Annex Iii

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Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


1. Calculus I

Course Contents
Course Name Calculus I
Course Description An introductory course covering the core concepts of limit,
continuity and differentiability of functions involving one or more
variables. This also includes the application of differential
calculations in solving problems on optimization, rates of change,
related rates, tangents and normals, and approximations; partial
differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
Number of Units for 3 units lecture
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites Mathematics in the Modern World
Program Outcomes a, g, k
addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Differentiate algebraic and transcendental functions
2. Apply the concept of differentiation in solving word problems
3. Analyze and trace transcendental curves
Course Outline 1. Functions
2. Continuity and Limits
3. The Derivative
4. The Slope
5. Rate of Change
6. The Chain Rule and the General Power Rule
7. Implicit Differentiation
8. Higher – Order derivatives
9. Polynomial curves
10. Applications of the Derivative
11. The Differential
12. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
13. Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
14. Derivative of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
15. Derivative of the Hyperbolic Functions
16. Solutions of Equations
17. Transcendental Curve Tracing
18. Parametric Equations
19. Partial differentiation

2. Calculus II

Course Contents
Course Name Calculus II
Course Description The course introduces the concept of integration and its application
to some physical problems such as evaluation of areas, volumes of

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revolution, force, and work. The fundamental formulas and various
techniques of integration are taken up and applied to both single
variable and multi-variable functions. The course also includes
tracing of functions of two variables for a better appreciation of the
interpretation of the double and triple integral as volume of a three-
dimensional region bounded by two or more surfaces.
Number of Units for 3 units lecture
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus I
Program Outcomes a, g, k
addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Apply integration to the evaluation of areas, volume of
revolution, force and work
2. Use integration techniques on single and multi-variable
3. Explain the physical interpretation of the double and triple
Course Outline 1. Integration Concepts/Formulas
1.1. Anti-differentiation
1.2. Indefinite Integrals
1.3 Simple Power Formula
1.4 Simple Trigonometric Functions
1.5 Logarithmic Function
1.6 Exponential Function
1.7 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
1.8 Hyperbolic Functions (sinh u & cosh u only)
1.9 General Power formula (include Substitution Rule)
1.10 Constant of Integration
1.11 Definite Integral (include absolute, odd & even
2 Integration Techniques
2.1 Integration by Parts
2.2 Trigonometric Integrals
2.3 Trigonometric Substitution
2.4 Rational Functions
2.5 Rationalizing Substitution
3 Improper Integrals
4 Application of Definite Integral
4.1 Plane Area
4.2 Areas between Curves
5 Other Applications
5.1 Volumes
5.2 Work
5.3 Hydrostatic Pressure
6 Multiple Integrals (Inversion of order/ change of
6.1 Double Integral
6.2 Triple Integral
7 Surface Tracing
7.1 Planes
7.2 Spheres

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7.3 Cylinders
7.4 Quadratic Surfaces
7.5 Intersection of Surfaces
8 Multiple Integrals as Volume
8.1 Double Integrals
8.2 Triple Integrals

3. Differential Equations

Course Contents
Course Name Differential Equations
Course Description This course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm
foundation on differential equations in preparation for their degree-
specific advanced mathematics courses. It covers first order
differential equations, nth order linear differential equations and
systems of first order linear differential equations. It also introduces
the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving differential equations.
The students are expected to be able to recognize different kinds of
differential equations, determine the existence and uniqueness of
solution, select the appropriate methods of solution and interpret the
obtained solution. Students are also expected to relate differential
equations to various practical engineering and scientific problems
as well as employ computer technology in solving and verifying
Number of Units for 3 units lecture
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus II
Program Outcomes a, g, k
addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Apply integration for the evaluation of areas, volumes of
revolution, force and work
2. Use integration techniques on single and multi-variable
3. Explain the physical interpretation of the double and triple
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Definition and Classifications of Differential
Equations (DE)
1.2. Solution of a DE
2. Solution of some 1st order DE
2.1. Variable Separable
2.2. Exact Equation
2.3. Linear Equation
2.4. Substitution Methods
2.5. Mixed Problems (method not pre-identified)
2.6. Introduction to Use of Computer in Solving
Differential Equations
3. Application of 1st Order Differential Equations
3.1. Decomposition /Growth
3.2. Newton’s Law of Cooling

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3.3. Mixing (non-reacting fluids)
3.4. Electric Circuits
4. Linear Differential Equation of Order n
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation with
Constant Coefficients
4.3. Non-homogeneous Differential Equation with
Constant Coefficients
4.4. Solution of Higher Order Differential Equations
using Computer
5. Laplace Transforms of Functions
5.1. Definition
5.2. Transform of Elementary Functions
5.3. Transform of eatf(t) – Theorem
5.4. Transform of tnf(t) – Derivatives of Transforms
5.5. Inverse Transforms
5.6. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms using a
5.7. Transforms of Derivatives
5.8. Initial Value Problems

4. Engineering Data analysis

Course Contents
Course Name Engineering Data Analysis
Course Description This course is designed for undergraduate engineering students with
emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that
engineers and scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces
different methods of data collection and the suitability of using a
particular method for a given situation.
The relationship of probability to statistics is also discussed,
providing students with the tools they need to understand how
"chance" plays a role in statistical analysis. Probability distributions
of random variables and their uses are also considered, along with a
discussion of linear functions of random variables within the context
of their application to data analysis and inference. The course also
includes estimation techniques for unknown parameters; and
hypothesis testing used in making inferences from sample to
population; inference for regression parameters and build models for
estimating means and predicting future values of key variables under
study. Finally, statistically based experimental design techniques and
analysis of outcomes of experiments are discussed with the aid of
statistical software.
Number of Units for 3 units lecture (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Mathematics in the Modern World
Program Outcomes a, b, e, k
addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Apply statistical methods in the analysis of data
2. Design experiments involving several factors

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Course Outline 1. Obtaining Data
1.1. Methods of Data Collection
1.2. Planning and Conducting Surveys
1.3. Planning and Conducting Experiments: Introduction
to Design of Experiments
2. Probability
2.1. Sample Space and Relationships among Events
2.2. Counting Rules Useful in Probability
2.3. Rules of Probability
3. Discreet Probability Distributions
3.1. Random Variables and their Probability Distributions
3.2. Cumulative Distribution Functions
3.3. Expected Values of Random Variables
3.4. The Binomial Distribution
3.5. The Poisson Distribution
4. Continuous Probability Distribution
4.1. Continuous Random Variables and their Probability
4.2. Expected Values of Continuous Random Variables
4.3. Normal Distribution
4.4. Normal Approximation to the Binomial and Poisson
4.5. Exponential Distribution
5. Joint Probability Distribution
5.1. Two or Random Variables
5.2. Linear Functions of Random Variables
5.3. General Functions of Random Variables
6. Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of
6.1. Point Estimation
6.2. Sampling Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem
6.3. General Concept of Point Estimation
7. Statistical Intervals
7.1. Confidence Intervals: Single Sample
7.2. Confidence Intervals: Multiple Samples
7.3. Prediction Intervals
7.4. Tolerance Intervals
8. Test of Hypothesis for a Single Sample
8.1. Hypothesis Testing
8.2. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance
8.3. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance
8.4. Test on the Variance and Statistical Deviation of a
Normal Distribution
8.5. Test on a Population Proportion
9. Statistical Inference of Two Samples
9.1. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Known
9.2. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Unknown
9.3. Inference on the Variance of Two Normal
9.4. Inference on Two Population Proportions
10. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation

