COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus SESSIONAL-I Spring 2021 Department of - Civil Engineering
COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus SESSIONAL-I Spring 2021 Department of - Civil Engineering
COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus SESSIONAL-I Spring 2021 Department of - Civil Engineering
Wah Campus
SESSIONAL-I Spring 2021
Department of _ Civil Engineering
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9. The domestic average use per capita per day is 70 – 380 liters per capita per day. T/F
10. The installation of meters reduces rate of consumption. T/F
11. Water treatment plants are designed for ________________.
e) Average daily flow
f) Max daily consumption
g) Max. daily demand
h) Peak hourly demand
12. __________________________level of water in the dam is required for stability of dam
a) High Flood Level (H. F. L)
b) Free Board
c) Full Supply Level (F. S. L)
d) Dead Storage Level (D. S. L)
13. Soil is superior quality natural filter. T/F
14. Intake structure must be _____________________.
a) Water Tight
b) Heavy weight
c) Stable against all stresses
d) All of the above
15. Single port intake is given for the water resources with _____________ fluctuations.
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Student Name: ____________________________ Registration#: _____________________________
A community has present population of (20,000 R +500) and is increasing at a geometric growth rate of
0.65/R. The average water consumption of this community is 16x107 lit/day. The present water
requirement of the community are fully met by a number of tube wells installed in the city. Determine the
number of additional tube-wells of 4 m3/min capacity to meet the demand of 20 years of design period.
During a five-minute test for well yield, a total of R*10 gallons are removed from the well. What is the
well yield in gpm?
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