3.description of Individul

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The area of investigated is located along the northernmost part of Sylhet district, along

the Bangladesh-India international Boundary. The area is bounded by longitude 92 E

and 92 15 E and Lattitude 25 5N and 25 11 N. The total area of investigation
extent from Dauki river in the north to Hari river in the south and from Jaflong in the
west to Lala Khal in the east.It forms a narrow east- west elongated strip which is
characterized by surface topography with hills , valleys, scarpments and low land. These
features developed as results of varying degrees of faulting, folding and upliftment and
subsidence due to tectonic activites which have been modifided by erosional and
depositiona activites.

Geological field work is carried out only the areas where the exposures are found, that is
along the road cut section and along the river cut section. Our study area was restricted in
to following section

3.1 Dauki river section

3.2 Jaflong-Sonatila- road cut section
3.3 Tamabil road cut section
3.4 Sripur tea garden section
3.5 Hari river section
3.6 Dupigaon road cut section
3.7 Gourishankar- road cut section
3.8 Nayagang rive cut section
3.9 Kamlabari road cut section

Figure 3.1: Location map of Dauki river cut section

3.1Dauki river section

Dauki river section is the farthest section from the base camp. It is about 15.5 km
north-west from Jaintiapur city. It is situated in the northern side of the Sylhet-Tamabil
road along the Bangladesh-India border. The position of this section is about 2510'20" to 25
10' 50" N latitude and 921'0" to 92 0' 50"E longitude (Plate-3.1)

Dauki river, a prominent meandering river, flowing from north to south and it is a
perennial type of river. Exposures were found along the eastern bank of the Dauki river.
numerous gravels, boulders were found along the banks, and a huge number of these
were quarried of commercially from the river bed.

A sharp escarpment was observed in the north and north-west of this section. The
investigation was stopped further north due to lack of exposures and for the international
boundary between Bangladesh and India.

The major Rock Unit were distinctly recognized, which are Limestone unit, Black Shale
unit and Sandstone unit.. The lithology of Dauki river section & description of the Rock
Unit are described below:

Limestone Unit: Dark grey to whitish grey and in colour, somewhere cream in colour,
hard and compact, massive but highly jointed and fractured, crystalline, fossiliferous. The
upper part of limestone horizon is light ; gray to light brown in but fossil assemblage was
not visible. But, the lower part of the limestone horizon is .whitish gray colour, highly
fossoliferous and fossil assemblage was visible in nacked eye. The fossils are probably
composed of numulitic foraminifera with some shell fragments, give effervescence with
cold dilute HCl

Black shale unit: Blackish to blackish grey in colour, massive to thinly jointed,
composed of fossils, clay sized particles and carbonaceous material. The lower portion of

this formation is composed of angular to subangular shell fossils middle portion is non
fossiliferous and contains carbonaceous material and the upper portion composed of
finely laminated shales. Carbonaceous material in this portion is more prominent then in
the middle portion.

Sedimentary structure
A number of sedimentary structures have been observed which are horizontal bedding,
planner crossbedding. Fissile structure have been observed in black shale unit.

Minor structure
Numerous joints and fractures have been observed especially in the limestone unit and
black shaleunit.

Major structure
A major fault was inferred by the sharp escarpment of north and north-west and also by
the monotonous topography of the south and south-east which have controlled the Dauki
river. The sharp escarpment might have resulted from the uplifted of the block due to
tectonic disturbance . The sharp escarpment , fissile shale, and disturbed latitude of the
beds are the evidence of faulting.

