General Radiotelephony Operator's Certificate Examination
General Radiotelephony Operator's Certificate Examination
General Radiotelephony Operator's Certificate Examination
1. This appendix specifies the theoretical aspects required to be known for the General Radiotelephony Operator’s Certificate
2. Candidates should be aware of the requirements of SA-CATS 61.01.10 (11)(d) and (e).
3. All aspects in this examination are applicable to both the aeroplane and helicopter categories. This is indicated with an “X”
in the “A & H” category column.
4. Candidates are expected to be familiar with all acronyms and abbreviations contained in Part 1 (Subpart 1) of the Regulations
prior to attempting this examination subject. Candidates will not be directly evaluated on this aspect in the examinations.
5. Candidates are to ensure that they use the most recent amendments to the Regulations, Technical Standards and other
technical documentation when preparing for the examinations, unless otherwise specified.
6. The suggested study material to be used when preparing for this examination is communicated by Aeronautical Information
Circular (AIC) and also posted on the Authority’s website where deemed appropriate. This study material is assumed to be the
default source material used by candidates and is therefore not referred to in this syllabus. Where reference material clarity is
required or additional source material is to be used for specific syllabus aspects, this is stipulated in the relevant portion of the
syllabus. Candidates are nevertheless free to use any material they wish in order to ensure their comprehension of the
mandated subject matter and to comply with the prescribed theoretical knowledge requirements.
7. Refer to Appendix 2.0 A for the Syllabus of Theoretical Knowledge for the Commercial Pilot Licence.
8. Refer to Appendix 2.0 C for the Syllabus of Theoretical Knowledge for the Instrument Rating.
a. Electromagnetic waves X
- frequency bands X
- band width X
- amplitude modulation X
- frequency modulation X
- pulse modulation X
b. Antennas X
- characteristics X
- polarisation X
- polar diagram X
c. Wave propagation X
- ground waves X
- direct waves X
- sky waves X
- fading X
e. HF Frequency Band X
c. Airspace structure X
b. Visually identify Morse code with the use of morse code tables X
g. Acknowledgement of receipt X
n. Explain briefly how to obtain relevant weather information (the use of ATIS) X
- Radar terminology X
- Emergency codes X
c. Application X
- 500 kHz / 2182 kHz / 8364 kHz / 121.5 Mhz / 243 Mhz X
2.1 The Technical Standards governing certain licence requirements (specifically those for the CPL) require an examination
towards the General Certificate of Proficiency in Radiotelephony (Aeronautical) to be passed.
This is typically stipulated as below.
This example is an extract from SA-CATS 61.05.1 (Requirements for Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)):
“4. Radio Telephony (2)
Applicants for a General Radio Certificate shall pass a theoretical General Radio Examination at an approved CAA
examination centre. The training syllabus for a General Radio Certificate is contained in Appendix 1.5a to Document SA-
CATS 61.”
2.2 Currently, this examination is not administered as a distinct, separate assessment, but integrated with the CPL / IR
examination set. This practice is not ideal, because it allows elements unique to radiotelephony to remain unchecked.
2.3 Part 61.11 was revised and approved by CARCom in January 2014. The revised subpart 11 makes provision for a single-
paper examination towards the Instrument rating examination, due to become effective on 2015-08-01. This provision
necessitated changes to the Technical Standards pertaining to the examinations, including the removal of certain IR-
specific aspects from the CPL syllabus.
2.4 The General Radiotelephony examination is common to both the CPL and IR exams and is the ideal platform from which
to evaluate practical R/T elements.
2.5 The SA-CATS state the following in terms of theoretical knowledge requirements (for example):
4. Radio Telephony
(1) To be eligible for the RTC a candidate must prove his knowledge of the ITU (International
Telecommunications Union), and CAA requirements in both written and oral tests.”
2.6 The ITU exam requirement does not distinguish between IFR and VFR aspects, but addresses equipment use privileges.
The current content of Appendix 1.5 A is inadequate in its present form because of these and several other deficiencies:
a. The line between IFR and VFR aspects is blurred in terms of the actual radiotelephony evaluation.
b. It is impossible to remove all flight rules aspects from the syllabus, but no IFR aspects should be addressed. It is not
fair to a VFR CPL candidate to be assessed on IFR aspects. This is not the intention of the Radio exam.
c. This examination should be focussed accurately on radiotelephony and closely related topics.
2.7 It has been attempted to simplify the syllabus and clarify required aspects as much as possible. Isolated elements
duplicated in other relevant syllabi (e.g. Appendix 2.0 A CPL) will removed from the latter as soon as feasible in the