Section 7 BOQ Template 23052013 PDF

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Superintending Engineer
Project Implementation Unit R&BD
Ground Floor, Nirman Bhawan
Gandhinagar (Gujarat), India
Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders,
General and Particular Conditions, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.

2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given
to provide a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual
quantities of work ordered and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by
the Engineer and `valued at the rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities, where
applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the Engineer may fix within the
terms of the Contract.

3. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except insofar as it is
otherwise provided under the Contract, include all Constructional Plant, labour,
supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes, and duties,
together with all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set out or implied in the
4. A rate or price shall be entered against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities, whether
quantities are stated or not. The cost of Items against which the Contractor has failed to
enter a rate or price shall be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the
Bill of Quantities.
5. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the
Items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no Items are provided, the cost
shall be deemed to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related Items
of Work.
6. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated nor
summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the contract
documentation shall be made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of
7. Day work included in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole or in part at the
direction and discretion of the Engineer in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.5 and Sub-
Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions.

8. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with
the Technical Specifications (Section 6 of Volume I).

9. Payment of items under Bill No. 9 – “Safety in Road Construction” shall be made only
after taking and maintaining safety measures in accordance with IRC:SP:55:2001
“Guidelines on safety in road construction zones” to the satisfaction of the Engineer on
completion of each designated section on proportionate basis.
Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


Abbreviation For
Rs Indian Rupees
LS or SUM Lump Sum
Nr or No. Number
Lm or m Linear metre
KM or km Kilometre
Hct or ha Hectare
m2 Square metre
m3 or Cum Cubic metre
KG or kg Kilogram
T or MT Tonne or Metric Tonne
HP Horse Power
PS Provisional Sum
IRC Indian Roads Congress
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (4th
MORTH Specification revision) issued by the Ministry of Roads
Transport & Highways, Government of India
BIS Bureau of India Standards
Prov. Provisional
Eqpt. Hrs Equipment hours
P.O.L. Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
Veh. Day Vehicle Day
Cu cm – cucm Cubic Centimetres
Mtr Metre

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


1. The Bill of Quantities contains the following part Bills


Amount in Rs. Amount in Rs. Total Rs.

Bill DETAILS (Sec.1) Umreth- (Sec.2) Ladvel -
Vasad road Kapadvanj road
Bill No. 11 DAY WORKS

Rs. in Word

2 Bidders shall price the Bill of Quantities in Indian currency only.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

BOQ : (SECTION-I) Umreth – Vasad Road Km-0+000 to 19+250 (SH No-83) and Km-0+000 to 9+250 (SH No-188)
Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Supply of master CD / DVD's of important site activities with four copies
1.02 Set 16
complete as per Technical Specifications clause 126
Construction of temporary diversion for passage of traffic, complete as
1.03 per Technical Specifications Section Clause 112.3. Lm 2000
(separate items are given for CD/ bridge work diversions)
Total General Items carried to Grand Summary

Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation,

grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of
2.01 stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and ha 22
stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned complete as per
technical specification clause 201 or as directed by the Engineer.

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls

and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work,
2.02 steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, disposal
of unserviceable as well serviceable material with all leads and lifts
beyond the ROW complete as per technical specification clause 202.

a) Plain cement concrete Cum 20

b) Reinforced cement concrete Cum 20
c) Stone / Brick masonry structures Cum 20
d) Guide/Hand rails / Fencing / kerb / NP3 Pipes / NP4 Pipes Lm 100
e) Kilometre stone Nr 21

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
f) 5 km stone Nr 6
g) Hectometre / Boundary stones Nr 110
h) Utilities Nr 15
i) Bituminous Pavement Cum 20085
j) Non- Bituminous Pavement Cum 58954
Cutting of trees from 300mm and above girth size, the work shall consist
of cutting of all such trees as per the direction of the Engineer and further
as per duly approved plan by the Forest Department. This shall include
duly approved stacking, transport and final handing over to Forest
Department with all leads and lifts. Work to comply strictly in
accordance with Technical Specifications Clause 201.
a) above 300mm to 600mm girth Nr 37
b) above 600mm to 900mm girth Nr 139
c) above 900mm to 1800mm girth Nr 277
d) above 1800m Nr 9
Removal of tree stumps and roots, disposal and filling of pits complete as
per Technical Specifications Clause 201. The work shall follow the
directions of the Engineer and further approval of plan by the Forest
Department, where necessary. This shall include all leads and lifts.
a) above 300mm to 600mm girth Nr 37
b) above 600mm to 900mm girth Nr 139
c) above 900mm to 1800mm girth Nr 277
d) above 1800mm Nr 9

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Total Site Clearance and Dismantling carried to Grand Summary

Roadway excavation necessary for construction of roadway including

cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in
3.01 accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and
transporting to the embankment location within all leads and lifts upto
1000 m complete as per technical specification clause 301 and 305.

b) Ordinary soil / Hard soil Cum 140827

Loosening and re-compacting the original ground/ sub-grade up to the

e) required depths as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cum 5250
Specifications Clause 301 & 305

Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from

borrow area with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading,
3.02 Cum 5745
grading to required slope and compacting complete as per drawings and
technical specification clause 305.

Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site

from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other
3.03 Cum 7268
structures graded and compacted complete as per drawings and technical
specification clause 305.

Construction of subgrade and Earthen shoulder with approved material

obtained from borrow area with all lifts & leads, transporting to site,
3.04 Cum 223011
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted complete as per
drawings and technical specification clause 305.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of subgrade and Earthen Shoulder with approved materials
deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and
3.05 Cum 19225
foundation of other structures graded and compacted complete as per
drawings and technical specification clause 305.

Construction of Median and Island above road level with approved

material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation for drain
3.08 Cum 4602
and foundation of other structures, spread, graded and compacted
complete as per drawings and technical specification clause 407.
Total Earth Works carried to Grand Summary
Constructing Hard shoulder with Naturally obtained Granular sub-base
4.01 (GSB) complete as per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 401 Cum 34163
(Grading I, Table 400-1)

Construction of granular sub-base with crushed stone aggregated only, by

mixing material in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed
4.02 Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on
prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve
the desired density, complete as per technical specification clause 401

a) As per Table 400-1, Close-Graded Grading I Cum 49964

b) As per Table 400-2, Coarse- Graded Grading I Cum 48693

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to
wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with
water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by
4.03 tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base
course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density complete as per drawing and technical
specification clause 406.
Mechanically laid base (Spread by motor grader) including profile
a) Cum 30378
corrective course and access roads if applicable
b) Mechanically laid base (laid by Electronic Sensor Paver) Cum 54123
Total Sub-Base, Base Courses (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders
carried to Grand Summary
Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared
surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying
5.01 Sqm 308574
primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means complete as
per drawings and technical specification clause 502.
Providing surface dressing with aggregate using Bitumen over primed
water bound macadam/ wet mix macadam complete as per Technical
5.02 Specifications Clause 510
b) Second Coat Surface Dressing Sqm 14000
Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen complete as per drawings
and technical specification clause 503.
a) @ 2.0 to 2.5 kg/10m2 on bituminous surface Sqm 568815
@ 2.5 to 3.0 kg/10m2 on granular surface treated with primer/hungry
b) Sqm 310284
bituminous surface.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH

batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder as per the approved mixed design, transporting the hot mix to
5.06 Cum 37885
work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to
the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction complete
as per drawings and technical specification clause 507.

Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100-120 TPH batch type
hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder as per approved mixed design, laying with a hydrostatic paver
5.07 Cum 13119
finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the
desired compaction complete as per drawings and technical specification
clause 509.
Variation of quantity of VG 30 grade bitumen in bituminous courses as
5.09 MT 373
per Technical Specification Clause 507.9 and 509.9
Variation of quantity of rapid emulsion in Tack coat as per Technical
Specification Clause 503.
a) 0.5 kg extra for normal bituminous surface MT 28
b) 0.5 kg extra for Granular Surface MT 16
Variation of quantity of slow emulsion for prime coat as per Technical
5.11 MT 23
Specification clause 502.
Total Base and Surface Courses (Bituminous) carried to Grand

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
6A01 passage of traffic, complete as per drawings and Technical Lm 700
Specifications Clause 112.3,
Excavation of foundation for culverts including preparation of foundation
6A02 bed complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 304 in
the following strata
a) Ordinary soil / Hard soil Cum 906
b) Ordinary rock / Soft rock Cum 323
c) Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited) Cum 65
Providing and laying granular material for pipe bedding of Hume Pipe
culverts and replacement of soft and loose patches in the bearing area of
6A03 Cum 152
the Box structure with layers not exceeding 300 mm as per drawing and
Technical Specifications Clause 2904
Plain cement concrete in levelling course in open foundation, concrete
6A04 pipe bedding and apron complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Section 1500 and 1700
a) M15 grade Cum 96
Structural concrete, for foundation slab, walls, deck slab, wing walls
6A05 (single/Multiple), complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications
section 1500 and 1700
c) M30 grade Cum 253
Plain cement concrete M20 grade in Wing wall complete as per drawing
6A06 Cum 163
and Technical Specifications Section 1500 and 1700

