CIRCUITS 1 - Module 1

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Flexible Learning A.Y.


Module 1 : 3 hrs. Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory

Course Instructor Jose Espino

FB Messenger Jose Espino

Contact Details Email Ad

Phone No./s 09495039419

Consultation Hours MWF TTH 10:30 – 12noon


Targeted Course Outcomes

1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics and sciences in solving simple and complicated DC
circuits to address issues of the society and environment.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Learn to draw electrical circuit schematic diagrams using standard symbols.

2. Be able to determine the voltage, current or resistance for a component using Ohm's Law.

3. Be able to determine the power supplied or consumed by a device using the power law.

4. Be able to determine the energy used or supplied by a device given the time and power.

5. Be able to analyze the effect of an open or short on the operation of a circuit.

6. Be able to describe the characteristics of ideal voltage and current sources.

7. Be able to describe the characteristics of practical voltage sources (batteries and supplies).

8. Be able to describe the characteristics of practical current sources.

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Learning Evidence 1 (Assessment Task 1): Reading Assignment
Learning Evidence 2 (Assessment Task 2): Quizzes


TLA 1: Reading Assignment 1

Activity 1:
Answer the questions below using the given activity sheet. ( 30 pts )

Question Answer

Define voltage, current , resistance and 12 pts

What is the relationship of the voltage and 4 pts
current in a circuit with a constant
What is a short circuit? 2 pts
Will there be current if voltage is absent? 4 pts
Why /why not?
Will there be a voltage if current is absent? 4 pts
Why/why not?
Differentiate ideal and practical electrical 4 pts

3.0 DC Circuit Theory

All materials are made up from atoms, and all atoms consist of protons, neutrons and
electrons. Protons, have a positive electrical charge. Neutrons have no electrical charge
(that is they are Neutral), while Electrons have a negative electrical charge. Atoms are
bound together by powerful forces of attraction existing between the atoms nucleus and
the electrons in its outer shell.
When these protons, neutrons and electrons are together within the atom they are
happy and stable. But if we separate them from each other they want to reform and start
to exert a potential of attraction called a potential difference.
Now if we create a closed circuit these loose electrons will start to move and drift back
to the protons due to their attraction creating a flow of electrons. This flow of electrons is
called an electrical current. The electrons do not flow freely through the circuit as the
material they move through creates a restriction to the electron flow. This restriction is
called resistance.
Then all basic electrical or electronic circuits consist of three separate but very much
related electrical quantities called: Voltage, ( v ), Current, ( i ) and Resistance, ( Ω ).

Electrical Voltage

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Voltage, ( V ) is the potential energy of an electrical supply stored in the form of an
electrical charge. Voltage can be thought of as the force that pushes electrons through
a conductor and the greater the voltage the greater is its ability to “push” the electrons
through a given circuit. As energy has the ability to do work this potential energy can be
described as the work required in joules to move electrons in the form of an electrical
current around a circuit from one point or node to another.
Then the difference in voltage between any two points, connections or junctions (called
nodes) in a circuit is known as the Potential Difference, ( p.d. ) commonly called
the Voltage Drop.
The Potential difference between two points is measured in Volts with the circuit
symbol V, or lowercase “v“, although Energy, E lowercase “e” is sometimes used to
indicate a generated emf (electromotive force). Then the greater the voltage, the greater
is the pressure (or pushing force) and the greater is the capacity to do work.
A constant voltage source is called a DC Voltage with a voltage that varies periodically
with time is called an AC voltage. Voltage is measured in volts, with one volt being
defined as the electrical pressure required to force an electrical current of one ampere
through a resistance of one Ohm. Voltages are generally expressed in Volts with
prefixes used to denote sub-multiples of the voltage such as microvolts ( μV = 10-
 V ), millivolts ( mV = 10-3 V ) or kilovolts ( kV = 103 V ). Voltage can be either positive
or negative.
Batteries or power supplies are mostly used to produce a steady D.C. (direct current)
voltage source such as 5v, 12v, 24v etc in electronic circuits and systems. While A.C.
(alternating current) voltage sources are available for domestic house and industrial
power and lighting as well as power transmission. The mains voltage supply in the
Philippines is currently 220 volts a.c. and 110 volts a.c. in the USA.
General electronic circuits operate on low voltage DC battery supplies of between 1.5V
and 24V dc The circuit symbol for a constant voltage source usually given as a battery
symbol with a positive, + and negative, – sign indicating the direction of the polarity. The
circuit symbol for an alternating voltage source is a circle with a sine wave inside.

Voltage Symbols

Voltage is always measured as the difference between any two points in a circuit and
the voltage between these two points is generally referred to as the “Voltage drop“.
Note that voltage can exist across a circuit without current, but current cannot
exist without voltage and as such any voltage source whether DC or AC likes an
open or semi-open circuit condition but hates any short circuit condition as this
can destroy it.

Electrical Current

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Electrical Current, ( I ) is the movement or flow of electrical charge and is measured
in Amperes, symbol i, for intensity). It is the continuous and uniform flow (called a drift)
of electrons (the negative particles of an atom) around a circuit that are being “pushed”
by the voltage source. In reality, electrons flow from the negative (–ve) terminal to the
positive (+ve) terminal of the supply and for ease of circuit understanding conventional
current flow assumes that the current flows from the positive to the negative terminal.

Generally in circuit diagrams the flow of current through the circuit usually has an arrow
associated with the symbol, I, or lowercase i to indicate the actual direction of the
current flow. However, this arrow usually indicates the direction of conventional current
flow and not necessarily the direction of the actual flow.

