Management Information System Lesson1: Topic: Role of Information Systems in An Organization
Management Information System Lesson1: Topic: Role of Information Systems in An Organization
Management Information System Lesson1: Topic: Role of Information Systems in An Organization
v. Provides Data for Decision Support
The most important role of an information system in an organization is to provide data to help
executive management make decisions. Data is compiled through transaction processing or query
routines built into the information system to access item and detail records. Through decision
support programs, which are packaged as software routines, executive management can analyze
several areas of an organization and create scenarios through the information system for a
desired result. These results are defined in the organizations’ objectives and goals to improve
Application of IS in an organization
Management Information Systems are typically organized around the functional areas of an
Many organizations are structured based on functional areas. This is often reflected in an
organizational chart. Typically, functional areas include finances, human resources, marketing,
etc. Many of these functional areas have their own Management Information System, or MIS.
i. Financial MIS
A financial MIS provides financial information for managers to make daily decisions on
operations within the organization. Most systems provide these functions:
A financial MIS often has a number of subsystems, depending on the type of organization. These
include systems to analyze revenues, costs and profits, auditing systems for both internal and
external purposes and systems to manage funds. A financial MIS can also be used to prepare
reports for third parties, such as external auditors or shareholders.
reps sharing one office, a manager might be able to pick up on this just by talking to everyone.
However, what if a manager has to oversee more than 100 sales reps in 12 different offices
around the nation? A specialized information system that provides regular updates in a
meaningful format will make it a lot easier for the manager to make effective decisions.
Part of management is gathering and distributing information, and information systems can make
this process more efficient by allowing managers to communicate rapidly. Email is quick and
effective, but managers can use information systems even more efficiently by storing documents
in folders that they share with the employees who need the information.. The manager collects
the inputs and sends the newly revised document to his target audience.
ii. Operations
How you manage your company's operations depends on the information you have. Information
systems can offer more complete and more recent information, allowing you to operate your
company more efficiently. You can use information systems to gain a cost advantage over
competitors or to differentiate yourself by offering better customer service. Sales data give you
insights about what customers are buying and let you stock or produce items that are selling well.
With guidance from the information system, you can streamline your operations.
iii. Decisions
The company information system can help you make better decisions by delivering all the
information you need and by modeling the results of your decisions. A decision involves
choosing a course of action from several alternatives and carrying out the corresponding tasks.
When you have accurate, up-to-date information, you can make the choice with confidence. If
more than one choice looks appealing, you can use the information system to run different
scenarios. For each possibility, the system can calculate key indicators such as sales, costs and
profits to help you determine which alternative gives the most beneficial result.
iv. Records
Your company needs records of its activities for financial and regulatory purposes as well as for
finding the causes of problems and taking corrective action. The information system stores
documents and revision histories, communication records and operational data..
2. New market entrants: New companies have certain advantages, such as not being
locked into old equipment and high motivation, as well as disadvantages, such as less
expertise and little brand recognition. Some industries have lower barriers to entry, ie:
cost less for a new company to enter the field.
3. Substitute products and services: These are substitutes that your customers might use if
your prices become too high. For example, Internet telephone service can substitute for
traditional telephone service. The more substitute products and services in your industry,
the less you can control pricing and raise your profit margins.
5. Suppliers: The more different suppliers a firm has, the greater control it can exercise
over suppliers in terms of price, quality, and delivery schedules.
There are four generic strategies used to manage competitive forces, each of which often is
enabled by using information technology and systems:
3. Focus on market niche: Use information systems to enable a specific market focus and
serve this narrow target market better than competitors. Information systems support this
strategy by producing and analyzing data for finely tuned sales and marketing techniques.
Hilton Hotels uses a customer information system with detailed data about active guests
to provide tailored services and reward profitable customers with extra privileges and
Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy: Use information systems to tighten linkages with
suppliers and develop intimacy with customers. Chrysler Corporation uses information systems
to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production schedules, and even permits suppliers to
decide how and when to ship suppliers to Chrysler factories. This allows suppliers more lead
time in producing goods. Strong linkages to customers and suppliers increase switching
costs (the cost of switching from one product to a competing product) and loyalty to your firm.
The Internet has nearly destroyed some industries and has severely threatened more. The Internet
has also created entirely new markets and formed the basis for thousands of new businesses.
Because of the Internet, the traditional competitive forces are still at work, but competitive
rivalry has become much more intense. Internet technology is based on universal standards,
making it easy for rivals to compete on price alone and for new competitors to enter the market.
Because information is available to everyone, the Internet raises the bargaining power of
customers, who can quickly find the lowest-cost provider on the Web. Some industries, such as
the travel industry and the financial services industry, have been more impacted than others.
However, the Internet also creates new opportunities for building brands and building very large
and loyal customer bases, such as Yahoo!, eBay, and Google.
The value chain model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies
can best be applied and where information systems are most likely to have a strategic impact.
The value chain model views the firm as a series or chain of basic activities that add a margin of
value to a firm's products or services. These activities can be categorized as either primary
activities or support activities.
Primary activities are most directly related to the production and distribution of the
firm's products and services, which create value for the customer. Primary activities
include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and
Support activities make the delivery of the primary activities possible and consist of
organization infrastructure (administration and management), human resources
(employee recruiting, hiring, and training), technology (improving products and the
production process), and procurement (purchasing input).
A large corporation is typically a collection of businesses. Information systems can improve the
overall performance of these business units by promoting synergies and core competencies.
In synergies, the output of some units can be used as inputs to other units, or two
organizations pool markets and expertise, and these relationships lower costs and
generate profits.