Maintenance-project-Al Buruj-2019
Maintenance-project-Al Buruj-2019
Maintenance-project-Al Buruj-2019
1. Investigation Project for defining a maintenance policy and maintenance program for
the building material company ________________________________________________ 2
1.3.1. Maintenance definition __________________________________________________ 4
1.3.2. Maintenance action ____________________________________________________________ 5
1.3.3. Maintenance policies ___________________________________________________________ 5
1.4. Different types of maintenance policies _______________________________________ 7
1.4.1. Corrective maintenance policies __________________________________________________ 7
1.4.2. Preventive maintenance policies __________________________________________________ 8 Systematic preventive maintenance policies ______________________________________ 9 Condition based maintenance policies __________________________________________ 14
2. How to define the suitable maintenance policy for heavy and building materials ___ 17
2.1. Developing a maintenance plan for a new machine or plant ______________________ 17
2.2. Developing and performing a maintenance plan for a working machine or plant _____ 17
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19
2.2.1. Recording & monitoring maintenance and operating conditions of the equipment _________ 19
2.2.2. Analysis of the recorded data of maintenance activities ______________________________ 21 Maintenance data analysis process using FEMEA method ___________________________ 24 Analysis of the maintenance data by using PARETO diagram ________________________ 26 Decision making process for selecting the suitable maintenance policies ______________ 27
3. A case study: maintenance policy proposal for Al Buruuj production and Building
material __________________________________________________________________ 31
3.1. Presentation of the company _______________________________________________ 31
3.2. Technical investigation ____________________________________________________ 31
3.2.1. Production sites ______________________________________________________________ 31
3.2.2. Inventory of equipments _______________________________________________________ 31
3.2.3. Evaluated current maintenance practices used by the company ________________________ 32
3.2.4. Proposal of an efficient maintenance program ______________________________________ 34 Proposed maintenance plan to the power generators ______________________________ 34 Proposed maintenance plan to the Batching plant_________________________________ 38
Conclusion and General Recommendations _____________________________________ 42
Reference ________________________________________________________________ 44
ANNEX DOCUMENTS _______________________________________________________ 47
ANNEX 1: Real sample of an equipment maintenance plan
ANNEX 3: Improved maintenance plan for the Water Test Unit (Group Renault)
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1. Investigation Project for defining a maintenance policy and maintenance
program for the building material company
1.1. Project goals and output
The goal of this project is to analyze the efficiency of the maintenance strategy of a
production company. Al Buruuj production and building materials is a production company
working in the construction area. This company has realized the important loss due to the
highly maintenance cost to overcome the failures of the production equipments.
For this purpose, this project is organized as follow:
- Introduction to the maintenance management issue
- Definition of the different types of maintenance policies
- How to define the suitable maintenance policy for heavy and building materials
- Proposal of maintenance program to the different type of heavy equipment
- The importance of management support tool for maintenance and spare parts
- Evaluated current maintenance practices used by the company.
- Proposal of an efficient maintenance program.
- Conclusion and General Recommendations.
As with the continuous development of the organization and operation of industrial systems,
the maintenance function has also undergone a significant evolution. In fact, maintenance,
which had the sole purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of production equipment, has
nowadays become an indispensable function in companies. This is a consequence of the
modernization and the increased automation of machinery and industrial plants. On the other
hand, the constraints of cost, quality, and the protection of the environment have made it clear
that maintenance is a lever of industrial performance ([SENE2016], [SENE2017]). Equipment
is becoming increasingly complex and requires careful monitoring and more and more skilled
labour at the same time. According to [VRIG2011], maintenance has no longer the only
objective of repairing the production asset, but also of has more goals as predicting and
avoiding breakdowns. The new missions of the maintenance managers are therefore to ensure
both the availability of machines, continuous improvement, the safety of facilities and people,
with a focus to optimizing maintenance costs directly, and indirectly overall costs of
production. The necessity to diversify the objectives of the maintenance function was initiated
according to Monchy and Vernier [MONC2012] in particular fields related to safety, which
are the fields of aeronautics, transportation in general, the chemical industry and nuclear
industry, etc. Since then, the activities of maintenance managers are far from being limited to
the traditional maintenance of equipment. But it is rather a question of mastering increasingly
complex systems as well as the development of prevention techniques in order to avoid
failures. These requirements have urged industries and researchers to develop new policies
and maintenance strategies that respond appropriately to new challenges.
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Apart from the corrective or repair based maintenance policy, new maintenance policies have
emerged: the various forms of systematic preventive maintenance policies, the condition
based preventive maintenance, proactive maintenance, as well as the different underlying
technologies for anomaly detection, etc.
Despite the significant development of maintenance policies and their optimization model,
their applicability in various industrial plants cannot be guaranteed in terms of expected
results: availability, cost, reliability, quality, security requirements, etc. This is the reason why
manufacturers are faced the selection of the most efficient maintenance policy among the
various available policies for the maintenance of their production tool. The complexity of the
machines and their different modes of operation on the one hand, the existence of different
types of maintenance policies combined with the availability of optimization models on the
other hand, are by far the most important elements which are making complicated the decision
making to the maintenance managers.
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Figure 1. Global environment of maintenance strategy selection issue
The European standard EN-NF 13 306 [NORM2001] has defined maintenance as: all the
technical, administrative and management actions during the life cycle of an asset, intended to
maintain or restore it in a state in which it can perform the required function.