Conventional Current Flow

Conventionally this is the flow of positive charge around a circuit, being positive to
negative. The diagram at the left shows the movement of the positive charge (holes)
around a closed circuit flowing from the positive terminal of the battery, through the
circuit and returns to the negative terminal of the battery. This flow of current from
positive to negative is generally known as conventional current flow.

This was the convention chosen during the discovery of electricity in which the direction
of electric current was thought to flow in a circuit. To continue with this line of thought, in
all circuit diagrams and schematics, the arrows shown on symbols for components such
as diodes and transistors point in the direction of conventional current flow.

Then Conventional Current Flow gives the flow of electrical current from positive to

negative and which is the opposite in direction to the actual flow of electrons.

Electron Flow

The flow of electrons around the circuit is opposite to the direction of the conventional
current flow being negative to positive.The actual current flowing in an electrical circuit
is composed of electrons that flow from the negative pole of the battery (the cathode)
and return back to the positive pole (the anode) of the battery.

This is because the charge on an electron is negative by definition and so is attracted to

the positive terminal. This flow of electrons is called Electron Current Flow. Therefore,
electrons actually flow around a circuit from the negative terminal to the positive.

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Both conventional current flow and electron flow are used by many textbooks. In fact, it

makes no difference which way the current is flowing around the circuit as long as the
direction is used consistently. The direction of current flow does not affect what the
current does within the circuit. Generally it is much easier to understand the
conventional current flow – positive to negative.

In electronic circuits, a current source is a circuit element that provides a specified

amount of current for example, 1A, 5A 10 Amps etc, with the circuit symbol for a
constant current source given as a circle with an arrow inside indicating its direction.

Current is measured in Amps and an amp or ampere is defined as the number of

electrons or charge (Q in Coulombs) passing a certain point in the circuit in one second,
(t in Seconds).

Electrical current is generally expressed in Amps with prefixes used to denote micro

amps( μA = 10-6A ) or milliamps ( mA = 10-3A ). Note that electrical current can be
either positive in value or negative in value depending upon its direction of flow around
the circuit.

Current that flows in a single direction is called Direct Current, or D.C. and current that
alternates back and forth through the circuit is known as Alternating Current, or A.C..
Whether AC or DC current only flows through a circuit when a voltage source is
connected to it with its “flow” being limited to both the resistance of the circuit and the
voltage source pushing it.

Also, as alternating currents (and voltages) are periodic and vary with time the
“effective” or “RMS”, (Root Mean Squared) value given as Irms produces the same
average power loss equivalent to a DC current Iaverage . Current sources are the opposite
to voltage sources in that they like short or closed circuit conditions but hate open circuit
conditions as no current will flow.

Using the tank of water relationship, current is the equivalent of the flow of water
through the pipe with the flow being the same throughout the pipe. The faster the flow of
water the greater the current. Note that current cannot exist without voltage so any
current source whether DC or AC likes a short or semi-short circuit condition but
hates any open circuit condition as this prevents it from flowing.


Resistance, ( R ) is the capacity of a material to resist or prevent the flow of current or,
more specifically, the flow of electric charge within a circuit. The circuit element which
does this perfectly is called the “Resistor”.

Resistance is a circuit element measured in Ohms, Greek symbol ( Ω, Omega ) with
prefixes used to denote Kilo-ohms ( kΩ = 103Ω ) and Mega-ohms ( MΩ = 106Ω ). Note
that resistance cannot be negative in value only positive.

Resistor Symbols

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The amount of resistance a resistor has is determined by the relationship of the current
through it to the voltage across it which determines whether the circuit element is a
“good conductor” – low resistance, or a “bad conductor” – high resistance. Low
resistance, for example 1Ω or less implies that the circuit is a good conductor made
from materials such as copper, aluminium or carbon while a high resistance, 1MΩ or
more implies the circuit is a bad conductor made from insulating materials such as
glass, porcelain or plastic.

A “semiconductor” on the other hand such as silicon or germanium, is a material whose

resistance is half way between that of a good conductor and a good insulator. Hence
the name “semi-conductor”. Semiconductors are used to make Diodes and Transistors

Resistance can be linear or non-linear in nature, but never negative. Linear resistance
obeys Ohm’s Law as the voltage across the resistor is linearly proportional to the
current through it. Non-linear resistance, does not obey Ohm’s Law but has a voltage
drop across it that is proportional to some power of the current.

Resistance is pure and is not affected by frequency with the AC impedance of a

resistance being equal to its DC resistance and as a result can not be negative.
Remember that resistance is always positive, and never negative.

A resistor is classed as a passive circuit element and as such cannot deliver power or
store energy. Instead resistors absorbed power that appears as heat and light. Power in
a resistance is always positive regardless of voltage polarity and current direction.

For very low values of resistance, for example milli-ohms, ( mΩ ) it is sometimes much
easier to use the reciprocal of resistance ( 1/R ) rather than resistance ( R ) itself. The
reciprocal of resistance is called Conductance, symbol ( G ) and represents the ability
of a conductor or device to conduct electricity.

In other words the ease by which current flows. High values of conductance implies a
good conductor such as copper while low values of conductance implies a bad
conductor such as wood. The standard unit of measurement given for conductance is
the Siemen, symbol (S).

The unit used for conductance is mho (ohm spelt backward), which is symbolized by an
inverted Ohm sign ℧. Power can also be expressed using conductance
as: p = i2/G = v2G.

