Effect of Temperature and Curing Type On Geopolymer Concrete

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Sandeep Hake1, Dr. Rajaram Damgir2, Dr. S. V. Patankar3
Ph D Research Scholar, Applied Mechanics Department, (India)
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, (India)

Cement industry is one of the major contributors to the emission of greenhouse gasses. So, efforts are needed to
make concrete more environmental friendly by using fly ash which helps in reduce global warming as well as fly
ash disposal problem. This paper presents study of effect of temperature and curing type on mechanical
properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete. The study analysis is the effect of temperature and curing type
on compressive strength of Geopolymer Concrete. Geopolymer concrete is manufactured by replacing cement
100% with processed fly ash which is chemically activated by alkaline solutions like sodium silicate (Na2SiO3)
and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). In this study solution to fly ash ratio of 0.61 with 16 Mole concentrated sodium
hydroxide solution is used. All the specimens were cured in oven at 60,90,120 0C for 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours, but
previous research show that curing time at 18 hrs will give better result and it is observed that 18 hrs time is
best. In this paper we study the different types of curing like Oven, Accelerated, Membrane and Steam Curing
and various temperatures.


Geopolymer is a new Material in the world of concrete in which cement is totally replaced by pozzolanic
material (Fly ash) that is rich in silica and alumina and activated by alkaline liquids to act as a binder in the
concrete. The demand of concrete is increasing day by day to complete the need of development of
infrastructure facilities. It is well known fact that the production of OPC not only consumes significant amount
of natural resources and energy but also releases huge quantity of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Therefore,
it is necessary to find alternatives to make the concrete environment friendly with consideration of natural
resources and atmospheric pollution. [1]


Sandeep Hake, et al [1], the oven heat curing of geopolymer concrete has been attempted by various researchers,
but for curing of geopolymer concrete is quit difficult on site by using oven, so there is scope on types of curing
which makes geopolymer concrete cure easily. The oven heat curing for geopolymer concrete is mostly used.
The researchers studied only for different curing temperature in oven curing, but only few of them work on
steam, membrane curing and no one work on accelerated curing, as well as comparison on steam, accelerated,
membrane, natural and oven curing. So there is scope on method of curing of geopolymer concrete. Also
researchers studied for different curing time like 6,12,18,24 and the optimum strength obtained at 18 Hrs of

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Curing. The different curing temperatures like 600 C, 900 C, 1200C and 1500C. The different type of curing like
Oven, Accelerated, Membrane and Steam curing are need to be Study. The effect on compressive strength of
Geopolymer concrete by using these parameter need to be study.
Subhash V. Patankar(2014)et al. [8] studied the effect of quantity of water, temperature duration of heating on
compressive strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete. Na 2Sio3 solution containing Na2O of 16.45%, SiO2
of 34.35% and H2O of 49.20% and sodium hydroxide solution with concentration of 13 Molar were used in
geopolymer concrete as alkaline activators. Geopolymer concrete mixes were prepared with 0.35 solutions to
processed fly ash ratio. Workability was measure by flow table apparatus. Geopolymer concrete cubes of 150
mm X 150 mm X 150 mm were cast. The temperature of curing was varied as 40 0C, 600C, 900C, and 1200C for
each period of 8, 12 and 24 hours of oven heating and tested after a rest period of 1, 2, 3, 7 and 28 days after
demoulding the concrete cube. Test results show that the quantity of water plays important role in balancing
workability but not affect on strength. While higher temperature requires less duration of heating to achieve
desired strength and vice versa. Author says that the rest period of 3 days is sufficient after heating at and above
900C temperature.
In this study [14]have studied of effect of duration and temperature curing on compressive strength of
geopolymer concrete. Geopolymer concrete is manufactured by cement fully replacing with processed fly ash
which is activated by alkaline solutions like Na2Sio3 and NaoH. Cubes of size 150mm X 150mm X 150mm
were made at solution to fly ash ratio of 0.35 with 16 Mole concentrated sodium hydroxide solution. The
specimens were cured in oven at 600C, 900C and 1200C for 6, 12, 16, 20 and 24 hour’s duration. Test results
show that the compressive strength increases with increase in duration and temperature of oven curingupto 24
This paper [3], have obtained the behavior of Fly ash based Geopolymer Concrete Solid Blocks and its
Durability, the size of the block were adopted was 200mm x 200mm x 400mm. The brick were cast with fly ash
to river sand, M-sand and eco-sand (silica sand) with the ratio of 1:2.5 by weight. Sodium hydroxide and
Sodium silicate solution were used as the alkaline activators in geopolymer concrete. The binder solution
consists of a combination of NaOH and Na2SiO3 solution in the ratio of 1:2.5. The water/binder ratio is the ratio
of solution (NaOH, Na2SiO3 and water) to fly ash. Totally 60 blocks were casted in this study under ambient
curing. The blocks were cast with different types of sand with river sand, M-sand and eco-sand (silica sand).
The experimental results obtained were compared with locally available Cement Solid Blocks.


Following parameters were fixed on the basis of various trial mix test conducted by various Authors:
Fixed Parameter:
 Percentage replacement of cement by fly ash: 100%
 Sodium Silicate to Sodium Hydroxide Solution: 2.5
 Solution to Fly ash ratio: 0.61
 Duration of Curing: 18 hours.