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and laying concrete M-15 in levelling course below approach
6A08 Cum 46
slab as per section 1700 of Technical specifications.
Structural concrete M-30 in approach slab as per section 1700 and 2700
6A09 Cum 92
of Technical specifications
Providing and fixing in position Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) Fe-
6A10 500 grade reinforcement bars as per drawings and Technical
Specification Section 1000 and 1600.
a) Foundation MT 9
b) Substructure MT 4
c) Superstructure MT 7
Providing and fixing filler type expansion joint with 2mm thick copper
plate, 20mm thick compressible fibre board, 20mm thick premoulded
6A13 Lm 58
joint filler in expansion joint and filling joint sealant compound complete
as per drawings and Technical specification section 2600.
Back filling behind abutments, wing walls and return walls with selected
6A14 granular material of approved quality complete as per drawing and Cum 55
Technical Specifications Clause 305
Filter material behind abutment, wing walls and return walls complete as
6A15 Cum 131
per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 305
Providing. laying and jointing RCC. NP-4 Hume Pipes for culverts or
6A16 equivalent pipes under IS:458-1988, approved by the Engineer
complete as per Technical Specifications section 2900
b) Diameter 900mm Lm 90
d) Diameter 1200mm Lm 101

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Plain cement concrete grade M-20 in Headwall of Access Road Culverts
6A17 complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 1500 and Cum 273
Painting of culvert reference number complete as per Technical
6A18 Sqm 16
Specifications section 800 or as directed by the Engineer.
Providing 25 mm thick mastic asphalt over the top of the deck after
applying prime coat underneath wearing course complete as per
6A20 Sqm 518
Technical Specifications Clause 2702, 503 and 515 (Cost of Prime Coat
Providing 40 mm thick Bituminous concrete in one layer in wearing
6A21 course complete as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cum 23
Specifications Clause 2702/509 (Cost of Tack Coat Included)
Filter media beneath the pitching/revetment on slopes for protection of
6A23 embankment as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause 2504 Cum 34
and as directed by the Engineer
Pitching/revetment on slopes with Cement Concrete blocks in M15 grade
6A24 conforming to Section 1700 complete as per drawings Technical Cum 68
Specifications 2504 and as directed by the Engineer.
Providing weep holes in brick masonry / plain / reinforced concrete
abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. with 100mm dia A.C. pipe,
6A25 extending through the full width of structure with slope of IV:20H Nr 86
towards draining face including porous concrete blocks complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications clause 2706.
750 thick flexible stone apron as per Clause No. 2503.1 of Technical
6A27 Cum 236
Specification and as directed by the Engineer
Curtain wall of M15 grade Plain Cement Concrete complete as per
6A28 drawings and Technical Specifications section 1500 & 1700 or as Cum 76
directed by the Engineer

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction and fixing of PCC Pillar with M15 grade of concrete of size
400 x 400 x 1000 mm for inscribing Structure Number as per drawing
6A29 Nr 29
and Technical Specification section 1500, 1700 or as directed by the
Providing cement concrete crash barrier in M-40 grade including safety
6A30 kerb, reinforcement and G.I. pipe complete as per drawing and Technical Lm 19
Specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200 & clause 809.
Total Culverts carried to Grand Summary
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
6B01 passage of traffic, complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Lm 100
Clause 112.3, including temporary cross drainage
Earthwork in excavation of foundations for structures including all leads
6B03 and lifts complete as per drawings and Technical specifications clause
a) In all types of soil Cum 508
b) In soft/ordinary rock Cum 181
c) In hard rock (Blasting Prohibited) Cum 36
Plain cement concrete garde M15 in foundation and fill around
6B04 foundation to protect from erosion complete as per drawing and Cum 102
Technical Specifications Section 1500 and 1700
Providing & laying Plain cement concrete levelling course in foundation
and fill around foundation to protect from erosion including form work
but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1700 and 2100.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
b) M-20 grade Cum 92
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in foundations
6B06 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete as
per drawing and Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1700 and 2100.
b) M-30 grade Cum 141
Supplying, placing and fixing TMT Fe 500 bar reinforcement complete
as per drg. and Technical specifications section 1600.
a) For Foundation MT 12
b) For sub-structure MT 12
c) For super-structure MT 5
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in sub-structure
6B19 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete as
per drg. and Technical specifications sections 1500, 1700 & 2200.
c) M-30 grade Cum 148
Supply & fixing of bearings complete as per drg. and Technical
specifications section 2000.
a) Tar paper bearing Sqm 23
Providing & fixing of expansion joints complete as per drg. and
Technical specifications section 2600
Providing and fixing filler type expansion joint with 2mm thick copper
plate, 20mm thick compressible fiber board, 20mm thick premoulded
a) Lm 65
joint filler in expansion joint and filling joint sealant compound complete
as per drawings and Technical specification section 2600.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Super Structure
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in super-structure
6B23 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete as
per drg. and Technical specifications sections 1500, 1700 & 2300.
a) Solid slab
ii) M-30 grade Cum 67
Providing 25 mm thick mastic asphalt over the top of the deck after
applying prime coat underneath wearing course complete as per
6B26 Sqm 451
Technical Specifications Clause 2702, 503 and 515 (Cost of Prime Coat
Providing 40 mm thick Bituminous concrete in one layer in wearing
6B27 course complete as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cum 23
Specifications Clause 2702/509 (Cost of Tack Coat Included)
Providing cement concrete crash barrier in M-40 grade including safety
6B29 kerb, reinforcement and G.I. pipe complete as per drawing & Technical Lm 56
Specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200 & clause 809.
Misc. Items
Providing weep holes in brick masonry / plain / reinforced concrete
abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. with 100mm dia A.C. pipe,
6B30 extending through the full width of structure with slope of IV:20H Nr 56
towards draining face including porous concrete blocks complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications clause 2706.
Providing & fixing drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and
6B31 Nr 6
Technical Specifications Clause 2705.
Back filling behind abutment with selected granular material of approved
6B32 Cum 108
quality as per Technical Specifications Clause 305

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Filter media behind abutments, wing walls, & return walls, including all
6B33 material, labour, equipment carriage etc. all complete as per drawing and Cum 76
Technical Specification Clauses 305, 309 & 2504.
Providing & laying reinforced cement concrete M-30 grade in approach
slab including form work and reinforcement complete as per drg. and
6B35 Cum 48
Technical specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700 & 2100 and clause
Painting of Bridge No. and span arrangement as per drg., IRC:7-1971
6B40 Nr 2
and Technical specifications section 800.
Plain cement concrete M-15 grade for curtain wall including centering
6B46 and shuttering complete as per drawing and technical specification Cum 76
section 1500, 1700,.
Flexible Stone boulder apron 750 mm thick complete as per drawing and
6B47 Cum 141
Technical Specifications, Clause 2507.
Total Bridges carried to Grand Summary
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
6C01 passage of traffic, complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Lm 230
Section Clause 112.3, including temporary cross drainage
Dismantle of various items of structures complete as per Technical
specification clause 202 or as directed by the Engineer.
a) Reinforced Cement Concrete Cum 1218
d) Existing Wearing coat sqm 823
e) Stoen/Brick masonary Cum 188
g) NP4 Pipe Lm 103

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Replacement of drainage spout wherever broken including necessary
6C17 gratings and drainage assembly complete as per drawing and Technical Nr 24
Specification clause 2705 as directed by the Engineer

Cleaning and removal of vegetation growth from structures channel and

6C19 protective works complete as per Techincal specification clause 202 or as Sqm 2473
directed by the Engineer.
Replacement of RCC railing including reinforcement as per Technical
Specifications Section 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200, 2815 and Clause 2703.
a) Railing in M30 grade Lm 71
Repair of Railings of Existing Bridges by Cement Mortar1:3 Plastering
6C33 Sqm 6
all complete per Technical Specifications section 1300.

Providing & laying Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3

6C38 coarse sand) in floor protection, foundation, sub-structure complete as Cum 1
per drg. and Technical Specification Section 1300.

Providing & laying random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar 1:3
6C39 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) works complete as per drg. and Technical Cum 2
Specifications Section 1400.
Repair of spalling and patches by PMC mortar 50 to 70mm thick at soffit
6C44 of slab as per clause 2804 of specification and additional specification A- Sqm 15
3 and as directed by the Engineer
Repair of Honey combing at RCC or PSC girder bottom as directed by
6C45 Cum 20
the Engineer and as per Additional specification clause A-5
Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 complete as per
6C57 drawing and Technical Specifications Section 1000 and 1300 and as Sqm 405
directed by the Engineer

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Cement pointing with cement mortar 1:3 on brick/stone work complete
6C58 Sqm 590
as per drawings and Technical Specifications section 1000 and 1300
Removal of accumulated debris in Pipe Culverts complete as per
6C59 Lm 140
Technical Specification clause 202.
Total Repair & Rehabilitation carried to Grand Summary
Earthwork in excavation in all types of soil including rock complete as
7.01 Cum 1242
per Technical Specification Clauses 304 & 309.

Plain Cement concrete M-15 grade in levelling course in drain including

7.02 centering and shuttering all complete as per drawing and Technical Cum 53
Specification Sections 309, 1500 & 1700.
Construction of open unlined drains as per proper slope and dimension as
7.03 Lm 49842
shown in drawing and technical specification clause 309.
Construction of covered lined drains of concrete grade M 20 including
7.06 cover slab and reinforcement as per proper slope and dimension as Lm 4858
shown in drawing and technical specification clause 309.

