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The document discusses the significance of Thiruppullani as a place associated with Lord Rama and Hanuman. It also talks about an episode related to Vibhishana's surrender to Rama that occurred there. Thiruppullani is considered an important place of surrender to the Lord.

Thiruppullani is significant as a place associated with the sacred feet of Lord Rama and his devotee Hanuman. It is also the place where Lord Rama accepted the surrender of Vibhishana and exemplified his compassion towards surrenderers. Hence it is also known as the place of surrender.

The presiding deity of Thiruppullani is Sri Aadi Jagannatha Perumal, who blessed Lord Rama with his divine bow as Rama set out for Lanka to rescue Sita. The main goddess is Sri PadmAsani ThAyar. The temple tree is the Asvattha tree and the temple tank is Chakra theertham.

Sincere Thanks To:

1. Mannargudi Sri.Srinivasan Narayananan Swami for Sanskrit/Tamil texts and

proof reading

2. Sri.T. RaghuveeradayAL swami of ThiruppullANi for providing very valuable

information on ThiruppullANi and also for the gift of splendid pictures of
ThiruppullANi kshetram and Moorthys.

3. Smt. Krishnapriya, Sri. Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar, Sri. Murali BhaTTar, Sri.

B. Senthil, and Sou. R. Chitralekha for providing other pictures.

4. Smt.Jayashree Muralidharan for eBook assembly.


Introduction 1

Sthala vishesham/Theertha vishesham 9

VibhishaNa SaraNAgathi 35

Sethu Bandhanam 53

Thirumangai Mannan and Sri ThyAgarAja Swamigal 63

Periya Thirumozhi- 9th Decad - 3rd Thirumozhi 73
Periya Thirumozhi - 9th Decad - 4th Thirumozhi 95

nigamanam 133


complete list of sundarasimham-ahobilavalli eBooks 135

SrI Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL of ThiruppullANi

. ïI>.

. ïI AaidjgNnaway nm>.

. ïI ramcNÔpräü[e nm>.



During the summer of 1993 (Akshaya year, Aadi month) on the sacred day of
sarva putrada ekadashi, adiyEn commenced the likhita kaimkaryam on the stala
mahAtmiyam and the purANic and ItihAsic sambhandam of the ThiruppullANi
kshetram. This sacred place with plenty of proud and ancient historic heritage
has the distinction of having the parama pavitra pada sparsha sambhandam
(association with the sacred feet) of the Raghu Kula Simham (the Lion of Raghu
vamsam) and his parama bhakthan Sri Hanuman; it is also the theatre for the
extraordinary scene of VibhishaNa sharaNAgathi, in which Sri RAmachandra
mUrthy exemplified the SaraNAgatha Vatsalan aspect, by uttering the famous

sk«dev àpÚay tvaSmIit c yacte,

AÉy< svRÉUte_yae ddaMyetd! ìt> mm.

sakrudeva prapannAya tavAsmIti yAcate |

abhayam sarvabhUtebhyo dadAmi yetat vratam mama ||

---- ValmIkI rAmAyaNam, 6-18-33

The greatness of BhagavAn’s sankalpam in protecting those who sought His

Lotus Feet as refuge, even if they were from the enemy camp as in the case of
VibhishaNan, brings forth the grandeur of the tattvam of SaranAgati which is

the central aspect of VishishtAdvaitha philosophy. Hence it is no surprise that
ThiruppullAni is otherwise known as SaraNAgati kshetram. Thirumangai
AzhwAr was immensely captivated by the greatness of this kshetram that he
eulogized it with 20 choice paasurams in his Periya Thirumozhi.

The presiding deity of this kshetram is Sri Aadi JagannAtha PerumAL, who
blessed Sri Rama with His divine Bow as the latter set out for Lanka, to rescue
Sri Sita. The vara prasAdi ThAyar at this kshetram is known as Sri PadmAsani
ThAyar. The stala vrksham is asvaththa tree and the pushkaraNi is chakra
thIrtham. Sri Ramachandra Murthy sanctified this holy place twice by His
presence – Once on His way to Lanka (darbha Sayana Raman) and again on His
return from Lanka (PattAbhisheka Raman).

This dhivya dEsam is a ParihAra/PrArthanA sthalam.It has been recommended

as a must Kshethram for travelers from overseas to visit and have a dip in the
Raama Sethu. It is an ancient tradition for those with puthra dhOsham and for
those who wish to have vivAha prApthi to visit the sannidhis of Darbha Sayana
Raamar, PadmAsani ThAyAr and SanthAna GopAlan at ThirupullANi.

The greatness of this most holy place is brought out by the sthala dhyAna

pu‘ar{y< c³tIw¡ Aaid setu< sudz›nm!

géTmNt< Aw> AñTw< ram< dÉaRidzaiynm!

jgÚaw< idVy cap< Sv[R pÒasin àÉum!.

pullAraNyam cakratIrtham Adi setum sudarSanam

garutmantam atha: aswattham rAmam darbhAdiSaayinam

jagannAtham divya cApam swarNa padmAsani prabhum ||

The kshetram got the name "PullAraNyam" because of the tapas (penance)

performed here by Maharishi Pullar. Here Sriman NaarayaNan gave darsanam
to the three great sages - Pullar, KaNvar and KAlavar - under the Aswatta Tree
as the Golden hued Aswatta NArAyaNan. Due to the sages' request BhagavAn
continues to shower His blessings on all devotees to this day as Adi
JagannAthan in this Kshetram. The dhyana slokam further mentions the
presence of Sri PadmAsani ThAyAr along with Her Husband to grant the
prayers of Her children. The slokam also highlights the blessings bestowed on
Sri Raman, who sought this kshetram as stated in "poruthiraigaL pOndhu ulavu

Given below is the dhyAna slokam on the PerumAL of this divya kshetram:

pu‘ar{ymupe* pu:iptimt<
pu‘\i; manNdyn!

s‘apen izr< invas< Akraet!

yae nSspayat! hir>.

pullAraNyamupedya pushpitamitam

pullaRRishi maanandayan

sallApena Siram nivAsam akarot

yo nassapaayAt Hari:

The patta mahishi of Sri Adi JagannAtha PerumAL, the wish-granting Sri
PadmAsani ThAyAr is renowned for Her dayA and Her swiftness in fulfilling the
wishes of Her children. Her dhyAna slokam is as follows:

pu‘ar{y invaisnI< ntn&[a< kLya[ sMpTkrI——

SvlaeRkaidp vairtI c ivNda< kLya[dayI— sda,

pu‘eNdIvr laecnI— ÉgvtI— pu‘\i;maed àda<

kLya[akr idVy cap mih;I— ïIyaïyamaevym!.

pullAraNya nivAsinIm natanrNAm kalyANa sampatkarIm

svarlokAdipa vAritI ca vindAm kalyANadAyIm sadA

pullendIvara locanIm bhagavatIm pullaRRishimoda pradAm

kalyANAkara divya cApa mahishIm SriyASrayAmovayam||

SrI PadmAsani ThAyAr of ThiruppullANi

Her benevolence knows no bounds and countless devotees have benefitted by

seeking the Lotus Feet of this varaprAsadi ThAyAr. Two prominent devotees
of immediate past who have sung Her praises are: Sangeetha MahAvidwAn
RamAnAthapuram SrI Poocchi Srinivasa Iyengar and SrI Mutthu RAmalinga
Sethupathi, who was born in the lineage of the Sethupathis - the Maharaajaas
of RamanAthapuram.

A moving musical tribute by SrI Poochi Srinivasa Iyengar on the ThAyAr, set in
the HarikAmbOji RAgam is given below:


pirpalyma< pÒasne

pap sMhairi[ pitt pavin (pirpalymam! )
paripAlayamAm padmAsane

pApa samhAriNi patita pAvani (paripAlayamAm)


kiri[ gmne ké[a nyne

knkaÉr[e kmnIy cr[e (pirpalymam! )

kariNi gamane karuNA nayane

kanakAbharaNe kamanIya caraNe (paripAlayamAm)


sIta< sumuio Êirt s<r]ik

ïI sMpÚe iSwrje ìte

vrdaÒj sÚute svRihte mihte (pirpalymam! )

sItAm sumukhi durita samrakshaki

SrI sampanne sthiraje vrate

varadAdmaja sannute sarvahite mahite (paripAlayamAm)

Sri MuthurAmalinga Sethupathi II, who was also known as Durairaja, composed
a Keerthanam in MaNipravALAm (which included Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit and
HindustAni languages), set in Surutti Raagam on Sri PadmAsani ThAyAr. The
first charaNam of this Krithi is given below:

ra]smdRn riv kaeiq

sm c³ mae]dayk

vrmuing[ paln

dIi]t sÂl†k! kmlasin

smet idVy }anzIl

dIn jn pirpaln (pÊm naÉ E)

rAkshasamardana ravi koTi

sama cakra mokshadAyaka

varamunigaNa pAlana

dIkshita sancaladrk kamalAsani

sameta divya j~nAnaSeela

dIna jana paripAlana (paduma nAbha )

Such is the glory and power of the divya dampathis at ThiruppullANi and adiyEn
considers it as a parama bhAgyam to now release as an e-book, my humble

attempt at portraying the majesty and beauty of this kshetram as well as brief
commentaries on Thirumangai AzhwAr’s pAsurams on the same. As we proceed
to learn more about this parama pavithra sthalam, let us enjoy this Tamil
cheyyuL (verse) of Swami Desikan in which he portrays Sri Raamachandran as
Sriranganatha and beautifully connects to the episode of Sri Raman worshipping
Sri Adi JagannAtha PerumAL and Sri PadmAsani ThAyAr at ThirppullANi.

`mfp<ytfEta[f `Eyatfti m[f[bf kqitftEkayilf

Etalat t[ivIr[f etaZt Ekayilf

T^]ya[ vId]bffKtf T^]yagfEkayilf

ambuyaththon ayOththi mannar kaLiththa koyil

thOlAtha thani veeran thozhutha kOyil
thuNaiyAna vidaNaRkuth thuNaiyAngkOyil

---adhikAra Sangraham, pAsuram 42

|| namo SrI RAghavAya aniSam||



ThiruppullANi ThirukkOil


ThiruppullANi is situated approximately 5 miles south-east of Ramanathapuram

and 2 miles north of the southern ocean (Indian Ocean). ThiruppullANi is also
called as PullAraNyam, ThiruppullaNai, DarpaSayanam, Adisethu, NaLasethu,
RathnAkara kshetram, ThiruvaNai, SaraNagati kshetram and PullangAdu.
PuraNAs state that this sthalam was in existence some 72 chatur-yugams
before the present times. The PerumAL here is called "Adhi JagannAthan" to
signify the ancient historic glory of this Temple. PerumAL as a svarUpi (divine
form) here, is also called as "DakshiNa JagannAthan" to contrast with the
arUpi (formless) presence of Uttara JagannAthan of Puri (Orissa). The utsava
PerumAL is seen here with BhUmi Devi and NeeLa Devi in KalyANa kOlam and
hence is called as KalyANa JagannAthan.
The Moolavar giving darsanam in veeRRirunda ThirukOlam (vIbfbiRnft
tiRkfEkalmf - Seated Posture) facing East, is also called as "Divya

chApar" (idVy capr) in remembrance of the occasion when He gave His divine

Bow to Sri Ramamchandramurthy with blessings to emerge victorious in the war

with RAvaNan. Sri JagannAtha PerumAL's divine beauty has also earned Him
the affectionate name of "Deivach Chilayaar" (This name is the Tamil
translation of the Sanskrit nAmam of "Divya ChApar".) PerumAL resides with
Sri KalyANavalli ThAyAr under the KalyANa Vimanam and is pratyaksham to
Pullar and Asvaththa NArAyaNan.


Confirming the eulogies by Kamban (thOL kaNDAr thOLE kaNDAr - Etaqf

k]fdarf EtaEq k]fdarf) and the ashtottara verses ("aajaanubAhum aravinda

daLAyadAksham - Aajanubahum! ArivNd d¦ayda]m!"), the beauty of the Veera

Sayana ThirukkOlam of SrI darbha-Sayana Raman has to be seen to be

believed. His sannidhi is guarded by two huge dvArapAlAs.


SrI darbhaSayana RAman of ThiruppullANi

Here EmperumAn is pratyaksham to Sukhar and SAraNar. Unlike other divya
kshetrams where the eyes of EmperumAn in Sayana Thirukkolam always look
upwards, (except in ThiruevvuL) here in this kshetram, SrI darbha-Sayana
Raman looks at us with His side glances showering auspiciousness on all His
devotees. SrI Rama here sports a PaTTaakkathi (broadsword) at His waist as a
lakshaNam of a warrior prince. When we look closely at the majestic SrI
RAmachandramUrthy, we see that His eyes still reflect the anger He felt on
being ignored by samudra rAjan when He prayed to him on the darbhAsanam.
So to calm His anger, a vigraham of SrI SitA PirATTi has also been installed
inside the sannidhi eventhough during the vibhavAvatAra time, the two young
princes were on their own when SrI RAma undertook darbhaSayanam.

On the lotus that grows from His nAbhi we get to see Brahma. We can also see
sculptures of Chandra, Sooryas and thirty three crores of devAs standing in
prayerful worship, on either side of Brahma. At SrI Raman's thiruvadi we can
have the darSanam of His bhakthan Sri Veera HanumAn. On either side of the
ardha-mandapam we can see VibhIshaNan and SamudrarAjan with his wife.


This kshetram has the unique feature of having the presence of Adhi Sethu
(sea water), Chakratheertham (Tank water-PushkariNi) and HiraNya nadhi
(river water) and hence is famously called as "Munneer Thalam". The power of
these sacred waters to heal and bless all is a proven fact from time immemorial.


An age old proverb describes the benefits accrued by just seeing the Adhi

Sethu thus: "setu dzRn< #dm! pu{y< ze;e[aip n g{yte - setu darSanam idam puNyam,

SesheNapi na gaNyate" which means that even Adhi Seshan with His thousand
tongues cannot describe the puNyams that accrue from just seeing the Adhi
Sethu leave alone taking bath in it. In the following verse from Srimad
RamayaNam, Sri Rama informs Sri Sita about the benefits obtained by taking

bath in this Sethu and afterwards giving anna dAnam to a qualified person:

Adhi Sethu

gyaya< @k l]Ntu vara[Sya< iÖl]km!

àyage sÝl]Ntu ïI setaE ³as maÇt>

gayAyAm eka lakshantu vArANasyam dvilakshakam

prayAge saptalakshantu SrI setau krAsa mAtrata:


"Performing anna dAnam with humility and respect to one qualified person after
taking bath in Adhi Sethu is greater than performing the same dAnam to one
lakh persons at the sacred place called as GayA, greater than performing anna

dAnam to two lakhs of people at the PuNya kshetram of KAsi and loftier than
performing the same dAnam to seven lakhs of people at the holy place of


This is the name of the Holy Tank (ThirukkuLam) in front of the Temple. The
sthala puraNam mentions that the name is to highlight the connection
(sambhandam) with Sri SudarshaNar - ChakrathAzhwAn.
Chakra Theertham - ThiruppullANi

Long ago, there lived two evil raakshasaas by the names of Maali and Sumaali in
the island of Lanka. Sriman NArAyaNan decided to end their atrocities and
arrived on GarudAzhwAn to destroy them. BhagavAn directed His divya Ayudam
- Sri Sudarsanam to destroy the asuraas. On the death of the asurAs, Sri
Sudarsanar wanted to cleanse the impurity that had tainted His Divine Body
due to the contact with the evil asura blood. To do that He sought the

theertham in front of the ThiruppullANi Temple to bathe and as a result got
rid of all the impurities; since then this theertham has been called "Chakra
Theertham". Sriman NArAyaNan appeared on Garudan before ChakrathAzhwAn
while he was taking the holy bath in the pushkariNi and blessed Sri
Sudarshanar and told him that He will come to this kshetram during His Rama
AvathAram with LakshmaNa and take bath in the same theertham and be
blessed with the Divine Bow from Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL at that time.
Further more BhagavAn extolled the glory of the Chakratheertham by saying
that who ever takes the prescribed bath in this theertham and worships
PerumAL, GarudAzhwan and ChakrathAzhwan will surely attain Moksham
without fail. Just like the Pushkar Theertham found in North India, this
Chakratheertham is also famous for the removal of terrible sins like adhi
paathakam and mahaa paathakam. For this reason this theertham is also called

as "anantha krcra phala prada theertham".

Successful rain-water harvesting engineered by the ancient architects of the

Temple resulting in a beautiful ThirukkuLam that never goes dry!

Due to the ravages of Time, over the ages the Thirukkulam was left unattended
to and slowly turned into a stagnant patch of water with unbearable stench and
filth. In the year 1993, under the administration of Sri.Krishnan, I.A.S - a
sishya of SrI Ahobila Mutt and the District Collector of Ramanathapuram - the
repair of the Thirukkulam was taken up and completed. The present
Thirukkulam looks lovely and inviting with clear water throughout the year due
to the successful harvesting of rain water from wastefully running off into the
sea. For his service in renovating this Holy Tank, Sri.Krishnan I.A.S is still
very respectfully remembered by the locals of ThiruppullaNi.


