General Overview of Maintenance Strategies - Conce PDF
General Overview of Maintenance Strategies - Conce PDF
General Overview of Maintenance Strategies - Conce PDF
Paulina Gackowiec*
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9669-6879
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Manufacturing companies, running a business nowadays, face higher and higher
demands in the range of production infrastructure reliability and ensuring indefectible
operations, which are deprived of unscheduled downtimes. It is not easy due to
unanticipated events which might occur during equipment runtime. Major difficulty
makes high level of uncertainty regarding production stoppages and anticipating such
threats with an adequate time reservedness.
Disturbances in proper plant functioning, with high probability, lead to serious
productivity losses, declines in quality and also noticeable deteriorations in overall
performance. Preventing mentioned, undesirable machines defects and failures as
well as reduction adverse effects caused by them are possible by means of ensuring
correct maintenance actions in production management system. Development in
contemporary industry and changes in approach to manufacturing processes, besides
progress of mechanisation, computerization and highly advanced technological
devices create new challenges for maintenance engineers to take up.
Maintenance is a term related to all activities and procedures, planned and not, which
are undertaken to ensure constant accessibility of operational equipment in
production plant. In (Velmurugan & Dhingra, 2015) we find out that proper
maintenance requires “technical skills, techniques, methods to properly utilize the
assets like factories, power plants, vehicles, equipment and machines”. Maintenance
is said to be critical element for production effectiveness. Importance of appropriate
maintenance policy is represented above all by considerable contribution of
maintenance costs in total outlay of manufacturing plant. Costs related to
sustainability of processes depend on industry specification, broadly are calculated
between 4 and 15 percent of operational costs (Mikler, 2011). Based on (Mostafa et
al., 2015; Ioannis & Nikitas, 2013) increase in maintenance cost, contingent on
production type, is from 15 to 70% of total productions costs. Proper maintenance
strategy in a solution to decrease high maintenance cost (Tu et al. 2015).
Beyond costs reduction, discussed issue is connected additionally with extension of
physical asset lifecycle, improvement in quality, reduction in components which need
to be replaced, profitability and efficiency increase, as also impact on holistic
production performance. Mainly objectives of maintenance actions are decrease total
Maintenance strategy is a planned way to upkeep devices, which contains actions
such as “identification, researching and execution of many repairs, replace and
inspect decisions”. Implementation the strategy requires executable, tactical plans
(Velmurugan & Dhingra, 2015). Based on (Shafiee & Sørensen, 2017) maintenance
strategy “includes a set of policies and actions that are used to “retain” or “restore”
equipment as well as the decision support system in which maintenance activities are
planned”. Other definition states that maintenance strategy “is an integrated system
that is needed by corporate management to highlight the significance of a particular
piece of equipment that impacts particular types of maintenance work” (Rani et al.,
2015). Choosing proper maintenance strategy depends on the strategic objectives of
Many authors have classified maintenance strategies in a different way.
Development of maintenance is presented in (Mikler, 2011; Teixeira & Landre Junior,
2016), where three generations in maintenance are distinguished in the
corresponding period. Firstly, maintenance where all actions were concentrated on
repairing, for which time was mainly until the Second World War. Secondly, preventive
maintenance, defined as tasks based on planning and scheduling, was developed up
to seventies. Both generations are connected with life cycle of equipment depended
on profile describing frequency of failures called “bath tub”. Third generation, relates
to nowadays, involves predicting and preventing activities, as also elimination of
negative results of failures, named “the reliability centered maintenance culture”. Third
generation of maintenance techniques in (Teixeira & Landre Junior, 2016) includes
issues such as condition monitoring, hazard studies, multitasking and teamwork as
well as reliability and maintainability. Moreover, what could be named fourth
maintenance generation, issues such as prevention, early machinery controlling,
reliability and maintainability are widely researched during last two decades. Similar
approaches to operation maintenance are presented in (Legutko, 2009). The author
points out three periods: reactive maintenance, preventive maintenance and the last
- period of predictive-proactive maintenance. Another emplacement, also taken up
historically, introduces two maintenance strategies: preventive and reactive.
Preventive approach used statistical data of failures, collected from analysed
components and provide presumably estimation about breakdown (Borissova et al.,
2012). Similar evolution of maintenance approaches over the last century is also
described in (Murthy et al. 2002).
