Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
3BSN-A 10/7/20
Subjective: Ineffective After 8 hours of 1. Assess and record Useful in evaluating the After 8 hours of nursing
“I have emphysema breathing pattern nursing intervention: respiratory rate, depth. degree of respiratory intervention:
for 25 years and I related to -patient will report Note the use of distress or chronicity of -patient’s vital signs is
also smoke. I find it ineffective improvement of accessory muscles, the disease process within normal range and
difficult to breathe inspiration and breathing pattern. pursed-lip breathing, demonstrates proper
most of the time that expiration -patient will maintain and inability to speak or breathing technique
goes with chest pain evidenced by a respiratory rate converse.
and I have cough for increased RR, within normal limits. -patient reports reduced
a long time now. ” crackles upon 2. Monitor O2 saturation Pulse oximetry reading episodes of dyspnea
As verbalized by auscultation. and titrate oxygen to of 87% below may during activity
John. maintain Sp02 from indicate the need for
Impaired gas -patient will 88% to 92%. oxygen administration -patient participates in
Objective: exchange related demonstrate improved while a pulse oximetry treatment regimen
-weak looking to altered O2 ventilation and reading of 92% or higher within the level of
-sputum production supply evidenced adequate oxygenation may require oxygen ability/situation
-dyspnea by dyspnea. of tissues and be free titration.
-barrel chest of symptoms of -patient identifies the
-crackles upon respiratory distress. 3. Monitor vital signs Tachycardia, hazards of cigarette
auscultation -patient will and cardiac rhythm. dysrhythmias, and smoking
participate in changes in BP can reflect
VS taken as ff: treatment regimen the effect of systemic -patient identifies
BP: 130/90 within the level of hypoxemia on cardiac resources for smoking
PR: 110 bpm ability/situation. function. cessation
RR: 24 bpm
O2 SAT: 94% 4. Maintain a patent Remove secretions that -pt minimizes or
PAIN SCALE:8/10 Activity -patient will report airway, suctioning of obstructs the airway. eliminates exposures.
intolerance related reduced episodes of secretions may be done
to ineffective dyspnea during an as ordered.
breathing patterns activity.
evidenced by
dyspnea, increased 5. Provide respiratory Aid in relieving the
RR. support. Oxygen patient from dyspnea.
inhalation is given as
6. Instruct how to splint Promotes physiological
the chest wall with a ease of maximal
pillow for comfort inspiration.
during coughing and
elevation of head over
the body as appropriate.
7. Teach pt the ff
activities to improve
breathing pattern: