Druid and Illusionist Spells v0.4 PDF

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This document provides information about an early release PDF for a book containing druid and illusionist spells. It notes that some artwork is still placeholder and will be updated, and that the author is looking for feedback on typos, formatting issues, or anything unclear before finalizing the book.

The pre-release PDF is intended for Kickstarter backers and pre-order customers to view the completed text and partial artwork ahead of the final release. The author will periodically update the PDF with more completed artwork over the coming months.

The author is looking for feedback on typos, layout/formatting errors, unclear wording, and whether anything seems out of scale with B/X power levels. Specific page numbers should be included if providing feedback on the text.

Druid and Illusionist Spells

Early Release PDF Change Log

As successive versions of this PDF are
Gavin here with a few notes on this PDF. published, I’m keeping a record of what’s
changed between versions. You can view
This is a pre-release PDF for Kickstarter it here online.
backers and pre-order customers.
▶▶ Some artwork is present, but you’ll Contact
see many grey boxes where more art is to
come. These are the best ways to get in touch:
▶▶ The text itself is finished and complete. ▶▶ Kickstarter message: https://www.
▶▶ Over the coming months, I’ll periodi-
cally update the PDFs with the latest art-
work. You’ll get a notification that a file in ▶▶ Email: summon@necroticgnome.com
your library at DriveThruRPG has been ▶▶ MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/necrot-
updated, and will be able to download the ic_gnome
new version.
If you’re getting in touch with feedback
Proofreading Feedback about the books, please note in your mes-
sage which book you’re referring to, along
When you’re reading this book or using it with the page number (if applicable).
in your games, if you notice anything that
seems wrong, please let me know! I won’t Enjoy!
be sending the books off to the printers
until September-ish, so there’s plenty of I wish you all much enjoyment with these
time for any remaining sneaky errors to PDFs in the interim, before the books are
be fixed. The following points are espe- finalised.
cially of interest:
▶▶ Typos: Obviously, I’ve run the text
through a spell checker, but typos can
still sneak in.
▶▶ Layout errors: Wrong page referenc-
es? Erroneous or inconsistent formatting?
▶▶ Unclear wording: I’ve put great effort
(with the help of many proofreaders!)
into making the rules easy to understand,
but who knows, maybe new sets of eyes
on the text will notice something that
could be made clearer.
▶▶ B/X-ness: For those readers who are
familiar with the 1980s B/X rules, please
keep an eye out! The aim is for the con-
tent of this book to be scaled to match the
power levels of B/X. (It is not intended to
be a direct clone of the original Advanced
rules!) If you spot anything that rings
alarm bells, please let me know.
Druid and Illusionist Spells pre-release v0.4

DIS01: 125mm wide, 83mm high

Writing, editing, layout: Gavin Norman

Cover art: Stefan Poag
Interior art: Ian Baggley, Chris Huth, Penny Melgarejo, Diogo Nogueira, Thomas Novo-
sel, Spaghetti Quester, James Shields, Johannes Stahl, Del Teigeler
Text and design © Gavin Norman 2019. Cover illustration © Stefan Poag 2019.
Illustrations on p. 20 © Ian Baggley 2019; on p. 30, 37 © Chris Huth 2019; on p.
16, 17, 25, 35, 36 © Penny Melgarejo 2019; on p. 13, 39 © Diogo Nogueira 2019;
on p. 27, 40–41 © Thomas Novosel 2019; on p. 7, 11, 15 © Spaghetti Quester
2019; on p. 2 © James Shields 2019; on p. 10, 19, 33 © Johannes Stahl 2019; on
p. 21 © Del Teigeler 2019; Dimitri © Fontalicious – Derivative Versions © Font
Bros. – www.fontbros.com.
Table of Contents
Introduction3 Illusionist Spells 16
Druid Spells 3 1st Level Spells 16
Illusionist Spells 3 2nd Level Spells 22
Required Books 3 3rd Level Spells 25
Druid Spell List 4 4th Level Spells 29
Illusionist Spell List 5 5th Level Spells 33
6th Level Spells 38
Druid Spells 6
Open Game License 44
1st Level Spells 6
2nd Level Spells 8 Index of Spells 46
3rd Level Spells 10
4th Level Spells 12
5th Level Spells 14

Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. This product is released under the terms of
2 the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Druid Spells Illusionist Spells
Druid spells range from the humble, to Illusionist spells range from the subtle to
the indispensable, to the climactic. The the mind-bending. The spells cover the
spells cover the following main areas: following main areas:
▶▶ Survival: The most fundamental druid ▶▶ Deception: The most iconic illusionist
spells are those that allow the caster and spells are those that conjure sounds and
their allies to survive in the wilderness: visions from the caster’s imagination to
charms to befriend or communicate with befuddle, mislead, and terrify others.
animals and plants, divinations to reveal ▶▶ Mind control: Secondary are the spells
hazards or impending weather, and wards which not only manipulate the senses,
against danger and the violent energies but which insinuate themselves into the
of nature. Such spells make adventurers minds of subjects. Powerful phantasms
with access to druidic magic invaluable can make a subject believe fully in the
companions in the wilds. presence of unreal forces, and implanted
▶▶ Healing: The secondary role of druidic suggestions allow a subject’s behaviour to
magic is to heal, with a selection of highly be controlled as the spell caster wishes.
useful spells that have the power to re- ▶▶ Warping reality: Higher level illusion-
store lost hit points or to cure poison. ist spells go beyond the manipulation of
▶▶ Offence: Finally, the druid spell list impressions into altering the fabric of re-
features a wide range of spells to hinder, ality itself. Dreams may be manifest, the
beleaguer, and harm enemies. Low level flow of time altered, and energies from
spells can entangle foes or wrap them shadowy dimensions summoned forth.
in baffling mists. Higher level spells can
command the destructive forces of the
weather to wreak doom upon enemies.
Required Books
Thanks Core Rules: The basic rules for magic,
spell casting, and spell books are found in
To the indomitable play-testers and
Old-School Essentials Core Rules.
proofreaders who have helped make
this book shine: John Anthony, Neil Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules: The
Benson, Cyril Brocard, Vernon Fults, descriptions of the bard, druid, gnome,
Colin Green, Turan Holland, Stephen illusionist, and ranger classes are found in
Karnes, Ryan Marsh, Peter McDevitt, Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules.
Dominic Moore, Dave Pettett, Steve
Priest, Brian Scott, Eric Strathmeyer,
Thorin Thompson, Geoffrey Walter,
Che Webster.
Druid Spell List
1st Level 3rd Level
1. Animal Friendship 1. Call Lightning
2. Detect Danger 2. Growth of Nature
3. Entangle 3. Hold Animal
4. Faerie Fire 4. Protection from Poison
5. Invisibility to Animals 5. Tree Shape
6. Locate Plant or Animal 6. Water Breathing (Air Breathing)
7. Predict Weather
8. Speak With Animals 4th Level
2nd Level 1.
Cure Serious Wounds (Cause Sr. Wounds)
Dispel Magic
1. Barkskin 3. Protection from Fire and Lightning
2. Create Water 4. Speak with Plants
3. Cure Light Wounds (Cause Lt. Wounds) 5. Summon Animals
4. Heat Metal 6. Temperature Control
5. Obscuring Mist
6. Produce Flame 5th Level
7. Slow Poison
8. Warp Wood 1. Commune With Nature
2. Control Weather
3. Pass Plant
4. Protection from Plants and Animals
Adaptation Notes 5. Transmute Rock to Mud (Mud to Rock)
6. Wall of Thorns
The Advanced game from which these
spells were adapted includes many
more spells than are presented here. The
selection of spells presented in this book
is deliberately kept within the power
levels of Old-School Essentials:
▶▶ Spells per level: The druid spell list
mirrors the cleric spell list in having at
most 8 spells per level; the illusionist Reversible Spells
spell list mirrors the magic-user spell The name of the reversed version of a
list, with 12 spells per level. spell is listed in parentheses after the
▶▶ Maximum spell level: The druid name of the standard version of the
spell list has spells of up to 5th level; the spell.
illusionist spell list has spells of up to See Magic in Core Rules for details on
6th level. casting reversed spells.

Illusionist Spell List
1st Level 4th Level
1. Auditory Illusion 1. Confusion
2. Chromatic Orb 2. Dispel Magic
3. Colour Spray 3. Emotion
4. Dancing Lights 4. Illusory Stamina
5. Detect Illusion 5. Improved Invisibility
6. Glamour 6. Massmorph
7. Hypnotism 7. Minor Creation
8. Light (Darkness) 8. Phantasmal Killer
9. Phantasmal Force 9. Rainbow Pattern
10. Read Magic 10. Shadow Monsters
11. Spook 11. Solid Fog
12. Wall Of Fog 12. Veil of Abandonment

2nd Level 5th Level

1. Blindness / Deafness 1. Chaos
2. Blur 2. Demi-Shadow Monsters
3. Detect Magic 3. Illusion
4. False Aura 4. Looking Glass
5. Fascinate 5. Major Creation
6. Hypnotic Pattern 6. Maze of Mirrors
7. Improved Phantasmal Force 7. Projected Image
8. Invisibility 8. Seeming
9. Magic Mouth 9. Shadowcast
10. Mirror Image 10. Shadowy Transformation
11. Quasimorph 11. Time Flow
12. Whispering Wind 12. Visitation

3rd Level 6th Level

1. Blacklight 1. Acid Fog
2. Dispel Illusion 2. Dream Quest
3. Fear 3. Impersonation
4. Hallucinatory Terrain 4. Manifest Dream
5. Invisibility 10' Radius 5. Mass Suggestion
6. Nondetection 6. Mislead
7. Paralysation 7. Permanent Illusion
8. Phantom Steed 8. Shades
9. Rope Trick 9. Through the Looking Glass
10. Spectral Force 10. Triggered Illusion
11. Suggestion 11. True Seeing
12. Wraithform 12. Vision
Druid Spells
1st Level Spells Detect Danger
Duration: 6 turns (outdoors), otherwise
3 turns
Animal Friendship Range: 5’ per level
Duration: Permanent The caster can concentrate to detect dan-
Range: 10’ gers within range.
The caster approaches a neutral-aligned ▶▶ Areas: Scanning a 10’ × 10’ area takes
beast of animal intelligence with a piece one turn.
of food that it finds attractive. The animal ▶▶ Creatures: Scanning a creature takes
must save versus spells: one round.
▶▶ If the save succeeds: The animal is ▶▶ Objects: Scanning a small object (e.g.
not affected by the magic and behaves a chest, weapon, etc) takes one round.
normally. Larger objects take longer.
▶▶ If the save fails: The animal waits qui- After scanning: The caster knows wheth-
etly while the caster performs a binding er the area, creature, or object poses a
ritual lasting 6 turns. danger to their person. This knowledge
distinguishes between immediate dangers
Once the binding is complete: The ani-
and potential dangers.
mal behaves as follows:
▶▶ Follow: It will follow the caster wher- Entangle
ever they go.
▶▶ Leaving the animal: The animal will Duration: 1 turn
not harm the caster, but if it is left alone Range: 80’
for more than three days during the first All plants present in a 20’ radius area
three months, it reverts to its natural within range of the caster bend and twist,
behaviour, ending the spell. entangling creatures inside.
▶▶ Training: During the first three ▶▶ Saving throw: Each creature in the
months, the animal may be trained to affected area may save versus spells.
perform up to six simple tricks (depend- ▶▶ If the save fails: The creature is entan-
ing on its intelligence). Each trick takes gled and cannot move.
one week to train.
▶▶ If the save succeeds: The creature is
Maximum animal companions: Up to able to move through the entangled area
2HD of animals per level of the caster at half its normal movement rate.
may be befriended by this spell at any one