The river to the West of Chakra Theertham is called as HiraNya nadhi. In the
present day it appears as an uppankazhi (salt water reservoir). But in ancient
times, it was on the banks of this river that HiraNyan did his penance and got
the boons and hence the name "Hiranya nadhi" or "ponnam kazhi".

This Ponnam kazhi has been eulogized by Thirumangai Mannan in his

ThiruppullANi pAsurams thus:

¼©ß²Ý²ªÛ ¡¯Ó¡Ü¡ß²­Ü É°Ü°Ó²¢Ü¡ß°Ü! ɭܭߦÓ

ó²Ý²ªßëÛ Èï­Ü©ë¨Û§ß±ÛÁ ô¢ÜÁ õ§¿²£Û ¼£©Úɪӽ².

Ponnam kazhik kAnal puLinangAL! PullANi

annamAi nool payanthArkku aangu idanai seppumine.

Thirumangai Mannan asks the various birds living on the beaches of the Ocean
into which the HiraNya River flows to convey his abject state to the nAthan of
ThiruppullANi (Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL).


The Aswattha tree (arasa maram - banyan tree) is the sthala vrksham of this
kshetram. GeethAcharyan elevates the status of this tree by saying that of
all the trees He is Aswatta - "aswattha: sarva vrkshANaam". Also in Padma

PurANam (KriyA Yoga Saaram section), Bhagavan says to Sri Lakshmi:"aswattha
vrkshamAsAdya sadA lakshmI sthirA bhava" meaning, "Oh Lakshmi! May you be
present forever in the Aswatta tree". There is also an adage that being filled
with the presence of Sri Devi, the darsanam and worship of Aswatta tree
confers longevity and all auspiciousness on the devotee - "Aayur vrddi: bhavet
tasya varttante sarva sampada:"

The presence (maruval - mRvlf) of Sri PadmAsani ThAyar of ThiruppullANi in

the aswattha tree is brought out in the verse:"marumalar piRanda kOdai maruvi
makizhum pullANi vaLar arasu". It was under this Aswattha tree that the
sages Pullar, KaNvar and kAlavar did their penance (tapas) towards Sriman
NArAyaNan and had the darsana bhAgyam of Him as the golden hued Aswatta
NArAyaNan. On their request, the Aswattha NArAyaNan agreed to stay
permanently in the ThiruppullANi kshetram as Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL. This

glorious tree can be seen even today, to the North of ThAyAr sannidhi and to
the West of PerumAL sannidhi. It stands as a testimony of Time to the
ancient heritage of this temple. Pullai andAdi calls this Tree as
"vaLararasu" (vqrrC) and gives a long list of diseases that are cured by the
mere darSanam of this Holy Tree.

A famous work called as Thiruppullani VaNNam praises the Aswatta Tree thus:

வாழி தி ப் ல்லாணி வாழி தி வரசு

வாழி இலங்ைக வழி கண்டார் - வாழி ைற

வாழி ேம ந்தமா ெசகநாதர்

வாழி ெதய்வச்சிைல மாமரம்.

Vaazhi ThiruppullANi vaazhi thiruvarasu

vaazhi ilangai vazhi kaNDaar - vaazhimuRai

vaazhi poomElinrundhamaadhu sekanAthar

vaazhi dhaivacchilai mAmaram.

Why is it called as "vaLararasu"? Though not growing much vertically, the tree
spreads out its aerial prop roots which grow into thick woody trunks which,
with age grows laterally covering a wide area. This lateral growth has made the
Tree to appear to move from its place of origin near the PerumAL sannidhi to
its present location. This movement and growth has earned the epithet of
"VaLararasu" for this Tree!
VaLararasu - sthala vrksham of ThiruppullANi

What is so unique about this Tree that it gets mentioned twice in the Paasuram
whereas even BhagavAn gets mentioned only once? There is another interesting
legend (sthala purANam) surrounding this most Holy Tree! In ancient times,
there arose a dispute about the recitation of Veda, between Saraswathan, son
of Saraswathy and a brahmin from the South who had moved to the Northern
regions of India during a period of severe famine. So both of them approached
Brahma! He counseled them to seek the help of Sriman NArAyaNa to solve

their problem. When they approached BhagavAn, He told them to travel to the
sacred kshetram of Thiruppullani and recite the vedas in their individual styles
under the eaves of the Aswatta Tree there. Whichever recitation caused the
leaves of the Tree to stand motionless and still, that recitation was to be
adopted as the correct one. So the brahmin and Saraswathan proceeded to
Thiruppullani and recited their version of the veda under the famous Tree. The
leaves listened without stirring only for the recitation of Saraswathan, hence
from then on the Saraswatha version was considered to be the proper one and
has been followed. So says the Sthala PurANam. Since the Tree acted as an
honest and impartial judge, it is glorified more than even the PerumAL of the
kshetram and hence gets mentioned twice in the paasuram quoted previously!

Many visitors to this Temple, even seasoned ones, forget to pay obeisance to
this ancient and sacred Tree. It is imperative to remember that prayers and

circumambulation to this Tree is as important as prayers to Sri Adhi

JagannAtha PerumAL!

To the North of this tree one can see the sannidhis of darbha-Sayana rAman,
and Pattabhi RAman in the inner precinct (uL prAkAram) of the Temple. In
between these two sannidhis at the center one can see the SanthAna gopAlan
sannidhi. Here we can refer once again to the sthala dhyAna slokam given in
the Introduction chapter, to summarize the different special aspects of this

pu‘ar{y< c³tIw¡ Aaid setu< sudz›nm!

géTmNt< Aw> AñTw< ram< dÉaRidzaiyn<

jgÚaw< idVy cap< Sv[R pÒasin àÉum!.

pullAraNyam cakratIrtham Adi setum sudarSanam

garutmantam atha: aswattham rAmam darbhAdiSaayinam

jagannAtham divya cApam swarNa padmAsani prabhum"


ThiruppullANi is that divya kshetram which has:

1. the Chakratheertham sanctified by ChakrathAzhwAn Himself

2. the PushkariNi which brings prominence to GarudAzhwAn (Garutman)

3. the sacred Adhi Sethu

4. the auspicious Aswattha tree

5. Sri darbha-Sayana RAman who has His sannidhi under that tree

6. Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL, who gave His own divine Bow to that darbha
Sayana Raman and

7. Sri PadmAsani ThAyAr, who is seated on a golden Lotus flower.


Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAl resides under the KalyANa vimAnam, Sri darbha
Sayana Raman resides under Swastika VimAnam and PattAbhi Raman resides
under Pushpaka VimAnam at ThiruppullANi. Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL
gives darasanam in the seated posture (veeRRirunda ThirukOlam), darbha
Sayana Raman is seen in Veera Sayana kOlam (sleeping posture) with a
paTTAkkatthi (sword) at His waist and PattAbhi Raman gives darsanam in ninRa
thirukOlam (standing posture). The Temple follows VaikhAnasa Agama in its
arAdana kramam.

There is a separate sannidhi for Swami Desikan on the street leading to the
temple from south car street and on the southern bank of Chakra Theerttham.
Here the Murthys of Sri Chatur-bhuja Raman and Sri VaradarAja PerumAl
which were brought from DanushkOTi, (when the place was overwhelmed by a
terrible storm in the year 1964 and sunk beneath the sea) were installed. (The


ThiruppullANi Temple plan

idols are now Chrompet SrI DhanushkODi RAmar Temple at Chrompet, Chennai)
Initially managed by a private family till 1966, the Desikan sannidhi at
ThiruppullANi, came under the management of SrI Parakala Mutt authorities
till 1983. After SrI Parakala Mutt shifted to Mysore, the management went
back to the private family who were the previous caretakers of the sannidhi.
At the present times the Desikan Sannadhi is under the administration of
Srimad Andavan of SriRangam.

Swami Desikan sannidhi - ThiruppullANi

Sri Ahobila Mutt, Srirangam Srimad Andavan ashramam and Sri VAnamAmalai
Mutt have their Mutt offices at ThiruppullaNi and all the three provide
convenient accommodation for the SEvArthis.


"ThiruvaNai (ThiruppullANi) kaNdAl, aruvinai illai" is a famous saying. In such a

glorious place many sages, AchAryAs, Artists and Poets have resided under the
benevolent shades of Sri Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL, Sri PadmAsani ThAyAr
and Sri PattAbhi RAmar. Some of the prominent ones are:

1. The poets of the Sangam period such as Pullar, kAdar, Deivach Chilayar (who
wrote the commentary for TholkAppiyam) etc

2. Bhagavad RamAnuja's first AchAryan Periya Nambi (who is eulogized as:

"EmperumAnAr munivarkku idamuRaiththAn vAzhiye") lived here from His

3. In the villages and cities close to this sthalam like Sethukkarai,

Keezhakkarai, Kondakai, SikkaRkiDAram, RAmanAthapuram, VembattUr,
PAmban and MudukaLaththUr, many great persons like ThiruvaimozhippiLLai

(the AchAryan of Sri MaNavALa MAmuni), SrI MaNavALa MAmunigaL, Kavi

Kunjara BhArathi, Poochchi Sri SrinivAsa IyengAr, KavirAja PaNDithar,
UmaRuppulavar, MambhazhakkavirAyar, Sri. U. Ve. R. RAghava IyengAr, Sri U.
Ve. Mu. Raghava Iyengar (cousin of SrI U.Ve. R. Raghava Iyengar) who was a
great Tamil scholor and author of several books like "SethunAdum
senthamizum", AruNAchalakkavirAyar, the family of the mahaaraajaas of
RAmanAthapuram - the Sethupathis, have lived here from birth or resided for
a long period at this kshetram.

4. Specific mention has to be made about the

Sethupathi rAjAs, who took the responsibilities of
the nirvAham (administration) of the
ThiruppullANi Temple with much devotion and care
and have enabled the continued sevai of Sri Adhi
JagannAtha PerumAL to all devotees for many
centuries without let. Their beginnings can be
traced back to the RAmAyaNa period when after
the Bridge to Lanka was built, Sri Raman appointed
the Chief of the army who helped build the Bridge Statue of Sethupathi at

as a trustee and care-taker of the Bridge for all ages. Since the Chief was
ordered by none other than Sri Rama Himself to protect the Bridge (Sethu)
and take care of the administration, he and his descendants have since been
called as Sethupathis. This culturally and devotionally rich lineage has carried
on the sacred duty bestowed upon them by Sri Rama and have justly and with
strict adherence to rules, taken good care of ThiruppullANi and near by
Temples and have bequeathed this rich heritage to us.
SrI MaTham at ThiruppullANi

SrIRangam SrImad ANDavan Ashram at ThiruppullANi


SrI Vanamamalai Mutt at ThiruppullANi




To the south of ThiruppullANi en-route to Sethukkarai, we get to visit

"ChinnakkOil". Here we can enjoy the darsanam of "EkAnta SrinivAsan" who is
without PirATTi as in Tirumala. The Utsavar has nAcchimArs. This Temple is
also the residence of the most beautiful Sri Sweta MAdhava PerumAL
moortham, which displays extra-ordinary RajalakshaNam. He is a swayam-
vyaktha mUrthy. Apart from this, there are mUrthys for Agastyar and
PiLLayAr in this Temple. Sri Sweta MAdhava PerumAL diplays the Sanku
(Conch) in His right hand and Chakram (Sri Sudarshanam - the Discus) in His
left hand which is an unusual sevai. On a closer look, one can see Sri Lakshmi
Narasimhan seated in the Chakram and Sri Lakshmi NArAyaNan seated in the
Sanku. The Prabhai (the arch) around Sri Sweta Madhava PerumAL depicts the
dasAvatAra mUrthys.


SrI Sweta Madhava Perumal of Chinna Koil

Sage Agastyar at Chinna Koil

It is the saying of the sthalaththArs (natives) of this place that Sri Sweta
Madhavan and Agastyar were both swayamvyaktha (self-manifest, not hand
made) moorthams found from the sea. The sthala purANam states that Agastya
Rishi came here on the orders of EmperumAn at the time of SrI SrInivAsa
ThirukkalyANam. To make space for the crowds that had gathered in Thirumala
for SrI Srinivasa KalyANam, the Rishi filled up the ocean waters into his
kamanDalam. So EmperumAn came here to give darSanam as SrI SrInivAsan to
Agastya Maharishi.


The Sethukkarai that is 3 miles away from ThiruppullANi is also called as

RathnAkara Kshetram. This place has also been sanctified by the pada sparSam
(touch of feet) of Sri RAman. Another name for this place is SaraNAgati

sthalam. This is where Sri RAman granted refuge (SaraNAgati) to the pentad
of VibhIshaNan, VaruNan, VAruNi devi, and Sukha-ChAraNar. Hence the name
"SaraNAgati Sthalam". This mahA upakAram (favor) done by bhagavAn was
later eulogized in the sacred writings of great AchAryAs and Elders like Sri
NigamAntha MahA Desikan. Kambar, AruNAchalakkavirAyar, AaLavandAr and
many others who sought a similar experience of SaraNAgati as VibhIshaNan
and VaruNan.


Near Sethukkari, a little further to the East, the remnants of the stone bridge
built by Sri Rama can still be seen. This Holy Bridge was constructed by NaLan,
the son of Viswakarma. Hence it is also called as NaLa Sethu. It is generally
believed that Sri RAman had Himself dismantled the Bridge post the Lanka war,
on the request of VibhIshaNa who prayed that the Bridge that had carried the
soft and beautiful Lotus Feet of the Chakravarti Thirumakan, should not be
tainted by the association with any ordinary mortal feet. Still some of the
remnants of the Bridge are visible even today as groups of bedrock above the
water surface.


Google Satellite Map showing Sethukkarai and the Hanuman Temple there

Sri NigamAntha MahA Desikan said: "sakruteva kshaNAt, tatkshaNAt,
prakrshTa bahU pAdaka prasama hetunA setunA" meaning that the mere sight
of this most Holy Bridge will remove terrible sins.


On the Sethukkarai beach, in a small Temple, near Seshagiri RAyar Choultry, we

can pray to SrI RAma dUthan Sri Jaya Veera HanumAn seen facing South. He
is renowned for his wish-granting powers (varaprasAdhi).

Sri Jaya Veera HanumAn at Sethukkarai


We have already seen the statement from Sri RAma in Srimad RAmAyaNAm on
the benefits of taking bath in the Adhi Sethu and giving anna dAnam after
that. Let us now see the steps followed by devotees to seek the blessings of
Sri Raman:

• make a maha sankalpam on the Sethukkarai

• perform appropriate dAnam and dharmam

• pray for the phalan (result) that is sought for by taking bath in the Adhi

• take a handful of sand and mix it in the sea water made holy by the
association of Sri RAghavan's sacred feet and then

• take bath in the ocean while chanting the following prarthanA slokams.

Prakrutham SrIRangam SrImad ANDavan and Sishyas doing sankalpam at Sethukkarai


rame[ yat&ta reoa xnu;a]ar sagre,

mui´> tt! dzRnadev n jane Snan< )lm!.

rAmeNa yAtrtA rekhA dhanushAkshAra sAgare |

mukti: tat darSanAdeva na jAne snAnam phalam ||


The slokam says that when just seeing the theertham alone grants Mukthi, the
benefits of taking bath in it is beyond expression.

r"uvIr pdNyas pivÇIk«t paMsve

dzk{Q izríed hetve setve nm>,

setve r"u nawSy mae] magERk hetve

sItaya> mansaMÉaej Éanve setve nm>.

raghuveera padanyAsa pavitrIkrta pAmsave

daSakaNTha SiraSceda hetave setave nama: |

setave raghu nAthasya moksha mArgaika hetave

sItAyA: mAnasAmbhoja bhAnave setave nama: ||

Those who wish to perform samudra snAnam, chant the following slokams, prior
to the snAnam, whereby they hail the glories of the great ocean that helped in
the annihilation of the evil RAvaNa. Then after seeking the permission from
BhagavAn (uttaravu - utftrv<) they perform their snAnams.

setae ! setae ! zEl pa;a[ v&;E>

setae ! setae ! Tvaò+bÏaiBx m*e,

setae ! setae ! rav[aNtEk hetae

setae ! setae ! ram setae nmSte.

"seto! seto! Saila pAshANa vrshai:

seto! seto! tvAshTrabaddhAbdhi madye|

seto! seto! rAvaNAntaika heto

seto! seto! rAma seto namaste||

smSt jgdaxar ! zŒc³ gdaxr,
dev deih mmanu}a< yu:mt! tIwR in;ev[e.

samasta jagadAdhAra! Sankha cakra gadAdhara |

deva dehi mamAnuj~nAm yushmat tIrtha nishevaNe ||

ipPplad smuTpNne ! k«Tye laek Éy»rI,

sEkd< te mya dÄ< AaharaÄ¡ àkiLptm!.

pippalAda samutpanne! krtye loka bhayankarI |

saikadam te mayA dattam AahAraarttam prakalpitam ||

The navagrha pUja related nava-pAshANam that was consecrated by NaLan

himself can be found 20 kms away from ThiruppullANi. This place is now called
as DeviPaTTiNam (i.e. ThiruppullANi is 8kms South of Ramanathapuram and
DevipaTTiNam is 12 kms North of Ramanathapuram).