Construction of chute drain in cement concrete M-15 with M-15

7.07 foundation concrete including construction of bell mouth at entry as per Lm 2426
drawings and Technical Specification Sections 309, 1500 and 1700.

Construction of energy dissipation basin in M-15 as per drawing and

7.08 Nr 909
Technical Specification Sections 309, 1500 & 1700.
Providing. laying and jointing RCC. NP-4 hume pipes under IS:458-
7.10 1988, Hume Pipes to discharge storm water from catch basins as per
drawings and complete as per Technical Specifications section 2900
a) 450 mm diameter Lm 150

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
b) 900 mm diameter Lm 426

Providing and laying granular material for pipe bedding of Hume Pipe
culverts and replacement of soft and loose patches in the bearing area of
7.11 Cum 296
the Box structure with layers not exceeding 300 mm as per drawing and
Technical Specifications Clause 2904
Plain cement concrete grade M-20 in Headwall of Access Road Culverts
7.12 complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 1500 and Cum 477
Providing and laying interlocking paver blocks of high density 65 mm
thick M-25 grade in pedestrian pathway and in Island of major
intersections areas as shown in the drawing, close jointed over bed of
50mm thick river sand to a tight pattern, laid to proper line and level
7.13 including bedding down the completed surface with a plate vibrator or by sqm 2160
firmly topping level with mallet and a large flat piece of timber, finishing
by brushing clean dry sand over the surface to fill all the joints
thoroughly and as per Additional Technical Specification A 15 or as
directed by the Engineer.

Providing and laying Grade M15 Concrete perforated erosion protection

scour blocks laid on the slopes and bed of the river including the rebar,
7.15 cum 169
trimming of earth to required lines and levels, including capping with
concrete on the tops of slopes as per drawings and Specifications

Providing and laying plain cement concrete in medians and in sidewalks,

7.16 foundations complete as per respective drawings, Technical
Specifications section 1500 and 1700 and as directed by the Engineer
Construction of median kerb and island kerb Type B grade M20
b) Lm 11283
(including base preparation, foundation and haunch concrete)

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Pitching/revetment on slopes with Cement Concrete blocks in M15 grade
7.18 conforming to Section 1700 complete as per drawings, technical Cum 5935
Specifications 2504 and as directed by the Engineer

Filter media beneath the pitching/revetment on slopes for protection of

7.21 embankment as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause 2504
and as directed by the Engineer

b) Granular Material Cum 8798

Providing and fixing of man hole including excavation, concrete, C.I.
Cover, C.I. Steps complete as per drawing and Techinical Specifications
7.23 Nr 7
sections 300, 1500, 1600, 1700 and manufacture specification approved
by the Engineer.
Total Drainage and Protection Work rates carried to Grand
Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3
mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground
level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm
spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level,
8.01 Lm 10024
all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings
to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the
vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm
long complete as per clause 810

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and

informatory sign made of 1.5mm thick Aluminium Sheet/3mm
Aluminium Composite Material , face to be fully covered with Class B
Type-IV High Intensity Micro Prismatic Grade Sheeting as defined in
IRC: 67-2010 having approved massages e.g. letter,
numerals,symbols/legend/arrow etc. in Regional and/or Hindi and /or
English as per drawing and TechicalSpecifications for Road and Bridge
8.02 works (Fourth Revision). The sign plate will be fixed with minimum 6
mm dia aluminium rivets back supported on a mild steel angle iron
frame 35x35x5 mm and one vertical Mild Steel post of NB65 Dia Pipe
(height from crown level of the road and bottom of the sign board shall
not be less than 2.10 m.) firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly
designed foundation with M -15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x
60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing including
painting of vertical post as per specification.

a) Informatory Signs
Facility information 800 mm x 600 mm complete as per drawings and
i) Nr 82
Technical Specifications Clause 801
Advance direction sign complete as per drawings and Technical Sq
ii) 306
Specifications Clause 801 m
iii Route marker sign 450mm x 600 mm complete as per drawings and
Nr 119
) Technical Specifications Clause 801
iv Direction sign less than 0.9 sqm of area complete as per drawings and Sq
) Techinical Specification clause 801. m
b) Cautionary Signs
Triangular 900 mm side complete as per drawings and Technical
i) Nr 356
Specifications Clause 801

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Hazard marker 180 x 1200 mm complete as per drawings and Technical
ii) Nr 11
Specifications Clause 801
iii Hazard marker 300 x 900 mm complete as per drawings and Technical
Nr 11
) Specifications Clause 801
iv 900mm circular sign complete as per drawings and Technical
Nr 6
) Specification clause 801
c) Mandatory Signs
Triangular 900 mm side (for "GIVE WAY" sign) complete as per
i) Nr 25
drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 801
Stop sign - Octagon of size 900 mm complete as per drawings and
ii) Nr 111
Technical Specifications Clause 801
iii Speed limit compulsory keep left 600 mm dia meter complete as per
Nr 34
) drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 801
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm
thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area,
thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per
IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks
and holes complete as per drawings and technical specification clause
a) Lane/centerline/edge marking or any other marking Sqm 12088
b) Directional arrows, lettering etc
i) Straight (nr) RM13 Nr 482
ii) Left/right (nr) RM14 & 15 Nr 365
Comb (nr) RM 16& 17 Nr 81
iv Lettering Nr 36

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

v) Chevron Marking Sqm 491

Diagonal Marking Sqm 27
Pedestrian Crossing Sqm 1698
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone of standard
design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and
printing etc complete as per drawings and technical specification clause
a) Hectometer Stone Nr 128
b) Kilometer Stone Nr 24
c) 5th kilometer stone Nr 7
Supplying and fixing of boundary stones of M15 grade concrete
8.05 Nr 230
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 806
Providing and fixing retro-reflectorised road delineators complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Clause 805.
a) Cluster of Red Reflectors. Nr 57
b) Road way delineators. Nr 938
Supply and install single guide rails (crash barriers) as approved by the
8.08 Lm 2480
Engineer as per drawings and Additional Specifications A-12

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and fixing Raised Pavement Marker (Cats Eye, Road Stud),
made of high strength engineering Plastic Body having at least 13 tons
load bearing capacity of pnumatic tyre. Size or marker 9 cms x 10 cms x
1.6 cm having shape so that no water penetration or dust accumulation
takes place on reflective surface, fitted with electronically welded tough
polycarbonate micro prismatic reflective panels having 16 sq.cms surface
8.09 area of each side having long distance visibility at night and in wet Nr 6135
weather condition. The body of the marker having finger grip for easy
and accurate placement fitted with two number polymer shanks to anchor
the marker with the road for avoiding dislocation of the marker where the
road is bleeding or made with softer grade of bitumen and application
with adhesive on Bituminous road complete as per Additional Technical
Specification Clause A-16

Solar Powered Traffic Blinkers LED based 300 mm/200 mm dia signal
head with In built blinker unit haivng battery & battery charger unit with
8.10 Nr 37
photo electric switch complete as per technical specification clause 112
and as directed by the Engineer.

Construction of bus shelters for commuters including all building and

8.11 furnishing works, etc. complete as per drawings and additional Technical Nr 14
Specifications A-17 or as directed by the Engineer.

Providing and fixing of liter bins complete as per Manufacturer drawing

8.13 Nr 12
and specification and approved by the Engineer.
Plantation of shrubs in central median including planting with manure,
8.20 gardening and maintenance complete as per Technical Specifications Nr 25
Clause 308.
Providing and Construction of Rain water Harvesting complete as per
8.25 drawings and Technical Specification section 300, 1300, 1500, 1700 or Nr 54
as directed by the Engineer.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and construction of Raised Pedesterian Crossing across the
road of 150 mm height and width of 2.5 m with M25 grade concrete
considering side slope in 1:10. 100mm dia steel bollard to be fixed on
8.26 sqm 703
sides. The surface to be painted with brick red colour complete as per
drawings and Additional Technical Specification clause A15 or as
directed by the Engineer.
Providing and laying Tactile Block of yellow colour conforming to IS
13801:1993 (Reaffirmed 1998) of size 250 x 250 x 65 mm on pedestrian
pathway as shown in drawing and directed by Eng in charge. The tile
8.27 sqm 315
should be subjected to a pressure of not less than 14N/sqmm. Sample
must be approved complete as per Additional Technical Specification
Providing and Construction of speed hump across the road of 100mm
height with width of 3.7m and raidus of 17m complete as per drawings Lin.
8.28 33
and Additional Technical Specification clause A15 or as directed by the m
Providing and Construction of raised Rumble strip complete as per
8.29 drawings and technical specifications section 500 and 800 or as directed 5294
by the Engineer.

