Literature Review 1
Literature Review 1
Literature Review 1
Maryam Toure
Professor Tyler
English 1201
25 October 2020
Literature Review
is taking a toll in the environment. Plastic in the oceans grow every single day. The plastic in the
ocean are from countries that are not taking care of the trash. Plastic breaks down into small
pieces. Which is called micro plastics. In the eBook, it states “Smaller fragments go unnoticed,
however, and can never be removed.” Micro plastics are tiny plastics that can simply make its
way into food chains. Once its reach the food chain, they are unable to remove it. We are facing
a big problem with micro plastics. As the micro plastics are entering the food chain. It is
damaging the creatures in the sea. It is affecting the animal species. It damages the animal
creature because they are ingesting the plastic. Which leads them to suffocate. It can also damage
human. Micro plastics also enter the human body. Which leads them to ingest it also.
In “No longer Lost at Sea”, it states “The majority of plastic waste in the ocean comes
from countries where waste management infrastructure has not kept pace with rise in demand for
consumer goods or population.” All the plastic being consumed in the ocean are from individuals
who are not recycling their trash. Did you know most of the plastics are not from trash? Most of
the plastics are from people that are not recycling. Recycling is a best way to help reduce water
pollution. Did you know over a thousand turtles are killed a year because of plastic? It is
devastating to hear creatures are dying because of ocean pollution. In Michiel article he states it
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is hard to remove plastics from water. But in this article, it states we can remove plastics off the
Ocean pollution in today society is affecting our environment. We are not even able to
enjoy the ocean because of the plastics on the land. Both information in the resource has an
accurate source. Most of these plastics are used. After it being used, it is thrown out on the sea.
Also, one major key is plastic does not decompose. Once it is on the ocean, it is there until
someone can remove it. Animals usually mistaken animals as food. Which affects their
In the “Ocean Pollution: The Dirty Facts” Melissa states “We’re drowning marine
ecosystems in trash, noise, oil and carbon emissions.” I agree. Most of the society are polluting
our beaches. It is also ingesting by the fish. Fish can suffocate by the micro plastics. Plastics
being left in the ocean for a long-time free chemical. Plastic is a threat on the land. Also, oil and
gas causes harm to crabs, dolphins, and whales. Noise pollutions releases oil and gas. Noise
pollution is invisible. But it is a threat to the ocean. It creates a loud sound. We need to protect
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Work Cited
Abbing, Michiel Roscam. “EBSCO EBooks: EBSCO.” Plastic Soup: An Atlas of Ocean
Board, Editorial. “Opinion | Every Human Should Be Alarmed by the Plastic Crisis in Our
January 22, 2018 Melissa Denchak. Ocean Pollution: The Dirty Facts. 24 Sept. 2020,