Basic maintenance strategies showed in (Lee & Scott, 2009; Shin & Jun, 2015) are
following: preventive (PM), corrective (CM) and condition-based maintenance (CBM).
General maintenance policy, integrate mentioned approaches to build tool for
maintenance personnel. Taken up topic of building maintenance strategy from
management standpoint in (Horner, El-Haram & Munns, 1997) the same tree
strategies as above are presented: corrective, preventive and condition‐based, with
advantages and disadvantages of each. Corrective maintenance is pointed out as the
simplest method, however quite expensive, because is used as a reaction to
breakdowns and all consequences of this incident. Another term for described
strategy is failure-based or unplanned maintenance. Preventive maintenance is
response to disadvantages of corrective actions. Author referred this maintenance
model to as time-based maintenance, planned maintenance or cyclic maintenance.
Third mentioned strategy is said to be more than simple visual observations and
focuses on monitoring changes of crucial conditions. Comparable classification of
maintenance strategies is showed in (Mostafa et al., 2015). Because of the time of
maintenance actions and failures the authors distinguish following maintenance
concepts: corrective, preventive and design-out as the most common. Change of
strategies from PM, (what include in detail condition-based and time-based
maintenance), as well as design-out maintenance and total productive maintenance
is gradual. In addition, notion of lean maintenance was introduced as connection of
proactive maintenance, total productive maintenance and reliability centered
maintenance operations. Four alternative strategies are introduced in (Wanga et al.,
2006): corrective, time-based preventive, condition‐based and predictive
maintenance. Described classifications of maintenance strategy is presented in
Figure 1. Based on (Shin & Jun, 2015) condition-based policy is similar to preventive
maintenance because both of these methods aim to prevent failures before they
occur. CBM is often associate with terms such as prognostic, predictive maintenance,
health management and on-condition maintenance. In this strategy important is to
observe condition of the system and its elements, moreover, assess condition of
products likewise forecasting the risk of damages using gathered data.
Based on (Ioannis & Nikitas, 2013) can we describe three maintenance strategies.
Firstly, category based on time intervals includes predictive maintenance or
fixed/scheduled time maintenance, where actions are pre-planned. Analysing
equipment parameters provides maintenance program for the machinery. These
practices are dedicated for problems connected with the wearing of components.
Secondly, in the paper mentioned is preventive or condition based maintenance. In
this case, prediction relies on set of data and measurements to control machines,
observe abnormal situations and avoid failures. Thirdly, authors present corrective or
run-to-failure maintenance. Generally, these strategies contain steps and actions,
which are undertaken after breakdowns occurred. Using corrective methods is
reasonable when costs of maintenance exceed costs of repairing equipment. The
paper describes preventive maintenance as a synonymous to condition based
maintenance, on the other hand, based on (Lee & Scott, 2009; Horner et al., 1997)
approaches to these strategies are distincted.
Considering assumptions of Total Productive Maintenance TPM, (Sambrekar et al.,
2018) propose two general maintenance strategies categories: reactive (also named
as corrective maintenance) and proactive. Reactive methods are directed towards
repairs after breakdowns occurred, while proactive tasks are aimed to avoid these
repairs and failures. Detailed classification of the strategies included in mentioned
main groups is shown in Figure 2. Maintenance strategies analysis based on similar
viewpoint is carried out in (Swanson, 2001). From traditional point of view, reactive
and proactive maintenance strategies are described. Proactive strategy engages
preventive and predictive maintenance plan of action. Furthermore, third strategy is
defined, an aggressive strategy of which an example is TPM, which concentrates on
improving equipment in production plant through design and function advancement.
TPM is a term derived from Japanese management philosophy, connected with
product quality, just-in-time manufacturing, eliminating losses in production process,
maximize effectiveness and team-based activities. TPM as an aggressive strategy is
mentioned also in (Sharma et al., 2005), beside reactive or breakdown, preventive,
predictive or condition-based, reliability-centered maintenance strategy.
Four categories of maintenance activities are distinguished in (Ollila and Malmipuro,
The same major categories: correctives maintenance (failure based) and regular
preventive maintenance (life based) classifying generally maintenance of any system
(Velmurugan & Dhingra 2015; Shafiee, 2015). Maintenance policy is divided into
preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance also in (Ignat, 2013; Vilarinho et
al., 2017; Bashiri et al., 2011). In a wider classification (Shafiee, 2015) propose
following classes of maintenance strategies: “corrective; routine inspections;
calendar-based preventive maintenance; age-based preventive maintenance;
reliability-centered; condition-based; predictive; risk-based; opportunistic; design-out;
total productive maintenance; total quality maintenance; computerized maintenance
management system; autonomous maintenance; skill levels upgrade; world-class
maintenance”. As an alternative maintenance strategies for the above division in
(Bashiri, Badri & Hejazi, 2011) could we find corrective maintenance, time-based
preventive maintenance, condition-based maintenance and predictive maintenance.