The relationship between Voltage, ( v ) and Current, ( i ) in a circuit of

constant Resistance, ( R ) would produce a straight line i-v relationship with slope equal
to the value of the resistance as shown.

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Voltage, Current and Resistance Summary

Hopefully by now you should have some idea of how

electrical Voltage, Current and Resistance are closely related together. The relationship
between Voltage, Current and Resistance forms the basis of Ohm’s law. In a linear
circuit of fixed resistance, if we increase the voltage, the current goes up, and similarly,
if we decrease the voltage, the current goes down. This means that if the voltage is high
the current is high, and if the voltage is low the current is low.

Likewise, if we increase the resistance, the current goes down for a given voltage and if
we decrease the resistance the current goes up. Which means that if resistance is high
current is low and if resistance is low current is high.

Then we can see that current flow around a circuit is directly proportional ( ∝ ) to
voltage, ( V↑ causes I↑ ) but inversely proportional ( 1/∝ ) to resistance as,
( R↑ causes I↓ ).
A basic summary of the three units is given below.
 Voltage or potential difference is the measure of potential energy between two
points in a circuit and is commonly referred to as its ” volt drop “.
 When a voltage source is connected to a closed loop circuit the voltage will
produce a current flowing around the circuit.
 In DC voltage sources the symbols +ve (positive) and −ve (negative) are used
to denote the polarity of the voltage supply.
 Voltage is measured in Volts and has the symbol V for voltage or E for
electrical energy.
 Current flow is a combination of electron flow and hole flow through a circuit.
 Current is the continuous and uniform flow of charge around the circuit and is
measured in Amperes or Amps and has the symbol I.
 Current is Directly Proportional to Voltage ( I ∝ V )

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 The effective (rms) value of an alternating current has the same average
power loss equivalent to a direct current flowing through a resistive element.
 Resistance is the opposition to current flowing around a circuit.
 Low values of resistance implies a conductor and high values of resistance
implies an insulator.
 Current is Inversely Proportional to Resistance ( I 1/∝ R )
 Resistance is measured in Ohms and has the Greek symbol Ω or the letter R.

Unit of
Quantity Symbol Abbreviation

Voltage V or E Volt V

Current I Ampere A

Resistance R Ohms Ω

3.1 Ohms Law and Power

Georg Ohm found that, at a constant temperature, the electrical current flowing through
a fixed linear resistance is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it, and also
inversely proportional to the resistance. This relationship between the Voltage, Current
and Resistance forms the basis of Ohms Law and is shown below.

Ohms Law Relationship

By knowing any two values of the Voltage, Current or Resistance quantities we can
use Ohms Law to find the third missing value. Ohms Law is used extensively in
electronics formulas and calculations so it is “very important to understand and
accurately remember these formulas”.

To find the Voltage, ( V )

[ V = I x R ]      V (volts) = I (amps) x R (Ω)

To find the Current, ( I )

[ I = V ÷ R ]      I (amps) = V (volts) ÷ R (Ω)

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To find the Resistance, ( R )

[ R = V ÷ I ]      R (Ω) = V (volts) ÷ I (amps)

It is sometimes easier to remember this Ohms law relationship by using pictures. Here
the three quantities of V, I and R have been superimposed into a triangle (affectionately
called the Ohms Law Triangle) giving voltage at the top with current and resistance
below. This arrangement represents the actual position of each quantity within the
Ohms law formulas.

Ohms Law Triangle

Transposing the standard Ohms Law equation above will give us the following
combinations of the same equation:

Then by using Ohms Law we can see that a voltage of 1V applied to a resistor of 1Ω will
cause a current of 1A to flow and the greater the resistance value, the less current that
will flow for a given applied voltage. Any Electrical device or component that obeys
“Ohms Law” that is, the current flowing through it is proportional to the voltage across it
( I α V ), such as resistors or cables, are said to be “Ohmic” in nature, and devices that
do not, such as transistors or diodes, are said to be “Non-ohmic” devices.

Electrical Power in Circuits

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Electrical Power, ( P ) in a circuit is the rate at which energy is absorbed or produced
within a circuit. A source of energy such as a voltage will produce or deliver power while
the connected load absorbs it. Light bulbs and heaters for example, absorb electrical
power and convert it into either heat, or light, or both. The higher their value or rating in
watts the more electrical power they are likely to consume.

The quantity symbol for power is P and is the product of voltage multiplied by the
current with the unit of measurement being the Watt ( W ). Prefixes are used to denote
the various multiples or sub-multiples of a watt, such as: milliwatts (mW = 10-3W)
or kilowatts (kW = 103W).

Then by using Ohm’s law and substituting for the values of V, I and R the formula for
electrical power can be found as:

To find the Power (P)

[ P = V x I ]      P (watts) = V (volts) x I (amps)
[ P = V2 ÷ R ]      P (watts) = V2 (volts) ÷ R (Ω)
[ P = I2 x R ]      P (watts) = I2 (amps) x R (Ω)

Again, the three quantities have been superimposed into a triangle this time called
a Power Triangle with power at the top and current and voltage at the bottom. Again,
this arrangement represents the actual position of each quantity within the Ohms law
power formulas.

The Power Triangle

and again, transposing the basic Ohms Law equation above for power gives us the
following combinations of the same equation to find the various individual quantities:

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So we can see that there are three possible formulas for calculating electrical power in a
circuit. If the calculated power is positive, (+P) in value for any formula the component
absorbs the power, that is it is consuming or using power. But if the calculated power is
negative, (–P) in value the component produces or generates power, in other words it is
a source of electrical power such as batteries and generators.