The average attitude of the beds of this section
Strike –N79 E
Dip – S11 E
Dip amount- 33

Table 3.1: Lithology of Dauki river section is described in the following table
Stat Rock type Attitud Lithologic description Major Sedimentar Symbo
- e structure y l
Ion structure
1 Mud - Gravles are prominent. In the upper -- -
supported & lower portion gravels are small.
gravel bed Gravels are mainly igneous and
metamorphic rock such as granite
and qurtizite. The relative portion
of gravel is approximately 35% &
course to medium sand is
>50%.Highly porous and permeable
2 Yellowish -- Mud supported gravel bed. Iron is Presence --
brown partially in compacted with mud of
sandstone and sandstone. color variation due pinkish
to facies change. relative portion of sandston
cobble & pebble is smaller than e indicate
sand regional
3 Pinkish -- Fine grained sandstone with pebble Omission --
sandstone and cobble. In lower portion some of strara
boulder were also present. and color
g faulting
4 Shale N85E In the upper portion yellowish Block
S5E brown sandy shale and dark gray joint
40 shale in lower part. The middle
portion comprises a contact
between yellowish brown sandstone
and dark gray sandy shale.
Argillaceous and ferruginous
cementing material
5(A Sandstone N74E Sandstone are dominated specially Block Microcross
) S16E gravel bedded, thin bedded, micro joint lamination
26 cross laminated vended and thick
bedded sandstone are present will
variation in thick
5(B Sandstone -- Silicious sandstone, highly porous, Block Lamination
) gray and yellowish brown joint
6 Limestone -- Highly fossiliferous limestone Block --
which is light gray in color with38 joint
fit thickness

Table 3.2: The Rock unit of Dauki river section is described in the following table:

Rock Unit Lithology Symbol

Black shale In the upper portion yellowish brown sandy shale and dark gray
shale in lower part. The middle portion comprises a contact
between yellowish brown sandstone and dark gray sandy shale.
Argillaceous and ferruginous cementing material
Lime stone Dark gray to whitish gray and color, somewhere cream in color,
hard and compact..Highly fossiliferous limestone which is light
gray in color with38 fit thickness

Plate 3.1: Dauki, the fault controlled river with Shillong massif.

Check post

N 171●

A 214●
I 200● kalinagar
E Legend
R BALLA GHAT Metalled Road
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
NG Spot Height 
RO 652
AD Temple 
Hill Boundary

Fig 3.2: Location map of Jaflong- Sonatila road cut section.

3.2Jaflong-Sonatila- road cut section

The position of the section is about 251020N to 25 10 55 N latitude and 921 0 E
to 922 15 longitude. The road cut section is about 12.5 Ian north-west from the base
camp. The studied section was approximately 3.25 km long The exposures were found on
both sides of the road.

Only one rock unit has been found, that was the Sandstone unit.

Pinkish sandstone Unit: Pink to yellowish colored, moderately porous, medium to fine
grained ferrouginous sand; well sorted, iron incrustation along the bedding plane,
cementing material is ferrouginous and also siliceous.

Attitude :
The average attitude of the beds of this section
Strike –N80 W
Dip – S 9 W
Dip amount- 30

Table 3.3 Lithology of Jaflong sonatila road cut section is described in the following

Location Rock type Attitud Lithologic description Major Sedimentary Symbol

no e structure structure
1 Pinkish -- Matrix supported sandstone, -- Iron
sandstone pinkish in color, highly concretion
porous, presence of grabble,
cobble and pebble(about
30%) in situ weathering
2 Pinkish N85W Pink color, loose, medium -- --
sand stone S5W to fine grained sandstone

3 Pinkish N80W Pink color, loose, medium -- --
sandstone S10W to fine grained sandstone
4 Pinkish N77W Pink in color, moderately -- --
sandstone S13W compact

5 Pinkish N55E Pink in color, moderately -- --
sandstone S35E compact

6 (a)Sandston -- Various sandstone present -- --
e -- where pinkish sandstone is

Silty shale and sandy shale

(b)shale are dominant, silty shale is
dark gray and sandy shale is Micro Lamination
brown and gray. Here fault
carbonaceous matter was
found in shale
7 Shale -- Dark gray in color, fissility -- fissile
in nature

Table 3.4The rock unit of Jaflong sonatila road cut section is described in the
following table:
Rock Lithology Symbol
Pinkish Pinkish in color. Medium to fine grained poorly to moderately porous; highly
sand stone. compect sand stone. Matrix supported sand stone. Presence of gravel cobble
and pebble insitu weathering.