At the beginning of industrialization until the 1940's, maintenance was seen only as a
necessary evil and its role is limited as a support to the production: maintenance of the
production tool. Due to the increased industrial which leading to the design of more and more
diversified and sophisticated machines, the importance given to maintenance function has
changed, and few companies consider the maintenance as a necessary evil [CUIG2002].
Maintenance is nowadays considered as an economic function, even in the service sector
[PINT2006]. During its evolution, the maintenance function knew different phases
[AMBA2009]. As soon as it appears, maintenance actions are limited to a purely reactive role
of repairing the broken tool: we talk about corrective or reactive maintenance. The second
phase is triggered by awareness in the context of machine automation, which was that some
fatal failures could be eliminated by performing replacement actions based on age or the unit
of use: systematic preventive maintenance. This phase has reduced the number of random
failures, but also has increased the budget (unnecessary replacements, parts inventory, etc.).
The third phase consists of making maintenance decisions based on diagnostic studies of the
state of health of the machine, and maintenance actions are undergone only when the
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monitored conditions are exceeding the dangerous thresholds limit. In addition, replacement
only occurs when it is necessary: the conditional maintenance. The fourth and current phase is
an extension of conditional maintenance and consists of conducting proactive studies of the
state of health of the equipment based on the estimation of degradation data in order to
prevent failure at the appropriate time: the proactive maintenance. The temporal evolution of
the different maintenance policies is schematically illustrated in Figure 2.
The coordination and execution of both technical and economical maintenance actions are
referred to as maintenance management. Standard European Normalization EN-NF 13 306
[NORM2001] defines maintenance management as: all activities of the maintenance
managers that states the objectives, strategy and responsibilities for maintenance and who
implement them through a planning, control and improvement of methods, including in
business aspects.
Indeed, many questions can be considered concerning the maintenance selection for a system:
should we wait breakdown and then repair? Should we prevent the breakdown? By what tools
(material, financial)? At what times? Etc. The answers to these various questions, which are
far from exhaustive, will be used to define and to optimize the appropriate maintenance policy
for the system. This is an explanation for the significant amount of research paper devoted to
the development and optimization of maintenance policies ([DEKK1996], [SCAR2007]).
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Figure 3. Classification of maintenance policies [NORM2001]
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Figure 4. Illustration of an equipment monitored with corrective maintenance policy
A classic distinction of corrective maintenance in two types exists: curative maintenance and
palliative maintenance [DELO2008]:
- The curative maintenance consists of doing a complete and significant repair action to
restore the equipment into the normal working conditions. This can sometimes involve design
change operations.
- As for the palliative based maintenance, it is only an opportunity of carrying out temporary
repair operations (not complete) to allow the system to function temporarily, and without
providing the adequate answer to the cause of the malfunction.
Another distinction [NORM2002] is also made on the duration of reactivity for triggering
corrective maintenance operations. Indeed, the corrective maintenance can be postponed, not
executed instantaneously following the detection of a failure. As it is can be urgently,
executed imminently following a failure to prevent adverse consequences.
Taking into account the moment of reaction (as soon as a malfunction appears) and the nature
of the maintenance actions to be undertaken (troubleshooting, minimal repair, complete repair
or restoration), we also find different formulations of corrective maintenance policies (see
1.4.2. Preventive maintenance policies
The European standardization NF-EN-33 306 ([NORM2002]) defines preventive maintenance
as maintenance actions performed at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed
criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or degradation of the working
condition of equipment.
The various preventive maintenance policies are generally distinguished into two families:
systematic (or predetermined) preventive maintenance policies and conditional (triggered)
maintenance policies. In the following we will first present the different systematic
maintenance policies and we will finish with the conditional maintenance policies.
Page | 8 Systematic preventive maintenance policies Age based replacement policies
The Age-Based Preventive Maintenance Policy category is by far the most universal
systematic maintenance policy. Equipment subject to an age-based policy will be replaced (or
repaired) once its age T has been reached or at the onset of failure (Figure 5). In this case, the
age T of the equipment becomes the decision parameter of the policy (Barlow and Hunter
After this first policy, several extensions of modified versions have been appeared. One of the
extensions is formulated by Nagakawa [NAGA1984], and is called: T-N Age Replacement
based Policy. The latter consists of replacing the system once its age T has been reached or
the completion of N maintenance actions. The first N-1 failures are corrected by minimal
The periodicity T or the age of the system should not always be seen as a purely temporal
unit, but a physical unit of measurement. The latter can represent, the number of kilometres
made, the number of pieces units produced, the number of loading cycles, etc. The choice of
the periodicity parameter (T) for preventive maintenance is either indicated by the
manufacturer, or determined by a statistical analysis of reliability or estimated using feedback
data. A typical example of engine oil change is the change of the oil filter of a car every
10,000 km, suggested by automakers. A summary of the different extensions of age-based
preventive maintenance policies is presented in [WANG2002] (Table 1).