Electrical Power Rating

Electrical components are given a “power rating” in watts that indicates the maximum
rate at which the component converts the electrical power into other forms of energy
such as heat, light or motion. For example, a 1/4W resistor, a 100W light bulb etc.

Electrical devices convert one form of power into another. So for example, an electrical
motor will covert electrical energy into a mechanical force, while an electrical generator
converts mechanical force into electrical energy. A light bulb converts electrical energy
into both light and heat.

Also, we now know that the unit of power is the WATT, but some electrical devices such
as electric motors have a power rating in the old measurement of “Horsepower” or hp.
The relationship between horsepower and watts is given as: 1hp = 746W. So for
example, a two-horsepower motor has a rating of 1492W, (2 x 746) or 1.5kW.

Ohms Law Pie Chart

To help us understand the the relationship between the various values a little further, we
can take all of the Ohm’s Law equations from above for
finding Voltage, Current, Resistance and of course Power and condense them into a
simple Ohms Law pie chart for use in AC and DC circuits and calculations as shown.

Ohms Law Pie Chart

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As well as using the Ohm’s Law Pie Chart shown above, we can also put the individual
Ohm’s Law equations into a simple matrix table as shown for easy reference when
calculating an unknown value.

Ohms Law Matrix Table

Ohms Law Example No1

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For the circuit shown below find the Voltage (V), the Current (I), the Resistance (R) and
the Power (P).

Voltage   [ V = I x R ] = 2 x 12Ω = 24V
Current   [ I = V ÷ R ] = 24 ÷ 12Ω = 2A
Resistance   [ R = V ÷ I ] = 24 ÷ 2 = 12 Ω
Power   [ P = V x I ] = 24 x 2 = 48W

Power within an electrical circuit is only present when BOTH voltage and current are
present. For example, in an open-circuit condition, voltage is present but there is no
current flow I = 0 (zero), therefore V*0 is 0 so the power dissipated within the circuit
must also be 0. Likewise, if we have a short-circuit condition, current flow is present but
there is no voltage V = 0, therefore 0*I = 0 so again the power dissipated within the
circuit is 0.

As electrical power is the product of V*I, the power dissipated in a circuit is the same
whether the circuit contains high voltage and low current or low voltage and high current
flow. Generally, electrical power is dissipated in the form of Heat (heaters), Mechanical
Work such as motors, Energy in the form of radiated (Lamps) or as stored energy

Electrical Energy in Circuits

Electrical Energy is the capacity to do work, and the unit of work or energy is
the joule( J ). Electrical energy is the product of power multiplied by the length of time it
was consumed. So if we know how much power, in Watts is being consumed and the
time, in seconds for which it is used, we can find the total energy used in watt-seconds.
In other words, Energy = power x time and Power = voltage x current. Therefore
electrical power is related to energy and the unit given for electrical energy is the watt-
seconds or joules.

Electrical power can also be defined as the rate of by which energy is transferred. If one
joule of work is either absorbed or delivered at a constant rate of one second, then the
corresponding power will be equivalent to one watt so power can be defined as
“1Joule/sec = 1Watt”. Then we can say that one watt is equal to one joule per second
and electrical power can be defined as the rate of doing work or the transferring of

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Electrical Power and Energy Triangle

or to find the various individual quantities:

We said previously that electrical energy is define as being watts per second or joules.
Although electrical energy is measured in Joules it can become a very large value when
used to calculate the energy consumed by a component.

For example, if a 100 watt light bulb is left-“ON” for 24 hours, the energy consumed will
be 8,640,000 Joules (100W x 86,400 seconds), so prefixes such as kilojoules (kJ =
103J) or megajoules (MJ = 106J) are used instead and in this simple example, the
energy consumed will be 8.64MJ (mega-joules).

But dealing with joules, kilojoules or megajoules to express electrical energy, the maths
involved can end up with some big numbers and lots of zero’s, so it is much more easier
to express electrical energy consumed in Kilowatt-hours.

If the electrical power consumed (or generated) is measured in watts or kilowatts

(thousands of watts) and the time is measure in hours not seconds, then the unit of
electrical energy will be the kilowatt-hours,(kWhr). Then our 100 watt light bulb above
will consume 2,400 watt hours or 2.4kWhr, which is much easier to understand the
8,640,000 joules.

1 kWhr is the amount of electricity used by a device rated at 1000 watts in one hour and
is commonly called a “Unit of Electricity”. This is what is measured by the utility meter
and is what we as consumers purchase from our electricity suppliers when we receive
our bills.

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Kilowatt-hours are the standard units of energy used by the electricity meter in our
homes to calculate the amount of electrical energy we use and therefore how much we
pay. So if you switch ON an electric fire with a heating element rated at 1000 watts and
left it on for 1 hour you will have consumed 1 kWhr of electricity. If you switched on two
electric fires each with 1000 watt elements for half an hour the total consumption would
be exactly the same amount of electricity – 1kWhr.

So, consuming 1000 watts for one hour uses the same amount of power as 2000 watts
(twice as much) for half an hour (half the time). Then for a 100 watt light bulb to use 1
kWhr or one unit of electrical energy it would need to be switched on for a total of 10
hours (10 x 100 = 1000 = 1kWhr).

3.2 Electrical Sources

We have seen so far that there are two types of elements within an electrical or
electronics circuit: passive elements and active elements. An active element is one that
is capable of continuously supplying energy to a circuit, such as a battery, a generator,
an operational amplifier, etc. A passive element on the other hand are physical
elements such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc, which cannot generate electrical
energy by themselves but only consume it.