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10.1. Empirical Models
10.2. Regression: Modelling Linear Relationships – The
Least-Squares Approach
10.3. Correlation: Estimating the Strength of Linear
10.4. Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression
10.5. Prediction of New Observations
10.6. Adequacy of the Regression Model
10.7. Correlation
11. Multiple Linear Regression
11.1. Multiple Linear Regression Model
11.2. Hypothesis Test in Multiple Linear Regression
11.3. Prediction of New Observations
11.4. Model Adequacy Checking
12. Design and Analysis of Single Factor Experiments
12.1. Completely Randomized Single Factor
12.2. The Random-Effects Model
12.3. Randomized Complete Block Design
13. Design of Experiments with Several Factors
13.1. Factorial Experiments
13.2. Two-Factor Factorial Experiments
13.3. 2k Factorial Design
13.4. Blocking and Confounding in the 2k Design
13.5. Fractional Replication of the 2k Design
13.6. Response Surface Methods

5. Chemistry for Engineers

Course Contents
Course Name Chemistry for Engineers
This course provides students with core concepts of
Course Description chemistry that are important in the practice of engineering
Number of Units for
4 units (3 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours
6 hours (3 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes
a, b, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Discuss the application of chemistry in relation to the
generation of energy
2. Explain the chemical principles and concepts of
structures and bonding of common materials

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3. Discuss the chemical processes that takes place in the
4. Identify key chemistry concepts related to the specific
field of engineering
Course Outline 1. Energy
1.1. Electrochemical energy
1.2. Nuclear chemistry and energy
1.3. Fuels
2. The Chemistry of Engineering Materials
1.1. Basic Concepts of Crystal Structure
1.2. Metals
1.3. Polymers
1.4. Engineered Nanomaterials
3. The Chemistry of the Environment
1.1. The Chemistry of the atmosphere
1.2. The Chemistry of Water
1.3. Soil chemistry
4. Chemical Safety
5. Special Topics specific to field of expertise
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

6. Physics for Engineers

Course Contents
Course Name Physics for Engineers
Vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy, and power;
impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics of rotation;
elasticity; and oscillation. Fluids; thermal expansion, thermal
Course Description
stress; heat transfer; calorimetry; waves; electrostatics;
electricity; magnetism; optics; image formation by plane and
curved mirrors; and image formation by thin lenses.
Number of Units for 4 units (3 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 6 hours (3 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites None
Program Outcomes a, b, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Use calculus to solve problems in force statics and
2. Apply the Newton’s Laws of Motion;
3. Use calculus to solve work and energy problems;
4. Apply the law of conservation of energy to problems;
5. Solve problems on impulse and momentum and
6. Determine the stress and strain on a body;

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7. Solve simple harmonic motion applications;
8. Describe the characteristics of fluids at rest and in
9. Solve basic problems in fluid statics and kinematics
10. Describe the three methods of heat transfer;
11. Solve basic problems in heat transfer;
12. Discuss the properties of waves, modes of vibration of
strings and air columns;
13. Define electric current, electric resistance and voltage;
14. Compute the electric force between electric charges;
15. Solve problems on resistance and cells in series and
16. State Kirchhoff’s rules and apply them in a given circuit;
17. Describe electromagnetism and apply its principles to
problem on magnetic field and torque.
18. Describe image formation by mirrors and lenses and
solve basic optics problems
Course Outline 1. Work, Energy and Power
2. Impulse and Momentum
3. Kinematics
4. Dynamics
5. Rotation
6. Dynamics of Rotation
7. Elasticity
8. Oscillations
9. Fluids
10. Heat Transfer
11. Waves
12. Electrostatics
13. Electricity
14. Magnetism
15. Optics
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV


1. Principles of Animal Science

Course Contents
Course Name Principles of Animal Science
Introduction to animal science, economic importance of animals;
contribution of livestock and poultry animals to climate change;
Course Description anatomy and physiology; mechanism of growth; methods of
genetic improvement; identification of feed sources and nutrition
needed by animals
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week

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Prerequisites None
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes b, d, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able
1. Describe the whole animal industry, its role in the society,
the ecology of animals and its relationship with the
changing climate;
2. Identify anatomical parts of the animals as well as
discuss its physiology;
3. Explain the principles governing the study of animal
4. Explain the factors affecting the growth and maturity of
the bones, muscles and other parts of the animal’s body
with consideration on the endocrinology and the genetics
of the animal;
5. Trace the flow of blood from the heart to the different parts
of the body;
6. Explain the physiology of blood formation;
7. Trace the diffusion of gases from the external environment
to the cell;
8. Distinguish the type of hormones released based on the
physiological action of the different parts of the animal;
including its body processes;
9. Compare and state the difference between avians and
mammals in terms of their urinary system
10. Differentiate the function of the reproductive organs in
both avians and mammals;
11. Explain the guiding principles of animal breeding;
12. Describe the biotechnologies common in the
improvement of farm animals; and
13. Explain the importance of nutrients to the growth and
maintenance of the animals
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction to animal science
1.2. Ecology of animals
1.3. Livestock and climate change
2. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals: External
2.1. Directional terms
2.2. Main body divisions
2.3. Integumentary systems
3. Internal Anatomy of Farm Animals: Skeletal System
3.1. General composition of bones
3.2. Main skeletal divisions
3.3. Main classification of bones
3.4. Joint and articulations
3.5. Fracture of the bones
4. Musculatory and Circulatory Systems
4.1. Musculatory System

