TLE 7 - AFA-FP - M5 - v3

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Module 5
Interpret a Layout Plan
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Food (Fish) Processing – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education – Region 10

Regional Director: Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Angel Norm L. Ramirez

Evaluators: Esterlita J. Sanchez

Josie O. Mejos
Evelyn A. Taruc
Niel John M. Roxas
Illustrator and Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayucot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Edwin R. Maribojoc EdD, CESO VI

Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members: Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.,EPS-ADM
Samuel C. Silacan, EdD, CID Chief
Joseph T. Boniao, EPS-EPP/TLE
Rone Ray M. Portacion,EdD EPS-LRMS
Edwin V. Palma, PSDS
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Avilla G. Taclob, Principal I/District In-charge
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Module 5
Interpret a Layout Plan

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators

from public schools. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to
email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of
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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


What I Need to Know ……….......................................... 1

What I Know ……….......................................... 2
Technical Terms ……….......................................... 4
Lesson 1: Interpret Lay-out Plan ………………..................... 5
What’s In ……….......................................... 5
What’s New ……….......................................... 5
What Is It? ……….......................................... 6
Fish Processing Activities ……………………………………. 6
Characteristics of a Fresh and Spoiled Fish…...................... 8
Grading ……………………………………. 9
Grading of Fishery Products ……………………………………. 9
Steps in Cleaning Fresh Fish …………………………………. 10
Layout of an Ideal Processing Room ………………………… 14
What’s More? ………........................................... 15
What I have Learned …................................................. 15
What I Can Do ………........................................... 16
Assessment …................................................. 17
Additional Activities …................................................. 19
Answer Key ………........................................... 20
References ………........................................... 21
Introductory Message

For the Learner

Hello, learners! Congratulations and welcome to the next module. Again, the
basis for living in this wonderful world is the ability to recruit for survival. Unless you
have fully and clearly understood what awaits on you. You are generally in the
position to exceed difficult situation on the quality of life, achievement, acquisition
that you’ve been dreaming about for a long period of time. Thus, one needs help to
realize it.

Philosophers really believed that life is clearly infinite lesson, that the
incorporation of invaluable, applicable, ideas in the daily work has no ending and it
needs courage and determination to be on the right track.

This module provides imperative information towards reaching your goals in

your life.

1. It helps acquire competencies in interpreting layout plan in

food/fish processing.
2. It provides information on the different meanings of signs and
symbols used in lay outing plan for fish processing activity.
3. It allows you to understand the importance of interpreting a
layout plan.

Substantial knowledge of food (fish) processing is important as this increases

the chances of knowing indispensable things relative to it.
In this module, you are guided with a set of learning icons that will help you
understand the underlying principles of Food (fish) processing.

1. What I Need to Know – the icon used to introduce the

learning objectives in this module.
2. What I Know – the icon used to test what you have
learned in this module.
3. What’s In – the icon used to connect your previous
learning with the new lesson.
4. What’s New – the icon used to introduce new lesson
through an activity, situation or activity.
5. What is It – the icon that will help you discover and understand food (fish)
processing concepts.
6. What’s More – the icon that will help enrich your
learnings of food(fish) concepts.
7. What I Have Learned – the icon that will help you
process what you have learned in the lesson.
8. What I Can Do – the icon that allows you to apply what
you have learned into real-life situations.
9. Assessment – the icon that evaluates your level of
mastery in achieving the learning objectives.
10. Additional Activities – the icon that enhance your
learning and improves your mastery of the lesson.
This module will help give you all the essentials needed in your food (fish)
processing journey.

What I Need To Know

In our place, we are surrounded with great percentage of water. One of the
sources of living is through water that’s why most of the occupation are fishermen.
Fishermen cannot return to the seashore with fresh fish they have caught and it will
be of great helps to know how to process their catch in order to transport their
products with a good quality.

Through this module, you will know the different fish processing
activities inside a food processing laboratory. These activities will serve as your
guide in knowing the different signs and symbols in interpreting a layout plan.

After reading this module, the learners should be able to:

LO 1: Interpret a layout plan (TLE_AFFP9-121D-0f-1)

1. Explain the meanings of signs and symbol used in lay outing plan for
processing activity;

2. Interpret layout plan for fish processing area according to standard set;

What I Know

Activity 1: Evaluate yourself

Directions: Read and understand the questions below. Select the best answer for
each item then write your choice in your activity notebook.

