Electronical Requirements
Operation Voltage : 100VAC to 240VAC
Frequency Range : 47 to 63 Hz
Power Consumption : 10W maxi-mum
Supported Devices
PIC12C508 PIC12C508A PIC12C509
PIC12C509A PIC12C671 PIC12C672
PIC12E519 PIC14000 PIC16C52
PIC16C54 PIC16C54A PIC16C54B
PIC16C55 PIC16C554 PIC16C554A
IC16C556 PIC16C556A PIC16C558
PIC16C558A PIC16C56 PIC16C56A
PIC16C57 PIC16C58A PIC16C58B
PIC16C61 PIC16C62 PIC16C62A
PIC16C620 PIC16C620A PIC16C621
PIC16C621A PIC16C622 PIC16C622A
PIC16C63 PIC16C64 PIC16C64A
PIC16C642 PIC16C65 PIC16C65A
PIC16C66 PIC16C662 PIC16C67
PIC16C71 PIC16C710 PIC16C711
PIC16C715 PIC16C72 PIC16C73
LEAP PSTART makes design-ing with 5. Reads, programs, verifies all PIC16C73A PIC16C74 PIC16C74A
Microchip MCUs simple and affordable. configuration bits PIC16C76 PIC16C77 PIC16F83
The LEAP PSTART development system 6. Programs and verifies and address PIC16C84 PIC16F84 PIC16C923
from Microchip technology provides the range PIC16C924 PIC17C42 PIC17C42A
product development engineer with a 7. Displays, edits, and transfers device PIC17C43 PIC17C44 PIC17C756
highly-flexible low-cost microcontroller contents to and from programmer unit
design tool set for all PIC14000, PIC16C5X, 8. MPLAB Project support to Information subject to change. All right
PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX 8-bit one-time- automatically download object file to reserved. LEAP PSTART is manufactured
programmable(OTP), DIP packages up to PSTART Plus under licensed from Microchip. All
40-pin devices. 9.MPASM Assembler translates assembler trademarks mentioned herein are the
The LEAP PSTART development system source code to object code for all property of their respective companies.
operates on any PC-compatible machine PIC16/17 devices Reprinted with permission of the copyright
running under the Windows 3.1/95/98 10.MPLAB-SIM Windows-based simulator owner, Microchip Technology Incorporated
operating system. LEAP PSTART is easy- designed to model operation of all 1998. All right reserved. No further reprints
to- use and features Microchip shighly PIC16/17 microcontrollers or reproductions may be made without
acclaimed MPLAB integrated Develment 11.Complete with RS-232 cable, 9 volt Microchip Technology Incorporated prior
Environment with its built-in editor, universal IEC power supply and power written consent. Information contained in
assembler and Windows-based MPLAB- cable and the MPLAB Integrated this publication regarding device
SIM simulator. applications and the like is intended for
Standard Accessories suggestion only and may be superseded by
Sample software programs are provided to main unit
help the developer quickly become familiar RS-232 cable updates. No representation for warranty is
with the LEAP PICSTART development given , and no liability is assumed by
DC power adaptor Microchip Technology Incorporated with
system and with Microchipmicrocontroller CD-ROM
families. respect to the accuracy or use of such
Physical & Environmental information, or infringement of patents
Features Specifications arising from such use or otherwise. Use of
1. Low-cost Development KitSupports PIC Dimension : 16cm 11cm 4.5cm Microchip Technology Incorporated products
14000, PIC 16/17 MCUs Weight : 0.5 kgs as critical components I like support
2. Operates with PC-compatible host Temperature : +5 to +45 systems is not authorized except with
system running Windows under MPLAB Humidity : up to 90 % noncondensing express written approval by Microchip
environment Altitude : up to 5000m Technology Incorporated. No licenses are
3. Able to upgrade software from Leap or conveyed implicitly or otherwise under any
Microchip internet server
Optional Accessories
intellectual property rights.
4. Reads, programs, verifies EPROM and Full range adaptors
EEPROM program and data memory