Tle8 q2 w5 Household-Services-5

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Module 5
Participate in Workplace
Communication (PW)

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public secondary schools. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education – Region 10 at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master in participating in workplace communication. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the different vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Obtain and Convey Workplace Communication

 Lesson 2 – Participate in Workplace Meetings and Discussions
 Lesson 3 – Complete Relevant Work Related Documents

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the concepts of communication and its process

2. Apply ways to generate information
3. Identify the different media used in disseminating information and ideas
4. Perform the procedures in storing, filing, and managing information and forms
5. Observe workplace interactions and protocols based on organization and
industry standards
6. Explain in- and off-house policy management
7. Simulate workplace meetings and discussion
8. Identify and accomplish basic documents and forms used in housekeeping
9. Perform effective record management and mathematical process

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your
TLE Notebook.

1. Which of the following is NOTa medium of information?

a. Mass Media
b. Notice
c. Memorandum
d. Noise
2. Which of the following is NOTaform of non-verbal communication?
a. Body Language
b. Eye Contact
c. Hand signals
d. Media
3. Communication process involves different skillsEXCEPT:
a. Listening
b. Reasoning
c. Physical barrier
d. Speaking
4. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of following
house policies?
a. To prevent employees from doing as they please
b. To know the law
c. To give guidelines for constant professional services
d. To be able to use the facilities for personal reasons
5. Which of these statements best defines good non-verbal communication?
a. Be polite to the guest.
b. Be willing to help when a guest approaches you.
c. Adapt your body language to what you are saying (posture, smile, etc.).
d. Look at the ground when speaking to guest

6. It is a form used by housekeepers or room attendants to record the task done
during their shift.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist
7. It is used whenever there are problems reported by the guest to the
housekeeping department.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist
8. What kind of form toprepared by housekeeping in-charge and handed down to
the front desk to give them an update as to the status of each hotel room?
a. Guest room cleaning checklist
b. Stock requisition form
c. Lost property report
d. Housekeeping status report
9. It is used by the housekeeping supervisor to check, on a daily basis on how the
cleaning service for every guest room was done.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist
10. It is an important document to keep track of records for lost and found items.
a. Guest room cleaning checklist
b. Stock requisition form
c. Lost and found slip
d. Housekeeping status report

11. It is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose
of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing
information or reaching agreement.
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Circular
d. Notice
12. A set of rules and standards that tell employees what is expected of them and
how they should act in various work situations.
a. Notice
b. House Policies/ House Rules
c. Newspaper
d. Meeting
13. It is a communication that contains directive, advisory or informative.
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Circular
d. Notice
14. It is a medium of communication (such as newspapers, radio or television) that is
designed to reach the mass of the people
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Mass Media
d. Notice
15. Which of the following statements showing a good attitude when receiving
gratuity from a guest?
a. Immediately count the money in front of the guest.
b. Thank the guest for the gratuity and immediately put in the pocket.
c. Ask for more gratuity from the guest.
d. All of the above



Communication is a process, and if the process breaks down, communication

will fail. In this lesson, you will learn about the communication process and
importance of obtaining and conveying information in the workplace.

What’s In

Directions. Match the item in Column A with those in Column B. Put your answer on

yourTLE Notebook.


1. It is the constitutional law designed to make a. OSH Trainings

sure that all Filipinos have air that is safe to b. OccupationalHealth Service
breathe. c. First Aid
2. It refers to devices worn by workers to protect d. Clean Air Act
them against hazards in the work e. PersonalProtective Equipment
3. Interventions conducted to facilitate learning
on occupational safety and health, the results
of which can contribute to the attainment of
better and improved OSH conditions.
4. It is the provision of initial care for an illness
or injury.
5. It is the continuous, systematic use of
routinely collected health data to guide OSH
decisions and actions.

What’s New

Directions: Use the given clues below to fit in the crossword puzzle with the correct
words. Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.

What is It

Concepts of Communication
Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas through
a common system of symbol, signs or behavior. There are many means of
communication. To be an effective and valuable member of your workplace it is
important that you become skilled in all of the different methods of communication
that are appropriate.
The communication processfor communication to occur it must pass from a
sender to a receiver. This must occur irrespective of the form of communication. For
communication to be effective it must be understood by the receiver and be able to
be responded to. This means that total communication involves speaking, reading,
listening, and reasoning skills. As communications pass from the source to the
receiver there is plenty of opportunity for its original meaning to change or alter.
Therefore listening, reasoning and feedback is an important part of the
process as it is an opportunity for the sender to make sure the receiver has
understood the message. The other consideration is the “noise” associated with the
communication – what else is happening, what are the distractionsetc. Noise can
have a big impact on the message the receiver decodes.