1. This processing activity involves pre-cooking.

A. storing C. preparation
B. receiving D. processing
2. This activity involves the final heat treatment during processing.
A. sterilizing C. preparation
B. storing D. labeling
3. This activity involves segregating suitable from unsuitable raw materials.
A. grading and sorting C. receiving
B. labeling D. preparation
4. The purpose of this activity is to give the correct information about the product
A. storing C. processing
B. labeling D. receiving
5. One purpose of this processing activity is to prolong the keeping quality of the
finished product.
A. Labeling C. processing
B. Storing D. preparation
6. Fish has bulging eyes, red gills and a firm body. What can you say about the
A. The fish is fresh C. The fish is partially fresh
B. The fish is stale D. The fish is undergoing rigor mortis
7. The fishes you graded have slightly sunken eyes with grayish pupil; the flesh
and backbone are slightly soft and with a slightly sour odor. To what grade
will you assign them ?
A. Grade I C. Grade III
B. Grade II D. Off-grade

8. Why must raw materials like fishes be gutted before salting, curing or smoking
A. To thoroughly clean the fish
B. To prevent spoilage of the fish
C. To improve the odor of the fish
D. To remove the internal organs which contain spoilage organisms
9. When descaling a fish like tilapia or bangus, why should you use a blunt
A. To prevent injuring the fish flesh
B. To hasten the removal of scales
C. To prevent damaging the scales
D. To maintain firmness of the fish flesh
10. This consists of fish which failed to meet the requirements of Grade III and
therefore must be rejected.
A. Grade I C. Grade III
B. Grade II D. Off-grade
11. It is described as any tag, brand, mark, pictorial, or other descriptive matter.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications
12. It refers to a detailed itemized description of dimension plans, materials, and
other equipment.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications
13. It is the way facilities are placed according to plan.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications
14. It refers to the removal of the scales from a fish using a blunt knife.
A. Brining C. Grading
B. Eviscerating D. Scaling
15. It refers to the removal of the internal organs; gut scaled or unscaled fish.
A. Brining C. Grading
B. Eviscerating D. Scaling


Layout – the way facilities are placed according to plan.

Labeling – attaching of any printed materials to food products for


Label – any tag, brand, mark, pictorial, or other descriptive matter.

Specification – a detailed itemized description of dimension plans,

materials, and other equipment.

Splitting -split fish on the dorsal side starting from the tail to the head
by running the edge of the knife along the backbone.

Brining– is treating food with brine or coarse salt which preserves and
seasons the food while enhancing tenderness and flavor.

Eviscerating/gutting– removal of the internal organs; gut scaled or

unscaled fish.

Organdeptic characteristics –the characteristics of a fish evaluated

using the sense of sight, smell, touch such as appearance, color and

n Interpret a Layout Plan

What’s In

Activity 1: Fill Me In

Directions: The following words below are used in the topic “Cost
Production”. Write the appropriate letter to complete the word/s and
write it in your activity notebook.

i. PR_FI_ 6. S _ L _ S
ii. E_PEN_ITUR_S 7. I N _ U T
iii. M _T E R _ A L S 8. _ U T P _ T
iv. _NIT C_ST 9. P_ O D _ C T I O N C _ S T
v. YI_LD 10. S _L L I N _ P _ I C E

What’s New?

Activity 1: Name Game – Fresh Fish

Directions: Give at least three characteristics in choosing a fresh fish. Write it in your
activity notebook.

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

What is it?

Fish Processing Activities

The term fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and
fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final
product is delivered to the customer.
Fish is a highly perishable food which needs proper handling and preservation
if it is to have a long shelf life and retain a desirable quality and nutritional value. The
central concern of fish processing is to prevent fish from deteriorating. The most
obvious method for preserving the
quality of fish is to keep them
alive until they are ready for
cooking and eating.

I. Receiving. This activity includes

sorting and grading of raw
materials according to
size, species and quality. It
also includes segregating suitable from unsuitable ones.

Raw materials refer to fresh fishes newly caught, chilled or frozen that are not
yet subjected to the treatment with preservatives like salt, vinegar and smoke. They
are used during salting, curing and smoking. Prior to processing of fish, the raw
materials must be efficiently prepared to achieve top quality processed products,
maximum yield and highest possible profits.

Characteristics of a Fresh and Spoiled Fish

Fresh Fish Spoiled Fish

Odor fresh fishy odor stale sour or putrid
Eyes bright and bulging, pupil is velvet dull, wrinkled and sunken
black, cornea is transparent pupil is dull black cornea
is opaque
Gills bright red, covered with slime dull brown or gray with
odor under gill cover is fresh cloudy slime, odor under
gill cover is sour and
Body bright faded
Flesh firm stiff body, finger impressions soft and flabby, finger
do not remain impressions remain
Belly walls intact often ruptured, viscera
Muscle white pinkish especially around
Tissue the backbone
Vent pink, not protruding brown, protruding

Sorting fish according to their quality is done with the organoleptic evaluation
of their condition based on the characteristics of a fresh and a stale fish.