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4.2. Types of muscle tissues
4.3. Functional grouping of muscles
4.4. Microscopic anatomy of muscles
4.5. Cardiovascular system
4.6. Comparative anatomy and physiology of the heart
4.7. Circulatory system
4.8. Blood formation and physiology
5. Nervous System
5.1. Structure of the nervous system
5.2. Classification of neurons according to direction of
6. Digestive System
6.1. Functions of the digestive system
6.2. Types of digestive systems of different farm animals
6.3. Parts of the digestive system and their physiology
7. Respiratory System
7.1. Major and secondary functions of respiratory
7.2. Respiratory organs and their functions
7.3. Physiology and respiration process
7.4. Mechanics and diffusion of gases
8. Endocrinology
8.1. Definition of hormones and its action
8.2. The importance of hormones
8.3. Types of hormones
9. Urinary system
9.1. Differences between avian and mammalian urinary
9.2. Major parts comprising the urinary system including
its anatomy and physiology
9.3. Concentration and dilution of urine
10. Mammalian and Avian Reproductive System
10.1. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and pregnancy
10.2. Female reproductive organs and the physiology
of the formation of the egg cells
10.3. Mammalian and avian male reproductive system
10.4. Testes abnormality and classification
11. Genetics and Animal Breeding
11.1. Animal breeding
11.2. Basic terms in animal genetics
11.3. Kinds of selection
11.4. Methods of selection
11.5. Systems of breeding
12. Animal Biotechnology
12.1. Artificial Insemination
12.2. Embryo transfer
12.3. Cloning
13. Animal Nutrition
13.1. Nutrients required by animal
13.2. Classifications of carbohydrates
13.3. Importance of nutrients to the growth and
maintenance of animals
Laboratory Exercises To be formulated by the concerned HEI

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2. Principles of Crop Science

Course Contents
Course Name Principles of Crop Science
Physiological processes affecting crop production; factors affecting
Course Description crop production; crop production system; sustainable crop production;
issues, policies, and trade agreement concerning crop production
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes b, d, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Categorize crops according to agronomic and horticultural
classification, importance, and climatic requirements;
2. Discuss the basic physiological processes in crop production;
3. Describe the principles and practices of crop production and
management; and
4. Explain the socio-economic, cultural, and political issues in crop
production in relation to agricultural sustainability
Course Outline 1. Physiological Processes Affecting Crop Production
1.1. Photosynthesis
1.2. Respiration
1.3. Transpiration
1.4. Translocation
1.5. Mineral nutrition
1.6. Growth and development
1.7. Seed Dormancy
2. Factors Affecting Crop Production
2.1. Genetic factors
2.2. Biotic factors
2.3. Abiotic factors
3. Crop Production System
3.1. Classification of crops
3.2. Seed production and certification
3.3. Crop management practices
3.4. Cropping systems
3.5. Harvesting and postharvest management
4. Sustainable Production
4.1. Goals of agriculture
4.2. Practices in sustainable crop production
4.3. Organic farming
4.4. Nutrition Cycle

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5. Issues, Policies, and Trade Agreement Governing Crop
Laboratory Exercises To be formulated by the concerned HEI

3. Principle of Soil Science

Course Contents
Course Name Principles of Soil Science
Genesis and classification, nature and properties, management
Course Description
and conservation of soils
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes b, d, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Describe the mechanisms involved in soil formation and
2. Explain the different kinds of soils and their nature and
3. Explain the soil physical, chemical and biological properties
and relate their importance to agriculture, environmental
concerns, and engineering
4. Identify recommended soil management practices to
rehabilitate, conserve and/or improve performance of the soil
for various purposes
5. Develop awareness of the importance of the soil to other
Course Outline 1. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions:
1.1. Components of the global ecosystem
1.2. The pedosphere
1.3. Definition of soil
1.4. Hierarchy of study of soil, dimensions and boundaries
1.5. Importance and functions of soils
1.6. Concepts of the study of soil
1.7. History of Soil Science
1.8. Divisions of Soil Science
2. The Earth
2.1. Origin, Composition and Structure
2.2. Geology History of the Earth and its Major Sphere
2.3. Rocks and Minerals
3. Soil Formation and Development
3.1. Definitions: formation vs. development

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3.2. Factors of soil formation
3.3. Weathering
3.4. Soil Development
3.5. Soil Profile vs. Soil Horizon
3.6. Master horizons and common diagnostic horizons
3.7. Interpreting soil properties from horizon depth and letter
4. Soil as a three-phase system
4.1. Three-phase composition of the soil
4.2. Soil air and soil water
4.3. Soil Solids such as mineral soils, rocks, rock cycle, and
organic fraction
5. Soil Physical Properties
5.1. Types of physical properties
5.2. Important physical properties examined in profile
description and land use decision such soil texture,
structure, color, consistency, density, and hydraulic
5.3. Soil water and its properties with respect to moisture
content, energy state, porous media, Darcy’s law, and
infiltration and estimation of depth to welting front
6. Soil Chemical Properties
6.1. Importance of chemical properties
6.2. Review of basic chemistry concepts
6.3. Soil Colloid (inorganic and organic)
6.4. Clay mineralogy
6.5. Ion exchange
6.6. Base saturation
6.7. Soil reaction and liming
6.8. Redox reaction
7. Soil Biological properties and soil organic matters
7.1. Macrofauna
7.2. Microorganisms both microfauna and macroflora
7.3. Distribution of microorganisms in a soil profile
7.4. Environmental conditions affecting soil microbial
7.5. Beneficial activities of microorganisms – N – Cycle
7.6. Metabolic classification of soil microorganisms
7.7. Soil organic matter, its definitions, composition,
decomposition, and functions of soil organic matter
8. Soil Nutrition
8.1. Criteria of essentiality
8.2. Essential nutrients
8.3. Nutrient uptake mechanisms
8.4. Plant-available forms of essential elements
8.5. Sources of essential elements
8.6. Nutrient in Focus such as nitrogen and phosphorous,
their importance cycles, and as pollutant
8.7. Methods of assessing soil fertility status
8.8. Management or improvement of soil fertility
9. Erosion and soil protection/conservation
9.1. Types of erosion
9.2. Erosion and its types
9.3. Mechanisms involved in water-induced erosion

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9.4. Principles of soil protection/conservation
9.5. Methods of soil protection/conservation erosion control
10. Systematic and Geography of Soils
10.1. Hierarchy in soil classification
10.2. Soil orders and their formative elements
10.3. Geography of soils in the world
Laboratory Exercises To be formulated by the concerned HEI


1. Computer Aided Drafting

Course Contents
Course Name Computer-Aided Drafting
The course covers the concepts of computer-aided drafting
with introduction on CAD terminologies and environment
Course Description
with the application of techniques in inputting and executing
CAD commands and other related software.
Number of Units for 1 unit (Lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 3 laboratory hours
Hours per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes e, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Define the terms related to computer-aided drafting;
2. Identify the important tools used to create technical
drawings in CAD;
3. Create electronic drawings using the CAD/related
Course Outline 1. Introduction to CAD/related Software and its
2. Snapping and construction elements
3. Dimensioning
4. Plotting and inputting of images
5. 3D and Navigating in 3D
6. Rendering
1. 25 Personal computers with operating system and
Laboratory installed CAD/related software for a laboratory class of
Equipment 25 students
2. Printer or plotter
Laboratory Exercises To be formulated by the concerned HEI