Providing and fixing Aluminum backed flexible prismatic sheeting ,

consisting of yellow/black colored flexible prismatic sheet with non-
mettalic prismatic lens as retro reflective elements and confirming to
ASTM D4946 Type VI specifications for reboundable retro reflective
sheeting. The prismatic sheet shall be laminated at the back with
8.30 sqm 16
50micron aluminum Foil sensitive adhesive and liner with screen printed
arrow/slant pattern in yellow/black color. The AFP shall be applied with
adhesive , the edge of the sheeting shall be sealed all around with epoxy
based structural adhesive and shall be extremely resistant to pill-off
complete as per manufacturer drawings approved by the Engineer.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and applying Geru paint of approved brand on Trees withing
8.31 ROW complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 800 Nr. 667
or as directed by the Engineer
Providing and Constructing Welcome Sign at Start and End of Project
8.32 corridor complete as drawings and Technical Specification 300, 800, Nr. 2
1500, 1600 and 1700 or as directed by the Engineer.
8.33 Street Lighting in urban areas
Solar Street Light

Supplying and erecting MNES certified SOLAR STREET LIGHT fitting

made from M.S. Body powder coated / painted with corrosion resistant
paint with gasket & transparent cover with following CFL non retro lamp
with choke, holder & accessories. Fitting shall be mounted on 75/80 mm
a) B class G.I. pipe pole up to 5.5 mtr load complete erected with C.C.
Foundation duly painted with two coats of red oxide and corrosive
resistant paint. Complete with tubular battery, inverter, charge controller
with photo sensor switch & necessary wiring complete erected connected
& commissioned in approved manner.

b) 2 x 11 W CFL (Single luminaire with 2 CFL) PV Module:120 W

Ea. 68
Battery Capacity 12V, 100 AH
c) 2 x 11 W CFL (Double Luminaire with One CFL each), PV Module :
Ea. 120
120W Battery Capacity : 12V, 100 AH
Supplying & erecting Solar Home light system with structure as per
MNES specification consisting of following non retrofit CFL fitting
b) complete with following CFL lamps & battery capacity dully connected
with built in inverter & commissioned as per directed with necessary
wiring & fittings.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
(b) Two No CFL 11 watt non retrofit ceiling / wall mounting features
Ea. 188
with battery capacity 12 watt, 40 AH
Total Traffic Signage and Road Appurtenances carried to Grand

Supplying and fixing sign boards including the cost of posts, fixtures, foundation,
fitting and fixing. Sheeting will be made of encapsulated lens type of Retro-
reflective type and messages/ borders will be screen printed complete as per
Technical Specification clause 801 and as directed by Engineer.

a) Speed Limit sign (600mm dia) Nr 10

b) Overtaking Prohibited (900 mm dia) Nr 10
c) Diversion Board (450mm x 600mm) Nr 30
d) Men at Work Sign (900mm triangular) Nr 20
e) Direction Sign (Right / Left) (600 mm Circular) Nr 10
Providing of red fluorescent with white reflective sleeve traffic cone made of low
density polyethylene(LDPE) material with a square base of
390x390x35mm and a height of 770mm, 4Kg in weight, placed at 1.5m interval,
9.02 Nr 1480
all as per BS 873 including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead,
lift, transporting etc complete Technical Specification section & IRC SP 55-
Installation of a steel portable barricade with horizontal rail 300mm wide,2.5m in
length fitted on a frame made with 45X45X5 mm angle iron section, 1.5m in
height, horizontal rail painted(2coat) with yellow and white strips,150mm in width
9.03 at angle of 45degree, A frame painted with 2 coats of yellow paint, complete as Nr 1480
per IRC:SP:55-2001 including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading,
lead, lift, transporting etc complete as per drawings or as directed by the

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
9.04 Solar Street Light

Supplying and erecting MNES certified SOLAR STREET LIGHT fitting made from
M.S. Body powder coated / painted with corrosion resistant paint with gasket &
transparent cover with following CFL non retro lamp with choke, holder &
accessories. Fitting shall be mounted on 75/80 mm B class G.I. pipe pole up to
5.5 mtr load complete erected with C.C. Foundation duly painted with two coats
of red oxide and corrosive resistant paint. Complete with tubular battery, inverter,
charge controller with photo sensor switch & necessary wiring complete erected
connected & commissioned in approved manner.

a) 1 x 11 w CFL PV Module : 74 W Battery Capacity : 12V, 75 AH Ea. 40

Supplying & erecting Solar Home light system with structure as per MNES
specification consisting of following non retrofit CFL fitting complete with following
CFL lamps & battery capacity dully connected with built in inverter &
commissioned as per directed with necessary wiring & fittings.

(a) One No CFL 11 watt non retrofit ceiling / wall mounting features with battery
Ea. 40
capacity 12 watt, 20 AH

Construction of a permanent type barricade made of steel components, 1.5 m

high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal rails 200 mm wide and 4 m long on
9.05 Nr. 6
50 x 50 x 5 mm angle iron vertical support, painted with yellow and white strips,
150 mm in width at an angle of450, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001

Total of Safety in Road Construction Zone carried to Grand Summary

Implementation of Environmental Management Plan to be executed
under Civil Works Contract

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

Periodic air quality monitoring during construction stage at construction

camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants (if specifically
established for Project), at major settlement areas along project road. The
10.03 parameters to be monitored are SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx and CO,
Lead. Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of 24 hours (in
8 hour shifts) for three seasons per year. (as per the Environmental
monitoring plan refered in the EMP)

a) Construction Phase Nr 30
b) Operation Phase Nr 12
Water quality monitoring during construction phase at locations . The
sampling shall be carried out for three seasons per year and cover all
parameters as per IS10500 including heavy metals . (as per the
Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP).
a) Construction Phase Nr 24

Noise quality monitoring at specified silent receptors along Project Road,

at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants(if
specifically established for Project), and at major settlement areas along
10.05 project road. – Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of
12hours (6Am to 6PM) for three seasons per year. (as per the
Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP)The monitoring shall
be carried out in accordance with CPCB norms at locations given .

a) Construction Phase Nr 30
b) Operation Phase Nr 12

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Soil quality monitoring at construction camp sites, work shop areas,
oil/lubricant handling areas, bitumen hot mix plants, at all parking lay
byes, vehicle servicing stations along Project Road. Parameters shall
include N, P, oil and grease, heavy metals, C/N ratio, pH, organic matter
to be monitored for three seasons per year.(as per the Environmental
monitoring plan refered in the EMP)
a) Construction Phase Nr 6
10.09 Enhancement of Cultural Properties (bill no 10.18)
a) Public Well @ 0+500 Nr 1
b) Graveyard @ 14+800 Nr 1
c) Methiolik Church @ 15+100 Nr 1
10.12 HIV/ AIDS Prevention measures
a) IEC materials - printing, publishing Nr 24
b) Healthcare clinic Nr 8
c) Condom vending machines Nr 3
d) condom supplies Nr 24
e) Testing Nr 500
f) Signages and hoardings Nr 15
Total Implementation of Environmental Management Plan to be
executed under Civil Works Contract carried to Grand Summary
Providing labour at site supplied with all necessary hand tools inclusive detai
11.01 of all costs, overheads and profit margin complete as directed by the ls in 1
Engineer Sche

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing equipment at site with operators, P.O.L. etc. complete in good detai
11.02 working condition including all types of maintenance during contract ls in 1
period Sche
Providing material at site inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit
11.03 ls in 1
margin complete as directed by the Engineer
Total Day work rates carried to Grand Summary
Maintenance of project road for first year of maintenance period after per
12.01 28
Defect Liability Period as directed by the Engineers km
Maintenances of project road for 2nd year of maintenance period after per
12.02 28
Defect Liability Period as directed by the Engineers km
Total for maintenance cost

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Supply of CD / DVD's of important site activities with four copies
1.02 Set 7
complete as per Technical Specifications clause 126
Construction of temporary diversion for passage of traffic, complete as
1.03 per Technical Specifications Section Clause 112.3. Lm 1000
(separate items are given for CD/ bridge work diversions)
Total General Items carried to Grand Summary
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation,
grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal
of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials
2.01 ha 21
and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned complete
as per technical specification clause 201 or as directed by the
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, disposal of unserviceable as well serviceable material with
all leads and lifts beyond the ROW complete as per technical
specification clause 202.
a) Plain cement concrete Cum 10
b) Reinforced cement concrete Cum 10
c) Stone / Brick masonry structures Cum 10
d) Guide/Hand rails / Fencing / kerb / NP3 Pipes / NP4 Pipes Lm 50

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
e) Kilometre stone Nr 10
f) 5 km stone Nr 3
g) Hectometre / Boundary stones Nr 52
h) Utilities Nr 10
i) Bituminous Pavement Cum 13633
j) Non- Bituminous Pavement Cum 27267
Cutting of trees from 300mm and above girth size, the work shall
consist of cutting of all such trees as per the direction of the Engineer
and further as per duly approved plan by the Forest Department. This
shall include duly approved stacking, transport and final handing over
to Forest Department with all leads and lifts. Work to comply strictly
in accordance with Technical Specifications Clause 201.
a) above 300mm to 600mm girth Nr 25
b) above 600mm to 900mm girth Nr 94
c) above 900mm to 1800mm girth Nr 187
d) above 1800m Nr 6
Removal of tree stumps and roots, disposal and filling of pits complete
as per Technical Specifications Clause 201. The work shall follow the
directions of the Engineer and further approval of plan by the Forest
Department, where necessary. This shall include all leads and lifts.
a) above 300mm to 600mm girth Nr 25
b) above 600mm to 900mm girth Nr 94
c) above 900mm to 1800mm girth Nr 187

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
d) above 1800mm Nr 6
Total Site Clearance and Dismantling carried to Grand Summary

Roadway excavation necessary for construction of roadway including

cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in
3.01 accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and
transporting to the embankment location within all leads and lifts upto
1000 m complete as per technical specification clause 301 and 305.