Barriers to Communication
In many communications, the message may not be received exactly the way the
sender intended and hence it is important that the communicator seeks feedback to
check that their message is clearly understood. Barriers can be specific terms that
can prevent communication within an organization. The skills of Active Listening,
Clarification and Reflection, which we will discuss shortly, may help but the skilled
communicator also needs to be aware of the barriers to effective communication.
There exist many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in the
communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming inaccurate
and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and

Some common barriers to effective communication includes:

 The use of jargonor unfamiliar terms.

 Emotional barriers and something that is not acceptable to mention or say.
 Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
 Differences in perception and viewpoint.
 Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
 Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
 Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
 Expectations and make biased which may lead to false statement. People
often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump
to incorrect conclusions.
 Cultural differences. The principles of social interaction vary greatly in
different cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For
example, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between
different social settings.

Verbal communicationis communication involving words, both spoken and

written.Non-verbal communication is made up of messages transmitted by our
facial expressions and the way we move.

Our body language and our attitude are important when we are communicating
with guest. You should:
 Always make eye contact with the guest and smile
 Use a pleasant tone of voice
 Use hand gestures that accord with what you say
 Maintain a distance that shows that you are listening attentively to the guest
without being too close or too far away.

Sources of Information
There are a lot of different sources of information available. These are the
following list that can be the sources of information:

 Team members
 Supervisor/ department heads
 Suppliers
 Trade personnel
 Local government
 Industry bodies

Medium Used In Transferring Information and Ideas

Many different types of medium are used as communication channel. Here is
thelist of mediums used in transferring information and ideas:
 Memorandum – a communication that contains directive, advisory or
 Circular – a paper intended for wide distribution
 Notice – a written or printed announcement
 Information discussion
 Follow-up or verbal instructions
 Face to face communication
 Mass media – a medium of communication (such as newspapers, radio or
television) that is designed to reach the mass of the people

Storing, Filing and Managing Information
and Forms
The focus on storing, filing and managing information and forms is to store
documents in an organized and secure way that still allows information or forms to
be found easily. Here is the filing system you need to know:
1. Manual Filing System – is a structured set of personal data that are accessible
according to certain criteria.
2. Computer-based Filing System – a system of organizing files that utilizes hard
drive space or network space. The system may either be computer software, an
Internet- based program, or a simple file and folder system on the desktop of a

Workplace Interactions and Protocols

For businesses to function as desired, managers and lower-level employees
must be able to interact clearly and effectively with each other through verbal
communication or non-verbal communication to achieve specific goals.
Here some ways of communication or non-verbal communication to achieve the
said specific goals:
1. Face to face – within each other‟s sight or presence.
2. Telephone – an instrument for reproducing sounds at a distance.
3. Electronic & two-way radio – being a medium by which information is transmitted
4. Written including memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including gesture,
signals, signs and diagrams.

What’s More

Activity 1.1 - True or False

Directions:Write TRUE if the statement is true, write FALSE if the statement is
false.Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.
_______1. In a verbal communication situation, you establish eye contact with the
listener, speak clearly, and listen attentively.
_______2. When speaking with a guest, avoid using industry jargon that he/she may
not understand.
_______3. Maintain a distance too far away when communicating.
_______4. Never use appropriate hand gestures while speaking.
_______5. Communicate clearly while on the phone and in person.

Activity 1.2- Enumerations

Directions: Read each sentencecarefully and answer what is being asked. Write
your answer on your TLE Notebook.
A. Enumerate the different medium used in disseminating information and ideas.
B. Give at least three (3) barriers to effective communication.
C. Give at least five (5) sources of communication.



In this lesson, you will learn about the workplace meetings and discussions
especially the house policy or house rules in hotel premises. It is important to follow
house policies and to promote them with your co-workers.

