Old-School Essentials - Classic Fantasy Treasures v0.5 PDF
Old-School Essentials - Classic Fantasy Treasures v0.5 PDF
Old-School Essentials - Classic Fantasy Treasures v0.5 PDF
Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. This product is released under the terms of
2 the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dwarf-forged helms and breastplates
gleaming among the rusted remnants of
ancient armouries.
Spheres of purest crystal swirling with
dark mists ready to coalesce into visions
of places far distant at the touch of one
versed in the arcane arts.
Alchemical brews—fizzing and frothing,
swirling with rainbow hues, or flashing
with unnatural radiance—their odd
properties only revealed to one who dares
take a sip.
Rune-engraved rings of brass, silver, or Heritage
mithral, which grant powers to bend the The material presented in this book rep-
will of others, to disappear from sight, or resents a 100% faithful restatement of
to deflect baleful magic. the magic items from the classic Basic/
Swords of opalescent star-metal, imbued Expert game.
with a strange sentience that may threat-
Required Books
en to overwhelm the mind of one who
dares to wield their power.
Wands and staves charged with arcane
energies, ready to unleash fire, ice, or Core Rules: The basic rules for magic
lightning at the command of one worthy items of each type are found in Old-
of their power. School Essentials Core Rules.
These are the wondrous treasures of the Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User
classic fantasy genre, lurking in tombs Spells: Some magic items in this book re-
and hoards to entice player characters of fer to spells which are described in Classic
all experience levels! Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells.
Classic Fantasy: Monsters: Some magic
items in this book refer to monsters which
are described in Classic Fantasy: Monsters.
Armour and Shields
Magic Armour and Shields Type of Armour
B: d4 X: d% Item The referee may choose the type of ar-
1 1–15 Armour +1 mour in a treasure hoard, or may roll on
2 16–25 Armour +1, Shield +1 the following table:
26–27 Armour +1, Shield +2
28 Armour +1, Shield +3
Type of Magic Armour
29–33 Armour +2 d8 Type of Armour
34–36 Armour +2, Shield +1 1–2 Leather
37–41 Armour +2, Shield +2 3–6 Chainmail
42 Armour +2, Shield +3 7–8 Plate mail
43–45 Armour +3
46 Armour +3, Shield +1
47 Armour +3, Shield +2
48 Armour +3, Shield +3
49–51 Cursed Armour –1
52–53 Cursed Armour –2
54 Cursed Armour –2,
Shield +1
3 55–56 Cursed Armour,
AC 9 [10]
57–62 Cursed Shield –2
63–65 Cursed Shield,
AC 9 [10]
4 66–85 Shield +1
86–95 Shield +2
96–00 Shield +3
Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous Magic Items
B: d10 X: d% Item
1–3 Amulet of Protection Against Scrying
1 4–5 Bag of Devouring
2 6–11 Bag of Holding
12–16 Boots of Levitation
17–21 Boots of Speed
22–26 Boots of Travelling and Leaping
3 27–31 Broom of Flying
4 32–35 Crystal Ball
36–37 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience
38 Crystal Ball with ESP
39–40 Displacer Cloak
41 Drums of Panic
42 Efreeti Bottle
43 Elemental Summoning Device: Air
44 Elemental Summoning Device: Earth
45 Elemental Summoning Device: Fire
46 Elemental Summoning Device: Water
5 47–56 Elven Cloak and Boots
57 Flying Carpet
6 58–64 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
65–66 Girdle of Giant Strength
7 67–77 Helm of Alignment Changing
78–82 Helm of Reading Languages and Magic
8 83 Helm of Telepathy
84 Helm of Teleportation
85 Horn of Blasting
9 86–90 Medallion of ESP 30’
91–93 Medallion of ESP 90’
94–94 Mirror of Life Trapping
10 95–97 Rope of Climbing
98–00 Scarab of Protection
B: Basic characters (levels 1–3)
6 X: Expert characters (level 4+)
Boots of Levitation
The wearer is able to move up and down
through the air at will.
▶▶ Vertical: The caster mentally directs
vertical movement at up to 20’ per round.
▶▶ Horizontal: The caster can push
against solid objects to move laterally.
▶▶ Weight: A normal amount of weight
can be carried while levitating.
▶▶ Usage: The enchantment may be used
without limit of frequency or duration.
Boots of Speed
The wearer is able to move at up to 240’
Amulet of Protection Against (80’)—the speed of a riding horse.