Sedimentary structure
Sedimentary structures have been observed which lamination, crossbedding is. Fissile
structures have been observed in this section. Legend
Minor structure
Metalled Road
Micro fault have been observed in this section
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
Spot Height  652 26
Temple 
Hill Boundary



Check post


171 88




Fig 3.3: Location Map of Tamabil road cut section.

3.3Tamabil road cut section

The position of the section is about 2510'30"N latitude and 922'15"E longitude. The
road cut section is about 10.5 km long from the base camp in north-west . The studied
section was approximately 2, km long The exposures were found on both sides of the

Only one rock unit have been found, that was the Sandstone unit .

Pinkish sandstone Unit: Pink to yellowish coloured, moderately porous, medium to fine
grained ferrouginous sand; well sorted, iron incrustation along the bedding plane,
cementing material is ferrouginous and also siliceous.

Attitude :

Change of abrupt attitude indicate presence of faulting in this section.

Locatio Rock type Attitude Lithologic description Major Sedimentary Symb

n no structure o
1 Pinkish -- Pink in color,but -- Laminatio

sandstone brownish grayish n
sandstone were also
present as interbedded
in grayish sandstone.
Carbonaceous matter
2 (a)Yellowish (a)N80 (a)Yellowish brown (a)Joint, (a)Planner
sandstone E sandstone, medium to fracture lamination
N10W fine grained highly

10 porous well sorted ,

decrease in pink color
(b)Pinkish (b)abrupt (b)Thin
sandstone (b) Pink in color, porous attitude lamination
,coarse to medium change &
grained hard and color change
compact indicate
presence of
parallel joint

3 Pinkish N84W Pink color, brownish & Joint Clay gall,

sandstone S6W grayish sandstone were lamination
also present
4 Pinkish -- Pink color, brownish & Parallel --
sandstone grayish sandstone were joint
also present
5 Conglomerat -- Composed of granules Local Planner cross
e & pebbles sand as unconformit stratification
matrix.vesicles & iron y
incrustion were
prominent in sand
pebble. Pinkish
sandstone were also
present as
Table 3.5 Lithology of Tamabil road cut section is described in the following

Table 3.6 The rock unit of Tamabil road cut section is described in the following

Rock unit Lithology Symbol
Pinkish Pinkish in color. Medium to fine grained poorly to
sand stone. moderately porous; highly compect sand stone.
Presence of gravel cobble and pebble insitu
weathering. Carboneceous material and lignite in
silty shale, lamination also present.

Sedimentary structure
Sedimentary structures have been observed which are planer lamination, thin lamination,

Minor structure
Clay gall, parallel joint, fracture, fault have been observed in this section .


Metalled Road
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
Spot Height  652 30
95 Temple 
GARDEN 163 183 Hill Boundary
Fig 3.4: Location Map of Sripur Tea garden section

3.4 Sripur tea garden section :

Sripur tea garden is approximately 8 km north-west from our base camp along the metal
road and the area is located map, latitude 2510'35"N to 2510'50"N and longitude 92 4'
30"E to 924'45"E. The length of the section was about 1 km..

The area is surrounded by some hillocks. The elevation increases gradually towards
south. A small river following is towards north of the area along east-west direction. Our
investigation also extent up to the river section elevation at the north of the river
increases rapidly. Maximum portion of the elevated area in the section covered by tea
garden and other portion of this area was thickly vegetated.

Only one major rock unit was distinctly recognized during our investigation which was
Sandstone unit. Silty shale, claystone and carbonaceous materials present in this unit.
This sandstone unit fully covered by thick alluvium in the whole area except the river
course and road cut section

Pinkish sandstone unit: Dark grey to whitish grey and in colour, somewhere cream in
colour, hard and compact, massive but highly jointed and fractured, crystalline, Silty
shale is characterised by alteration of fine sand to silty material and of shaly material.
The colour is grey to bluish grey, cementing material is ferruginous, as well as silicious
and argillaceous.