Below are the descriptions of the specific characteristics of a fresh fish:

1. A fish with clear bright eyes have eyes with a convex shiny black pupil and
translucent cornea.

2. A fish with bright colored gills have gills which are shiny red or pink, not dull
brown or gray.

3. The odor of a fresh fish is similar to that of a newly gathered seaweeds.

4. A fresh fish has a firm flesh characterized by a stiff body and texture elastic
to slight pressure.

5. A fresh fish with intact belly walls have no protruding viscera and the walls
are not soft or ruptured but firm and springy.

6. The fish with a bright body color has a glossy appearance, with body color
typical of the species.

7. The slime present in a fresh fish must be clear, colorless and transparent in
normal quantities at the gills and body.

A Stale Fish has the following specific characteristics:

1. Discoloration which is a discernible abnormal color changes in some parts

characterized by varying degrees of spoilage.

2. Damage is a defect in the fish which materially detracts from the

appearance or edible or shipping quality of the fish. It includes loose scales,
bruises and abrasions due to mishandling affecting more than 5% of the body
of the fish, cuts and punctures made by tools used in catching or transporting
fish that expose the flesh with a length of one-tenth of the length of the fish or
excessively deep.

3. The stale fish is considered to have loose scales when the scales have
been removed from the skin over more than 5% of the surface area of the fish
or when scales are easily rubbed off because of bacterial decomposition.

4. The eyes are considered slightly sunken if the eyes are not bulging, or are
slightly depressed.

5. The milky slime in stale fish appears cloudy white and is slightly


6. Slightly discolored gills have abnormal color change from bright red or pink
to dull gray or brown.

7. A fish with a slightly soft flesh has a texture which is not elastic and leaves
a dent or mark to slight pressure.


Evaluating the raw materials based on their organoleptic characteristics such

as appearance, color, odor and texture.

Grading of Fishery Products

The grading of fishery products is based on the organoleptic characteristics as

shown in the grading of tuna. Organoleptic characteristics refer to the characteristics
of a fish obtained through the use of the sense organs like the color, odor, texture,

Grading of Tuna The prescribed standards for tuna:

Grade I. This consists of strictly fresh fish possessing the following characteristics:

a. Eyes, clear, and bright

b. Gills, bright red-colored

c. Fresh odor

d. Firm flesh and intact belly walls

e. Color of the body must be bright

f. Absence of discoloration, loose scales, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures

or other injuries

Grade II. This consists of chilled or frozen (quick or sharp) fish which failed to meet
the requirements for Grade I.

a. Eyes, clear, and bright

b. Gills, bright red-colored

c. Fresh odor

d. Firm flesh and intact belly walls

e. Normal body color characteristics of the species

f. Absence of discoloration, loose scales, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures

or other injuries.

Grade III. This consists of fish which failed to meet the requirements of Grades I and
II, but which has the following characteristics:

a. Eyes, slightly sunken; pupil, grayish

b. Gills, slightly discolored and shiny

c. Body, covered with somewhat milky slime

d. Abdomen and belly walls, slightly soft

e. Flesh and backbone, slightly soft

f. Odor, slightly sour and somewhat like bread or weak acetic acid.

Off – Grade. This consists of fish which failed to meet the requirements of Grade III
and therefore must be rejected.

II. Preparation. This includes the preparatory steps such as scaling, eviscerating,
washing, cutting, brining, and pre-cooking the fish by steaming, blanching, or


1. Scaling

Removal of the scales from a fish using a blunt knife. A sharp knife is not
used because it might injure the fish.
The scales of a fish can be removed using the following:

a. Knife

b. Metal Scaler

c. Electric scaler

2. Eviscerating/Gutting means the removal of the internal organs, viscera or guts

through the operculum.

3. Washing - Fish are washed using running water from a faucet or with strong jets
of water from a water sprayer.

To prevent contamination, hands, working area, cutting boards, knives and other
utensils should be properly cleaned with water and soap.

III. Processing/sterilizing. This activity involves the final processing and complete
sterilization of the processed finished product.

IV. Storing. Storage room is provided for storing finished product such as
canned/bottled fish, smoked fish, salted fish, pickled fish and other

processed fishery products. Proper storage will also extend the shelf life of
the product.

V. Packaging. This
processing activity involves the wrapping or enclosing food and fish
products in bottles or in cans for the purpose of protecting and
preserving the finished products.