Scrying ▶▶ Duration: This can be maintained for
An amulet that provides protection from up to 12 hours.
remote viewing and mind-reading. ▶▶ Rest: Afterwards, the wearer must rest
▶▶ Crystal balls: The person wearing this for 1 day.
amulet cannot be viewed in a crystal ball.
▶▶ ESP: The wearer is immune to all
Boots of Travelling and Leaping
forms of ESP. The wearer is able to travel without tiring
and leap great distances.
Bag of Devouring ▶▶ Tirelessness: The normal need for rest
A normal-looking, small sack that de- when travelling may be ignored (see Wil-
vours objects placed inside it. derness Adventuring in Core Rules).
▶▶ Objects: Anything placed inside the ▶▶ Jumping: The wearer can leap up to
bag vanishes from existence after 1d6+6 10’ high and 30’ horizontally.
▶▶ Living creatures: May be affected, but
Broom of Flying
only if the entire creature fits inside the A broom that can be commanded to fly,
bag. carrying the owner aloft.
▶▶ Speed: The broom flies at 240’ (80’).
Bag of Holding ▶▶ Passengers: An additional passenger
A normal-looking small sack that can may be carried. When carrying two peo-
magically hold large objects and weights. ple, the broom’s speed is 180’ (60’).
▶▶ Size: Objects of up to 10’×5’×3’ can fit
inside the bag.
▶▶ Weight: Up to 10,000 coins of weight
can be placed in the bag.
▶▶ When full: The bag weighs 600 coins.
Displacer Cloak
A cloak that bends light, making one who
wears it appear to be 5’ away from their
true location.
▶▶ Save bonus: The wearer gains a +2 bo-
nus to saving throws against petrification,
rods, spells, staves, and wands.
▶▶ Melee attacks: Against the wearer are
penalised by –2.
Crystal Ball
Allows an arcane spell caster to view any Drums of Panic
place or object that is brought to mind: Large war drums that induce panic in
▶▶ Duration: The vision lasts for one turn. those who hear their sound.
▶▶ Clarity: The clarity of the vision is ▶▶ Range: Creatures up to 240’ away,
dependant on the scryer’s familiarity with are affected, when the drums are played.
the subject. Those within 10’ of the drums are not
▶▶ Usage frequency: A crystal ball may affected.
be used at most 3 times a day. ▶▶ Affected creatures: Are afflicted by
▶▶ Casting spells: It is not possible to the drums’ enchantment of fear: they
cast spells through a crystal ball into the must save versus spells or make a morale
viewed scene. check with a –2 penalty (if the optional
morale rules are being used—see Morale
Crystal Ball With Clairaudience in Core Rules).
The scryer can hear, as well as see, the
▶▶ Effects: Creatures that fail the saving
desired scene.
throw or morale check flee from the
Crystal Ball With ESP sound of the drums at full running speed
Allows the scryer to spy on the thoughts for 30 rounds.
of creatures viewed in the crystal ball:
▶▶ Reading thoughts: The thoughts of a
Efreeti Bottle
single creature viewed through the crystal A 3’ tall, weighty jug with a sealed stop-
ball may be read. per. Breaking the seal and removing the
▶▶ Meaning: The scryer understands the stopper releases a trapped efreeti (see
meaning of all thoughts even if they do Classic Fantasy: Monsters), who will serve
not share the creature’s language. the character.
▶▶ Obstructions: The ability to perceive ▶▶ Frequency of service: The efreeti will
thoughts is obstructed by a thin layer of serve the one who freed it (and only that
lead or by rock of 2’ thick or greater. character) once per day.
▶▶ Duration: After 101 days, its service
ends. The creature then returns to its
home—the legendary City of Brass.
▶▶ If the efreeti is killed: Its service ends.
Elemental Summoning Device Flying Carpet
Ritual items enchanted with the power An enchanted carpet that can fly through
to summon beings from the elemental the air, carrying up to three passengers
planes. Each elemental plane has a differ- (and their gear). The movement rate de-
ent type of device: pends on the number of passengers:
▶▶ Air: A censer. ▶▶ 1 passenger: 300’ (100’).
▶▶ Earth: A 6” diameter stone. ▶▶ 2 passengers: 240’ (80’).
▶▶ Fire: A brazier. ▶▶ 3 passengers: 180’ (60’).