The episodes relating to the Sethu bandhanam in the RAmAyaNam has been

praised in songs and poems by many poets and writers. Their ecstatic
outpourings after witnessing these moving scenes in their mind's eye have
resulted in varied works such as ValmIkI RAmAyaNam, adyAtma RAmAyaNam,
Aananda RAmAyaNam, Kamba RAmAyaNam, Tulasi RAmAyaNam, RAma nAma
keerthanams, the kritis of Sri Sadguru swAmigal, Swami Desikan's majestic
verses of Raghuveera Gadyam and DasavatAra slokam. These granthams have
shown us the methods of prayer and worship of (upAsana - upas[a -

%pasna) Sri RAmachandra mUrthy.

In the coming pages let us briefly enjoy the poetry of Swami Desikan,
AruNAchalakkavirAyar, Sri ThyAga Brahmam etc. We will also briefly revisit
the glorious incidents that occured during the RAmAyaNa period at the
Sethukkarai viz VibhIshaNa SaraNAgati, darbha Sayanam, Sethu bandhanam

etc and revel in BhagavAn's glories some more.


SaraNAgata vatsalan SrI RAman

VibhIshaNa SaraNAgati

The following slokam from Swami Desikan's DasAvatAra Stotram details the
great tattvam behind VibhIshaNa SaraNAgati:

para var pyae ivzae;[ kla parI[ kalanl-

Jvala jal ivharhair ivizk Vyapar "aer ³m,

svaRvSw sk¯TàpÚ jnta s<r][Ek ìtI

xmaeR iv¢hvanxmR ivrit< xNvI s tNvIt n>.

pArAvAra payo viSoshaNa kalA pArINa kAlAnala
jvAlA jAla vihArahAri viSika vyApAra ghora krama: |

sarvAvastha sakrut prapanna janatA samrakshaNaika vratI

dharmo vigrahavAnadharama viratim dhanvI sa tanvIta na: ||


Sri RAman the Possessor of such powerful arrows in His quiver capable of
rendering the Oceans dry due to their fiery nature which was many times more
than even Agni jvAlAs, has taken the unbreakable vow to protect those who
sought refuge in Him (SaraNAgati) even if only once. His protection is not
based on whether the person seeking it is a friend (mitran) or foe (chatru) or
whether the person has done any evil deeds in his past. For every person who
surrenders to Him, He unfailingly provides rakshaNam and never abandons
them. He is thus eulogized as "satyavrata dharma vigrahan" by Swami Desikan.

When VibhIshaNa sought refuge in Sri Rama at Sethukkarai, all except

HanumAn counseled Sri Rama to reject his prayer and request, as he was the
brother of RavaNa and from the enemy camp. But Sri RAghavan overruled
their objections and instead taught them the lofty principle of SaraNAgati by

saying that: "Whosoever surrenders totally to Me, will never be abandoned for
any reason and will always be protected by Me." Swamy Desikan brings this out
beautifully in his Raghuveera Gadyam passages:

Aiht shaedr r]> pir¢h ivs<vaid ivivx sicv ivöMÉ[ smy

s<rMÉ smu¾&iMÉt sveRñr Éav !

sk«TàpÚ jn s<r][ dIi]t !

vIr !

sTyìt !

ahita sahodara raksha: parigraha visamvAdi vividha saciva visrambhaNa samaya

samrambha samujjrmbhita sarveSvara bhAva!

sakrut prapanna jana samrakshaNa dIkshita!



Swamy Desikan bows down to the SaraNAgata rakshakan and says that
Bhagavan rejected the counsel of His ministers and granted SaraNAgati to
VibhIshaNan thereby proclaiming His true nature of being Sarvesvaran and the
protector of all jeeva rAsis of this Universe.

AruNAChala kavirAyar describes the emotional scene of VibhIshaNa

SaraNAgati in his RAma nATaka keerthanai as follows:

nicmf udE[ ram cnftir[f snfnitikfK

Enrak vr vrkf k]f]Iaf ~baki

`Acy<Mdlf oDkfki `yfy[f pttftilf vIzfnfta[f

`Eyatfti rama cr]mf '[f^[kf kapfpayf

tcrt rama cr]mf '[f^[kf kapfpayf

nisam uDanE rAma candran sannidhikku

nErAka vara varak kaNNeer ARaaki

asaiyumuDal oDukki ayyan padhaththil vIzhnthAn

ayOththi rAmA caraNam ennaik kAppAy

dhasaratha rAmA caraNam ennaik kAppAy
dhasaratha rAmA caraNam ennaik kAppAy

VibhIshaNan at SrI Rangam (Courtesy:Sri.Murali BhaTTar)

Kavi further explains through his keerthanai set in SaurAshTra Ragam, the
thoughts that ran through Sri RAman's mind when VibhIshaNan seeking His
refuge fell at His feet:


cr]mf cr]mf '[fbaE[ - kavaEt vidfdalf

tir]mf `lflEva na[f taE[

caraNam caranam enRAnE - kAvAthE viTTAl

thiraNam allavO naan thAnE

Anu Pallavi: 

`aiy vipIx][f `gfEk `rkfk[f ~[aLmf ;gfEk

;R ecvi Ekdfk vayf vidfD rakva '[fB PpfpidfD

(cr]mf cr]mf '[fbaE[)

ariya vibhIshaNan angE arakkan aanAlum ingE

iru cevi kETka vaay viTTu rAghavA enRu kUppiTTu

(caraNam caraNam enRAnE)

Here was VibhIshaNa crying out loud for Sri RAghavan to protect him and so to
abandon him was impossible. So Sri RAman concludes and proclaims that it is
His duty to protect VibhIshaNan. This decision of Sri RAmA is brought out
beautifully by AruNAchala Kavi in the following verse:

udE[ `pymf '[fbvRkfK

uyiaf ~[aLmf ekaDpfpTEv

kd[f ~mf 'lflaRkfK m[mf

kArpfpa[f ram[f uArpfpaE[

uDanE abhayam enRavarukku-

uyir AanAlum koduppathuvE

kaDan Aam ena ellArkku manam

karaippAn rAman uraippAnE

In his Paras RAga kriti, AruNAchala Kavi details the happenings of how Sri

RAman promised to punish RAvaNan for his transgressions, and claim the Lanka
rAjyam for VibhIShaNan and how to this end Sri Raman performed the
coronation of VibhIShaNan as the emperor of Lanka at Sethukkarai.


;nfta vipIx]a lgfkap<ai racfciymf

inthA vibhIshaNA lankApuri rAcciyam

Anu pallavi: 

;nftfrati Etvafkqf uqfq naqf vArkfKmf (;nfta)

indrAthi devarkaL uLLa naaL varaikkum (inthA)

Caranam (1):
Evtmf uqfq[v<mf Evt kItmf uqfq[v<mf - paai

catmf uqfq[v<mf - pwfc p>tmf uqfq[v<mf

;nfta - ;nfta - ;nfta (vipIx]a)

vedham uLLanavum vEdha geetham uLLanavum -- pAri

cAtham uLLanavum - panca bhUtham uLLanavum

inthA - inthA inthA -- inthA (vibhIshaNA)

CaraNam (2) 

kaaf uqfq[v<mf - kdlf nIaf uqfq[v<mf :Erzf

paaf uqfq[v<mf '[f t[f Epaf uqfq[v<mf

tnfEt[f - tnfEt[f tnfEt[f - tnfEt[f (;nfta)

kaar uLLanavum - kaDal neer uLLanavum eerEzh

paar uLLanavum en thann pEr uLLanavum

thanthEn -- thanthEn thanthEn -- thanthEn (inthA)

Satguru Sri ThyAgarAja SwamigaL who as an ardent devotee of Sri

RAmachandra mUrthy was also quite
fascinated by the scene of VibhIshaNa
SaraNAgati as were Swami Desikan and
AruNAchala Kavi. Similar to the terrible
hardships suffered by VibhishaNan under his
evil brother RAvaNan, Satguru swamy also was
terribly ill-treated by his elder brother
JalpEsan. So reflecting on the favors done by
the Parama DayAlu Sri RAghavan to
VibhIshaNan, Sri Satguru SwamigaL composed
and sang many moving keerthanais praying to
Sri RAman to protect him too from the
harassments of his elder brother. Let us now

enjoy a few of these kritis.

In the vakuLAbharana rAga kriti "ye rAmuni Saint ThyAgarAja Swami

nammitino nE nE pUlabUja jEsithino", Satguru says in the CharaNa vAkyams
that "when unable to bear the bitter venom of RAvaNan's words any longer,
VibhIshaNan cried out "thanjam, thanjam" - "please protect me, please protect
me", in abject misery to Sri RAghavan and sought refuge at the Lotus Feet of
the SaraNagatha vatsalan. BhagavAn immediately granted him rakshaNam and
killed the evil RAvaNan. Is He not the same Sri RAmachandran who removes all
obstacles and protects aDiyEn also?"

In the pallavi Vakyams of this kriti, Sri ThyAga Brahmam says that his faith on
Sri Raman has made him perform pujAs to Him with divya pushpams and isn't
He the same Sri RAman Who protects him?


yE rAmuni nammitinO nE nE

pUlabUja jEsitino?

charaNam (3): 

rOshamu naDu durbhAshalanu vini

vibhIshaNuDAvELa ghoshinci SaraNau

dosha rAvaNu mada SoshakuDaina nir

dOsha tyAgarAja poshakuDu gAdO?

In another kriti in ThODi rAgam which goes like "munnu rAvaNa bAdha..."
Satguru asks Sri RAman: "When vibhIshaNan sought SaraNAgati, even though
he was brother of RAvaNA, you granted him the same saying that 'even if
RAvaNan himself comes seeking My refuge, he too shall be forgiven his
tresspasses and granted My protection'. This showed your Supreme status. To
this day you continue to treat friends and foes alike. Then isn't it unfair that
You, the repository of oudhArya, souseelya guNAs have forgotten the promise
made to VibhIshaNa at Sethukkkarai and have abandoned me?"


munnu rAvaNa bAdha nOrvaka vibhIshaNuDu

mora beTTagA rAmacandra


mannintu nanucu kula birudulanu bogaDina

mATa maracitivO SrI RAmacandra

In the dharbAr rAga kriti - "rAma lObha mEla nannu", Sri ThyAga Brahmam
again pleads with Sri RAman to remember him by reminding Sri RAman of His
dayA to kAkAsuran and vibhIshaNan and how He helped them both and gave
them His blessings. Sri ThyAgarAja SwAmigaL wonders why BhagavAn was
being such a 'lObhi" (miser) when it comes to blessing him?


rAma lObha mEla nannu rakshincu paTla nee kinta SrI

Anu Pallavi: 

SaraNanu konna kAkAsuruni rAvaNuni

sOdaruni bhrOvalEdA?

Similarly in another Kriti set in SaurAshTra RAgam - "ennaDO rakshinci te

nee", Sri ThyAgarAjar again reminds the SaraNagati episode of VibhIshaNan
and asks Sri RAman: "While you hastened to help VibhIShaNan who cried
"SaraNam SaraNam" and asked the shrewd LakshmaNA to crown VibhIShaNa
as the King of Lanka, why have you been indifferent to me?" A portion of the
kriti is given below where Sri ThyAgarAja Swami expresses his sense of

garvincina yA rAvaNa bAdhala nOrvalekanu vibhIshaNuDu ninnu

sarvalOka SaraNya vandana mana nirvikAruDai neevu

sarvadA rakshinceta nanucunu sArvabhauma lankAdhi patyamunu

sarvaj~nuni lakshmaNu nimmanagA sarva sannuta tyAgarAjanuni

(ennaDO rakshi)

In the ReethigauLai kriti, Sri ThyAgarAja Swamy says in simple and moving
words: "Oh RAmA! You must be thoroughly exhausted after destroying RAvaNa
and fulfilling the promise made to VibhIshaNa in Sethukkarai by crowning him
as the king of the golden city of Lanka! So to ward off the fatigue and
tiredness (AayAsam) you must please take rest, but the ocean beach and the
DarbhA bed will trouble your ThirumEni, so please choose my soft heart as Your
bed of choice". The Kriti is given below:


baDalika dIra bavvaLincavE


RavaNuni madamunaNaci nic-

SankuDau vibhIshANuniki bangaru

lankanosaki surala brocina


After VibhIshaNa SaraNAgati, a council was held amongst Sri RAma,

LakshmaNa, Sugreevan, VibhIshaNan, HanumAn and others to discuss the
means to cross the ocean and reach Lanka. VibhIshaNan suggested that Sri
RAman should pray to the King of Oceans (Samudra RAjan) to allow the building
of bridge across the ocean to Lanka. Deferring to VibhIshaNan's advice, Sri
RAma, spread out a mat made of darbha grass on the shore of Adhi Sethu
(Sethukkarai) and in accordance to the ritual of "prayObhAvESam", He lay
down on that grass-mat amidst the vAnara sainyam and prayed to VaruNan.
Swami Desikan brings out this evocative scene in his Raghuveera Gadyam thus:
"prati Sayana bhUmikA bhUshita payOdhi puLina!" (àitzyn ÉUimka ÉUi;t

pyae i xpu i ¦n !). He further says "veeraSayana SAyita vAnara

prtanaugha" (vIrzyn zaiyt vanr p&tnaE") praising Sri Rama as the One

possessing the spot on the shore which was beautified by the prayopaveSa pose
assumed by Him on the dharbha bed and as the One, who assumed the Veera-
Sayanam amidst the vAnara sainyam on Sethukkarai.. Reading the Raghuveera
Gadyam passages, we cannot help but wonder whether Swami Desikan was
inspired to write the poem after the darSanam of Sri darbha Sayana RAman
residing under the Swastika VimAnam at ThiruppullANi. In ThiruppullANi
temple, in the sannidhi for darbha Sayana RAman, we can see Him on the
Dharabha bed with a broadsword on His waist, alongwith Veera HanumAn and
VibhIshaNan. He displays the anger He felt when the King of Ocean dis-
respectfully ignored His prayers as if He was an ordinary person. Kamba
RamayaNam describes the beauty of His Veera Sayana ThirukOlam on the
dharbha bed thus:

tR] mgfAkAy mIdfpEtaaf enbi tRkfek[f{mf

epaRqf nynfT n[fN\lf enbi `Dkfkiy p<lfli[f

kR^] `mfkdlf Tyi[fb[[f kRgfkdlf Enakfki

vR] mnftfrmf vitiMAb ']f]i[[f v]gfki

tharuNa mangaiyai meetpathOr neRi tharukkennum

poruL nayandhu nannool neRi adukkiya pullin

karuNai amkaDal thuyinRanan karungaDal nokki

varuNa manthram vidhimuRai eNNinan vaNangi

SrI darbhaSayana RAman of ThiruppullANi

Sage ValmIki also mentions the scene at Sethukkarai, where Sri RAman spread
the dharbha grass and lay down with folded hands facing eastwards in prayer to
the Samudra rAjan.

tt> sagrvelayam! dÉaRnaStIyR ra"v>,

AÃlIm! àa'!muo> k«Tva àitizZye mhaedxe>. 6-21-1

tata: sAgara velAyAm dharbhAnAstIrya rAghava:

anjalIm prAngmukha: krtvA prati SiSye mahodate - Srimad RAmAyaNam 6-21-1

When even after three days of intense prayers, VaruNan refused to appear,
treating BhagavAn with utter disrespect, an enraged Sri RAman cast His angry
glances side-ways at the Ocean. Due to the power of those glances, all living
beings in the Oceans trembled in fear and a terrified SamudrarAjan controlled
the movement of the waves of the ocean so that their noise was silenced and
the Ocean looked like a still lake. Realizing the error of his ways VaruNan too
alongwith his wife VAruNi Devi hastened to pacify Sri RAman with Argyam,
pushpam, ratnam etc and offering them said prayerfully, " Oh RAmA! Please
forgive my great blunder and grant me my Life". The following Srimad
BhAgavatam slokam describes this episode beautifully:


sMæaNtn³mkrae ÉygI[R"ae;>,

isNxu> izrSyhR[< pirg&ý êpI

padarivNdmupgMy bÉa; @tt!.

yadrosha vibhrama vivrutta kaTAksha pAda

sambhrAnta nakra makaro bhayagIrNa ghosha: |

sindhu: SirasyarhaNam parigrhya rUpi

pAdAravindamupagamya babhAsha etat ||

--Srimad BhAgavatam 9-10-13

A variation of this scene is found in other
versions of SrI RAmAyaNam, where it is
written that in His anger Sri RAman got up
from His darbha Sayanam and took aim at
the oceans of this world wishing to leave
them dry with the use of 'agneyAstram',
which had much greater potency than Agni
jwalAs. Swami Desikan follows this
sampradAyam when he says "praLaya Sikhi
parusha viSikha Sikha SoshitA kUpAra

vAripUra" (à¦y izio pé; ivizo izo

zaei;ta kUpar vairpUr) meaning Sri RAman is

the One who possesses the "agneyAstram"

which had the power equal to the terrible
Samudra Rajan hastens to beg
Agni of the End Times (PraLaya kAlam -
forgiveness from SrI RAma!

