2iccas2005 Paper 377
2iccas2005 Paper 377
2iccas2005 Paper 377
Abstract: This paper presents the overall design, manufacture, and test result of the high capacity (more than 150 Am^2)
magnetic torquer for the use of satellite control. To provide an electrical current to the magnetic torquer, the driving electronics is
also constructed. The integration and test of the magnetic torquer and its driving electronics are performed via the magnetic field
measurement according to the distance and the magnetic torque measurement with torque-meter. To compare the performance
obtained from the test results we also perform computer simulation with three-dimensional model.
Keywords: Magnetic Torquer, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Dipole Moment, Driving Electronics
initial test result of the high capacity magnetic torquer for the Figure 2 Interaction of MTQ with geomagnetic field (BE)
use of small satellites. Currently, three magnetic torquers
whose momentum is expected to be more than 150 Am^2, In most cases, the current coil of the magnetic torquer is
have been manufactured as a laboratory model and they are wound dually for primary and redundant usage to cover the
under various test. To provide a current to the magnetic single failure situation. In electrical point of view, the
torquer, the driving electronics is constructed. Furthermore, magnetic torquer is modeled as a serial connection of resistor,
the computer simulation and experimental results are provided inductor, and residual capacitor between the coils. Moreover,
to compare with the requirements. This paper consist of the the magnetic torquer is mathematically modeled with a single
design and manufacture of the magnetic torquer and the current loop approximately. In figure 3, the measurement
driving electronics in Section 2, the computer simulation position angle from the axial axis at center of the loop is
analysis in Section 3, the experimental results in Section 4, denoted by θ, the distance of measurement position from the
and the Conclusions in Section 5. center by R, and the total measured magnetic field at given
position by B. Here, we note that BR and Bθ are the radial and
2. DESIGN & MANUFACURE tangential components such as
2.1 Magnetic Torquer (MTQ) B( R, θ ) = BR R + Bθ θ
µ0 M G G (1)
= 3
(2 cos θ R + sin θθ )
Ferromagnetic core
4π R
Moreover, the dipole moment is computed as
1 2π R 3
M =
µ0 ∫
BdV = B ( R, 0)
µM G
-10 ~ -15 ~
12 CS +15V P
B ( R, ) = 0 3 θ
+10V Power
DAC 12 bits Amp.
2 4π R
Zener P
According to the above equations, the dipole moment can be Relay
2π (4)
∫∫ B(r, z)rdrdz
= 4.2 Magnetic Torque Measurement
= 180 Am2
According to the above calculation, we can check the
estimated dipole moment satisfies the minimum requirement
of 150Am^2.
4. Experiment
4.1 Magnetic Field Measurement
− sin 90 cos90 0 0
1 0 Figure 14 Command voltage cycling to magnetic torquer
0 0 1 sin180 0 cos180D
Table 1 Measured magnetic torque from torque-meter
cos θ sin θ 0 Bx '
Torque (mNm)
− sin θ cosθ 0 By ' Voltage
0 0 1 Bz ' (V)
No. Rotation Angle θ (deg)
0 45 135
where +15 1 2.1 1.3 -1.2
T : Measured torque from torque-meter +0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0
G -15 3 -2.9 -2.1 2.0
M : Dipole moment -0 4 -0.9 -0.7 0.7
BE : Geomagnetic field +15 5 2.0 1.3 -1.2
+0 6 0.0 0.0 0.0
θ : Rotation angle from the reference frame
-15 7 -2.9 -2.1 1.9
X - Y - Z : Fixed reference coordinate -0 8 -0.9 -0.7 0.6
x '- y '- z ' : Magnetometer coordinate +15 9 2.1 1.4 -1.3
+0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0
-15 11 -2.9 -2.0 1.9
Assuming that MY @ MZ @ 0, the dipole moment is simply -0 12 -0.9 -0.6 0.6
obtained as
TZ = M X ( Bx ' cos 2 θ + By ' sin θ cos θ + Table 2 Measured field data from precision magnetometer
Bx ' sin 2 θ − By ' sin θ cos θ ) Rotation Geomagnetic Field (Bx’)
T (9) Angle
MX = Z (deg) Left Center Right Average
Bx '
0 -23765 -22277 -22243 -22762
The geomagnetic field is measured on three positions (left,
45 -15550 -16888 -17859 -16766
center, and right) by putting the magnetometer on the plate in
90 89.9 -1959 -2605 -1491
figure 13. The torque-meter measures the generated magnetic
torque about the Z-direction. The command voltage to the 135 16583 13419 14044 14682
magnetic torquer varies from +15V to -15V and its sequence
is plotted in figure 14. As sown in Table 1, to minimize the Figure 15 shows the calculated dipole moment by
measurement error of the test results, the magnetic torque and post-processing of the gathered data according the command
geomagnetic field data are gathered at different rotation angle voltage cycling. The result reveals that the maximum magnetic
of the plate such as θ =0o, 45o, 135o. torque is about 105 Am2 on average and it seems to have a
residual dipole moment of approximately 20Am2. This result
which is different from (4) and (6), results from the
performance limitation of the torque-meter. To investigate it
more clearly, it should be noted that the measurement accuracy
of the torque-meter is less about 1mNm. Thus, the
torque-meter can’t measure the generated torque ranging from
-2mNm to 2mNm exactly, and the torque level corresponding
to the residual dipole moment is too small for the torque-meter
to measure the magnetic torque. Moreover, at the moment now
it is too rush to conclude that 20Am2 is the residual dipole
moment and it comes from the inherent hysteresis
characteristics of the magnetic core. Thus, it is believe that the
magnetic torque measurement test results obtained by the
Figure 13 Coordinate definition limited torque sensing equipment gives not the quantitative but
the qualitative performance of the magnetic torquer. To exact
measurement of the generated torque level, more accurate
ICCAS2005 June 2-5, KINTEX, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
torque-meter should be engaged in the magnetically uniform
environment without any noise source.
This paper presents the development of the magnetic
torquer which is used in spacecrafts for the attitude control
and momentum dumping. The magnetic torquer and its driving
electronics is designed and tested via magnetic field
measurement according to the distance and magnetic torque
measurement with torque-meter. Furthermore, this paper
performs computer simulation with three-dimensional model
to compare it with the real test performance. Throughout the
analysis and test experience as introduced in this paper, we
achieve the fully understanding of the nature of the magnetic
torquer and set up its development process of the future flight
models for spacecraft control.
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