Attitude :

The average attitude of the beds of this section

Strike –N81 W
Dip – N 9 E
Dip amount- 10

Table 3.7 Lithology of Sripur tea garden road cut section is described in the

Locatio Rock type Attitude Lithologic description Major structure Sedimentary Symbol
n no structure
1 Shale & N81W Gray colored fissile Various types of Lamination
sandstone N9vE shale with iron joints in different

10 incrustation.bluish direction, minor

gray silty shale is alsi fault, block joint
present & yellowish
brown sandstone with
coarsed grained
2 Yellowish -- Coarse to medium -- --
brown grained moderately
sandstone sorted,yellowish
brown sandstone
3 Shale & -- Bluish gray shale in -- --
sandstone the bottom & at the
upper yellowish
brown sand stone.

Table 3.8 Sandstone unit of Sripur tea garden road cut section is described in the
following table:

Rock Lithology Symbol

Pinkish Pinkish in color. Medium to fine grained
sand poorly to moderately porous; highly
stone. compect sand stone. Carboneceous
material and lignite in silty shale,
lamination also present.

Sedimentary structure

We have got some sedimentary structures while working in this section. The structures were
lamination and cross bedding.

Minor structure
Various type of joints have been observed in this section, micro fold & Pot holes also
observed in this section. .

9205 9210


2510 2510


Metalled Road
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
Spot Height  652

2505 Temple 
Hill Boundary

9205 9210

Fig3.5: Location Map of Hari river section

3.5 Hari river section
The Hari river section is as excellent section for different lithostratigraphic sequence and
as for the geological field but the accessibility was the vital problem. Boat was used for
field work. We could not complete our study in a single day. So, we spent two days in
this section.

The section is about 6.5 km south from Jaintiapur thana. Extention of our investigation
along the river course from Shari Ghat25 5 0N to25 7 45 N and 92 7 11E to 92
11 45E, the section was approximately 11.75km.

Geological field work along the section was problematic, because exposures were found
on both bank of the river,so boat was used to observe the exposures. For this reason it
was not possible to measure the distance by stepping and so various matter (like khal,
tree, tila etc. from map used to calculate the distance of location where attitudes were
measured and lithology was observed.

There are four major rock units were distinctly exposed through the Hari river section
which were shale, silty shale, Sandstone, Claystone and Sandstone units, from up stream
down stream. A distinct contact between silty shale unit and sand stone unit, was found
near the Afifanagar tea garden. Other boundaries between the formations were not
distinct. But we could locate the lithostratigraphic zones.

Silty shale unit: Thinly laminate, grey to light grey colour, alteration of silty shale and
shale. Fine grained sand and silty particles are present along the bedding planes. Of the
sedimentary structures of this unit nodular structure can be highlighted. Because we
haven't got this structure in this unit in the other section

Sandy shale unit: Bluish grey colour, partly brownish grey, alteration of sandy shale,
siltstone, calcareous sandstone bands. Calcareous sandstone bands intercaleted with silty
shale. It is 6" to 10" thick and repeated after 1-2 inch. It is hard and compact, non porous,
blackish grey in colour.

The formation contains numerous sedimentary structures. Cross lamination has been
observed there clearly.
Massive sandstone unit: Yellowish brown, highly iron incrusted, coarse grained, highly
porous, medium to poorly sorted, loosely compacted. Dark coloured minerals present,
micaceous, minerals were also observed. Clay galls present, which is the indication of
fluviatile environment.
Clay unit: Bluish grey in colour, mottled, some carbonaceous material present. Leaf
impression was also observed. It was composed of fine grained, non porous to poorly
porous, steaky in nature.

