Chapter 10 Neng Dedeh
Chapter 10 Neng Dedeh
Chapter 10 Neng Dedeh
NIM : KHGC18036
Patients in hospital are usually anxious and fearful. It is important that hospital and staff put
them and their ease by being polite and pleasant. The following drills teach you polite form in
English. Be careful about the way your voice rises and falls when you say these sentences.
Basic Instruction • Ku mohon!
Please…/ …Please!
Will you… • Maukah kamu…
Change each command request into polite request using basic instruction!
Command Request Come in, Please! (Silahkan masuk)
1. Sit down (duduk) Sit down please
2. Stand up (berdiri) Please stand up
3. Turn around (berputar) Please turn around
4. Say “Ah” (katakan “Ah”) Please say “ah”
5. Flex your neck (tekukan leher) Please flex your neck
6. Bend down (membungkuk) Please bend down
7. Lay down (berbaring) Please lay down
8. Look up (lihat ke atas) Please look up
9. Raise your arm (angkat tangan) Please raise your arm
10. Move your head (gerakan kepala) Please your head
Command Request Will you come in, Please!
1. Lift your leg (angkat kaki) Will you Lift your leg
2. Arch your back (bungkukan punggung) Will you Arch your back
3. Lower your foot (turunkan kaki) Will you Lower your foot
4. Open your mouth (buka mulut) Will you Open your mouth
5. Put out your tongue (keluarkan lidah) Will you Put out your tongue
6. Bend your knees (tekuk lutut) Will you Bend your knees
7. Touch your toes (sentuh jari kaki) Will you Touch your toes
8. Wriggle your finger (gerakan jari) Will you Wriggle your finger
9. Take your shirt off (buka baju) Will you Take your shirt off
10. Roll your sleeve up (gulung lengan baju) Will you Roll your sleeve up
Command Request Would you come in, please!
1. Hold your head up (tengadahkan kepala) Would you Hold your head up
2. Take deep breath (tarik napas panjang) Would you Take deep breath
3. Touch your ankle (sentuh pergelangan kaki) Would you Touch your ankle
4. Fist your finger (kepalkan jari) Would you Fist your finger
5. Put on your shirt (kenakan baju) Would you Put on your shirt
6. Lower down your trouser (turunkan celana anda) Would you Lower down your trouser
7. Take your trouser off (lepaskan celana) Would you Take your trouser off
8. Keep your mouth open (tetap buka mulut) Would you Keep your mouth open
9. Keep your eyes hut (tutup mata) Would you Keep your eyes hut
10. Extend your hand (rentangkan tangan) Would you Extend your hand
Command Request Would you mind coming in, please!
1. Take the breath in (tarik nafas dalam) Would you taking the breath in
2. Take your breath out (hembuskan nafas) Would you taking your breathing out
3. Shake your head (gerakan kepala) Would you shaking your head
4. On the knee down (berlutut) Would you on the kneeing down
5. Put your body upside down (tengkurap) Would you put your bidying upside
6. Slight over/ scoot over (bergeser) Would you slight ovet/ scooting over
7. Fold your knees (lipat lutut) Would you folding your knees
8. Hold your breath (tahan nafas) Would you holding your breath
9. Fold your elbow (lipat siku) Would you foiding your elbow
10. Lay onto your tummy (tengkurap) Would you onto your pur tummy
Choose the correct answer for these items in the list
1. Can you …your mouth … please! (c) a. On the knee
2. Now, will you ON THE KNEE DOWN your knee, please! (a) down
3. I’m going to check your mouth, would you mind OPEN your tongue b. Raise arm
WIDELY (c) c. Open – widely
4. I would like to listen your lungs, please take BREATH IN and OUT d. Fold – knee
(g) e. Upside – down
5. I want to take your BP, would you mind … your sleeve …, please! f. Bend
(d) g. Breath in – out
6. A nurse asks Mr. Black to ROLLING the body UP because she h. Put – out
wants to inject pain killer on his buttock.(e) i. Put on
7. I will … to ask you to forgive my fault. (h) j. Rolling – up
8. If you don’t understand what I have said, pleas RAISE ARM and I
will re-explain.(b)
9. Well Miss, please tell me if you feel pain when I … your … to your
10. Everything is okay, now PUT ON your dress.(i)
BAB 10
Pasien di rumah sakit biasanya cemas dan ketakutan. Penting bagi rumah sakit dan staf
untuk menempatkan mereka dan kemudahan mereka dengan bersikap sopan dan menyenangkan.
Latihan berikut mengajari Anda bentuk sopan dalam bahasa Inggris. Hati-hati dengan naik
turunnya suara Anda saat mengucapkan kalimat ini.
Instruksi Dasar
• Ku mohon!
• Maukah kamu…
• Maukah kamu…
• Bisakah kamu…
Ubah setiap permintaan perintah menjadi permintaan sopan menggunakan instruksi dasar!
3. Turunkan kaki Anda (turunkan kaki). Akankah Anda menurunkan kaki Anda
7. Sentuh jari kaki Anda (sentuh jari kaki). Akankah Anda menyentuh jari kaki Anda
10. Gulung lengan baju Anda (gulung lengan baju). Maukah Anda menggulung lengan Anda ke
1. Angkat kepala Anda (tengadahkan kepala). Apakah Anda Angkat kepala Anda
3. Sentuh pergelangan kaki Anda (sentuh pergelangan kaki) Apakah Anda menyentuh
pergelangan kaki Anda
7. Buka celana Anda (lepaskan celana). Apakah Anda akan melepas celana Anda
8. Jagalah agar mulut Anda tetap terbuka (tetap buka mulut) Maukah Anda tetap membuka mulut
9. Jagalah matamu hut (tutup mata) Maukah kamu jaga matamu pondok
5. Taruh badan Anda dalam posisi terbalik (tengkurap). Apakah Anda meletakkan bidying Anda
secara terbalik
6. Slight over / scoot over (bergeser) Apakah Anda sedikit ovet / scooting over
5. Saya ingin mengambil BP Anda, maukah Anda… lengan baju Anda…, tolong! D
6. Seorang perawat meminta Tn. Black untuk… tubuh… karena dia ingin menyuntikkan
pembunuh rasa sakit di pantatnya.(E
9. Nah Nona, tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda merasa sakit ketika saya ... Anda ... ke perut Anda.
A. Berlutut
B. Angkat lengan
C. Terbuka – lebar
D. Lipat – lutut
E. Terbalik
F. Tikungan
G. Tarik napas keluar
H. Matikan
I. Pakai
J. Berguling