Iec 60502-1 Approved
Iec 60502-1 Approved
Iec 60502-1 Approved
R=Required by Lab
S=May be subcontracted
Clause Measurement/testing Testing / measuring equipment / material needed Subcontracting
16 Sample tests
16.6.1 Strip method Micrometer with a plane faces of 4mm to 8mm diameter and an R
accuracy ±0,01mm.
16.6.2 Ring method Micrometer having either one flat nose and one ball nose, or one flat R
nose and a flat rectangular nose 0,8mm wide and 2,4mm long with an
accuracy ±0,01mm.
16.7.1 Measurement on wires Micrometer having two flat noses to an accuracy of ±0,01mm. R
16.7.2 Measurement on tapes Micrometer having two flat noses of approximately 5mm in diameter R
to an accuracy of ±0,01mm.
16.8 Measurement of external diameter Micrometer, profile projector, measuring tape, a direct reading R
diameter tape or similar apparatus.
16.9 Hot set test for EPR, HEPR and XLPE Oven with natural air flow or air flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 R
insulations and elastomeric sheaths
completed air changes per hour; grips, weights, system for
measurement of the elongation.
17.1 Insulation resistance measurement at Water tank; thermometer; insulation resistance tester with DC source R
ambient temperature between 80 V and 500 V.
17.2 Insulation resistance measurement at Heated water tank, thermometer; insulation resistance tester with DC R
maximum conductor temperature source between 80 V and 500 V.
17.3 Voltage test for 4h High voltage power supply (AC 7200V); water tank. R
17.4 Impulse test for cables of rated voltage Current heating system; thermocouple; impulse voltage generator R
(peak value 40 kV).
18.3 Test for determining the mechanical Tensile machine and system for measurement of the elongation; R
properties of insulation before and after equipment for punching dumb-bell test pieces and equipment for
ageing cutting or grinding the insulation to obtain 2 parallel surfaces; Optical
measuring instrument / dial gauge; Oven with natural air flow or air
flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 completed air changes per hour.
18.4 Test for determining the mechanical Tensile machine and system for measurement of the elongation; R
properties of non-metallic sheaths before equipment for punching dumb-bell test pieces and equipment for
and after ageing cutting or grinding the insulation to obtain 2 parallel surfaces; Optical
measuring instrument / dial gauge; Oven with natural air flow or air
flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 completed air changes per hour.
18.5 Additional ageing test on pieces of Tensile machine and system for measurement of the elongation; R
completed cables equipment for punching dumb-bell test pieces and equipment for
cutting or grinding the insulation to obtain 2 parallel surfaces; Optical
measuring instrument / dial gauge; Oven with natural air flow or air
flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 completed air changes per hour.
18.6 Loss of mass test on PVC sheath of type Oven with natural air flow or air flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 R
completed air changes per hour; analytical balance with a sensitivity
of 0,1mg; punching dies for dumb-bell test pieces; desiccator with
silica gel or similar material.
18.7 Pressure test at high temperature on Indentation device consists of a rectangular blade with an edge R
insulation and non-metallic sheaths 0,7±0,01mm wide, loads (weights) and supports; air oven;
microscope or profile projector with two decimal places.
Bending test at low temperature Suitable low temperature cabinet; cold bend test apparatus consisting R
essentially of a revolving mandrel and guiding devices for the test
pieces; mandrels with different diameters.
Elongation test at low temperature Tensile machine with a cooling device or tensile machine installed in a R
cooling chamber; system for measurement of the elongation;
equipment for cutting or grinding the sample and equipment for
punching dumb-bell test pieces.
Impact test at low temperature Impact test apparatus; pad of sponge rubber about 40mm; suitable R
low temperature cabinet; hammers; caliper for measurement of the
height of fall hammer.
18.9 Test for resistance of PVC insulation and Mandrel with different diameters; air oven R
sheaths to cracking (heat shock test)
18.10 Ozone resistance test for EPR and HEPR Device for generating a controlled amount of ozone; a means for S
insulations circulating ozonized air under controlled conditions of humility and
temperature through a chamber containing the test pieces to be
tested; a means for determination of ozone concentration; suitable
device for the clamping and elongation of test pieces; cylindrical
mandrels consisting of wood or metal; desiccator filled with silica gel
or equivalent material; accurate laboratory balance reading to 0,1mg.
18.11 Hot set test for EPR, HEPR and XLPE Oven with natural air flow or air flow by pressure, airflow rate: 8~20 R
insulations and elastomeric sheaths
completed air changes per hour; grips, weights; system for
measurement of the elongation.