What’s New

Directions: Write TRUEif the statement is right, writeFALSE if the statement is

wrong. Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.
To learn more about your House rules, you can:
1. Ask your supervisor. ____________
2. Call the local tourism association. ____________
3. Consult employee bulletin boards. ____________
4. Ask a co-worker. ____________
5. Read the training manual. ____________
6. Read the employee handbook. ____________
7. Attend Staff meetings. ____________
8. Ask a guest. ____________

What is It

In - And Off - House Policy Management

House Rules/ Hotel Rulesare a set of rules and standards that tell
employees what is expected from them and how they should act in various work
situations. Hotel follows different approaches in giving the best service it can provide
for its guest. Hotel house rules are designed to promote discipline among hotel staff,
thereby ensuring guest satisfaction in terms of comfort, safety, and security. Well-
mannered staffsare an asset of the hotel as they can help build hotel guests‟
contentment and trust. Every guest coming and checking in wants security thus
providing security is one of the most important duties of a hotel.
Housekeeping attendant shouldBE INFORMED about:
1. In- house rules on employee behavior, example: smoking, chewing gum, food,
personal telephone calls.
2. Unlawful conduct such as theft or destruction of property.
3. Company privileges such as discounts, meals, or use of specialized services.
4. Clothing or uniform.
5. Authorized access to facilities for personal and professional use.
6. Shift and pay information.
7. Gratuities/tips
 Do not assume money/items left in stay-over rooms are gratuities.
 Immediately report to your supervisor any money found in an unusual
 do not assume tips will be given
 accepttips graciously, thank the guest and put gratuity away immediately upon

To learn the details of these policies, you can:

1. Ask your supervisor.
2. Carefully read your training manual or employee handbook.
3. Attend staff meetings.

4. Talk with your co-workers to ensure common understanding
House Rules for Guest
House Rules serves as an agreement between the guest and the hotel which
rooms are permitted to be used by the guest. All guest when checking in should read
the house rules to prevent misunderstandings. It is a must to be familiar with the
house rules and to fully adhere to them because any violation of the house rules
means cancellation of reservation and charge of the full amount of price of

Below is an example of house rules.

1. Check-in time: 2:00 PM/ Check-out time: 12:00 NN – Check-in time for overnight
stay is 2:00 PM while check-out time is 12:00 noon the following day. Late check-
out will be charged accordingly with extra payment. Guest who come in earlier
than the designated check-in time may stay at the hotel waiting area or at the
restaurant area at no additional cost.
2. Fifty percent (50 %) down payment is required to confirm reservation.
3. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
4. Room capacity shall be strictly observed. An additional amount shall be charged
in excess of maximum occupancy.
5. When leaving the premises or before going out, please endorse room keys to the
front desk employee.
6. Please do not remove inventory items. Do not take indoor furniture outside. Any
items missing from inventory or any damages and losses of items inside the
rooms belonging to the hotel shall be charged to the room occupant.
7. The hotel is not liable for the lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please keep all your
valuables and do not leave your things unattended.
8. For security reasons, visitors are not permitted in the hotel guest room.
Hence, guests are advised to refrain from entertaining any person who is not
known to them.
9. Hotel shall respect your privacy at all times, however, illegal activities or
disorderly conduct inside the rooms and within the hotel premises are strictly
prohibited. The management reserves the right to eject any guests found

engaging in fights or violence, found illegal drugs, or under the influence of
alcohol and disrupting the peace and order of the hotel.

Conducting a Meeting
Meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the
purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing
information or reaching agreement.Meetings may occur face to face or virtually, as
mediated by communications technology, such as a telephone conference call, or a
Team meetings are attended on time. Own opinions are clearly expressed and
those of others are listened to without interruption. Meeting inputs are consistent with
the meeting purpose and established protocols. Questions about simple routine
workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are
asked and responded to.

What’s More

Activity 2 -Fill in the Blanks

Directions. Fill in the missing word to make the statement complete for house rules/
house policies. Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.

a. discipline b. act c. misunderstanding

d. money e. violation f. motivation

House Rules/ Hotel Rules are a set of rules and standards that tell employees
what is expected from them and how they should (1.) _______________in various
work situations. Hotel house rules are designed to promote(2.)
______________among hotel staff, thereby ensuring guest satisfaction in terms of
comfort, safety, and security. Immediately report to your supervisor any (3.)
________________ found in an unusual location. All guest when checking in should
read the house rules to prevent (4.) _______________. It is a must to be familiar

with the house rules and to fully adhere to them because any (5.)
_________________ of the house rules means cancellation of reservation and
charge of the full amount of price of accommodation.



