Selection Report For Terms (A) Non-Teaching / Terms (B) Research Staff On Part-Time / Honorary Basis
Selection Report For Terms (A) Non-Teaching / Terms (B) Research Staff On Part-Time / Honorary Basis
Selection Report For Terms (A) Non-Teaching / Terms (B) Research Staff On Part-Time / Honorary Basis
Selection Report For Terms (A) Non-Teaching / Terms (B) Research Staff
on Part-time / Honorary basis
This form should be sent to the Personnel Office for processing with sufficient lead-time before the expected date of commencement of
appointment, e.g. at least 3 months for cases where visa application is required and at least 2 weeks for other cases. Please read the
Checklist/Guidance Notes overleaf for further information.
Name of
(*Dr/ Mr/ Miss/ Ms/ Mrs) Wong Chun Wai
Research Post * Junior Research Assistant / Research Assistant / Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Fellow /
Senior Research Fellow / Others:
(Name: )
(Name: )
Part II: Checking by Recruitment Administrator (i.e. AA, EO, EA etc.) Please refer to the Checklist/Guidance Notes overleaf.
It is important that all the fields on the form are duly completed. Forms which are incomplete or without necessary documents
attached will be returned to the departmental administrator for clarification/completion. The recommendation will be
processed according to the normal timeline indicated on the front page after the fields are clarified by the recruiting
Department/Unit and the required information is received by the Personnel Office (PO).
General 1. The candidate’s C.V./Application Form, copies of academic certificates/diplomas and related visa information
Information (if applicable) should be attached to the completed Selection Report.
2. The candidate should be advised that the personal data collected from him/her will be used for recruitment and
employment-related purposes by the University.
3. For honorary appointment to overseas candidate, it should be indicated whether the candidate will come to HK
to take up duties for the whole period of the appointment so as to determine if visa application is needed.
Appointment 1. The start date of the appointment should be weekdays i.e. not Saturday and Sunday. If Department/Unit
period consciously puts a “Saturday” as the start date/the latest report duty date, it should be indicated that the service
on that Saturday is actually required. If Departments/Units put a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday as the
start date, PO will automatically postpone the date to the next working day.
2. The assumption of duty date should be set as 2 weeks after the receipt of the selection report form by the PO.
3. Retroactive appointment is NOT allowed. Sufficient lead-time and grace period for the commencement of the
appointment should be set for appointees who need to apply for employment visa. If visa application is
required, latest report duty date (at least 10 weeks from the receipt of the selection report by the PO) should
been set. If latest report duty date is not given, PO will automatically calculate the date based on the above
Recommended 1. All part-time appointments will NOT be subject to Cost of Living Adjustment.
honorarium 2. For Part-time appointments, NO change of working hours is allowed during the contract period, as it may cause
non-compliance with the provisions relating to the appointee’s entitlement to benefits under the Employment
3. For honorary appointments, the honorarium, where applicable, should comply with the Hong Kong Minimum
Wage Ordinance. Department/Unit must consult the Personnel Office on the level of honorarium to be offered
before committing to an offer of appointment.
Funding source 1. Please provide detailed funding arrangement, including:
- project code
- duration of which the funding source is used to support the appointment
- percentage of appointment cost supported by the funding source during the period
- name and signature of Principal Investigator (counter-signed by co-Principal Investigator who is a full-
time CUHK Terms (A) or equivalent teaching staff, if applicable)
2. Department/Unit should check with the Bursary the funding availability for appointments supported by non-
One Line Budget funding sources before submission of the Selection Report.
3. If severance payment (SP)/ long service payment (LSP) has to be effected for the appointee’s continuous
service at the University due to non-renewal of contract, the outstanding amount of the said payment (if any),
after offsetting the SP/ LSP against the contract-end gratuities/ MPF accrued benefits (employer’s
contributions), will be fully charged to the last funding source(s) supporting this appointment.
4. If the candidate already has a part-time appointment in another Unit with weekly working hours less than 18,
but will become 18 hours or more upon taking up this additional part-time appointment recommended by your
Unit, he/she will deemed to be on a “continuous contract of employment” as defined under the Employment
Ordinance. Your Unit will have to be FULLY responsible for the costs and payments for leave and holiday
benefits (including but not limited to statutory leave, annual leave, severance payment, etc.) for ALL his/her
multiple part-time appointments at the University counting from the date he/she assumes duty in your Unit or
commenced previous appointment(s) in other Unit(s), as appropriate.