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Table 1. Summary of the preventive age-based policies [WANG2002]
(t0, T)-age policy Fixed age T t0,T Tahara and al. (1975)
The equipment under a periodic preventive maintenance policy is subject to replacement at all
intervals time kT (k = 1.2,) regardless of the history of failure and the age of the equipment,
with T being constant. La principale différence entre les politiques de maintenance
périodiques et les politiques basées sur l’âge est justement que le temps d’intervention T
n’étant pas lié à l’âge du système. The main difference between periodic maintenance policies
and age-based policies is precisely that the intervention time T is not related to the age of the
system. We therefore speak of replacement policies according to a calendar schedule (daily,
monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.). Another difference with the age-based preventative policy is
the periodicity of the preventive maintenance interval following a failure is not reset (Figure
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Figure 6. System monitored with a preventive periodic or scheduled replacement maintenance
One of the best-known periodic preventive maintenance policies is the "block" replacement
policy. According to Wang [WANG2002], the block replacement policy takes its name from
the commonly used practice of replacing a block or group of equipments at predetermined
times kT (k = 1, 2 ...), independently of the system failure history, and is often used for multi-
component systems.
Like age-based policies, there are also many extensions and modified versions of the periodic
preventive maintenance policy (Table 2). One of the first extensions is proposed by Barlow
and Proshan [BARL1965], while taking into account block replacement policies with the
introduction of the concept of minimal repair (imperfect maintenance) to failure.
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Table 2. Summary of the preventive scheduled maintenance policies [WANG2002]
remp. périodique
Temporelle durée de &rép. Nakagawa (1981)
policy III
référence Minimale/remp.
(r, t)-Periodic policy Temporelle âge de Tango (1978)
Periodic bloc
policies remp. périodique
Temporelle Périodicité/
Wang and Pham,
(N,T)-Periodic policy et de ses Nbre de &rép.
multiples réparations Minimale/remp.
Remplacement Berg and Epstein
(t0,T)-Periodic policy Temporelle âge de
bloc (1976)
référence Repartition between the used level of corrective and preventive based
maintenance policies
Among the objectives expected by adopting a preventive maintenance policy are: the
reduction of the probability of failure, the improvement of availability, the reduction of
additional costs related to the corrective maintenance. However, it is not easy to remove
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completely the corrective maintenance actions. Indeed, according to [INGE2008], too
frequent preventive maintenance would not be financially profitable. This will require
balancing the corrective and preventive parts by determining the appropriate percentage of the
cost of the preventive against the corrective. This percentage is generally estimated between
25 to 30% of the preventive compared to the corrective by a maintenance engineering experts
(Figure 7).
A deterministic computation of systematic preventive maintenance optimization is carried out
in the work of Basile and al. [BASI2007]. The latter makes it possible to model the optimal
maintenance cost ratio according to the periodicity of preventive maintenance (T) by using the
economic maintenance model proposed by Lyonnet [LYON1993-2002] (Figure 8).
The optimization of systematic maintenance policies is usually done by determining an
optimal periodicity according to a cost criterion or an availability criterion.
Figure 7. Repartition between the used level of corrective and preventive based maintenance
policies [INGE2008].
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A preventive maintenance policy of age or calendar type is conceivable for a system for
which the underlying elements are available:
- availability of maintenance operators;
- availability of spare parts;
- technical complexity of the equipment is well understood ;
- corrective and preventive maintenance costs are estimated;
- availability of the reliability data (lifespan, general specifications for use, etc.);
- definition of the preventive maintenance periodicity T;
- maintenance intervention plan (recommended by the manufacturer);
- estimation of the failure rate (feedback), MTTR and MTBF;
- availability of a CMMS system for recording interventions.
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Ambani et al. [AMBA2009] have distinguished conditional maintenance policies into two
families: first-generation policies win which maintenance actions are executed when the value
of monitored parameter is exceding an unacceptable threshold limit, and the current
conditional policies based on the collection of data from the state of health of the equipement,
the development of degradation models and the prevention of future failures by defining
efficient maintenance actions.
The different type of conditional maintenance policies are distinguished by the use of a
variety of measurable monitoring parameters, and also on the selection of the optimization
criterion (optimization of the number of inspection, periodic or continuous measurement,
etc.). Conditional maintenance monitoring techniques are very numerous (see [CAR 2005],
[MODEL 1999-2002]), among others:
- visual inspections;
- vibration analysis;
- oil and lubricant analysis;
- ultrasonic analysis for leaks detection;
- thermography analysis;
- non-destructive testing methods (endoscopy, ultrasound, bleeding, etc.);
- electrical measurements (Motor current analysis);
- monitoring physical parameters (pressures, speeds, flow rates, power, etc.).
Conditional maintenance policies based on thermography and vibration analysis are the most
used. According to [NASA2008], the various machine defects that can be followed by
vibration analysis techniques are: wear, balancing faults, misalignments, mechanical losses,
bearings and wheels damage, flow turbulence, cavitations, resonance of structures, etc. The
figure 10 provides an overview of the different conditional maintenance monitoring
techniques as well as typical examples of industrial applications. In their bibliographic
summaries [WANG2002] and [SARK2012] used the term of "repair limit policies" to refer to
conditional maintenance policies. They synthesized a set of thirteen conditional maintenance
policies with the corresponding references.
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Figure 10. Overview of the different conditional maintenance monitoring techniques
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2. How to define the suitable maintenance policy for heavy and building
2.1. Developing a maintenance plan for a new machine or plant
When the equipment is new, the first preventive maintenance task is proposed by the
equipment constructor. This first plan is normally sufficient for the first stage of production.
