International Journal of Production Research
International Journal of Production Research
International Journal of Production Research
Just-in-time purchasing: an
integrated inventory model involving
deterministic variable lead time and
quality improvement investment
a b
Jin-Shan Yang & Jason Chao-Hsien Pan
Department of Industrial Management , Southern Taiwan
University of Technology , Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Industrial Management , National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology , Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Published online: 21 Feb 2007.
To cite this article: Jin-Shan Yang & Jason Chao-Hsien Pan (2004) Just-in-time purchasing:
an integrated inventory model involving deterministic variable lead time and quality
improvement investment, International Journal of Production Research, 42:5, 853-863, DOI:
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int. j. prod. res., 2004, vol. 42, no. 5, 853–863
small lot sizes, frequent delivery, short lead time, and close supplier ties. This
paper presents an integrated inventory model to minimize the sum of the order-
ing/setup cost, holding cost, quality improvement investment and crashing cost
by simultaneously optimizing the order quantity, lead time, process quality and
number of deliveries while the probability distribution of the lead time demand is
normal. This integrated inventory model is useful particularly for JIT inventory
systems where the vendor and the purchaser form a strategic alliance for profit
1. Introduction
The JIT system plays an important role in present supply chain management.
One of the major tasks of maintaining the competitive advantages of JIT production
is to compress the lead time needed to perform activities associated with delivering
high-quality products to customers. In the dynamic, competitive environment, suc-
cessful companies have devoted considerable attention to reducing inventory cost
and lead time and improving quality simultaneously.
In recent years, companies have found that there are substantial benefits from
establishing a long-term sole-supplier relationship with a supplier (Martinich 1997).
In the JIT environment, a close cooperation exists between supplier and purchaser to
solve problems together, and thus to maintain stable, long-term relationships. Since
both purchaser and supplier may benefit from the negotiation process, the two sides
must then negotiate to determine how to divide the savings (Thomas and Griffin
1996). The advantages of the integrated inventory model include improved quality,
lowered inventory cost, technology sharing and reduction of lead time.
In the production environment, lead time is an important element in any
inventory management system. Traditionally, most of the literature dealing with
inventory problems treated lead time as a prescribed constant (Kim and Park
1985, Ravichandran 1995) or a stochastic variable (Foote et al. 1988), which
therefore is not subject to control. However, in many practical situations, lead
International Journal of Production Research ISSN 0020–7543 print/ISSN 1366–588X online # 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/00207540310001632448
854 J.-S. Yang and J. C.-H. Pan
cost. Ouyang et al. (1996) generalized the Ben-Daya and Raouf (1994) model by
allowing shortages with a mixture of backorders and lost sales.
The integrated model between supplier and purchaser for improving the perfor-
mance of inventory control has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers.
Goyal (1977) suggested a joint economic lot-size model where the objective was to
minimize the total relevant costs for both the vendor and the buyer. Banerjee (1986)
presented a joint economic-lot-size model where a vendor produced to order for a
purchaser on a lot-for-lot basis under deterministic conditions. Goyal (1988) general-
ized the Banerjee model (1986) by relaxing the assumption of the lot-for-lot policy of
the vendor. Lu (1995) presented a model for one-vendor one-buyer problems, and
developed a heuristic approach for the one-vendor multi-buyer case. The model is an
improvement over the models of Banerjee (1986) and Goyal (1988). Ha and Kim
(1997) addressed an integrated lot-splitting model of facilitating multiple shipments
in small lots and compared it with the existing approaches in a simple JIT environ-
ment. Gurnani (2001) presented quantity discount pricing models with different
ordering structures in a system consisting of a single supplier and heterogeneous
buyers. Woo et al. (2001) addressed an integrated inventory model where a single
vendor purchases and processes raw materials in order to deliver finished items to
multiple buyers. Khan and Sarker (2002) proposed a two-stage integrated inventory
system to incorporate the JIT concept in the conventional joint batch-sizing prob-
lem. Kelle et al. (2003) studied quantitative models of establishing and negotiating
buyer–supplier partnerships, and presented the two typical cases of supplier dom-
inance with large production lot sizes and shipment sizes, and purchaser dominance
with small, frequent shipments. David and Eben-Chaime (2003) analysed aspects of
the relationships between a purchaser and a vendor in an attempt to answer how far
they should go in terms of lot sizes and delivery frequency.
The integrated model can contribute significantly to improve the vendor–pur-
chaser relationship. The success and resulting performance of the integrated model is
based upon the cooperation between the purchaser and supplier; for example, the
integrated model practices characterized by a sole-supplier base whose firms are
located close to the buyer’s plant, make frequent deliveries, and are considered
long-term partners with the buying company (Gunasekaran 1999). When establish-
ing a long-term relationship, it is important that the purchaser selects the vendors
that have consistently exhibited high levels of quality and delivery reliability
(Schonberger and Ansari 1984). Several researchers have shown that in integrated
models, one partner’s gain exceeds the other partner’s loss. Thus, the net benefit can
be shared by both parties in some equitable fashion (Goyal and Gupta 1989).
