JForensicDentSci10279-1324828 034048 PDF
JForensicDentSci10279-1324828 034048 PDF
JForensicDentSci10279-1324828 034048 PDF
Original Article
Introduction are preserved well; thus teeth are important tools for
identification of age of an individual. Forensic dentists are
A ccording to Keiser‑Neilson in 1970, forensic odontology the major contributors in age estimation. Cementum, which
is a branch of medicine which, in the interest of justice, covers the anatomical root, remains stable throughout an
deals with the proper handling and examination of dental individual’s life as the racemization reaction of aspartic
evidence and with proper evaluation and presentation acid in cementum continues in a constant manner.[3] Tooth
of dental findings.[1] Age is one of the essential factors in cementum annulation method has gained equal success
establishing the identity of a person, and age estimation even in archaeological preservation. The purpose of this
is a method which is adopted by anthropologists, study is to estimate age using tooth cementum annulation
archaeologists, and forensic scientists.[2] Teeth differ from method by counting the incremental lines present in the
bones in their biological properties and function and cementum.
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Materials and Methods the lines. Dark and light incremental lines of cementum
were not clearly viewed in all the sections. Only the dark
This is a prospective study performed after obtaining lines suitable for counting were selected. The age of the
institutional ethical clearance and carried out for 3 weeks; individual was obtained by adding the total number of
the limited sample size of this study was due to short time incremental lines [Figure 3] from each slide to the eruption
duration. The study consisted of twenty freshly extracted age of that tooth [Table 1 and Figure 4]. Table 2 and
teeth from patients aged 15–39 years. Cases were selected Figure 5 represents the frequency of age in years where age
depending on the availability and the sample size was 15 had a frequency of 1 which made up to 5% of the total
fixed and hence there was no randomization. The sample
used in this study was extracted premolars and molars
from both the upper and lower jaws. The selected teeth
were extracted for orthodontic purpose or due to carious
involvement. Periodontally compromised teeth and teeth
subjected to attrition, abrasion, and erosion were not
included in the study. Patients subjected for orthodontic
extraction and extraction due to caries without periodontal
involvement were included in the study. Patient selection
bias was avoided by including the sample based only on
the inclusion criteria. The extracted teeth were collected
and stored overnight in 10% formalin and then thoroughly
washed under running water before they were grounded
to obtain thin section of 80 to 120 µm thickness. Sectioning
was done longitudinally and hence the incremental lines
were parallel to the long axis of the tooth. After sectioning,
the specimens were again washed under running water
and immersed in xylene to clear off all the debris from the Figure 1: Cellular cementum showing cemental bands under ×10
sectioned specimen. The sections were then mounted on a
glass slide with DPX mountant and allowed to dry for 4 h.
The slide was later viewed under light microscope with
a 10× objective. Photomicrographs of each prepared slide
were taken and recorded and areas where incremental
lines were continuous and easy to count irrespective of
whether cellular or acellular cementum was considered.
Photomicrographs were taken by using Cannon IXUS 190,
Malaysia, digital camera and the lens was magnified
five times. The photographs were further processed
with Adobe Photoshop CS6 software, and counting was
done on enlarged photographs by two separate observers.
The observers were blinded to the age of the individual
and the average of the result was obtained. The age of the
patient was thus obtained by adding the number of counted
incremental lines to the age of the eruption of the tooth as
follows: Figure 2: Cellular cementum showing cemental bands under ×10
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was done using regression slope,
correlation table, and Student’s t‑test.
Table 1: Frequency of age of the tooth eruption Table 3: Frequency of mean incremental lines
Age of the tooth eruption Frequency (%) Mean incremental lines Frequency (%)
10.5 11 (55) 1.0 1 (5)
11.0 5 (25) 3.5 1 (5)
11.5 1 (5) 4.0 1 (5)
19.0 3 (15) 5.5 1 (5)
Total 20 (100) 6.0 2 (10)
6.5 2 (10)
Table 2: Frequency of age in years 7.0 3 (15)
Age (years) Frequency (%) 7.5 1 (5)
15 1 (5) 8.0 3 (15)
16 4 (20) 8.5 2 (10)
17 2 (10) 10.0 1 (5)
18 3 (15) 10.5 1 (5)
19 2 (10) 25.0 1 (5)
20 1 (5) Total 20 (100)
21 2 (10)
22 1 (5) Table 4: Age prediction using regression equation corresponding
23 1 (5) to mean incremental lines and age of tooth eruption
24 1 (5) Observed Mean incremental Age of the tooth Predicted age
age lines eruption
26 1 (5)
19 8 10.5 19.06
39 1 (5)
21 10 10.5 21.22
Total 20 (100)
26 8.5 19 27.29
21 10.5 11 22.21
number of teeth and so on. Similarly, Table 3 represents 39 25 11.5 38.29
the frequency of mean incremental lines where the mean 23 4 19 22.44
incremental line of 1 had an occurrence of 5% and so forth. 16 6 11 17.36
Frequency of the age of the tooth eruption is signified in 18 6.5 10.5 17.45
Table 1, for example, dental age of 10.5 had a frequency 16 7.5 10.5 18.52
of 55%. Data obtained by using the regression equation 15 5.5 10.5 16.37
in which the mean incremental lines and the dental age 18 7 10.5 17.98
correspond to the actual age of the patient are signified in 16 3.5 11 14.66
Table 4. Comparison was made statistically between the 19 8.5 11 20.05
estimated and chronological ages using a linear regression 17 7 10.5 17.98
slope [Figure 6]. Using the regression equation, the age is 16 6.5 10.5 17.45
predicted corresponding to the mean incremental lines and 22 7 10.5 17.98
age of the tooth eruption [Table 4 and Figure 6]. Considering 18 8 10.5 19.06
the significance values, we observe that mean incremental 17 6 11 17.36
lines and age of the tooth eruption are significant (P < 0.01) 20 1 19 19.2
in predicting the ages [Tables 5 and 6]. Hence, no significant 24 8 10.5 19.06
difference was observed over the observed and predicted
ages. The predicted age based on the cemental lines mass disasters and thus the tooth remains prove beneficial
observed in the present study matched with the results of in investigations.
the previous studies.
Root dentin surface consists of a bone‑like mineralized tissue
Discussion known as cementum which is secreted by cementoblasts.
When the epithelial cells of Hertwig’s root sheath and
Age estimation in forensic science can help the investigator mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle com e in proximity
in identifying a person during a crime or a mass disaster. with the developing root surface, the cementum formation
Various methods in age identification include assessing begins, though the biology behind the contribution
dental or skeletal morphology and laboratory methods such of epithelial and mesenchymal components toward
as racemization of aspartic acid in dentin or tooth enamel or cementogenesis is subtle. The established theory states
radiocarbon dating of tooth enamel.[4] In age estimation, the that after passing the barrier of Hertwig’s epithelial root
role of a tooth comes into play when all other remains of a sheath, mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle turn into
human are destroyed. Teeth are well preserved in heat and cementoblasts and secrete cementum.[5]