Sri AruNAchala kavi also has sung in ecstatic verses and songs the scene at
Sethukkarai. The following song describes the act of Sri RAman aiming His
arrow at VaruNan:

............................................kd^l ta]fd

vR]mnftfrmf cpitfT viai tRpfAp EmEl

epBti[mf Oaf "Zmf Epayf ramcnftfr[f

pi[f{mf vR]^[kf ka]a[f tmfpikf ekati

'bi kdlf Embf ci[nfT Ekat]fdmf na]i

"bfbi[a[ crmaai T\bfbi[aE[

"....................................................kadalai thANDa

varuNamanthram chabiththu viri tharuppai mElE

peRuthinam Or Ezhum pOi rAmachandran

pinnum varuNanaik kANAn thambik kothi

eRi kaDal mER chinanthu kOdaNDam nANi

ERRinAn caramAri thURRinAnE"

The Kavi explains in the following way, the scene where VaruNan with his wife,
ran to seek SaraNAgati at Sri RAman's sacred feet.

niRpa cr]mf piAz epaBpfpayf nIEy cr]mf '[tavi

tRvayf cr]mf '[ M[fE[ tazfnfta[f `FkfkIzf vIzfnftaE[

nirupA charaNam pizhai poRuppAi neeyE charaNam enathAvi

tharuvay charaNam ena munnE thAzhnthaan aDikkeezh veezhnthaanE
In the following asAvEri raga kriti, the Kavi highlights the prayer by VaruNan
who pleads with Sri RAman to spare his life and not use the 'agneyAstram'.
VaruNan says that it is customary for Elders to forgive the mistakes of
youngsters and so should Sri RAman pardon the egotistical arrogance of
VAruNan, who ignored BhagavAn's prayers in the thought that He was just a
mere mortal.


cr]mf cr]mf rKrama - nI '[f^[tf tbfkatftRqf prnftama

caraNam caraNam raghurAmA - nee ennaith thaRkAththaruL ParanthAmA

Anu Pallavi: 

viaikdlf Evnft[f u[f tiRvF Ecafnfeft[[f

Emlf '[f[ upcarmf -~yirmf nmsfkarmf (cr]mf cr]mf)

virikaDal vEnthan un thiruvaDi sErnthenan

mEl enna upacAram - aayiram namaskAram (caraNam caraNam)

Caranam (2): 

"Tmf plmilat nI oR ma[id[f

'[fB[f^[ ni^[tftalf na[f vIzfEv[f nrktfTd[f

tIT nlflet[fbbiyat na[f `cd[f

cibiEyaaf ecyft piAzAypf epaiEyaaf epaBkfkkfkd[f (cr]mf cr]mf)

Ethum balamilaatha nee oru maanidan

enRunnai ninaithaal naan veezhvEn narakaththuDan

theethu nallathenRaRiyAtha naan asaDan

siRiyor seitha pizhayaip periyOr poRukkakkaDan (charaNam charaNam)


tikfK Evbilf^l u[f t[f pattftilf p<KnfEt[f

EsTpnft[mf ecyfy '[fMTkidmf tnfEt[f

`kfki[ikf k^]vid Ev]fdamf na[f mik enanfEt[f

`^lkdlf Tyi[fEbaE[ na[fu[f^[ nmfpi vnfEt[f (cr]mf cr]mf)

thikku vERillai un than pAthaththil pukunthEn

sEthubandhanam seyya enmuthukiDam thanthEn

akkinik kaNaiviDa vENDAm naan mika nonthEn

alaikaDal thuyinROnE naanunnai nambi vanthEn (charaNam charaNam)

BhagavAn who was enraged at the disrespect shown by the Sumudra RAjan
aimed the agneyAstram to dry up the oceans of the world, but once the king
sought SaraNAgati at His feet, He gave him abhayam and became calm and
tranquil like an ocean after storm.

Satguru Sri ThyAgarAja swAmigaL in his SahAnA rAga kriti "RaghupathE rAma
rAkshasa bhIma" praises the soft and beautiful feet of Sri Raman that walked
the shores of the Sethukkarai. In the CharaNa vAkyam of this kriti Satguru

svami praises Sri RAman as the crown jewel of the Soorya Vamsam, Who
annhilated the arrogance of Samudra RAjan with a single arrow. The Charana
vAkyam is as follows: "taruNAruNa nibhacaraNa taraNivamSa vibhUshaNa,
varuNAlaya madadamana". In his MadhyAmavathi kriti "evariccirirA
SaraSApamulu nIkina kulAbdhi candra", Satguru SawamigaL says
"prakaTakeerti galikina kodaNDapANi" eulogising SrI RAman and His
KodaNDam that removed the arrogance of the Samudra RAjan, as: "Oh RAma!
You are are called famously as KodaNDapaNi! The power of one arrow aimed by
you at Samudra RAjan resulted in the destruction of the entire assembly of
rAkshasaas. Each arrow that left Your KodaNDam multiplied into tens,
hundreds and thousands and chased the “chatrus" hither and thither and
destroyed them." Similarly in another kriti on SAvEri rAgam "rAma bANa
trANa sourya mEmani pogaDudurA O manasA" Sri ThyAgarAjar sings about the
power of Sri RAma bANam that made VaruNAn fall at Bhagavan's feet and
seek protection. Satguru SwAmigaL goes on to express his inability to sing the
praises of the potency of the RAma bANam that hastens with a resounding
thunderous twang (DankAra dhvani) to bless the devotees and destroy the
enemies (anugraha, nigraha sakthi).



Sethu Bandhanam - Thanks:Sou.R.Chitralekha

Sethu Bandhanam

After VaruNan's SaraNAgati, Samudra RAjan said "sethubandhanam seyya en

muthukiDam thanthEn" thereby agreeing to have the bridge built on the water.
Immediately Sri RAman summoned NaLan, a vAnara who was the son of
Viswakarma the divine architect and commissioned him to build the bridge. The
NaLa Sethu that was constructed by the VAnarAs under the guidance of NaLa
has been eulogised thus by Swami Desikan in his Sri RaghuvIra Gadyam verses:

"àbl irpu klh k…tuk cqul kipk…l krtl tUilt ùt igir inkr saixt setupw sIma

sImiNtt smuÔ!"

"prabala ripu kalaha kutuka catula kapikula karatala tUlita hrta giri nikara
sAdhita setupatha seemA seemantita samudra !"

Swami Desikan says that the vAnarAs excited at the prospect of a glorious war
with the famous rAkshasAs, constructed the bridge by lifting huge boulders
and casting them on the waters of the Ocean, with such ease as if they were
made of sponge. The Bridge thus constructed, gave the appearance of the clear
parting of hair (vagidu - vkiD) to the waters of the ocean.

vAnarAs building the bridge


The Bridge gave the appearance of vagidu - vkiD to the waters of the ocean!
(Satellite picture from NASA showing the Sethu - Thanks:Smt.Krishnapriya)

The same scene is described in Srimad RAmAyanam as:

"kISarASAntaropAhrtagirinikarai: setumAdhApya" (kIzrazaNtraepaùtigirinkrE>


Sage VAlmIki has written that the entire bridge measuring 100 yojanas (an
ancient vedic unit of meaurement) in length and 10 yojanas in width was built in
five days by VAnarAs using huge hills. The RAmAyaNa slokas pertaining to this
are as follows:

s vanr vr> ïIman! ivñkmaRTmjae bil.

bbNx sagre setu< ywa caSy ipta twa,

s n¦en k«t> setu sagre mkralye.

"sa vAnara vara: SrImAn viSvakarmAtmajo bali||

babandha sAgare setum yathA cAsya pitA tathA|

sa naLena krta: setu: sAgare makarAlaye||"

In the Yuddha KANDam of Srimad RAmayaNam the

above scene is described and followed by the details
of how devAs, rishIs, chAraNAs and siddhars
rushed to Sethukkarai to perform pUja and
abhishekams with divya theerthams to Sri
Raghuveeran who had achieved the impossible by
building a solid bridge over moving waters. They
praised Him as "Sethu RAman" in recognition of His
monumental feat. The related slokams are given
below from Srimad RAmAyaNam:

tdÑ‚t< ra"v kmR Ê:kr< smIúy deva> sh isÏ car[E>,

%peTy ram< shsa mh\i;iÉ> smPyi;Ân! sUzuiÉ> jlE> p&wk!.

tadadbhutam rAghava karma dushkaram samIkshya

devA: saha siddha cAraNai: |

upetya rAmam sahasA mahrshibhi: samapyashincan sUSubi: jalai: prthak ||

Sri ThyAga brahmam brings out the theertha mahimai of the Sethu at
DanushkoDi that was built by Sri RAma in the following way in his thODi rAga


kOTinadulu dhanuskOTilO nuNDaga ETiki tirigEvE O manasA (kOTi)

Anu Pallavi  

sUTiga SyAmasundara mUrtini mATi mATiki jUcE mahArAjulaku (kOTi)


ganga nUpurambunanu janincenu rangani kAvEri gani rajillenu

bongucu SrI raghunAthuni prEmatO bogadE tyAgarAju manavi vinavE (kOTi)


SwamigaL says "The Sethu theertham at DanushkOTi contains within itself all
the accumulated phalans (benefits) of all the sacred rivers (puNya nadhis) and

bhagavAn enacted some of His leelas on this shore. Oh my wandering mind,

stop running around and please meditate on the holy feet of the SyAmaLAnga
Sundaran. This is a Truth known to all who have enjoyed the bhAgyam of
thinking of DanushkOTi Sri Sethu RAman and who have meditated on His extra-
ordinary beauty!"

In his harikAmboji rAga kriti, "enduku nirdaya evarunnArurA" Satguru

SwamigaL talks about the karuNA svarUpam of Sri RAman by reminding of the
incident about the little squirrel that carried small quantities of sand and stone
on its back to help in building the bridge. In appreciation of its kaimkaryam Sri
RAman graced it with His kara sparsha sambandham. Sri ThyAgarAjar brings
out this evocative scene in the line "uduta bhakti gani uppa tillaga lEdA". He
pleads thus: "Sri RAmA! Why are you not protecting me and showing such lack
of compassion? Who except You is there for me? You showed so much
affection towards the little squirrel that carried small quantities of sand for
Your Bridge and blessed it, but why are You not caring for me?"

Losing himself in the divine beauty of the Veera RAghavan who constructed the
Sethu, Sri ThyAga Brahmam says with parama prEma bhAvam in his Bhairavi

rAga kriti: "setu lAra SrngAramu cEsi cUtnu SrIRAma, setubandhana surapati
sarasIruha bhavAdulu pokaDa nA" meaning "Sri RAma prabho! One Who is
responsible for the construction of the Sethu! I am fortunate to do the
alankAra kaimkaryams to You".

Hanuman, Sugreevan, Neelan and other vanarottamas uprooted huge hills full of
trees and plants and cast them over the waters of the ocean and built the
Bridge. Then Sri RAma and LakshmaNa alongwith the vAnarAs reached Lanka
city which had been earlier burnt down by Hanuman.
SrI Rama, LakshmaNa, HanumAn and others cross the Ocean over the Bridge!

(Thanks:Sri.Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar)

Srimad BhAgavatam describes the entire episode from Sethubandhanam to

LankA pravesham in a single slokam (9-10-16):

bXvaedxaE r"upitivRivxaiÔkUqE> setu< kpINÔkrkiMptÉUéha¼E>,

su¢IvnIlhnumTàmuoErnIkElR»a< ivÉI;[†zaivzd¢dGxam!.

badvodadhau raghupatir vividhAdri kUTai:

setum kapIndra karakampita bhUruhAngai: |

sugrIva nIla hanUmat pramukhai: anIkair

lankAm vibhIshaNadrSA viSad agra dagdhAm||

Once Sri RAma reached Lanka, He

proceeded to perform His avathAra
kAryam of dushTa nigraham and
annhilated the coterie of rAkshasaas
and killed RAvaNA in the battlefield.
Then He rescued Sri Sita and returned
to Sri Ayodya in the Pushpaka
vimAnam. The sthala purANAm of

ThiruppullANi states that while flying

over the Adhi Sethu, Sri RAma showed
Sri Sita the Bridge that He had built
at Sethukkarai. Also conceding to the
requests of many devotees, He landed
briefly at ThiruppullANi and had the
coronation ceremony done there for
the enjoyment of His devotees. The
SthalapurANAm further states that it
was while giving the divya sevai of Sri SrI Rama fulfills His avatAra karyam!
Jaya RAman in PaTTAbhisheka kOlam
here at ThiruppullANi, that BhagavAn recounted to Sri Sita PirATTi, all about
the trials and triumphs that Sri LakshmaNa and Himself faced during the
period when ThAyAr was separated from Him by the evil RAvaNan.

Sri RAmachandramoorthy is praised as "malayathanAl aNaikaTTi mathiL ilangai

azhiththavanE - m^lyt[alf `^]kfkdfF mtilf;lgfAk `zitftvE[" In
ThiruppullANi He gives darsanam as PaTTAbhi RAman in a standing posture
(ninRa thirukkOlam) with Sri Sita Devi and LakshmaNa under the Pushpaka

VimAnam. His dhyAna slokam is very famous:

ïIramcNÔ ï&t pairjat> smSt kLya[ gu[aiÉram>,

sIta muoaMbaeéh sÂrIk> inrNtr< m¼¦< Aatnaetu.

SrIrAmacandra Srta pArijAta: samasta kalyANa guNAbhirAma:

sItA mukhAmbOruha sancarIka: nirantaram mangaLam aatanotu||

SrI PattAbhirAman at ThiruppullANi

So far we have seen the sthala vishesham, theertha vishesham, the beautiful
sannidhis of Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL, darbhaSayana RAman and PaTTAbhi
RAman, nearby temples of ThiruppullANi as well as the extra-ordinary
happenings at the Sethukkarai during the RAmAyaNa period and the building of
the famous Bridge across the Ocean to Lanka.

ThiruppullANi kshetram has the distinction of being the place of confluence of

vibhavAtAra happenings and archAvatAra beauty and hence is a most sacred
kshetram. The mahimai of this kshetram is brought out by the following verses
of Pullai anthAthi (p<lf^l `nftati) which says that those that are not blessed
with the darsanam of the PerumAL of this Divya kshetram are most
unfortunate indeed.

tzlf EvqfvikfKqEr{mf tkf EkaEb{mf

ctirfmAb kbfEbEr{mf tvtfEtaEr{mf

pzEvtpf epaRqf TtikfKmff tiRpfp<lfla]ipf

ptiyi^[kf k]fdbiyatarf ptitrftaEm

thazhal vELvikkuLarEnum thak kOrREnum

cathirmaRai kaRRErEnum thavath thOrEnum

pazhavEthap poruL thuthikm thiiruppullANip

pathiyinaik kaNDaRiyAthAr pathitharthAmE

In the following pages we will see the anubhavam of Thirumangai Mannan who
showered the PerumAL of this kshetram with 20 beautiful paasurams and the
intense bhakthi-laden outpurings of Saint ThyAgarAjar on SrI RAmachandra


Thirumangai Mannan and Kumudavalli nAcchiyAr


Thirumangai Mannan and ThyAgarAja SwamigaL

Thirumangai Mannan's immense love for the PerumAL of ThiruppullANi comes

pouring out in his pAsurams where he expresses his devotional fervour in the
guise of ParakAla nAyaki - a lovelorn lady feeling the passion of unrequited love
for her absent lover. His pAsurams reminds one of the intense feelings found
in the kritis of another RAma bhakta - Satguru Sri ThyAgarAja Swamigal. The
kritis composed by Sri Satguru Swami during the period when due to
unfortunate circumstances he was parted briefly from his ArAdana MUrthy,
illustrate the pangs of devotional love he suffered being deprived of the
company of his swami. Just as gold is made pure by being burnt in fire and
beaten by the gold smith, the hearts of Satguru Swamigal and Thirumangai
Mannan were scorched by the fire of separation from BhagavAn and purified by
the removal of the dross of mundane existence. Thus they were blessed by
BhagavAn with Eternal Bliss. Kavi KALidAsan wrote: "taptena taptamayasA

ghaTanAya yogyam" (tÝen tÝmysa "qnay yaeGym!) describing the emotional cries

of the Gopikas who were parted from SrI KrishNa. Similar to the gopasthrees,
both Kaliyan and ThyAgarAja Swamigal also cried out in heartfelt affection and
devotion for BhagavAn and were united with Him in Bliss.