The maintenance team should prepare an additive plan to record the information relatives to
the working condition of the equipment and the first type of malfunction. After one or more
year of production, the recorded information can be analyzed to complete the initial
maintenance plan. A simplified maintenance plan may contain the following information as
When important data of the operating conditions of the system is collected, it is easier to
undertake an analysis of the data. The data analysis process is a very important step for
identifying the most critical component and to conduct after that, the decision making for
defining the suitable maintenance policy and maintenance actions to overcome the fatal
breakdown of the equipment. The result of this step of analysis is used to review the first
maintenance plan of the equipment, and normally to reduce the maintenance cost and to
increase the safety of the plant. This process is repeated many times during the life cycle of
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the machine. Hence, the process for developing and performing an equipment maintenance
plan may be synthesized in the figure 4.
Table 3. Proposal of tan equipment maintenance plan
2. Functional tests
3. Spare parts
Reference Designation Quantity
Date : Date :
Page | 18
Experiencing the new Recording & monitoring
equipment of maintenance and
maintenance plan operating conditions
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Table 4. Recording and monitoring sheet for maintenance operations generated by the MAXIMO CMMS (Company: Dubai Port World-Doraleh
Terminal Container).
Date Début
13/08/2009 MU RTG11 Defaut de chariot 13/08/2009 13/08/2009 00/01/1900 CH-RTG-H
13/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut de frein translation 13/08/2009 13/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
13/08/2009 MU RTG09 Defaut de frein translation 13/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut de frein translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG04 Defaut d^ éclairage chariot 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 AX-RTG-E
14/08/2009 MU RTG11 Defaut de frein translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG01 Defaut translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-G
14/08/2009 MU RTG04 Defaut de variateur 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-I
14/08/2009 MU RTG08 Defaut de demarrage 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 GE-RTG-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut de frein translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut de translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-G
14/08/2009 MU RTG04 Defaut de variateur 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-I
14/08/2009 MU CC02 Defaut fuite dhuile spreader 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 SP-CC-F
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut frein translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-F
Maintenance preventive mécanique RTG
14/08/2009 MP RTG02 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut arret moteur 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 GE-RTG-C
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut variateur translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-I
14/08/2009 MU RTG12 Defaut chariot 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 CH-RTG-E
14/08/2009 MU RTG03 Defaut variateur translation 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 TR-RTG-I
14/08/2009 MU RTG01 Defaut de surcours haut levage 14/08/2009 14/08/2009 00/01/1900 LV-RTG-D
14/08/2009 MU RTG07 Defaut discordance 14/08/2009 15/08/2009 00/01/1900 SP-RTG-D
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2.2.2. Analysis of the recorded data of maintenance activities
The collected data of the maintenance activities of the equipment should be treated and
analyzed when the defined period of collection is end. This is an important step for
performing the initial maintenance plan of the equipment. For this step of the process, we
need to use different kind of maintenance analysis tools such as the FEMEA (Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis) and PARETO. The goal of this project is not to detail the description of
the maintenance analysis tools, but the interested reader can find a focus presentation in the
annexed page at the end of the report (Annex 2). Some interesting results are obtained, such
as the critical component of the equipment in case of failure occurrences, safety measures, etc.
For example, real projects of maintenance analysis are done by the author form different
industrial plants. For example some important results are directly generated from the CMMS.
Hence, the figure 12 shows the failures repartition of different components of the Rubber
Gantry Crane system used in the Doraleh Terminal container during five years of service.
This figure demonstrates clearly that the critical component of the Rubber Tyred Grue system
is the Spreader (see figure 13).
Figure 12. Failures repartition of different components of the Rubber Tyred Grue (Doraleh Terminal Container) generated
Figure 13. Spreader or container clamp (system for attaching the container to the lifting cables of the gantry)
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The figure 14 shows an example of maintenance data recorded by an automotive production
industry (RENAULT-France). In this study the maintenance process of the water test plant
was analyzed by the author, and both methods of data analysis (PARETO and FEMEA) was
used to identify the most critical sub-system.
water overflow in
06/05/2009 Conveyor stopped 130 Rewinding engine
the engine
Figure 14. Maintenance data of the water test April-May 2019
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Figure 15. Water test cabine
The water test is a sealing cabin that ensures the sealing of vehicles produced before their
delivery to customers. It is designed to deliver a quantity of water representative of large
thunderstorms known as vertical rain, horizontal rain and under body spray related to the
circulation in puddles. The unit is composed on the following sub systems:
Page | 23 Maintenance data analysis process using FEMEA method
Failure Failure Index Corrective
Component Function Detection Effects
type Cause action
Water Producti
aspiration from on
the stopped Verification of
Repetitive Filters Visual
Filters recuperation at the 3 4 3 36 the filters
stop clogging. Noisy
tank and end of conception.
repression into the
the clean tank. plant.
Aspiration on
of the
pumps from Filtration of the stopped
pump filter Visual Preventive
the water from the Stopped at the 2 4 2 16
at the Noisy maintenance
recuperation recovery tank. end of
tank. the
n tank.
Table 6. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Filtration unit)
Page | 24
FEMEA- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
System : Water test
Sub-system : Car traction system
Failure Failure
Function Detection Effects Index Corrective action
Component type Cause
Stop of
Car Water
the Scheduled
traction Stopped overflow to Visual 2 3 3 18
Conveyor productio Preventive
system the engine
n Maintenance
Coupling Lubrication and
corrosion of Stop of
of the implementation of
Shear + the chain due the
Coupling chain geared Visual 3 3 3 27 a higher levelled
crack to the productio
motor float in the
presence of n
system. recovery tank.
