Representation and Evaluation of Particle Size Analysis Data
Representation and Evaluation of Particle Size Analysis Data
Representation and Evaluation of Particle Size Analysis Data
I(1984) 89-95
While editing the first issues of Particle Characterization it has and graphs representing particle size analysis data instantly rec-
been recognized by the editors that the papers submitted differ ognizable by using agreed upon standardized nomenclature the
widely in the representation of data and in the nomenclature following paper has been submitted by one of the editors. It was
chosen to characterize such common variables as particle size, first presented at the Harold Heywood Memorial Symposium,
different equivalent particle diameters, average particle sizes, September 1974, at the University of Technology, Lough-
cumulative and density values of a distribution etc. In order to borough, U. K.
make papers published in this Journal more readily assimilable
1 Introduction __-.
dcnsity cumulative
distribution distribution
number: r = 0 40 (4
length: r = l 41 (4
area : r = 2 92 (4
volume: r = 3 43 (x)
description: r == r 9 r (4 In principle the following inequality holds:
a) linear dimcnsion
b) surface, projected area
c) volume I
95 I
d) mass I
e) settling rate I
t) response of electrical, optical or acoustical field I
-___ I
I [length1
Each of these properties can be used to characterize the size of a Xmin x~ X 2 x 5 ~ X- %ax
particle. In principle, however, they canusefully be applied to the
Fig. 1 : Cumulative distribution Q,(x).
characterization of particles only if there exists a unique relation-
ship between the physical property used and a one-dimensional
property unequivocally defining "size". With irregular particles Figure 1 shows the normalized cumulative distribution Q, (x).
this can, in general, be achieved only approximately. Each individual point of Q,(x) specifies the relative amount of
One defines therefore the so-called equivalent diameters. These particles smaller than, or equal to, a certain equivalent diameter.
are diameters of spheres which yield the same value of a certain The kind of quantity chosen is indicated by r. The normalized
physical property when analyzed under the same conditions as curve Q, (x) runs between zero and one:
the irregularly shaped particle. The relationship between the
physical property chosen and the equivalent particle diameter
Qr(x = x m i d =0
must either be evaluated theoretically or measured experiment-
ally. Q, (x = x,,,) = 1 (condition of normalization)
An equivalent diameter represents the diameter of a sphere that
has the same physical property as the irregularly shaped particle.
One distinguishes, for instance, the following:
xp: equivalent projected area diameter,
xs: equivalent surface area diameter,
xv: equivalent volume diameter,
x,: equivalent settling rate diameter.
For a given sphere all equivalent diameters are the same. They
differ from each other if the particles are irregularly shaped.
Under certain assumptions and after having defined a shape
factor that describes the deviation in shape from a sphere the Fig. 2: Histogram of a density distribution q, ( x ) .
equivalent diameters given above can be intercorrelated using the
shape factor sphericity, iy, as defined by Wadell [2]:
Figure 2 shows the normalized histogram of a density distribution
,lu = xqx; . (1) q, (xl,xz). The difference A Q, of two values of the cumulative
distribution Q, (x)between two equivalent diameters x, and x2 =
Using Cauchy's theorem [3] and a force balance applied to a x1 + A x is represented by:
particle settling in a viscous fluid under laminar conditions, one
arrives at Table 4.
Part. Charact. I(1984) 89-95 91
_ _ _ ~ -
The histogram can then be obtained from: pore volume. Usually one figure, or at the most two figures,
must represent the size distribution adaequately. The problem
of defining a n average particle size (a position parameter) and
(3) another parameter describing the spread of the distribution (a
spread parameter) then arises. Some of the existing
q, (xl,x2) represents the constant height of the rectangular possibilities will be explained in the following sections using
shaded area of Figures 2 and 3 of width A x . The shaded area is the concept of moments, as proposed by Rumpf and Ebert in
therefore given by: 1964 [4].
XkqO(x)dx= E ( x k ) . (7)
an inverse length. Irrespective of the type of quantity plotted the Mk,r= xkq,(x)dx. (9)
overall area underneath qr(x)equals unity or 100 percent.