Thirumangai Mannan has devoted the entire 3rd and 4th Thirumozhi (20
pAsurams) in his Peiya Thirumozhi under the 9th Decad for ThiruppullANi
Kshetram and the PerumAL. Assuming the role of a lady, ParakAla NAyaki, who
relates to her friend (Etazi) the turmoil of her mind that is lost to the
bewitching beauty of EmperumAn, Kaliyan recounts the details of how:

• EmperumAn spent countless hours with ParakAla nAyaki under the shades of
the Punnai tree captivating her heart

• EmperumAn stayed with her near the rows of screw-pine trees (thAzhai
flower - kaithaki) and enchanted her with His sweet talks

• EmperumAn cunningly seduced her in the Mango groves and

• EmperumAn decorated her hair with flowers and played with her.

ParakAla Nayaki says that she has lost her sleep totally due to constant
thoughts of the ThiruppullANi nAthan, who has cheated her after stealing her
heart with honeyed words. But eventhough He has cheated her and
disappeared now, she adds that she would never abandon the belief that He is
her swAmi and she will strictly observe the prescribed dharmAnushTAnams in
the hope that He will return back to her someday.

In these pAsurams Kaliyan expresses beautifully the lovelorn cries of a lady

who feels abandoned by her Svami. Kaliyan says: "Oh my mind! What am I to
do? Why does my Lord play with me so? Why is He so uninterested in me?
What can I do to diminish this unbearably heart-rending sorrow caused by His
rejection of me? Oh My mind! I keep melting like dew drops by the very

thought of Him, so where will this lead me? I am not even capable of ending my
unfortunate Life! After sweet-talking me into believing that He will never leave
me, my SvAmi has now disappered from my sight and has gone hiding. Unable to
bear this separation I have no recourse left but to keep chanting His name over
and over again and lose sleep over His thoughts and thus spend the rest of my
miserable Life! The very Lord who profusely promised that He loves me, has for
no apparent reason, now chosen to stay away without any show of compassion!
But come what may, my friend! We will not give up our nithyAnushTAnams and
we will continue to chant His divya nAmams and prostrate at His Lotus Feet.
These practices will definitely yield only positive results! Let us worship and
pray at the ThiruppullANi temple wherein He dwells permanently."

As seen above Kaliyan brings to life the intensity of emotions such as love,
anger, sorrow and despair that occurs between a lady and her Lord. Sri ThyAga
Brhmam was another ardent devotee of Lord RAmachandra who expressed
similar sentiments in his keerthanais.

In his HarikhAmbOji rAga kriti, "cani tODi tevE O manasA!" Sri ThyAgarAjar
imagines himself to be a lady and Sri RAmachandran to be his Lord - husband;

and says: "Oh Mind! Please go and fetch my Lord; the mahApurushan - Sri
Ramachandran - immediately. I wish to be in His loving company for long ages,
so please go and fetch Him to me quickly. He has greater tejas and soundaryam
(beauty) than a hundred ManmathAs and He is renowned for protecting all
erring/unfortunate souls - pathitharkaL (ptitrfkqf). So please bring Him to me
at once!" The keerthana vaakyams are as follows:


cani toDi tevE O manasA!

Anu Pallavi: 

kanikaramudo kani kara miDi cirakAlamu sukha manubavimpa vEgamE

patitula brocE paTTAdhi kArini paramArtha mata vasishThA nusArini

dyuti nirjita Sata SambarArini dhureeNa tyAgarAja haruccArini

In the YadukulakhAmbOji kriti, "celimini jalajAkshu gaNTe cepparayya meeru",

ThyAga Brahmam says: "Hey BhakthAs! Did you see my Lord anywhere? I pray
to you please inform me of His whereabouts, so that I, who am in utter despair
due to His disappearance, will find some succor. He is the One Who carries the
bow and arrow in His hands and is called as KodaNDapANi. His eyes brim over
with compassion and makes one yearn for His glances forever. One can never
tire of looking at His thirumukha maNDalam which captivates ones heart and
steals one's senses. He is a Master in understanding His devotees and is very
shrewd in polite conversations. He is my Lord, my prANa nAthan! Deprived of
His presence I have lost weight and am full of despair. I lost myself to Him
from the moment I saw Him! The agonies of my heart are indescribable! Oh
Bhakthas - you who are well aware of my pitiable state - please convey my plight
to Him! Please help me!" The vaakyams of this kriti is reminiscent of the
lovelorn pleas of ParakAla NAyaki (Thirumangai Mannan) in the ThiruppullANi
paasurams that were discussed earlier. The entire kriti is as follows:



Utsavar SrI RAmar at ThiruppullANi


celimini jalajAkshu gaNTE cepparayyA mIru


palumAru mrokkedanu dayatO balukarayyA entO

caraNam 1  

SaracApamu karamuna niDi merayunayyA entO

karuNArasamu niNDina kannulayyA

caraNam 2  

jUDa jUDa manasu kaRagE sumukhuDayya bhaktula

jADa telisi mATalADE jANuDayya
caraNam 3  

SrngAruni bAsi mEnu cikkenayyA hari cengaTa munnE nAmati cikkEnayyA

caraNam 4  

nAlOni jAlini balka jAlanayyA hari mIlO mIrE telisi marma miyyaryya

caraNam 5  

tyAgarAja sakhuDani dalaturayyA mIru bAguga nAyangalArpu bAparayyA

In his Kokiladvani rAga kriti, "koniyADE nAyeDa dayavelaku", Sri ThyagarAjar

asks: "Oh RAma! Why are you behaving so cruelly towards me; You who know my
every thought? I have done nothing but sing your praises forever and yet You
treat me as if it costs You heavily to show even a little compassion to me! Is
this right on Your part?" The kriti vAkyams are as follows:


koniyADE nAyeDa dayavelaku

koniyADE vu sUmi rAma ninu

Anu Pallavi: 

anayamu nee sogasunugani pongucu

andarangamuna natiprEmatO ninu

In another composition of his in the AandaLi rAgam (which is the janya rAgam
for harikhAmbOji); "abhimAnamu lEdEmi nIvabhinaya vacanamulADEdemi", Sri
ThyAgarAjar says: "Why has Your love and support to me become so rare and
unavailable of late? Why have You stopped Your sweet conversations with me?
'RajU neevani namminAnu' - I trusted You to be my saviour king, so why have
You forsaken me now?"

Further in another kriti on kEdAragowlai rAgam, "O JagannAthAyani nE

bhilicitE nOyani rArAdA?" Satguru Swami asks: "When I am crying out Your
name aloud as 'O JangannAthA!', why do You not appear before me?". In the

charaNa vAkyams of this Kriti - "idi vELagAdu yika tALa bOdu, madini
neevEgAni maRi gati lEdu" Sri ThyAgarAjar pleads thus - "I do not know of
anyone other than You, so please stop testing me like this"

In the kriti "ADamODi galade rAmayya" composed in the MeLakarthA rAgam of

chArukEsi, Sri Satguru Swami asks in distress:"ADamODi galade rAmayya
mATa, tODu needa neevE yanucu bhakthi.....pAdamu baTTina nAtO mATa"
meaning "Oh RAmA! Must You put on an act like this to even talk to me? I have
ever thought of You as my dearest friend and have ever served Your sacred
feet with utmost devotion. Yet You treat me with contempt and disdain. Is
this right on Your part to treat me so? Why are You playing with me thus?"

In the SrI RAga kriti, "yuktamugAdu nannu rakshimpaka yuNDEdi SrI RAma"
Sri ThyAgarAjar complains "SrI RAmA! It is not fair on Your part to stand
aside and leave me un-protected thus, for no apparent reason!" Similarly in the
KannaDa Gowlai rAga kriti, "Oracupuju cEdi nyAyamA? O RaghUttamA neevaNDi
vAniki" Swami further develops on the theme of his despair and asks:" Oh
RAmA, possessor of the highest form of conduct and character, is it in any way
fair on Your part to cast disdainful glances (alatchiya paarvai - `ldfciy

parfAv) at me?"

In two other kritis in the kirNAvaLi rAgam, Sri Satguru swamigal has continued
the expression of his feelings of abadonment by BhagavAn. First in the
"parAgu neekElara RAma, carAcaramula vasiyincE yO sArasAksha nA panulaNDE
yee" meaning "Oh RAmA! Why do You turn Your face away from me? You are
the Potency that fills this whole Universe and You are the ParamAtmA - The
Supreme God! Yet why do You not care for me?" In the other kiraNAvaLi kriti
"yEDi yOcanalu cesEvurA? yeduru balkuvArevaru lerurA" Sri ThyagarAja
Swamigal in the spirit of nayakA - nAyaki bhAvam asks in sorrow: "I am an
innocent and ignorant girl and probably You have thought that treating me with
arrogance and cruelty would not trouble You in any way as there is no one else in
this world who would dare to question You on my behalf. Is this justice?"
In the Devakriya RAga kriti, Swami asks: "nATi mATa maRacitivo O RAma
cinna" meaning "Oh RAmA! Have You already forgotten the words You spoke to
me in love?" Again in the YadukulakhAmbOji rAga kriti; "endha vEDukOnna
neeru nAyantuyisu mandha dayalEkayuNDurA", Swami questions the lack of
response from bhagavAn saying, "Inspite of me entreating You for ever so long,
You show no compassion towards me. Why do You torture me so unjustly?"

In this way, Saint ThyAgarAja expressed in many moving kritis, his deep
bhakthi and love for bhagavAn. The intense pain felt by him as evidenced in his
kritis, when he felt that his prANa nAthan, Sri RAmachandramUrthy was
distant and uncaring, echo the same overwhelming avirAha bhakthi felt by
Thirumangai Mannan who assumed the role of ParakAla nAyaki and spoke of her
dismay at being ignored by her Lord, ThiruppullANi nAthan.

We have so far seen the outpourings of Satguru Sri ThyAgarAja SwamigaL and
now let us focus on the initial ten pAsurams in praise of ThiruppullANi nAthan
by Kaliyan from the Ninth Decad of Periya Thirumozhi.


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Pasuram 1
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thannai naivikkilEn val vinaiyEn thozhudum ezhu,

ponnai naivikkum appoon cerunthi maNa neezhalvAy,

ennai naiviththu ezhil koNdu aganRa perumAnidam,

punnai muththam pozhil soozhndhu azhagAya pullaaNiyE. 9.3.1
Thirumanjanam for ThiruppullANi utsavar


Thirumangai Mannan talks to his mind and says, "Oh my mind! I am the
repository of all sins yet am unable to end my own evil existence. The Lord of
ThiruppullANi and I enjoyed blissful union under the leaves of the golden hued

punnai (ecRnfti) tree. But after fulfilling His desire, He has now left my side
and gone in hiding at the ThiruppullANi Temple where the Punnai Tree puts
forth pearl like buds for the enjoyment of the ThiruppullAni nAthan. Let us
now prostrate to Him at this Temple"

Sri ThyAga Brahmam too in his mArgahindOLa kriti, "calamelarA? SAketa

rAma!" sings in sorrow, unable to bear being ignored by Sri
RAmachandramUrthy for a long time. He says:" Oh SAketa RAmA! Why are
You so angry with me? Where shall I go and what must I do to win back Your
love? I am alone and without support in this world! Who shall I appeal to
against Your cruelties to me? Must precious time be wasted on such cunning
acts? Oh! I am unable to bear Your rejection a moment longer!" the kriti
vAkyams are as follows:


calamelarA? SAketa rAmA!


endu bodu nenEmi sEyudunu?

yEccoTane morabeTTudunu?

dandanalato proddu povalEnA?

tALaka jAlarA tyAgarAjanuta!

Pasuram 2
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urugi nenjE! ninaindu ingu irunden? thozhudum ezhu,

murugu vaNduN malark kaidaiyin neezhalil munnorunaaL,

perugu kAdanmai ennuLLam eydap pirindAn idam,

porudu munneerk karaikkE maNi undhu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.2

urugi nenjE!ninaindu ingu irunden?

Manjal Thirumanjanam for ThiruppullANi utsavar

In the second pAsuram Kaliyan says:"Oh my mind! What is the use of melting

like the dew drops at sunrise after the Lord has deserted me? Long ago my
Lord gladdened my heart with His presence near the screw-pine bushes (taAz
p<taf) where we enjoyed each other's company. But He soon left me, preferring
rather reside in the ThiruppullANi kshetram where the ocean waves deposit
precious gems on the shores! Oh my mind! Please meditate on this kshetram
and be at peace!"

Pasuram 3
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Edu seydAl maRakkEn manamE! thozhudum ezhu,

thAdu malgu thaDam soozh pozhil thAzhvar thoDarndu, pin

pEdai ninaip piriyEn ini enRu aganRaan idam,

pOdu naaLum kamazhum pozhil soozhnda pullaaNiyE. 9.3.3

Ksheera Thirumanjanam for pozhil soozhnda pullaaNi nAthan!


In the third pAsuram, Thirumangai Mannan says: "Oh my mind! What can I do

to forget this great injustice done by Him? He Who abandoned me after playing
with me under the shades of the Punnai Tree and the screw-pine bushes, came
back another time and called me a silly girl (EpAt ep]fE]!). In an
enchanting (rmfyma[) garden filled with fragrant flower-beds and fountains, He
made false promises that He would never ever leave me again. But soon after
that, He asked me to leave ahead of Him and said that He would follow.
Confident of having obtained His love back again, I got distracted by my
arrogance and taking that opportunity He cheated me again and ran back to His
ThiruppullANi which is full of the fragrance of the sweet smelling flowers that
bloom there. Oh my mind! Please worship that place which has such divine lustre

Pasuram 4
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kongu uN vaNdE kariyAga vandAn kodiyERku, mun

nangaLeesan namakkE paNiththa mozhi seydilan

mangai nallAy! thozhudum ezhu pOy avan mannum oor,

pongu munneerk karaikkE maNiyundu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.4

dadhi thirumajanam for the bhagavAn of ThiruppullANi!


In the fourth Paasuram, Thirumangai Mannan as ParakAla NAyaki, addresses

her friend as "mangai nallAi - mgfAk nlflayf" and proceeds to tell the ways in
which her Lord cheated her. ParakAla Nayaki says "Since the honeybees were
the only witnesses to the times when my Lord JagannAthan stayed with me, He
has now easily betrayed His promises and abandoned me! He can now even say
that He has never stayed with me at all! Except for the honey-bees there were
no other witnesses for our union, so, Oh my dear friend! my situation is very
pitiable indeed! To relieve me of this trouble, let us both pray to the BhagavAn
Who now resides in ThiruppullANi, the shores of which are studded by the
diamonds beached on the sands by the waves."

Pasuram 5
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uNaril uLLam sudumAl vinaiyEn thozhudum ezhu,

thuNari nAzhal naRumpOdhu nam soozh kuzhal peydu, pin

thaNaril aavi thaLarum ena anbu thandAn iDam,

puNari Odham paNilam maNiyundu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.5

pin thaNaril aavi thaLarum ena anbu thandAn!

Madhubarga Thirumanjanam

In the fifth paasuram Thirumangai Mannan says: "I must have done some

terrible sins in past lives. Why else would the Lord of ThiruppullANi (who
decorated my hair with the fragrant flowers of the Kongu trees and promised
me that should we ever part; both our lives would surely end) abandon me? The
very thought of His cunning ways makes me very angry. But still, oh my mind!
Let us bow down in prayer to that divya ThiruppullANi kshetram of my absent
Lord where the ocean waves deposit conch shells and strange pearls and beads
on the sands."

Sri ThyAga Brahmam also expresses similar sentiments in His ghaNDa rAga
kriti, "innALLu nannEli"in which he says: "Oh my Lord! You abandoned me after
giving false promises about not staying alive if You were ever parted from me!
You protected me all this while and asked me to follow You, but where have You
gone now? How is it fair that an honest person like You who gives succor to all
is uncaring to me?"

Pasuram 6
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eLgi nenjE! ninaindu ingu irunden? thozhudum ezhu,

vaLLal mAyan maNivaNNan emmAn maruvum iDam,

kaL avizhum malarkkAviyum thoomaDal kaidaiyum,

puLLum aLLal pazhanangaLum soozhnda pullaaNiyE. 9.3.6

mAyan maNivaNNan - Sarkkarai chUrnAbhishekam


In the sixth paasuram Thirumangai Mannan asks his mind in despair: "eLgi nenjE

ninaindhu ingu irundhen?" meaning "Oh my mind! What is the use of always
thinking about EmperumAn and wasting away in this place by constantly being
lost in His divya soundharyam?" Next he says "VaLLal mAyan maNivaNNan
emmAn maruvumiDam thozhu" thereby instructing His mind to meditate on the
place where his Lord MAyan MaNivaNNan is now residing. After that he
further adds the sthala visesham of ThiruppullANi, "kaL avizhum
malarkkAviyum, thoomaDal kaithaiyum, puLLum, aLLal pazhanangaLum soozhndha
pullANiyE" meaning "Oh my mind! Meditate on my Lord's ThiruppullANi
kshetram where honey-filled senkazhuneer flowers, white petaled thAzham
flowers, birds, fertile earth and other wealth abounds."