Just-in-time purchasing 855
model for minimizing the sum of the ordering/setup cost, holding cost, quality
improvement and crashing costs by simultaneously optimizing the order quantity,
the lead time, the process quality and the number of deliveries when the probability
distribution of the lead time demand is normal. The advantage of such an integrated
model over the traditional model is illustrated by a numerical example.
6. The lead time L has n mutually independent components and these compo-
nents are crashed one at a time starting with the one of least crashing cost per
unit time, and so on.
3. A basic model
The expected annual total cost of an integrated inventory model with normally
distributed lead-time demand for minimizing the sum of the ordering cost, holding
cost and crashing cost can be expressed as (Pan and Yang 2002):
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D S Q D 2D
¼ A þ þ RðLÞ þ r m 1 1þ CV þ CP þ rCP k L
Q m 2 P P
" ( )#
¼ A þ þ ci ðLi1 LÞ þ c j bj aj
Q m j¼1
Q D 2D pffiffiffiffi
þ r m 1 1þ CV þ CP þ rCP k L ð1Þ
2 P P
the constraint that 0< 0. Thus, the total relevant cost per year is
TRCðQ, m, , LÞ ¼ TCðQ, m, LÞ þ iq ln 0
D S Q D 2D
¼ A þ þ RðLÞ þ m 1 1þ rCV þ rCP þ gmD
Q m 2 P P
þ rCP k L þ iq ln 0 ð3Þ
for 0< 0, where i is the fractional opportunity cost of capital per unit time.
Therefore, the problem under study can be formulated as the following non-
linear programming model:
Minimize TRCðQ, m, , LÞ
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D S Q D 2D
¼ A þ þ RðLÞ þ m 1 1þ rCV þ rCP þ gmD
Q m 2 P P
pffiffiffiffi 0
þ rCP k L þ iq ln ð4Þ
Subject to 0< 0
In order to find the minimum cost for this non-linear programming problem,
ignore the constraint 0< 0 for the moment and minimize the total relevant cost
function over Q, and L with classical optimization techniques by taking the first
partial derivatives of TRC(Q, m, , L) with respect to Q, and L as follows:
@TRCðQ, m, , LÞ
D S 1 D 2D
¼ 2 A þ þ RðLÞ þ m 1 1þ rCV þ rCP þ gmD ð5Þ
Q m 2 P P
@TRCðQ, m, , LÞ gmDQ iq
¼ ð6Þ
@ 2
@TRCðQ, m, , LÞ D 1 1
¼ ci þ rCP kL2 ð7Þ
@L Q 2
However, for fixed values of Q and , TRC(Q, m, , L) is concave in L 2 (Li,
Li 1), because
@2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ r 3
¼ CP kL2 < 0
@L 4
Therefore, for fixed Q and , the minimum joint total expected annual cost will
occur at the end-points of the interval. On the other hand, for a given value of
L 2 [Li, Li 1], setting equations (5) and (6) equal to zero and solving for Q and ,
it follows that
2DðA þ S=m þ RðLÞÞ 2
Q¼ L 2 ðLi , Li1 Þ ð8Þ
rðCV ðmð1 D=PÞ 1 þ 2D=PÞ þ CP Þ þ gmD
¼ ð9Þ
858 J.-S. Yang and J. C.-H. Pan
Theoretically, for fixed L 2 [Li, Li 1], one can find the optimal values of Q* and
* from (8) and (9). In addition, for fixed L 2 [Li, Li 1], the Hessian matrix of
TRC(Q, m, , L) is positive definite at Q* and *. The proof is shown in the
For a particular value of m, the total relevant annual cost is described by
" ! !#12
S D 2D
TRCðmÞ ¼ 2D A þ þ RðLÞ rCV m 1 1þ þ rCP þ gmD
m P P
þ rCP k L þ iq ln 0 ð10Þ
Ignore the terms that are independent of m, and take the square of (10); then,
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S D 2D
¼ 2D A þ þ RðLÞ rCV m 1 1þ þ rCP þ gmD
m P P
2D D
¼ 2D ðA þ RðLÞÞ rCP 1 rCV þ S rCV 1 þ gD
D S 2D
þ mðA þ RðLÞÞ rCV 1 þ gD þ rCP 1 rCV
P m P
Once again, ignoring the terms that are independent of m, the minimization of the
problem can be reduced to that of minimizing
D S 2D
ZðmÞ ¼ mðA þ RðLÞÞ rCV 1 þ gD þ rCP 1 rCV ð11Þ
P m P
Hence, for fixed L 2 [Li, Li 1], when the constraint 0< 0 is ignored, one can
find the optimal values of Q , m and such that the annual total relevant cost
reaches a minimum.
The following procedure is constructed to find optimal values of Q, m, and L
for the problem under investigation.
Step 1. For each Li, i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n, set i ¼ 0 and perform (i)–(iii):
(i) Substitute i into equation (13) to find mi, and use i and mi to compute Qi
using equation (8).
(ii) Use Qi and mi to determine i from equation (9).
