Irrigation Engineering Course Materials All Chapters
Irrigation Engineering Course Materials All Chapters
Irrigation Engineering Course Materials All Chapters
Engidayehu Ch
October, 2020
Chapter one
Ill-effects of irrigation
Water logging
Long term application of pesticides
Outbreak of disease
Complex and expensive
Functions of Irrigation water
Note: In Ethiopia, Small scale irrigations are those which have command areas <200 ha,
medium scale 200-3000 ha And large scale >3000 ha.
, Ethiopia has a total potentially irrigable area of about 3.64,Million ha.
which is 27.55% of the total cultivable area. From which
o For small scale irrigation 165,000-400,000 ha.
o For medium and large scale irrigation 3,300,000 ha
2. Water resources
• Surface water
• ground water supplies
3. The Engineering aspect
Focuses on the development of a source of water for irrigation
and construction of various structures for storage, diversion,
conveyance and application of water.
These includes investigations of
Site selection and Design of a reservoir , dam & Design of
diversion head.
Alignment for canal system (lay outs for canal)
Alignment for field channels.
Study of sub–surface conditions that affect the design and
construction of a proposed structures.
the mechanical properties of the soil at foundation levels.
Construction materials including, soil and sand, rock and
aggregate, cement,
4. Social and Economical aspects.
The Various items considered in benefit/cost relationships are.:
a) Costs
Capital cost of the project
Interest on Capital
Operational and maintenance cost of project
b) Benefits
Agricultural production in the project area before and after taking up
the project (irrigation).
Cost of cultivation before and after irrigation (cost of inputs viz.
Seeds, manure, labor, irrigation machines and implement etc).
B. C ratio =
Water film
Air space
Soil particles
Va Air Wa~0
Vw Water W
VT w
Vs Solid W
Volume Weight
V Vs Vw Va Vs Vv W Ws Ww
Bulk density -
Mass per unit volume of soil comprising the solid
and gaseous phase in exclusion of the liquid phase
is called bulk density.
In other words, bulk density is the weight of oven
dry soil per unit total volume.
It is sometimes referred to as apparent specific
To determine bulk density soil core method is
widely used
Ms Ms
Vt Vs Va Vw
Particle density – s
Total pore space and porosity (E)
Total pore space (E) is the ratio of the volume of pores
(voids) to the total volume of soil and is expressed in %.
It is the volume of soil occupied by air and water.
Va Vw Vt Vs
Vt Vt Vt Vt
E 1
Soil Water Content
Soil water content is expressed on mass basis or volume basis.
It is measured using
Gravimetric method
Based on fast-moving neutrons emitted by a radioactive
source which collide with nuclei in the soil and lose energy
Capacitance methods
based on measuring the capacitance of a capacitor, with
the soil-water-air mixture as the dielectric medium
Time-Domain Reflectrometry.
The propagation time of a pulse travelling along a wave
guide is measured
This time depends on the dielectrical properties of the soil
surrounding the wave guide, and hence on the water
content of the soil
Gravimetric method (on mass or volume basis)
Mass basis:
Water content (w) is the ratio, expressed in
percentage, of the weight of water to the
weight of solids
Volume basis:
Vw Vw v w
Vt Vs V f
The gravimetric method is still the most widely
used technique to determine the soil water
content and is often taken as a standard for the
calibration of other methods
Its disadvantage is that it is laborious, because
samples in duplicate or in triplicate are required
to compensate for errors and variability.
A sample of soil taken from irrigation field is given below
Weight of soil sample = 1013g
Vol. of soil sample = 585.0cm3.
Dry weight of soil = 904.0g
Determine the bulk density, porosity, mass base water
content and volume base water content (consider the
particle density of the sample 1.73g/cm3
Types of soil water
1. Gravitational water
2. Capillary water
3. Hygroscopic water
1. Gravitational water
Water moving downwards through soil under gravity is
termed as gravitational water
Plants need only 0.33 atm. or less water tension at this
When sufficient water is added to soil, water gradually fills
the pore system expelling air completely from soil.
all voids are occupied by water
2. Capillary water
Capillary water is when the available water is the field
capacity and permanent welting point
This soil water tension is about 0.10 – 0.33atm.
Water enters the pores until the soil-water tension equal
to the gravity force.
This water is available to plants.