▶▶ Water: A 3’ diameter bowl.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Usage: The items may be used as follows:
A character who wears these gauntlets
▶▶ Frequency: The summoning power
has a Strength score of 18. This grants all
may only be used once per day.
the usual bonuses, including:
▶▶ Before use: The device must be pre-
▶▶ Melee attacks: +3 bonus to attack and
pared. This takes one turn.
damage rolls, in melee.
▶▶ Activation: Once prepared, activating
▶▶ Unarmed attacks: Deal 1d2+3 damage.
the device takes one round.
▶▶ Summoned elemental: A 12 HD ele- Encumbrance: If using the optional rules
mental (see Classic Fantasy: Monsters) is for detailed encumbrance (see Time,
conjured to do the summoner’s bidding. Weight, Movement in Core Rules):
▶▶ Command over the elemental: Works ▶▶ Extra weight: The character’s ability to
as described in the magic-user spell con- carry weight is increased by 1,000 coins.
jure elemental (see Classic Fantasy: Cleric (i.e. the character can carry 1,400 coins
and Magic-User Spells). without becoming encumbered.)
Helm of Alignment Changing Helm of Teleportation
A beautifully crafted but cursed helmet. A magical helm that gives an arcane spell
▶▶ Putting on the helmet: Instantly caus- caster the ability to cast the teleport spell
es the wearer’s alignment to change. The (see Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-Us-
new alignment is determined at random. er Spells).
▶▶ Removing: The curse is such that ▶▶ Subject: The wearer may teleport
the wearer cannot remove the helmet, themselves, another creature, or an
once in place, and will resist attempts to object.
remove it. ▶▶ Resisting: If used on another creature
▶▶ Dispelling: The curse can be removed or object, a save versus spells is allowed
by magic (e.g. remove curse), or (at the to resist being teleported.
referee’s option) by performing a special ▶▶ When first found: The helm’s power is
quest. usable only once.
▶▶ Recharging: To be used again, a tele-
Helm of Reading Languages and port spell must be cast upon the helm.
Magic ▶▶ Once recharged: The wearer may
use the helm an unlimited number of
A fragile helmet that grants the wearer
times (at most once per round). If the
the ability to read writing of all kinds.
helm is used on an unwilling subject, it
▶▶ Normal text: Text in any language can once again loses its power and must be
be understood. recharged, as above, to be used again.
▶▶ Magical text: Even magical writing is
comprehensible. (This does not grant the Horn of Blasting
ability to cast spells, however.)
A horn that can be blown to release a
▶▶ Fragility: Each time the wearer is hit, blast of destructive noise.
there is a 1-in-10 chance of the helm be-
▶▶ Creatures: Within a 100’ long cone
ing destroyed. If the wearer is killed, the
(20’ wide at the end) suffer 2d6 damage.
helm is destroyed.
▶▶ Deafness: Affected creatures are also
Helm of Telepathy deafened for one turn (save versus spells
to avoid).
A beautifully crafted helmet that grants
▶▶ Buildings: At the referee’s discretion,
the magical ability of telepathy: reading
the horn may also be able to damage
and sending thoughts.
objects and buildings (e.g. a single blast
▶▶ Range: The range of the power is 90’. might be enough to destroy a simple
▶▶ Concentration: To read a creature’s cottage; a 10’ section of castle wall might
thoughts, the wearer must remain still require three blasts).
and concentrate on that creature. ▶▶ Frequency: The horn may be used
▶▶ Comprehension: The creature’s once per turn.
thoughts are made comprehensible to the
wearer of the helm.
▶▶ Bidirectional communication: The
wearer may initiate bidirectional, tele-
pathic communication, though the crea-
ture is not compelled to respond.
Medallion of ESP 30’ Rope of Climbing
A medallion on a chain, enchanted with A coil of thin, strong rope, 50’ in length.
the power of reading thoughts. ▶▶ Commanding: The owner may com-
▶▶ Focus: By concentrating for 1 round, mand it to climb in any direction.
the wearer may target a creature within ▶▶ Attaching: The rope can also be com-
30’. manded to attach to a surface.
▶▶ Resisting: At the referee’s option, the ▶▶ Load: Up to 10,000 coins of weight can
target may save versus spells to resist. be suspended from the rope.
▶▶ Concentration: While reading
thoughts, the wearer may move, but can- Scarab of Protection
not cast spells or attack. Protects the bearer from baleful magic.