18.12 Oil immersion test for elastomeric sheaths Tensile machine and system for measurement of the elongation; R
equipment for punching dumb-bell test pieces equipment for cutting or
grinding the insulation to obtain 2 parallel surfaces; Oil no. 2 (IRM
902); heated oil bath.
a) Electrical test: AC and d.c. voltage sources; voltmeter; water bath
Water absorption test on insulation R
with heating equipment.
b) Gravimetric water absorption test: filter paper; air oven or
low-pressure oven; a desiccator filled with silica gel or equivalent
material; analytical balance with a sensitivity of 0,1mg; test mandrel
with different diameter; glass vessel; preboiled distilled or deionized
water; vacuum (residual pressure close to 1 mbar); glass tube with
condenser or beaker covered with glass lid.
18.14.1 Flame spread test on single cables Propane gas burner: 1 kW pre-mixed flame including system of R
confirmation of test flame;3-sided metallic screen 1200 mm high, 300
mm wide and 450 mm deep with open front and closed top and
bottom; suitable timer; vernier caliper with an accuracy of
1mm;propane gas with prescribed purity.
18.14.2 Flame spread test on bunched cables Vertical test chamber with width 1000mm,depth 2000mm height S
4000mm; ladder; smoke cleaning attachment; one ribbon-type
propane gas burner fitted with an accurate means of controlling the
fuel and air input flow rates; suitable timer; graduate metal scale for
measurement of the burning length.
18.14.3 Smoke emission test Test enclosure with inside dimension of 3000mm and constructed of a S
suitable material fixed on to a steel angle frame and one side shall
have a door with a glass inspection window and the other two
opposite sides shall have transparent sealed windows; photometric
system ( light source: halogen lamp with a tungsten filament with a
clear quartz bulb; and receiver); standard fire source: 1,00litre±
0,01litre of alcohol; metal tray with bottom base 210mmx110mm,top
base 240mmx140mm,height 80mm,thickness 1,0mm; draught
screen; table-type fan with flow from 7 to 15m3/min;suitable timer.
18.14.4 Acid gas emission test Tube furnace; fireproof tube made of silica; suitable thermocouple for S
temperature’s control; combustion boats; two wash bottles containing
at least 220ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide for absorption of the gases ;
air supply system; synthetic air or compressed air or ambient air.
18.14.5 pH and conductivity test Tube furnace; fireproof tube made of silica; suitable thermocouple for S
temperature’s control; combustion boats; two wash bottles containing
distilled or demineralized water; air supply system; synthetic air or
compressed air or ambient air; measuring instruments (analytical
balance of an accuracy of ±0,1mg; pH meter to an accuracy of ±0.02,
equipped with a suitable pH electrode; conductivity measuring device
with a range of 10-2μ s/mm and a suitable electrode; timer)
Oxygen flask; pipettes; volumetric flasks; fluoride ion electrode with
Fluorine content test S
suitable millivolt (method A); visible spectrophotometer ( method B);
a) Method A: electrode filling solution – buffer solution as
recommended by electrode manufacturer.
b) Method B: alizarin fluorine blue reagent – dissolve 2,5 g alizarin
fluorine blue complex in 15ml 2–propanol plus 35 ml water. Filter
before use.
c) Standard fluoride solution prepared from sodium fluoride.
d) Dodecanol.
e) 0,5 M sodium hydroxide solution.
18.14.7 Toxicity test under consideration
18.15 Measurement of carbon black content of Device consists of furnace, combustion boat about 75mm long, hard S
black PE oversheaths glass/silica / porcelain combustion tube with bore approximately
30mm and length 400±50mm, stopper carrying a thermometer and
tube; desiccator; analytical balance with a sensitivity of 0,1mg;
Nitrogen; air or oxygen. Thermogravimetric analysis as an alternative
test method.
18.16 Shrinkage test for XLPE insulation Vernier caliper; air oven; support or talc bath. R
18.17 Special bending test Test cylinder with different diameter; air oven; AC voltage source R
18.18 Determination of hardness of HEPR Test instrument for measuring hardness; Groove or metal jig; R
insulation V-blocks.
18.19 Determination of the elastic modulus of Tensile machine; equipment for punching dumb-bell test pieces and R
HEPR insulation equipment for cutting or grinding the insulation to obtain 2 parallel
surfaces; optical measuring instrument / dial gauge.
18.20 Shrinkage test for PE oversheaths Vernier caliper; air oven; support or talc bath. R
18.22 Water absorption test for halogen free Filter paper; air oven or low-pressure oven; a desiccator filled with R
oversheaths silica gel or equivalent material; analytical balance with a sensitivity of
0,1mg; test mandrel with different diameter; glass vessel; preboiled
distilled or deionized water; vacuum (residual pressure close to 1
mbar); glass tube with condenser or beaker covered with glass lid.
Note: The presence of equipment alone does not indicate a satisfactory situation. Assessors must evaluate the equipment design, calibration,
uncertainty and documentation to ensure compliance with the directions of the standard. The requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 regarding
validation are applicable, as the tests of this standard are not standardised tests.