Optimum growth of plant takes place when the soil water
is maintained at near field capacity
3. Hygroscopic water
The water that an oven dry soil absorbs when exposed to
air saturated with vapour is called hygroscopic water
Plants needs a tension of 31 atm
Water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by
adsorption forces.
Its un available water content when the moisture
is below the permanent welting point
Plants couldn’t exert a pressure of 31atm. To use
this water so that this water is unavailable to the
Types of soil water
Gravitational water
Field capacity
Hygroscopic coeff.
Hygroscopic water Air dry
Oven dry
h d w d m
Available Water
Field capacity and permanent wilting point
Field capacity is defined as the soil water content
corresponding to a matric potential ranging from 0.1 bar
for sand to 0.5 bar
The ‘wilting point’ or ‘permanent wilting point’ is defined as
the soil water condition at which the leaves undergo a
permanent reduction in their water content (wilting)
because of a deficient supply of soil water
The amount of water held by a soil between field capacity
(and wilting point is defined as the amount of water
available for plants
Below the wilting point, water is too strongly bound to the
soil particles.
Above field capacity, water either drains from the soil
without being intercepted by roots,
Relationship between soil texture and water content
Available water
Quiz 1
A 74cm3 soil sample taken from irrigated land, it was
weighted 150gm and 132gm during field capacity and
permanent wilting point respectively. The oven dry weight
of the sample was found to be 120gm.
Calculate the volumetric based moisture content at
(A)Field capacity, (B) permanent wilting point using
volumetric water content and (C) The available water
depth if wheat is to be grown with root of 80cm
Chapter Three
Crop Water Requirements
Crop Water Requirements (CWR)
Evapotranspiration process
Determination of Reference Evapotranspiration – ETo
Duty-delta relationship
Determination of crop Evapotranspiration– ETc
Irrigation Efficiencies
Irrigation Scheduling
Crop Water Requirements
It is the total amount of water required by the crop in a given
period of time for normal growth, under field conditions.
Soil Water
liquid water is converted to water vapor (vaporization)
affect evaporation
It is the vaporization of liquid water contained in plant
tissues and the vapour removal to the atmosphere.
Nearly all water taken up is lost by transpiration and
only a tiny fraction is used within the plant.
radiation, air temperature, air humidity and wind, The
soil water content crop characteristics and
environmental aspects and cultivation practices affect
Evapotranspiration (ET)
Evaporation and transpiration occur simultaneously
i. Weather Parameters
radiation, air temperature, humidity and wind speed
affect ET
ii. Crop Factor
The crop type, variety and development stage affect ET
-Hypothetical crop
-Green grass
-uniform height (12 cm)
-Actively growing
-Adequately watered
Actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc):
Crop Evapotranspiration under standard conditions
It refers to the evapotranspiration from excellently
managed, large, well-watered fields that achieve full
production under the given climatic conditions
Crop Evapotranspiration under non-standard
conditions (ETc-adj)
Due to sub-optimal crop management and environmental
constraints that affect crop growth and limit
ETc under non-standard conditions generally requires a
= ETo
ETc = ETo * Kc
Crop coefficient:
It is the ratio b/w the actual crop Evapotranspiration
to the reference crop evapotranspiration.