Faerie Fire Locate Plant or Animal
Duration: 1 turn Duration: 6 turns
Range: 60’ Range: 120’
Selected objects or creatures in range are The caster can sense the direction (but
outlined with a lambent, green fire. not distance) of a non-magical, non-sen-
▶▶ Visible targets: The caster must be tient plant or animal of a chosen type.
able to perceive or detect the targets. The spell has two uses:
▶▶ Size of targets: If the caster is below 1. Named species: Locating a plant or
5th level, a single object or creature of ap- animal of a named species. In this
proximately human size (or smaller) can case, the nearest plant or animal of
be affected. At 5th level, two human-sized that species is located.
targets or one target up to 10’ tall can be 2. Individual: Locating a specific plant
affected. At 10th level, three human-sized or animal which the caster can clearly
targets or one target up to 15’ tall can be visualise in all aspects.
affected. At 14th level, four human-sized
targets or one target up to 20’ tall can be Predict Weather
Duration: Instant
▶▶ Harmless: The faerie fire does not Range: 1 mile diameter per level
cause damage.
▶▶ Counters invisibility: The flickering The caster gains accurate knowledge of
fire makes invisible targets visible. the weather within range over the next 12
▶▶ In low light conditions: Attacks on
targets gain a +2 bonus to hit.
Speak with Animals
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30’
The caster can communicate with one
type of animal within range when the
spell is cast.
▶▶ Type of animal: Ordinary animals or
giant versions of ordinary animals may
be targeted.
▶▶ Questions: The caster can ask ques-
tions of and receive answers from animals
of the chosen kind, although the spell
doesn’t make animals any more friendly
Invisibility to Animals or cooperative than normal (a reaction
roll may be required).
Duration: 1 turn
▶▶ Services: If an animal is friendly
Range: The caster or a creature touched
toward the caster, it may perform some
This spell renders the subject undetecta- favour or service.
ble to all senses (smell, sight, hearing) of
non-magical animals and able to wander
among them completely unnoticed.
2nd Level Spells Heat Metal
Duration: 7 rounds
Range: 30’
Barkskin All metal in the possession of a number
Duration: 1 turn per level of human-sized subjects is heated to
Range: The caster or a creature touched extreme temperatures.
The subject’s skin toughens like bark. ▶▶ Number of subjects: One per two
experience levels of the caster.
▶▶ AC bonus: The subject’s Armour Class
▶▶ The heat produced: Increases for four
improves by 1.
rounds, then fades (as shown in the table
▶▶ Save bonus: The subject gains a +1 below).
bonus to all saving throws except against
▶▶ Effects: A subject whose flesh is in
magical effects.
contact with the affected metal may be
damaged (see below).
Create Water ▶▶ Dropping items: A subject who drops
Duration: Permanent all heated objects suffers no further harm.
Range: Touch ▶▶ Water or snow: Immersing heated
This spell causes a magical spring to gush metal negates the harmful effects.
forth from the ground. ▶▶ Immunities: Creatures that are im-
▶▶ Volume: The fount produces approx- mune to fire are not harmed by this spell.
imately 50 gallons of water—enough
to sustain twelve humans and twelve Heat Metal Effects Per Round
mounts for one day. Round Level of Heat
▶▶ Higher level casters: If the caster is 1 Very hot
higher than 8th level, water sufficient for 2 Blistering
an additional twelve humans and mounts 3 Searing
is produced for each level beyond 8th.
4 White hot
5 Searing
Cure Light Wounds 6 Blistering
Duration: Instant 7 Very hot
Range: The caster or a creature touched
▶▶ Very hot: Uncomfortable to the touch.
This spell has two uses
▶▶ Blistering: 1d3 damage.
1. Healing a living subject: Restores ▶▶ Searing: 1d6 damage. Flammable ma-
1d6+1 hit points of damage. This terials touching the object are set alight.
cannot grant more hit points than the
▶▶ White hot: As searing. Save versus
subject’s normal maximum.
spells or suffer a disability, depending
2. Curing paralysis: Paralysing effects
on the affected area(s) of the body. Hand
are negated.
or foot: unusable for 2d4 days. Body: se-
Reversed: Cause Light Wounds verely weakened for 1d4 days (movement
Inflicts 1d6+1 hit points of damage to rate halved, unable to fight, cast spells, or
a touched creature. In combat, a perform any strenuous activity). Head:
melee attack roll is required. knocked out for 1d4 turns.
poison inflicts 1hp of damage per turn.
Obscuring Mist If the subject is at 1hp, the poison inflicts
Duration: 1 turn per level no further damage.
Range: 10’ per level around the caster ▶▶ Characters killed by poison: Can be
A cloud of misty vapour emanates from revived by this spell. Death must have
the ground, filling an area centred on the occurred within one turn per level of the
caster. caster.
▶▶ Natural poisons: If the subject was
▶▶ Height: The mist is 10’ high.
poisoned by a natural plant or animal,
▶▶ Vision: The mist blocks normal vision the caster has a 10% chance per level of
and infravision. Creatures that can see knowing a herbal antidote that will fully
invisible things can see faintly through neutralize the poison. In the wilderness,
the mist. gathering the herbs for the antidote takes
▶▶ The caster: Can faintly see through the one turn. In a settlement, the herbs may
mist. be available for purchase from a herbalist.
▶▶ Strong winds: Reduce the spell’s dura- ▶▶ When the duration ends: The full
tion by three quarters. effects of the poison occur. If the subject
was revived from death by this spell, they
Produce Flame die once more.
Duration: 2 turns per level
Range: The caster Warp Wood
A flame springs to life in the palm of the Duration: Permanent
caster’s hand. Range: 240’
▶▶ The caster: Is unharmed by the flame. Wooden objects of the caster’s choice
▶▶ Light: The flame casts light that clearly warp and become useless.
illuminates a 30’ radius. ▶▶ Common objects: One arrow-sized
▶▶ Touching objects: Flammable objects object is affected per level of the caster. A
touched with the flame catch on fire. javelin, magic wand, or spear counts as
▶▶ Control: During the spell’s duration, two arrows; a bow, club, or staff counts
the caster can make the flame disappear as four.
and reappear at will. ▶▶ Objects of other shapes: (e.g. boards
▶▶ Throwing the flame: The caster may or planks) of roughly equivalent size may
drop the flame or throw it up to 30’. This also be targeted.
ends the spell (though fires started by the Magical objects: That are targeted have a
magical flame may persist). chance of being unaffected:
▶▶ Magic weapons and arms: Have a
Slow Poison 10% chance of being unaffected per
Duration: 1 hour per level magical “plus”. (e.g. a magical spear +2
Range: The caster or a creature touched has a 20% chance of being unaffected by
warp wood.)
Poisons affecting the subject are dramat- ▶▶ Wielding: If the object is in the hands
ically slowed, giving the caster time to of a creature, the creature may also save
affect a full cure. versus spells to prevent the object being
▶▶ Poison effects: As long as the subject warped.
has more than 1 hit point, the slowed 9
3rd Level Spells Growth of Nature
Duration: 12 turns (animals) or
permanent (plants)
Call Lightning Range: 120’
Duration: 1 turn per level This spell has two uses:
Range: 360’ 1. Animal growth: Doubling the size of
The caster directs the violent energies of a normal, non-magical animal.
a storm, causing lightning to strike the 2. Plant growth: Causing vigorous
ground at points of the caster’s choice. growth of normal vegetation.
▶▶ Storm clouds: Must be present in When used to affect an animal:
the sky above the point to be struck by ▶▶ Strength: The animal’s strength is
lightning. doubled, along with the damage inflicted
▶▶ Number of strikes: One lightning by its attacks and the amount of weight it
strike may be summoned per turn of the can carry.
spell’s duration. ▶▶ Restrictions: This spell may be used
▶▶ Area: A lightning strike affects a 10’ on giant versions of normal animals, but
radius area. intelligent animals and fantastic monsters
▶▶ Damage: All creatures in the area are unaffected.
suffer 8d6 damage (save versus spells for When used to affect vegetation:
half damage). ▶▶ Area: Plants in an area within range of
▶▶ If the storm dissipates: The spell ends up to 3,000 square feet are affected. The
prematurely. area is selected by the caster (e.g. 150’ ×
20’, 100’ × 30’, etc).
▶▶ Passage: Plants in the affected area be-
come thick and overgrown, entwining to
form a thorny jungle that only very large
creatures can force their way through.

Hold Animal
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 180’
This spell causes one or more animals to
be paralysed if they fail a saving throw
versus spells.
▶▶ Number of targets: Up to 1 Hit Die
of animals per level of the caster may be
▶▶ Type of targets: Normal or giant ani-
mals may be affected. Fantastic creatures,
intelligent animals, or magically con-
jured, controlled, or summoned animals
cannot be affected.
Protection from Poison
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: The caster or a creature touched
The subject gains a supernatural resist-
ance to poisons.
▶▶ Venoms and gases: Complete immu-
nity is granted against venomous attacks
of monsters (e.g. bites) and poisonous
gases (including those conjured by mag-
▶▶ Breath attacks: The subject gains a +4
bonus to saving throws against poisonous
breath weapons. (This does not include
petrifying breath attacks.)
▶▶ Pre-existing poisons: Any poisons
that are actively affecting the subject
when protection from poison is cast are
neutralized. A character who has died
from poisoning can be revived if this
spell is cast within ten rounds.

Tree Shape
Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
Range: The caster
The caster takes on the form of a living or
dead tree.
▶▶ Appearance: The tree form is com-
pletely realistic, even to very close
▶▶ Gear: All of the caster’s clothing and Water Breathing
equipment is also transformed. Duration: 1 day
▶▶ Perception: While in this form, the Range: 30’
caster’s normal senses are able to perceive The subject can breathe water freely by
the surroundings. means of this spell. The spell does not
▶▶ Cancelling: The caster may end the affect the subject’s ability to breathe air
spell at will, returning to their normal and grants no additional proficiency at
form. swimming.
Reversed: Air Breathing
An aquatic subject can breathe air freely.
The spell does not affect the subject’s
ability to breathe water and grants no
additional ability to move on land.
4th Level Spells Protection from Fire and Lightning
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: The caster or a creature touched
Cure Serious Wounds The subject is granted immunity to a
Duration: Instant certain amount of either electrical or fire
Range: The caster or a creature touched damage.
The caster’s touch heals 2d6+2 hit points ▶▶ Fire or lightning: Upon casting the
of damage in one living subject. This spell, the caster must choose the type of
cannot grant more hit points than the energy the subject is protected from.
subject’s normal maximum. ▶▶ Damage negation: The caster gains
protection against 6 hit points of damage
Reversed: Cause Serious Wounds of the chosen type per level.
Inflicts 2d6+2 hit points of damage to ▶▶ Ending: When all of the hit points of
a touched creature. In combat, a melee protection are used up, the spell ends.
attack roll is required.