VI. Labeling. The purpose of this activity is to give the correct information
about the product.


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What’s More

Activity 2 Self- Assessment

Directions: Below is a layout of an ideal processing room. Place the necessary area
appropriate for processing. Write it in your activity notebook.

What I Have Learned

Instruction: Complete the sentence below. Write your answer in

your activity

I have learned how to _______________________ layout plan


What I Can Do

Activity 3: Go with the Flow

Directions: Below is a flowchart in manufacturing of Smoked Bangus Fish. Fill in the

box with the correct procedures given. Write it in your activity notebook.





1. Securing of raw materials

2. Preparing the raw materials
a. Splitting
b. Brining
c. Pre-cooking
d. Drying
3. Smoking
4. Cooling
5. Packaging

_________ _________ _________ _________ A

_______ _________ _________ _________
ss es
s m
___ ___e ___ nt
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___
_ _ Now, that you are
finished accomplishing the module, let us check what you
have learned.

Directions: Identify the correct answer. Write the letter only in your activity

1. Fish has bulging eyes, red gills and a firm body. What can you say about the
A. The fish is fresh C. The fish is partially fresh
B. The fish is stale D. The fish is undergoing rigor mortis

2. The fishes you graded have slightly sunken eyes with grayish pupil; the flesh
and backbone are slightly soft and with a slightly sour odor. To what grade will
you assign them?
A. Grade I C. Grade III
B. Grade II D. Off-grade
3. Why must raw materials like fishes be eviscerated before salting, curing or
smoking them?
A. To thoroughly clean the fish
B. To prevent spoilage of the fish
C. To improve the odor of the fish
D. To remove the internal organs which contain spoilage organisms
4. The purpose of this activity is to give the correct information about the product
A. Storing C. Processing
B. Labeling D. Receiving
5. One purpose of this processing activity is to prolong the keeping quality of the
finished product.
A. Labeling C. processing
B. Storing D. preparation
6. It is the way facilities are placed according to plan.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications

7. It refers to the removal of the scales from a fish using a blunt knife.
A. Brining C. Grading
B. Eviscerating D. Scaling
8. When descaling a fish like tilapia or bangus, why should you use a blunt knife?
A. To prevent injuring the fish flesh
B. To hasten the removal of scales
C. To maintain firmness of the fish flesh
D. To prevent damaging the scales
9. This consists of fish which failed to meet the requirements of Grade III and
therefore must be rejected.
A. Grade I C. Grade III

B. Grade II D. Off-grade
10. This processing activity involves pre-cooking.
A. Storing C. Preparation
B. Receiving D. Processing
11. This activity involves segregating suitable from unsuitable raw materials.
A. Grading and sorting C. Receiving
B. Labeling D. Preparation
12. It refers to the removal of the internal organs; gut scaled or unscaled fish.
A. Brining C. Grading
B. Eviscerating D. Scaling
13.This activity involves the final heat treatment during processing.
A. Sterilizing C. Preparation
B. Storing D. Labeling
14. It is described as any tag, brand, mark, pictorial, or other descriptive matter.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications
15. It refers to a detailed itemized description of dimension plans, materials, and
other equipment.
A. Label C. Manual
B. Layout D. Specifications

Additional Activities

Activity 4: Express your Ideas

Questions: If you were to choose, which would you prefer to buy expensive fresh fish
or cheap stale fish? Why? Give at least two (2) reasons.

Rubrics for Evaluation

Points Description
4  Student’s understanding of concept is clearly evident
 Student uses logical thinking to arrive at conclusion

3  Student’s understanding of concept is evident

 Student shows thinking skills to arrive at conclusion

2  Student has limited understanding of the concept

 Student attempts to show thinking skills

1  Student has a complete lack of understanding of the

 Student shows no understanding

Answer Key

What’s in? What I Know?

1. PROFIT 1. C 11. A
3. MATERIALS 3. A 13. B
4. UNIT COST 4. C 14. D
5. YIELD 5. B 15. B
6. SALES 6. A
7. INPUT 7. C
8. OUTPUT 8. A

Self-Assessment Assessment

1. C 1. A 11. A
2. D 2. C 12. B
3. A 3. A 13. A
4. B 4. B 14. A
5. E 5. B 15. D
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C



Bravo, Ferdinand S. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and

Livelihood Education Learning Module (Food/Fish Processing.) 114p.


Competency-Based Learning Material(Fish Processing). 19p.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region 10
Zone 1, DepEd Building Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang
Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Telefax: (088) 880 7072
E-mail Address: region10@deped.govph


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