Pasuram 7
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paravi nenjE! thozhudum ezhu pOy avan pAlamAy,

iravum naaLum inikkaN thuyilAdu irundu enpayan?

viravi muththam neduveN maNal mEl koNdu, veN thirai

puravi ennap pudham seydu vandu undu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.7

sahasra dhArai


In the seveth paasuram, ParakAla NAyaki tries to calm her wandering mind by

saying:"Oh what is the use of pining away for the union with the Lord of
ThiruppullANi? To forget the pain of His absence, please meditate on the
ThiruppullANi kshetram where the ocean waves come crashing on the shores
like gallopping horses and deposit white sand and clear pearls on the beaches.
This is where my Lord resides and meditation on this would only bring forth

In a similar vein to the worried prattle of ParakAla Nayaki where she lost sleep
by imagining terrible things and was hurt by her SvAmi's apparent cruelty to
her, Sri ThyAgarAja SwamigaL also in his Huseni rAga kriti, "RAma RAma
sItARamaNa pApaharaNa" tells of how he suffered from losing himself in the
divya saundharyam of SrI RAmachandra mUrthy. In this kriti he bursts forth
in plaintive cries caused by the separation from his SvAmi and says: "Oh
SeethARamaNA! The possessor of the most captivating smile that displays

beautiful set of teeth that are like the fragrant jasmine buds, isn't it a blemish
on Your greatness if You continue to ignore me thus? I do nothing but sing
Your praises and love none but You, so how much longer do I have to fight for
Your love? Who has poisoned Your mind against me? Are You so drunk on Your
immense wealth and fame, that You are now arrogantly casting me away? Why
are You so aloof? Is it just on Your part to hurt me so? I am utterly dejected
by Your lack of love and can bear this no longer! Can You not for once show
some compassion for me? Is it such a burden to extend Your lovely hands
towards me in support? Are You not moved by my deplorable state where I can
neither sleep at day nor night and am going mad with my love for You! Will You
not hear my cries? Are there no Elders here who could speak on my behalf and
reprimand You for Your callous behaviour! Why are we having this fight?
Ammamma! It must be my karmaphalan (evil deeds done in the past) that has
made You act in this way."

Pasuram 8
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alamum aazhip padaiyum udaiyAr namakku anbarAy,

salamadAgith thagavonRilar nAm thozhudum ezhu,

ulavu kAlnal kazhiyOngu thaN paimpozhiloodu, isai

pulavu kAnal kaLivaNDinam pADu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.8

alamum aazhip padaiyum udaiyAr! (alankAra Thirumanjanam poorthi)


In the eighth paasuram, ParakAla NAyaki says:"The EmperumAn of

ThiruppullANi seduced me with false promises and now behaves with utter
contempt and disdain towards me, which hurts me very much. Oh my mind! He
who carries the Disc (chakram) in one hand and the plough (halAyudham,

kalappai - hlayuxm! -klpfAp) in the other hand resides permanently in His

Temple near the shores where people who suffer from the agonies of
separation from their loved ones re-unite. A gentle fragrant breeze always
flows through the marshy groves and fertile gardens of this sthalam. The busy
bees get attracted by the many fragrances wafting thru the air and whizz
around hither and thither in that place. Oh my mind! So please constantly
engage in prayerful thoughts on this charming ThiruppullANi kshetram."

Pasuram 9
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Odhi nAmam kuLiththu ucchi thannAl, oLi mAmalar

pAdam naaLum paNivOm namakkE nalam aadalin,

aadhu thArAn enilum tharum, anRiyum anbarAy

pOdhum mAdE! thozhudum avan mannu pullaaNiyE. 9.3.9

oLi mAmalar pAdam naaLum paNivOm - ThiruppullANi utsavar


In the ninth pAsuram, ParakAla NAyaki reconciles with her present situation

and tells her friend:"Oh my friend! (Etazi) Let bygones be bygones! From now
on into the future let us continue to perform the prescribed duties
(dharmAnushTAnams) without fail due to which our sins will be decimated and
we will accrue puNyams! Let us become fit to receive His blessings and
proximity by worshipping the divya kshetram of ThiruppullANi."

Thirumangai Mannan advices us all; through this paasuram, to not give up on the
observances and practices of dharmA (dharmAnushTAnams) just because we
think that BhagavAn does not care for us or has abandoned us.

"naaLum kuLitthu nAmam Odhi oLi mAmalar pAdam ucchi thannAl vaNanguvOm":
Thirumangai Mannan stipulates the steps one should take to receive
EmperumAn's blessings. 1) We should get up in the pre-dawn hours, 2) take the
prescribed bath, 3) perform ArAdanam to Him chanting His divya nAmas and 4)

prostrate at the shining Lotus Feet of EmperumAn in total surrender.

"namakke nalam aadhalil": Keeping to these observances are indeed beneficial to

us, says Thirumangai Mannan. Even if BhagavAn stubbornly refuses to answer
our prayers, the very performance of the anushTAnams (like snAnams, vratams,
nAma sankeerthanams etc) will bear auspicious results of their own. In
accordance to Srimad Bhagavad Geetha vaakyam "karmaNyevAdikaraste mA
phaleshu kadAcana" we should assume the attitude of karma yogis and pray at
the sacred place of ThiruppullANi.

Pasuram 10
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ilangu muththum pavaLak kozhundum ezhilthAmarai,

pulangaL muRRum pozhilsoozhnthu azhagAya pullaaNimEl

kalangal illaap pugazhAn kaliyan olimAlai,

valankoL thoNdarkku iDamAvadhu pADil vaikunthamE. (2) 9.3.10

ThiruppullANi utsavar purappAdu


In the final paasuram of the 3rd Thirumozhi of the 9th Decad of Periya

Thirumozhi, Thirumangai Mannan assures us that those who come in contact
with these ten paasurams written by him on ThiruppullAni, would be forever rid
of all troubles and sorrows and attain residence in SrI VaikuNTham without
fail. Kaliyan says that he has no doubts (kalakkam or sandeham - klkfkmf/
cnfEthmf) about the same. He says that the sheer bewitching beauty of
EmperumAn's ThiruppullANi kshetram, where every nook and cranny is
decorated with pearls and tendrils of coral creepers and where many beautiful
ponds and lakes filled with beautiful lotuses can be seen, kindled the desire in
him to eulogise the sthalam with sweet paasurams. Those that read these
sacred paasurams daily or understand the deeper meanings of the verses and
teach the same to others thereby creating a link to these paasurams, will never
be targeted by any sorrow again and will definitely find a place at EmperumAn's
Supreme Abode - Parama Padam.


Thirumangai Mannan as ParakAla nAyaki


4th Thirumozhi

In the previous ten verses Thirumangai Mannan as ParakAla nAyaki spoke to her
friend and mind alternatively listing the various places where she enjoyed the
company of EmperumAn (viz.) under the shades of the Punnai Trees, near the
screw-pine bushes (taAz p<taf) and how after making her believe in His false
promises, her Lord left her, thereby plunging her into indescribable agonies.
But at the end, ParakAla NAyaki says firmly that whatever be the tortures
that she is subjected to, she will always only think of ThiruppullANi nAthan as
her husband and lover. She further resolves to never give up the observances
and practices of dharmAnushTAnams and always worship the sacred sthalam of
ThiruppullANi, which would of its own bring auspicious results.

In the ten paasurams of the 4th Thirumozhi, Thirumangai Mannan as ParakAla
NAyaki tells of how she left her home with her friend to have the darSanam of
ThiruppullANi EmperumAn, but due to the late evening hours, she had to sadly
break her journey midway and had to offer her prayers to ThiruppullANi from
afar. She sends the birds as her emissaries to report to EmperumAn, asking
them to describe her pitiable state and her sufferings due to the separation
from her Lord. She asks the birds to please let her SvAmi know as to how
emaciated she has become due to being parted from Him and how even the
soothing cool moonbeams feel like hot iron being branded over her, due to the
longing for union with her Swami. Inspite of all the hardships and unfortunate
circumstances, she is firm in her resolve that come what may, no one is going to
be able to stop her from eventually meeting with her Swami at ThiruppullANi.
So she reconciles at the end to spend the rather long night ahead at that way
stop, by meditating on His divya nAmam and to resume her journey towards
ThiruppullANi, at the break of dawn.

Sri ThyAga Brahmam in his Abheri rAga kriti, "nagumOmu ganalEni naa jaali
delisi nanu brOva rA rAdA SrI raghuvara nee" says: "Oh Raghu kula TilakA!
Knowing that I suffer terribly after being deprived of the darSanam of Your

radiant face, will You not hasten to help me?" This echoes the sentiments
expressed by Thirumangai Mannan who is troubled by having to break his
journey to ThiruppullANi and spend the long night away from EmperumAn.
Kaliyan's paasurams on how unbearable his pain is being separated from his Lord
and how he sends the birds as his ambassadors; reminds us of the ananya
caranatvam expressed by Satguru SwamigaL in his SAvEri rAga kriti, "intakanna
delpa taramA jagadeeSvara nE nIki taramA nItO". The charaNa vAkyams for
this kriti goes like "nIvE tana kihaparamu rAma ninnu nammina kApuramu, nI
karuNE rAjayOgamu mAku nI mAyamE rAjabhOgamu". Sri ThyAgarAjar says:
"Oh JagannAthA! The Bestower of all auspiciousness! Like a lotus floating on
the water surface, my jeevan depends on Your blessings to survive! You are all
the happiness and wealth I seek in this world after having surrendered at Your
feet! If I can be graced by Your compassion; that would be equal to being

crowned as a king for me! To sing Your praises, to contemplate on nothing else
but Your enchanting beauty and to obtain union with You is greater than all the
kingly riches in this world for me!"

Let us now see the similarity of thoughts and sentiments in Sri ThyAgarAja
Swami kritis and Thriumangai Manna's paasurams in our coverage of each of the
ten paasurams of the 4th Thirumozhi.

Pasuram 1
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kAvAr madal peNNai anRil arikuralum,

EvAyin Udiyangu ehkil koDithAlO,

poovAr maNam kamazhum pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

pAvaay! idu namakkOr pAnmaiyE aagAdE. 9.4.1

ThiruppullANi nAthan!


Setting forth from her home with her friend, ParakAla NAyaki (Thirumangai
AzhwAr) reaches the ocean shore which is full of swaying palm trees and the

birds that nest in those trees. Either due to tiredness or the setting of the
sun (sandhyA kAlam) she is unable to continue any further and is saddened by
this break in her journey. So in the first pAsuram she says that she will offer
her prayers from that distant place to ThiruppullANi nAthan.

ParakAla nAyaki tells her friend: "PaavAi! (Oh girl!) My very beautiful friend! I
pray to the ThiruppullANi kshetram which is like a fragrant garden full of
beautiful flowers, from this sea shore where I have to tarry tonight! (poo Aar
maNam kamazhum pullANi kai thozhuthen). The pangs of separation from
BhagavAn is absolutely torturing me! Especially when in this palm grove, the
anRil bird (krauncha pakshi) on top of the palm tree is heart-breakingly calling
to its absent mate and its sweet plaintive voice plunges like a sharp blade in my
already wounded heart! ("PeNNai anRil arikuralum EvAyin ooDi iyangum ehkil

The mention of krauncha pakshis reminds us of the story of the Krauncha

mithunam (pair) told by Sri ValmIki. When the male bird in the pair was killed
by a hunter, the female bird cried out in heart-broken sorrow. On hearing its
screams of agony, Sage ValmIki was very moved and got angry with the hunter
and cursed him thus: "

ma in;ad àitóa< Tvmgm> zañtI> sma>,

yT³aEÂimwunadekmvxI> kammaeihtm!,

maa nishAda pratishThaam tvam agama: sAswatee: samA:|

yat kraunca mithunAt ekam avadhee: kaama mohitam||

Thirumangai Mannan compares his plight to that of the krauncha pakshi on top
of the palm tree and finds that his lovelorn heart which has no other thoughts
except of ThiruppullANi EmperumAn is feeling the same grief that is felt by
the Krauncha bird that has lost its mate. He says that eventhough it has now
become customary for him to feel this sorrow, he will not lose faith, but will

continue to worship the EmperumAn of ThiruppullANi irrespective of whether
it is fruitful to do so or not. He says that such prayer is also in his svabhAvam!

Pasuram 2
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munnam kuRaL uruvAy moovaDi maN koNDaLantha,

mannan carithaikkE mAlAgip ponpayanthEn,

ponnam kazhikkAnal puLLinangAL! pullaaNi

annamAi nool payanthaaRku aangu ithanaic ceppuminE. 9.4.2


In the second paasuram, ParakAla NAyaki

remembers the sthala purANam of
ThiruppullANi and addresses the birds on
the banks of the Ponnankazhi (HiraNya
nadhi) to act as her ambassadors to
EmperumAn. ("PullANi annamAy nool
payanthARku aangu ithanaic ceppuminE")
Seeing the happily cooing birds on the
banks of the HiraNya nadhi, ParakAla
NAyaki requests them to convey her
mirthless state to ThiruppullANi nAthan.
The EmperumAn at ThiruppullANi is very
ancient and He has been addressed with
different names in different epochs
(yugAs). The sthalapurANams state that
due to Him being a caturveda svarUpi, He is
ponnam kazhikkAnal puLLinangAL!
called as "svarUpam", "annam", "Adhi",
(Utsavar on Garudan)

"Deivac cilayAr" and hundred other names at ThiruppullANi. SrI Adhi
JagannAtha PerumAL assumed the form of an annam (swan - hamsa rUpam) in
the Kali Yuga, to teach the deeper meanings of the vedas to the sages on the
banks of the Chakra Theertham at ThiruppullANi. Hence EmperumAn here is
also called as "annamAi nool payanthaan". ParakAla NAyaki has beautifully
interwoven this thirunAmam of His in the second paasuram.

ParakAla NAyaki says: "Long ago I heard the story of how BhagavAn came in
the avathAram of VAmanan and measured the world with His ThiruvaDi. Ever
since I have done nothing but gone mad thinking of this avatAra viSesham and
have lost my golden complexion after pining away for Him. Oh Birds! Living on
the banks of the HiraNya nadhi! Please tell Him about my sorry state and fetch
Him hither to me!"

Pasuram 3
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¼£®Ü®Ó ó±ÓëßÇ ¨Ô±ÛÁ¢Ü¼¡ß­Ü, ¨Ô§Ü§Ô­¢Ü¡°Ü

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vavvith thuzhaayathanmEl cenRa thani nenjam,

sevvi aRiyaathu niRkungol, niththilankaL

pavvath tiraiyulavu pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

deivac cilaiyaaRku en cindainOy seppuminE. 9.4.3

Thulasi garland as a token of affection!


In the third paasuram ParakAla NAyaki asks the birds on the banks of the

HiraNya nadhi (poonankazhi) once again to go as her emissaries to
ThiruppullANi nAthan. Having earlier addressed Him as "annamAi nool
payanthaan" in the previous paasuram, she now addresses Him as "deivac
cilayAr" and asks the birds to covey her mental ailments resulting from worries
of being parted from Him - "cinthai nOi ceppuminE". The name "deivac cialyAr"

is based on the Sanskrit nAmam "idVy capr" - "divya cApar". Bestowing His

anugraham on SrI RAmacandramUrthy who in the VibhavAvatAram worshipped

Him prior to the crossing of the Ocean and the Lanka war, SrI Aadhi
JagannAtha PerumAL gifted SrI RAman with the divya Saarngam held in His
hand. Hence He became known as "divya cApar" and "deivac cilayAr".
Thirumangai Mannan is reminding us of this incident here in this paasuram.

In this paasuram ParakAla NAyaki retells the episode of how, when the time
came for BhagavAn to leave her, she expressed an interest to retain the TuLasi
garland (ThiruthuzhAi mAlai) that was worn by Him, as a token to remember
Him by. But in His haste BhagavAn forgot to give her the garland and vanished
quickly, leaving her bereft of even a token of rememberance and in utter
desolation. So she now requests the birds to tell her Lord of how she suffers
from the unfortunate circumstance of not having received His fragrant TuLasi

"nithilankaL pavva tirai ulavu PullANi tozhuthEn" - In this line ParakAla NAyaki
evokes the beauty of the kshetram by saying that she bows down in prayer to
ThiruppullANi kshetram, where the waves of the ocean shine with the lustre of
many pearls that floats on the surface.

