The Best RANK Function Use in Excel
The Best RANK Function Use in Excel
The Best RANK Function Use in Excel
Function in Excel
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Apr 5 UsBy Amanda Thomas
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Whether you want to see which keywords have been generating the most amount of
conversions, or which Internet marketing services are showing the most ROI, you can use
the RANK function along with your Analytics data. Here is a way to set up your
spreadsheet to show your highest values using a formula without having to touch the
sort button or create a single macro.
The Function of the RANK function
The most basic use of the RANK function is to return the rank of a number within a set of
numbers. This can be incredibly useful when applied to budgets and determining where
your highest expenses or, conversely, highest revenue is coming from. The syntax for
using RANK is:
Ref – the data set that you are comparing the ranked cell to (e.g. $B$2:$B$21) – don’t
forget to keep those $ in there to denote an absolute reference.
[Order] – the order of rank (1st = 1, 2nd = 2, etc.) – you will have to update this number
when you copy the formula to make a list of rankings.
The RANK function can be a bit tricky to customize for various applications, but once
you’ve got it down, you can use your RANK-enhanced formulas to replace your need for
the sort button. Here is one way to combine several functions to achieve the Best Rank
(pun intended) formula on your spreadsheet. This is going to be an extensive use of
functions so be prepared to use the RANK, INDEX, MATCH, SMALL, LARGE, COUNTIF, IF,
ROW, IFERROR and SUM functions.
– (a nested formula using an conditional formula –[IF]– to prevent the calculation of
blank cells which will produce an error along with the RANK function to find the largest
values in our revenue column).
– sometimes, you run into a tie – or in this case, the same values; this formula helps to
break any ties by using the COUNTIF function to find any duplicate values in addition to
the RANK function. The RANK function is utilized to give priority to the ties that have the
lower ROW numbers/higher in your list.
– this is a simple SUM formula (using an IFERROR formula to make sure we don’t get any
errors in our ranking values) that adds the original RANK value to our TIE BREAK value
which will give us a new list of RANK without ties.
– the LARGE function is utilized to determine what the largest value is associated with
having the highest BEST RANK. It may seem repetitive, but this helps provide back up of
any errors or ties.
(the number 1 – in red – will need to be changed accordingly to 2, 3, 4, etc. down the
– the obverse of the LARGEST VALUES, this formula uses the SMALL function to
determine what the smallest values are associated with having the highest BEST RANK.
(the number 1 – in red – will need to be changed accordingly to 2, 3, 4, etc. down the
– using the INDEX and MATCH functions, you can find out what name is associated with
having the largest BEST RANK values.
– the opposite of the HIGHEST formula, in that it helps you use INDEX and MATCH to find
the smallest BEST RANK values.
You can even merge some of your formulas in some of the columns, like changing the
HIGHEST formula to:
(this combines the LARGEST VALUES formula [in red] with the existing HIGHEST formula
[in blue]…just don’t forget to change the value of the first 1 as you copy the formula down
the column).
And, if you don’t have the time to go through this whole process by hand, and could use a
little help, feel free to download the spreadsheet (click here). If you need to expand the
list of names and revenue, make sure to Unhide (select column C through K, right click
and select Unhide) the columns and copy the formulas as far down as you need.
And, as an added bonus, in the ListWithoutBlanks tab, you can use similar formulas to
generate a “shortened” list that will automatically omit any blanks.
Amanda Thomas
SEO Manager
Amanda is the SEO Manager for BRIM and is responsible for assisting the
project managers with the daily tasking to the SEO team.
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