b) Ordinary soil / Hard soil Cum 137356

Loosening and re-compacting the original ground/ sub-grade up to the
e) required depths as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cum 1750
Specifications Clause 301 & 305
Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from
borrow area with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading,
3.02 Cum 7823
grading to required slope and compacting complete as per drawings
and technical specification clause 305.
Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site
from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of
3.03 Cum 13659
other structures graded and compacted complete as per drawings and
technical specification clause 305.
Construction of subgrade and Earthen shoulder with approved material
obtained from borrow area with all lifts & leads, transporting to site,
3.04 Cum 89080
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted complete as per
drawings and technical specification clause 305.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of subgrade and Earthen Shoulder with approved
materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from
3.05 Cum 13518
drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted
complete as per drawings and technical specification clause 305.
Construction of Median and Island above road level with approved
material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation for
3.08 drain and foundation of other structures, spread, graded and Cum 384
compacted complete as per drawings and technical specification
clause 407.
Total Earth Works carried to Grand Summary
Constructing Hard shoulder with Naturally obtained Granular sub-base
4.01 (GSB) complete as per drawings and Technical Specification Clause Cu.m. 14043
401 (Grading I, Table 400-1)

Construction of granular sub-base (crushed stone) by mixing material

in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work
4.02 site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the
desired density, complete as per technical specification clause 401

a) As per Table 400-1, Close-Graded Grading I Cum 18326

b) As per Table 400-2, Coarse- Graded Grading I Cum 24263

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate
to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material
with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed
4.03 Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-
base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per drawing
and technical specification clause 406.
Mechanically laid base (Spread by motor grader) including profile
a) Cum 13344
corrective course and access roads if applicable
b) Mechanically laid base (laid by Electronic Sensor Paver) Cum 21730
Total Sub-Base, Base Courses (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders
carried to Grand Summary
Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on
prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface
5.01 and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical Sqm 135467
means complete as per drawings and technical specification clause
Providing surface dressing with aggregate using Bitumen over primed
water bound macadam/ wet mix macadam complete as per Technical
5.02 Specifications Clause 510
b) Second Coat Surface Dressing Sqm 8000
Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen complete as per
drawings and technical specification clause 503.
a) @ 2.0 to 2.5 kg/10m2 on bituminous surface Sqm 147657
@ 2.5 to 3.0 kg/10m2 on granular surface treated with primer/hungry
b) Sqm 135895
bituminous surface.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder as per the approved mixed design, transporting the
5.06 hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with Cum 9254
sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction complete as per drawings and technical specification
clause 507.
Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100-120 TPH batch
type hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder as per approved mixed design, laying with a
5.07 Cum 5419
hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction complete as per
drawings and technical specification clause 509.
Variation of quantity of VG 30 grade bitumen in bituminous courses
5.08 MT 117
as per Technical Specification Clause 507.9 and 509.9
Variation of quantity of rapid emulsion in Tack coat as per Technical
Specification Clause 503.
a) 0.5 kg extra for normal bituminous surface MT 7
b) 0.5 kg extra for Granular Surface MT 7
Variation of quantity of slow emulsion for prime coat as per Technical
5.10 MT 14
Specification clause 502.
Total Base and Surface Courses (Bituminous) carried to Grand

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
6A01 passage of traffic, complete as per drawings and Technical Lm 200
Specifications Clause 112.3,
Excavation of foundation for culverts including preparation of
6A02 foundation bed complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
Clause 304 in the following strata
a) Ordinary soil / Hard soil Cum 1186
b) Ordinary rock / Soft rock Cum 424
c) Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited) Cum 85
Providing and laying granular material for pipe bedding of Hume Pipe
culverts and replacement of soft and loose patches in the bearing area
6A03 Cum 38
of the Box structure with layers not exceeding 300 mm as per drawing
and Technical Specifications Clause 2904
Plain cement concrete in levelling course in open foundation, concrete
6A04 pipe bedding and apron complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Section 1500 and 1700
a) M15 grade Cum 117
Structural concrete, for foundation slab, walls, deck slab, wing walls
6A05 (single/Multiple), complete as per drawings and Technical
Specifications section 1500 and 1700
c) M30 grade Cum 335
Plain cement concrete M20 grade in Wing wall complete as per
6A06 Cum 252
drawing and Technical Specifications Section 1500 and 1700
Providing and laying concrete M-15 in levelling course below
6A08 Cum 66
approach slab as per section 1700 of Technical specifications.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Structural concrete M-30 in approach slab as per section 1700 and
6A09 Cum 132
2700 of Technical specifications
Providing and fixing in position Thermo mechanically treated (TMT)
6A10 Fe-500 grade reinforcement bars as per drawings and Technical
Specification Section 1000 and 1600.
a) Foundation MT 13
b) Substructure MT 9
c) Superstructure MT 5
Providing and fixing filler type expansion joint with 2mm thick copper
plate, 20mm thick compressible fiber board, 20mm thick premoulded
6A13 Lm 261
joint filler in expansion joint and filling joint sealant compound
complete as per drawings and Technical specification section 2600.
Back filling behind abutments, wing walls and return walls with
6A14 selected granular material of approved quality complete as per Cum 144
drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 305
Filter material behind abutment, wing walls and return walls complete
6A15 Cum 183
as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 305
Providing. laying and jointing RCC. NP-4 Hume Pipes for culverts or
6A16 equivalent pipes under IS:458-1988, approved by the Engineer
complete as per Technical Specifications section 2900
d) Diameter 1200mm Lm 43
Plain cement concrete grade M-20 in Headwall of Access Road
6A17 Culverts complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause Cum 89
1500 and 1700

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Painting of culvert reference number complete as per Technical
6A18 Sqm 7
Specifications section 800 or as directed by the Engineer.
Providing 25 mm thick mastic asphalt over the top of the deck after
applying prime coat underneath wearing course complete as per
6A20 Sqm 694
Technical Specifications Clause 2702, 503 and 515 (Cost of Prime
Coat Included)
Providing 40 mm thick asphaltic concrete in one layer in wearing
6A21 course complete as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cu m 35
Specifications Clause 2702/509 (Cost of Tack Coat Included)
Filter media beneath the pitching/revetment on slopes for protection of
6A23 embankment as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause cum 12
2504 and as directed by the Engineer
Pitching/revetment on slopes with Cement Concrete blocks in M15
6A24 grade conforming to Section 1700 complete as per drawings Technical Cum 25
Specifications 2504 and as directed by the Engineer.

Providing weep holes in brick masonry / plain / reinforced concrete

abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. with 100mm dia A.C. pipe,
6A25 extending through the full width of structure with slope of IV:20H Nr 136
towards draining face including porous concrete blocks complete as
per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 2706.
750 thick flexible stone apron as per Clause No. 2503.1 of Technical
6A27 Cum 389
Specification and as directed by the Engineer
Curtain wall of M15 grade Plain Cement Concrete complete as per
6A28 drawings and Technical Specifications section 1500 & 1700 or as Cum 193
directed by the Engineer

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction and fixing of PCC Pillar with M15 grade of concrete of
size 400 x 400 x 1000 mm for inscribing Structure Number as per
6A29 Nr 10
drawing and Technical Specification section 1500, 1700 or as directed
by the Engineer
Providing cement concrete crash barrier in M-40 grade including
safety kerb, reinforcement and G.I. pipe complete as per drawing and
6A30 Lm 39
Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200 & clause
Total Culverts carried to Grand Summary
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
6B01 passage of traffic, complete as per drawing and Technical Lm 100
Specifications Clause 112.3, including temporary cross drainage
Earthwork in excavation of foundations for structures including all
6B03 leads and lifts complete as per drawings and Technical specifications
clause 304.
a) In all types of soil Cum 418
b) In soft/ordinary rock Cum 149
c) In hard rock (Blasting Prohibited) Cum 30
Plain cement concrete garde M15 in foundation and fill around
6B04 foundation to protect from erosion complete as per drawing and Cum 71
Technical Specifications Section 1500 and 1700
Providing & laying Plain cement concrete levelling course in
foundation and fill around foundation to protect from erosion
6B05 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete
as per drawing and Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1700 and

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
b) M-20 grade Cum 92
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in foundations
including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete
as per drawing and Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1700 and
b) M-30 grade Cum 82
Supplying, placing and fixing TMT Fe 500 bar reinforcement
complete as per drg. and Technical specifications section 1600.
a) For Foundation MT 7
b) For sub-structure MT 5
c) For super-structure MT 2
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in sub-structure
6B19 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete
as per drg. and Technical specifications sections 1500, 1700 & 2200.
c) M-30 grade Cum 60
Providing & fixing of expansion joints complete as per drg. and
Technical specifications section 2600
Providing and fixing filler type expansion joint with 2mm thick copper
plate, 20mm thick compressible fiber board, 20mm thick premoulded
a) Lm 48
joint filler in expansion joint and filling joint sealant compound
complete as per drawings and Technical specification section 2600.
Super Structure