Time-based maintenance is defined as predetermined maintenance and technique of
preventive maintenance (Vilarinho, Lopes & Oliveira, 2017).
According to (Rani, Baharum, Akbar & Nawawi, 2015) two general types of
maintenance strategies are defined: planned and unplanned. The first group
comprises: proactive, preventive, predictive, and also corrective maintenance.
Unplanned strategy, called reactive or emergency maintenance too, is connected with
breakdown maintenance. Similarly, maintenance topic is taken up in (Arslankaya and
Atay, 2015) where also two main categories of maintenance activities are classified:
planned and unplanned maintenance. In the first category, three subgroups are
mentioned: periodic; predictive and preventive maintenance. The division of
maintenance strategies described above is introduced in Figure 4.
Table 1
Summary of academic papers by maintenance strategy
Al-Najjar, et al., (2003) √ √
Arslankaya, et al. (2015) √ √ √ √ √
Asuquo, M. P., et al. (2019) √ √ √ √
Bashiri M. et al. (2011) √ √ √ √
Bevilacqua, et al.. (2000) √ √ √ √
Borissova D. I. et al. (2012) √ √ √
Cherkaoui, H. et al. (2016) √
Eti, M. C. et al. (2006) √ √ √ √
Horner, R.M.W.,
√ √ √
et al. (1997)
Ierace, S. et al. (2008) √ √ √ √
Ioannis, D. et al. (2013) √ √ √ √
Lee, H. et al. (2008) √ √ √ √ √ √
Legát, V. et al. (2017) √ √ √ √
Lind, H. et al. (2012) √ √ √ √ √
Mikler, J. (2011) √ √ √ √ √
Mostafa, S., et al. (2015) √ √ √ √ √ √
Murthy, D. et al. (2002) √
Ni, X. et al. (2016) √ √ √
Okoh, C. et al. (2017) √ √ √ √
Ollila, A. et al.(1999) √ √ √ √ √ √
Özcan, E.C. et al. (2017) √ √ √
Rani, N. et al. (2015) √ √ √ √ √ √
Sambrekar, A. et al. (2018) √ √ √ √
Shafiee, M. (2015) √ √ √ √ √ √
Sharma, R. et al. (2015) √ √ √ √ √ √
Shin, J.-H. et al. (2015) √ √ √ √
Srivastava, P. et al. (2017) √ √ √ √
Swanson, L. (2001) √ √ √ √ √ √
Teixeira, F. et al. (2016) √ √
Tu, J. et al. (2015) √ √ √
Velmurugan, R.S. et al. (2015) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Vilarinho, S. et al. (2017) √ √
Vishnu, C. R. et al. (2016) √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Wang, L. et al. (2007) √ √ √ √
Zeng, Sh. W. (1997) √ √
Zhaoyang, T., et al. (2011) √ √ √
Zhang, Ch. et al. (2019) √ √ √
It can be concluded, that there are noticeable differences in the definitions of the
maintenance strategies in the literature. Different classifications are presented in Figs.
1-4. Fig. 3 shows the most common approach, where strategies are divided into two,
primary approaches: corrective and preventive maintenance, which consists of
another strategies such as: condition based, opportunistic, predetermined,
immediate, planned or deferred maintenance. In Fig. 1 as the main strategies were
distinguished also CBM, Design out and predictive maintenance, in addition to the
two main approaches mentioned above, CM over PM. Fig. 2 contains an interesting
and extensive classification, in which two main strategies are: proactive and reactive
maintenance, which contain another maintenance policies. The division of
maintenance strategies presented on Fig. 4 introduces two general categories of
maintenance: planned and unplanned, which, depending on the author, consist of
CM, PM, PdM, proactive and periodic maintenance.
In this paper attention was drawn to maintenance strategies to indicate the most
common maintaining approaches in the literature. Academic databases such as
ScienceDirect, Baztech and Scopus were investigated to point out the most frequent
maintenance strategy and trends in this issue development. Searching was
concentrated on a research and review articles likewise conference papers.
