Optimization of Automotive Suspension System by de
Optimization of Automotive Suspension System by de
Optimization of Automotive Suspension System by de
Research Article
Optimization of Automotive Suspension System by Design of
Experiments: A Nonderivative Method
Copyright © 2016 Anirban C. Mitra et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
A lot of health issues like low back pain, digestive disorders, and musculoskeletal disorders are caused as a result of the whole body
vibrations induced by automobiles. This paper is concerned with the enhancement and optimization of suspension performance
by using factorial methods of Design of Experiments, a nonderivative method. It focuses on the optimization of ride comfort
and determining the parameters which affect the suspension behavior significantly as per the guidelines stated in ISO 2631-1:1997
standards. A quarter car test rig integrated with a LabVIEW based data acquisition system was developed to understand the real
time behavior of a vehicle. In the pilot experiment, only three primary suspension parameters, that is, spring-stiffness, damping, and
sprung mass, were considered and the full factorial method was implemented for the purpose of optimization. But the regression
analysis of the data obtained rendered a very low goodness of fit which indicated that other parameters are likely to influence the
response. Subsequently, steering geometry angles, camber and toe and tire pressure, were included in the design. Fractional factorial
method with six factors was implemented to optimize ride comfort. The resultant optimum combination was then verified on the
test rig with high correlation.
1. Introduction motion with respect to the body and to support loads while
allowing for that motion.
Automobiles travel at a high speed and as a consequence The RC has been shown to be affected by a variety of
experience a broad spectrum of random noncyclic vibra- suspension parameters and a variety of analytical, numeric,
tions transmitted either by tactile, visual, or aural paths. computational, and experimental methods have been exer-
The term “ride” is commonly used to represent tactile and cised for the optimization of suspension systems. Khajavi et
visual vibrations, while the audibly perceptible vibrations are al. [4] have developed a full car 8-DOF model by adopting
categorized as “noise.” As per SAE J670e [1] terminology, ride comfort, handling, and suspension travel as the main
the term ride is defined as the low frequency vibrations of criteria and using Multiobjective Programming Discipline
the sprung mass up to 5 Hz. The lower frequency ride vibra- to find the Pareto front. A 33-DOF multibody model of
tions are manifestations of dynamic behavior. The motions suspension system has been prepared by Zhang et al. [5] using
and mechanical stresses resulting from the application of ADAMS software. Even the stiffness coefficient of bushing
mechanical forces to the human body can have a variety of has been considered. Step and sinusoidal excitations are
physiobiological effects. ISO 2631-1:1997 [2] standards imply provided to the model, and RC is optimized using GA in one
that, for vertical vibrations, humans are most sensitive to of the research works by Farid et al. [6].
those in the frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz, this being the Kilian et al. [7] had worked on the optimization of torsion,
resonant frequency range for human body. In its simplest bending, and swaying of suspension designs by using finite
form, a modern road vehicle suspension has been defined by element methods like topology optimization and topography
Damian [3] as a linkage to allow the wheel to have relative optimization in Altair Opti Struct software to maximize ride
2 Advances in Acoustics and Vibration
Table 3: Observation table: full factorial design. Table 4: Effect coefficient table: full factorial design.
Table 5: Regression statistics: full factorial design. Table 6: Fractional factorial design.
Table 8: DoE matrix: fractional factorial design. Table 10: Regression statistics: fractional factorial design.
14 250 35 1 18000 673 20 41 1.15
15 250 35 1 18000 673 20 41 1.2
16 250 35 3 18000 673 10 81 0.62 AF
17 155 40 3 26000 418 10 81 1.12 C
18 155 40 1 18000 673 10 81 0.55 A
19 155 40 1 26000 418 20 41 0.9
20 155 40 3 18000 673 20 41 0.54 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Standardized effect
21 155 40 1 26000 418 20 41 0.82
22 155 40 1 18000 673 10 81 0.57 Factor Name
A typ (psi)
23 155 40 3 26000 418 10 81 1.17
B cma (deg)
24 155 40 3 18000 673 20 41 0.44 C ks (N/m)
25 250 40 1 18000 418 10 41 0.97 D cs (N-s/m)
26 250 40 1 26000 673 20 81 1.6 E toe (mm)
F m (kg)
27 250 40 3 26000 673 10 41 0.61
28 250 40 3 18000 418 20 81 1.75 Figure 4: Pareto chart: fractional factorial design.