▶▶ Misfires: The medallion is not entirely
▶▶ Curses: Of all kinds are nullified.
reliable. Per usage, there is a 1-in-6
chance of it misfiring, instead sending the ▶▶ Finger of death: (see Classic Fantasy:
wearer’s thoughts to all within 30’. Cleric and Magic-User Spells) is nullified.
▶▶ Charges: The scarab’s enchantment
Medallion of ESP 90’ works 2d6 times before it is spent.
A medallion on a chain, enchanted with
the power of reading thoughts. This
works in the same way as the magic-user
spell ESP (see Classic Fantasy: Cleric and
Magic-User Spells).
F5.1: W 307m
mm H 220mm
B: d8 X: d% Potion
1–3 Clairaudience
4–7 Clairvoyance
8–10 Control Animal
11–13 Control Dragon
14–16 Control Giant
17–19 Control Human
20–22 Control Plant
23–25 Control Undead
26–32 Delusion
1 33–35 Diminution
2 36–39 ESP
40–43 Fire Resistance
44–47 Flying
3 48–51 Gaseous Form
52–55 Giant Strength
4 56–59 Growth
5 60–63 Healing
64–68 Heroism
6 69–72 Invisibility Potion of Clairaudience
73–76 Invulnerability
Enables the character to hear through the
7 77–80 Levitation
ears of another creature.
81–84 Longevity
▶▶ Range: The other creature must be
8 85–86 Poison
within 60’.
87–89 Polymorph Self
▶▶ Obstructions: Lead blocks the effect.
90–97 Speed
98–00 Treasure Finding Potion of Clairvoyance
B: Basic characters (levels 1–3) Enables the character to see through the
X: Expert characters (level 4+) eyes of another creature.
▶▶ Range: The other creature must be
within 60’.
▶▶ Obstructions: Lead blocks the effect.
Potion of Control Control Plant
▶▶ Affects: All plants (including plant
A potion of this type allows the one who monsters) in a 30’ square area up to 60’
drinks it to control the actions of crea- distant.
tures of a certain type. ▶▶ Commands: Affected plants may be
▶▶ Concentration: Exercising control commanded to move around as the char-
requires concentration. acter wishes, and may be used to entangle
▶▶ Visual range: The character can only creatures in the area.
control creatures that they can see.
Control Undead
▶▶ Suicidal commands: Controlled ▶▶ Affects: Up to 3d6 Hit Dice of undead.
creatures will resist commands that are
▶▶ When the potion’s effect ends: Affect-
deadly to themselves.
ed undead have a hostile reaction.
Control Animal
▶▶ Affects: Up to 3d6 Hit Dice of normal Potion of Delusion
or giant (but not magical) animals. A character who drinks this potion
▶▶ When the potion’s effect ends: Affect- believes they are under the effects of
ed animals will move away. another type of potion.
Control Dragon ▶▶ Type: The other type of potion should
▶▶ Affects: 1–3 dragons of a specific type. be determined by the referee.
(The referee should determine which type ▶▶ Describing: The referee should try to
of dragon the potion affects.) trick the player into believing that the
▶▶ Spell casting: It is not possible to com- character is under the effects of the other
mand a dragon to cast spells. potion, only revealing the truth at some
▶▶ When the potion’s effect ends: Affect- vital juncture.
ed dragons have a hostile reaction.
Potion of Diminution
Control Giant
▶▶ Affects: 1–4 giants of a specific type. The character shrinks to 6” high.
(The referee should determine which type ▶▶ Combat effectiveness: While shrunk,
of giant the potion affects.) the character is unable to harm creatures
larger than 1’ tall.
Control Human
▶▶ Narrow spaces: The character can slip
▶▶ Usage: A charm may be placed upon
through narrow spaces.
a human within 60’. One target may be
charmed per round. ▶▶ Remaining motionless: The character
only has a 10% chance of being spotted.
▶▶ Resisting: The subject may save versus
spells to resist the charm. Potion of ESP
▶▶ Maximum subjects: Up to 6 Hit Dice
of humans may be charmed in this way. Grants the power of reading thoughts.
Normal humans count as ½ HD. This works in the same way as the mag-
ic-user spell ESP (see Classic Fantasy:
▶▶ Charmed individuals: Regard the
Cleric and Magic-User Spells). The stand-
character as a trusted friend, and will
ard potion duration applies.
come to their defence. Subjects will obey
the character’s commands, as long as
these are not obviously harmful and do
not contradict the subject’s alignment. 15
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Growth
Grants protection against fire: The character doubles in size.
