Form of Application For Renewal of COP Licence: (Radio Telegraphy/Telephony in Aeronautical/Maritime Services)
Form of Application For Renewal of COP Licence: (Radio Telegraphy/Telephony in Aeronautical/Maritime Services)
Form of Application For Renewal of COP Licence: (Radio Telegraphy/Telephony in Aeronautical/Maritime Services)
- 23
(Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing)
4. Particulars of the State Bank of India Draft enclosed with the application
Class and Registration Service Maritime/Aero- By whom issued Date of last Remarks
Number of Certificate nautical renewal/Date of
Expiry of Licence
1. I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false
therein and nothing material has been concealed there from. I also agree that in case any
information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the certificate and licence to
operate, if granted, will be cancelled.
2. I further solemnly give an undertaking that I will not either directly or indirectly divulge to
any person, except when lawfully authorized or directed to do so, the purport of any message
which I may transmit or receive by means of any wireless apparatus operated by me or which may
come to my knowledge in connection with the operation of the said apparatus.
3. I have carefully read and understood the rules contained in the Indian Wireless Telegraphy
(Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and licence to operate Wireless
Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and undertake to abide by them.
Dated Designation
Office Stamp
(a) The renewal fee is Rs.50. In case the holder of the licence does not apply for its renewal
prior to the date of expiry of the licence, he may apply for the renewal of licence
subsequently also, but within a period of two years after the date of expiry of the licence on
payment of a surcharge at the rate of Rs. 15 for every half year or part thereof, however,
the licence in such case shall be renewed only for a period of three years from the date of
expiry of licence.
(b) The renewal application alongwith prescribed fee should be sent to The Assistant Wireless
Adviser to the Govt. of India, Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, COP Section,
Department of Telecom, 619, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001.
The application for further renewal may be submitted within three months period
preceding the date of termination of the licence and in no case before the above three
month‟s period.
(c) The renewal fee is payable by means of a BANK DRAFT only which should be obtained
from any branch of THE STATE BANK OF INDIA and drawn in favour of „PAY AND
STREET, NEW DELHI, (Code No. 7687). In no case Bank Draft drawn on any other
bank or cheques etc. will be accepted. Mutilated or defaced Bank Drafts will not be
(d) Applicants at the time of application should furnish the certificate from their last employer,
and those who are not employed may submit attested true copies of contents (attested by a
Gazetted officer of Central or State Govt.) of their Personal Log Book (For Aeromobile
Licence Renewal)/Continuous Discharge Certificate or three month‟s Maritime Experience
(For Maritime Licence Renewal) of the relevant period i.e. during the last 3 years period
prior to the date of expiry of licence, including the first page bearing the name of
(e) Full details of duties for the post held, should be given.
In the case of Licences in the Aeronautical mobile service, the number of hours of flying
experience (minimum of 30 hours flying RT experience for pilots during the 3 years period
prior to the date of expiry of licence) as Radio Telephony Operator, as appropriate should
be clearly specified.
In accordance with para 10 (ii) and 10 (iii) of Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial
Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and Licence to Operate Wireless Telegraphy)
Rules, 1954, the licence can be renewed, if the holder:
Para 10(ii) “has a total experience of more than 3 months within 3 years prior to the date of
expiry of licence” (in case of Ground Aero RT Operation).
Para 10 (iii) “Satisfies the Central Government by re-examination or otherwise, that he still
possesses all of the qualifications specified in this certificate.”
For the purpose of this rule, the expression „experience‟ means the experience gained at a
mobile station in the Maritime or Aeronautical Mobile Service as adequate for a Radio Officer or
Wireless Operator or experience gained as an operator of Radio-telegraph apparatus at a Radio-
Telephony/Telegraph Station maintained on land for communication with mobile stations‟ in the
Maritime or Aeronautical Mobile Service, as being appropriate to the licence, which is sought to
be renewed.