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Variable Parameter:
 Temperature: 60°c, 90°c, 120°c,150°c.
 Type of curing: Oven, Steam, Accelerated, Membrane and Natural Curing.


In this study, The geopolymer concrete is made up of using fly ash, fine aggregate, Coarse aggregate and
alkaline liquid. The processed fly ash procured from bhusawal power plant. The alkaline liquids are Sodium
hydroxide (NAOH) and Sodium Silicate (Na2Sio3). The sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio used is 2.5
and the solution to fly ash ratio is 0.61 [14]. For preparing 16Mole solution of Sodium Hydroxide in one liter
solution the following steps to be adopted. For preparation of 1M solution there is requirement of 40 gms
sodium hydroxide pellets in solid form. While we mix 40 gms pellets in one liter solution then we get 1M
sodium hydroxide solution. The heat evaluation rate is so high at the time of mixing pellets into water. Due to
Sodium hydroxide solution was prepared one day prior to the casting of concrete cubes to avoid any
contamination during the mixing of ingredients of geopolymer concrete. Similarly, we prepare 16 M solution for
geopolymer concrete by adding 16 X 40 = 640 gms sodium pellets then we get 16 M one liter sodium hydroxide
solution. Then all ingredients of concrete were thoroughly mixed in concrete mixer. Then, required quantity of
Sodium Hydroxide solution and sodium silicate solution with proper proportion was added and mixed until
homogeneous mix was formed. After making the homogeneous mix, workability test by slump cone and
compaction factor is determined. Then, cubes of size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm were cast in three layers as
per standard process. Then after demoulding of cube these cube placed for curing of geopolymer concrete. The
various methods are adopted for Oven, Steam, Accelerated and Membrane Curing at various temperatures like
600C, 900C, 1200C. These cubes were placed at room temperature after curing up to the testing age. The testing
age for cube will be assumed as 7 day which was fixed from past literature review. The effect of temperature
and types of curing on geopolymer concrete are as follows.

Rest Period
Time (Hrs)

Sample No

Load (KN)




e (°C)

O1 135 6.00
60°C O2 120 5.33 6.15
O3 160 7.11
O4 900 40.00
90°C O5 930 41.33 40.74
18 7 O6 920 40.89
O7 1260 56.00
120°C O8 1430 63.56 59.26
O9 1310 58.22
O10 360 16.00
150°C 14.67
O11 300 13.33

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O12 330 14.67
Table1: The temp. effect of oven cured geopolymer concrete.

Time (Hrs)

Sample No

Load (KN)


re (°C)


A1 500 22.22
60°C A2 780 34.67 30.07
A3 750 33.33
A4 1550 68.89
80°C 18 7 A5 1420 63.11 65.93
A6 1480 65.78
A7 620 27.56
100°C A8 860 38.22 33.04
A9 750 33.33
Table2: The temp. effect of Accelerated cured geopolymer concrete.


re (°C)





M1 550 24.44
60°C M2 540 24.00 23.26
M3 480 21.33
M4 1050 46.67
90°C M5 1090 48.44 46.07
M6 970 43.11
18 7
M7 1120 49.78
120°C M8 1100 48.89 49.93
M9 1150 51.11
M10 530 23.56
150°C M11 540 24.00 24.30
M12 570 25.33
Table3: The temp. effect of Membrane cured geopolymer concrete.

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Time (Hrs)

Sample No

Load (KN)


re (°C)



S1 430 19.11
12 60°C S2 370 16.44 17.93
S3 410 18.22
S4 730 32.44
13 80°C 18 7 S5 690 30.67 30.96
S6 670 29.78
S7 880 39.11
14 100°C S8 860 38.22 39.41
S9 920 40.89
Table4: The temp. effect of Stem cured geopolymer concrete.

Graph 1 Temperature Vs Comp. strength

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Fig:1 Shows the Failure pattern of cube on compression testing machine.

Table 1 show the effect of temperature variation and different type of curing on geopolymer concrete. In oven
0 0
heat curing the the temperature varies from 60 C to 150 C the optimum result we get at 90 0C with
consideration of energy for heating.
In Accelerated curing the effect of temperature on geopolymer concrete will show the optimum result at 80 0C.
Also in membrane curing the effect of temperature varies from 60 0 C to 150 0 C the optimum result we get at 90
C. In case of Steam curing the temperature optimize at 1000C.
The fig 1 Shows the Failure pattern of cube on compression testing machine.


1. In oven curing the rate of gain of strength is slow at 60 0C and increases at 900C and also increases at
1200Cand it will sudden down at 1500C and also at 1500C the cracks appear on cube. If we consider
electricity, at 900C we give optimum result as compare to 120 0C .
2. In Accelerated Curing, the optimum result we will get at 80 0C as compare to other temperature.
3. In case of Membrane curing the compressive strength obtained at 900C. the optimum result with
consideration of electricity required is at 90 0C.
4. In case of steam curing the compressive strength achieved at 100 0C.
5. For the polymerization the heat is required to the geopolymer concrete.


Author Thanks to Dr. R. M. Damgir for encouraging me to work on this topic and their constant assistant.


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