Dispel Magic Speak with Plants

Duration: 3 turns
Duration: Instant
Range: 30’
Range: 120’
This spell has two uses:
Dispel magic ends spells of non-instanta-
neous duration within a 20’ cube area. 1. Normal plants: Communication with
normal plants. The caster is able to
▶▶ Caster levels: If the level of the caster
ask questions and receive answers and
of the effect to be dispelled is higher than
may ask for simple favours. Plants may
the level of the caster of dispel magic,
comply if the request is within their
there is a 5% chance per level difference
ability to understand and perform. For
that the attempt to dispel will fail.
example, densely overgrown plants
▶▶ Magic items: Are unaffected. may clear a passageway through which
the caster and party may travel.
2. Monstrous plants: Communication
with plant-like or plant-based mon-

Summon Animals Temperature Control
Duration: 3 turns Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 360’ Range: 10’ around the caster
Normal animals within range are sum- The caster can control the surrounding
moned to the caster’s aid. The creatures temperature in a limited radius.
that respond to the summons are deter- ▶▶ Temperature range: The temperature
mined as follows: may be raised or lowered up to the full,
▶▶ Restrictions: Insects, arachnids, and natural range of temperature variance
other “bugs” are not summoned. Magical in the natural world. (e.g. down to arctic
creatures and those of greater than ani- cold or up to tropical heat.)
mal intelligence are not summoned. ▶▶ Control: The caster can adjust the
▶▶ Targeted summons: The caster may temperature at will while the spell lasts.
choose to limit the summons to creatures
of specific species, or to specific, known
▶▶ Number of animals: A number of ani-
mals of total Hit Dice equal to the caster’s
level will respond to the summons.
▶▶ Small animals: Normal, small animals
(e.g. mice, sparrows, squirrels, etc.) are
treated as one tenth of a HD, for this
Summoned creatures: Behave as follows:
▶▶ Arrival: They will come to the caster’s
location as fast as they can.
▶▶ Comprehension: They understand the
caster’s words while the spell lasts.
▶▶ Aid: They will aid the caster in what-
ever way they can.
▶▶ If the caster is being attacked: The
summoned animals will attack the enemy,
only fleeing if they fail a morale check.
▶▶ If the caster is not being attacked:
Summoned animals will usually flee if
▶▶ Once an animal flees: The spell is
broken for that animal.

5th Level Spells
▶▶ Rain: –2 penalty to missile attacks.
Mud forms in 3 turns, halving movement
▶▶ Snow: Visibility drops to 20’. Move-
Commune with Nature ment rates are halved. Bodies of water
may freeze. After the snow thaws, mud
Duration: 1 turn
remains and still impedes movement.
Range: Half a mile per level
▶▶ Tornado: The caster can direct the
The caster enters into a trance of com- tornado, which moves at 120’ per round.
munion with the natural world. The tornado can be directed to attack (see
▶▶ During the trance: Over 1 turn, one stats below). Ships caught in a tornado
fact about the surrounding land is re- have a 75% chance of suffering 12 points
vealed to the caster per experience level. of hull damage.
▶▶ Facts: Knowledge of one of the fol-
lowing, in a certain direction: the terrain,
bodies of water, plants, animals, minerals, A whirling column of air, 24’ high and
or resident intelligent creatures. 6’ across, that wreaks havoc for flying
creatures and ships.
▶▶ Restrictions: The spell has no effect
if cast underground or in a non-natural AC 0 [19], HD 12* (54hp), Att 1 × blow
environment. (2d8), THAC0 10 [+9], MV 360’ (120’)
flying, SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML
10, AL Neutral, XP 1,900, NA 1 (1), TT
Control Weather None
Duration: Concentration ▶▶ Whirlwind: Creatures with less than
Range: 240 yards around the caster 2HD swept aside (save versus death).
By concentrating (no movement al- ▶▶ Mundane damage immunity: Can
lowed), the caster causes one of the only be harmed by magical attacks.
following conditions to manifest around ▶▶ Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra
them. This spell only functions outdoors. 1d8 damage.
▶▶ Calm: Clears bad weather (though
side-effects—e.g. mud after rain—re- Pass Plant
Duration: Instant
▶▶ Extreme heat: Dries up snow or mud Range: The caster
(including transmute rock to mud). Crea-
tures in the area move at half normal rate. The caster steps into a tree, then instantly
▶▶ Fog: Visibility drops to 20’. Creatures steps out of a tree of the same species in
in the fog move at half their normal rate. another location. The trunks of both trees
At the referee’s option, they may also have must be large enough for the caster to fit
a chance of getting lost. inside.
▶▶ High winds: Movement rates are The maximum distance: Between the
halved. Missile fire and flight are impos- two trees depends on their type:
sible. High winds may be used to increase ▶▶ Oak: 600 yards
the sailing speed of ships by 50% if they ▶▶ Ash, elm, linden, yew: 360 yards
travel with the wind. In sandy areas, may ▶▶ Other deciduous trees: 300 yards
cause a sandstorm, reducing visibil-
ity to 20’. ▶▶ All other trees: 240 yards
Protection from Plants and Animals Transmute Rock to Mud
Duration: 1 turn per level Duration: 3d6 days /
Range: The caster Permanent (transmute mud to rock)
Range: 120’
An invisible barrier is conjured around
the caster’s person, preventing contact by This spell turns up to 3,000 square feet of
either plants or animals. rock into 10’ deep mud.
▶▶ Plants or animals: When this spell is ▶▶ Movement: Any creatures passing
cast, the caster must choose whether the through the mud have their movement
barrier is effective against plants (in- rate reduced by 90%.
cluding plant-like monsters) or animals
(normal and giant-sized but excluding Reversed: Transmute Mud to Rock
fantastic creatures or those of greater Changes an area of mud—up to 3,000
than animal intelligence). square feet and up to 10’ deep—into rock.
▶▶ Range: The magical barrier extends This alteration is permanent.
merely an inch from the caster’s body.
▶▶ Life-forms of the selected type: Can- Wall of Thorns
not touch or physically attack the caster. Duration: 1 turn per level
▶▶ Caster’s attacks: The caster cannot Range: 80’
touch or attack affected life-forms except A barrier of tough, thorny plants is con-
by using spells. jured at a point of the caster’s choosing.
▶▶ A barrier of protection from plants:
▶▶ Size: The wall can be any size up to
May be used to clear a path through
1,200 square feet and may be shaped in
dense undergrowth. The path may then
any manner and to any dimensions the
be used by others.
caster desires. For example, it may be a
straight wall or curved into a protective
▶▶ Enveloping creatures: Any creatures
standing in a spot where the wall is
conjured suffer damage equal to 1d8 plus
their AC score.
▶▶ Pushing through: Creatures may push
through the wall, but suffer damage equal
to 1d8 plus their AC score for every 10’.
▶▶ Ascending AC: If using the optional
rule for Ascending Armour Class (see
Core Rules), the damage inflicted by the
thorns is 1d8 + (19 – AAC score).
▶▶ Hacking through the wall: Is possible
and does not inflict damage on those
breaking through. It takes 4 turns to chop
through a 10’ section.
▶▶ Fire: The wall is unharmed by normal
fire, but magical fire will burn it
completely away in 2 turns. 15
Illusionist Spells
1st Level Spells Chromatic Orb
Duration: Instant
Range: 60’
Auditory Illusion This spell conjures an orb of pure colour
Duration: 3 turns that shoots towards a visible target within
Range: 240’ range.
A sound of the caster’s choosing is con- ▶▶ Colour: The caster may conjure an orb
jured, emanating from a point anywhere of one of the colours listed in the table
within range. opposite, depending on their experience
level and the gems available.
▶▶ Motion: The sound may move as long
▶▶ Gemstone: The colour orb is created
as it remains within range.
by refracting and amplifying the pure hue
▶▶ Change: The sound may change and and intrinsic properties of a gemstone,
evolve over the course of the duration as which must be in the caster’s possession.
the caster wishes. Casting chromatic orb does not cause the
▶▶ Maximum volume: The volume of the gemstone to be consumed.
sound is limited by the caster’s level: a ▶▶ Value: The gem to be used must be of
maximum of approximately four humans a certain minimum value (indicated in
shouting per experience level. (For exam- the table opposite).
ple, a horde of rats is equal to 8 humans,
▶▶ Hit: The orb hits unerringly, inflicting
a lion roaring is equal to 16 humans, or
damage on the target and another effect
a dragon roaring is equal to 24 or more
that depends on its colour.

Chromatic Orb Effects
Caster’s Level Gem (Value) Colour of Orb Damage Effect
1st or greater Quartz (10gp) Clear 1d4 Light
2nd or greater Ruby (50gp) Red 1d6 Heat
3rd or greater Agate (100gp) Orange 1d8 Fire
4th or greater Onyx (250gp) Black 1d10 Blindness
5th or greater Emerald (500gp) Green 1d12 Stench
6th or greater Magnetite (500gp) Grey 2d6 Magnetism
7th or greater Sapphire (1,000gp) Blue 2d8 Paralysis