The types of active circuit elements that are most important to us are those that supply
electrical energy to the circuits or network connected to them. These are called
“electrical sources” with the two types of electrical sources being the voltage source and
the current source. The current source is usually less common in circuits than the
voltage source, but both are used and can be regarded as complements of each other.

An electrical supply or simply, “a source”, is a device that supplies electrical power to a

circuit in the form of a voltage source or a current source. Both types of electrical
sources can be classed as a direct (DC) or alternating (AC) source in which a constant
voltage is called a DC voltage and one that varies sinusoidally with time is called an AC
voltage. So for example, batteries are DC sources and the 230V wall socket or mains
outlet in your home is an AC source.

We said earlier that electrical sources supply energy, but one of the interesting
characteristic of an electrical source, is that they are also capable of converting non-
electrical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. For example, a battery converts
chemical energy into electrical energy, while an electrical machine such as a DC
generator or an AC alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Renewable technologies can convert energy from the sun, the wind, and waves into
electrical or thermal energy. But as well as converting energy from one source to
another, electrical sources can both deliver or absorb energy allowing it to flow in both

Another important characteristic of an electrical source and one which defines its
operation, are its I-V characteristics. The I-V characteristic of an electrical source can
give us a very nice pictorial description of the source, either as a voltage source and a
current source as shown.

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Electrical Sources

Electrical sources, both as a voltage source or a current source can be classed as being
either independent (ideal) or dependent, (controlled) that is whose value depends upon
a voltage or current elsewhere within the circuit, which itself can be either constant or

When dealing with circuit laws and analysis, electrical sources are often viewed as
being “ideal”, that is the source is ideal because it could theoretically deliver an infinite
amount of energy without loss thereby having characteristics represented by a straight
line. However, in real or practical sources there is always a resistance either connected
in parallel for a current source, or series for a voltage source associated with the source
affecting its output.

3.21 The Voltage Source

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A voltage source, such as a battery or generator, provides a potential difference

(voltage) between two points within an electrical circuit allowing current to flowing
around it. Remember that voltage can exist without current. A battery is the most
common voltage source for a circuit with the voltage that appears across the positive
and negative terminals of the source being called the terminal voltage.

Ideal Voltage Source

An ideal voltage source is defined as a two terminal active element that is capable of
supplying and maintaining the same voltage, (v) across its terminals regardless of the
current, (i) flowing through it. In other words, an ideal voltage source will supply a
constant voltage at all times regardless of the value of the current being supplied
producing an I-V characteristic represented by a straight line.

Then an ideal voltage source is known as an Independent Voltage Source as its

voltage does not depend on either the value of the current flowing through the source or
its direction but is determined solely by the value of the source alone. So for example,
an automobile battery has a 12V terminal voltage that remains constant as long as the
current through it does not become to high, delivering power to the car in one direction
and absorbing power in the other direction as it charges.

On the other hand, a Dependent Voltage Source or controlled voltage source,

provides a voltage supply whose magnitude depends on either the voltage across or
current flowing through some other circuit element. A dependent voltage source is
indicated with a diamond shape and are used as equivalent electrical sources for many
electronic devices, such as transistors and operational amplifiers.

Connecting Voltage Sources Together

Ideal voltage sources can be connected together in both parallel or series the same as
for any circuit element. Series voltages add together while parallel voltages have the
same value. Note that unequal ideal voltage sources cannot be connected directly
together in parallel.

Voltage Source in Parallel

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While not best practice for circuit analysis, ideal voltage sources can be connected in
parallel provided they are of the same voltage value. Here in this example, two 10 volt
voltage source are combined to produce 10 volts between terminals A and B. Ideally,
there would be just one single voltage source of 10 volts given between terminals A and

What is not allowed or is not best practice, is connecting together ideal voltage sources
that have different voltage values as shown, or are short-circuited by an external closed
loop or branch.

Badly Connected Voltage Sources

Unlike parallel connected voltage sources, ideal voltage sources of different values can
be connected together in series to form a single voltage source whose output will be the
algebraic addition or subtraction of the voltages used. Their connection can be as:
series-aiding or series-opposing voltages as shown.

Voltage Source in Series

Series aiding voltage sources are series connected sources with their polarities
connected so that the plus terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of the
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next allowing current to flow in the same direction. In the example above, the two
voltages of 10V and 5V of the first circuit can be added, for a V S of 10 + 5 = 15V. So the
voltage across terminals A and B is 15 volts.

Series opposing voltage sources are series connected sources which have their
polarities connected so that the plus terminal or the negative terminals are connected
together as shown in the second circuit above. The net result is that the voltages are
subtracted from each other. Then the two voltages of 10V and 5V of the second circuit
are subtracted with the smaller voltage subtracted from the larger voltage. Resulting in a
VS of 10 – 5 = 5V.

The polarity across terminals A and B is determined by the larger polarity of the voltage
sources, in this example terminal A is positive and terminal B is negative resulting in +5
volts. If the series-opposing voltages are equal, the net voltage across A and B will be
zero as one voltage balances out the other. Also any currents (I) will also be zero, as
without any voltage source, current can not flow.

Voltage Source Example No1

Two series aiding ideal voltage sources of 6 volts and 9 volts respectively are
connected together to supply a load resistance of 100 Ohms. Calculate: the source
voltage, VS, the load current through the resistor, I R and the total power, P dissipated by
the resistor. Draw the circuit.

