NSTP 2.3.2-Information Sheet TeamBuilding
NSTP 2.3.2-Information Sheet TeamBuilding
NSTP 2.3.2-Information Sheet TeamBuilding
Push decision down to the line involve others as much as possible, in key decisions and give
people space to make those decisions view truth and wisdom as being accessible to everyone
throughout the organization let those responsible decide how the jobs will be done serve
everyone's interest by developing people give to the organization
Understand personal and team roles accept ownership to the team decision
recognize that they individually serve as a team leader balance appropriate levels of
participation participate voluntarily maintain confidentiality view criticism as an opportunity to
earn share ideas freely and enthusiastically criticize ideas not people attend meetings regularly
and promptly.
Presence of Spy of the owner : members of the team suspects and distrust new members
Two Coalitions : the team has two factions, one of which has very
little power
Infinite Details : team members scrutinize every detail and check on all aspects
of minor or major decisions
Amount of time to make decisions: decisions on minor issues are brought to the top of
the organization, requiring too much time
Shifting and changing decisions : decisions are often changed shortly after
being made