Tamil and Kannada
Tamil and Kannada
Tamil and Kannada
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
Introduction Reduplication is a pan-Indian linguistic feature in word formation. The process is defined as the process of all or part of the lexical item repeated as a syllable, morpheme or word with in a larger syntactic unit carrying a semantic modification. Lawral J. Brinton, in his Structure of English - An Introduction (1991, p.91) defines it as Reduplication is an initial process similar to derivation in which the initial syllable or the entire word is doubled, exactly or with a slight morphological change. S. Kiyomi explains Reduplication as Given a word with a phonological form X then reduplication refers Xx or xX (where a part of X and x can appear either just before X or inside x. There are two conditions: Xx of xX must be semantically related to x and Xx or xX must be predicative. Abbi (1992) discusses two types of reduplication, viz., Morphological and Lexical reduplication. She further divides the lexical reduplication into three types: Echo-Formation, Compounds and Word-Reduplication. Reduplication may be further classified into three types: Complete, Partial and Discontinuous Reduplication. Reduplication may be defined as the total or partial bimodal reduplication meaning there by repetition of the base of the word or the stem. Either a syllable or a constituent of a word or of the whole may iterate. Whatever may be the unit of repetition the end result is a new word has no parallel in its non reduplicated counterpart. The Focus of This Article Tamil and Kannada belong to the same language group, the Dravidian family. Both languages are treated as sister languages. The present paper highlights the Noun reduplication in Tamil and Kannada. This study of reduplicated structure in Tamil and Kannada reveals the fact that though reduplication is a general morphological feature of the language, some specifications can be drawn from the functional point of view and as a result from the semantic point of view as well. This is an attempt to study the Reduplicated Noun from the point of view of occurrence in the language, its function and semantic interpretation in Kannada and Tamil. These two languages have the following parts of speech: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Conjunction, Postposition and Interjection. The formation of Reduplication occurs in almost all the above said parts of speech. This paper briefly deals with the Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada. Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 49
Noun Reduplication Noun, which is the primary item of the parts of speech, reduplicates and gives different meanings, both in Tamil and Kannada. I. i) Common Nouns Reduplicated and the Meanings Indicated by Them: All the kinship terms of Nouns are reduplicated and give the addressive meaning. E.g. appa in Tamil and appa in Kannada are the kinship terms which mean Father in both the languages. When it reduplicates as appaa... appaa... in Tamil and appaa appaa in Kannada it expresses the meaning addressive. Like this the Proper Names are reduplicated and indicated the meaning addressive. The nouns like paampu which means snake in Tamil (Ta.) and haavu in (Ka.) reduplicates and give the meaning of caution.
E.g. From Tamil paampuu paampuu E.g. From Kannada haavu haavu Oh! Snake Snake Oh! Snake Snake.
Like this, the nouns tiruTan Thief, pooliisu Police, buudham, etc., are reduplicated and give the meaning caution. iii) The Commercial nouns like kattarikkaay in (Ta.) badanekaay in (Ka.) means Brinjal veNDaikkay in (Ta.) benDakaay in (Ka.) means Ladies finger, etc., are reduplicated and draw the attention of the people. E.g. From Tamil Kattirikaa kattirikkaa Brinjal
E.g. From Kannada Badanekaay badanekaay Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada Brinjal 50
Both in Tamil and Kannada the names of the places are reduplicated and give the Emphatic meaning. That is, to point out a particular place oo the bus, importance of that particular place.
E.g. From Tamil Madhuree madhuree E.g. From Kannada BengaLuur BengaLuur v) The place Bangalore The place Madurai
The verbal nouns like veelai in (Ta.) kelsa in (Ka.) means Work kasTam in (Ta.) kasTaa in (Ka.) means Difficulties, etc., are reduplicated and express the meaning of irritation.
E.g. From Tamil Veelai veelai oree veelai Work, work always work. kasTam kasTam eppa paaru kasTam Difficulty, difficulty always difficulty E.g. From Kannada Kelsa kelsa baari kelsa Work, work always work. kasTaa kasTaa baari kasTaa Difficulty, difficulty always difficulty vi) The nouns like vaattu which means Swan/Duck, kazhutai which means Donkey, kuNTu which means Fatty, payttiyam which means Mad Man/Lady, etc are reduplicated and give the ironical meaning. These types of nouns are not reduplicated in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Vaattu vaattu Kazhutai kazhutai Payttiyam payttiyam kuNTu kuNTu Swan oh! Swan Donkey oh! Donkey Mad oh! Mad Fatty oh! Fatty
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
Both Tamil and Kannada, the Interrogative nouns like yaar Who enku Where eppa When enna What etc are repeatedly coming and give the meaning of emotion.
