Lecture Model
Lecture Model
Lecture Model
for students of specialty
6В011900 - «Foreign Languages: Two foreign Languages» (3rd course)
on discipline
«Professional-substantial differentiation of IEP (Innovative Educational Program)
on updated content of CS (Comprehensive School)»
Done by:
Alenova Rita, 2 course, group 1.
FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Training of teachers on FL
Almaty, 2020
LANGUAGES” (1 hour)
‘A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops.’
–Henry Adams
The main qualities which each modern teacher of a foreign language should
have can be divided into four groups conditionally: social qualities of the
personality, pedagogical competence, knowledge of discipline and personal
qualities of the teacher.
1. Social:
Regardless of the teacher's profile important for it always is an ability to interact
with pupils and students, thereby effectively directing pedagogical process.
Capability also belongs to similar skills to motivate pupils; find for pupils time
when the help is necessary for them; be complete of enthusiasm to training; have
positive relation to pupils, creating the healthy atmosphere in a class. Many
scientists claim that one of the most important characteristics of the modern
teacher is the ability to construct the correct relationship with pupils thanks to what
training process becomes more effective.
It is also necessary to note that today the teacher should see what feelings causes
training process and where it is necessary in pupils, to prevent them. Availability
of such negative emotions as alarm, fear, uncertainty at pupils naturally, therefore,
the teacher needs to create such atmosphere in a class in which each pupil could
feel it is weakened, surely and had an opportunity to focus both on informative,
and at the emotional level.
2. Professional competency:
Since 90th years of the last century, the term "professional competence" having
become an object of researches of many scientists, including N.V. Kuzmina, A.K.
Markova, T.I. Rudneva, G.N. Staynov, etc., enshrined the positions in the theory of
pedagogics. The professional competence of the teacher is understood as set of the
professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical
Professionally competent it is possible to call the teacher who at rather high level
performs pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, achieves steadily good
results in training and education of pupils. Development of professional
competence is a development of creative identity, forming of susceptibility to
pedagogical innovations, capabilities to adapt in the changing pedagogical
environment. Social and economic and spiritual development of society directly
depends on the professinalny level of the teacher.
The changes happening in a modern education system do by need advanced
training and professionalism of the teacher, i.e. his professional competence. A
main objective of modern education is a compliance to relevant and perspective
needs of the personality, society and state, training of versatility developed identity
of the citizen of the country capable to social adaptation in society, to the
beginning of a labor activity, self-education and self-improvement. And freely
conceiving, predicting results of the activity and the teacher modeling educational
process is a guarantor of achievement of effective objectives. For this reason now
demand for the qualified, creatively conceiving, competitive identity of the teacher
capable to bring up the personality in the modern, dynamically changing world
sharply increased.
3. Knowledge of discipline:
To train all pupils according to today's standards, teachers need to understand
deeply taught subject to help pupils to create mental cards, to correlate one idea to
another and to correct the wrong representations. Teachers need to see how the
ideas are combined with other disciplines and with everyday life. Such type of
understanding forms a basis for pedagogical knowledge of the taught subject that
allows teachers to express the ideas in the way, available to others.
First of all from the teacher profound and comprehensive knowledge of the
subject at the modern scientific level is required. Still A.S. Makarenko noted that
pupils will forgive to the teachers both severity, and dryness, and even fault-
finding, but knowledge of business will not forgive badly. It is impossible to
become a good teacher if you do not know your specialty in perfection: "It is
impossible to give another person that thing, if you have not it in yourself," A.
Disterveg wrote.
4. Personal quality of the future teacher:
The teacher has to possess extensive knowledge in the field of adjacent objects,
as scientific concepts and outlook are formed at the inter-subject communications
trained at a basis reflecting those interferences and interactions which are
characteristic of objects, the phenomena and processes of objectively existing real
The successful teacher is a personality ready to permanent self-improvement
today and also is ready to adapt constantly to the changing trends in the world.
Teacher of the future is a person who will keep the balance among all the
necessary qualities to teacher. He is creative, and uses new methods which are
innovative and modern in teaching foreign language.