Chromatic Orb Effects Stench: A 5’ radius cloud of stinking va-

Light: If the target fails a save versus pours erupts around the target. Any with-
spells, it is surrounded by light in a 15’ in the cloud (including the target) must
radius for 1d4 rounds. In low light condi- save versus poison or be overcome with
tions, attacks against the target gain a +2 nausea—unable to act except to move
bonus. Any attempts at stealth or surprise at half movement rate. Once leaving
on the target’s part may be nullified. the cloud, the nausea subsides after 1d4
rounds. The cloud disperses after 1 turn.
Heat: If the target fails a save versus
spells, it suffers a –2 penalty to attacks, Magnetism: The electrical energy of the
saves, and AC for 1d4 rounds. The heat orb strongly magnetizes any metal ob-
of the ruby orb may also be used to melt jects on the target (e.g. armour, weapons)
ice—up to a cubic yard. unless a save versus spells is made. The
magnetic charge lasts for 1d4 rounds and
Fire: All flammable objects within 2’ of
causes metal objects to stick together. A
the target are set alight. If the target fails
target wearing metal armour suffers a
a save versus spells, flammable objects
–2 penalty to AC and is unable to attack
(e.g. clothing, hair, etc.) on its person are
with metal weapons.
also set alight. This inflicts 1d3 damage
for 1d4 rounds, unless the target spends a Paralysis: Unless a save versus paralysis
round extinguishing the flames. is made, the target is paralysed for 1d4
Blindness: The target is blinded for 1d4
rounds unless it makes a saving throw
versus spells.
Colour Spray Detect Illusion
Duration: Instant Duration: 3 turns
Range: 20’ long cone, 20’ wide at end Range: The caster or a creature touched
A flurry of clashing, rainbow-hued col- The subject can see through illusions
ours erupts from the caster’s hand. within 10’ per level of the caster. Invisible
▶▶ Targets: 1d6 creatures in the area of creatures or objects in the same range are
effect. also revealed.
The effect: Depends on the HD of each Glamour
target, relative to the caster:
Duration: 2d6 rounds +2 per level
▶▶ HD less than or equal to caster:
Range: The caster
Knocked unconscious for 2d4 rounds.
(Creatures of 6HD or greater may save The caster is wrapped in an illusion, tak-
versus spells.) ing on the outward appearance of another
▶▶ HD up to 2 greater than caster: humanoid. Two variants are possible,
Save versus spells or be blinded for 1d4 chosen as the spell is cast:
rounds. 1. Imagined form: The caster takes on a
▶▶ HD 3 or more greater than caster: form which they imagine.
Save versus spells or be unable to move, 2. Duplicate individual: The caster
attack, or make other actions for one copies the form of a living individual
round. whom they touch (an attack roll is
required if the target is unwilling).
Creatures that cannot see: Are unaffect-
ed by this spell. Stipulations: The following apply:
▶▶ Height: The illusionary form may be at
Dancing Lights most 1’ taller or shorter than the caster’s
Duration: 1 turn normal form.
Range: 40’ + 10’ per level ▶▶ Weight: Apparent weight may be
altered in any way.
Lights under the caster’s control are
conjured and may be directed to move ▶▶ Gear: Clothing or items may be al-
anywhere within range. The caster may tered in any way.
choose to conjure one of the following ▶▶ Observers: If the spell is used to copy
types of light: another’s appearance, those familiar with
the copied individual may save versus
1. Torches: 1–4 lights that resemble
spells to detect the ruse.
torches or lanterns, casting the appro-
priate volume of light.
2. Spheres: 1–4 glowing spheres, resem-
bling will-o-the-wisps.
3. Humanoid: A single, glowing, hu-
manoid form.

Duration: 1 round +1 per level
Range: 30’
The caster’s gestures and droning syllables
open the minds of one or more creatures
within range to hypnotic suggestion that
is spoken as part of the spell casting. The
suggestion works as follows:
▶▶ Wording: The suggestion must take
the form of a short phrase (at most one
or two sentences) suggesting a course of
action to the targeted creatures.
▶▶ Comprehension: A language that is
understood by the targets must be used.
▶▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggested
actions that are obviously harmful to the
targets cause the spell to automatically
Affected targets:
▶▶ Number of targets: Up to 1d6
creatures are affected. The number of Light
creatures affected is determined after the Duration: 6 turns +1 per level
suggestion is made. Range: 120’
▶▶ Saving throw: Each target may save
This spell has three usages:
versus spells to resist the hypnotic sug-
gestion. If the save fails, the target will 1. Conjuring light: In a 15’ radius. The
follow the caster’s suggestion for up to the magical light is sufficient for reading,
duration of the spell. but is not as bright as daylight. The
▶▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion spell may be cast upon an object, in
that is worded in a way to make it sound which case, the light moves with the
very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the object.
saving throw. 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the
spell upon its eyes. If the target fails a
Restrictions: Undead are not affected by saving throw versus spells, it is blind-
hypnotism. ed for the duration. A blind creature
cannot attack.
3. Cancelling darkness: Light may can-
cel a darkness spell (see below).

Reversed: Darkness
Creates a 15’ radius area of magical
blackness, preventing normal sight (but
not infravision). Like light, it may alterna-
tively be used to blind creatures or
to dispel a light spell.
Phantasmal Force
Duration: Concentration
Range: 240’
An illusion of the caster’s choosing man-
ifests in a 20’ cube area. Three types of
illusions may be created:
1. An illusionary monster: That can
be directed to attack. The monster
has AC 9 [10] and vanishes if hit in
2. An illusionary attack: Of some kind
(an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a
magic missile, etc.). Targets who save
versus spells are unaffected.
3. A scene: Of some kind, either chang-
ing the appearance of the affected
area or creating the appearance of
something new. The scene disappears
if touched.
Stipulations: The following apply:
▶▶ Concentration: Is required to main-
tain the illusion: if the caster moves or is
affected by an attack, the spell ends.
▶▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May
appear to be harmful but never inflict
real damage. A character who appears to
die actually falls unconscious, a character
turned to stone will actually be paralysed,
and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the
illusion is of something the caster has not
personally seen, the referee should grant
targets a bonus to any applicable saving

Read Magic Wall of Fog
Duration: 1 turn Duration: 1 turn
Range: The caster Range: 60’
By means of read magic, the caster can A wall of roiling vapour is conjured at a
decipher magical inscriptions or runes as location of the caster’s choosing within
follows: range.
▶▶ Scrolls: The magical script of a scroll ▶▶ Area: The fog fills a 10’ cube area per
of arcane spells can be understood. The level of the caster.
caster is then able to activate the scroll at ▶▶ Vision: The fog blocks normal vision
any time in the future. and infravision.
▶▶ Spell books: A spell book written by ▶▶ Strong winds: Can clear the fog before
another arcane spell caster can be deci- the spell’s duration has expired.
▶▶ Inscriptions: Runes or magical words
inscribed on an object or surface can be
▶▶ Reading again: Once the caster has
read a magical inscription using read
magic, they are thereafter able to read that
particular writing without recourse to the
use of this spell.

Duration: Until broken (see below)
Range: 10’
The caster gesture threateningly at an
intelligent target within range.
▶▶ Saving throw: The target may save
versus spells to avoid coming under the
spell’s effect.
▶▶ An afflicted target: Perceives the cast-
er as a monster from its worst nightmares
and will flee from the caster at maximum
▶▶ Breaking the spell: The target may
make a new save versus spells each
round with success indicating that the
spell is broken. Until the spell is broken,
the target believes it is being pursued by
the imagined horror.
Restrictions: Undead and creatures of
less than animal intelligence are not
2nd Level Spells False Aura
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 30’
Blindness / Deafness The aura of a creature or object is veiled.
Duration: Permanent ▶▶ Detection spells: (e.g. detect magic, de-
Range: 30’ tect evil) are deflected, revealing another
A single creature is afflicted by a phan- creature or object nearby.
tasm by which either its visual or aural ▶▶ Divination spells: (e.g. know align-
sensory input (as selected by the caster) is ment) cast upon the subject reveal the
nullified, rendering it blind or deaf. opposite to the truth.
▶▶ Saving throw: The target may save
versus spells to avoid the phantasm. Fascinate
▶▶ Removing: As the blindness or Duration: See below
deafness caused by this spell is illusory, it Range: 30’
cannot be removed by magic that cures
disease. The affliction may be removed by This glamour causes a single creature to
spells that dispel magic or illusions. perceive the caster—whatever their nor-
mal appearance—as utterly captivating.
▶▶ Cancelling: The caster may cancel the
spell’s effect at will. ▶▶ Restrictions: Creatures of less than
animal intelligence are not affected.
Blur ▶▶ Saving throw: The subject may save
versus spells to avoid the effect.
Duration: 1 turn
Range: The caster Affected subjects: Behave as follows:
▶▶ Besotted: The subject follows the cast-
The caster’s form becomes blurry and er wherever they go, as if besotted, unless
wavering. doing so would present a serious danger.
▶▶ Attack penalties: Creatures attacking ▶▶ Obedience: If the caster can com-
the caster suffer a –4 penalty to hit. This municate with the subject (even if only
penalty is reduced to –2 on a creature’s by gestures), it may obey requests. Each
second or subsequent attempts to hit the time a request is made of the subject, the
caster. caster must make a CHA check (possibly
▶▶ Save bonus: The caster gains a +1 penalised, if the request is against the
bonus to saving throws against magic that nature or best interests of the subject). If
directly targets them. the check fails, the spell is broken and the
target’s perception of the caster becomes
Detect Magic one of horror, rage, and hate.
▶▶ Animals: An animal remains fascinat-
Duration: 2 turns
ed for 1d4 days, after which it may either
Range: 60’
attack the caster (if it has been mistreat-
Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures ed) or simply leave. If the caster treated
are caused to glow. Both permanent and the animal well, there is a percentage
temporary enchantments are revealed. chance equal to the caster’s CHA that
the animal will henceforth remain by the
character’s side of its own free will.
Stipulations: The following apply:
Hypnotic Pattern
▶▶ Concentration: Minimal concentra-
Duration: Concentration tion is required to maintain the illusion: if
Range: 30’ square around the caster the caster moves at faster than half speed
A pattern of twisting, interweaving col- or is affected by an attack, the spell ends.
ours fills the air in a 30’ × 30’ area centred ▶▶ Persistence: Even when the caster
on the caster. stops concentrating on the spell, the illu-
▶▶ Creatures that see the pattern: Must sion persists for two further rounds.
save versus spells or become hypnotised ▶▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May
as long as they are able to watch the appear to be harmful but never inflict
pattern. real damage. A character who appears to
▶▶ Number of creatures affected: Up to die actually falls unconscious, a character
24HD of creatures may be hypnotised. turned to stone will actually be paralysed,
and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
▶▶ Hypnotised creatures: Simply stand
still, gazing at the pattern of colours. ▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the
illusion is of something the caster has not
▶▶ If a hypnotised creature is harmed:
personally seen, the referee should grant
The pattern ceases to enthral it and it may
targets a bonus to any applicable saving
act next round.
Concentration: The caster can maintain
the pattern indefinitely as long as they Invisibility
concentrate on the spell and make no
other action (including movement). Duration: Permanent (but may be bro-
ken, see below)
Improved Phantasmal Force Range: 240’

Duration: Concentration The caster or another creature or object

Range: 240’ within range becomes invisible:
▶▶ If cast on a creature: Any gear the
An illusion of the caster’s choosing— subject is carrying is also rendered invis-
including minor sounds (though not ible (this includes clothing and armour).
speech)—manifests in a 20’ cube area. Items dropped or put down by an invisi-
Three types of illusions may be created: ble creature become visible. If the subject
1. An illusionary monster: That can be attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is
directed to attack. The monster has an broken, ending the spell.
Armour Class of 7 and will vanish if ▶▶ If cast on an object: The invisibility is
hit in combat. permanent.
2. An illusionary attack: Of some kind
▶▶ Light sources: If a light source is made
(an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a
invisible (either as part of a creature’s gear
magic missile, etc.). Targets who save
or as an individual object), the light it
versus spells are unaffected.
casts remains visible.
3. A scene: Of some kind, either chang-
ing the appearance of the affected
area or creating the appearance of
something new. The scene disappears
if touched.