E.g. From Tamil Yaaru yaaru Enkee enkee Eppa eppa Enna enna E.g. From Kannada Yaar yaar Who? Who? Yaavaaga yaavaaga When? When? viii) Both in Tamil and Kannada, the names of the Gods raamaa, kaNNaa, sivaa, etc and the kinship nouns amma, appa are reduplicated and give the meanings of emotion and relieving of burdens. The other kinds of kinship terms are not reduplicated in both the languages. Who? Who? Where? Where? When? When? What? What?
E.g. From Tamil Siva sivaa Raama raamaa Appappaa. Ammammaa E.g. From Kannada Shiva shiva Raama raamaa Appappaa. Ammammaa Oh! God Siva Oh! God Ram I cannot express it I cannot express Oh! God Siva Oh! God Ram I cannot express it I cannot express
Both in Tamil and Kannada, the exclamatory noun ayyoo alas reduplicates and gives the sympathetic meaning.
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
The Common Nouns like kizham in (Ta.) muduka in (Ka.) which means Old People karmam which means fruits of deeds saniyan which means Troublesome person etc., are reduplicated and give the meaning of irritation or expressing the hatefulness.
E.g. From Tamil Kezham kezham Saniyan saniyan Karmam karmam E.g. From Kannada Muduka muduka xi) Old one old one Old one old one Trouble some one Fruits of deeds
Sometimes individuals reduplicate some words of their choice to give the meaning of irritation. That irritation reveals some past time incidents or events and make the hearer to become frightened by uttering the noun repeatedly. This type of construction is not possible in Kannada.
Some kinds of nouns like kanchi Watery food kandal rags, torn cloth followed by the postposition taan are reduplicated in (Ta.) and give idiomatic meaning. This type of construction is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Ini katai kandal kandaltaan Your story (fate) is just like rags now! You are almost finished! Inimee nii kanchi kanchitann Your story (fate) is just like porridge now! You are almost finished!
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
The temporal Nouns like aaNDu/ varusham in (Ta.) varSa in (Ka.) means Year dinam in (Ta.) dinaa in (Ka.) K Day nittam Daily etc., are reduplicated and give the meaning of continuity.
E.g. From Tamil Varushaavarusham aaNDuaaNDui kaalamaa nittam nittam E.g. From Kannada VaruSavaruSa Dina dinaa.. xiv) Each and every year Daily Each and every year Traditionally Daily
Nouns like paNam in (Ta.) rakka in (Ka.), niyaayam in (Ta.) and nyaaya in Kannada are followed by postposition -taan in (Ta.) and -ne in Kannada and are reduplicated to give the meanings emphasis and compulsion.
E.g. From Tamil paNam paNamtaan Money only Money niyaayam niyaayamtann Justice only justice E.g. From Kannada Rakka rakkane Nyaaya nyaayane xv) Money only Money Justice only justice
The nouns that praise and greet like vaazhka vaLarka praising in (Ta.) are reduplicated and give the meaning of excitement. This type of reduplication is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Talaivar vaazhka vaazhka Leader you live more days
By the influence of this reduplication the English words like jolly, happy etc., are reduplicated and reveal the meaning of great happiness, great enjoyment and over excitement. E.g. Hay jolly jolly Idiomatic Meaning in Reduplication Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 54
The following nouns are reduplicated in the sentences and give some idiomatic meaning. i) In Tamil the qualitative nouns like paccai Green reduplicated with the particles -aaka To become and give the idiomatic meaning. This is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avan paccai paccaiyaakap peecinaan ii) He talked vulgarly.
In Tamil the portative nouns (In Tamil it is called as cinaippeyar) like kaadhu Ear, kaN Eye etc., are reduplicated and give the idiomatic meaning. This is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil avaL tirumaNam kaadhum kaadhum vaittaaRpool naTantatu Her marriage was happened very secretly. avaL kuzhandaiyai kaNNukku kaNNaaka vaLarttaaL She brought up the child very carefully. iii) In Tamil the Inanimate Noun vaazhai Banana/ plantain combined with the particles aTi and taan are reduplicated and these give some idiomatic meaning. This type of construction is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avan kuTumbam vaazhaiyaDi vaazhaiyaaka tazhaittatu His family prosperous likes anything. iv) In Tamil the mass noun puyal Storm and the non-human noun ciTTu Sparrow are reduplicated and give some idiomatic meaning. This is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avan puyal puyalaakap puRappaTTaaL She started like a storm. avaL ciTTu ciTTaakap paRantaasL She has done her work very fast, like a sparrow Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 55
The Abstract Noun alai in (Ta.) ale in (Ka.) reduplicated to give some idiomatic meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Karunaanidhiyaip paarkka makkaL kuuTTaam alai alaiyaaka Vandadu. To see Karunanidhi, the people came like waves. E.g. From Kannada Ale aleyante bandaru vi) People came like waves.