The best assistant of teachers is their self-criticism. Every teacher as they teach
students must be logically self-developed and self-realized. After every lesson
teachers should think and observe their provided lesson, analyze it and if
something wrong to apply more and more version of methods until he or she
doesn’t catch the
balance in teaching. So, the possible questions which bear in our mind we can see.
6. Design Thinking.
Education has always been a prolific space for innovation. Teachers all over the
world are constantly coming up with new ideas and methodologies to introduce in
the classroom making the best of the tools at their disposal.
Design Thinking (DT) applied stems from industrial designers and their unique
method to solve problems and satisfy the needs of their clients. Applied to
education, this model makes possible to identify with greater accuracy the
individual problems of each student and generate in their educational experience
the creation and innovation towards the satisfaction of others, which then becomes
7. Thinking-Based Learning.
Beyond the debate around the effectiveness of learning by memorizing facts
and data when discussing education, one of the most talked about aspects is the
need to show students how to work with the information they receive at school.
Teach them to contextualize, analyze, relate, argue… In short, convert information
into knowledge.
This is the goal of Thinking-Based Learning (TBL), developing thinking skills
beyond memorization and, in doing so, developing effective thinking on part of the
8. Competency-Based Learning.
By definition, all learning methodologies have the acquisition of
knowledge, the development of skills and the establishment of work habits as their
main goals. Competency-Based Learning (CBL) represents a set of strategies to
achieve this.
Through assessment tools such as rubrics, teachers can go through the academic
curriculum without significant deviations but focusing it in a different way, putting
into practice real examples and, thus, transmitting to their students a more tangible
dimension of the lessons.
The students will see the brief movie about this method by the link below:
Thesis 1.
We develop a model of formation of cognitive activity of the future English
teachers in student-centered environment of the university, which is represented by
the following units: orientingtargeted, content-functional, technological and
methodological and оutcome-score. Oriented-target block: understanding
student of essence and content of informative activity, its mechanisms and
installation on formation of ability to search of new forms, methods of self-
education and self-education, transition of training to development creative
abilities with a support for independent work; understanding of essence and
content of process of formation of CA as multistage process. Content-functional
block: directions of maintenance, function of pedagogical providing subject
developing orientations, providing methods of maintenance of educational process,
content of training at each professional stage, training methods, complex of forms
and tutorials the content of training of the system, logically built scientific
knowledge both common cultural, and professional character. Technological-
methodological block: implementation of technologies of ownership of the learned
language in its literary technology, ownerships of methods of the philological
analysis, expressive reading; problem business games, collective methods of
training, cooperation, method of projects, problem training, programmable
training, integration, computer technologies, block and modular the training
developing training, the korrektsionnorazvivayushchy training advancing training
"portfolio of achievements of trainees". Outcome-score: assessment, diagnostics
and methods of correction of results; methods of estimation of results are personal,
comparative, standard, different types of estimated actions, assessment of activity
fellow students, self-assessment, reflexive assessment, collective assessment;
criteria, indicators and levels.
Thesis 2.
The model of formation of professional and communicative competence of the
teacher of foreign language is characterized by integrity (all its components are
interconnected and directed to the end result), functionality (serves realization of
the designated functions), pragmatism (acts as means of the organization of the
practical actions directed to achievement of desirable result) and openness (it is
built in a context of the professional focused preparation in higher education
institution and is connected with external sociocultural environment). Despite
relative independence of separate elements, the general structure of the created
model assumes unambiguous interpretation in the sequence of transition from one
component to another for the solution of the tasks directed to achievement of the
designated purpose. The presented model was introduced in process of vocational
training of future teachers of a foreign language in linguistic higher education
institution. Its efficiency was confirmed by results of an experimental part of a
Practical acquisition of foreign languages and also forming and development of
communicative culture of school students is the main objective of training in
foreign languages. The modern teacher is faced by the set of tasks, priority of
which are: creation of conditions in which each pupil could use the knowledge in
practice; to choose such methods of training by means of which each trainee could
show the activity, develop the creative beginning and also stir up cognitive activity
in the course of training in foreign languages.
Thesis 3.
Within the last fifteen years the questions connected with professional
competence and forming of professional competences of specialists of various
profile and, in particular, teachers repeatedly were exposed to studying (K.A.