The following search strings were used in investigation:
− “preventive+maintenance”,
− “corrective+maintenance”,
− “predictive+maintenance”,
− “condition+based+maintenance”
− “proactive+maintenance”,
which author considered the most appropriate to answer the research questions
raised in the introduction.
After research ScienceDirect, Baztech and Scopus altogether, the number of articles
with keyword “preventive+maintenance” is 21,084, what posed preventive
maintenance the most frequent maintenance strategy in investigated academic
The descriptor “predictive+maintenance” and “condition+based+maintenance” were
found 6,271 and 6,265 in succession what also make very similar values of these
strategies’ occurrence in the databases. Focusing on search string
“corrective+maintenance” 3,944 document results were searched. The less common
keyword “proactive+maintenance” was estimated with 1,294 research findings. Figure
5 shows contributions of different maintenance strategies papers found in the
scientific journal databases.
Based on graph it is possible to indicate how often particular strategies have been
presented in academic papers. The number of papers regarding preventive
maintenance is significantly higher than for the others strategies. Hence, answering
the first research question, preventive maintenance is the most frequently occurring
strategy in selected literature databases. It is also worth noticing, that the number of
preventive and condition based strategy in literature is similar to each other and even
three times lower than for the most common one. According to the obtained results, it
could be seen that corrective and proactive maintenance strategy occurs the least
frequently. Also important to note is, that in certain publications, some strategies may
be included in the main classifications, while in other articles, they appear as separate
examples of maintenance approach.
To answer the second research question, ScienceDirect, Baztech and Scopus were
examined. After searching, we could find the number of papers in mentioned
databases regarding the most relevant strategies in the review: preventive, corrective,
predictive, condition-based and proactive maintenance per year. The period in which
the analysis was carried out is from 2000-2018. Results of the investigation are
presented in Figure 6.
Fig. 6 The number of papers regarding certain maintenance strategies from 2000-2018
The graph shows that the most scientific publications in recent years concerned the
strategy of preventive maintenance, which appears the most frequent despite
fluctuations. According to the diagram, the number of predictive maintenance papers
rose sharply between 2000 and 2003. After this period, there was a significant
decrease in the number of publications in this field to 2007, then an increase with
slight fluctuations is observed again. Moreover, the number of article regarding
condition based maintenance started climbing steadily from the beginning of the
analysed period, with one significant increase in 2011. The number of predictive
maintenance strategy papers generally remains stable with a moderate upward trend,
afterwards dynamic growth has been recorded since 2015, which continues
unabated. The number of articles regarding the remaining two strategies, corrective
maintenance and proactive maintenance, is rather stable over the analysed period
with slight upward trend. In recent three years the most visible increase in publications
was recorded for predictive maintenance strategy, while the other four strategies
appeared in the literature with lower frequency by year or this value remind on the
same level. Results indicate enhancing trend toward predictive maintenance in
academic databases.
Proper maintenance policy is a crucial and strategic aspect of management in
organizations, which resulted in reducing breakdowns, minimizing cost and improving
productivity. Choosing an appropriate strategy is a considerable challenge for the
company. Some organization utilised mix of maintenance strategies. In view of the
great popularity of this issue and the increasing need for maintenance activities
improvement, attention was paid to the maintenance strategies concepts.
This paper presents a literature review of maintenance strategies formulation and
provide an overview of different authors concepts of maintenance strategies. In the
analysis academic papers were considered to identify existing approaches to the
topic. Literature examples point out various maintenance types. Some of them are
comparable, in some can we distinguish similarities, while some are clearly distinct.
Moreover, the same strategy can be defined in a distinct way, depending on authors.
In different sources, the classification of the maintenance strategy is presented in a
different way, however, it is not difficult to notice a certain regularity in publications
and directing the authors towards proactive approaches. Moreover, the article
highlights the changes in the approach to equipment and production machines’
maintenance that took place over the years and also evolution of maintenance
strategies. Looking for answers to the questions asked in the introduction, academic
databases were investigated to prepare numerical statements. The databases were
searched to show how the number of publications has developed over the years.
Additionally, trends and tendencies in scientific publications were analysed to indicate
the most popular strategies in recent years. On this basis, it is possible to indicate
preventive maintenance as the most common strategy in literature, while predictive
maintenance develops the most nowadays.
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