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2. Engineering Mechanics I

Course Contents
Course Name Engineering Mechanics I
Principles of statics; resultant of force systems; equilibrium
Course Description
force; analysis of structures, and friction
Number of Units for 3 units
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 3 lecture hours
Hours per Week

Prerequisites Physics for Engineers, Calculus I

Co-requisites None
Program Outcome/s a, b, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Explain the principles of statics
2. Compute resultant of force system
3. Compute equilibrium of force system
4. Analyze and compute structures
5. Apply the concept of friction in solving wedges, screws,
belt friction and rolling resistance
Course Outline 1. Principles of Statics
2. Resultants of Force Systems
2.1 Forces and Components
2.2 Resultant of Three or More Concurrent Forces
2.3 Moment of a Force
2.4 Resultant of Parallel Forces
2.5 Couples
2.6 Resolution of a Force into a Force and a Couple
2.7 Resultant of Non-Concurrent Force Systems
3. Equilibrium of Force Systems
3.1 Free-Body Diagrams
3.2 Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems
3.3 Conditions of Equilibrium from Moments
3.4 Three Coplanar Forces in Equilibrium are Concurrent
3.5 Equilibrium of Parallel Forces
3.6 Equilibrium of Non-Concurrent Force Systems
4. Analysis of Structures
4.1 Method of Joints
4.2 Method of Sections
4.3 Frames and Machines
5. Friction
5.1 Theory of Friction
5.2 Angle of Friction
5.3 Problems in Friction
5.4 Wedges
5.5 Square-Threaded Screws

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5.6 Belt Friction
5.7 Rolling Resistance
Supplemental Activities Computational exercises

3. Engineering Mechanics II

Course Contents
Course Name Engineering Mechanics II
Principles of dynamics; rectilinear translation; curvilinear
Course Description
translation; rotation; and work and energy;
Number of Units for 3 units
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 3 lecture hours
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Engineering Mechanics I
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, b, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Describe the principles of dynamics and its importance
in the field of engineering;
2. Explain the concepts of rectilinear and curvilinear
translation, rotation, and work and energy
3. Compute problems involving rectilinear and curvilinear
translations at varying conditions;
4. Analyze and compute problems related to rotation,
work, and energy; and
5. Apply the principles of dynamics in designing basic
machine and building structures in actual field
Course Outline 1. Principles of Dynamics
2. Rectilinear Translation
2.1. Rectilinear Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.2. Freely Falling Bodies, Air Resistance Neglected
2.3. Rectilinear Motion with Variable Acceleration
2.4. Dynamic Equilibrium in Translation
3. Curvilinear Translation
3.1. Flight of Projectiles. Air Resistance Neglected
3.2. Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration
3.3. Kinetics of Curvilinear Translation. Dynamic Equilibrium
4. Rotation
4.1. Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
4.2. Rotation with Variable Angular Acceleration
5. Work and Energy
5.1. Application of Work-Energy Method. Constant Forces
5.2. Resultant Work. Variable Forces

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5.3. Power. Efficiency
5.4. Work-Energy Applied to Plane Motion
Supplemental Activities Computational exercises

4. Engineering Economy

Course Contents
Course Name Engineering Economy
Course Description Time value of money; money discounting; effect of inflation;
International Accounting Standards (IAS); International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) under the IAS; use of feasibility
analysis software adopting the IAS standards; future value and
present worth; investments, operating costs, financial and
economic benefits; annual projection of material quantities, costs
and benefits; annual cash flow; feasibility indicators - Net Present
Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit-Cost Ratio
(BCR), Return on Investment (ROI) and Payback Period; financial
and economic feasibility analyses with risk/sensitivity analysis;
break-even analysis, financial ratios and the financial statements
based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) -
Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet;
preparation of international standard feasibility studies complete
with Project Summary, Market, Technical, Financial, Socio-
Economic and Management Feasibilities.
Number of Units 3 units
Contact Hrs/Wk 3 hours lecture
Prerequisites Third Year Standing
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, g, h, k, l
Addressed by the Course
Course At the end of the semester the students must be able to:
Outcomes 1. Explain the time value of money and money discounting at
normal and inflationary conditions;
2. Determine the future value of an investment and the present
worth of a targeted future amount;
3. Prepare using manual computations and computer the
detailed investments, operating costs, financial and economic
benefits of any engineering projects;
4. Do annual projection of material quantities, costs and benefits
for any engineering projects manually and using the
5. Prepare annual cash flows for any engineering project using
the International Accounting Standards (IAS);
6. Quantify and explain the implications of the following project
feasibility indicators: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate
of Return (IRR), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), Return on
Investment (ROI) and Payback Period;

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7. Do financial and economic feasibility analyses with
risk/sensitivity analysis using the life cycle cash flow
accounting method and all applicable International Accounting
Standards (IAS);
8. Interpret the implications of break-even analysis, financial
ratios and the financial statements based on International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) – Income Statement,
Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet
9. Prepare manually and using a software an international
standard feasibility studies complete with Project Summary,
Market, Technical, Financial, Socio-Economic and
Management Feasibilities.
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Time value of money
1.2. Money discounting at normal and inflationary
1.3. Conditions
1.4. International Accounting Standards (IAS)
1.5. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) of
1.6. Use of feasibility analysis software adopting IAS
2. Future value and present worth
2.1. Future value of an investment
2.2. Present worth of a targeted future amount
3. Estimation of detailed costs and benefits of any engineering
3.1. Assumptions
3.2. Investments
3.3. Operating costs
3.4. Financial benefits
3.5. Economic benefits
4. Annual projection of project data manually and using
4.1. Material quantities
4.2. Costs
4.3. Financial benefits
4.4. Economic benefits
5. Preparation of annual cash flows manually and using
5.1. Applying the International Accounting Standards (IAS)
5.2. Cash flow preparation
6. Quantification and interpretation of project feasibility
indicators manually and using computer:
6.1. Net Present Value (NPV)
6.2. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
6.3. Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
6.4. Return on Investment (ROI)
6.5. Payback Period
7. Financial and economic feasibility analyses using the life
cycle cash flow accounting method and considering risks
7.1. Applicable provisions of International Accounting
7.2. Financial feasibility analysis

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7.3. Economic feasibility analysis
7.4. Inflation and other risk factors
7.5. Sensitivity analysis
8. Introduction to financial statements, break-even analysis and
financial ratios and their interpretations
8.1. Applying International Financial Reporting Standards
8.2. Income statement
8.3. Cash flow statement
8.4. Balance sheet
8.5. break-even analysis
8.6. financial ratios
9. Preparation of international standard feasibility studies
manually and using a software adopting the IAS standards
9.1. Project summary
9.2. Market feasibility
9.3. Technical feasibility
9.4. Financial feasibility
9.5. Socio-economic feasibility
9.6. Management feasibility
9.7. Appendices
10. Engineering Management
10.1 Management and its functions
10.2 Planning
10.3 Leading
10.4 Organizing
10.5 Controlling
10.6 Managing Product and Service Operations
10.7 Managing the Marketing and Finance Functions
Lecture Equipment At least 25 computers with any standard feasibility analysis


1. Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Course Description Introduction to the field of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering, the profession as a tool for sustainable development
in global and local frontiers; AB engineering projects; success
stories; best practices and approaches; innovations; challenges
and opportunities.
Number of Units for 1 unit
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 3 hours laboratory (industry visits, observation visits, study tour)
per Week
Prerequisites None

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Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes f, h, j
Addressed by the Course
Course outcomes At the end of the semester the students must be able to:
1. explain the ABE program and basic sub-disciplines;
2. describe the opportunities of graduates of the ABE program
and its contribution to food security and sustainable
development in local and global frontiers;
3. develop a clear appreciation of the various ABE projects,
success stories, best practices and approaches, innovations
and challenges;
4. explain the importance of technical communication and
teamwork in the ABE profession
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Vision, mission, goals of the university/college
1.2. BSABE program educational objectives and program
1.3. BSABE program and the basic sub-disciplines of the ABE
2. Opportunities of graduates of the ABE program and its
contribution to food security and sustainable development in
local and global frontiers
3. ABE projects, success stories, best practices and
approaches, innovations and challenges
4. Technical communication and teamwork in the ABE

Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

2. Strength of Materials

Course Contents
Course Name Strength of Materials
Axial shear force and bending moments, stress-strain
relationships; torsion, bending and shear stresses; combined
Course Description
stresses; beam deflection; continuous and restrained beam
buckling; and plastic behaviour of structures.
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Engineering Mechanics II
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the semester the students must be able to:
1. Identify the different types of stresses due to external forces;

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2. Explain the effects of the stresses due to applied forces and
their direct and indirect contributions to the structural integrity
of the bodies;
3. Apply the knowledge of fundamental engineering and
mathematical information to the advanced structural,
mechanical, and other vital engineering theories.
Course Outline 1. Different types stresses due to external forces.
1.1. Normal stress, shearing stress, bearing stress
1.2. Stress in thin-walled cylinders, spherical stress
1.3. Strain, thermal stress, and torsion
1.4. Flanged Bolt Couplings, Helical Spring
2. Stresses due to applied forces and their direct and indirect
contributions to the structural integrity of the bodies.
2.1. Shear and Moment in Beams
2.2. Moving Loads
2.3. Flexure Formula
2.4. Economic Sections
2.5. Floor Framing
2.6. Unsymmetrical Beams
2.7. Horizontal Shearing Stress
2.8. Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Members
3. Fundamental engineering and mathematical information to
the advanced structural, mechanical, and other vital
engineering theories.
3.1. Double Integration Method
3.2. Area Moment Method and Moment Diagram by parts
3.3. Restrained Beams
3.4. Three-Moment Equation
3.5. Combined Stresses
3.6. Mohr’s Circle

3. Fluid Mechanics

Course Contents
Course Name Fluid Mechanics
Course Description Properties of fluids; fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics; flow in
pressure conduits and open channels; fluid measurements and
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Engineering Mechanics II
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the principles of fluid mechanics; and,
2. Compute fluid flows;
3. Apply the principles of fluid mechanics to the analysis and
solution of engineering problems.

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Course Outline 1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
1.1. Fluid Classification, Fluid Properties
1.2. Units and Scales of Pressure Measurement
2. Pressure
2.1. Pressure-Measuring Device and Pressure at a Point
2.2. Pressure Variation in a Static Fluid
2.3. Manometers
3. Hydrostatic Forces and Buoyancy
3.1. Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces
3.2. Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces
3.3. Hydrostatic Forces in Layered Fluids
3.4. Buoyancy and Stability
4. Relative Equilibrium
1. Relative Equilibrium: Rectilinear Acceleration
2. Relative Equilibrium: Rotation
5. Fluid Flow
5.1. Classification
5.2. Reynolds’ Transport Theorem
5.3. Conservation of Mass and Linear Momentum
5.4. Conservation of Angular Momentum
5.5. Conservation of Energy
5.6. Pipe Flow Equations and Friction Losses
5.7. Simple Pipe Problems and Minor Losses
5.8. Multiple Pipe Systems
5.9. Open-Channel Flow and Uniform Flow
5.10. Geometric Elements of an Open Channel
5.11. Multiple Reservoir Problems
Laboratory Exercises Computation exercises

4. Surveying

Course Content
Course Name Surveying
Course Description Surveying principles and applications; theory and measurements of
error; measurements of distances, elevations, and directions;
profile and topographic surveying; earthwork calculations; and land
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec; 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec; 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Mathematics in the Modern World
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, b, e, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes 1. Explain the principles of surveying.
2. Perform precise measurement and analyze the accuracy of
results obtained in engineering surveys.
3. Conduct topographic survey and analyze it to solve engineering
problems, particularly those in land and water management.
4. Produce topographic map

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Course Outline 1. Principles of surveying
1.1. Introduction to surveying
1.2. Theory and Measurement of error
2. Linear Measurements
2.1. Pacing
2.2. Taping over even/uneven ground surfaces
2.3. Sources and types of errors
2.4. Special taping problems
3. Leveling
3.1. Theory of leveling
3.2. Earth’s curvature and refraction
3.3. Methods of determining difference in elevation
3.4. Instruments for direct leveling
3.5. Differential leveling
3.6. Profile leveling
3.7. Sources of errors
4. Angles and Direction
4.1. Engineer’s transit operations
4.2. Sources of errors
5. Stadia Measurements
6. Traversing
7. Area Computations
8. Mapping
9. Volume of Earthwork
9.1. Types of cross-section
9.2. Setting of slope stakes
9.3. Earthwork volumes
10. Land Grading
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

5. Materials and Processes for ABE

Course Contents
Course Name Materials and Processes for ABE
Course Description Practical mensuration; proper selection and safe use of hand
and power tools; common engineering shop materials and
processes, basic machining, welding and foundry
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Chemistry for Engineers, Computer-Aided Drafting,
Engineering Mechanics I
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

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1. Identify common materials used in ABE applications
2. Perform basic wood and metal bench work operations,
3. Perform/ Observe basic operation that can be done with
drill press, lathe machine, milling machine, electric arc
welding and an oxyacetylene welder.
4. Describe basic forging and foundry operations
5. Prescribe appropriate materials in the fabrication of
various ABE projects
6. Select appropriate construction materials for farm
Course Outline 1. Review of related concepts
1.1. Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
2. Construction Materials
2.1. Metals
2.2. Wood
2.3. Ceramics
2.4. Polymers
2.5. Composites
3. Material Processes
3.1. Metals
3.2. Wood
3.3. Ceramics
4. Polymers
5. Composites
6. Material Selection for AB Structures
7. Design and Computation of Requirements for AB
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

6. Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Course Contents
Course Name Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Course Description Basic laws of thermodynamics; characteristics of gases,
vapor and mixtures; laws governing heat transfer and their
applications to insulators and heat exchangers such as
condensers, cooling coils and evaporators
Number of Units for 5 units (5 lec, 0 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (5 lec, 0 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Physics for Engineers, Calculus 1
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the

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Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat
2. Compute problems related to the different laws of
Thermodynamics, pure substances, vapour and gas
power cycles, and reactive systems
3. Compute problems related to heat transfer by conduction,
convection, radiation and/or combination of the three
modes of heat transfer
4. Apply the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer
in actual working models.
Course Outline 1. Basic Concepts and Definitions
2. The First Law of Thermodynamics
3. The Second Law and Entropy
4. The Ideal Gas and the Corresponding States and
Incompressible Models
5. Properties of Pure Substance
6. Vapor Power Cycles
7. Gas Power Cycles
8. Reactive Systems
9. Overview of Heat Transfer
10. Heat Transfer by 1-D Steady-state and Transient
11. Heat Transfer by Convection
12. Combined Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer
13. Heat Transfer by Radiation
Laboratory Exercises None but with computational exercises

7. Computer Applications in AB Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name Computer Applications in AB Engineering
Course Description Basic concepts of computer programming; computer-
generated solutions to problems in Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Applications
Number of Units for 3 units (1 lec, 2 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 7 hrs (1 lec, 6 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Junior Standing

Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the basics of computer programming

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2. Develop computer algorithms for agricultural and
biosystems engineering applications using spreadsheet
3. Develop computer algorithms for agricultural and
biosystems engineering applications using text-based
4. Develop computer algorithms for agricultural and
biosystems engineering applications using graphical
5. Solve problems in Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering using computer-aided solutions
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Computer-Aided Solutions to Solving
1.1. Basic Programming Language Elements
1.2. Software for Computer-Aided Solutions including
Spreadsheet, Text-based programming, and
Graphical programming
2. Spreadsheet- Based Computing
2.1. Basic Operations and Functions
2.2. Spreadsheet Applications
3. Text-Based Programming for Control Systems
3.1. Introduction to Text-based Programming
3.2. Basic Operations and Functions
3.3. Data Acquisition and Handling
3.4. Simple Control System Simulation
4. Graphical Programming
4.1. Introduction to Graphical Programming
4.2. Basic Operations and Functions
4.3. Data Acquisition and Handling
4.4. Simple Control System Simulation
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

8. ABE and Related Laws, Specifications, Contracts, and Professional Ethics

Course Contents
Course Name ABE and Related Laws, Specifications, Contracts, and
Professional Ethics
Course Description Agricultural and biosystems engineering laws, preparation of
ABE contracts and specifications, engineering ethics,
intellectual property rights, Relevant laws for the practice of
ABE profession.
Number of Units for 1 unit (1 lec)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 1 hour lecture
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Intro to ABE, GE-Ethics
Co-requisites None

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Program Outcomes f, h, I, j
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the salient provisions of the RA 10915
(Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Law of 2016)
and other laws related to the agricultural and biosystems
engineering profession.
2. Discuss the basic concepts of intellectual property and its
significance to the ABE profession.
3. Discuss ethical issues involving engineering decisions.
Course Outline 1. Introduction
2. Laws and policies that relate to the practice of agricultural
and biosystems engineering.
2.1. ABE Law of 2016 (RA 10915)
2.2. AFMA Law of 1997 (RA 8435)
2.3. AFMech Law of 2013 (RA 10601)
2.4. Government Procurement Reform Act (RA 9184)
2.5. Standards and PAES
2.6. Intellectual Property Law (RA 8293)
2.7. Ethics, engineering ethics. (RA 6713 and AE Code
of Conduct)
2.8. Issuances of BoAE-PRC
3. Other related laws
Laboratory Equipment None


III.5.1. AB Machinery and Power Engineering

1. AB Power Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name AB Power Engineering
Course Description Conventional and non-conventional sources of power and
their measurements for agricultural and biosystems
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer,
Calculus II
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

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1. Identify the conventional and renewable power sources,
their applications and limitations
2. Demonstrate proper operation and performance test of
small engine, farm tractor and electric motor
3. Estimate the power available from renewable energy
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Concept of energy and power
1.2. Sources of power in the farm
2. External Combustion Engine
3. Internal Combustion Engine
3.1. Thermodynamic principles
3.2. Engine components
3.3. Engine cycles and timing
3.4. Power efficiencies and measurements
3.5. Fuels and combustion
3.6. Engine auxiliary system
3.7. Engine operation and maintenance
4. Tractors
4.1. Two- and four-wheel tractors
4.2. Clutches and brakes
4.3. Transmission, differential and final drive
4.4. Hitches and stability
4.5. Tractor performance tests
4.6. Tractor operation and maintenance
5. Solar Power
5.1. Thermodynamic pathways for solar energy
5.2. Geometric relationships of the sun and the receiving
solar collector
5.3. Available solar energy resource
5.4. Solar PV and solar collectors
5.5. Applications of solar power in agriculture
6. Wind Power
6.1. Estimation of available wind power
6.2. Wind generators
6.3. Applications of wind power in agriculture
7. Water Power
7.1. Power available in moving water
7.2. Water wheels, turbines, and rams
7.3. Applications
8. Biomass
8.1. Sources of biomass resource
8.2. Thermal conversion process
8.3. Biological conversion process
8.4. Chemical conversion process
8.5. e. Uses of biomass converted products
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

2. Renewable Energy for AB Applications

Course Contents

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Course Name Renewable Energy for AB Applications
Course Description Principles and design criteria of solar energy collection;
Wind and micro-hydro energy resource calculations;
Biomass energy resource calculations
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites AB Power Engineering

Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. compute the theoretical and actual solar energy
resource in a given location
2. estimate the theoretical and actual wind energy resource
in a given location
3. estimate the theoretical and actual micro-hydro energy
resource in a given location
4. estimate the available biomass resource in a given
5. design at least one renewable energy systems
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Forms of renewable energy
1.2. Sources of renewable energy
2. Solar Energy
2.1. Types of solar power
2.2. Solar energy resource
2.3. Estimation of available solar power
2.4. Design of solar energy collectors
3. Wind Energy
3.1. Windmill types
3.2. Wind energy resource
3.3. Estimation of Wind power
3.4. Design wind energy conversion systems
4. Hydro Power
4.1. Micro-hydro system
4.2. Water resource
4.3. Theoretical power
4.4. Design of micro-hydro system
5. Biomass
5.1. Sources of biomass for energy conversion
5.2. Overview of biomass conversion processes
5.3. Biomass characterization for thermal conversion
5.4. Biomass characterization for biological conversion
5.5. Design of biomass conversion system
6. AB application of renewable energy systems

