Speech To Florida Senators On Plastic Pollution
Speech To Florida Senators On Plastic Pollution
Speech To Florida Senators On Plastic Pollution
Good evening Florida Senators, I am Sydney Garber and I am here to speak to you today
about our marine life. I know you may be wondering how this can concern you, but there are
major issues our country needs to address concerning the health of our marine life, and it can
begin with our state. Marine life is being put in great danger, as you may already know, by
plastics and waste being dumped in the ocean. Plastics first enter the ocean and interrupt the
habitats of marine life, and some species even mistake this waste for food. Not only are large
plastics an issue for the ecosystem, but once these plastics begin to degrade, we no longer see
them. These are called microplastics and they are actually more dangerous to marine life than the
visible plastics. New studies are coming out from many environmental scientists and
Oceans and Marine Health by Subhankar Chatterjee and Shivika Sharma, “These tiny plastic
fragments are persistent in the marine ecosystem and due to their micron sized particle nature,
these fragments are mistaken as food and ingested by a range of marine biota which includes
corals, phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, sea urchins, lobsters, fish etc. and ultimately get
transferred to higher tropic level. The impact of microplastic on marine biota is an issue of
concern as it leads to the entanglement and ingestion which can be lethal to marine life.” Marine
life can easily ingest toxic chemicals when they are in the form of microplastics, and die off from
damage to their stomachs. Now that I have presented this information, I will tell you the real
reason why I am here today. I want you all to think about these animals and the ecosystems they
live in. Without just one species, the food chain in the ocean begins to crumble. As plastic begins
to increase in the ocean, numbers of endangered marine species rise. I hope you think about this
and consider proposing more regulations on plastic waste int the ocean. I hope you have all
understood what I have to say today and take it into consideration when a new bill comes across
your desk involving plastic waste or there is a new proposal for waste management. Imagine the
marine life and how much an impact waste management will be on their future lives. Plastic
being dumped in the ocean is an issue and is very harmful to the ecosystems in the ocean.
Animals and species are dying off, and they need your help. Encouraging citizens and the public
to take action will only do so much to help marine life. We need the assistance of our
government to save these animals. I hope I have inspired you today to make a true, impactful
Sydney Garber
Chatterjee, S., & Sharma, S. (2019, March 1). Microplastics in our oceans and marine health.