Tramadol (marketed as INDICATIONS: CNS: dizziness, vertigo, Special considerations
GENERIC: Ultram, and as generics) is an Moderate to moderately severe pain. headache, somnolence, CNS • Drug has been reported to reduce seizure
Tramadol opioid pain medication used CONTRAINDICATION: stimulation, asthenia, anxiety, threshold. Monitor patient closely for seizures.
to treat moderate to Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to confusion, coordination • Serious and rarely fatal anaphylactoid reactions
BRAND: moderately severe pain. drug; in patients experiencing acute intoxication with disturbance, euphoria, have been reported
Ambidol When taken as an immediate- alcohol; and in those taking hypnotics, centrally nervousness, sleep disorder, (less than 1%).
release oral formulation, the acting analgesics, opioids, or psychotropic drugs. seizures, malaise. ALERT Don’t confuse tramadol with
CLASS: onset of pain relief usually The combination product (Ultracet) shouldn’t be trazodone.
occurs within about an hour. used in patients with impaired hepatic function. CV: vasodilation. • Monitor patient’s CV and respiratory status
THERAPEUTIC: It has two different Use cautiously in patients at risk for seizures or and stop dose if respirations decrease or rate is
Opiate (narcotic) mechanisms. First, it binds to respiratory depression; in those with increased EENT: visual disturbances. less than 12 breaths/minute or if patient exhibits
analgesics. the μ-opioid receptor. intracranial pressure or head injury, acute abdominal signs of respiratory depression.
Second, it inhibits the conditions, impaired renal or hepatic function; and in GI: nausea, constipation, • Monitor patient for drug dependence. Because
PHARMACOLOGIC reuptake of serotonin and patients physically dependent on opioids. vomiting, dyspepsia, dry drug dependence similar to codeine or
synthetic derivative norepinephrine. Serious side mouth, diarrhea, abdominal dextropropoxyphene can occur, the potential for
effects may include: seizures, DRUG TO DRUG INTERACTION: pain, anorexia, flatulence. abuse exists.
ROUTE increased risk of suicide, Carbamazepine: Increases tramadol metabolism.
IV serotonin syndrome, Monitor patient closely. Dosage adjustment may be GU: urine retention, urinary Patient education
decreased alertness, and drug needed. frequency, increased creatinine • Instruct patient to take drug only as prescribed.
DOSAGE addiction. CNS depressants: Causes additive effects. Use clearance, proteinuria, • Caution patient to avoid potentially hazardous
50mg together cautiously. Tramadol dose may need to be menopausal symptoms. activities that require mental alertness until
SOURCES: reduced. adverse CNS effects of drug are known.
FREQUENCY MAO inhibitors, neuroleptic drugs: Increases risk Musculoskeletal: hypertonia.
Every 6 hours publication/270282807_Tram of seizures. Monitor patient closely.
adol_synthesis_and_mechani Respiratory: respiratory
sm_of_action DRUG TO FOOD INTERACTION: depression.
Alcohol use: Increases CNS depression. Discourage
alcohol use. Skin: pruritus, diaphoresis,