Kc = ETc / ETo
Initial stage
From planting date to approximately 10% ground
Crop development stage
From 10% ground cover to effective full
cover(initiation of flowering)
Mid-season stage
From effective full cover to the start of maturity
Late season stage
From the start of maturity to harvest or full
Kc for a given crop will vary over the growing period
Determination of Reference Crop
Evapotranspiration (ETo)
Direct Measurement of ET includes:
Lysimeter experiment
Penman method
Radiation method
Direct Measurement
1. Lysimeter experiment
It is a container (0.5m – 2 m in diameter) having an
experimental soil separated from the surrounding soil in the
crop field
Measurements of different components for water balance
studies such as water added to lysimeter through precipitation
and irrigation, change in soil water storage and water lost
through evaporation, transpiration, runoff and deep
percolation are made
The relationship is: ET ER IRn SW
Field experimental plots
0 8.50 7.66 8.49 8.21 8.50 8.22 8.50 8.49 8.21 8.50 8.22 8.50
10 8.13 7.47 8.45 8.37 8.81 8.60 8.86 8.71 8.25 8.34 7.91 8.10
15 7.94 7.36 8.43 8.44 8.98 8.80 9.05 8.83 8.28 8.26 7.75 7.88
20 7.74 7.25 8.41 8.52 9.15 9.00 9.25 8.96 8.30 8.18 7.58 7.66
25 7.53 7.14 8.39 8.61 9.33 9.23 9.45 9.09 8.32 8.09 7.40 7.42
30 7.30 7.03 8.38 8.72 9.53 9.49 9.67 9.22 8.33 7.99 7.19 7.15
35 7.05 6.88 8.35 8.83 9.76 9.77 9.93 9.37 8.36 7.87 6.97 6.86
40 6.76 6.72 8.33 8.95 10.02 10.08 10.22 9.54 8.39 7.75 6.72 6.52
42 6.63 6.65 8.31 9.00 10.14 10.22 10.35 9.62 8.40 7.69 6.62 6.37
44 6.49 6.58 8.30 9.06 10.26 10.38 10.49 9.70 8.41 7.63 6.49 6.21
46 6.34 6.50 8.29 9.12 10.39 10.54 10.64 9.79 8.42 7.57 6.36 6.04
48 6.17 6.41 8.27 9.18 10.53 10.71 10.80 9.89 8.44 7.51 6.23 5.86
50 5.98 6.30 8.24 9.24 10.68 10.91 10.99 10.00 8.46 7.45 6.100 5.65
Use Blaney-Criddle method to calculate consumptive use
(PET) for rice crop grown from January to March in Orissa at a
latitude 220 N from the following data taken from a nearby
observatory. Find the net irrigation demand for rice using the
given rainfall during crop period
10.37+11.12+16.04 = 37.75 cm
Christiansen formula
u2 u
es is saturation vapor pressure at mean temp. in mm Hg and
ea actual vapor pressure in mm Hg
( H E a )
( )
Latitude = 220C
Mean monthly temperature = 160C
The reflection coefficient (r) is 0.20.
0.49, 2.01 x10 mm / day, Ta 273 16 289 K
9 0
H = 2.88 mm of water/day
Ea is the drying power
The actual vapor pressure in air
ea = es x RH = 13.67 x 0.50 = 6.88 mmHg
Drying power of air
Ea = 0.002187 (160 + U2) (es – ea)
Rn is the net radiation,
G is the soil heat flux,
Thornthwaite Method
Thornthwaite (1948) developed an exponential relationship
between mean monthly temperature and mean monthly
consumptive, given as
ETo 1.62 R f
Where Te
Rf is the reduction factor (See Table),
Tm the mean monthly temperature in 0C,
Te is the annual temperature efficiency index
a is a constant which can be computed from the relation
a 0.4923 0.01792 Te 0.0000771 Te2 0.000000675 Te3
a 0.4923 0.01792 Te 0.0000771 Te2 0.000000675 Te3
Latitude J F M A M J J A S O N D
00N 1.04 0.94 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.01 1.04
100N 1.00 0.91 1.03 1.03 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.07 1.02 1.02 0.98 0.99
200N 0.95 0.90 1.03 1.05 1.13 1.11 1.14 1.11 1.02 1.00 0.93 0.94
300N 0.90 0.87 1.03 1.08 1.18 1.17 1.20 1.14 1.03 0.98 0.89 0.88
400N 0.84 0.83 1.03 1.11 1.24 1.25 1.27 1.18 1.04 0.96 0.83 0.81
500N 0.74 0.78 1.02 1.15 1.33 1.36 1.37 1.25 1.00 0.92 0.76 0.70
Using Thornthwaite equation, calculate the consumptive use of
paddy for the month of February. Take data from Example
Wind velocity measured at 2 m height = 30 km/day
Rf is 0.895
a 0.594
10Tm 10 x16
ETo 1.62 R f ETo 1.62 x0.895 10.38
Te 5.818
a = 0.868 ,
The reduction factor Rf (from table )for April month in 28o
interpolating Rf = 1.132
10 x 40
ETo 1.62 x1.132 21.63mm
23 .3
Duty-Delta Relationship
Crop period and Base period
The time period that elapses from the instant of its sowing to
the instant of its harvesting is called the crop period.
The time between the first watering of a crop at the time of
its sowing to its last watering before harvesting is called the
base period.
Duty and Delta of Crops
Duty (D): is defined as the area of the land which can be
irrigated if one (m3/sec) of water was applied to the land
continuously for the entire base period of the crop.