▶▶ The new form: Is chosen by the caster.
Magic Mouth The form of any creature may be adopted.
Duration: Permanent until triggered ▶▶ Size: The new form may be at most
Range: Touch 50% larger or smaller than the caster’s
The caster imbues an inanimate object normal size.
with a message that is to be spoken out The physical capabilities of the new
loud by a magical mouth when a certain form: Are granted to the caster to a lim-
trigger condition occurs. ited degree:
▶▶ The message: Must be in a language ▶▶ Flight: If the new form can fly, the
the caster speaks and may consist of up to caster is able to fly at one-quarter of its
25 words. flying movement rate.
▶▶ The trigger condition: May be as ▶▶ Breathing: If the new form can breathe
broad or as specific as the caster wish- underwater, the caster may also do so.
es and may include conditions on the ▶▶ Attacks: When attacking, the caster
enchanted object being touched or on the may appear to use the attacks of the new
presence of creatures within 30’ of the ob- form but cannot make more attack rolls
ject. The trigger condition may only take or inflict more damage than they are
visual appearances into account (e.g. it normally able to (using whatever weapon
cannot discern the alignment, class, level, is carried).
etc. of creatures who pass by). ▶▶ Special abilities: The caster does
▶▶ Once triggered: The mouth appears, not gain any special or magical attacks
animates, and speaks the predetermined possessed by the new form (e.g. breath
message. The enchantment then ends. weapons, poison, charm, etc.).
▶▶ Casting spells: The triggered message
cannot cast spells. Whispering Wind
Duration: Special
Mirror Image Range: 1 mile per level
Duration: 6 turns
Range: The caster This spell allows the caster to send a mes-
sage or other, non-verbal sound via the
1d4 illusory duplicates of the caster wind to a distant location within range.
appear. ▶▶ The destination: Must be known to
▶▶ Behaviour: The mirror images look the caster.
and behave exactly as the caster. ▶▶ The message: Up to 100 words or one
▶▶ Attacks on the caster: Destroy one minute of non-verbal sound.
of the mirror images (even if the attack ▶▶ Rate: The message travels on the wind,
misses). unnoticed, at one mile per turn.
▶▶ Delivery: Once it reaches the desig-
Quasimorph nated destination, the wind delivers the
Duration: 3d4 rounds +2 per level caster’s message. The message is whisper
Range: The caster quiet, relayed by the susurrations of the
air, but can be heard by all within 30’.
The caster’s physical form undergoes a Even if no one is present to hear it, the
quasi-real transformation, taking on the message is automatically delivered.
appearance of a new form.
3rd Level Spells
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 60’
Twisting the nature of light and darkness,
this spell creates a 30’ diameter area of
illumination which cannot be perceived
outside of this area.
▶▶ Stealth: It is thus possible for the
caster and allies to see in utter blackness
while not revealing their own presence.
▶▶ Area: The caster may cause the area of Fear
blacklight to manifest either in a designat- Duration: 1 round per level
ed area within range or about their own Range: 60’ cone, 30’ wide at end
person. (In the latter case, the magical
effect moves with the caster.) Conjures a cone of magical energy that
▶▶ Magical darkness: The illumination terrifies those within it.
created by blacklight does not penetrate ▶▶ Area: The cone is 60’ long and 30’
magical darkness. wide at the far end.
▶▶ Effect: Creatures in the cone are struck
Dispel Illusion with terror and will flee from the caster
at maximum speed. (A save versus spells
Duration: Instant
negates the effect).
Range: 10’ per level
▶▶ Dropping items: Affected creatures
Dispel illusion ends ongoing illusions or have a 60% chance of immediately drop-
phantasms (i.e. those with a non-instan- ping anything in their hands. The chance
taneous duration) within a 20’ cube area. is decreased by 5% for each level or Hit
▶▶ Spells cast by a non-illusionist: Are Die above 1.
automatically dispelled.
▶▶ Spells cast by another illusionist: Hallucinatory Terrain
Have a chance of not being dispelled. Duration: Until touched
If the level of the caster of the effect to Range: 240’
be dispelled is higher than the level of
the caster of dispel illusion, there is a Hallucinatory terrain either conjures an
5% chance per level difference that the illusory terrain feature (e.g. a hill, wood,
attempt to dispel will fail. marsh, etc.) or hides an existing terrain
▶▶ Magic items: Are unaffected. feature.
▶▶ Area: The illusion must fit completely
within the spell’s range.
▶▶ Touching: If the illusion is touched
by an intelligent being, the spell is
Invisibility 10’ Radius Paralysation
Duration: Permanent (but may be bro- Duration: 6 turns or until cancelled
ken, see below) Range: 10’ per level
Range: 120’
A number of creatures within a 20’ cube
A selected creature and all creatures with- area are afflicted with the terrifying phan-
in 10’ of it become invisible: tasm of being unable to move.
▶▶ Area: The 10’ radius area of the spell’s ▶▶ Number of creatures affected: Up to
effect moves with the chosen creature. 2HD of creatures per level of the caster.
▶▶ Exiting the area: Subjects that move ▶▶ Priority: Creatures with the lowest
more than 10’ away from the chosen HD are affected first.
creature become visible. ▶▶ Saving throw: Each target may save
▶▶ Entering the area: Creatures that versus spells to resist the phantasm.
move into the area after the spell is cast ▶▶ Mindless creatures: Are unaffected.
do not become invisible. ▶▶ Cancelling: The caster may cancel the
▶▶ Gear: Any gear a subject is carrying phantasm at will.
is also rendered invisible (this includes
clothing and armour). Items dropped or
put down by an invisible creature become DIS13: 59mm wide, 110mm high
▶▶ Breaking the invisibility: If a subject
attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is
broken for that subject.

Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: The caster
While this spell lasts, the caster is invisi-
ble to all forms of magical location, scry-
ing, and divination, including effects such
as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and ESP.

Phantom Steed Rope Trick
Duration: 6 turns per level Duration: 2 turns per level
Range: 10’ Range: Touch
A quasi-real, shadowy, horse-like creature A rope is enchanted to rise up into the
is conjured by this spell to carry the cast- air, enabling the caster and others to
er (or another, designated person) upon climb it and disappear into an imaginary
its back. space.
▶▶ Appearance: The steed is deep black ▶▶ The rope: Rises up to its full length (or
in colour and has ghostly hooves that at most 30’) and hangs stiffly in the air,
make no sound as it runs. magically tethered at the upper end.
▶▶ Loads: The steed refuses to carry any ▶▶ Climbing the rope: The rope may be
load beyond that of the rider and their climbed normally.
possessions. ▶▶ Imaginary space: Human-sized (or
▶▶ Stats: The steed has 12 hit points, AC 8 smaller) creatures that climb to the top
[11], and a movement rate of 30’ (10’) per of the rope disappear into the imaginary
level of the caster. space beyond.
▶▶ If the steed is killed: It evaporates into ▶▶ Capacity: The imaginary space can
smoke. hold up to six individuals.
Special abilities: The phantom steed ▶▶ Hidden: Creatures inside the imagi-
gains additional abilities, depending on nary space cannot be perceived or affect-
the level of the caster: ed in any way by those on the outside, in
real space.
▶▶ 8th level: The steed is unhindered by
unstable ground (e.g. mud or bog). ▶▶ Pulling up the rope: The rope may be
pulled up into the imaginary space, also
▶▶ 10th level: The steed may walk across
▶▶ 12th level: The steed may walk upon When the spell’s duration ends: The
air and is thus able to cross chasms and rope falls slack, imaginary space disap-
pits. pears, and anyone inside the imaginary
space reappears in mid air.
▶▶ 14th level: The steed can fly.
Spectral Force Suggestion
Duration: Concentration Duration: 4 turns +4 per level
Range: 240’ Range: 30’
An illusion of the caster’s choosing— The caster utters a suggestion to influence
including sounds, smells, and thermal the behaviour of a selected subject.
elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area. ▶▶ Wording: The suggestion must take
Three types of illusions may be created: the form of a short phrase (at most one
1. An illusionary monster: That can or two sentences) suggesting a course of
be directed to attack. The monster action to the subject.
has AC 5 [14] and vanishes if hit in ▶▶ Comprehension: A language that is
combat. understood by the subject must be used.
2. An illusionary attack: Of some kind ▶▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggestions
(an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a that are obviously harmful to the subject
magic missile, etc.). Targets who save cause the spell to automatically fail.
versus spells are unaffected.
▶▶ Saving throw: A save versus spells
3. A scene: Of some kind, either chang-
is allowed to resist the suggestion. If the
ing the appearance of the affected
save fails, the subject will follow the cast-
area or creating the appearance of
er’s suggestion for up to the duration.
something new. The scene disappears
if touched. ▶▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion
that is worded in a way to make it sound
Stipulations: The following apply: very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the
▶▶ Concentration: Minimal concentra- saving throw.
tion is required to maintain the illusion: if Restrictions: Undead are unaffected.
the caster moves at faster than half speed
or is affected by an attack, the spell ends.
▶▶ Persistence: Even when the caster
stops concentrating on the spell, the illu- Duration: 1 turn
sion persists for three further rounds. Range: The caster
▶▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May The caster’s person—along with
appear to be harmful but never inflict everything worn or carried—becomes
real damage. A character who appears to shadowy and semi-ethereal.
die actually falls unconscious, a character ▶▶ Movement: The caster is able to pass
turned to stone will actually be paralysed, through small holes and cracks.
and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
▶▶ Actions: The caster may cast spells but
▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the may only attack incorporeal creatures.
illusion is of something the caster has not
▶▶ Invulnerability: Only ethereal crea-
personally seen, the referee should grant
tures or magic may harm the caster.
targets a bonus to any applicable saving
throws. ▶▶ Pass undead: Undead will ignore the
caster, believing them to be a phantom
of some kind. Undead of 10 or more HD
may save versus spells (at a –4 penalty)
to notice the illusion.
▶▶ Cancelling: The caster may end the
28 spell at will, returning to normal.
4th Level Spells Emotion
Duration: Concentration
Range: 10’ per level
Confusion All creatures in a 40’ square area with-
Duration: 12 rounds in range must save versus spells or be
Range: 120’ afflicted by an emotion of the caster’s
This spell causes 3d6 targets within 60’ of
one another to become confused, making ▶▶ Fear: Subjects are struck with terror,
them unable to independently determine and will flee from the caster at maximum
what they will do. speed. Affected creatures have a 60%
chance of immediately dropping anything
▶▶ Targets of 2+1 HD or greater: May in their hands. The chance is decreased
save versus spells each round to resist by 5% for each level or Hit Die above 1.
the spell’s effect, acting with free will that Fear counters ongoing rage effects.
round if they make the save.
▶▶ Hate: Subjects gain a +2 bonus to
▶▶ Targets of 2 HD or lower: May not attacks, damage, saving throws, and mo-
make a saving throw. rale. Hate counters ongoing hopelessness
▶▶ Behaviour: Roll on the following table effects.
separately for each affected target each ▶▶ Hopelessness: Subjects are utterly
round to determine how that target acts demoralised and will dejectedly follow
that round: enemies’ orders (e.g. to surrender or
leave). In combat, there is a 1-in-4 chance
Confused Subject Behaviour of a subject doing nothing each round,
2d6 Behaviour and a 1-in-4 chance of them retreating.
2–5 Attack caster’s group Hopelessness counters ongoing hate
6–8 No action effects.
9–12 Attack creature’s group ▶▶ Rage: Subjects go berserk, gaining a
+1 bonus to hit and +3 to damage. Sub-
jects fight without thought for their own
Dispel Magic lives, and will not use shields. Subjects
also gain 5 temporary hit points. These
Duration: Instant may take a subject above its normal
Range: 120’ maximum, but they disappear when the
Dispel magic ends spells of non-instanta- spell ceases. Rage counters ongoing fear
neous duration within a 20’ cube area. effects.
▶▶ Caster levels: If the level of the caster Concentration: Is required to main-
of the effect to be dispelled is higher than tain the projected emotion. If the caster
the level of the caster of dispel magic, moves or is affected by an attack, the spell
there is a 5% chance per level difference ends.
that the attempt to dispel will fail.
▶▶ Magic items: Are unaffected.