In Tami the Noun kuuzh Semi-Liquid food is reduplicated to express some idiomatic meaning. The same thing is expressed by cuur which means piece in Kannada to expresses some idiomatic meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Kuzhandai kaaril aTipaTTu kuuzh kuuzh aakiyadu The child became like semi-liquid in the accident. (The condition of the body of the child was like semi-liquid food. E.g. From Kannada Cuurc cuuraagi nooyitu vii) It became pieces.
In Tamil, the Temporal Noun vidiyal Dawn is reduplicated to expresses the idiomatic meaning. This type of construction is not possible in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avan vidiya vidiyak kaN muzhittup paTittaan He woke-up the whole night and study viii) In Tamil the Material Noun muttu Pearl maNi Bell are in combination with the particle aaka reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning. In Kannada muddu means Fresh is reduplicated and indicates the idiomatic meaning.
E.g. From Tamil kaNNan muttu muttaakak kaNNiir vaDittaan Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 56
KaNNan weeps like anything Kuzhandai maNi maNiyaakap peeciyatu The Child is talking very clearly E.g. From Kannada Mogu muddu muddaagidee ix) Child is so cute
In Tamil the Noun aTukku Portion is in combination with the particle aaka reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning. In Kannada the noun matte means again is reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avan aTukkaTukkaaka poy connaan He tells lies continuously E.g. From Kannada Matte matteheNuu mattaLige janma kaTTaLu Who has the birth of female child continuously x) In Tamil the Noun maNi means bell which in combination with the particle aaka is reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning. This type is not found in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avan kuzhantai maNimaNiyaakap peeciyadu His child speaks very clearly xi) The Interrogative Noun enna in (Ta.) eenu in (Ka.) means reduplicated and they convey the idiomatic meaning. What is
E.g. From Tamil Avan varuvataRkkuL ennaennavoomellaam naTantuviTtatu Before his arrival so many things happened E.g. From Kannada Eeneena kelsa maaDide What all works you did? 57
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
In Tamil the Natural Noun malai Mountain is reduplicated and it expresses the idiomatic meaning. This type is not found in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Avanukku selvam malaimalaiyaak kuvintatu The wealth is coming like anything to him xiii) The Noun vaazh Fame is reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning. This type is not found in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Vaazh vaazhinnnu kattaatee Dont shout like anything xiv) Both in Tamil and Kannada the noun tuNDu piece is reduplicated and it indicates the idiomatic meaning.
E.g. From Tamil tuNDU tuNDaakiRuveen jaakiratai Be careful Ill spoil your life E.g. From Kannada tuNDu tuNDaagi kattarisida He cuts like anything
Adjectival Meaning
The following nouns are reduplicated in the sentence and they give the adjectival meaning and function as an adjective. i) In Tamil the portative nouns kulai/ kottu/ caram / caTai Wreath of a flower are reduplicated in a sentence in combination with the particle aaka To become and indicate the adjectival meaning. In Kannada the noun hosa means Fresh is reduplicated in the sentences in combination with the particle -aagi and indicates the adjectival meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 58
Kulaikulaiyaakap puutta senkaandal puu The red species of Malabar lily blooms as bunches Avan tooTTattil muntiri kottu kottaakak kaayttiruntau In his garden the graphs are in bunches
E.g. From Kannada Hosa hosadaagi ivee ii) They are very fresh
In Tamil the Measurement Noun paTi Measurement is in combination with the particle aaka is reduplicated and indicates the adjectival meaning. In Kannada the Numerical Noun ondu which means One is reduplicated and indicates the adjectival meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avan vaazhkkaiyil paTippaTiyaaka munneRinaan He gradually develops in his life E.g. From Kannada Ondondaagi daTioda iii) He closed one by one
The Demonstrative Noun vidham in (Ta.) vidha in kannada means Kind is in combination with the particle aaka in (Ta.) -aagi in (Ka.) repeatedly coming and giving the adjectival meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avanukku ovvaru paTattileeyum vidhavidhamaana keeracter In each and every film his role is a different one E.g. From Kannada Vidha vidhaagiruvudu In each and every film his role is a different one
The Neuter Noun kuTTi in (Ta.) saNNa in Kannada means Small and kuDam in Tamil koDa in Kannada means Small pot are reduplicated and indicat the adjectival meaning. In the above two the nouns kuDam occurs with the particle -aaka in the sentence. 59
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
E.g. From Tamil Avaiyellam kuTTikkuTTi kataikaL Those are very small stories kaDavulukku kuDamkuDamaakat taNNiir uuRRinaarkaL People are pouring pots of water to God E.g. From Kannada saNNa saNNa kategaLu koDa koDa niiru suridaru Those are very small stories People pour pots of water to God
The Noun taarai in (Ta.) dhaare in Kannada means continuous. It is in combination with the particle -aaka in Tamil -aagi in (Ka.) and give the adjectival meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avav kaNkaliruntu taarai taaraiyaakak kaNNir vantatu He wept like anything E.g. From Kannada Dhaare dhaareyaagi harigitu He wept like anything The Quality Noun vaNNam in (Ta.) baNNa in (Ka.) means Color is reduplicated and it indicates the adjectival meaning.