Thus, VS = 15V, IR = 150mA or 0.15A, and PR = 2.25W.

Practical Voltage Source

We have seen that an ideal voltage source can provide a voltage supply that is
independent of the current flowing through it, that is, it maintains the same voltage value
always. This idea may work well for circuit analysis techniques, but in the real world
voltage sources behave a little differently as for a practical voltage source, its terminal
voltage will actually decrease with an increase in load current.

As the terminal voltage of an ideal voltage source does not vary with increases in the
load current, this implies that an ideal voltage source has zero internal resistance,
RS = 0. In other words, it is a resistorless voltage source. In reality all voltage sources
have a very small internal resistance which reduces their terminal voltage as they
supply higher load currents.

For non-ideal or practical voltage sources such as batteries, their internal resistance
(RS) produces the same effect as a resistance connected in series with an ideal voltage
source as these two series connected elements carry the same current as shown.

Ideal and Practical Voltage Source

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In the case of all real or practical voltage sources, this internal resistance, R S no matter
how small has an effect on the I-V characteristic of the source as the terminal voltage
falls off with an increase in load current. This is because the same load current flows
through RS.

Ohms law tells us that when a current, (i) flows through a resistance, a voltage drop is
produce across the same resistance. The value of this voltage drop is given as i*R S.
Then VOUT will equal the ideal voltage source, V S minus the i*RS voltage drop across the
resistor. Remember that in the case of an ideal source voltage, R S is equal to zero as
there is no internal resistance, therefore the terminal voltage is same as V S.

Practical Voltage Source Characteristics

Therefore, all ideal voltage sources will have a straight line I-V characteristic but non-
ideal or real practical voltage sources will not but instead will have an I-V characteristic
that is slightly angled down by an amount equal to i*R S where RS is the internal source
resistance (or impedance). The I-V characteristics of a real battery provides a very close
approximation of an ideal voltage source since the source resistance R S is usually quite

The decrease in the angle of the slope of the I-V characteristics as the current increases
is known as regulation. Voltage regulation is an important measure of the quality of a
practical voltage source as it measures the variation in terminal voltage between no
load, that is when IL = 0, (an open-circuit) and full load, that is when I L is at maximum, (a

Dependent Voltage Source

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Unlike an ideal voltage source which produces a constant voltage across its terminals
regardless of what is connected to it, a controlled or dependent voltage source changes
its terminal voltage depending upon the voltage across, or the current through, some
other element connected to the circuit, and as such it is sometimes difficult to specify
the value of a dependent voltage source, unless you know the actual value of the
voltage or current on which it depends.

Dependent voltage sources behave similar to the electrical sources we have looked at
so far, both practical and ideal (independent) the difference this time is that a dependent
voltage source can be controlled by an input current or voltage. A voltage source that
depends on a voltage input is generally referred to as a Voltage Controlled Voltage
Source or VCVS. A voltage source that depends on a current input is referred too as
a Current Controlled Voltage Source or CCVS.

Ideal dependent sources are commonly used in the analysing the input/output
characteristics or the gain of circuit elements such as operational amplifiers, transistors
and integrated circuits. Generally, an ideal voltage dependent source, either voltage or
current controlled is designated by a diamond-shaped symbol as shown.

Dependent Voltage Source Symbols

An ideal dependent voltage-controlled voltage source, VCVS, maintains an output

voltage equal to some multiplying constant (basically an amplification factor) times the
controlling voltage present elsewhere in the circuit. As the multiplying constant is, well, a
constant, the controlling voltage, VIN will determine the magnitude of the output voltage,
VOUT. In other words, the output voltage “depends” on the value of input voltage making
it a dependent voltage source and in many ways, an ideal transformer can be thought of
as a VCVS device with the amplification factor being its turns ratio.

Then the VCVS output voltage is determined by the following equation: V OUT = μVIN.
Note that the multiplying constant μ is dimensionless as it is purely a scaling factor
because μ = VOUT/VIN, so its units will be volts/volts.

An ideal dependent current-controlled voltage source, CCVS, maintains an output

voltage equal to some multiplying constant (rho) times a controlling current input
generated elsewhere within the connected circuit. Then the output voltage “depends” on
the value of the input current, again making it a dependent voltage source.

As a controlling current, IIN determines the magnitude of the output voltage, V OUT times

the magnification constant ρ (rho), this allows us to model a current-controlled voltage
source as a trans-resistance amplifier as the multiplying constant, ρ gives us the
following equation: VOUT = ρIIN. This multiplying constant ρ (rho) has the units of Ohm’s
because ρ = VOUT/IIN, and its units will therefore be volts/amperes.

Voltage Source Summary

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We have seen here that a Voltage Source can be either an ideal independent voltage
source, or a controlled dependent voltage source. Independent voltage sources supply
a constant voltage that does not depend on any other quantity within the circuit. Ideal
independent sources can be batteries, DC generators or time-varying AC voltage
supplies from alternators.

Independent voltage sources can be modelled as either an ideal voltage source,

(RS = 0) where the output is constant for all load currents, or a non-ideal or practical,
such as a battery with a resistance connected in series with the circuit to represent the
internal resistance of the source. Ideal voltage sources can be connected together in
parallel only if they are of the same voltage value. Series-aiding or series-opposing
connections will affect the output value.

Also for solving circuit analysis and complex theorems, voltage sources become short-
circuited sources making their voltage equal to zero to help solve the network. Note also
that voltage sources are capable of both delivering or absorbing power.