Improved Invisibility
Duration: 4 rounds +1 per level
Range: The caster or a creature touched
The caster or another creature touched
becomes invisible:
▶▶ Attacking: The subject may attack
while invisible.
▶▶ Being attacked: Opponents who are
aware of the subject’s presence (but who
cannot see invisible) may detect a faint
shimmering, allowing them to locate the
subject. The subject gains a +4 bonus to
AC and saving throws against attacks
from such opponents.
▶▶ Equipment: Any gear the subject is
carrying is also rendered invisible (this
includes clothing and armour). Items
dropped or put down by an invisible crea-
ture become visible.
▶▶ Light sources: If a light source is made
invisible (as part of the subject’s gear), the
light it casts is unaffected.

Illusory Stamina Duration: Permanent
Range: 240’
Duration: 3 turns per level
Range: Touch A force of human-sized creatures within
a 240’ diameter area is veiled by illusion
Up to four persons touched by the caster to appear as a copse or orchard of trees.
are refreshed, some of their lost hit points
▶▶ Moving through: Once the illusion is
being temporarily restored.
in place, even creatures moving among
▶▶ Bonus hit points: Each subject gains a the veiled subjects are deceived.
number of bonus hit points equal to 50%
▶▶ Subjects who leave the affected area:
of the number of hit points he or she is
Cease to be veiled.
currently below maximum. For example,
if the subject has a maximum of 30 hit ▶▶ Dismissing: The caster may dismiss
points and a current total of 12 hit points, the illusion in its entirety at any time.
he or she gains 9 bonus hit points (50%
of 18).
▶▶ Any damage suffered: Is subtracted
first from the bonus hit points.
▶▶ When the duration ends: If any of
the bonus hit points remain, they
30 disappear.
Minor Creation Rainbow Pattern
Duration: 6 turns per level Duration: Concentration
Range: Touch Range: 30’ square around the caster
Over the course of one turn, the caster A band of twisting, interweaving, rain-
weaves a tangible but semi-real object bow colours fills the air in a 30’ × 30’ area
from a tiny piece of constituent matter. centred on the caster.
For example, a semi-real rope could be ▶▶ Creatures that see the pattern: Must
formed from a strand of hemp fibre. save versus spells or become hypnotised
▶▶ Non-living: Only objects of non-liv- as long as they are able to watch the
ing vegetable matter may be created (e.g. pattern.
fabric, rope, wood, etc.). ▶▶ Number of creatures affected: A total
▶▶ Size: The object may be no larger than of up to 24 Hit Dice of creatures may be
one cubic foot per level of the caster. hypnotised.
▶▶ Food: While it is possible to create ▶▶ Hypnotised creatures: Simply stand
food, its semi-real nature means that it still, gazing at the pattern of colours.
provides no nourishment. ▶▶ If a hypnotised creature is harmed:
▶▶ When the duration ends: The con- The pattern ceases to enthral it and it may
jured item disappears. The piece of matter act next round.
from which it was woven remains. Maintaining the pattern: The pattern
can be maintained and directed as fol-
Phantasmal Killer lows:
Duration: 1 round per level ▶▶ Concentration: The caster can main-
Range: 5’ per level tain the pattern indefinitely, as long as
they concentrate on the spell and make
The subconscious fears of a single target
no other action (including movement).
are manifest in its mind as a vision of the
most horrible monstrosity it can imagine. ▶▶ Releasing: The caster may optionally
end concentration and direct the pattern
▶▶ Saving throw: The subject may save to drift away in a specified direction, at a
versus spells with a +2 bonus to resist rate of 30’ per round. The pattern fades
the phantasm. after 1d4 rounds. Hypnotised creatures
▶▶ Pursuit: The monster pursues the will do their best to follow the pattern,
subject relentlessly and, as it only exists in but if they are led into a dangerous area,
the subject’s mind, can move at any speed another saving throw versus spells is
and pass through any obstacles. allowed to snap out of the trance.
▶▶ Invulnerability: The monster is invul-
nerable to all of the subject’s attacks.
▶▶ Attacks: The monster attacks the
subject once per round with a THAC0 of
16 [+3]. If one of the monster’s attacks is
successful, the subject dies of terror.
▶▶ Cancelling: Killing or knocking out
the caster ends the phantasm.
Restrictions: Undead and creatures of less
than animal intelligence are unaffected. 31
Shadow Monsters Solid Fog
Duration: 1 round per level Duration: 1 turn
Range: 30’ Range: 60’
The caster conjures one or more semi-re- A wall of roiling vapour appears at a loca-
al monsters, woven from shadow-stuff. tion of the caster’s choosing within range.
▶▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice ▶▶ Area: The fog bank fills a 10’ cube area
may not exceed the caster’s level. per level of the caster.
▶▶ Type: All monsters must be of the ▶▶ Vision: The solid fog blocks normal
same type. vision and infravision.
▶▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d2 hit ▶▶ Movement: Creatures moving through
points per Hit Die (instead of the normal the fog move at one quarter of their nor-
1d8 hit points per Hit Die). mal movement rate.
▶▶ Control: The monsters are under the ▶▶ Strong winds: Only very strong winds
caster’s control. can clear the fog before the spell’s dura-
tion has expired.
Saving throw: Every creature viewing the
shadow monsters may save versus spells: ▶▶ Magical fire: A large area of magical
fire can dissipate the fog in one round.
▶▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views
the monsters as they truly are: vague,
shifting forms of shadow. To this subject, Veil of Abandonment
the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10] Duration: 1 turn per level
and inflict one quarter of their normal Range: 10’ per level
damage (rounding down). This subject
is unaffected by any special or magical An area is cloaked with a combination of
attack forms of the monsters. invisibility and illusion, making it seem
vacant and neglected—covered in dust,
▶▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives
cobwebs, and dirt, as if long abandoned.
the monsters as real creatures of the
chosen type. To this subject, the shadow ▶▶ Creatures: In the affected area when
monsters attack as normal, including the the spell is cast are not cloaked.
use of special or magical attack forms ▶▶ Inanimate objects: In the affected area
(though attacks such as energy drain are cloaked with invisibility and are veiled
or petrification do not really occur—at such that only direct contact will reveal
worst, they might cause an opponent to their presence. Even then, an observer
fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4 must make a saving throw versus spells
turns). to realise that the whole area is under the
effects of an illusion: if the save fails, the
observer believes that the detected object
is merely invisible.
▶▶ Creatures passing through the
area: Believe that their passing makes
footprints in the dust, breaks through
cobwebs, etc.
▶▶ Detection: Creatures that can detect
invisible cannot see through this illusion.

5th Level Spells Demi-Shadow Monsters
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 30’
Chaos The caster conjures one or more semi-re-
Duration: 12 rounds al monsters, woven from shadow-stuff.
Range: 120’ ▶▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice
This spell causes all creatures in a 60’ di- may not exceed the caster’s level.
ameter area to become confused, making ▶▶ Type: All monsters must be of the
them unable to independently determine same type.
what they will do. ▶▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d4 hit
▶▶ Saving throw: Subjects that can cast il- points per Hit Die (instead of the normal
lusionist spells or that have innate powers 1d8 hit points per Hit Die).
of illusion may save versus spells to resist ▶▶ Control: The monsters are under the
the spell’s effect. caster’s control.
▶▶ Behaviour: Roll on the following table Saving throw: Every creature viewing the
separately for each affected target each shadow monsters may save versus spells:
round to determine how that target acts ▶▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views
that round: the monsters as they truly are: vague,
shifting forms of shadow. To this subject,
Confused Subject Behaviour the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10]
2d6 Behaviour and inflict half of their normal damage
2–5 Attack caster’s group (rounding down). This subject is unaf-
6–8 No action fected by any special or magical attack
forms of the monsters.
9–12 Attack creature’s group
▶▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives
the monsters as real creatures of the
chosen type. To this subject, the shadow
monsters attack as normal, including the
use of special or magical attack forms
(though attacks such as energy drain
or petrification do not really occur—at
worst, they might cause an opponent to
fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4

Illusion Looking Glass
Duration: 1 round per level Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 240’ Range: Touch
An illusion of the caster’s choosing— A finely wrought, silver mirror is en-
including sounds, smells, and thermal chanted to act as a scrying device, allow-
elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area. ing the caster to fleetingly view any place
Three types of illusions may be created: or object that is brought to mind:
1. An illusionary monster: That can be ▶▶ The clarity of the vision: Is depend-
directed to attack. The monster has ent on the scryer’s familiarity with the
AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the subject.
attacker may save versus spells. If the ▶▶ Casting spells: It is not possible to cast
save succeeds, the attacker realises the spells through the mirror into the viewed
illusory nature of the monster and can scene.
no longer be harmed by it.
2. An illusionary attack: Of some kind Material cost: The mirror enchanted
(an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a by this spell must be of at least 1,000gp
magic missile, etc.). Targets who save value.
versus spells are unaffected.
3. A scene: Of some kind, either chang- Major Creation
ing the appearance of the affected area Duration: 12 or 6 turns per level
or creating the appearance of some- Range: Touch
thing new.
Over the course of a turn, the caster
Stipulations: The following apply: weaves a tangible but semi-real object
▶▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves from a tiny piece of constituent matter.
and responds as decided by the caster For example, a sword could be formed
when the spell is cast. No concentration from a splinter of steel.
is required to maintain the illusion. ▶▶ Non-living: Only objects of non-liv-
▶▶ Illusionary monsters or attacks: May ing vegetable or mineral matter may be
appear to be harmful but never inflict created (e.g. fabric, rope, wood, metal,
real damage. A character who appears to stone, etc.).
die actually falls unconscious, a character ▶▶ Size: The object may be no larger than
turned to stone will actually be paralysed, one cubic foot per level of the caster.
and so on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns. ▶▶ Food: While it is possible to create
▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the food, its semi-real nature means that it
illusion is of something the caster has not provides no nourishment.
personally seen, the referee should grant ▶▶ Duration: If objects of vegetable mat-
targets a bonus to any applicable saving ter are created, the duration is 12 turns
throws. per level, otherwise it is 6 turns per level.
▶▶ When the duration ends: The con-
jured item disappears. The piece of matter
from which it was woven remains.