▶▶ Normal heat: Unharmed by non-mag- ▶▶ Melee attacks: The character’s in-
ical heat or fire. creased strength means that their melee
▶▶ Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all attacks deal double damage.
saving throws versus fire-based magical
or breath attacks. Potion of Healing
▶▶ Fire-based damage: Is reduced by 1 Has one of two effects on the character
point per damage die rolled. (Each die in- who drinks it:
flicts a minimum of 1 hit point damage.) 1. Healing a living subject: Restores
1d6+1 hit points of damage. This
Potion of Flying cannot grant more hit points than the
Grants the ability to fly through the air. subject’s normal maximum.
▶▶ Movement rate: Up to 360’ (120’). 2. Curing paralysis: Paralysing effects
are negated.
▶▶ Free movement: Is possible in any
direction, including the ability to levitate Potion of Heroism
and to hover in mid-air.
Normal humans and characters of a
Potion of Gaseous Form combat-focused, non-magic using class
(e.g. dwarf, fighter, halfling) who drink
The character’s body becomes a cloud of a potion of heroism temporarily gain
vapour. This has the following effects: additional levels. The number of levels
▶▶ Equipment and clothing: Drops to gained depends on the character’s normal
the floor. experience level:
▶▶ Movement: The character may move, ▶▶ Normal human: Gain the abilities of a
as a cloud of gas, through small cracks in 4th level fighter.
stone walls, wooden objects, etc. ▶▶ 1st–3rd level: Gain 3 levels.
▶▶ Attacking: Is not possible, while in ▶▶ 4th–7th level: Gain 2 levels.
gaseous form.
▶▶ 8th–10th level: Gain 1 level.
▶▶ Invulnerability: The character’s AC
▶▶ 11th level+: No effect.
is –2 [21]. Non-magical weapons cannot
harm the character. Effects: All abilities of the additional lev-
els are gained, including extra hit points.
Potion of Giant Strength
Damage: Damage suffered while under
Grants the strength of a frost giant. the effects of this potion is first deducted
▶▶ Attacks with weapons: Inflict double from the pool of additional hit points
damage. granted.
▶▶ Throw boulders: The character may
throw boulders for 3d6 damage, with a
range of up to 200’.
▶▶ Non-cumulative: The effects of this
potion are not cumulative with other
magic items that augment strength
(e.g. a girdle of giant strength).
Potion of Invisibility
Drinking this potion, the character
becomes invisible. This works the same as
the magic-user spell invisibility (see Clas-
sic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells).
The standard potion duration applies.
▶▶ Small doses: At the referee’s dis-
cretion, a potion of invisibility may be
consumed in six smaller doses, each with
a reduced duration.
Ring of Regeneration
The wearer heals at an accelerated rate.
▶▶ Rate: The wearer regains 1 hit point
per round.
▶▶ Severed limbs: Will also regrow. The
rate depends on the size of the limb (e.g.
a finger may regrow in one day, while a
whole limb may take a week).
▶▶ Fire or acid damage: Cannot be
▶▶ Death: The ring does not function if
the wearer is reduced to 0 or less
20 hit points.
CFT09: W 125mm H 62mm
Unless noted in an item’s description,
rods, staves, and wands contain the fol-
lowing number of charges when found:
▶▶ Rods: 1d10 charges.
▶▶ Staves: 3d10 charges.
▶▶ Wands: 2d10 charges.
Rod of Cancellation Commanding Humans
▶▶ Usage: A charm may be placed upon
Drains the enchantment from a magic a human within 60’. One target may be
item that is touched. charmed per round.
▶▶ In combat: Usage requires an attack ▶▶ Resisting: The subject may save versus
roll against AC 9 [10] (adjusted by the spells (with a –2 penalty) to resist.
referee, if the target item is being actively ▶▶ Maximum subjects: Up to 6 Hit Dice
used). of humans may be charmed in this way.
▶▶ Effect: The item that is touched be- Normal humans count as ½ HD.
comes utterly non-magical. ▶▶ Charmed individuals: Regard the
▶▶ One use only: The rod may only be character as a trusted friend, and will
used once: it has but a single charge. come to their defence. Subjects will obey
the character’s commands, as long as
these are not obviously harmful and do
not contradict the subject’s alignment.
▶▶ Duration: The charm lasts indefinitely,
but ends if cancelled by the wielder of the
staff, or when dispelled.