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Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

3. AB Machinery and Mechanization

Course Contents
Course Name AB Machinery and Mechanization
Course Description Principles of agricultural and bio-production mechanization;
specifications, construction, operation, testing, selection and
of agricultural and bio-production machinery; farm
machinery management
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites AB Power Engineering
Principles of Soil Science
Principles of Crop Science
Principles of Animal Science

Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards
2. Identify the construction of agricultural and bio-production
3. Operate agricultural and bio-production machinery;
4. Evaluate the economics of use of agricultural and bio-
production machinery
Course Outline 1. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES)
1.1. Introduction and History
1.2. Standard specifications and methods of test of Bio
production machinery (PAES 109:2000 and PAES
1.3. Performance rating of bio production machinery
(Catalogue of AMTEC-tested machine- prime
movers and hand tractors)
1.4. Guidelines on after-sales service of crop production
machinery (PAES 138: 2004)
2. Prime movers in the agricultural and bio-production
2.1. Sources of Power in the farm
2.2. Human and Animal Power
2.3. Electric Motors
2.4. Internal Combustion Engines
2.5. Tractors and their Transmission Systems
3. Tillage Machinery

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3.1. Primary Tillage operation
3.2. Secondary Tillage Operation
3.3. General Purpose Tillage Operation
4. Crop Establishment Machinery
4.1. Row crop planter
4.2. Grain planter
4.3. Transplanter
5. Crop Protection Machinery
5.1. Mechanical weeders and cultivators
5.2. Chemical Applicators (Sprayers)
6. Water Pumping Machinery
6.1. Positive Displacement Pump
6.2. Variable Displacement pump
7. Harvesting and Threshing Machinery
7.1. Harvesting Machinery
7.2. Threshing Machinery
8. Economics of use of bio production machinery
8.1. Selection of bio-production machinery
8.2. Measures of project worth
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

4. Machine Design for AB Production

Course Contents
Course Name Machine Design for AB Production
Course Description Fundamentals of machine design as applied to bio-
production systems
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites AB Machinery and Mechanization
Strength of Materials
Properties of AB Materials
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, e, g, h, k, l
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Identify machine elements
2. analyze kinematic and dynamic characteristics of
machine elements
3. Analyze and evaluate the strength of mechanical
4. Design and evaluate machine components
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Design of Machine Elements
1.1. Definition of Terms

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1.2. Machine Design Process
1.3. Creativity and Idea Development
1.4. Design Considerations and Criteria
2. Kinematics of Machine Components
2.1. Kinematics Fundamentals
2.2. Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis
2.3. Joints and Mobility
2.4. Four-Bar and Common Linkages
2.5. Position Analysis
3. Velocity Analysis of Machine Components
3.1. Definition of Velocity
3.2. Graphical Velocity Analysis
3.3. Instant Centers of Velocity
3.4. Centroids
3.5. Velocity of Slips
4. Acceleration Analysis of Machine Components
4.1. Graphical Method of Acceleration Analysis
4.2. Acceleration of Points in Four-Bar Linkages
5. Material in Mechanical Design
5.1. Mechanical Properties of Materials
5.2. Classification of Metals and Alloys
5.3. Review of Basic Manufacturing Processes
5.4. Standard Sizes of Materials
5.5. Material Selection and Specifications
6. Load and Stress Analysis
6.1. Review of Fundamental Stresses
6.2. Design Factor and Factor of Safety Mohr Circle
6.3. Combined Stresses
6.4. Stress Concentration
7. Failure Resulting from Static Loading
7.1. Maximum Shear Stress Theory for Ductile Materials
7.2. Distortion Energy Theory
7.3. Coulomb Mohr Theory for Ductile Material
7.4. Maximum Normal Stress Theory for Brittle Materials
7.5. Modifications of the Mohr Theory for Brittle
8. Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading
8.1. Approach to Fatigue Failure in Analysis and Design
8.2. Endurance Limit
8.3. Fatigue Strength
8.4. Endurance Limit Modifying Factors
8.5. Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity
8.6. Characterizing Fluctuating Stress
8.7. Fatigue Failure Criteria for Fluctuating Stress
8.8. Combined Loading Modes
9. Shaft Design and Analysis
9.1. Shaft Material and Layout
9.2. Design for Stress
9.3. ASME Code and PAES Procedure on Designing
9.4. Miscellaneous Shaft Components
10. Belt Drives
10.1. Design Considerations
10.2. Standards for Pulleys and Belts

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10.3. Tension Ratio
10.4. Belt Slip
10.5. Speed Ratio
11. Chain Drives
11.1. Design Considerations
11.2. Standards for Chains and Sprockets
12. Gears
12.1. Gear Types
12.2. Spur Gear Nomenclature
12.3. Gear Trains
12.4. Designing Gear Trains
13. Power Screw
13.1. Thread Standards
13.2. Mechanics of Power Screw
14. Threaded Fasteners
14.1. Thread Standards
14.2. Screw and Bolt Grades
14.3. Axially Loaded Fasteners
14.4. Bolts in Shear
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

III.5.2. AB Structure and Environment Engineering

1. AB Structures Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name AB Structures Engineering
Course Description Engineering principles of AB structures design; design criteria
for construction structures; concepts of materials of engineering;
material selection; cost estimates and specifications; application
of the Philippine Building Code and other related laws,
regulations and standards; preparation of 7-sheet building plan
for permit application
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Strength of Materials

Co-requisites None
Program Outcome/s a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course

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Course At the end of the semester the students must be able to:
Outcomes 1. Apply engineering principles to the design of AB structures;
2. Design AB structures like farm house, animal housing,
greenhouse, farm-to-market roads and bridges and other AB
3. Prepare material estimates, specifications and cost analysis;
4. Apply the Philippine Building Code and other related laws,
regulations and standards
5. Prepare Building Plan for Permit Application

Course Outline 1. Introduction

1.1. Objectives/Scope
1.2. Review of related concepts
1.3. The Philippine Building Code and other related laws,
regulations and standards
2. Engineering principles of AB structures design
2.1. Estimating structural loads
2.2. Beam
2.3. Column
2.4. Floor system
2.5. Roof system
2.6. Combined loadings
2.7. Soil test and excavation
2.8. Footings
3. Design criteria for AB structures
3.1. Farm house
3.2. Animal housing
3.3. Greenhouse
3.4. Farm-to-market roads and bridges
3.5. Other AB structures
4. Concepts of materials of engineering
4.1. Defects
4.2. Strengthening of metals
4.3. Analytical techniques in materials engineering
4.4. Materials under service conditions
4.5. Material selection
5. Materials of construction
5.1. Wood
5.2. Concrete
5.3. Concrete hollow blocks
5.4. Steel
5.5. GI sheets
5.6. Glued-laminated structures
5.7. Other construction materials
6. Cost estimates and specifications
6.1. Material estimates and specifications
6.2. Cost analysis
7. Design of AB Buildings and Preparation of Engineering
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