Delta (∆): is the total depth of water required by a crop during
the entire base period
Delta (∆) = Total quantity of water (ha-m)
Total area of land (ha)
The relation between duty, base period and delta, can be
obtained as follows:-
Considering the area of land of D-hectares,
8.64 B 8.64 B
D Or
Where D = in ha/cumec
∆ = in m
B = in days
Find the delta for a crop when its duty is 860 hectares per
cumec. on the field, the base period of this crop is 120days
Ed 1 x 100
6. Water Use Efficiency
This shows the yield of the crop per unit volume of water used.
It may be expressed in Kg/ or q/
A) Crop Water Use Efficiency: is the ratio of the crop yield (Y)
to the amount of water consumptively used by the crop.
2440 m3
Ea 3
x 100 84.7%
2880 m
0.2268 x 1.8 x 10 4 4082 .4m
2440 m 3
Es 3
59.8% 60%
4082 .4m
5. Water Distribution Efficiency (Ed)
Ed 1
1.8 1.20
d 1.50m
Average water penetration depth = 2
Ed 1 80 %
A stream of 130l/sec water diverted from the source and
100l/sec where delivered to the field an area of 1.6 hactares
was irrigated in 8 hours the effective root depth was 1.7m
the run off loss in the field was 420m3 the depth of
penetration varied linearly from 1.7 at the head end of the
field to 1.1m at the tail end. The holding capacity of the soil
is 20cm/m Irrigation was stored at a moisture level of 50%
of the available moisture. Take The stream size delivered to
the plot to be 80 l/se. Demine
1. Water Conveyance efficiency ( Ec)
2. Water application Efficiency ( Ea)
3. Water storage efficiency (Es)
4. Field Canal Efficiency (Eb)
Irrigation Scheduling
Thus interval of irrigation depends on the consumptive use
Depth of 28.80 28.80 38.4 57.60 69.12 80.64 92.16 92.16 92.16 107.5 107.5 107.5
irrigation (mm)
Interval of 8 8 7 11 11 12 13 13 13 17 17 18
irrigation (days)
A crop has effective root zone of 120 cm (1.20 m) prior to
irrigation; soil samples were taken from different depths to
determine the moisture status of the soil.
Depth of root zone (m) Weight soil sample (gm) Weight of oven dry soil (gm)
Irrigation Methods
Irrigation water Application methods
should be considered
Soil type
Adaptability of Sprinkler irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation in Ethiopia
Suitable irrigation water
Wetted depth
Note: Compare the wetted depth at the centre and at the ends
The uniformity of sprinkler applications can be
affected by wind and water pressure
To reduce the effects of wind, the sprinklers can be
positioned more closely together
Overlapping Pattern
Drip irrigation is sometimes called trickle irrigation and
involves dripping water onto the soil at very low rates (2-20
litres/hour) small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets
called emitters or drippers.
Water is applied close to plants so that only part of the soil
in which the roots grow is wetted,
Drip or trickle irrigation is a method of watering plants
frequently to the root of the plant
In this irrigation system:
Water is applied directly to the crop ie. entire field is
not wetted.
Water is conserved
Suitable crops
Drip irrigation is most suitable for row crops (vegetables, soft
fruit), tree and vine crops where one or more emitters can be
provided for each plant
Generally only high value crops are considered because of the
high capital costs of installing a drip system.
Suitable slopes
Drip irrigation is adaptable to any farmable slope
Based on size/source
1. Main canal Based on alignment
1. Lined Canal
2. Branch canal
2. Unlined Canal
3. Major distributaries
4. Minor distributaries
5. Water course/field channel
In designs shortest possible distance for mains
Branch canals
This is a canal which branches from the main
Field canals: These are small canals located at the head of
each farm plot or field.
Field canals supply directly the irrigated fields (furrows,
basins and borders).
Maximum Canal Side Slopes (m)
water levels;
No erosion of canal bottoms and banks will occur, and
1 2 3 12
Q A* R S
In design maximum velocity is not our interested
Design Procedure for Lined (Non-Erodible) Canal
Recommended Side slopes
Design Procedure For Unlined Canal
I. Determine the maximum permissible velocity from tables.
P = b+ 2y (m2 + 1)1/2 ,
Design steps
Width = 8m
Final Design Diagram
Free board
y = 1.26m d= 1.5m
b = 8.m m