Sample 6
Sample 6
Sample 6
3. Plans of the store shall be approved by the Building Authority and the
Director of Fire Services before construction work is commenced.
5. Door openings of the store shall be fitted with self-closing doors having
a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour.
該倉庫須設有不少於 1 小時抗火時效的自掩門。
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
6. The tank and pump shall be installed in conformity with Part VI of the
Dangerous Goods (General) Regulations, Chapter 295B, Laws of Hong
Kong and plans submitted to Fire Services Department.
Competent Person refers to a Registered Professional Engineer in the “Marine & Naval
Architecture Discipline” or “Mechanical Discipline” or an “Authorized Surveyor” under the
Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance (Cap 548) or the “Boiler Inspector” under
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance (Cap 56).
合資格人士指「輪機暨造船學界別」或「機械界別」的註冊專業工程師,或《商船(本地船隻) 條
例》(第 548 章) 下獲委任的「特許驗船師」 ,或《鍋爐及壓力容器條例》(第 56 章) 下獲委任
的「鍋爐檢驗師」 。
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
用於貯存第 5 類第 1 及 2 分類危險品的貯槽在投入使用前,須由認可海事
工程師 / 驗船師檢驗,並將証明為適合的証明書送交消防處處長。
用於貯存第 5 類第 3 分類危險品的貯槽在投入使用前,須由合資格人士 1
以不少於 1 小時及不低於 70 千帕斯卡的壓力,進行液壓式或氣壓式防漏
寸、容量和物料等。以上測試準則並不適用於 (i)《建築物條例》(第 123
章) 第二條所指的「貯油裝置」及 (ii) 用作貯存第 5 類第 3 分類危險品的
貯槽,容量為 500 公升或以下,並用作供應燃油予消防裝置及設備或緊急
7. The tank shall be fitted with a vapour-escape pipe with fine brass wire
gauze fitted to the opening which shall be terminated outside the fuel
tank room.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
11. For indoor storage, the tank shall be placed inside a fire resisting room
of at least 2-hour FRR with a door sill capable of containing 100% of the
tank capacity. The room shall be ventilated to open air and the door
opening shall be fitted with a self-closing door having a fire resistance
rating of not less than one hour.
在室內貯存的貯槽須安置於抗火最少 2 小時及與外間空氣直接相通的防火
房間內。該房間須設有不少於 1 小時抗火時效的自掩門,而門口則須設能
12. All fuel tank room except those designed with manual refilling facilities
therein shall have the filling point terminated outside the room.
14. For natural ventilation, fixed and permanent openings at high and low
levels shall be provided. A minimum of five air changes per hour or
ventilation openings having a total area equivalent to 1-3% of the total
area of the walls and roof of the store shall be provided.
15. High and low ventilators for natural ventilation covered internally with
metal wire gauze of nominal aperture size not greater than 12mm and
externally with non-corrodible metal gratings shall be provided for the
該倉庫須設置高低氣窗,窗內安裝金屬網,網眼不得超逾 12 毫米,窗外
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
17. An automatic closing device shall be provided to the high and low
ventilators of the store by the provision of fire curtains/dampers/shutters
equipped with electro-thermal link released by a signal from an
appropriate type heat/smoke detector fixed on the ceiling to actuate the
device. For heat detectors, the actuation temperature shall be rated at
54°C to 65°C and the control panel shall be located outside the store.
The device shall be installed by a Registered Fire Service Installation
Contractor and the copy of certificate issued shall be forwarded to the
Director of Fire Services.
18. The low level ventilators shall be situated immediately above the level of
the door sill.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
22. One 4.5 kg CO2 type fire extinguisher and two buckets of dry sand shall
be provided and allocated near the pump/tank.
須在油泵∕貯槽附近放置 4.5 公斤二氧化碳滅火筒一具及乾沙兩桶。
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
23. Any fixed electrical installation shall be inspected, tested and certified by
an electrical worker/contractor registered by the Director of Electrical
and Mechanical Services. A copy of the “Work Completion Certificate”
(WR1) shall be forwarded to the Director of Fire Services as proof of
24. All electrical installations including switchgears shall be sited outside the
store. If electrical installations or equipment are required to be installed
inside the store, they should be in compliance with BS EN 60079 or
other relevant standards where appropriate.
備,該等裝置及設備須符合 BS EN 60079 或其他有關相等的標準。
25. Any fixed fire service installations, if provided, in the store (including
heat/smoke detector heads and mounting bases) shall be in accordance
with the relevant FOC Rules/NFPA Codes for hazardous areas as
座),該裝置須符合英國 FOC 或美國 NFPA 有關危險區域的消防守則。
26. All electrical wiring shall be of Mineral Insulated Copper Sheathed cable
and, where protection is required, with industrial type glands and heavy
gauge conduit fittings.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
28. For outdoor storage, lightning rod and earthing connections shall be
provided to the tanks. Any earthing system shall be inspected, tested
and certified by an electrical worker/contractor registered by the Director
of Electrical and Mechanical Services. A copy of the “Work Completion
Certificate” (WR1) shall be forwarded to the Director of Fire Services as
proof of compliance.
32. The store shall be kept locked when not being attended.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment. Sample 6
33. The store and its nearby area shall be clear of rubbish and maintained in
a clean and tidy condition.
34. The store shall not be used as stowage for any other articles or goods.
35. No illegal shades over any dangerous goods storage area shall be
38. Lightning rod and earthing connections shall be provided to the store.
This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be separately
issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.