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing & laying Reinforced Cement Concrete in super-structure
6B23 including form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement complete
as per drg. and Technical specifications sections 1500, 1700 & 2300.
a) Solid slab
ii) M-30 grade Cum 22
Providing 25 mm thick mastic asphalt over the top of the deck after
applying prime coat underneath wearing course complete as per
6B26 Sqm 194
Technical Specifications Clause 2702, 503 and 515 (Cost of Prime
Coat Included)
Providing 40 mm thick asphaltic concrete in one layer in wearing
6B27 course complete as directed by the Engineer and as per Technical Cum 10
Specifications Clause 2702/509 (Cost of Tack Coat Included)
Providing cement concrete crash barrier in M-40 grade including
safety kerb, reinforcement and G.I. pipe complete as per drawing &
6B29 Lm 9
Technical Specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200 & clause
Misc. Items
Providing weep holes in brick masonry / plain / reinforced concrete
abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. with 100mm dia A.C. pipe,
6B30 extending through the full width of structure with slope of IV:20H Nr 48
towards draining face including porous concrete blocks complete as
per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 2706.
Providing & fixing drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and
6B31 Nr 2
Technical Specifications Clause 2705.
Back filling behind abutment with selected granular material of
6B32 Cum 61
approved quality as per Technical Specifications Clause 305

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Filter media behind abutments, wing walls, & return walls, including
6B33 all material, labour, equipment carriage etc. all complete as per Cum 43
drawing and Technical Specification Clauses 305, 309 & 2504.
Providing & laying reinforced cement concrete M-30 grade in
approach slab including form work and reinforcement complete as per
6B35 Cum 23
drg. and Technical specifications sections 1500, 1600, 1700 & 2100
and clause 2704.
Painting of Bridge No. and span arrangement as per drg., IRC:7-1971
6B40 Nr 2
and Technical specifications section 800.
Plain cement concrete M-15 grade for curtain wall including centering
6B46 and shuttering complete as per drawing and technical specification Cum 76
section 1500, 1700,.
Flexible Stone boulder apron 750 mm thick complete as per drawing
6B47 Cum 141
and Technical Specifications, Clause 2507.
Total Bridges carried to Grand Summary
Construction of temporary diversion, including across waterway, for
passage of traffic, complete as per drawings and Technical
6C01 Lm 200
Specifications Section Clause 112.3, including temporary cross
Dismantle of various items of structures complete as per Technical
specification clause 202 or as directed by the Engineer.
a) Reinforced Cement Concrete Cum 1181
d) Existing Wearing coat sqm 585
e) Stoen/Brick masonary Cum 46
g) NP4 Pipe Lm 83
h) Spalling of Concrete Sqm 30

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Replacement of drainage spout wherever broken including necessary
6C17 gratings and drainage assembly complete as per drawing and Nr 4
Technical Specification clause 2705 as directed by the Engineer
Cleaning and removal of vegetation growth from structures channel
6C19 and protective works complete as per Techincal specification clause Sqm 1658
202 or as directed by the Engineer.
Replacement of RCC railing including reinforcement as per Technical
Specifications Section 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200, 2815 and Clause 2703.
a) Railing in M30 grade Lm 48
Providing & laying Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
6C38 coarse sand) in floor protection, foundation, sub-structure complete as Cum 1
per drg. and Technical Specification Section 1300.
Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar applied with
compressor after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy complete
6C51 Sqm 30
as per Technical Specification clause 2807. [Assumed thickness
Cement plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 complete as per
6C57 drawing and Technical Specifications Section 1000 and 1300 and as Sqm 59
directed by the Engineer
Total Repair & Rehabilitation carried to Grand Summary
Earthwork in excavation in all types of soil including rock complete as
7.01 Cum 363
per Technical Specification Clauses 304 & 309.
Plain Cement concrete M-15 grade in levelling course in drain
7.02 including centering and shuttering all complete as per drawing and Cum 15
Technical Specification Sections 309, 1500 & 1700.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of open unlined drains as per proper slope and dimension
7.03 Lm 24684
as shown in drawing and technical specification clause 309.
Construction of chute drain in cement concrete M-15 with M-15
foundation concrete including construction of bell mouth at entry as
7.07 Lm 143
per drawings and Technical Specification Sections 309, 1500 and
Construction of energy dissipation basin in M-15 as per drawing and
7.08 Nr 17
Technical Specification Sections 309, 1500 & 1700.
Providing. laying and jointing RCC. NP-4 hume pipes under IS:458-
7.10 1988, Hume Pipes to discharge storm water from catch basins as per
drawings and complete as per Technical Specifications section 2900
a) 450 mm diameter Lm 120
b) 900 mm diameter Lm 133
Providing and laying granular material for pipe bedding of Hume Pipe
culverts and replacement of soft and loose patches in the bearing area
7.11 Cum 90
of the Box structure with layers not exceeding 300 mm as per drawing
and Technical Specifications Clause 2904
Plain cement concrete grade M-20 in Headwall of Access Road
7.12 Culverts complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause Cum 136
1500 and 1700
Providing and laying interlocking paver blocks of high density 65 mm
thick M-25 grade in pedestrian pathway and in Island of major
intersections areas as shown in the drawing, close jointed over bed of
50mm thick river sand to a tight pattern, laid to proper line and level
7.13 including bedding down the completed surface with a plate vibrator or sqm 420
by firmly topping level with mallet and a large flat piece of timber,
finishing by brushing clean dry sand over the surface to fill all the
joints thoroughly and as per Additional Technical Specification A 15
or as directed by the Engineer.

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and laying Grade M15 Concrete perforated erosion
protection scour blocks laid on the slopes and bed of the river
7.15 including the rebar, trimming of earth to required lines and levels, cum 48
including capping with concrete on the tops of slopes as per drawings
and Specifications
Providing and laying plain cement concrete in medians and in
7.16 sidewalks, foundations complete as per respective drawings, Technical
Specifications section 1500 and 1700 and as directed by the Engineer
Construction of median kerb and island kerb Type B grade M20
b) Lm 700
(including base preparation, foundation and haunch concrete)
Pitching/revetment on slopes with Cement Concrete blocks in M15
7.18 grade conforming to Section 1700 complete as per drawings, technical Cum 269
Specifications 2504 and as directed by the Engineer
Filter media beneath the pitching/revetment on slopes for protection of
7.21 embankment as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause
2504 and as directed by the Engineer
b) Granular Material Cum 374
Providing and fixing of man hole including excavation, concrete, C.I.
Cover, C.I. Steps complete as per drawing and Techinical
7.23 Nr 2
Specifications sections 300, 1500, 1600, 1700 and manufacture
specification approved by the Engineer.
Total Drainage and Protection Work rates carried to Grand

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of
3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above
road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x
75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below
8.01 Lm 2400
ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot
dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal
beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel
section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810
Supplying and fixing Retro-reflectorised sign boards complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications - Clause 801
a) Informatory Signs
Facility information 800 mm x 600 mm complete as per drawings and
i) Nr 16
Technical Specifications Clause 801
Advance direction sign complete as per drawings and Technical
ii) Sq m 144
Specifications Clause 801
Route marker sign 450mm x 600 mm complete as per drawings and
iii) Nr 33
Technical Specifications Clause 801
Direction sign less than 0.9 sqm of area complete as per drawings and
iv) Sq m 1
Techinical Specification clause 801.
b) Cautionary Signs
Triangular 900 mm side complete as per drawings and Technical
i) Nr 56
Specifications Clause 801
Hazard marker 180 x 1200 mm complete as per drawings and
ii) Nr 3
Technical Specifications Clause 801
Hazard marker 300 x 900 mm complete as per drawings and Technical
iii) Nr 4
Specifications Clause 801

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
c) Mandatory Signs
Triangular 900 mm side (for "GIVE WAY" sign) complete as per
i) Nr 12
drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 801
Stop sign - Octagon of size 900 mm complete as per drawings and
ii) Nr 40
Technical Specifications Clause 801
Speed limit compulsory keep left 600 mm dia meter complete as per
iii) Nr 4
drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 801
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm
thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area,
thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per
IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from
streaks and holes complete as per drawings and technical specification
clause 803.
a) Lane/centerline/edge marking or any other marking Sqm 4767
b) Directional arrows, lettering etc
i) Straight (nr) RM13 Nr 32
ii) Left/right (nr) RM14 & 15 Nr 30
iii) Comb (nr) RM 16& 17 Nr 155
iv) Lettering Nr 9
v) Chevron Marking Sqm 123
vi) Diagonal Marking Sqm 27
vii) Pedestrian Crossing Sqm 456

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone of standard
design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and
printing etc complete as per drawings and technical specification
clause 804.
a) Hectometer Stone Nr 52
b) Kilometer Stone Nr 10
c) 5th kilometer stone Nr 3
Supplying and fixing of boundary stones of M15 grade concrete
8.05 Nr 65
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 806
Providing and fixing retro-reflectorised road delineators complete as
per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 805.
b) Road way delineators. Nr 243
Supply and install single guide rails (crash barriers) as approved by the
8.08 Lm 640
Engineer as per drawings and Additional Specifications A-12
Providing and fixing Raised Pavement Marker (Cats Eye, Road Stud),
made of high strength engineering Plastic Body having at least 13 tons
load bearing capacity of pnumatic tyre. Size or marker 9 cms x 10 cms
x 1.6 cm having shape so that no water penetration or dust
accumulation takes place on reflective surface, fitted with
electronically welded tough polycarbonate micro prismatic reflective
panels having 16 sq.cms surface area of each side having long distance
8.09 Nr 1808
visibility at night and in wet weather condition. The body of the
marker having finger grip for easy and accurate placement fitted with
two number polymer shanks to anchor the marker with the road for
avoiding dislocation of the marker where the road is bleeding or made
with softer grade of bitumen and application with adhesive on
Bituminous road complete as per Additional Technical Specification
Clause A-16

