UNIT 3 Symptoms!
UNIT 3 Symptoms!
UNIT 3 Symptoms!
2. Listen and repeat the seven words.
3. Work in pairs. Decide if each of the symptoms
on the list affect the inside of the body, the outside
of the body, or both. Write I (=inside), O (=outside),
or B (=both) next to each one. Say the words as you
decide together (the bold parts of the words are
4. can you remember the question that
the nurse asked? Work in pairs to try to
complete them from memory. The listen
Again to check.
1 How it feel?
2 A little deformed ?
3 It painful when you move it?
4 move your toes?
5 How feeling?
6 a sore throat?
7 redness?
8 going?
9 dizzy at all?
10 When sick mostly?
11 pain?
2. listen and check your answer.
3. Work in pairs. Close your book and try to remember as much of the conversation
as you can.
1. Discuss the question with a partner.
Have you ever had symptoms with an unknown cause? What did the doctor say?
Answer : Yes i have, and the doctor said it was just because i was tired.
2. Read the article and decide oif the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 CFS caused by a virus T
2 CFS sufferers cannot lead a normal life. T
3 Some doctors believe CFS sufferers are not really ill. F
4 Gulf War Syndrome sufferers were attacked with chemical’s. T
5 They were vaccinated against the syndrome. T
6 The army officially says that stress caused their illness. T
Blood disorder are associated with a white tongue. Yellow sign a disordered liver
and gallbladder. Blue or purple shows up a Problems in the digestive system.
Purple on the underside shows the immune system is not working Effectively. A
dark red tongue can be a indicate of inflammarion or ulcers in the body.
The flexibility of the tongue shows the general Condition of the digestive
A wide tongue is good, for it shows a physical and psychological balance. A
narrow tongue indicates sharp thinking.
A rounded tip shows a state of good physical and mental health. People whose
tongue have a pointed tip have aggressive personalities.
2.Examine your partner tongue and make notes. Tell them what their tongue
indicates about them according to zetsu shin
Answer : we have the colour of our tongue to indicate our healt.
3. Discuss what you told each other. Do you think there is any truth in zetsu shin ?
Answer : We believe that diagnosis of the tongue is correct because it has
been proved in research.
The memory
Alzheimer affects the memory because the patients will to lose his memory.
Alzheimer it has an effect on behaviour because the patients will be difficult to
act because loss of his memory
Alzheimer affects the speech because the patients will be vague or rambling
Alzheimer affect the walking because in the later stage of alzheimer pasien will
difficulty to walking
Daily life
Alzheimer affect the daily life because the patient will start having the difficulty
performing various activities at one time , are easily forget something, and
difficulty to make decisions.
Will open
‘ll Sleep
Shall i
‘ill be able
‘ll have F
‘ll probablyy
will pass
1. Hearing aid (E)
2. Walking stick (B)
3. Glasses (F)
4. Pressure pad (D)
5. Incontinence pad (H)
6. Bath lift (K)
7. Power chair (I)
8. Helping hand (G)
9. False teeth (C)
10. Artificial hip (J)
11. Walking frame (A)
12. Commode (L)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct Personal Pronouns.
1. The radiologists : they
2. The patient : he
3. The stretcher : it
4. Professor Lokman Saim : he
5. Miss Satiapoorany : she
6. Mr. and Mrs. Yoong : they
7. Hospital Kuala Lumpur : it
8. The tablet : it
9. Zubaidah and Jane : they
10. The stethoscope : it
11. The drip bottles : it
12. My parents and I : we
13. My colleagues and I : we
Exercise 2
Replace the noun in each sentences with the correct Pronoun and identify its
category : SINGULAR (S), PLURAL (P).
1. The hospital is located at Jalan Yaakob Latif. It is known as Hospital Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
2. Patients who are critically ill have various psychological reactions to their
illness. It must be closely monitored. (SINGULAR)
3. Electrocardiogram is also a routine part of the cardiovascular examination.
They is normally carried out by the student nurses. (SINGULAR)
4. My nephew has lost a lot of weight lately. She looks so skinny. (SINGULAR)
5. Her parents are going for a medical check-up this Monday. They are very
anxious about it. (SINGULAR)
6. My brother and I work out in the gym twice a week. We want to stay fit and
healthy. (PLURAL)
7. Matron Zaidah is in charge of the Medical Ward. It is very strict. (SINGULAR)
8. Professor Rahmah is the new head of the Paediatrics Department. However,
it is not well-liked by her subordinates. (SINGULAR)
9. The male nurse is observing the patient’s electrolyte results. We seems not to
be satisfied with them. (SINGULAR)
10. I am studying for the anatomy examination. I want to pass the paper with
flying colours. (SINGULAR)
Retinol and beta carotene are two forms of Vitamin A. They are essential for our
eyes. (PLURAL)
Fill in the blanks with the correct Pronouns.