Pasuram 4
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pariya iraNiyanathu aagam aNiyukirAl,

ariyuruvAyk keeNDaan aruL thandhavA namakku,

porutiraigaL pOndulavu pullaaNi kai thozhuthEn,

arimalark kaN neer tadumba anthukilum nillAvE. 9.4.4

ariyuruvAyk keeNDaan ! (SrI Narasimhan - Ahobilam)


In the fourth pAsuram ParakAla NAyaki says that she prays to BhagavAn with

folded palms on the shores of ThiruppullANi where the never ending waves
crash gently on the sands - "porutiraikaL pOndulavu pullANikai tozhuthEn". In
this paasuram ParakAla NAyaki prays to BhagavAn as SrI Narasimhan, during
which avatAram, He effortlessly lifted HiraNyan who was strong and powerful
as a huge mountain and tore his chest apart with His bare hands and sharp
finger-nails! ParakAla NAyaki says that as a result of meditating on this
powerful rUpam she is overwhelmed by the thought that SrI Nrusimhan who
appeared to protect His bhaktan, vanished quickly after the avatAra kAryam
was achieved and did not stay longer so that she could have His darSanam too.
So she is assailed with more tears and heartbreak and has now become so frail
that her dresses no longer stay in place and fall away. She has become so weak
and dejected that there remains no strength in her to straighten the garments
that slip away! She is just barely able to survive against the onslought of tears
and sadness.

The heart-rending verses of the fourth paasuram where parakAla NAyaki tells
movingly about her plight when BhagavAn deserted her after being very
intimate with her, reminds us of the PrahlAda bhakthi vijaya kriti in Husseini
rAgam by Sanit ThyAgarAja. The kriti is given below:


Emani vEgintunE SrI rAma rAma


Emani vEgintu nentani sairintu nA muddu dEvuDu nanu bAsE nayyayyo

caraNam 1  

pAlinci lAlinci palumARu gaugilinci tElinci nanu baradESi sEya dOcenO

caraNam 2  

ADina muccaTa nAdantarangamu niNDa nIDu lEdaniyuNTi nindAka sarivArilO

caraNam 3  

eDabAyaka tyAgarAju nElu SrI harini dolli baDalika lArci nA caibaTTinadi


Sri ThyAgarAjar says:"Hey SrI RAma, my beloved! How can I tolerate the
separation from You, if You leave me? After loving me and playing with me, have
You now decided to cast me away as a beggar? Nothing will ever be greater
than or equal to the intimately loving words that You spoke to me! How am I
ever going to recover from the memories of the blissful unbroken closeness
that I shared with You? My heart feels as if torn from its roots by the depth
of my sadness". The words thus spoken by Saint ThyAgarAjar in PrahlAda
bhaktha vijayam speaks volumes of the sorrow he felt on thinking about how
SrI Hari disappeared in a second after blessing child PrahlAdan. These

emotions are wonderfully similar to the aviraha bhakthi displayed by

Thirumangai Mannan as ParakAla NAyaki.

Pasuram 5
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villAl ilangai malangac caram turanda,

vallaaLan pinpOna nenjam varumaLavum,

ellaarum en tannai yEsilum pEsiDinum,

pullaaNi emperumAn poy kETTirunthEnE. 9.4.5

villAl ilangai malangac caram turanda vallaaLan!

SrI RAma parivAr - ThiruppullANi

In the fifth pAsuram ParakAla NAyaki says that her heart has followed the

footsteps of the mahA veeran who made the denizens of LankApuri tremble
with fear by the power of His KodaNDam. Hence her heart is no longer with
her and she awaits the return of the same alongwith the Thief who stole it in
the first place. Now she is the object of amusement and sarcasm amongst her
friends and relatives because she is foolish enough to believe in the false
promises and cunning words of her Lord and continues to wait and have faith
that He will come back for her soon!

In this pAsuram AzhwAr as ParakAla NAyaki, highlights the importance of

MahA viSvAsam and reitrates that irrespective of what others may tell or
laugh about and irrespective of whatever happens in the future, she will never
lose her faith in EmperumAn's words. Those words which everyone else says
are just false promises appear to her as the sweetest and most beautiful words
ever spoken.

The thoughts expressed in the above paasurams find an echo in the famous
ThyAgarAja kriti in the Navarasa kAnaDA rAga known as "ninnu vinA nAma di
endu niluvadE". In this kriti Satguru SwamigaL says: "SrI RAmA! Your divine
beauty is so pleasing to the eyes! Your divine charitham (epic) is sweet music to
the ears! Your auspicious divine name shines radiantly in my tongue! Every
where I turn the world seems to be filled by Your Presence. I have now earned
the title of being Your dAsan. Due to my accrued puNyams from previous
births, I somehow feel elated even when I hear You speak cunningly to me! So
my mind will settle on nothing less than You! Let others say whatever they wish
to say, I do not care for their words! Even should You be lying to me, I will
treat You as being honest and believe in Your words."

The emphasis on MahA viSvAsam which is an integral part of the SaraNAgati

tattvam is as evident in the kriti vaakyams as they were in the paasura
vaakyams above.


ninnu vinA nAmadi endu niluvadE SrIharihari


kanulaku nI sogasentO grammi unnadi ganuka

caraNam 1  

nIdu kathalu vInulandu niNDi unnadi rAma

SrIda nInAmamu nota jelagi unnadi ganuka

caraNam 2  

nEnu ecaTa jUcinanu nIvE unnadi rAmA

bhAnu vamSa tilaka nIdu bhaktuDanucu pEru ganuka

caraNam 3  

kapaTamau mATalella kammanainadi nA
tapamuyOkka phalamu nIvE tyAgarAja sannuta

Pasuram 6
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suzhanRilangu venkatirOn tErODum pOy maRainthAn,

azhanRu koDithAgi ancudaril thAnaDumaal,

SezhuntaDm pooncholai soozh pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

izhanthirundEn en than ezhil niRamum sangumE. 9.4.6


In the sixth paasuram, ParakAla

NAyaki tells the reason for breaking
her journey towards ThiruppullANi.
It is because of the late evening
hour and the surrounding darkness
due to the setting of the Sun. She
further adds that while she might
have proceeded to journey towards
ThiruppullANi after the Moon rose
in the sky and shone on the path, the
soft and cool moon beams felt like
molten lead over her body already
tortured by passionate thoughts of
her SwAmi. Hence she just could not
bear to go any further on the path
at night! She says that pining away
Pray to ThiruppullANi nAthan! for His love, she has lost her

complexion and the bangles have dropped out of her emaciated hands! So she
discontinued her journey for that night and stayed near the sea shore and
made her prayers from there itself to ThiruppullANi which was surrounded by
gardens filled with lush and fragrant flowers.

The lamentations of Thirumangai Mannan in this paasuram are mirrored in the

Saint ThyAgarAja kriti,"gAravimpa rAdA garuDa gamana rAma nanu" in ghanTa


gAravimpa rAdA garuDa gamana rAma nanu

Anu Pallavi  

SrIrama manOharA Sritahrdaya vihAra cEra rAvadE ra SrI raghuvara dhIrA
caraNam 1  

pErukaina lEdA pilicitE rArAdA sari vAralAda lEdA vini

varadA karuNa rAdA mArubalka vAdA mummAru nammalEdA

caraNam 2  

tanayuDADumATa talli daNDrulakadi yATa gAdA ninu bADina pATa

vini nI muddunOTa yEmana valadE iccOTa mAdhava ika tEracATa

caraNam 3  

rUka losagi konna sati rUpa meTlunna SrIkara guNamunna

celi celimi vIDaranna parAku nIku munna tyAgarAjavinuta bhinna

The kriti expresses the tortures experienced by Sri ThyAgarAjar's mind in its
longing for the absent Lord. He asks BhagavAn, "Will You not show me an iota
of respect? Why don't You hasten to me even after I call You with heart-
wrenching cries? Oh Great Warrior of Raghu kulam! While I sing Your praises
without pause, not a word is uttered through Your beautiful lips to enquire
whether all is well with me! You continue to be silent! Is there now a screen

that separates us from each other? Even if other women of low morals look
exceedingly beautiful and attractive, the spouses whose wives are chaste and
possess great character will never leave their wives for the other women. So
why then are You avoiding me - Your chaste wife? May be You are used to being
very deliberate in Your movements before, but cast away that leisure and
hasten to give Your katAkshams to me at once!"

Pasuram 7
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kanaiyAr idikuralin kArmaNiyin nAvAdal,

thinaiyEnum nillaadu theeyiR koDithAlO,

punaiyAr maNimAdap pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

vinaiyEn mEl vElaiyum venthazhalE veesumE. 9.4.7

In the seventh paasuram, ParakAla NAyaki tells of another incident that

happened on the shores of ThiruppullANi that multiplied the grief she already
felt in being away from EmperumAn. She saw a running bull which had a bell tied
around its neck and the noise from that bell as the bull ran sounded like loud
thunder in her ears. The sound of the bell made her think of ThiruppullANi
nAthan. Being so besotted with EmperumAn she feels like being devoured by
roaring fires whenever she is reminded of anything about Him. She feels that
the prayers to the kshetram of ThiruppullANi which is filled with lofty
mansions and buildings only energizes the tongues of fire already consuming her
and the cool sea breeze ends up inflaming the fire further and does nothing to
soothe her.

Pasuram 8
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thoompuDaikkai vEzham veruva marupposittha

paambin aNaiyAn aruL thandavA namakku,

pooncerunti poncoriyum pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

thEmbal iLampiRaiyum en thanakku Or venthazhalE. 9.4.8


In the eigth paasuram ParakAla

NAyaki finds the crescent moon to be
another object of torture for her
already long suffering from the
absence of ThiruppullANi nAthan.
She says that strange and mysterious
indeed are the results (phalan) of her
prayers to ThiruppullANi which is
filled with the golden hued flowers of
the Punnai tree! Dejectedly she says
that the blessings given by that
ParandAman, who rests on
AdhiSeshan and who broke the tusks
of KuvalayApeeTam - the royal
elephant of Kamsan - and killed it as
if by sport, has done nothing but ParandAmA! - ThiruppullANi
exacerbate the longings in her and

has made the cool and gentle crescent moon beams to feel like hot coals on her


Adhi Purushan!

(ThiruppullANi Utsavar)

Pasuram 9
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vEdamum vELviyum viNNum iru cuDarum,

aadhiyum aanAn aruL thannthavA namakku,

pOdalarum punnai soozh pullaaNi kaithozhuthEn,

Odamum nAnum uRangAthu irundEnE. 9.4.9

In the ninth paasuram, we see the beauty of the poetry as well as the depth of
emotions felt by AzhwAr. As the nightime lengthens and the crescent moon
shines in the sky, the noisy and restless waves of the ocean keep crashing
against the shore and looking at that scene ParakAla NAyaki feels that the
state of her mind is not dissimilar to the ocean waves, that rise and fall without
any let! She prays to the Adhi Purushan - Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL of
ThiruppullANi - as the Parama Purushan; the Primordial Cause for the creation
of the whole universe.

In the lines "vEdamum vELviyum, viNNum iru cuDarum Adhiyum Aanaan",

ParakAla NAyaki elaborates on the tattvams of Purusha sUktam which says
"tasmAt virADa jAyata| virAjo adhi pUrusha:|". SayanAcAryAr's bhAshyam
(commentaries) on Vedam, talks of how the ParamAtma who is sarva VedAnta
Vedyan, out of his own Will (sankalpa mAyai) extended His Form (Viswarupam)
and became the Cause, Support and Lord of the entire universe and shines
radiantly as the Aadhi Purushan.

yaeiÉry< svR vedaNt ve*a prmaTma s @v SvkIyya mayya deh< äüa{f< ï&òva

tÇ jIvêpe[ àivZy ivraf! äüa{faiÉmanI devaTma jIvaeibÉvt!

Eya pirymf srfv Evtanft Evtfya prmatfma s "v sfvkIyya mayya

Ethmf pfrhfmfma]fdmf sfRxfdfva ttfr jIvYREp] pfrviSfy viradf
pfrhfmfma]fdapima[I Etvatfma jIEvapipvtf

yObhirayam sarva vedAnta vedyA paramAtmA sa eva svakIyayA mAyayA deham

brahmaaNDam SrshTvA tatra jeevarUpeNa praviSya viraaD brahmaaNDa

abhimAnI devAtmA jeevobibhavat

Purusha sUktam elaborates on the story of creation of this universe and its
jeeva rAsis. EmperumAn - Adhi JagannAthan created Catur-Mukha Brahma and
the Four Vedas related to him, the Purusha sUkta yaj~nam was performed by
that Brahma and from that Yajna~Purushan came the Chandran (from the mind
of the Yaj~na Purushan), Sooryan (from the eyes), Vayu (from the prANan),

Sky (from the navel), Svargam (from the Siras - head), Bhoomi (from the feet),
Directions (from the ear) and so on. Every thing in the universe was created by
the Will (Sankalpam) of the Adhi Purushan. The related Purusha sUkta
vaakyams are as follows:

................. yt! pué;e[ hiv;a, deva y}mtNvt,

.................tSmad! y}at! svRhut>, \c> samain ji}re,

DNda‡is ji}re tSmat!, yjuStSmadjayt,

................. yt! pué;< Vydxu>, kitxa VykLpyn!,

muo< ikmSy kaE bahU, kavUê padavuCyete,

.................cNÔma mnsae jat>, c]aesUyaeR Ajayt,

muoaidNÔcaiGní, àa[at! vayurjayt,

na_ya AasIdNtir]m!, zI:[aeR *aE> smvtRt,

pÑ(a< ÉUimidRzSïaeÇat!, twa laeka‡ AkLpyn!.

vedahmet< pué;< mhaNtm!, AaidTyv[¡ tmsStu pare,

svaRi[ êpai[ ivicTy xIr>, namain k«Tva=iÉvdn! ydaSte,.................

"............................yat purusheNa havishA | devA yaj~nam atanvata |

.........................................tasmAd yaj~nAt sarvahuta: | Rca: sAmAni jajnire |

chandAgumsi jaj~nire tasmAt | yajus tasmAd ajAyata

.........................................yat purusham vyadadhu: | katidhA vyakalpayan |
mukham kimasya kau bAhU | kavUrU pAdA ucyete

.....................................candramA manaso jAta: | caksho sUryo ajAyata |

mukhAdindracAgniSca | prANAd vAyurajAyata

nAbhyA Aseedantariksham | SeershNau dhyau: samavartata |

padbhyAm bhoomir diSa: SrotrAt | tathA lokAgumm akalpayan ||

.............................................vedAhametam purusham mahAntam |

AdityavarNam tamasastu pAre |

sarvANi roopANi vicitya dheera: | nAmAni krtvAbhivadan yadAste ||..................."

The Parama Purushan Aadhi JagannAthan who is eulogised by the AzhwAr as

"vEdamum vELviyum viNNum iru cuDarum Aadhiyum AanAn" created all the
rUpams as stated in the Purusha sUkta vaakyam, "sarvANi roopANi vicitya
dheera: | nAmAni krtvAbhivadan yadAste ||" and gave them appropriate names
and maintains them as their YajamAnan and brilliantly shines as the Dheera
Purusha. So AzhwAr says that as ParakAla NAyaki he prayed to that great
Veda Purushan SrI Aadhi JagannAthan of ThiruppullANi and His choice place of
residence, which is the very auspicious ThiruppullANi kshetram. The paasura

vaakyam is "pOdalarum punnai soozh PullANi kai tozhutEn". AzhwAr proceeds
further and says: "The blessings He gave me in return for my prayers are very
strange and beyond comprehension. SrI Aadhi JagannAtha PerumAL promptly
left me to waste away on this sea shore! So "Odamum nAnum
uRangAthirunthEn" - just like the ocean created by Him never stops or sleeps,
due to the ceaseless motions of its waves, EmperumAn has left me here as a
companion to this ocean so that being besotted with Him I am also being tossed
around like these sleepless waves in my passionate thoughts of Him. To add to
this misfortune, He also lengthens the night and slows the time so that it is well
nigh impossible to escape these tortuous emotions!"

Veda Purushan ThiruppullANi Adhi JagannAthan!

The different analogies given by the AzhwAr over the course of the ten

paasurams like; "Odamum naanum uRangadirunthEnE", "PullANi em PerumAn poi
kETTirundEn", "arimalark kaNNeer thathumba" etc to tell us of the grief felt
by him because of his unfulfilled, unrequited love for EmperumAn finds an
immediate echo in the kriti in dharbhAr rAga; "rAmAbirAma ramaNeeya nAma",
by Saint ThyAgarajar. The kriti vakyams are as follows:


rAmAbhirAma ramaNIya nAma samAja ripu bhIma sAkEta dhAma

caraNam 1  

vanaja lOcana nIvu valasi alasiti nI manasuna dayalEdu mallADi phalamEmi

caraNam 2  

manasuna celi nIkE marulu konnadi gAni canuvuna jeyi baTTi samrakshijn~acavu
caraNam 3  

kOri kOri ninnu goluvaga nIku dAri vEREyai nadi dhAta vrAtEmO

caraNam 4  

kamanIyamagu pAnpu gAvinciti nandu ramiyimpaka nannu racca jEsEvu

caraNam 5  

dikku nIvani nEnu dina dinamunu namma yekku takkuvalandu enasedu guNamEmO

caraNam 6  

nIkE dayabuTTi nIvu brOvavalE rAkEndu mukha tyAgarAja rakshaka SrI


"Oh SrI RAmachandra! The possessor of the most enchantingly beautiful name
that is the thAraka manthram! You are the brilliant flame of the Kingdom of
AyodhyA! You are the mahA Purushan who causes the enemies to tremble in
fear! Your eyes are like red lotuses! My mind wilts at Your lack of compassion
for me! What do You benefit from inflicting this pain and suffering on me?"