Stop of
Conveyor Noisy & the
Motor Stopped of water. 1 3 3 9
traction Visual conveyor
Table 7. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of the Water test (Car traction system)
The criticality index makes it possible to discriminate the actions to be undertaken and to
calculate them based on the severity index G, the frequency F and the probability of non-
detection D of the failure. The criticality index is obtained by multiplication of the three
indexes as follow:
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By analyzing the results of the AMDEC it is concluded that it will be necessary to act as
quickly as possible, at the most critical equipments such as the filters (C = 36), the coupling
chain (C= 27) and the pumps (C = 32).
Joseph draws the idea, that for a phenomenon, 20% of the causes produce 80% of the effects.
For example, for a stock of products on sale, 80% of turnover is generated by 20% of
products. He used this model, by diverting it from its first purpose, but it will keep the name
of its original author.
For Joseph, this division applies to represent several crucial points of the industrial approach:
• the distribution of the causes of the defects of a production (the 20/80)
• determining the priority objectives of the policy
• the critical approach of quality management (control loop)
The Pareto chart is a graph representing the importance of different causes on a phenomenon.
This chart highlights the most important causes of the total number of effects and thus allows
for targeted measures to improve a situation.
The diagram is constructed in several steps:
• Collection of data,
• Ranking of data within categories,
• Calculation of the percentage of each category in relation to the total
• Sorting categories in order of importance
A part of the recorded maintenance data of the water test unit is shown on the annexed
document C. The recorded maintenance data (breakdowns) is assessed and a ranking of the
different failures of component is made us follow:
Total time of
System breakdown unavailability Percentage Magnitude
Failure of the filtering system 681 70 A
Presence of water in the
chain 246 22 B
Overflowed water in the
engine 130 12 C
Valve failure 60 5 D
Page | 26
diagramme pareto des arrets du Water test
temps d'arret cumulé
500 A
300 D
100 60
les causes
Interpretation: The Pareto diagram shows that 70 percent of water test shutdowns are due to
the filtering system.
The results found by the FMEA analysis are confirmed by the study of the Pareto diagram of
the Water Test. Both studies converge on the same criticality sub system which is the
filtration system and the ground conveyor. Rough study and rigorous analysis of the filtration
system is then necessary for the improvement of the maintenance process entire unit. Decision making process for selecting the suitable maintenance policies
Following the results of the maintenance data analysis, the maintenance management team
should study the different possible solutions to improve the maintenance plan of the
equipment. The different maintenance policies are then identified and assessed in case to
define the most efficient one. When the maintenance policy of the equipment is selected,
maintenance actions are defined and implemented. The final maintenance plan of the
equipment is updated and the process of recording and experiencing this maintenance plan is
the automatically started. This step of decision making is important and may require
important knowledge and the company may use the Outsourcing team of maintenance
In the case of the water test, the improved maintenance plan after analysis and decision
making process for selecting the most suitable maintenance policies is given in the annexed
document (Annex 3).
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In the second case of the Spreader equipment used in the crane system of handling containers
in Port, the decision making process where more crucial. The decision making process were
long and far from an easy thing. A decision making approach of selecting the suitable
maintenance policy developed in PhD thesis of Dr Nasser youssouf [MAHA2016] was used
in this case.
Figure 17 Decision making approach for selecting the suitable maintenance policy [Nasser, PhD work, 2016, Bali-
The stakeholders have identified five different maintenance policies, and four important
objectives of the company (DPWorld, Doraleh terminal Container):
These different policies were appraised on the four important objectives of the company:
maintenance cost; security; availability; and the quality of maintenance operations.
The matrix of decision making of the problem is established and the results are summarized in
the table:
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Table 8. Matrix of decision making for maintenance policy selection issue
Corrective Preventive+
Preventive+ Thermography+
Corrective Thermography+
50%Correctif +
(PMC) Preventive MCA+20%Corrective
Safety 4 1 3 2 5
Quality 5 3 4 2 1
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A multiple criteria decision making method was used to the assessment of the maintenance
policies on the decision criteria. The results obtained by using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy
Process) method are illustrated in the following figures.
Based on the results of the analysis, we find that the last two policies of the raking (PMC) and
(PMC + P) can be directly ruled out. On the other hand the first three policies (PMCOND1)
(PMPS) and (PMCOND2) differ on details.
It was agreed to adopt the maintenance policy that is the most appropriate in terms of cost and
the safety by the maintenance department of the terminal. In this case, the selection is oriented
towards the PMCOND1 policy which shares the top ranking with the PMPS policy (overall
score of 27%).
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3. A case study: maintenance policy proposal for Al Buruuj production and
Building material
3.1. Presentation of the company
Al Buruuj production and building materials is a company of Al Buruuj group which is active
on the building area. Al Buruuj group is founded in 2010 and has today a several offices
buildings and two sites of production in Djibouti. Al Buruuj production and building materials
is made up of about one hundred employees. The company's activities have undergone
significant development in recent years.
Al Buruuj has two sites of production of the building materials. The first site is located in
Pk13 and the second site is located in PK20. The produced materials are: the concrete,
different type of bloc, and the graver. The PK13 site of production is constituted about two
unit concrete machines, one unit of bloc machine and one crusher plant. The PK20 site has
one unit of crusher machine and an important plant of bloc machine.