Housekeeping service does not only cover observance and maintenance of

cleanliness in hotel surroundings. As a housekeeping attendant, knowledge on how
to use and handle housekeeping form is a must.Reading reports and accomplishing
forms are parts of your job as a housekeeping attendant.

What’s New

Directions.Fill in the table with its appropriate answers based on the scenario below.
Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.
Mrs. Rosales at room 108 around 1:00 PM reported a problem in her room about the
defective air conditioning and malfunctioning room access key.

What is It

Basic Documents and Forms

Forms are documents that serve as evidence in a specific incident, situation, and
Forms and reports play an important role in managing the housekeeping
activities. It serves as evidence in a specific incident, situation and happening.
Reports are a very useful method for keeping track of important information. The
information contained in reports can be used to make very important decisions that
affect the establishment.
Housekeeper should be knowledgeable in filling out housekeeping forms which
 Housekeeping daily assignment checklist;
 Maintenance request form;
 Housekeeping work order form;

 Guest room cleaning checklist;

 Stock requisition form;

 Lost property report; and

 Housekeeping status report.

1. Housekeeping Attendant’s Daily Assignment Sheet

Housekeeping Attendant‟s Daily Assignment sheet is a form used by
housekeepers or room attendants to record the task done during their shift. This
form will also be held them plan their work for the day. After each room is serviced,
the room attendant must list down the time they have entered the room for the room
service and log in their time out after completion. They must also note down the
room status before service and after service, the number of extra bed or cot placed,
and also the number of linens replace in the room.The housekeeper will receive this
form after their briefing before they can start their daily task.

2. Maintenance Request Form

Maintenance Request form is used whenever there are problems reported by

the guest to the housekeeping department. Common problems for maintenance are
faulty equipment, electrical issues, broken furniture, TV not working properly, etc.

3. Housekeeping Work Order Form
Housekeeping Work Order formis used when there are requests for work to
be done.

4. Guest Room Cleaning Checklist

The Guest Room Cleaning checklist is used by the housekeeping supervisor
to check, on a daily basis, how the cleaning service for every guest room was done.

5. Lost and Found Slip

Lost and Found slip is an important document to keep track of records for lost
andfound items.

Lost and Found Register

SL Date Time Area/ Item Description Found Item Address Date Signature
No. Found room By collected
Where by

6. Housekeeping Status Report
Housekeeping Status report is prepared by housekeeping department and
handed down to the front desk to give them an update as to the status of each hotel
room. The front desk then assigns rooms to arriving guests based on the occupancy

Records Management
Records management refers to a set of activities required for systematically
controlling the creation, distribution, use, maintenance, and disposition of recorded
information maintained as evidence of business activities and transactions.
ISO 15489 defines Records Management (RM) as the field of management
responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt,
maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing
and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and
transactions in the form of records.
The key word in this definition is “evidence.” Put simply, a record can be
defined as evidence that a particular event took place: a birth, an X-ray, a purchase,
a contract approval, the sending and receipt of an email. Records management is
primarily concerned with the evidence of an organization's activities, and is usually
applied according to the value of the records rather than their physical format.

Basic Mathematical Process

Budget Requirements for a New Hotel or Lodging House

Pre-operating requirements are determined in advance before commercial
lodging establishment opens. The supervisor must prepare a par stock list of
standard room amenities, equipment and materials, cleaning supplies and
chemicals, laundry facilities and other items. He should also prepare his manning
guide based on approved productivity ratio and budget for labor cost.
To determine requirements for rooms maintenance:
1. Come out with a package of room supplies and amenities by room
2. After determining the standard amenities, compute for the par stock
requirements. A “par stock” is a numerical multiple of the „‟house set-up” and
maybe used to establish the inventory level to be maintained.

For linen items like bed sheets, blanket, bath towel, the par stock is computedas
Required par quantities for bed sheets at 100 % occupancy
= Number of beds X 3 sheets per bed
= Quantity of bed sheets needed daily
= 1 par (for house set-up)
Total par stock required = par stock (1 par) X 4
Where 1 par goes to initial set-up
1 par to replenish the soiled items
1 par as clean stand-by
1 extra par as reserved stock for the stock shelves
To illustrate the calculation of par stock, let us assume that a 100-room hotel
has a 100% occupancy and is equipped with 2 beds per room. The linen
requirements will be computed as:
100 rooms X 2 beds = 200 beds

Total bed sheets required per day = 200 beds X 3 linen per bed
= 600 (1 par)
Total requirements = 600 X 4 par
= 2400
Some hotels base their total requirements on a par of five rather than four in
order to avoid shortage, especially if the turnover is very frequent like in the case of
those accepting “short time” (guests stay for short period less than 8 hours)

If the hotel is experiencing consistently low occupancy, the required par

quantity may be reduced to a par of 2 or 3 especially if the budget is limited. Par
levels must be adjusted on a case-to-case basis, depending on the occupancy level
and the availability of funds.