29 250 40 1 18000 418 10 41 0.91
30 250 40 3 18000 418 20 81 1.75
31 250 40 1 26000 673 20 81 1.25
residual error in evaluating the system has been minimized
32 250 40 3 26000 673 10 41 0.69 after considering additional parameters. Moreover, all the
individual parameters other than the tire pressure are found
to be significant. In the previous instance, while taking three
Table 9: Effects and coefficients for RC: fractional factorial. factors, the effect of the noise factors caused the individual
influence of parameters like mass and spring stiffness to be
Term Effect Coef SE Coef 𝑡 𝑃 clouded. This further emphasizes the importance of selection
Const 0.9663 0.01647 58.67 0 of influential variables in a DoE optimization procedure.
Blocks −0.19 0.01647 −11.54 0 A visual perception of the same can be derived from the
typ (psi) 0.0225 0.0113 0.01647 0.68 0.502 Pareto charts which clearly demarcate the significant and
cma (deg) −0.215 −0.1075 0.01647 −6.53 0.029 insignificant influences, as shown in Figure 4.
ks (N/m) 0.125 0.0625 0.01647 3.79 0 The critical 𝑡 value is 2.07. Tire pressure is insignificant
cs (N-s/m) −0.3575 −0.1787 0.01647 −10.85 0 individually but it cannot be neglected as its interactions are
toe (mm) 0.2575 0.1288 0.01647 7.82 0
significant. The Pareto chart obtained also conforms to the
Effect-Heredity principle, which states that, for an interaction
𝑚 0.315 0.1575 0.01647 9.56 0
to be significant, at least one of its parent factors should be
typ (psi) ∗ cma (deg) 0.2775 0.1388 0.01647 8.42 0
significant. After reducing the model of RC to its significant
typ (psi) ∗ 𝑚 0.17 0.085 0.01647 5.16 0 variables, the model was checked for goodness of fit by
evaluating the 𝑅 sq statistics shown in Table 10.
The 𝑆 value obtained here is 0.093 which is relatively
It can be observed from Table 9 that the SE Coef value of smaller and accounts for greater accuracy of the resulting
0.01647 is much lower than that obtained when three param- model. The high value of 𝑅-Squared, that is, 96.21%, and
eters were considered. This is a direct indication that the the closeness of 𝑅-Squared and adjusted 𝑅-Squared (94.66%)
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration 7
−0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.5
Residual Fitted value
(a) (b)
Histogram Versus order
8 0.2
6 0.1
−0.15 −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Residual Observation order
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Residual plots for RC: fractional factorial design. Residual plots for RC ms (m/s2 ).
depicted in Table 10 confirm the fitment of model. PRESS and residuals, taking into account the degree of freedom for each
predicted 𝑅-squared values give an idea about the model’s variable. The ANOVA table generated for RC is shown in
predictability and the value of PRESS here is smaller, that is, Table 11. In ANOVA, the total sum of squares quantifies the
0.0403, compared to that when three factors were considered. total variation in the data and is divided into two parts, Seq
Similarly, predicted 𝑅-Squared is 91.98%. The higher value SS (sequential sum of squares) and Adj SS (adjusted sum
of predicted 𝑅-Squared shows better predictability and the of squares). The equality of both these terms confirms the
negligible difference between adjusted 𝑅-Squared and 𝑅- orthogonality of the design. The residual mean square (MS)
Squared indicates that the model is not overfit. of treatments is an unbiased estimator of variance.
The normal probability plot for RC, at Figure 5(a), Lower 𝑃 values provide stronger evidence against the null
indicates the presence of one outlier which can be neglected, hypothesis; that is, for 𝑃 value less than 0.05, the effect of the
as far as its impact on the model is concerned. In this analysis, factor is termed significant and the null hypothesis can be
the distribution of residuals over the zero line follows a rejected. As suggested by the 𝐹-value and 𝑃 value in Table 9,
bell shaped curve, but the presence of some outlier points rotational speed, which was considered within a block, is
on extreme left and right makes it slightly skewed. The significantly influential.
versus-fit plots, at Figure 5(b), show a random and equal The lack of fit for the model is also tested by using 𝐹-test.