Volvo 6 m3 working 1
Page | 31
Chargeur Operational 6
The maintenance strategy of the company is completely oriented to using the corrective
maintenance or the run to failure based maintenance policy. This is the reason why the
maintenance cost is very high due to the important stock of spare parts. Also the plant
manager has recognized that the use a week level of preventive based maintenance in the bloc
machine. These preventive tasks are limited to greasing some components only a day per
week or a month (see figure 21). The later has underlined also that the planned preventive
maintenance task are not wheel respected and depends of the availability of the machine. If
the machine is running, the planned maintenance day to perform the preventive maintenance
task is postponed to further. Thus, the maintenance strategy is confirmed to be a corrective or
run to failure based maintenance policy.
Another important missed point is that the company doesn’t use any type of CMMS software
simplified nor advanced. Hence, it is become impossible to have an access the history of
machine breakdowns. The historical data are very important to the process of failure analysis
and the decision making for improving the equipment maintenance plan. This is very
important way to select the best suitable maintenance policy.
The only element of maintenance data we can find from the plant manager is a daily sent file
to the production management office in which it’s mentioned the produced data and some
maintenance issues of the machine (see figure 22).
High class maintenance management production companies have understood that the
maintenance function is nowadays an essential function to increase production in a difficult
competitive environment.
Page | 32
Figure 20. Daily production report which mention machine breakdowns
Page | 33
3.2.4. Proposal of an efficient maintenance program
In this paragraph we provide a proposal maintenance plan to one of the common main
equipment to different plant: the power generators. The power generators are used in the
different production unit of the company: Batching plants, the three block machines, and the
two crushers (PK13 and PK20 sites).
For the power generators of the company, we defined three types of preventive maintenance
divided into three levels:
- Preventive maintenance level 1 (weekly); it involves doing a number of verification and
replacement operations if necessary once a week (Level 1 Preventive Maintenance plan is
given in the table)
- Preventive maintenance level 2 (monthly); it involves performing verification and
replacement operations once a month (Level 2 Preventive Maintenance plan is given in the
- Preventive maintenance level 3 (annual); it involves deep maintenance actions of
reparations and replacements once a year (Level 3 Preventive Maintenance plan is given in
the following tables.
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Table 10. Weekly preventive maintenance plan for the Power Generator
Date : Date :
Page | 35
Table 11 Monthly preventive maintenance plan for the Power Generator
Date : Date :
Page | 36
Table 12. Annually preventive maintenance plan for the Power Generator
Date : Date :
Page | 37 Proposed maintenance plan to the Batching plant
To complete this part we provide also a common preventive maintenance plan to the Batching
plant (see figure 24).
The production process of the batching plant requires regular inspections actions in case to
keep the lifespan of the plant. Hence, for the batching plant, we defined four different levels
of preventive maintenance actions: Daily Maintenance, Weekly Maintenance, Monthly
Maintenance, and annually Maintenance program (Table 13-15).
Page | 38
Table 13. Daily Preventive maintenance plan for the Batching Plant
Equipment maintenance plan AL
Batching Plant Buruuj
Site: PK13
Department : Maintenance Localization : PK13
Chief of department: Tel :
Start time: End time :
Maintenance Type: preventive maintenance (Daily operations)
Intervention : Daily preventive Date: 00.00.2019
Machine type : (N° Identification)
Condition : working
Technical details : - New Serial Number : Status :
Shut down
- Advanced age
Craft number : 3 Craft skills : Mechanical IT
Detailed information of the maintenance task
Inspection of Alignment and excessive wear of Done Undone Observation
conveyor belts
Inspection of Air valves, cylinders and gates.
Date : Date :
Page | 39
Table 14. Monthly Preventive maintenance plan for the Batching Plant
Date : Date :
Page | 40
Table 15. Annually Preventive maintenance plan for the Batching Plant
Date : Date :
Page | 41
Conclusion and General Recommendations
The purpose of this project was to analyse and to improve the maintenance process of the
production and building materials company. The company has expressed their needs to reduce
the maintenance budget and to develop a new strategy to define the suitable maintenance
policies to their production equipments.
Firstly we have made a deep assessment of the maintenance process by visiting the production
units (PK13 and PK20) and we had questioning the site managers. We have noticed that the
maintenance strategy of the company is completely oriented to using the corrective
maintenance or the run to failure based maintenance policy. This is the reason why the
maintenance cost is very high due to the important stock of spare parts. Similarly the plant
manager has recognized that they use a week level of preventive based maintenance in the
bloc machine. These preventive tasks are limited to a few greasing actions for components
only a day per week or a month. The later has underlined also that the planned preventive
maintenance task are not wheel respected and depends of the availability of the machine. If
the machine is running, the planned maintenance day to perform the preventive maintenance
task is postponed to further. Hence, the maintenance policy is confirmed to be a corrective or
run to failure based maintenance policy.
Another important point is that the company don’t use any type of CMMS software simplified
nor advanced. Hence, it is become impossible to have an access the history of machine
To overcome those maintenance issues, we have proposed a summarized description of the
different industrial maintenance policies. After that we made inventories of the different
equipments of the company that we have also mentioned their working situations.