Commanding Plants
▶▶ Affects: All plants (including plant
monsters) in a 10’ square area.
▶▶ Range: The area may be up to 60’
▶▶ Commands: Affected plants may be
commanded to move around as the char-
Staff of Commanding acter wishes.
Grants the power to control animals, ▶▶ Concentration: The effect lasts as long
humans, and plants. as the wielder of the staff concentrates.
Staff of Striking
Used as a magical melee weapon.
▶▶ Expending one charge: Inflicts 2d6
damage on a successful hit.
▶▶ Usage frequency: Only one charge
may be spent per strike.
Staff of Wizardry
An item of supreme wizardly power, this
staff may be used as a weapon in melee,
and may evoke a dozen different magical
▶▶ Arcane magic: Usable by arcane spell
casters only.
▶▶ In melee: Treated as a staff with a +1
magic bonus to attack and damage rolls.
▶▶ Striking: Expending one charge, in-
flicts 2d6 damage on a successful hit.
▶▶ Cone of cold: Conjures a cone of
freezing energy, 60’ long and 30’ wide at
the far end. Creatures caught in the cone
suffer 8d6 damage, with a successful save
versus spells indicating half damage.
Staff of Withering ▶▶ Paralysation: Conjures a cone of mag-
ical energy, 60’ long and 30’ wide at the
Creatures hit by the staff are magically far end. Creatures caught in the cone are
aged: paralysed for 6 turns (save versus spells
▶▶ Divine magic: Usable by divine spell to avoid).
casters only. ▶▶ Spells: Can cast: conjure elemental
▶▶ Effect: The target is aged 10 years. (8 HD), continual light, fire ball (8d6
Living creatures die upon reaching their damage), invisibility, lightning bolt (8d6
natural life span. damage), pass-wall, telekinesis (up to
▶▶ Especially long-lived species: Ignore 2,400 coins of weight), web. (See Classic
the effects of a certain amount of ageing. Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells.)
(For example, elves may ignore up to 200 ▶▶ Whirlwind: Conjures a whirlwind
years of ageing, dwarves ignore up to 50 70’ tall, 20’ wide at the top, and 10’ wide
years, and so on.) at the base. The whirlwind lasts for 3
▶▶ Undead creatures: Are unaffected by rounds, and moves at 120’ (40’), as the
the power of this staff. wielder of the staff directs. All in its path
suffer 2d6 damage. Creatures with less
than 2HD are swept aside (save versus
death to avoid).
Staves in Melee ▶▶ Sacrifice: The wielder may sacrifice
Although magic-users are generally the staff by breaking it in two. Doing so
only allowed to use daggers in combat, unleashes a 30’ radius fireball that inflicts
they are able to use the staff of power, 8 points of damage per remaining charge
staff of striking, and staff of wizardry in in the staff. The wielder of the staff also
melee. suffers this damage.
Wand of Cold
Conjures a cone of freezing energy.
▶▶ Area: The cone is 60’ long and 30’
wide at the far end.
▶▶ Creatures caught in the cone: Suffer
6d6 damage, with a successful save ver-
sus wands indicating half damage.
Wand of Fear
Conjures a cone of magical energy that
terrifies those within it.
▶▶ Area: The cone is 60’ long and 30’
wide at the far end.
▶▶ Creatures in the cone: Are struck
with terror, and will flee from the wielder
of the wand at maximum speed for 30
rounds. (A save versus wands negates the
Spell Scroll
See Scrolls and Maps in Core Rules.
Treasure Map
See Scrolls and Maps in Core Rules.