What’s More

Activity 3 - Identification
Directions:Identify the type of forms needed to prepare the report for the following
scenarios. Choose the letter of the correct answer inside the box. Write the chosen
letter on your TLE Notebook.
A. Housekeeping status report
B. Lost and found slip
C. Guest room cleaning checklist
D. Housekeeping work order form
E. Maintenance request form
F. Housekeeping attendant‟s daily assignment sheet

_______1.Mr. Rosales at Room 107 left his purse and black scarf.He already left
the hotel as he was catching up with a meeting.
_______2.A guest complaint about her lost earrings in the bathroom early in
_______3.Ms. Anna at room 145 reported a problem in her room about the faulty

_______4. You have just arrived and received the list of tasks to be completed
during the day.
_______5.A VIP guest requesting for a set-up of event in her room as she celebrate
her birthday.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4 - Fill in the Blank

Directions.Answer the following questions or complete the statements by writing the
appropriate words in your TLE Notebook.
1. The process of exchanging information and ideas through a common system of
symbol, signs or behavior is called _______________.
2. Non-verbal communication is made up of messages transmitted by our
_______________ and the way we move.
3. House Rules/ Hotel Rules are a set of rules and standards that tell employees
what is expected of them and how they should ______________in various work
4. Meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the
purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing
_______________ or reaching agreement.
5. Housekeeping attendant‟s daily assignment sheet is a form used by
_______________or room attendants to record the task done during their shift.
6. A request form is used whenever there are problems reported by the guest to the
housekeeping department is called _________________.
7. Housekeeping work order form is used when there are _______________for
work to be done.
8. The guest room cleaning checklist is used by the housekeeping supervisor to
check, on a _________________ basis, how the cleaning service for every guest
room was done.
9. Lost and found slip is an important document to keep track of records for
________________ and _______________ items.

10. Housekeeping status report is prepared by housekeeping department and
handed down to the front desk to give them an_______________as to the status
of each hotel room.

What I Can Do

Activity 5 – Role Play

Directions: Pick a scenario for role playing.Let your family members act as a guest.
Take a video on how you communicate effectively with the guest. Send your video to
your teacher using social media(messenger) of your video presentation. Use the
rubric below to evaluate students work.
1. A foreign-language speaking guest asks you for information about the restaurant
inside the hotel. He wants to go to the restaurant but doesn‟t know where it is.
How can you communicate effectively with this guest even if you do not speak
her language?
2. You meet someone in the hallway who ask you for information on how to request
a wake-up call.
3. A guest has asked to borrow an item, but the only one currently available is
defective. How can you explain it to the guest?
4. A guest wants to know the major events or festivals in your area and the times of
year when they take place.
5. A guest asks you about the area‟s main tourist attractions. Give him the most
information available.

Criteria Standard Score


1. Role was played in a convincing, consistent 5


2. Role-play was well prepared and organized 5

3. Purpose of the role-play is clearly established 5

and effectively sustained

Total 15


Post Test
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your
TLE Notebook.

1. What should you do if you have to communicate with a visually-challenged

a. Approach a guest as you would anyone else
b. Notify the guest when approaching him/her.
c. Take the guest by the arm and then speak to him/her.
d. Go find your supervisor.
2. Which is NOT one of the medium of information?
a. Mass Media
b. Notice
c. Memorandum
d. Noise
3. Which is NOT one of the forms of non-verbal communication?
a. Body Language
b. Eye Contact
c. Hand signals
d. Media
4. Communication process involves different skills EXCEPT:
a. Listening
b. Reasoning
c. Physical barrier
d. Speaking