In the 3rd part of this work we have proposed a first maintenance plan to different production
units (Batching plant and power generators). The power generators are used in the different
production unit of the company: Batching plants, the three block machines, and the two
crushers (PK13 and PK20 sites). For the power generators of the company, we defined three
types of preventive maintenance divided into three levels: (Weekly, monthly and annual
preventive maintenance).
The production process of the batching plant requires regular inspections actions in case to
keep the lifespan of the plant. Hence, for the batching plant, we defined four different levels
of preventive maintenance actions: Daily Maintenance, Weekly Maintenance, Monthly
Maintenance, and annually Maintenance program.
These maintenance plans should be correctly implemented and the company should record the
different maintenance actions and the different types of breakdowns will occur in the first
year of implementation.
The company should use a computerized maintenance management system CMMS (for
example MAXIMO or ACCEDER) to record all maintenance actions and the occurred
Page | 42
machine breakdowns. The historical data are very important to the process of failure analysis
and the decision making for improving the equipment maintenance plan. This is very
important way to select the best suitable maintenance policy.
In the following steps of this project, the company should define new maintenance policies for
the remaining equipments and similarly adopt a regular process of recording all maintenance
data. For this purpose we have proposed a detailed process of decision making for improving
and selecting the efficient maintenance policy.
Page | 43
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ANNEX 1: real sample of an equipment maintenance plan
Page | 48
ANNEX 2: Description sample of the FEMEA method
Page | 51
Early Failure Mode Discovery
When to Perform Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
There are several times at which it makes sense to perform a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis:
- When you are designing a new product, process or service
- When you are planning on performing an existing process in a different way
- When you have a quality improvement goal for a specific process
- When you need to understand and improve the failures of a process
In addition, it is advisable to perform an FMEA occasionally throughout the lifetime of a process.
Quality and reliability must be consistently examined and improved for optimal results.
How to Perform Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
FMEA is performed in seven steps, with key activities at each step. The steps are separated to
assure that only the appropriate team members for each step are required to be present. The
FMEA approach used by Quality-One has been developed to avoid typical pitfalls which make
the analysis slow and ineffective. The Quality-One Three Path Model allows for prioritization of
activity and efficient use of team time.
There are Seven Steps to Developing an FMEA:
1. FMEA Pre-Work and Assemble the FMEA Team
2. Path 1 Development (Requirements through Severity Ranking)
3. Path 2 Development (Potential Causes and Prevention Controls through Occurrence
Page | 52
4. Path 3 Development (Testing and Detection Controls through Detection Ranking)
5. Action Priority & Assignment
6. Actions Taken / Design Review
7. Re-ranking RPN & Closure
The Steps for conducting FMEA are as follows:
1. FMEA Pre-Work and Assembly of the FMEA Team
Pre-work involves the collection and creation of key documents. FMEA works smoothly through
the development phases when an investigation of past failures and preparatory documents is
performed from its onset. Preparatory documents may include:
- Failure Mode Avoidance (FMA) Past Failure
- Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)
- Boundary/Block Diagram (For the DFMEA)
- Parameter Diagram (For the DFMEA)
- Process Flow Diagram (For the PFMEA)
- Characteristics Matrix (For the PFMEA)
A pre-work Checklist is recommended for an efficient FMEA event. Checklist items may include:
- Requirements to be included
- Design and / or Process Assumptions
- Preliminary Bill of Material / Components
- Known causes from surrogate products
- Potential causes from interfaces
- Potential causes from design choices
- Potential causes from noises and environments
- Family or Baseline FMEA (Historical FMEA)
- Past Test and Control Methods used on similar products
2. Path 1 Development- (Requirements through Severity Ranking)
Path 1 consists of inserting the functions, failure modes, effects of failure and Severity rankings.
The pre-work documents assist in this task by taking information previously captured to populate
the first few columns (depending on the worksheet selected) of the FMEA.Functions should be
written in verb-noun context. Each function must have an associated measurable. Functions may
- Wants, needs and desires translated
- Specifications of a design
- Government regulations
- Program-specific requirements
- Characteristics of product to be analyzed
- Desired process outputs
Failure Modes are written as anti-functions or anti-requirements in five potential ways:
- Full function failure
- Partial / degraded function failure
Page | 53
- Intermittent function failure
- Over function failure
- Unintended function failure
- Effects are the results of failure, where each individual effect is given a Severity ranking.
Actions are considered at this stage if the Severity is 9 or 10
- Recommended Actions may be considered that impact the product or process design
addressing Failure Modes on High Severity Rankings (Safety and Regulatory)
3. Path 2 Development – (Potential Causes and Prevention Controls through Occurrence
Causes are selected from the design / process inputs or past failures and placed in the Cause
column when applicable to a specific failure mode. The columns completed in Path 2 are:
- Potential Causes / Mechanisms of Failure
- Current Prevention Controls (i.e. standard work, previously successful designs, etc.)
- Occurrence Rankings for each cause
- Classification of Special Characteristics, if indicated
- Actions are developed to address high risk Severity and Occurrence combinations, defined
in the Quality-One Criticality Matrix
4. Path 3 Development- (Testing and Detection Controls through Detection Ranking)
Path 3 Development involves the addition of Detection Controls that verify that the design meets
requirements (for Design FMEA) or cause and/or failure mode, if undetected, may reach a
customer (for Process FMEA).