Magic Swords
B: d8 X: d% Sword
1 1–2 Sword –1, Cursed
3–4 Sword –2, Cursed
2 5–44 Sword +1
3 45–50 Sword +1, +2 vs Lycanthropes
4 51–56 Sword +1, +2 vs Spell Users
5 57–61 Sword +1, +3 vs Dragons
62–66 Sword +1, +3 vs Enchanted Creatures
67–71 Sword +1, +3 vs Regenerating Creatures
6 72–76 Sword +1, +3 vs Undead
77 Sword +1, Energy Drain
78–81 Sword +1, Flaming
7 82–89 Sword +1, Light
90–92 Sword +1, Locate Objects
93 Sword +1, Wishes
8 94–96 Sword +2
97–98 Sword +2, Charm Person
99–00 Sword +3
Magic Weapons CFT17: W 184mm H 146m
B: d4 X: d% Weapon
1–2 Arrows +1 (3d10 arrows)
1 3–12 Arrows +1 (Basic: 10; Expert: 2d6 arrows)
13–18 Arrows +2 (1d6 arrows)
2 19–27 Axe +1
28–30 Axe +2
31–33 Bow +1
34–43 Crossbow Bolts +1 (2d6 bolts)
44–45 Crossbow Bolts +1 (3d10 bolts)
46–52 Crossbow Bolts +2 (1d6 bolts)
3 53–55 Dagger +1
56 Dagger +2, +3 vs orcs, goblins, and kobolds
4 57–64 Mace +1
65–67 Mace +2
68 Mace +3
69–74 Sling +1
75–82 Spear +1
83–86 Spear +2
87 Spear +3
88–94 War Hammer +1
95–99 War Hammer +2
00 War Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower
Sentient Swords
If a magic sword possesses sentience (see Sentient Sword Communication
Swords, p34 for the likelihood), the
procedure on this page may be used to INT Reading Communication
determine its powers. (Alternatively, the 7 No Empathy
referee may select its qualities as desired.) 8 No Empathy
9 No Empathy
Rolling a Sentient Sword 10 No Speech
1. Special purpose: If the sword has a 11 Yes Speech
special purpose, see Special Purpose, 12 Yes Speech
p43 to determine what it is.
2. Intelligence and personality: The Sentient Sword Languages
sword’s INT is 1d6+6. (Swords imbued
with a special purpose always have INT
d100 Languages
12.) The sword has its own personality 01–50 Alignment tongue + 1
and should be played as an NPC. 51–70 Alignment tongue + 2
3. Communication: The sword’s INT 71–85 Alignment tongue + 3
determines the means by which it can 86–95 Alignment tongue + 4
communicate. See the table to the right. 96–99 Alignment tongue + 5
a. Empathy: The sword cannot com- 00 Roll twice again, adding results
municate directly, but empathically
informs the wielder of its powers Sentient Sword Powers
and how to use them.
b. Speech: The sword speaks out loud. INT Powers
The number of languages it knows 7 1 sensory power
is indicated by rolling on the lan- 8 2 sensory powers
guages table, to the right. Languag- 9 3 sensory powers
es should be selected by the referee. 10 3 sensory powers
c. Reading: The sword can read all
11 3 sensory powers
languages it can speak, as well as
magical inscriptions. 12 3 sensory + 1 extraordinary
4. Alignment: See the table to the right.
5. Powers: The sword’s INT determines
Sentient Sword Alignment
the number of powers it has. See the d20 Alignment
table to the right. Powers are described 1–13 Lawful
in the following pages. 14–18 Neutral
6. Ego: Sentient swords have an Ego 19–20 Chaotic
rating—a measure of their force of
personality. This is rolled on 1d12.
Swords imbued with a special pur-
38 pose always have an Ego of 12.
Using a Sentient Sword Control Checks
When one of the aforementioned cir-
Sentient swords grant the wielder special cumstances occurs, a control check is
powers beyond those of a normal magic required:
sword, but using one also carries risks.
1. Determine the sword’s Will score:
Activating Powers a. The sum of its INT and Ego.
▶▶ In hand: To use a power, the sword b. Plus one for each extraordinary
must be in the wielder’s hand. power the sword has.
▶▶ Concentration: The wielder must c. Plus 1d10, if the sword and the
concentrate to activate a power. wielder of are different alignments.
2. Determine the wielder’s Will score:
Alignment a. The sum of STR and WIS scores.
The alignment of the sword can only b. If the character has less than full hit
be determined by touching it. Doing so points, Will is reduced by 1d4 (or
may incur damage, if the character is of a 2d4, if the character has less than
different alignment to the sword: half hit points).
▶▶ Lawful swords: Inflict 1d6 damage per 3. Compare the Will scores. If the
round to neutral characters, and 2d6 per sword’s Will score is higher, it takes
round to chaotic characters. control of the character’s actions.