The average attitude of the beds of this section
Strike –N 62 W
Dip – S 28 W
Dip amount- 49

Table 3.9 Lithology of Hari river section described in the following

Locatio Rock type Attitud Lithologic description Major Sedimentar Symbol
n no e structure y structure
1 N72W Yellowish color, medium to -- Lenticular

S18W coarse grained, moderately wavy

sorted sandstone Bluish bedding,
gray, fissile sandy shale micro cross
Sandston calcareous band were lamination,
e present prominently in sandy nodular
shale. Iron incrustation were Micro fold,
in sandy shale joint
2 Siltstone, N55W Dark gray, fine grained Various Nodular
Siltyshale S35W siltstone.thin dark gray types of structure,
Sandston mudstone layer. Bluish gray joint lamination
e silty shaleYellowish gray

mud stone, light yellow
3 Sandston N60W Light yellow, well sorted, -- Cross
e S30W medium to fine grained lamination

4 Massive N85E Yellowish brown color, Pothole Cross
sandstone S5E medium to coarse grained, lamination
moderately sorted, & cross
ferrageneous & silicious bedding
Bluish cementing material. Iron
gray incrustation & micas are
sandstone present.
Loosly compact bluish gray
sandstone were present at
the bottom of the station
5 Massive -- Brownish color, coarse to Pothole --
sandstone medium grained ,micaceous
loosely compact,, presence
of carbonaceous matter
Bluish --
gray Bluish gray plastic clay was
sandstone at the top of the sandstone
bed ferragenous cementing

6 Massive N84E Bluish and brownish gray Indicating Nodular

sandstone S6E color, coarse to medium faulting concreation
,loosely compact

Sily shale Joint,fractur

Bluish gray colored, fissile e
iron incrustation , calcareous
siltstone band

7 Clay - Bluish gray to light yellow -- Mud crack

mottled clay, plastic

oxidized iron &
carbonaceous matter were
8 Massive -- Yellowish brown colored, -- --
sandstone poorly sorted,highly porous,
lose compact ferrageneous
Clay cementing material
Consist of bluish gray plastic
motted clay
9 Sandston -- Light yellow colored, --
e mediun to fine grained,
moderately sorted.loose

10 Sandston -- Light yellowish colored, Micro fault --

e medium to fine grained,
moderately to poorly sorted,
moderately compact

Clay Bluish gray clay, plastic

Mudston Gray colored mudstone

11 Sandston -- Light yellowish colored, -- --

e medium to fine, moderately
to poorly sorted,
12 sandstone -- Light yellowish colored, -- --
medium to fine, moderately
to poorly sorted,
clay(bluish gray) is present

Table 3.10The rock unit of Hari river section is described in the following table-

Rock Unit Lithology Symbol

Claystone Bluish gray in wet condition and in dry condition grayish color, highly
steaky in nature, poorly porous. Argillaceous nature. Clay are often
found grayish color due to weathering.
Yellowish sand Yellowish brown to light brown to gray, moderately sorted. Sand stone
stone are friable. Clay gall, iron incrustation, concreation, partially thinly
bedded sedimentary structures are present.
Sandy shale Bluish gray and light yellow in weathered condition, highly compact,
very poorly porous shale. Argillaceous cementing materials are present
in shale unit. Lamination, lenticular bedding, micro-cross lamination,
load structure, small ripple scale beds are present in this section.
Silty shale Mud stone are present in this unit which are gray to dark gray color,
highly compact, very poorly porous. Calcareous sand stone band also
found which is medium grained and dark gray color.
Lamination, lenticular bedding, micro-cross lamination, load structure,
small ripple scale beds are present in this section.

Sedimentary structure

We have got some sedimentary structures while working in this section. The structures
were cross lamination and cross bedding.

Minor structure
Various type of joints have been observed in this section, fracture, mud crack and pothole
also observed in this section.

3.6 Dupigaon road cut section
Fig 3.6: Location Map of Dupi gaon section

The ideal section for 'DupiTila, Formation" is Dupigaon (Dupi Tila) which is about 5 km
south-east from our base camp along the metal road. The position of the section is about
latitudes 25º5´30N to 25º5´50 N and les 92º7´0 to 92º7´45 E. The studied section
was around 1 km. Exposures were found along the foot of the hillocks

The area is surrounded by small hillocks, maximum elevation of this area is 258 feet.
Beside the elevated land, the area is covered by plain land. Numerous streamlets, are
drained from this elevated land and almost of this streamlets are dried during winter
season. Only in ramy season, those strearrilets carry water into the low land.

