologically and socially, they must deal begins. Accept everybody equal and same.
with the issues of the relationship between Also in God there is no high caste and low
unity and diversity within the Church. Caste caste. The responsibility is needed to have
system is like apartheid. The caste identity unit among the people show good Christian
should be realized only as a community attitude towards the society.
identity and not as a means to underestimate The Bible states that all human
a group of people, discrimination and beings are created with equal dignity and no
exploitation. The Christian principle is not one is to be discriminated or exploited
to support the caste system. Most of the (Gen.1: 27, 28). In Galatians 3:28, Apostle
times the dominant groups try to enslave the Paul also says “There is neither Jew nor
low caste, exploit and oppress them for their Greek, there is neither slave nor free man,
own interest. The Dalits are used by the there is neither male or female; for you are
society for their selfish service and as vote all one in Christ Jesus.” The Christian
banks. The high caste, up lift low caste and community should be an agent of
the church has to be fight against practice of transformation in the society to challenge
caste system. Also the Dalits must be what is evil. The resources should be made
uplifted. accessible to all human beings to have
While the Christian missionary came meaningful living and development. The
to India mostly they started their work policy of the survival of the fittest is against
the teachings of the bible and the spirit of
Bhupen Chaudhary, Indian Caste System: Essence And Gospel. The socio-economic and political
Reality, 180-185.
7 Mr. Solomon John
the church. This paper discussed about the Shyamlal, Untouchable Castes in India. New Delhi:
caste system in India. India is practicing Rawat Publications, 2006.
caste system very early itself. People more Singh, K. Social And Cultural Anthropology.
like to say about their caste if they are in Lucknow: Prakashan Kendra, 1985.
upper caste. Christian should not keep any Singh, K . Indian Society And Social Institutions.
kind of caste difference or color difference. Lucknow: Prakashan Kendra, 1996.
Jesus never taught about the caste system. Singhal, S.C. Human Rights. Agra: Lakshmi Narain
Therefore, the churches keep their quality
Agarwal, 2008.
and respect every one as they are.
Stephen, M. Introducing Christian Ethics. Delhi:
ISPCK, 2003.
Tayongtemjen. Introduction To The Christian Ethics.
Kolkata: SPACE, 2013.