Ideal dependent voltage sources represented by a diamond-shaped symbol, are

dependent on, and are proportional too an external controlling voltage or current. The
multiplying constant, μ for a VCVS has no units, while the multiplying constant ρ for a
CCVS has units of Ohm’s. A dependent voltage source is of great interest to model
electronic devices or active devices such as operational amplifiers and transistors that
have gain.

3.22 Current Sources

As its name implies, a current source is a circuit element that maintains a constant
current flow regardless of the voltage developed across its terminals as this voltage is
determined by other circuit elements. That is, an ideal constant current source
continually provides a specified amount of current regardless of the impedance that it is
driving and as such, an ideal current source could, in theory, supply an infinite amount
of energy. So just as a voltage source may be rated, for example, as 5 volts or 10 volts,
etc, a current source will also have a current rating, for example, 3 amperes or 15
amperes, etc.

Ideal constant current sources are represented in a similar manner to voltage sources,
but this time the current source symbol is that of a circle with an arrow inside to
indicates the direction of the flow of the current. The direction of the current will
correspond to the polarity of the corresponding voltage, flowing out from the positive
terminal. The letter “i” is used to indicate that it is a current source as shown.

Ideal Current Source

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Then an ideal current source is called a “constant current source” as it provides a

constant steady state current independent of the load connected to it producing an I-V
characteristic represented by a straight line. As with voltage sources, the current source
can be either independent (ideal) or dependent (controlled) by a voltage or current
elsewhere in the circuit, which itself can be constant or time-varying.

Ideal independent current sources are typically used to solve circuit theorems and for
circuit analysis techniques for circuits that containing real active elements. The simplest
form of a current source is a resistor in series with a voltage source creating currents
ranging from a few milli-amperes to many hundreds of amperes. Remember that a zero-
value current source is an open circuit as R = 0.

The concept of a current source is that of a two-terminal element that allows the flow of
current indicated by the direction of the arrow. Then a current source has a value, i, in
units of amperes, (A) which are typically abbreviated to amps. The physical relationship
between a current source and voltage variables around a network is given by Ohm’s law
as these voltage and current variables will have specified values.

It may be difficult to specify the magnitude and polarity of voltage of an ideal current
source as a function of the current especially if there are other voltage or current
sources in the connected circuit. Then we may know the current supplied by the current
source but not the voltage across it unless the power supplied by the current source is
given, as P = V*I.

However, if the current source is the only source within the circuit, then the polarity of
voltage across the source will be easier to establish. If however there is more than one
source, then the terminal voltage will be dependent upon the network in which the
source is connected.

Connecting Current Sources Together

Just like voltage sources, ideal current sources can also be connected together to
increase (or decrease) the available current. But there are rules on how two or more
independent current sources with different values can be connected, either in series or

Current Source in Parallel

Connecting two or more current sources in parallel is equivalent to one current source
whose total current output is given as the algebraic addition of the individual source
currents. Here in this example, two 5 amp current sources are combined to produce 10
amps as IT = I1 + I2.

Current sources of different values may be connected together in parallel. For example,
one of 5 amps and one of 3 amps would combined to give a single current source of 8

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amperes as the arrows representing the current source both point in the same direction.
Then as the two currents add together, their connection is said to be: parallel-aiding.

While not best practice for circuit analysis, parallel-opposing connections use current
sources that are connected in opposite directions to form a single current source whose
value is the algebraic subtraction of the individual sources.

Parallel Opposing Current Sources

Here, as the two current sources are connected in opposite directions (indicated by their
arrows), the two currents subtract from each other as the two provide a closed-loop path
for a circulating current. So for example, two current sources of 5 amps each would
result in zero output as 5A -5A = 0A. Likewise, if the two currents are of different values,
5A and 3A, then the output will be the subtracted value with the smaller current
subtracted from the larger current. Resulting in a I T of 5 - 3 = 2A.

We have seen that ideal current sources can be connected together in parallel to form
parallel-aiding or parallel-opposing current sources. What is not allowed or is not best
practice for circuit analysis, is connecting together ideal current sources in series

Current Sources in Series

Current sources are not allowed to be connected together in series, either of the same
value or ones with different values. Here in this example, two current sources of 5 amps
each are connected together in series, but what is the resulting current value. Is it equal
to one source of 5 amps, or is it equal to the addition of the two sources, that is 10
amps. Then series connected current sources add an unknown factor into circuit
analysis, which is not good.

Also, another reason why series connected sources are not allowed for circuit analysis
techniques is that they may not supply the same current in the same direction. Series-
aiding or series-opposing currents do not exist for ideal current sources.

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Current Source Example No1

Two current sources of 250 milli-amps and 150 milli-amps respectively are connected
together in a parallel-aiding configuration to supply a connected load of 20 ohms.
Calculate the voltage drop across the load and the power dissipated. Draw the circuit.

Then, IT = 0.4A or 400mA, VR = 8V, and PR = 3.2W

Practical Current Source

We have seen that an ideal constant current source can supply the same amount of
current indefinitely regardless of the voltage across its terminals, thus making it an
independent source. This therefore implies that the current source has an infinite
internal resistance, (R = ∞). This idea works well for circuit analysis techniques, but in
the real world current sources behave a little differently as practical current sources
always have an internal resistance, no matter how large (usually in the mega-ohms
range), causing the generated source to vary somewhat with the load.