The columns completed in Path 3 are:
- Detection Controls
- Detection Ranking
- Actions are determined to improve the controls if they are insufficient to the Risks
determined in Paths 1 and 2. Recommended Actions should address weakness in the
testing and/or control strategy.
- Review and updates of the Design Verification Plan and Report (DVP&R) or Control
Plans are also possible outcomes of Path 3.
5. Action Priority & Assignment
The Actions that were previously determined in Paths 1, 2 or 3 are assigned a Risk Priority
Number (RPN) for action follow-up.
RPN is calculated by multiplying the Severity, Occurrence and Detection Rankings for each
potential failure / effect, cause and control combination. Actions should not be determined based
on an RPN threshold value. This is done commonly and is a practice that leads to poor team
behaviour. The columns completed are:
- Review Recommended Actions and assign RPN for additional follow-up
- Assign Actions to appropriate personnel
- Assign action due dates
6. Actions Taken / Design Review
Page | 54
FMEA Actions are closed when counter measures have been taken and are successful at reducing
risk. The purpose of an FMEA is to discover and mitigate risk. FMEAs which do not find risk are
considered to be weak and non-value added. Effort of the team did not produce improvement and
therefore time was wasted in the analysis.
7. Re-Ranking RPN and Closure
After successful confirmation of Risk Mitigation Actions, the Core Team or Team Leader will re-
rank the appropriate ranking value (Severity, Occurrence or Detection). The new rankings will be
multiplied to attain the new RPN. The original RPN is compared to the revised RPN and the
relative improvement to the design or process has been confirmed. Columns completed in Step 7:
- Re-ranked Severity
- Re-ranked Occurrence
- Re-ranked Detection
- Re-ranked RPN
- Generate new Actions, repeating Step 5, until risk has been mitigated
- Comparison of initial RPN and revised RPN
FMEA Document Analysis
Deciding when to take an action on the FMEA has historically been determined by RPN
thresholds. Quality-One does not recommend the use of RPN thresholds for setting action targets.
Such targets are believed to negatively change team behaviour because teams select the lowest
numbers to get below the threshold and not actual risk, requiring mitigation.
The analysis of an FMEA should include multiple level considerations, including:
- Severity of 9 / 10 or Safety and Regulatory alone (Failure Mode Actions)
- Criticality combinations for Severity and Occurrence (Cause Actions)
- Detection Controls (Test and Control Plan Actions)
- RPN Pareto
When completed, Actions move the risk from its current position in the Quality-One FMEA
Criticality Matrix to a lower risk position.
RPN Action Priority
When risk is determined to be unacceptable, Quality-One recommends a priority of action to be
applied as follows:
1. Error Proofing (Eliminate Failure Mode or Address Cause)
Failure Mode (Only Severity of 9 or 10)
Causes with High Occurrence
2. Improve Potential Process Capability
Increase Tolerance (Tolerance Design)
Reduce Variation of the Process (Statistical Process Control and Process
3. Improve Controls
Mistake Proofing of the tooling or process
Improve the inspection / evaluation techniques
FMEA Relationship to Problem Solving
Page | 55
The Failure Modes in a FMEA are equivalent to the Problem Statement or Problem Description
in Problem Solving. Causes in a FMEA are equivalent to potential root causes in Problem
Solving. Effects of failure in a FMEA are Problem Symptoms in Problem Solving. More
examples of this relationship are:
- The problem statements and descriptions are linked between both documents. Problem
solving methods are completed faster by utilizing easy to locate, pre-brainstormed
information from an FMEA.
- Possible causes in an FMEA are immediately used to jump start Fishbone or Ishikawa
diagrams. Brainstorming information that is already known is not a good use of time or
- Data collected from problem solving is placed into an FMEA for future planning of new
products or process quality. This allows an FMEA to consider actual failures, categorized
as failure modes and causes, making the FMEA more effective and complete.
- The design or process controls in an FMEA are used in verifying the root cause and
Permanent Corrective Action (PCA).
- The FMEA and Problem Solving reconcile each failure and cause by cross documenting
failure modes, problem statements and possible causes.
FMEA Example
This FMEA Example has one item with a progression through multiple recommended Actions.
With each instance, the revised RPN has improved. The final RPN of 10 indicates the issue has
been mitigated successfully. The new state should be captured as Standard Work.
Page | 56
FMEA Three Path Model
Page | 58
Process Flow Diagram
Characteristics Matrix
Page | 59
FMEA Severity Table
Page | 60
FMEA Occurrence Table
Page | 61
FMEA Detection Table
Page | 62
RPN Action Example
Page | 63
FMEA Example
Page | 64
ANNEX 3: Improved maintenance plan for the Water Test Unit (Group Renault)
In the case of the water test, the improved maintenance plan after analysis and decision
making process for selecting the most suitable maintenance policies is given in the in the
following tables.
I. Preventive maintenance plans of the Water Test
I-1 Daily preventive maintenance plan
Daily preventive maintenance plan
Maintenance action Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Draining filters 2 times per team
Checking Nozzles
Maintenance action Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Leakage control
Page | 65
II. Preventive maintenance plans of the conveyor
Maintenance action Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
cleaning of pits
noise control
belt control
Maintenance action Jan-Feb-Mar Apr-May-Jun Oct-Nov-Dec
cleaning and lubrication of all mechanical
Page | 66
ANNEX 4: CV of the expert in decision making in industrial maintenance and
engineering project management
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