The brilliant flame of AyOdhyA! - ThiruppullANi SrI RAmar

"My mind is like a woman fallen heedlessly in love with You and she is now
suffering because You show no mercy! Your blessings to this woman who does
nothing but plead with You and offer prayers to You, is quite strange! I do not
know what is her fate! It does not appear as if moved by her pleas You are
going to hasten to her aid! So tell me what plans do You have for this mad
woman who is so enamoured of You! Here she has prepared a beautifully soft
and regal bed ready for You to rest when you come and she eagerly awaits the
day when she will find the safety in Your loving embrace! Instead of offering
her Your helping hand, You seem to be deeply lost in thoughts taking no notice
of her! Please show some dayA and protect me!"

As seen above, Sri Satguru SwamigaL has portrayed his mind as a woman madly

in love with SrI RAman, which is comparative to the assumption of the ParakAla
Nayaki role by Thirumangai AzhwAr. Sri Satguru Swamigal puts forth his
appeal for mercy and compassion to the KalyANa JagannathAn who is the
darbha Sayana RAman of ThiruppullANi.

Pasuram 10
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ponnalarum punnai soozh pullaaNi ammAnai

minnidaiyAr vETkai nOy koora irunthathanai,

kal navilum thiN thOL kaliyan oli vallAr,

mannavarAy maNNaaNdu vAnAdum unnuvarE. 9.4.10

pullaaNi ammAn!


In the tenth and final paasuram Thirumangai Mannan who spent the days and

nights of his life devoted to the puNya karmAs of Bhagavth smaraNam, dyAnam
and keerthanam, tells us about the kinds of Sreyas that will come calling on
those who read the paasurams written on ThiruppullANi nAthan.

AzhwAr says that those who read and understand the deeper meanings of the
ten paasurams that poured out of him as an expression of his unbounded love
and devotion to SrI Aadhi JagannAtha PerumAL, Who resides in the
ThiruppullANi kshetram where the Punnai trees bearing golden hued flowers
grow abundantly, and Who has been eulogized by the AzhwAr as:

• "deivac cilayAr" (Divya cApar)

• "annamAi nool payanthaan" (Hamsa rUpi)

• "moovaDi maN koNDaLantha mannan" (VAmaNa AvatAram)
• "iraNiyanathu Aagam aniyukirAl keeNDavan" (SrI Narasimhan)

• "villAl ilangai malangac caram turanda vallALan" (SrI RAman)

• "pAmbin aNaiyan" (SrI Maha VishNu)

• "vedamum vELviyum viNNum mannum iru cuDarum Aadhiyum

Anavan" (Parama Purushan)

Such fortunate persons will "mannavarAy maNNANdu vAnADum unnuvarE" (i.e)

they will live as kings on this earth and later they will attain Moksham and
become nitya sooris at Parama Padam where EmperumAn resides permanently.

Just like Thirumangai AzhwAr, there are countless ardent devotees from time
immemorial who have worshipped ThiruppullANi EmperumAn SrI Aadhi
JagannAtha PerumAL, Darbha-Sayana RAman, PaTTAbhirAman, SrI PadmAsani
thAyAr and SanthAna GopAlakrishNan. Given below is a ceyyuL (Verse-poem)
from one such bhaktA of ThiruppullANi!


Ardent devotees of Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL

(Prakrutam Srimad Azhagiya Singar at RAmanAthupuram SrI Ramar Koil)

EtE[! k[iEy! etvidfdat

etqf ~rMEt! p<lfla]ikf

EkaE[!;[iyakiLmf `Rqfvayf

KREv ;rviKltfEtaE[

tEnE! kaniyE! teviTTAda

teL AaramudE! PullANik

kOnE! iniyAgilum aruLvai

guruvE iravi kulattOnE

Let us now see the meanings of two choice verses from a work called as
"ThiruppullANi mAlai" written by another devotee who has based his writings on
ThirukkuRaL written by Thiru VaLLuvar and interwoven the kuraL vaakyams in
his ceyyuL. Appropriate to its name "ThiruppullANi mAlai" with its beautiful
word-play and inner meanings is indeed a hAram (mAlai) worn with love by
ThiruppullANi nAthan!

In the first ceyyuL (verse) in our selection, the author writes about BhagavAn's
mahAtmiyam thus:

Evtgfka]v<mf 'dfda[f 'Dtft viqkfkv<mf 'dfda[f

cItgfkqarf mlrfcf eclfvikfK Avtft tiRpfp<lf^lya[f

patgfkqf EcrfnfTyfk vwfcm[tfta[f pFbfebZkfkmf

p<>tgfkqf _nfTmktfEt nKem{mf p<[fAmybfEb

"vedankANavum eTTAn eDuttu viLakkavum eTTAn

seedangaLAr malarc celvikku vaitta tiruppullaiyAn

pAdangaL sErnduyka vancamanattAn paDiRRezhukkam

bUdangaL ayindumakattE naku menum punmaiyaRRE"


Vedam kANavaum eTTAn!
Poornakumbha mariyAdai for ThiruppullANi utsavar

BhagavAn is Aagama mAtra pramANan (i.e) He can only be known through the
Vedas and AagamAs. Countless Upanishads eulogize him as Satya, J~nAna
Aananda SvarUpan and SaraNAgata satyan. Even the VedAs do not know Him
completely "vedankANavum eTTAn" and He is beyond common human experience
and explanations "eDuttu viLLakkavum eTTAn". He attains Eka Seshitvam at
ThiruppullANi with SrI PadmAsani thAyAr and blesses His devotees. SrI
PadmAsini thAyAr is the MandAra mAlai (MandAra garland) that decorates the
head (Siras) of the VedAs as beautifully expressed by Swami Desikan "nigama
vacasAm mauLi mandAra mAlA" in his SrI Stuti slokam. She resides very
happily on the beautiful chest of SrI Aadhi JagannAtha PerumAL. Hence the
"ThiruppullANi mAlai" says "pAdangaL sErnduyka". The ceyyuL further states
through the kuRaL vAkyam (vwfcm[tfta[f pFbfebZkfkmf p<>tgfkqf
_nfTmktfEt nK - vancamanattAn....ayindum akattE naku) woven inside the

ceyyuL that by such a worship the impediments caused by the five senses
(pancha indhriyams - aym pulangaL) will disappear and auspiciousness will

In the next ceyyuL under study, the ThirukkuRaL vAkyam "poruLallavaraip

poruLAkac ceyyum poruLallatillai poruL - epaRqlflvArpf epaRqakcf
ecyfy<mf epaRqlfltilf^l epaRqf" is contained inside the body of the ceyyuL.
The whole verse is as follows:

`Rqaq[a m[pfp<lf^l vnftayf epaRqlflvArpf

epaRqakcf ecyfy<mf epaRqlfltilf^l epaRqf '[labf

tiRvarf epaRdf eclfvmf 'gfk{mfta[f ni[ftiRvRqalf

vRmatlaL[f^[ emyf epaRqak vZtfTvE[
"aruLALanA manappullai vandAi poruLallavaraip

poruLAkac ceyyum poruLallatillai poruL enalAR

tiruvAr poruL celvam enganumtAnn nin tiruvaruLAl

varumAdalAlunnai mey poruLAka vazhuttuvanE"


The ceyyuL says that ThiruppullANi EmperumAn in the mey poruL - Supreme
Truth! His blessing alone is the most important thing in this world and the rest
are just fleeting, transitory pleasures that mean nothing. So the author of
"ThiruppullANi mAlai" says that having understood this, he worships the
ThiruppullANi nAthan with sincere devotion! Quoting the KuRaL vaakyams, the
author says, "The Only One capable of making those that have nothing to
become those that have everything is BhagavAn alone" ("poruLallavaraip
poruLAkac ceyyum poruLallatillai poruL - epaRqlflvArpf epaRqakcf
ecyfy<mf epaRqlfltilf^l epaRqf"). So the author concludes that except for
BhagavAn and His anugraham, everything else in this world is not worth the
pursuit or attainment.


In the previous pages we have learnt about SrI Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL, SrI
PadmAsani thAyAr, SrI Darbha-Sayana RAman, SrI PaTTAbhi RAman and SrI
SanthAna GopAlakrishNan who reside in the SaraNAgati kshetram of
ThiruppullANi. We have also seen the sthala mahAtmiyam and the great acts
performed by EmperumAn in the vibhavAvatAram of SrI RAman at Sethukkarai
and ThiruppullANi. Further we have enjoyed the sweet melodies of
ThyAgarAja kritis, bhAvam filled outpourings of Thirumangai Mannan and the
exquisite poetry of Swami Desikan through the discussion of their compositions
as related to ThiruppullANi kshetram and SrI RAmachandra MUrthy.

Srimad Azhagiya Singar performing mangalaasaasanam at SrI KothaNDarAmar

Temple at Ramanathapuram

adiyEn offers my SaaSTaanga praNAmams to SrI Aadhi JagannAtha PerumAL

and SrI PadmAsani thAyAr for having provided me with this opportunity to

write about this extraordinary kshetram. adiyEn will now conclude this write-
up with a paasuram from a work called as "ThiruppullANi vaNNam" wherein the
author says: "I will worship none but You, I will desire for nothing but You, I
will not be swayed by thoughts of other impermanent treasures and wealth of
this world and will pursue no other goal than You".

p<lfla]i mayvaE[! p<tfEt[ibf mbfEbarf Eprf

vlfla]i '[f ecvikfK maBka]f - ecalflaEt

ni[f^[Ey pavipfEp[f, ni[f^[Ey EpaxipfEp[f

ni[f^[Ey EncipfEp[f

"pullANi mAyavanE! puttEniR maRROr pEr

vallANi en cevikku mARu kANN-sollAdE
ninnaiyE bAvippEn, ninnaiyE pOshippEn

ninnaiyE nEsippEn"

SrI PadmAsani thAyAr sameda SrI Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL ThiruvaDigaLE


Thirumangai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE saranam


Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan


ThiruppullANi Adhi JagannAtha PerumAL


Sundara simham - ahobila mutt




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 SrI Stuti 17 Vegasethu stOtram

2 BhU Stuti 18 Panniru nAmam

3 Godha Stuti 19 RAmAnujar Chronology
4 HayagrIva Stotram 20 Charama Surukku

5 Raghuveera Gadyam 21 AahAra Niyamam

6 ParamArta Stuti 22 Gopala Vimsati

7 Sudarshana Ashtakam 23 Navamani MAlai

8 kAmAsikAshtakam 24 Thirumanthira Churukku

9 AshtabhujAshtakam 25 PAdukA Satakam

PadukA Sahasram

10 Garuda Dandakam 26 Amruta Ranjani

11 Thirucchinna mAlai 27 PradAna Satakam

12 Arutta Panchakam 28 DevarAjAshtakam

13 Dvaya Churukku 29 HayagrIva Panjaram

14 VairAgya Panchakam 30 GeetArtha Sangraham

15 DasAvatAra slOkam 31 Adaikala Patthu

16 DayA satakam 32 Azhagiyaingar Thaniyans

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 Paramatha Bhangam 54 NacchiyAr Thirumozhi

34 Prabhanda SAram 55 Pillayandhadhi

35 Nrusimha PanchAmrutham 56 Chitra DesikIyam

36 Vaishnava Dinasari 57 SaraNAgati Deepika

37 Mey Viratha Manmiyam 58 Paramapada Sopanam

38 Guna Ratna kOsam 59 Sri Bhashyam Vol1

39 Abheeti Stavam 60 Sri Bhashyam Vol2

40 Mummani KOvai 61 Vaikuntha Stavam

41 Sandhya Devathaas 62 Thiruppavai

42 Injimedu Azhagiya Singar 63 Tattva Padhavee

43 43rd Pattam Jeer 64 Agaramanimaala Stotram

44 44th Pattam Jeer 65 Mangalya Stavam

45 Prakrutam Azhagiya Singar 66 HayagrIva SahasranAmam

46 Rig UpAkarma 67 Narasimha AvatAram

47 Yajur UpAkarma 68 Rahasya Navaneetham

48 SAma UpAkarma 69 Rahasya Padavee

49 Stotra Ratnam 70 Thiruppalliyezhuchchi

50 Amruta svAdini 71 SaranAgathi (Tamil)

51 AdhikAra Sangraham 72 Dehaleesa Stuti

52 Thirumanjana Kattiyam 73 Purusha SUktham

53 SrI Stavam 74 Desika Darsanam

eBook # Title eBook # Title

75 Bhagavad dyAna sopanam 95 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram

(Brahmanda Puranam)
76 SubhAshita Neevi 96 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram
(Varaha Puranam)
77 NaimisAranyam 97 Famous Five

78 AparyAptAmrutha sopanam 98 Arithmetic and Almighty

79 A Day in Sri Matam 99 Peerless Preceptor

80 ThiruppallANDu 100 SrI Lakshmi Sahasram

81 Thiruvellur 101 Sri Venkatesha Sahasram

82 ad upanishads 102 PadukA Sahasra Yantrams
Vedams and upanishads

83 Thiruviruththam 103 ThirunedunthanDakam

84 ThiruvAsiriyam 104 ThirukkurunthanDakam

85 Periya thiruvandhadhi 105 ThiruvezhukURRirukkai

86 Thiruvaimozhi 106 Manthra Pushpam

87 Desika Sahasranaamam 107 Virodha ParihAram

88 Satha DUshani 108 Oppiliappan vaibhavam

89 Tattva Muktha kalApam

90 Chillarai Rahasyam

91 Srimad RahasaTrayaSAram

92 Fabulous Four

93 Sudarashana Vaibhavam

94 Sri Venkatesha Sooktis


ahObilavalli - Chenchulakshmi thAyAr - ahobilam




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 DanurmAsa ArAdanam 17 Thiruvellarai

2 SALagrama ArAdanam 18 Achyutha Satakam

3 Mukunda MAlA 19 Sundara kANDam
4 VAsantika parinayam 20 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 1

5 SampradAya parisuddhi 21 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 2

6 ThiruppAvai 22 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 3

7 YatirAja Saptati 23 RanganAtha mahimai Vol 4

8 AthimAnusha Stavam 24 Thiru Vaikunta Vinnagaram

9 Anjali Vaibhavam 25 Thiru ThevanAr Thogai

10 ThiruvellakuLam 26 Thiru Semponsei Koil

11 DevanAyaka Pancasat 27 Thiru Arimeya Vinnagaram

12 NyAsa Dasakam 28 Ramanusar nURRandhAdhi

13 NyAsa Tilakam 29 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol1

14 NyAsa Vimsati 30 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol2

15 PeirazhwAr krishnAnubavam 31 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol3

16 AmalanAthipirAn 32 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol4

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol5 54 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 2

34 VaradarAja Pancasat 55 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 3

35 Vishnu SUktham 56 Apamarjana Stotram

36 ThirutheRRiambalam 57 PerumAL Thirumozhi

37 Varaha Puranam 58 Jitante Stotram - Vol 1

38 Vasudeva PunyahavAcanam 59 Jitante Stotram - Vol 2

39 Samaveda PunyahavAcanam 60 Jitante Stotram - Vol 3

40 Brahmotsavam 61 Jitante Stotram - Vol 4

41 Homa Havis and Yajna 62 Sri Varadaraja stavam

42 Raghava YadavIyam 63 Acharya Panchasat

43 Yadavabhyudayam 64 Bhagavan Gunaratnasatakam

44 Lakshminarayana Hrdayam 65 Garuda Panchasat

45 RAmAshtaka Kritis 66 Rangaraja Stavam Vol 1

46 HanUmath vaibhavam 67 Rangaraja Stavam Vol 2

47 Manasa Aradanam slokam 68 Sundarabahu Stavam Vol1

48 Ekadashi & other vrtams 69 Abhaya Pradana Saaram

49 Mahalakshmi Kritis 70 Tattva Nirnayam Vol1

50 Ahobila Divya Desam 71 Tattva Nirnayam Vol 2

51 VaradarAja panchakam 72 Bhishma Stuti

52 SadAchAryAs 73 SrI SUktham

53 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 1 74 Prapanna Paarijaatam

eBook # Title eBook # Title

75 Nikshepa Rakshai

76 Vedanta Desika Prapatti

77 Trayamidam Sarvam

78 Srinivasa Kalyanam(PPT)

79 Sankalpa Sooryodayam

80 Krishna karnamrutam

81 Desika Prarthanashtakam

82 SrI Lakshmi Tantram (Vol1)

83 Sri Upakara Sangraham Pt.1
84 Sri Upakara Sangraham Pt.1
85 Thiruppullani mahimai

86 Panchayudha Stotram

87 Dvadasa naama Stotram

88 Hamsa Sandesam

89 Dvadasa naama panjaram

90 Swami Desikan & Tiruvaimozhi


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