A major rock unit, Sandstone has been observed which was named as variegated . But it
is not a homogenous formation. Some claystone, silty shale, sandy shale and
carbonaceous, materials were present as intercalation. A thin layer of pebble sized
particles were also observed in this formation.

Variegated sandstone unit : Yellowish coloured medium to fine grained sandstone.

Often pink colored sandstone also observed. It is porous, friable, composed of silt and
clay materials. Clay materials became shale in the upper part. Iron incrustation is
common in the sandstone portion and found after 4 to 6 inches. Layers of granule and
pebble were also observed in the sandstone part.

We observed two suitable vertical sections at the foot of hillocks while working in this
section. The first one just behind the primary school. We observed the disturbances and
mentioned that exposure as a disturbed area. We have got sandstone bounded by clayey
material on both sides, pink coloured medium to fine sandstone, friable, highly porous.
Iron incrustation present along the bedding plane. The clayey part is sticky and slight
mottled. Disruption of lithology and variation in the attitude suggest us that this portion is
the result of faulting.. Clay portion of the right side of sandstone also showed overturning

The second vertical section was a few hundreds of meters away from the first one. It
holds the criteria mentioned above in the part unit.

Major structure:
Disruption of lithology, sudden end of the hillocks, suggest that a fault may present there.

Sedimentary structure:
Among the sedimentary structures cross bedding, cross lamination, large scale iron
concretion were observed in the section

Change of abrupt attitude may indicate faulting.

Table 3.11 Lithology of Dupigaon section is described in the following

Locatio Rock type Attitud Lithologic description Major Sedimentary Symbol

n e structur Structure
no e

1 Sandstone N40E Variegated color, medium -- Lamination

N50W to fine grained loosely
41 compact highly porous
moderate to poorly sorted.
Gray, compact, fine
grained sandstone also

2 (a)pinkish -- Pink color, medium to -- Planner & micro

sandstone fine, moderately compact, cross lamination
highly porous
(b)yellowis -- -- --
h sandstone Medium to fine,
moderately compact -- iron concretion
porous, iron
(c)siltstone N82E
S8E Bluish gray colored, hard
71 &compact

3 Variegated N71W Pikish, yellowish brown Massive Cross bedding &

sandstone S19W &grayish sandstone.quartz lamination
46 pebbles also present.

Table 3.12The rock unit of Dupigaon section is described in the following table:

Rock unit Lithology symbol

Sand stone part of this unit is yellow to yellowish brown,

pink in color and weathers yellowish brown to deep brown.
It is also massive, medium to coarse grained, poorly sorted,
unconsolidated, frible, highly porous.
The most dominant rock type of the unit with color varying
Variegated sand from gray to brownish grey and yellow probably due to
stone weathering which makes the clay stone mottled, it is soft ,
plastic and sticky when wet ferruginous bands are
aboundent along planes.


Fig3.7: Location Map of Gaurishankar road cut section.

3.7Gourishankar- roadcut section:
The Gowrishankar road cut section is located about 5 km north east from the base camp.
The locationof this section in map, latitude 25 8' 05"N to258 '10"N and longitude 92 7'
30" to 92 8' 10"E. The length of the section about 1 km but most of the section was
covered by alluvium.

The surrounding area of this section represented by hill and hillocks. The maximum
elevation of the studied area is about 234 feet and minimum elevations about 138 feet.
The elevation is gradually increasing towards norther –eastern side. The elevated area is
surrounded by plain land and is covered by thick vegetation and cultivated land.

Two major rock units was distinctly recognized during our investigation. Which were
Sandstoneunit and Silty Shaleunit. Besides these unit, conglomerate bed also found in
this section.