I *min
The subscripts of the above integrals do not necessarily have to be a Average particle sizes to be calculated from a given size
single figure or letter. In formulae of general applicability, sums of distribution, qr(x), can be determined from Eq. (18):
letters and figures are usually found. The letter r , indicating the
type of quantity chosen, also varies, mainly if two types of quantity
appear in the same equation.
Well known examples describing a complete central moment are
the variance, .$, and the coefficient of variation, C,, of a distri- It is most important to indicate a n average particle size by two
bution q, (x): subscripts, k and r, as shown in Eq. (18).
Particle size analysis is performed t o characterize particulate 3.4 Calculation of Any Density Distribution, q, (x),
matter and to link the size information with some other technical from a Given Distribution, qe(x)
property as for instance strength, flowability, pore volume,
solubility. In general, a correlation can be obtained much more It is well known to particle technologists that a wide size
easily if a single number, describing a mean or average particle distribution cannot always be analyzed by one principle or by one
size, characterizing the distribution can be used. One should, method of size analysis. Sometimes the same principle, for
however, bear in mind, that at least two figures are necessary to instance sedimentation, can be applied to all particles, the finest
approximately describe a distribution: ones being analyzed in a centrifuge the bigger ones in a
a) a position parameter that is an average particle size, and gravitational field. O n the other hand quite often, with the
b) a parameter for the spread of the distribution, for instance its different methods applied, the type of quantity varies. One then
standard deviation. has to reduce the results to the same type of quantity. Eq. (27)
Part. Charact. l(1984) 89-95 93
describes the transfer of a q,(x) distribution into a q r ( x ) The second function is the Rosin-Rarnmler-Sperling-Bennett
distribution, with r and e being either 0, 1, 2 or 3: (RRSB) function [lo-12, 141:
With r = 3 and e = 0 one obtains Eq. (28) which describes the x ' represents the position parameter when the function
calculation of a volume distribution from a number density 1 - Q3(x')= e ' = 0.368. The spread parameter, n, rep-
distribution. resents the slope of the straight line obtained on special graph
paper when plotting lglg (1 /R)on the ordinate and lg x o n the
abscissa. The straight line is represented by:
Graphically one alters the height of the ordinates at certain x lglg(l/R) = n lgx - n lgx' + lglge . (34)
values, that is one alters the overall shape of the distribution
curve. The density distribution curves are shifted to larger sizes, The third analytical function is the normal distribution [13]
when moving from number to volume density distributions. The given here in its general form:
shift is the bigger, the wider the spread of the distribution is.
found if one takes into account that an area beneath the density
distribution curve in a certain size range represents the relative Normal distribution differ according to the definition of z:
amount of particles present and this area should remain constant The Gaussian normal distribution with linear abscissa:
irrespective of changes of the abscissa. If one substitutes
x = f(<)or = p(x) one arrives at:
equals the median of the Q , ( x ) distribution, s represents
the standard deviation.
or Due to the fact that Q: (1)is tabulated for certain zvalues the
standard deviation s can be calculated from:
Several analytical particle size distributions have been found to s = Ins, or: sg = es . (42)
approximately describe empirically determined particle size
The standard deviation can be calculated from:
distributions. Special graph papers have been developed where
cumulative distributions following these functions form a
straight line. Three of the best known analytical distribution
functions are:
The complete k-th moment of a q,(x) distribution for a log-
a) The power function normal distribution can be calculated by introducing Eqs. (35)
and (40) or (41) into Eq. (9). One arrives at:
5 The Calculation of Specific Surface Area Because of Eq. (44) the total volume related surface area of a log-
normal distribution can be calculated from
5.1 Definition
, ~ 6fexp(ln2sg/2) (56)
Specific surface area may be defined in two ways:
The ratio of surface area, S , to volume, V, equals the volume
related surface area S , : S,x,,,, = 6 f exp(-2.51n2sg) . (57)
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