E.g. From Tamil vaNNa vaNNak kanavukaL E.g. From Kannada baNNa baNNavaagi kanasu gaadivee Colourful dreams IV Adverbial Meaning The following Nouns are reduplicated and they give the adverbial meaning Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 60 Colorful dreams
and function as an adverb. i) The Adverbial Noun veekam in (Ta.) veega in (Ka.) means Speed is in combination with the particle -aaka in (Ta.) -aagi in Kannada in the sentences are reduplicated and indicate the adverbial meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avan veeka veekamaaka ooTinaan He ran very speedily E.g. From Kannada Veega veegavaagi oDida ii) Ran very fast
In Tamil the Abstract Noun aacai Desire, koopam Anger, azhukai Weeping etc., are in combination with the particle aaka in the sentences and are reduplicated. They indicate the adverbial meaning. In Kannada the Abstract Noun siTTu means anger. It is in combination with the particle -aagi in the sentences when reduplicated and they indicate the adverbial meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Aacaiaacaiyaa irukku Koopamkoopamaa varutu Azhukaiazhukaiyaa varutu E.g. From Kannada siTTu siTTaagi noda He gave with anger iii) In Tamil the Temporal Noun talaimuRai Tradition is in combination with the particle aaka in the sentences reduplicated and these express the adverbial meaning. It conveys the continuity of the action. Instead of this Kannada language speakers use talemaarininda bandidee. It is too desirable I got too much angry I felt too weepy
E.g. From Tamil talaimuRaitalaimuRaiyaakap pinpaRRapaTTu varukiRatu It is followed by traditionally from generation to generation Continuously.
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
In Tamil the Noun tuNDu Piece is in combination with the particle aaka in sentences that are reduplicated and these indicate the adverbial meaning. Like this in Kannada the Noun tuNDu means piece. It is in combination with the particle -aagi in sentences and gives the adverbial meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avan pazhattai tuNDu tuNDaaka veTTinaan He cuts the fruit in to pieces E.g. From Kannada tuNDu tuNDaagi kattarisida v) He cuts into pieces
Both in Tamil and Kannada the portative Noun pakkam in (Ta.) pakka in (Ka.) which means Page is in combination with the particle aaka in (Ta.). These are reduplicated in sentences and indicate the adverbial meaning.
E.g. From Tamil Avan pakkam pakkammaka ezhutittaLLinaan He writes so many pages E.g. From Kannada Pakka pakkadalli bareda IV) He wrote so many pages
Regarding the Temporal Noun, when it reduplicates the meaning given by it is from the broad sense to the particular sense and the particular sense to the broad sense in Tamil. The Noun kaalam Time/ Season reduplicates and indicates the meaning of sense from the broad sense to the particular sense. But in Kannada the Temporal Noun kaalam which means Time reduplicates and gives the meaning continuous.
E.g. From Tamil Kaalaakaalattil tirumaNam naTakkanum The marriage should taken place at a particular time E.g. From Kannada Kaala kaaladivda bandide It has come from age Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 62
In Tamil, the Noun vidiyal Dawn reduplicates and indicates the meaning from the particular sense to the broad sense. This type of construction is not found in Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Vidiya vidiyak kalyaaNam The marriage is taken place over the whole night V) Both in Tamil and Kannada, regarding the Numeral Noun, the Countable Noun kooDi Crore, laksham Lakh, kaTTu Bundle are reduplicated and give the uncountable meaning.