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Solar Powered Traffic Blinkers LED based 300 mm/200 mm dia
signal head with In built blinker unit haivng battery & battery charger
8.10 Nr 8
unit with photo electric switch complete as per technical specification
clause 112 and as directed by the Engineer.
Construction of bus shelters for commuters including all building and
8.11 furnishing works, etc. complete as per drawings and additional Nr 3
Technical Specifications A-17 or as directed by the Engineer.
Providing and fixing of liter bins complete as per Manufacturer
8.13 Nr 3
drawing and specification and approved by the Engineer.
Plantation of trees as per MOEF guidelines in one/two rows depending
upon space available on either side of road within ROW (including
8.21 Nr 19
planting with manure, gardening and maintenance) complete as per
Technical Specifications Clause 308.
Providing and Construction of Rain water Harvesting complete as per
8.25 drawings and Technical Specification section 300, 1300, 1500, 1700 Nr 26
or as directed by the Engineer.
Providing and construction of Raised Pedesterian Crossing across the
road of 150 mm height and width of 2.5 m with M25 grade concrete
considering side slope in 1:10. 100mm dia steel bollard to be fixed on
8.26 sqm 132
sides. The surface to be painted with brick red colour complete as per
drawings and Additional Technical Specification clause A15 or as
directed by the Engineer.
Providing and laying Tactile Block of yellow colour conforming to IS
13801:1993 (Reaffirmed 1998) of size 250 x 250 x 65 mm on
pedestrian pathway as shown in drawing and directed by Eng in
8.27 sqm 66
charge. The tile should be subjected to a pressure of not less than
14N/sqmm. Sample must be approved complete as per Additional
Technical Specification A15

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

Providing and Construction of speed hump across the road of 100mm

height with width of 3.7m and raidus of 17m complete as per drawings
8.28 Lin.m 30
and Additional Technical Specification clause A15 or as directed by
the Engineer.

Providing and Construction of raised Rumble strip complete as per

8.29 drawings and technical specifications section 500 and 800 or as Lin.m 1800
directed by the Engineer.

Providing and fixing Aluminum backed flexible prismatic sheeting ,

consisting of yellow/black colored flexible prismatic sheet with non-
mettalic prismatic lens as retro reflective elements and confirming to
ASTM D4946 Type VI specifications for reboundable retro reflective
sheeting. The prismatic sheet shall be laminated at the back with
8.30 50micron aluminum Foil sensitive adhesive and liner with screen sqm 9
printed arrow/slant pattern in yellow/black color. The AFP shall be
applied with adhesive , the edge of the sheeting shall be sealed all
around with epoxy based structural adhesive and shall be extremely
resistant to pill-off complete as per manufacturer drawings approved
by the Engineer.

Providing and applying Geru paint of approved brand on Trees

8.31 withing ROW complete as per drawings and Technical Specification Nr 140
section 800 or as directed by the Engineer
8.32 Street Lighting in urban areas
xxix) Solar Street Light

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Supplying and erecting MNES certified SOLAR STREET LIGHT
fitting made from M.S. Body powder coated / painted with corrosion
resistant paint with gasket & transparent cover with following CFL
non retro lamp with choke, holder & accessories. Fitting shall be
mounted on 75/80 mm B class G.I. pipe pole up to 5.5 mtr load
complete erected with C.C. Foundation duly painted with two coats of
red oxide and corrosive resistant paint. Complete with tubular battery,
inverter, charge controller with photo sensor switch & necessary
wiring complete erected connected & commissioned in approved
b) 2 x 11 W CFL (Single luminaire with 2 CFL) PV Module:120 W
Ea. 2
Battery Capacity 12V, 100 AH
c) 2 x 11 W CFL (Double Luminaire with One CFL each), PV Module
Ea. 60
: 120W Battery Capacity : 12V, 100 AH
Supplying & erecting Solar Home light system with structure as per
MNES specification consisting of following non retrofit CFL fitting
b) complete with following CFL lamps & battery capacity dully
connected with built in inverter & commissioned as per directed with
necessary wiring & fittings.
(b) Two No CFL 11 watt non retrofit ceiling / wall mounting features
Ea. 62
with battery capacity 12 watt, 40 AH
Total Traffic Signage and Road Appurtenances carried to
Grand Summary

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Supplying and fixing sign boards including the cost of posts, fixtures,
foundation, fitting and fixing. Sheeting will be made of encapsulated
9.01 lens type of Retro-reflective type and messages/ borders will be screen
printed complete as per Technical Specification clause 801 and as
directed by Engineer.
a) Speed Limit sign (600mm dia) Nr 4
b) Overtaking Prohibited (900 mm dia) Nr 4
c) Diversion Board (450mm x 600mm) Nr 12
d) Men at Work Sign (900mm triangular) Nr 8
e) Direction Sign (Right / Left) (600 mm Circular) Nr 4
Providing of red fluorescent with white reflective sleeve traffic cone
made of low density polyethylene(LDPE) material with a
square base of 390x390x35mm and a height of 770mm, 4Kg in
9.02 Nr 592
weight, placed at 1.5m interval, all as per BS 873 including cost of all
materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead, lift, transporting etc
complete Technical Specification section & IRC SP 55-2001.

Installation of a steel portable barricade with horizontal rail 300mm

wide,2.5m in length fitted on a frame made with 45X45X5 mm angle
iron section, 1.5m in height, horizontal rail painted(2coat) with yellow
and white strips,150mm in width at angle of 45degree, A frame
9.03 Nr 592
painted with 2 coats of yellow paint, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001
including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead, lift,
transporting etc complete as per drawings or as directed by the

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Construction of a permanent type barricade made of steel components,
1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal rails 200 mm wide
9.04 and 4 m long on 50 x 50 x 5 mm angle iron vertical support, painted Nr 6
with yellow and white strips, 150 mm in width at an angle of450,
complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001
9.08 Solar Street Light
Supplying and erecting MNES certified SOLAR STREET LIGHT
fitting made from M.S. Body powder coated / painted with corrosion
resistant paint with gasket & transparent cover with following CFL
non retro lamp with choke, holder & accessories. Fitting shall be
mounted on 75/80 mm B class G.I. pipe pole up to 5.5 mtr load
complete erected with C.C. Foundation duly painted with two coats of
red oxide and corrosive resistant paint. Complete with tubular battery,
inverter, charge controller with photo sensor switch & necessary
wiring complete erected connected & commissioned in approved
a) 1 x 11 w CFL PV Module : 74 W Battery Capacity : 12V, 75 AH Ea. 16
Supplying & erecting Solar Home light system with structure as per
MNES specification consisting of following non retrofit CFL fitting
b) complete with following CFL lamps & battery capacity dully
connected with built in inverter & commissioned as per directed with
necessary wiring & fittings.
(a) One No CFL 11 watt non retrofit ceiling / wall mounting features
Ea. 16
with battery capacity 12 watt, 20 AH
Total of Safety in Road Construction Zone carried to Grand
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan to be
executed under Civil Works Contract

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words

Periodic air quality monitoring during construction stage at

construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants (if
specifically established for Project), at major settlement areas along
10.03 project road. The parameters to be monitored are SPM, RPM, SO2,
NOx and CO, Lead. Each monitoring schedule shall be over a
duration of 24 hours (in 8 hour shifts) for three seasons per year. (as
per the Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP)

a) Construction Phase Nr 6
b) Operation Phase Nr 6
Water quality monitoring during construction phase at locations . The
sampling shall be carried out for three seasons per year and cover all
parameters as per IS10500 including heavy metals . (as per the
Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP).
a) Construction Phase Nr 18
Noise quality monitoring at specified silent receptors along Project
Road, at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher
plants(if specifically established for Project), and at major settlement
areas along project road. – Each monitoring schedule shall be over a
duration of 12hours (6Am to 6PM) for three seasons per year. (as per
the Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP)The
monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with CPCB norms at
locations given .
a) Construction Phase Nr 6
b) Operation Phase Nr 6

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Soil quality monitoring at construction camp sites, work shop areas,
oil/lubricant handling areas, bitumen hot mix plants, at all parking lay
byes, vehicle servicing stations along Project Road. Parameters shall
include N, P, oil and grease, heavy metals, C/N ratio, pH, organic
matter to be monitored for three seasons per year.(as per the
Environmental monitoring plan refered in the EMP)
a) Construction Phase Nr 4
10.12 Enhancement of Cultural Properties (bill no 10.18)
a) Shiv Temple @ 31+000 Nr. 1
Total Implementation of Environmental Management Plan to be
executed under Civil Works Contract carried to Grand
As per
Providing labour at site supplied with all necessary hand tools
details in
11.01 inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit margin complete as 1
directed by the Engineer
As per
Providing equipment at site with operators, P.O.L. etc. complete in
details in
11.02 good working condition including all types of maintenance during 1
contract period
As per
Providing material at site inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit details in
11.03 1
margin complete as directed by the Engineer Schedule
Total Day work rates carried to Grand Summary