▶▶ Neutral swords: Inflict 1d6 damage When the Sword Takes Control
per round to non-neutral characters. The referee determines the behaviour of
▶▶ Chaotic swords: Inflict 1d6 damage the character, via the sword, for example:
per round to neutral characters, and 2d6 ▶▶ Jealousy: Discarding other weapons,
per round to lawful characters. or ignoring newly discovered magic
Control ▶▶ Glory: Charging into battle, to gain
A sentient sword has its own personality, glory for the sword.
and can, at times, attempt to exercise ▶▶ Surrender: To a foe whom the sword
control over the person who wields it. A deems either more worthy of possessing
control check (see below) is triggered in it or more susceptible to being controlled.
any of the following circumstances: ▶▶ Indulgence: Making lavish expendi-
▶▶ First contact: Upon the character first tures for the sword. Purchasing expen-
touching the sword. sive sheaths, having jewels fitted, having
▶▶ Wounded: When the character is enchantments and wards applied, etc. The
reduced to half hit points or less. sword may force the character to spend
most of their money on such things!
▶▶ Jealousy: When another magic weap-
on comes into the character’s possession. When Control Ends
▶▶ Alignment difference: Upon every Once in control, the sword will only
use, if the sword and the character are of release the character when the circum-
different alignments. stance that triggered the control check
▶▶ Special purpose: If the sword has a is over, or when the sword is otherwise
special purpose: every time the special satisfied.
purpose is applicable. (e.g. when encoun-
tering a character or creature of the type
the sword is designed to slay.)
Extraordinary Clairvoyance
Enables the wielder to see through the
Healing Telepathy
The sword heals damage. Enables the wielder to read the thoughts
▶▶ Effect: One point of damage is healed of another living creature.
per round, for six rounds. ▶▶ Concentration: The wielder must con-
▶▶ Usage frequency: This power may centrate in a specific direction to activate
only be activated once a day. this power.
▶▶ Range: The other creature must be
within 60’.
If this power is rolled more than once, the
duration of the power is increased by 6 ▶▶ Comprehension: The wielder gains an
rounds for each duplicate. empathic understanding of the creature’s
Illusion ▶▶ Bidirectional communication: The
wielder may also initiate a bidirection-
An illusion of the wielder’s choosing al, telepathic communication with the
manifests. This works in the same way creature, though it is not compelled to
as the magic-user spell phantasmal force respond.
(see Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-Us-
▶▶ Obstruction: Lead blocks this power.
er Spells).
Levitation Teleportation
The wielder is able to teleport, per the
Grants the wielder the ability to move magic-user spell (see Classic Fantasy:
up and down through the air for up to 3 Cleric and Magic-User Spells).
▶▶ Vertical: The wielder mentally directs X-Ray Vision
vertical movement at up to 20’ per round.
Allows the wielder to see through solid
▶▶ Horizontal: The character can push
against solid objects to move laterally.
Weight: A normal amount of weight can ▶▶ Through dense materials: Sight up to
be carried while levitating. 60’ through less dense materials (cloth,
water, wood) is possible.
Telekinesis ▶▶ Through stone: Sight up to 30’
through stone is possible.
By concentrating, the wielder is able to
▶▶ Obstructions: Sight through gold or
move objects or creatures within 120’ by
lead is blocked.
the power of thought.
▶▶ Searching: When used for the pur-
▶▶ Weight: Up to 2,000 coins of weight
pose of searching (see Searching, under
may be targeted.
Dungeon Adventuring in Core Rules),
▶▶ Movement: The target may be moved the wielder is guaranteed to notice secret
up to 20’ per round, in whatever direction doors or traps in the 10’ square area
the wielder wishes (including vertically). being examined.
▶▶ Resisting: A targeted creature may ▶▶ Concentration: Usage requires con-
save versus spells to resist. centration (the wielder cannot move).
▶▶ Duration: Up to 6 rounds. ▶▶ Usage frequency: May be used at most
▶▶ Concentration: If concentration is once per turn.
broken, the target falls. 41
Sensory Powers
Each sensory power should be rolled on
the table below, with duplicates re-rolled.
Usage frequency: Unless a power’s de-
scription notes otherwise, it may be used
without limit.
Open Game License
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B/X Essentials: Adventures and Treasures © 2018 Gavin
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Index of Tables
Magic Armour and Shields 4 Sentient Sword Alignment 38
Magic Rings 18 Sentient Sword Communication 38
Magic Scrolls and Maps 30 Sentient Sword Extraordinary Powers 40
Magic Swords 34 Sentient Sword Languages 38
Magic Wands, Staves, and Rods 24 Sentient Sword Powers 38
Magic Weapons 36 Sentient Sword Sensory Powers 42
Miscellaneous Magic Items 6 Sentient Sword Special Purpose 43
Potions14 Type of Magic Armour 4
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