E.g. From Tamil kooDikooDiyaap paNam Crores of Money lakshalakshamaa paNam Lakhs of money kaTTukkaTTaap paNam Bundles of money E.g. From Kannada kooTi kooTi janariddaru laksha laksha janariddaru Crores of People are there lakhs of people are there
The Cardinal Numerical Noun oNNu in (Ta.) ondu in (Ka.) which means One is reduplicated and indicate the emphatic meaning. E.g. From Tamil oNNu oNNuaak koTu Give one by one E.g. From Kannada Ondondagi koDi Give one by one
The ordinal Numerical Noun oru in (Ta.) obbu in (Ka.) means one is reduplicated and indicates the meaning of wholeness. E. g, From Tamil Ovvaru maadamum Each and every month Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 63
The Noun mudhal First is reduplicated and expresses the earlier/first occurrence meaning. E.g. From Tamil Mudhanmudhalil idu toTankiyatu japaanil At first it was started in Japan E.g. From Kannada moTTa modalaaki idu piraaramba koTTidu jappaanalli At first it was started in Japan Like the Ordinal Numerals the Personal Pronouns like avan He, avaL She etc., are reduplicated and give the single to whole meaning and the vice versa in Tamil. This type of construction is not reduplicated in avan and avaLin Kannada but it is possible with the honorific and the Plural Noun avar He. E.g. From Tamil Avan avanaa ceyvaan Each and every one will do it E.g. From Kannada Avaravaraagi maaDu ballaru Each and every one will do this VII) In Tamil, regarding the Demonstrative noun anta That, inta This are reduplicated and give the specific meaning. In Kannada the Demonstrative Noun yaavu means What is reduplicated and indicates the meaning of specific.
E.g. From Tamil Entaenta veelaiyai eppaappa ceyyanumoo anta anta veelaiyai appaappa ceyanum At what time what work is going to be done, that time that work will be done in that particular time E.g. From Kannada Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada 64
At what time
VIII) In Tamil, the interrogative nouns are reduplicated and give the plural meaning for the singular one and vice versa. The nouns yaar Who, eppaDi How, and enna What are reduplicated and indicate the plural meaning. The same thing happens in Kannada also. The Interrogative Noun yaar means Who, is reduplicated and it gives the meaning of plurality. E.g. From Tamil Yaar yaaroo vantaanga So many persons were come here E.g. From Kannada Yaar yaar bandiddaaree IX) So many persons were come here
The Abstract Noun and the Quality Nouns like veyiloo veyil So hot tangamoo tangam So much gold paccaiyoo paccai Greenish etc are reduplicated and give the excessive meaning in Tamil. Like this in Kannada the Abstract Nouns like hasi which means wet kempu which means reddish bangaravee bangara which means Good Gold aloode aloodu Too much cry etc., are reduplicated and indicate the excessive meaning. The Nouns which are used for pointing out the colors reduplicated and indicated the emphatic meaning in Tamil and Kannada.
E.g. From Tamil Paccaipaceel enRa tooTTam Greenish Garden E.g. From Kannada Kempu kempaagidee Conclusion i) Both in Tamil and Kannada Nouns are reduplicated and the process indicates the following meanings: addressive, caution, draws the attention of the people, meanings of irritation, emphasis, unbearable, emotional, hatefulness, and idiomatic adjectival and adverbial. It is reddish
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
iii) iv)
Some Nouns are reduplicated in Tamil which indicate idiomatic meanings, which is not possible in Kannada. In several cases, this holds true not only for the idiomatic meanings but also for some other types of meanings. Some Nouns are reduplicated both in Tamil and Kannada but the constructions of these may be different. Eventhough both the languages are belong to the same language group within the same family, they maintaining different structures in reduplication in several contexts.
References 1. Abbi, A. 1992 Reduplication in South Asian Languages An Areal, Typological and Historical Study, New Delhi, Allied publishers. Structure Harmony and Its Diachronic Differentiation. In Subramaniyam, S.V.Irulappan, K.M. (eds.) Heritage of the Tamil Language and Grammar. International Institute of Tamil Studies (I.I.T.S). Madras. A New Approach of Reduplication: A Semantic Study of Noun and Verb Reduplication in Malaya - Polynesian Languages pp.1145 1167, Linguistics, vol. No.33. Structure of English- An Introduction Verb Reduplication in Asamiya IJDL, DLA. Vol.30 No.2 June pp. 217-225. Ikkaalat tamil marapu, Annam, Sivagangai A Grammar of Modern Tamil, PILC, Pondicheery.
2. Annamalai,E.
3. Kiyumi, Selsuko
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada
A. Boologa Rambai Department of Tamil & Translation Studies Dravidian University Kuppam 517 425 Andhra Pradesh, India
Language in India www.languageinindia.com 9 : 10 October 2009 A. Boologa Rambai, Ph.D. Noun Reduplication in Tamil and Kannada