Abulkhanov-Slavskaya, V.A. Adolphus, Yu.E. Alyoshina, P.M. Asadullin, V.I.
Baydenko, A.A. Derkach, I.A. Zimnyaya, E.F. Zeer, Yu.N. Yemelyanov, E.A.
Klimov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, JI.A. Petrovsky, Yu.V. Senko, E.R.
Sizova, V.A. Slastenin, S.B. Seryakova, V.F. Tenishcheva, M.A. Holodnaya, M.A.
Choshanov, A.I. Scherbakov, N.V". Yakovleva, etc.). It was proved that
competence-based approach assumes the deep system transformations in
educational process of pedagogical higher education institution affecting teaching,
'maintenance, estimation, educational technologies, communications of the higher
education with other levels of professional education. Personal development of the
student is which future teacher becomes the semantic forming factor of design of
education. It demands the new organization, cross-disciplinary integration of
contents and technology of training.
Thesis 4.
There are many studies related to the characteristics which an effective foreign
language teacher should have, the common point stated by them is that an effective
foreign language teacher should have all aspects of a teacher including socio-
affective skills, pedagogical knowledge, subject matter knowledge and personal
qualities. In addition, many different studies’ views about what constitutes a
foreign language teacher mostly matched each other even though the degree of
their agreement on the common characteristics is a bit different. Finally, the
concept of a foreign language teacher of the future consists of a balanced
combination of above mentioned main aspects.
FL teacher of future is a creative designer of the educational chain, he
creates the best way to teach due to his endless fantasy.
FL teacher of future is the best communicator, coach and trainer who
supports the students and makes the appropriate decision in teaching
FL teacher of future is your friend who is strict but fair, spiritual mentor who
draws the best way to teach you.
Thesis 5.
For improvement of a lesson it is also necessary to reveal and to provide
creation of optimal educational and material, moral and psychological conditions
for successful the organizations of teaching and educational work at a lesson. In
these and some other directions of improvement of a lesson finds the expression
the scientific organization of pedagogical work at a lesson, in compliance to which
there is a persistent fight for maximum use of each of 45 minutes of a lesson.
Lesson as main form the organizations of training it is applied in all classes and
types comprehensive schools and in professional schools, differing in some
features based on accounting of age opportunities of pupils and working conditions
in various types of teaching and educational institutions. In initial classes, for
example, where it is necessary to switch rather quickly attention of pupils, at
lessons various types are used study, including game and entertaining character.
On the first step of training lessons of explanatory reading are conducted and so-
called subject lessons at which pupils study natural objects or special manipulative
material which are herbariums, collections, etc. In small schools, where to the
teacher it is necessary to direct at the same time study of two and even three
classes, different types are widely applied at lessons independent works of pupils
(performance of tasks in a look exercises and the solution of tasks from textbooks,
collections of tasks or on to the special cards prepared by the teacher). In high
school the role of lessons of statement of new material by the teacher increases (in
a look story, explanation or lecture) and independent work of pupils (with
textbooks and manuals, in educational offices, workshops and laboratories),
problem lessons, performance are more widely applied group works and individual
tasks of creative character.
1. From which foreign language came the origin of the word “Model”?
a) French, Latin
b) French, English
c) Latin, Greek
d) Greek, English
2. What is the translation of the word “Model”?
a) course, direction, route
b) measure, analog, sample
c) definition, sense, interpretation
d) transcripts, statement, review
3. Which approaches were used in analyzing the model of pedagogical activity
by scientists?
a) contact, visual approaches
b) theoretical, practical approaches
c) monofunctional, multifunctional approaches
d) linguistic, sociallinguistic approaches
4. Which of the following words correspond on sense to the model of the
a) communication, laboratory, researches
b) social activity, organization, meetings
c) teachings, surveys, architecture
d) methods, creativity, professionalism
5. Where did the term “competence” first appeared?
a) In an Article by R.W.White, in 1959
b) in a seminar paper of David McClelland, in 1973
c) in a work of Craig C.Lundberg, in 1970
d) in a concept of T.F.Gilbert, in 1978.
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