A practical or non-ideal current source can be represented as an ideal source with an

internal resistance connected across it. The internal resistance (R P) produces the same
effect as a resistance connected in parallel (shunt) with the current source as shown.
Remember that circuit elements in parallel have exactly the same voltage drop across

Ideal and Practical Current Source

An ideal current source plots a horizontal line on the I-V characteristic as shown
previously above. However as practical current sources have an internal source
resistance, this takes some of the current so the characteristic of this practical source is
not flat and horizontal but will reduce as the current is now splitting into two parts, with
one part of the current flowing into the parallel resistance, R P and the other part of the
current flowing straight to the output terminals.

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Ohms law tells us that when a current, (i) flows through a resistance, (R) a voltage drop
is produce across the same resistance. The value of this voltage drop will be given as
i*RP. Then VOUT will be equal to the voltage drop across the resistor with no load
attached. We remember that for an ideal source current, R P is infinite as there is no
internal resistance, therefore the terminal voltage will be zero as there is no voltage

The sum of the current around the loop is: IOUT = IS - VS/RP. This equation can be plotted
to give the I-V characteristics of the output current. It is given as a straight line with a
slope –RP which intersects the vertical voltage axis at the same point as I S when the
source is ideal as shown.

Practical Current Source Characteristics

Therefore, all ideal current sources will have a straight line I-V characteristic but non-
ideal or real practical current sources will have an I-V characteristic that is slightly
angled down by an amount equal to VOUT/RP where RP is the internal source resistance.

Current Source Example No2

A practical current source consists of a 3A ideal current source which has an internal
resistance of 500 Ohms. With no-load attached, calculate the current sources open-
circuit terminal voltage and the no-load power absorbed by the internal resistor.

1. No-load values:

Then the open circuit voltage across the internal source resistance and terminals A and
B (VAB) is calculated at 1500 volts.

Dependent Current Source

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We now know that an ideal current source provides a specified amount of current
completely independent of the voltage across it and as such will produce whatever
voltage is necessary to maintain the required current. This then makes it completely
independent of the circuit to which it is connected to resulting in it being called an ideal
independent current source.

A controlled or dependent current source on the other hand changes its available
current depending upon the voltage across, or the current through, some other element
connected to the circuit. In other words, the output of a dependent current source is
controlled by another voltage or current.

Dependent current sources behave similar to the current sources we have looked at so
far, both ideal (independent) and practical. The difference this time is that a dependent
current source can be controlled by an input voltage or current. A current source that
depends on a voltage input is generally referred to as a Voltage Controlled Current
Source or VCCS. A current source that depends on a current input is generally referred
to as a Current Controlled Current Source or CCCS.

Generally, an ideal current dependent source, either voltage or current controlled is

designated by a diamond-shaped symbol where an arrow indicates the direction of the
current, i as shown.

Dependent Current Source Symbols

An ideal dependent voltage-controlled current source, VCCS, maintains an output

current, IOUT that is proportional to the controlling input voltage, V IN. In other words, the
output current “depends” on the value of input voltage making it a dependent current

Then the VCCS output current is defined by the following equation: I OUT = αVIN. This
multiplying constant α (alpha) has the SI units of mhos, ℧ (an inverted Ohms sign)
because α = IOUT/VIN, and its units will therefore be amperes/volt.

An ideal dependent current-controlled current source, CCCS, maintains an output

current that is proportional to a controlling input current. Then the output current
“depends” on the value of the input current, again making it a dependent current source.

As a controlling current, IIN determines the magnitude of the output current, I OUT times

the magnification constant β (beta), the output current for a CCCS element is
determined by the following equation: IOUT = βIIN. Note that the multiplying constant β is a
dimensionless scaling factor as β = IOUT/IIN, so therefore its units would be

Current Source Summary

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We have seen in this tutorial about Current Sources, that an ideal current source,
(R = ∞) is an active element that provides a constant current which is totally
independent of the voltage across it as a result of the load connected to it producing an
I-V characteristic represented by a straight line.

Ideal independent current sources can be connected together in parallel for circuit
analysis techniques as either parallel-aiding or parallel-opposing configurations, but
they can not be connected together in series. Also for solving circuit analysis and
theorems, current sources become open-circuited sources to make their current equal
to zero. Note also that current sources are capable of either delivering or absorbing

In the case of non-ideal or practical current sources, they can be modelled as an

equivalent ideal current source and an internal parallel (shunt) connected resistance
which is not infinite but of a value that is very high as R ≈ ∞ producing an I-V
characteristic which is not straight but slopes down as the load decreases.

We have also seen here that current sources can be dependent or independent. A
dependent source is one whose value depends on some other circuit variable. Voltage-
controlled current source, VCCS, and current-controlled current source, CCCS, are
types of dependent current sources.

Constant current sources with very high internal resistances find numerous applications
in electronic circuits and analysis and can be built using bipolar transistors, diodes,
zeners and FETs as well as a combination of these solid-state devices.

Learning Evidence 2 (Assessment Task 2): Quiz 1. (10 points )

1) A potential difference across 24 Ω resistor is 12 V. What is the a) current

through the resistor? b) power absorbed by the resistor? c) compute the
conductance of the circuit. (6 pts)

2) A homeowner consumes 700 kWh in August. Determine the electricity bill for the
month using the following residential rate schedule: ( 3 pts )

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Base monthly charge of P120.00.

First 100 kWh per month at P1.60 cents/kWh.
Next 200 kWh per month at P1.0 cents/kWh.
Over 300 kWh per month at P0.6 cents/kWh.

What is the average cost of your electricity bill for the month of august? ( 1 pt )

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