Maze of Mirrors Projected Image
Duration: Varies by subject’s INT Duration: 6 turns
Range: 5’ per level Range: 240’
A single subject within range is trans- An illusory duplicate of the caster ap-
ported into a shifting, extra-dimensional pears within range.
mirror maze. ▶▶ Duplicate: The image is an exact
▶▶ Duration: The subject is trapped in duplicate of the caster that can only be
the maze for a duration depending on its differentiated by touch.
intelligence. See the table below. ▶▶ Subsequent spells cast: Appear to
▶▶ Escaping the maze: Once the subject originate from the image. (Targets must
has found its way out of the maze, it re- still be visible to the caster, however.)
appears in the location it was transported ▶▶ Spells and missiles: The image
from. appears unaffected by spells or missile
Maze Duration ▶▶ Melee or touch: If the image is
Subject’s INT Duration touched or hit in melee, it disappears.
Less than 3 2d4 turns
3–5 1d4 turns Seeming
6–8 5d4 rounds Duration: 12 hours
9–11 4d4 rounds Range: 10’
12–14 3d4 rounds This spell alters the outward appearance
15–17 2d4 rounds of one or more persons to that of another
18 or higher 1d4 rounds type of humanoid.
▶▶ Number of subjects: Up to one sub-
ject per two levels of the caster may be
▶▶ The illusionary appearance: All sub-
jects take on the appearance of the same
type of creature (e.g. human, elf, goblin,
etc.), but each remains a recognisable
individual—they do not look like clones.
▶▶ Size and weight: The illusionary
appearance may be at most 1’ taller or
shorter than the subject. Apparent weight
may be altered in any way.
▶▶ Clothing or equipment: May be
altered in any way.
▶▶ Cloning: The spell cannot be used to
precisely copy another’s appearance.
▶▶ Saving throw: Unwilling subjects may
save versus spells to avoid being affected.

Duration: Up to 6 turns +1 per level
Range: 30’
The shadows cast by the light of a candle
are enchanted, causing them to re-enact
events which previously occurred in the
area where the spell is cast.
▶▶ Candle: The caster must light a candle
and place it in the centre of the area to
be affected, which must otherwise be
in darkness. The candle burns down com-
pletely over the spell’s duration.
Shadowy Transformation
▶▶ Time span: The caster may choose to Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 per level
look back into the past up to six turns Range: Touch (including the caster)
plus one turn per level. An object or creature touched becomes
▶▶ Shadow play: Once the starting point shadowy and semi-ethereal.
for the shadow re-enactment has been If an object is touched:
selected, the spell lasts for that amount of
time, producing a shadowy replay of the ▶▶ Insubstantial: The object becomes
past up to the moment the spell was cast. utterly insubstantial. It cannot be touched
and provides no physical resistance. For
▶▶ Silhouettes: Only silhouettes of the example, a door transformed by this spell
past inhabitants of the area are produced; could be freely passed through.
any sound or speech which occurred is
not replicated. ▶▶ Size: The object may be no larger than
one cubic foot per level of the caster.
Enhancement: The power of the illusion ▶▶ Magical objects: Magic items and ob-
may be enhanced by using a specially jects created by spells (e.g. a wall of stone)
manufactured candle: cannot be targeted.
▶▶ Special candle: The candle must be
If a creature is touched:
formed from the earwax of a giant mon-
ster (which must be obtained by adven- ▶▶ Insubstantial: The subject and
turing) and be inlaid with fine runes in everything it carries becomes insubstan-
gold leaf (at a cost of 200gp). tial.
▶▶ Sound: If such a candle is used, the ▶▶ Movement: The subject is able to pass
shadow play is also accompanied by through small holes and cracks.
sound, faintly reproduced in the sputter- ▶▶ Invulnerability: Only ethereal crea-
ing of the candle’s flame. tures or magic may harm the subject.
▶▶ Pass undead: Undead will ignore the
subject, believing them to be a phantom
of some kind. Undead of 10 or more HD
may save versus spells (at a –4 penalty)
to notice the illusion.
▶▶ Saving throw: An unwilling subject
may save versus spells to avoid the trans-
Time Flow Visitation
Duration: 6 turns per level Duration: 5 minutes
Range: 10’ Range: Unlimited
This powerful spell warps the flow of time This spell sends an apparition to deliver a
in the location where it is cast. message to a named subject.
▶▶ Time acceleration: For those within ▶▶ The apparition: Takes the form of
the area of effect, each turn that passes a ghostly figure of sinister or beguiling
has the subjective effect of a whole hour. aspect, as the caster wishes.
Within the affected area, spell durations ▶▶ The message delivered: May be up to
pass more quickly and characters must 5 minutes long.
eat and sleep at the accelerated rate. ▶▶ Sympathetic item: The caster requires
▶▶ Rest: If enough perceptual time is an item of close personal connection to
spent in the affected area, hit points may the subject (e.g. a ring, commonly worn
be recovered due to rest and spells may garment, lock of hair, etc.).
be re-memorized, subject to the normal ▶▶ Saving throw: If the subject is un-
rules. willing, they may save versus spells to
▶▶ Interaction: Any interaction between prevent the sending.
characters within the enchanted area and
those outside of it occur at the normal
rate—characters inside the area of time
distortion do not gain or lose actions in
combat, for instance.
▶▶ Usage limit: Casting time flow more
than once in the space of a week causes a
permanent loss of one point of CON.

6th Level Spells Dream Quest
Duration: Permanent until fulfilled
Range: 60’
Acid Fog The caster commands a single subject to
Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 per level perform a specific quest or task, conveyed
Range: 30’ through a recurring dream.
A wall of roiling, acidic vapour appears at ▶▶ The dream: While the spell remains in
a location of the caster’s choosing within effect, the subject experiences the recur-
range. ring dream every time he or she sleeps. In
the recurring dream, the subject witness-
▶▶ Area: The fog bank fills a 10’ cube area
es themselves completing the prescribed
per level of the caster.
▶▶ Plant-life in the fog: Withers and
▶▶ Examples of quests: Rescuing a pris-
dies. Small shrubs and grasses perish in
oner, killing a specific monster, bringing
two rounds, while large trees are more
a magic item to the caster, or going on a
resilient and may take up to 16 rounds to
journey to an oracle.
finally blacken and die.
▶▶ Suicidal quests: The prescribed quest
▶▶ Creatures in the fog: Suffer 1 damage
must not be obviously suicidal.
on the first round, 2 damage on the sec-
ond round, 4 damage on the third round, ▶▶ Saving throw: The subject may save
and 8 damage on each subsequent round. versus spells, with success indicating that
the initial dream is experienced but the
▶▶ Vision: The acid fog blocks normal
spell has no further effect.
vision and infravision.
▶▶ Refusal: The subject must undertake
▶▶ Movement: Creatures moving through
the quest or begin to fade from reality.
the fog move at one quarter of their nor-
Every day in which the subject does not
mal movement rate.
pursue the quest, they lose 1 hit point.
▶▶ Strong winds: Only very strong winds This damage cannot be fatal (e.g. if the
can clear the fog before the spell’s dura- subject has only 1 hit point, no further
tion has expired. loss due to this spell will occur). Howev-
▶▶ Magical fire: A large area of magical er, accrued damage cannot be healed by
fire can dissipate the fog in one round. any means except completing the quest.
▶▶ Completion: Once the task is com-
pleted, the spell ends. Any lost hit points
are recovered.

Manifest Dream
Duration: Varies by manifestation (see
examples below)
Range: The caster
This spell harnesses the malleable, im-
aginative potency of the dream world,
manifesting the caster’s wish.
▶▶ Dreaming: After casting the spell, the
caster must lie down and drift off to sleep
while visualising the desired manifes-
tation. The visualisation will then be
taken up by the caster’s subconscious and
experienced as a potent dream.
▶▶ Upon awakening: If the caster sleeps
for an uninterrupted 8 hours, the desired
manifestation comes to pass.
While manifest dream can bring about
a wide range of effects, its power is not
Impersonation unlimited. The following are examples of
Duration: 1 turn per level the maximum potency of the spell:
Range: The caster or a person touched ▶▶ Healing: All of an individual’s wounds.
The subject takes on the appearance of a ▶▶ Regeneration: Of a lost body part (e.g.
person of the caster’s choosing. hand or foot).
▶▶ Appearance: The subject becomes ▶▶ Revelation: Of a route through the
physically indistinguishable from the wilderness, a secret entrance into a
selected individual, becoming the same fortress, or the location of a lost item. (As
height, age, race, sex, etc. long as the sought location or object is
▶▶ Manner: Even the subject’s gestures, not warded by magic.)
voice, mode of speech, and mannerisms ▶▶ Divination: Of the rough strength of
are rendered identical to those of the enemy forces. (Creatures of 7 or more Hit
mimicked target. Dice in the force may save versus spells
▶▶ Mind: The subject does not gain any of to avoid being detected in this way.)
the memories, mental faculties, experi- ▶▶ Temporary restoration: Of a dead
ences, or abilities of the target. creature or destroyed object for 1 turn
▶▶ Observers: Who know the mimicked per level of the caster.
target may save versus spells to detect Usage limit: This spell may be used at
the illusion if the subject does or says most once per week. A caster who over-
anything that the original would not. steps this limit will become permanently
Sympathetic item: The caster must have insane.
a personal possession or bodily sample
(e.g. drop of blood, lock of hair) of the
target to be mimicked.