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

Unit Rate
Item No. DESCRIPTION Unit Quantity Amount
Figures Words
Maintenance of project road for first year of maintenance period after
12.01 per km 13.00
Defect Liability Period as directed by the Engineers
Maintenances of project road for 2nd year of maintenance period after
12.02 per km 13.00
Defect Liability Period as directed by the Engineers

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


0+000 TO 9+200



Sr.No. Item
11.1 Schedule “A” of Day works, Labour

Schedule “B” of Day works,

Schedule “C” of Day works,
Construction Plant
Total Day work rates carried to
Grand Summary

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


0+000 TO 9+200


11.1 – LABOUR

Nominal RateRs. Amount

Description Unit
No. Quantity Figures Words Rs.
1 Mazdoor Day 30
2 Mason Day 15
3 Carpenter Day 6
4 Fabricator/Blacksmith/Welder Day 6
5 Operator for Tractor Day 6
6 Electrician Day 3
7 Operator for Dozer Day 3
8 Operator for Roller Day 3
9 Driver LMV Day 90
10 Driver HMV Day 3
11 Operator for Excavator/Crane Day 3
12 Computer Operator Day 480
13 Watchman Day 480
Sub total
Allow 25 % Contractor’s
Overhead and Profits etc.
Total For Day works: Labour

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


0+000 TO 9+200



Sr. Nominal Rate Rs
Description Unit Rs.
Quantity Figure Words

1 Bitumen VG 30 grade (bulk ) T 1 1

2 Cement T 3 2
3 M 15 Concrete Cu.m 7 3
4 M 20 Concrete Cu.m 7 4
5 M 25 Concrete Cu.m 3 5
6 TMT Bars T 3 6
7 Sand Cu.m 7 7
8 Aggregate 40 mm down size Cu.m 7 8
9 Aggregate 20 mm down size Cu.m 7 9
10 Aggregate 10 mm down size Cu.m 7 10
Hume pipe (NP 4)1000 mm dia
11 Lm 30 11
2.5 m Long
12 Boulders Cu.m 90 12
13 Selected Earth Cu.m 230 13
Sub total
Allow 25% Contracotor's
Overhead and Profits etc.
Total For Day works: Materials

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


0+000 TO 9+200



Nominal RateRs. Amount

Description Unit
No. Quantity Figure Words Rs.
Bull Dozer Size up
1 Hour 30
to 200KW
Front End Loader
2 Hour 30
bach hoe
3 Motor Grader Hour 12
Pneumatic Tyred
4 Hour 12
Roller (20 tonne)
5 Tractor with trailor Hour 12
Bull dozer (D7 or
6 Hour 10
Roller Static (8-10
7 Hour 3
Roller Vibratory (8-
8 Hour 3
10 tonne static)
9 Truck (10/12 tonne) Hour 30
Truck mounted
10 water tanker (10 Hour 15
11 DG set (125 KVA) Hour 15
Concrete Mixer
12 Hour 3
Drilling equipment
13 Hour 3
with compressor
Sub total
Allow 25 % Contractor's Overhead and Profits etc.
Total For Day works: Construction Plant

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II




Sr.No. Item
11.1 Schedule “A” of Day works, Labour

112 Schedule “B” of Day works, Materials

Schedule “C” of Day works, Construction

Total Day work rates carried to Grand

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II



11.1 - LABOUR

Nominal RateRs. Amount

Description Unit
No. Quantity Figures Words Rs.
1 Mazdoor Day 30
2 Mason Day 15
3 Carpenter Day 6
4 Fabricator/Blacksmith/Welder Day 6
5 Operator for Tractor Day 6
6 Electrician Day 3
7 Operator for Dozer Day 3
8 Operator for Roller Day 3
9 Driver LMV Day 90
10 Driver HMV Day 3
11 Operator for Excavator/Crane Day 3
12 Computer Operator Day 480
13 Watchman Day 480
Sub total
Allow 25 % Contractor’s Overhead and Profits etc.
Total For Day works: Labour

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II




Nominal Rate Rs
Sr. No. Description Unit Amount Rs.
Quantity Figure Words

1 Bitumen VG 30 grade (bulk ) T 1

2 Cement T 3

3 M 15 Concrete Cu.m 7

4 M 20 Concrete Cu.m 7

5 M 25 Concrete Cu.m 3

6 TMT Bars T 3

7 Sand Cu.m 7

8 Aggregate 40 mm down size Cu.m 7

9 Aggregate 20 mm down size Cu.m 7

10 Aggregate 10 mm down size Cu.m 7

Hume pipe (NP 4)1000 mm
11 Lm 30
dia 2.5 m Long
12 Boulders Cu.m 90

13 Selected Earth Cu.m 230

Sub total

Allow 25% Contracotor's Overhead and Profits etc.

Total For Day works: Materials

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II





Nominal RateRs. Amount

Description Unit
No. Quantity Figure Words Rs.
Bull Dozer Size up to
1 Hour 30
2 Front End Loader bach hoe Hour 30
3 Motor Grader Hour 12
Pneumatic Tyred Roller (20
4 Hour 12
5 Tractor with trailor Hour 12
Bull dozer (D7 or
6 Hour 10
7 Roller Static (8-10 tonne) Hour 3
Roller Vibratory (8-10 tonne
8 Hour 3
9 Truck (10/12 tonne) Hour 30
Truck mounted water tanker
10 Hour 15
(10 tonne)
11 DG set (125 KVA) Hour 15
12 Concrete Mixer (mobile) Hour 3
Drilling equipment with
13 Hour 3
Sub total
Allow 25 % Contractor's Overhead and Profits etc.
Total For Day works: Construction Plant

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II


C .Day work Schedule


1. Reference should be made to Sub-Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions of Contract.

Work shall not be executed on a Day work basis except by written order of the
Engineer. Bidders shall enter basic rates for Day work items in the Schedules, which
rates shall apply to any quantity of Day work ordered by the Engineer. Nominal
quantities have been indicated against each item of Day work, and the extended total
for Day work shall be carried forward as a Provisional sum to the Summary Total Bid
Amount (for items priced competitively). Unless otherwise adjusted, payments for
Day work shall be subject to price adjustment in accordance with the provisions in the
Conditions of Contract.

Day work Labour

2. In calculating payments due to the Contractor for the execution of Day work, the hours
for labour will be reckoned from the time of arrival of the labour at the job site to
execute the particular item of Day work to the time of return to the original place of
departure, but excluding meal breaks and rest periods. Only the time of classes of
labour directly doing work ordered by the Engineer and for which they are competent
to perform will be measured. The time of gangers (charge hands) actually doing work
with the gangs will also be measured but not the time of foremen or other supervisory

3. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labour is
employed on Day work, calculated at the basic rates entered by him in the
SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES: LABOUR, together with an additional
percentage payment on basic rates representing the Contractor’s profit, overheads, etc.,
as described below:

(a) The basic rates for labour shall cover all direct costs to the Contractor, including (but
not limited to) the amount of wages paid to such labour, transportation time, overtime,
subsistence allowances, and any sums paid to or on behalf of such labour for social
benefits in accordance with Indian law. The basic rates will be payable in Indian
currency only;

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

(b) The additional percentage payment to be quoted by the Bidder and applied to costs
incurred under(a) above shall be deemed to cover the Contractor’s profit, over heads,
superintendence, liabilities, and insurances and allowances to labour, time keeping,
and clerical and office work, the use of consumable stores, water, lighting, and power;
the use and repair of staging’s, scaffolding, workshops and stores, portable power
tools, manual plant, and tools; supervision by the Contractor’s staff, foremen, and
other supervisory personnel; and charges incidental to the foregoing.

Day work Materials

4. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of materials used for Day work
(except for materials for which the cost is included in the percentage addition to labour
costs as detailed heretofore), at the basic rates entered by him in the SAMPLE
SCHEDULE OF DAYWORK RATES: MATERIALS, together with an additional
percentage payment on the basic rates to cover overhead charges and profit, as

(a)The basic rates for materials shall be calculated on the basis of the invoiced price,
freight, insurance, handling expenses, damage, losses, etc., and shall provide for
delivery to store for stock piling at the Site. The basic rates and payment shall be in
I n d i a n currency.

(b)The cost of hauling materials for use on work ordered to be carried out as Day work
from the store or stock pile on the Site to the place where it is to be used will be
paid in accordance with the terms for Labour and Constructional Plant in this

Day work Constructional Plant

5. The Contractor shall be entitled to payments in respect of Constructional Plant already

on Site and employed on Day work at the basic rental at as entered by him in the
Saidratesshallbedeemedtoincludedueandcompleteallowancefordepreciation, interest,
indemnity ,and insurance ,repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuel, lubricants ,and other
consumables, and all overhead, profit, and administrative costs related to the use of
such equipment, The cost of drivers, operators, and assistants will be paid for
separately as described under the section on Day work Labour.

6. In calculating the payment due to the Contractor for Constructional Plant employed in
Day work, only the actual number of working hours will be eligible for payment,

Project Preparatory Works Consultancy Services for
Roads & Buildings Department, GoG
Gujarat State Highway Project-II

except that where applicable and agreed with the Engineer, the travelling time from
the part of the Site where the Constructional Plant was located when ordered by the
Engineer to be employed on Day work and the time for return journey there to
shall be included for payment.


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