1. If any one of you insure about the procedure, I want you to inform me
2. Since they are terrified of surgery, we must find Them other alternatives.
3. We, the student nurses, do not think highly of the staff nurses in the female
Orthopaedic Ward. They love blame us for their mistakes.
4. Professor Zainul is a very competent gynaecologist. Most of the Caesarian
operations are carried out by him.
5. I managed to convince Puan Haini to undergo surgery. She gave me the signned
consent from this morning.
6. Could you undo your shirt first? I will examine you in a short while.
7. Jesnila`s parents think that nursing is a noble profession she receives a lot of
encouragement from her parents to take it up.
8. Our heart is the most important organ in our body. Therefore, we must look after
it well.
9. The security guard managed to find the two missing psychiatric patients. He has
already brought Them back to the ward.
10. I consume less coffee nowadays as my general practitioner doesn`t encourage
me to do so.
Add an apostrope (s`) or (`s) or of the to the following to show possession.
1. The pen – nib`s
2. The doctors` – stethoscopes
3. Dr. Ambygapathy – lecture`s
4. The patient`s – next of kin
5. The nurse`s – caps
6. My parents` – address
7. A week – time`s
Underline the correct answers.
1. The ( children`s , childrens` ) nursery is very untidy.
2. Many doctors and nurses took leave on New ( year`s , years` ) eve.
3. The Exercise and Physical Fitness Annual Campaign is ( Malaysia`s ,
Malaysias` ) way to woo the ( nation`s , nations` ) population to lead a healthy
4. In the beginning, ( Nightingale`s, Nightingales` ) parents disappoved of her
choice of profession.
5. It a ( doctor`s, doctors` ) duty to give his patients the best treatment.
6. A great scientific discovery may be the result of one ( scientist`s, scientists` )
curiosity or another ( scientist`s, scientists` ) lucky accident.
7. The nurse took ( Mala`s, Malas` ) transistor radio away as the noise disturbed
other patients.
8. Two of the fire ( victim`s, victims` ) conditions have yet to be confirmed.
9. The doctors are waiting to know my ( aunt`s, aunts` ) decision before
performing the operating on her.
10. The doctor will comfirm the diagnosis in two ( hour`s, hours` )time.
Circle the Possessive Adjectivies in the following sentences.
1. The tutor will announce our results this Friday.
2. The cancer patient has lost his hope to live.
3. The old couple decide to rent their apartment out to some medical students.
4. Her blood pressure is still within normal limits.
5. Mr. Yeoh took his injured son to the hospital.
Fill the blanks with possessive adjectives.
1. The surgeons are trying to identify their weakness in the previous operation
2. I have found a matric card which i handed over to aishah. it is my matric card
3. The hospital is very large. its staff are highly efficient.
4. My one year old daughter opens her bowel once every 3 or 4 days.
5. Encourage your child's independence and allow him to make his own
6. Nurses must observe the 5cs in caring-compassion, conscience, competence,
confidence and commitment in their profession.
7. our lifestyle determines our health.
8. He drew the diagram of the heart in detail. the diagram shows the heart with
its walls and four chambers.
9. The ECG machine broke down just now. its monitor was blank when i
switched it on.
10. Regardless of its class, every antibody has basic structure consisting of four
amino-acid chains linked together by disulfide bonds .
Complete the sentences below with the appropriate Possessive Adjectives.
1. The doctor spoke politely to his patients.
2. The ambulance stopped its siren once it reached the compound of the
Accident and Emergency Department.
3. She takes her meals in bed as she is unwell.
4. They took off their rings before carrying out the procedure.
5. We found our seniors very competent in handling difficult patients.
6. Dr. Bala put on his white coat before he went into the ward.
7. I felt relieved after the dentist pulled out my wisdom tooth.
8. Ammar and Azam have received their physical examination results.
9. You must check its blood sugar level regularly.
10. He contracted HIV from promiscuous his wife.
Fill in the blanks with the correct Possessive Pronouns.
0. Fazlin received her Diploma in Nursing in 1994. I received mine last year.
1. Juliana took her patient to the Radiology Department and we took our to the
operating theatre.
2. Mazlin and Shasya brought their dressing packs. We borrowed theirs.
3. They didn't bring their scissors. We lent them ours.
4. I have no syringe. I have to borrow her.
5. Have you found your thermometer? I haven't found mine.
6. There are 22 beds in this ward. Each bed has it’s own overhead table.
7. His name is Farhan. Mine is Camelia.
8. The student nurses have made Your bed. They have yet to make mine.
9. Why blame others, when you know the fault is your.
10. We have consulted our GP on this matter but they haven't consulted these.
1. The syringe lay on
upon the table