Quiz 1-2-3
Quiz 1-2-3
Quiz 1-2-3
• Write your name, registration number and section number on your quiz.
• After completing your quiz, scan your paper using a scanner or an app (like CamScanner) to make
sure a good quality image. Convert all your images into 1 PDF file and then upload your PDF file
on CUonline portal instead of emailing or sending on Whatsapp.
• Any kind of copying will result in zero marks of both the parties (copier and facilitator) without
any excuse.
1) Two different concrete mixtures were prepared, both with a w/c ratio of 0.5. In one of
the mixtures, maximum aggregate size of 10mm was used whereas, in the other
mixture, maximum aggregate size was 20mm. Keeping all other parameters same,
which mixture will show lower strength. Explain with reason(s).
2) List down the method(s) to reduce the permeability of concrete.
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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus
Quiz 2 Fall 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
1) Write your name, registration number and section number on your quiz.
2) After completing your quiz, scan your paper using a scanner or an app (like CamScanner) to
make sure a good quality image. Convert all your images into 1 PDF file and then upload your
PDF file on CUonline portal instead of emailing or sending on Whatsapp.
3) Any kind of copying will result in zero marks of both the parties (copier and facilitator)
without any excuse.
1) What are the differences between chemical and pozzolanic admixtures in concrete?
Briefly explain the effects of pozzolanic admixtures on the strength and durability of
hardened concrete.
2) How can you increase the bond of fresh concrete with the hardened concrete?
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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus
Quiz 3 Fall 2020
Department of Civil Engineering
1) Write your name, registration number and section number on your quiz.
2) After completing your quiz, scan your paper using a scanner or an app (like CamScanner) to
make sure a good quality image. Convert all your images into 1 PDF file and then upload your
PDF file on CUonline portal instead of emailing or sending on Whatsapp.
3) Any kind of copying will result in zero marks of both the parties (copier and facilitator)
without any excuse.
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