5. Which of these statements best defines good non-verbal communication?
a. Be polite to the guest.
b. Be willing to help when a guest approaches you.
c. Adapt your body language to what you are saying (posture, smile, etc.).
d. Look at the ground when speaking to guest
6. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of following
house policies?
a. To prevent employees from doing as they please
b. To know the law
c. To give guidelines for constant professional services
d. To be able to use the facilities for personal reasons
7. It is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of
achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information
or reaching agreement.
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Circular
d. Notice
8. A set of rules and standards that tell employees what is expected of them and
how they should act in various work situations.
a. Notice
b. House Policies/ House Rules
c. Newspaper
d. Meeting
9. It is a communication that contains directive, advisory or informative.
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Circular
d. Notice
10. It is a medium of communication (such as newspapers, radio or television) that is
designed to reach the mass of the people.
a. Meeting
b. Memorandum
c. Mass Media

d. Notice

11. Which of the following statement showing a good attitude when receiving gratuity
from a guest?
a. Immediately count the money in front of the guest.
b. Thank the guest for the gratuity and immediately put in the pocket.
c. Ask for more gratuity from the guest.
d. All of the above
12. It is a form used by housekeepers or room attendants to record the task done
during their shift.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist
13. It is used whenever there are problems reported by the guest to the
housekeeping department.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist
14. What form is prepared by housekeeping department and handed down to the
front desk to give them an update as to the status of each hotel room.
a. Guest room cleaning checklist
b. Stock requisition form
c. Lost property report
d. Housekeeping status report
15. It is used by the housekeeping supervisor to check, on a daily basis on how the
cleaning service for every guest room was done.
a. Housekeeping daily assignment checklist
b. Maintenance request form
c. Housekeeping work order form
d. Guest room cleaning checklist

Additional Activities

Activity 6 - Solve Me
Directions:Solve the following problems with the data as reference. Show
your solution and write your answers on your TLE Notebook.

A. Establish your par stock for guestroom linens.

Qty. Rooms Price per room Number of beds/ rooms
20 Standard twin rooms P 800 2 single beds
15 Deluxe double rooms P 1200 1 matrimonial bed
10 Deluxe family rooms P1600 1 matrimonial bed, 2 singles
5 Junior suites P2000 1 queen bed, 2 singles
1 Executive suites P2500 1 king bed, 2 singles

Answer Key

What’s More
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. TRUE 1. b
2. TRUE 2. a What I Know
3. FALSE 3. d 1. d
4. FALSE 4. c 2. d
5. TRUE 5. a 3. c
Activity 1.2 Activity 3 4. c
A. 1. b 5. c
1. Memorandum 2. b 6. a
2. Circular 3. e 7. b
3. Notice 4. f 8. d
4. Information discussion 5. d 9. d
5. Follow-up 10.c
6. Face to face communication 11. a

7. Mass Media 12. b

B. 13. b
14. c
1. Use of jargon or unfamiliar terms
15. b
2. Emotional barriers
3. Physical barriers
1. Team members
2. Supervisor
3. Suppliers
4.Trade personnel
5. Local government
6. Industry bodies

1. c
2. d
What I Have Learned
3. d
Activity 4
4. c
5. c
1. memorandum
6. c
2. circular
7. a
3. notice
8. b
4. Information discussion
9. b
5. follow-up
10. c
6. face to face communication
11. b
7. mass media
12. a
13. b
1. use of jargon or unfamiliar term
14. d
2. emotional barriers
15. d
3. physical barriers
1. team members
2. supervisors
3. suppliers
4. trade personnel
5. local government
6. industry bodies


Urbiztondo, Laarni A. Housekeeping, Manila Philippines, Rex Publishing,


Salamat, Laarni San Jose, Housekeeping Services, Manila, Philippines. JFS

Publishing Services

Emerit.Housekeeping Room Attendant. Canada: Canadian Tourism Human

Resource Council. n.d.

Roldan, Amelia Samson; Crespo,Amelia Malapitan.Housekeeping

Management. Manila, Philippines. AR Skills Development & Management
Services 2003

Association for Intelligent Information Management. “What is Electronic

Resource Management (ERM)?”,
Electronic-Records-Management#(accessed June 24, 2020)

Professional Healthcare Incorporated. “Communication Barriers.”,
(Accessed June10, 2020)

Zambas, Joanna. “Communication in the Workplace.”,
communication-in-the-workplace( Accessed June 10, 2020)

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region 10

Zone 1, DepEd Building Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang

Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Telefax: (088) 880 7072
E-mail Address:

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