(iii) Repeat (i)–(ii) until no change occurs in the values of Qi, mi and i. Denote
these solutions by Qi , mi and i , respectively.
Just-in-time purchasing 859
Step 2. If i 0, then the solution found in step 1 is optimal for the given Li; so
use equation (4) to compute TRC(Qi ,mi ,i , Li), for i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , n, and go to
step 4.
Step 3. If i > 0, set i ¼ 0 for the given Li, then substitute i into equation (13)
to compute mi , and use i and mi to determine Qi from equation (8); so use
equation (4) to calculate TRC(Qi , mi , i, Li), for i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , n.
Step 4. Set TRC(Qs, ms, s, Ls) ¼ mini ¼ 0,1, . . ., n{TRC(Qi , mi , i, Li)}. Then
TRC(Qs, ms, s, Ls) is a set of optimal solutions.
5. An illustrative example
Consider an inventory system with the following characteristics (Pan and Yang
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1 20 6 0.1
2 20 6 1.2
3 16 9 5.0
Traditional Proposed
model model
@2 TRCðQÞ 2D
¼ 3 ðA þ SÞ > 0
@Q2 Q
From (16), the optimal order quantity is Q* ¼ 303 units and the corresponding
minimum total relevant annual cost is $3034.673. The summary of the comparison is
presented in table 3. From table 3, the proposed model is shown to provide a lower
total inventory cost with higher quality, more frequent delivery with smaller lot size
and shorter lead time.
The philosophy of JIT purchasing is to establish a long-term relationship with
vendors to maintain regulated shipments to minimize ordering cost and to buy
enough parts as needed to avoid paying holding cost. However, these two costs
will inevitably exist, though they may not be very significant, in many practical
situations. The proposed integrated model can be shown to cope with these partic-
ular circumstances. For example, suppose that the fixed cost per order is as low as
$0.1 in the illustrative example. Applying the solution procedure it can be shown that
the optimal lead time is Ls ¼ 56 days, the optimal number of deliveries is ms ¼ 70,
the optimal probability is s ¼ 0.000002067, and the optimal order quantity Q* is
decreased to 8 units with total relevant annual cost of $1903 and annual ordering
cost of $12.5. Compared to the original result, the holding cost is reduced because of
smaller order quantity.
This result can also be obtained theoretically. From equation (13), the number of
deliveries increases as the ordering cost decreases, which in turn causes the
order quantity to decrease by equation (8). Consequently, the average inventory
level and the associated annual holding cost are reduced. That is, an insignificant
ordering cost in the integrated system will result in frequent delivery of small
quantities with low on-hand inventory that lives up to the expectation of JIT philo-
sophy. The JIT system emphasizes the reduction of inventory cost. There are several
reasons why this is desirable, and the reduction of order quantity is certainly one
of them.
Just-in-time purchasing 861
6. Conclusions
Many researchers focus on the benefit from quality improvement or lead-time
reduction in inventory models but only from a single party’s viewpoint. However,
consideration of the dyadic relationship between the vendor and purchaser is essen-
tial for implementing a just-in-time purchasing model. This paper investigates a JIT
purchasing model where a single vendor supplies a single purchaser with a product
by presenting an integrated inventory model that accounts for replenishment lead-
time reduction and quality improvement investment considerations. The model is to
minimize the sum of the ordering/setup cost, holding cost, quality improvement and
crashing cost by simultaneously optimizing the order quantity, the lead time, the
process quality and the number of deliveries with normally distributed lead time
demand and is shown to provide a lower total cost, higher quality, smaller lot size
Downloaded by [University of Sussex Library] at 02:15 09 February 2015
and shorter lead time. JIT purchasing has an enormous impact on a company’s
profitability, especially in a competitive environment characterized by small profit
margins. Furthermore, the application of JIT technologies such as small lot size, lead
time reduction and quality improvement play a significant role in achieving JIT
purchasing. The proposed model serves as a pioneering work on investigating the
effects of lead time reduction and quality improvement on the integrated inventory
For fixed L 2 (Li, Li 1), TRC(Q, m, , L) is convex with respect to Q and , since
@2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ 2D S
¼ A þ þ RðLÞ >0
@Q2 Q3 m
@2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ iq
¼ 2>0
The determinant of the Hessian matrix can be calculated as
" #2
@2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ @2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ @2 TRCðQ, m, , LÞ
@Q2 @2 @Q@
2D S iq gm D
¼ 3 A þ þ RðLÞ
ðQ Þ m ð Þ2 2
2 S
gm D 2DðA þ m þ RðLÞÞ
¼ 1
2 iqQ
gm D Q ðrCV ðm ð1 D=PÞ 1 þ 2D=PÞ þ rCP þ gm D Þ
¼ 1
2 iq
gm D Q ðrCV ðm ð1 D=PÞ 1 þ 2D=PÞ þ rCP Þ
¼ þ1 >0
2 iq
Hence, for a fixed L, the Hessian matrix is positive and TRC(Q, m, , L) is convex
with respect to Q and .
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