distribution without any usual patterns for both the responses To obtain the lack of fit estimation, replication of the model is
which shows that the residuals possess a constant variance mandatory. There are two parts of the error term in the model,
throughout the data. The graph at Figure 5(d) is the versus pure error and the bias error. The error due to variations in the
order plot which is the plot of residuals in time sequence. The replications around their mean value is called pure error; on
plot is used to detect the correlation between the residuals. the other hand bias error is due to the variation of mean values
Ideally, the residuals on the plot should fall randomly around around the model prediction. Ideally, the 𝐹-ratio of lack of
the center line. There is no strong pattern observed in the fit should not be significant for the model to describe the
versus order plots for RC which indicate the random variation functional relationship between the experimental factors and
in experimental data. Hence, the residuals are deemed time the response. For the model, in Table 11, the 𝑃 value of lack of
independent and uncorrelated in the analysis. fit is 0.178, which is greater than the significance level of 0.05.
This shows its insignificance which in turn depicts the fitment
3.2.3. ANOVA. ANOVA, that is, Analysis of Variance, and credibility of the model generated. Also the variance of
explains the variability in the mean and variance of the model error, that is, lack of fit and replicate error, that is,
8 Advances in Acoustics and Vibration
pure error values for the RC model, is 0.01253 and 0.00724, RMS acceleration of sprung mass and improves as its value
respectively, which was very negligible and it indicates that decreases; hence the response is to be minimized to obtain a
the experimentation is having good reproducibility. high degree of comfort.
As recommended by ISO 2631-1:1997 [2] standards, RC
3.2.4. Model with Six Variables. Once all the assumptions should be less than 0.5 m/s2 , so the target value for RC
were verified and consolidated and the fit of model is was 0.3 m/s2 and upper value was 0.6 m/s2 . An interactive
obtained, an experimental model explaining the behavioral optimizer plot in Figure 6 is also provided by the response
relationship between all the selected suspension and steering optimizer which shows the optimum factor settings (values
geometry parameters is shown in in red) and the response values (in blue) along with their
RC = −0.210200 × typ − 2.18875 × cma + 1.56250𝐸 respective desirabilities.
The predicted value(s) of response(s) can be calculated at
− 05 × ks − 0.00140196 × cs − 0.0257500 × toe a particular setting of interest for one or more factors and sen-
(2) sitivity of factors can be determined. When one or more input
− 0.0558750 × 𝑚 + 0.05550 × typ × cma factors are changed to a new level, the graphs of desirabilities
are redrawn and the predicted responses and desirabilities are
+ 0.001700 × typ × 𝑚 − 0.1900 × 𝑁 + 8.61814.
recalculated. The model gives an optimum RMS acceleration
of 0.2663 m/s2 at the optimum combination of tire pressure of
4. Response Optimization 35 psi, camber angle of 3 degree, toe of 10 mm, spring stiffness
of 18000 N/m, and damper of damping coefficient 673 N-s/m
After the experimentation and the statistical analysis, the
with mass of 41 kg.
regression models for the desired responses are generated in
terms of the influential parameters, which produce a value of
response as per the given set of the factors. When the value 5. Results and Verification
of response is desired around a user-specified range and the
combination of various influencing factors is required to yield The optimum setting for all the factors which minimizes the
the optimal response accordingly, the method of response RMS acceleration, that is, improves the RC to the optimum
optimization is applied. In this, the most desirable value of level, is shown in Table 12. This optimum setting obtained is
response possible under all the restrictions or conditions is again verified by executing the combination on the test rig
achieved. and the experimental value of RC was found to be 0.302 m/s2
To serve the purpose, response optimizer, a software against the theoretical value of 0.2663 m/s2 .
function in MINITAB, is used. It generates a combination of
the variables which gives the optimal solution, based on the 6. Conclusion
goal of optimization, range, weight, and relative importance
as specified by the user. The model must fit all the responses In this work, the experimentation was accomplished by
separately, to be implemented in the response optimizer. The incorporating various combinations of the parameters on the
response can be minimized, maximized, or targeted as per test rig developed, for the simulation of real time behavior
the objective of optimization. RC is measured in terms of of suspension system of a vehicle. It can be concluded
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration 9
y = 0.2663
d = 1.0000
Table 12: Results and verification. MES’s College of Engineering, Pune, India, for providing the
Factors Optimum level
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Academy Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, suspension vibration for a nonlinear halfcar model using a
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