Pinkish sandstone unit: This formation have been found at the distal part of this section.
It is dark grey to whitish gray and in colour, somewhere cream in colour, hard and
compact, massive but highly jointed and fractured, crystalline, fossiliferous. Variation of
facies also have been observed in this section. Silty shale subfacies is characterisd by
alteration of fine sand to silty material and of shaly material. The colour is grey to bluish
gray cementing material is ferrugirious as well as silicious and argillaceous. Colour
variation of this formation have been observed somewhere. The changed colour was light
yellowish brown.

Silty shale unit: Thinly laminate, grey to light grey colour, alteration of silty shale and
shale. Fine grained sand and silty particles are present along the bedding planes.

Conglomerate bed: The conglomerate is 3 to 3.5 in thick, dark brown to black in colour.
It is composed of cobbles, pebbles,granules and fine grained ferruginous materials. The
upper surface of this block is black and vesicular in nature. Due to the presence of iron

and exposed in atmospheric condition, the formation is Pebbles, granules, sand and clay
are the main constituents. Presence of quartzite's indicates igneous intrusion.As it is a
intraformational conglomerate probably it indicates a regional unconformity between
pinkish sandstone unit and silty shale unit.

Sedimentay structure:
Among the sedimentary structures cross bedding, micro cross lamination observed in
this section.

Attitude The average attitude of the beds of this section

Strike –N81 W
Dip – S 9 W
Dip amount- 40

Table 3.13 Lithology of Gourishankar- roadcut section is described in the following

Locati Rock type Attitude Lithologic description Major Sedimentary Symbol

on no structure structure

1 Silty shale -- Bluish gray silty shale -- --

2 Silty shale N81W Bluish gray silty shale, Micro cross
S9W ferruginous material present. lamination
10 Thinly laminated sand and
shale alternation
3 Gravel -- Matrix supported gravel bed -- --
bed extended around 1 km.
coglomarate layer parallel
between silty shale and
pinkish sandstone, which is
evidence for unconformity.
Highly oxidized sand pebble
and quartzite pebble present
4 N69E Medium to fine compact Cross
S21E sandstone lamination

Table 3.14 The rock unit of Gaurishankar road cut section is described in the
following table:

Rock unit Lithology Symbol

Silty shale Bluish gray shale, compact, poorly

porous. Brown to reddish brown,
very hard, compact, porous lateric
conglomerate beds is present
which are composed of numerous
folds. Quartzitic and granitic
pebbles cementing material is
both siliceous and ferogeneous.
Laminations are found in this unit.

Pinkish sand stone Pink, yellowish gray color, friable,

moderately porous, fine to medium
grain sand stone. They are
compact, weathered and
arenaceous cementing material is

Fhal bagan


Metalled Road
Unmetalled Road
Cart Track
Foot Track
Spot Height  652
Temple 
Hill Boundary


Fig 3.8: Location Map of Naygang road-cut section

3.8Nayagang River cut section :

The Nayagang is a meandering river fluently from north-east to south-west flowing and a
metalled road trending in north south direction, across the river and separated it into two
portion, one western portion and another is the eastern portion. Investigation was not
carried out in the western part of this river, because it was covered by thick alluvium and
sands and had no suitable exposures. The investigation was confined mainly in the
eastern part of the metal bridge, that means the upstream portion

The section is about 1.25 km from our base camp. The position of the section is
latitudes258 00"N to 25 8 25"N and longitudes 92 7 15"E to 92 8 5"E. The
investigated length was about 1.75 km from the metal bridge.

We obserbed two major lithosratigraphic unit, which were, sandstone unit and shale and
silty shale unit. In the field we mentioned them as formation 'C' and 'D' respectively.

Two major rock units was distinctly recognized during our investigation. Which were
Sandstone unit and Silty Shale unit.
Fragments of lateritic intraforniational conglomerate were frequently observed in this
section which may possible human transported- But it is obvious that the conglomeratic
band is submerged under water and that's old not be observed.