Mass Suggestion Mislead
Duration: 4 turns +4 per level Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 90’ Range: The caster
The caster utters a suggestion to influence This spell causes an illusory double of the
the behaviour of selected subjects within caster to appear while the real caster is
range. rendered invisible.
▶▶ Number of subjects: Up to one subject ▶▶ Appearance: The illusion of the dou-
per level of the caster may be targeted. ble includes visual, sonic, olfactory, and
▶▶ Wording: The suggestion must take tactile elements. It is an entirely convinc-
the form of a short phrase (at most one ing double of the caster.
or two sentences) suggesting a course of ▶▶ Action: The double may act com-
action to the subjects. pletely independently, including moving,
▶▶ Comprehension: A language that is speaking, attacking, and casting spells
understood by the subjects must be used. (that the caster has memorized).
▶▶ Harmful suggestions: Suggestions ▶▶ Combat: The double has the same
that are obviously harmful to a subject combat capabilities as the caster and has a
cause the spell to automatically fail for separate pool of hit points, equal to those
that subject. of the caster when the spell is cast.
▶▶ Saving throw: A save versus spells The caster: Is rendered invisible as
is allowed to resist the suggestion. If follows:
the save fails, the subject will follow the ▶▶ Attacking: The caster may attack while
caster’s suggestion for up to the duration invisible.
of the spell.
▶▶ Being attacked: Opponents who are
▶▶ Reasonable suggestions: A suggestion aware of the caster’s presence (but who
that is worded in a way to make it sound cannot see invisible) may detect a faint
very reasonable incurs a –2 penalty to the shimmering, allowing them to locate the
saving throw. caster. The caster gains a +4 bonus to AC
Restrictions: Undead are unaffected. and saving throws against such attacks.
▶▶ Equipment: Any gear the caster is
carrying is also rendered invisible (this
includes clothing and armour). Items
dropped or put down become visible.
▶▶ Light sources: If a light source is made
invisible (as part of the caster’s gear), the
light it casts is unaffected.
Permanent Illusion Shades
Duration: Permanent Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 240’ Range: 30’
An illusion of the caster’s choosing— The caster conjures one or more semi-re-
including sounds, smells, and thermal al monsters, woven from shadow-stuff.
elements—manifests in a 20’ cube area. ▶▶ Hit Dice: The monsters’ total Hit Dice
Two types of illusion may be created: may not exceed the caster’s level.
1. An illusionary monster: That can be ▶▶ Type: All monsters must be of the
directed to attack. The monster has same type.
AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the ▶▶ Hit points: The monsters have 1d6 hit
attacker may save versus spells. If the points per Hit Die (instead of the normal
save succeeds, the attacker realises the 1d8 hit points per Hit Die).
illusory nature of the monster, and can
▶▶ Control: The monsters are under the
no longer be harmed by it.
caster’s control.
2. A scene: Of some kind, either chang-
ing the appearance of the affected area Saving throw: Every creature viewing the
or creating the appearance of some- shadow monsters may save versus spells:
thing new. ▶▶ If the save succeeds: The subject views
Stipulations: The following apply: the monsters as they truly are: vague,
shifting forms of shadow. To this subject,
▶▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves
the shadow monsters have AC 9 [10]
and responds as decided by the caster
and inflict three quarters of their normal
when the spell is cast.
damage (rounding down). This subject
▶▶ Illusionary monsters: May appear to is unaffected by any special or magical
be harmful but never inflict real damage. attack forms of the monsters.
A character who appears to die actually
▶▶ If the save fails: The subject perceives
falls unconscious, a character turned to
the monsters as real creatures of the
stone will actually be paralysed, and so
chosen type. To this subject, the shadow
on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
monsters attack as normal, including the
▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the use of special or magical attack forms
illusion is of something the caster has not (though attacks such as energy drain
personally seen, the referee should grant or petrification do not really occur—at
targets a bonus to any applicable saving worst, they might cause an opponent to
throws. fall unconscious or be paralysed for 1d4

1. An illusionary monster: That can be
Through the Looking Glass directed to attack. The monster has
Duration: 1 round per level AC 5 [14]. If it is hit in combat, the
Range: 10’ attacker may save versus spells. If the
save succeeds, the attacker realises the
A finely wrought, full-length, silver
illusory nature of the monster, and can
mirror is enchanted to act as a scrying
no longer be harmed by it.
device, allowing the caster to view any
2. An illusionary attack: Of some kind
place or object that is brought to mind:
(an avalanche, a falling ceiling, a
▶▶ The clarity of the vision: Depends on magic missile, etc). Targets who save
the scryer’s familiarity with the subject. versus spells are unaffected.
▶▶ Casting spells: Through the mirror 3. A scene: Of some kind, either chang-
into the viewed scene is not possible. ing the appearance of the affected
Stepping into the mirror: The caster may area or creating the appearance of
step into the divined scene: something new. The scene disappears
if touched.
▶▶ Portal: A faint, spatial distortion exists
at the point at which the caster entered Stipulations: The following apply:
the scene. The portal is invisible, but may ▶▶ Responsiveness: The illusion behaves
be perceived by the caster or by magic. and responds as decided by the caster
▶▶ Stepping back through: Anyone who when the spell is cast.
perceives the portal may step out of the ▶▶ Illusionary monsters: May appear to
mirror and into the location whence the be harmful but never inflict real damage.
caster originated. A character who appears to die actually
▶▶ At the end of the spell’s duration: falls unconscious, a character turned to
The portal disappears. Any creature that stone will actually be paralysed, and so
stepped through the portal/mirror must on. Such effects last for 1d4 turns.
save versus death or becomes lost in ▶▶ Illusions from imagination: If the
another plane of reality. illusion is of something the caster has not
Material cost: The mirror must be of at personally seen, the referee should grant
least 5,000gp value. targets a bonus to any applicable saving
Triggered Illusion The trigger condition: May be as broad
or as specific as the caster wishes, and
Duration: Permanent until triggered,
may include conditions on objects in the
then 1 round per level
enchanted area being touched or on the
Range: 240’
presence of creatures in the area. It may
An area within range is enchanted to pro- only take visual appearances into account
duce an illusion of the caster’s choosing (e.g. it cannot discern the alignment,
—including sounds, smells, and thermal class, level, etc. of creatures who pass
elements—when a specified triggering through).
condition occurs. Once triggered, the
illusion manifests in a 20’ cube area, re-
maining for up to 1 round per level. The
enchantment then ends. Three types of
illusion may be created:

DIS22: 125mm wide, 80mm high

▶▶ Sacrifice: In order to supplicate the

True Seeing power being contacted, the caster must
Duration: 1 round per level sacrifice something either valuable to
Range: The caster or a creature touched themselves or valuable to the supernat-
ural power. More valuable sacrifices in-
The subject sees all things within 60’ as
crease the chance of the caster’s question
they truly are.
being answered (see below).
▶▶ Secret doors: Are revealed.
The response of the power: Is deter-
▶▶ Invisible: Objects and creatures are
mined by rolling 2d6:
▶▶ 2–6: The power is angered. No vision
▶▶ Illusions: Are seen through.
is sent. Instead, the caster is placed under
▶▶ Enchantments: Enchanted objects and a powerful enchantment forcing them to
creatures are made apparent. perform some quest for the power.
▶▶ 7–9: A minor vision is sent. It may not
Vision be directly related to the caster’s question.
Duration: 1 turn ▶▶ 10 or higher: A vision is sent, answer-
Range: The caster ing the caster’s question.
The caster calls upon a supernatural pow- Value of sacrifice: The 2d6 roll is
er, asking to be sent a vision in answer to modified by the value of the sacrifice (as
a question. judged by the referee):
▶▶ The power to be called upon: May be ▶▶ Very precious: +1
selected by the caster. ▶▶ Extremely precious: +2
▶▶ The question: Which vexes the caster ▶▶ Priceless: +3
must be stated. 43
Open Game License
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”,
All artwork, logos, and presentation are product identity. “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,
The names “Necrotic Gnome” and “Old-School Essentials” format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
are product identity. All text and tables not declared as Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your”
Open Game Content are product identity. means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
The descriptions of the following spells are Open Game Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of
Content: speak with animals, create water, cure light this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open
wounds, water breathing, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to
speak with plants, transmute rock to mud, light, phantasmal or subtracted from this License except as described by the
force, read magic, detect magic, invisibility, mirror image, License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied
hallucinatory terrain, invisibility 10’ radius, confusion, to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
projected image.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/ exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
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which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f)
“Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto,
designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or
its products or the associated products contributed

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004,
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and Golden.
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
under any version of this License. Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
Distribute. 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or based on original material by Gary Gygax.
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Contributor unless You have written permission from the Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
Contributor to do so. original material by Gary Gygax.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
with any of the terms of this License with respect to some Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial Patrick Lawinger.
order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use
any Open Game Material so affected. Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically original material by Nick Louth.
if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
License. Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to Labyrinth Lord™ Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor.
be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to Author Daniel Proctor.
the extent necessary to make it enforceable. B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman, author
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017 Gavin
Coast, Inc. Norman, author Gavin Norman.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2017 Gavin
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Norman, author Gavin Norman.
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2018 Gavin Norman, author
Dave Arneson. Gavin Norman.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte User Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman, author Gavin Norman.
Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Druid and
Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff,
Illusionist Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman, author Gavin
Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-
2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,
Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David
Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce
R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Index of Spells
Acid Fog 38 Growth of Nature 10
Animal Friendship 6 Hallucinatory Terrain 25
Auditory Illusion 16 Heat Metal 8
Barkskin8 Hold Animal 10
Blacklight25 Hypnotic Pattern 23
Blindness / Deafness 22 Hypnotism19
Blur22 Illusion34
Call Lightning 10 Illusory Stamina 30
Chaos33 Impersonation39
Chromatic Orb 16 Improved Invisibility 30
Colour Spray 18 Improved Phantasmal Force 23
Commune with Nature 14 Invisibility23
Confusion29 Invisibility 10’ Radius 26
Control Weather 14 Invisibility to Animals 7
Create Water 8 Light19
Cure Light Wounds 8 Locate Plant or Animal 7
Cure Serious Wounds 12 Looking Glass 34
Dancing Lights 18 Magic Mouth 24
Demi-Shadow Monsters 33 Major Creation 34
Detect Danger 6 Manifest Dream 39
Detect Illusion 18 Massmorph30
Detect Magic 22 Mass Suggestion 40
Dispel Illusion 25 Maze of Mirrors 35
Dispel Magic (Druid) 12 Minor Creation 31
Dispel Magic (Illusionist) 29 Mirror Image 24
Dream Quest 38 Mislead40
Emotion29 Nondetection26
Entangle6 Obscuring Mist 9
Faerie Fire 7 Paralysation26
False Aura 22 Pass Plant 14
Fascinate22 Permanent Illusion 41
Fear25 Phantasmal Force 20
46 Glamour18 Phantasmal Killer 31
DIS23: 125mm wide, 78mm high

Phantom Steed 27 Spectral Force 28

Predict Weather 7 Spook21
Produce Flame 9 Suggestion28
Projected Image 35 Summon Animals 13
Protection from Fire and Lightning 12 Temperature Control 13
Protection from Plants and Animals 15 Through the Looking Glass 42
Protection from Poison 11 Time Flow 37
Quasimorph24 Transmute Rock to Mud 15
Rainbow Pattern 31 Tree Shape 11
Read Magic 21 Triggered Illusion 42
Rope Trick 27 True Seeing 43
Seeming35 Veil of Abandonment 32
Shades41 Vision43
Shadowcast36 Visitation37
Shadow Monsters 32 Wall of Fog 21
Shadowy Transformation 36 Wall of Thorns 15
Slow Poison 9 Warp Wood 9
Solid Fog 32 Water Breathing 11
Speak with Animals 7 Whispering Wind 24
Speak with Plants 12 Wraithform28

Druid and Illusionist Spells
This book contains the complete selection of druid and
illusionist spells:

▶▶ 34 druid spells: From 1st to 5th level. Simple

blessings to tame the wild, indispensable prayers to heal
wounds and ward against harm, mighty invocations to
unleash the destructive powers of nature.
▶▶ 72 illusionist spells: From 1st to 6th level. Cunning
glamours to beguile and deceive, flashy illusions to
conjure dream and imagination, weird dweomers that
warp time and twist reality.
Requires Old-School Essentials Core Rules

Further Advanced Fantasy genre books in the Old-

School Essentials product line:
Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules

ISBN 978-3-96657-020-6

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