Pinkish sandstone unit: Dark grey to whitish grey and in colour, somewhere cream in
colour, hard and compact, massive but highly jointed and fractured, crystalline,
fossiliferous.. Silty shale subfacies is characterized by alteration of fine sand to silty
material and of shaly material.. The colour is grey to bluish grey, cementing material is
ferruginous as well as silicious and argillaceous..

Silty shale unit: Thinly laminate, grey to light grey colour, alteration of silty shale and
shale. Fine grained sand and silty particles are present along the bedding planes.

The average attitude of the beds of this section
Strike –N84 W
Dip – N 6 E
Dip amount- 36

Sedimentary structure :
Among the sedimentary structures iron incrustation, lamination observed in this section.

Table 3.15 Lithology of Nayagon River cut section is described in the following

Locati Rock type Attitude Lithologic Major Sedimentar Symbol

on no description structure y structure

1 Silty shale N 84W Yellowlish brown

N 6E silty shale
2 Pinkish -- Mainly pinkish Iron
sandstone sandstone by shale incrustation,
member present lamination
within pinkish

Table 3.16 The rock unit of Nayagang river section is described in the following
Rock type Lithology Symbol

Silty shale Bluish gray shale, compact, poorly

porous. Brown to reddish brown, very
hard, compact, porous lateric
conglomerate beds is present which are
composed of numerous folds. Quartzitic
and granitic pebbles cementing material
is both siliceous and ferogeneous.
Laminations are found in this unit.

Pinkish sand Pink, yellowish gray color, friable,

stone moderately porous, fine to medium grain
sand stone. They are compact, weathered
and arenaceous cementing material is


Fig 3.9: Location Map of kamalabari road cut section.

3.9Kamalabari road cut section

The Kamlabari road cut section is located about 0.5 km north east from the base camp.
The location of this section in map, latitude 25 7' 55" N to25 8' 05"N and longitude 92
7' 45" Eto 92 8' 05"E. The length of the section about 1.25 km but most of the section
was covered by alluvium.

Only one major rock unit was distinctly recognized during our investigation which was
Gravel bed unit named as formation 'I’. In matrix supported gravel bed, matrix are coarse
grained, unconsolidated, poorly sorted, highly porous, Gravels are made up of yellowish
brown with few pinkish sandstone. cobble, pebble are present in upper and lower side but
absent on very few in middle portion

Gravel bed unit: Matrix supported gravel deposit. From up to bottom gravel size are
decreased. Matrix more or less same yellowish brown, coarse to medium sand, poorly
sorted un consolidated, gravels are made up of sandstone.

The average attitude of the beds of this section
Strike –N80 W
Dip – S 10 W
Dip amount- 55

Table 3.17 Lithology of Komlabari roadcut section is described in the following

Location Rock type Attitude Lithologic description Major Sedimentary Symbol

no structure Structure
1 Gravel bed - Matrix supported gravel deposit. - -
From up to bottom gravel size
are decreased. Matrix more or
less same yellowish
brown,coarse to medium sand,
poorly sortedunconsolidated,
gravels are made up of
sandstone(yellowish and pinkish
2 Gravel bed - Matrix supported gravel deposits - -
with pinkish color in upper and
brown color in bottom side
which is effect of leaching due to
3 Silty shale N80E Yellowish brown silty shale. - -
S10E Ferruginous material present.
4 Gravel bed Matrix supported gravel bed, - -
matrix are coarse
grained,unconsolidated, poorly
sorted, highly porous, Gravels
are made up of yellowish brown
with few pinkish
sandstone.cobble, pebble are
present in upper and lower side
but absent on very few in middle

Table 3.18 Rock unit of Kamlabari roadcut section is described in

the following

Rock type Lithology Symbol

Matrix supported gravel deposit. From

up to bottom gravel size are decreased.
Matrix more or less same yellowish
Gravel bed
brown, coarse to medium sand, poorly
sorted un consolidated, gravels are made
up of sandstone.


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