2. Plant and Livestock Systems and Environmental Control Engineering

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Course Contents
Plant and Livestock Systems and Environmental Control
Course Name
Environmental parameters and their interrelationships in a plant
and livestock production system; microclimate modification for
Course Description plants and livestock; principles of environmental control
engineering; analysis and design of environmentally controlled AB
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Contact Hours per Week 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Prerequisites AB Structures Engineering, Prin. of Soil Science, Prin. of Crop
Science, and Prin. of Animal Science
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, students must be able to:
1. Explain the significant environmental parameters and
techniques for microclimate modification for plants and
livestock production systems;
2. Describe the principles of environmental control;
3. Design environmental control systems for AB structures
Course Outline: 1. Introduction
2. Plant and livestock microclimate
2.1. Physical factors which make up the environment
2.2. Important parameters in agricultural and bio-production
2.3. Plant and livestock weather relationships
3. Physiological responses to the environment
3.1. Plant physiological response
3.2. Livestock physiological responses
4. Microclimate modification
4.1. Techniques of microclimate modification for plants
4.2. Techniques of microclimate modification for livestock
5. Principles of environmental control
5.1. Psychrometry and air conditioning
5.2. Use of insulation and vapor barriers
5.3. Energy considerations
5.4. Ventilation systems
5.5. Manipulation of light and radiation
5.6. Dust collectors and odor manual
6. Analysis and design of controlled environment systems
6.1. Plant production system
6.2. Livestock production systems
6.3. Other biological organisms
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

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3. AB Electrification and Control Systems

Course Contents
Course Name AB Electrification and Control Systems
Course Description Review of basic electrical engineering concepts and design
of residential and farmstead wiring systems

Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 3 lab)

Lecture and Laboratory
Contact Hours per Week 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Prerequisites Physics for Engineers, Differential Equations
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, e, g, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
1. Explain the concepts in DC and AC
2. Demonstrate proper electrical measurement and wiring
3. Design residential electrical systems
4. Design farmstead distribution systems
Course Outline 1. Review of Basic Electrical Engineering Concepts
1.1. Direct Current
1.2. Alternating Current
1.3. Inductance and Capacitance
1.4. RLC Circuits
1.5. Apparent Power, Reactive Power and Real Power
1.6. Power Factor and Power Factor Correction
2. Generation of Electrical Power
2.1. Conventional Energy – Generating set
2.2. Renewable Energy – using Hydro, Solar, Wind,
2.3. Biofuel, Biogas, New Renewable Fuels
3. Power Transmission and Distribution
3.1. Power Grid Extension
3.2. Transformer
3.3. Service System (Single-Phase and Three-Phase)
3.4. Electrical Grounding
4. Wiring for Agricultural and Biosystems Structures
4.1. Type of wire and insulation needed to meet the
4.2. requirements of its surroundings
4.3. Size of wire and insulation type necessary to safely
4.4. the current
4.5. Size of wire necessary to prevent excessive voltage
4.6. in the lines
5. Lighting System for Farm and Agricultural and
Biosystems Structures
5.1. Light Sources

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5.2. Lighting Requirements
5.3. Methods of Computing Illumination
5.4. Lighting System Design Computation
6. Electrical Controls for Agricultural and Biosystems
6.1. Manually Operated Controls
6.2. Automatically Operated Controls
6.3. Commonly Used Sensing Elements
7. Electric Motor for Farm Application
7.1. Types and Characteristics
7.2. Selection of Motors
7.3. Sizing of Conductor of Motors
8. Residential Electrical Distribution System in the Farm
8.1. Kinds of Outlets
8.2. Branch Circuit
8.3. Sizing the Service Entrance
9. Farmstead Electrical Distribution System
9.1. Wiring of Agricultural Buildings
9.2. Demand Load for Farm Buildings
9.3. Central Metering and Distribution
9.4. Capacity of Main Service for Farmstead
9.5. Selecting Service Conductors
10. Standby Generator for Farm Applications
10.1. Standby Generator Types
10.2. Sizing a Standby Generator Manually Operated
10.3. Automatically Operated Generator
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

4. Agricultural and Biosystems Waste Management Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name Agricultural and Biosystems Waste Management
Course Description Characterization of agricultural and bio-product wastes;
processes and systems; analysis and design of agricultural waste
utilization, treatment and management systems, economics,
entrepreneurial, environmental, institutional and legal aspects of
waste utilization.
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Plant and Livestock Systems and Environmental Control
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, j, k
Addressed by the Course

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Course Outcomes At the end of the semester the students must be able to:
1. explain the principles of waste management engineering;
2. characterize AB wastes, processes, and systems;
3. design AB wastes treatment and management systems;
4. analyze the economics, entrepreneurial possibilities, and the
environment, institutional and legal aspects of waste
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of AB waste management engineering
1.2. State of the art technologies on AB waste management
1.3. Existing laws and regulations, policy and water quality
standards with emphasis on Philippine Clean Water Act,
and Philippine Clean Air Act
2. Characterization of AB wastes
2.1. Agricultural and Biosystems wastes and its
2.2. Role of soils in AB wastes management
2.3. Role of plants in AB wastes management
2.4. Geologic and groundwater considerations in AB wastes
3. Design of AB wastes treatment and management systems
3.1. Siting AB wastes management system
3.2. Types and functions of AB wastes management systems
3.3. Design of AB waste treatment and management systems
e.g., biogas systems, treatment lagoons, composting and
other similar technologies
4. Economics, entrepreneurial possibilities, and the
environmental, institutional and legal aspects of waste
4.1. AB wastes processing and utilization – waste recycling
and energy conversion
4.2. Waste management equipment, operation and safety
4.3. Economic analysis of AB waste processing and utilization
5. Environmental, institutional, and legal aspects of AB waste
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

III.5.3. AB Land and Water Resources Engineering

1. Hydrometeorology

Course Contents
Course Name Hydrometeorology
Course Description The hydrologic cycle; climatic elements; streamflow
hydrographs; evaporation and evapotranspiration; groundwater;
hydrograph and runoff analysis; statistical treatment of
hydrologic data; study and use of hydrometeorological
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec; 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory

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Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec; 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Fluid Mechanics, Calculus II
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, g, h, i
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the various hydrologic processes and their
2. Operate weather instruments in collecting hydrologic data;
3. Analyze hydrologic data using statistical software;
4. Produce hydrologic map using available software.
Course Outline 1. Introduction
1.1. Hydrologic Cycle
1.2. Importance of Hydrology in Engineering
2. Weather and Hydrology
2.1. Solar and earth
2.2. Heat balance at earth’s surface
2.3. General atmospheric circulation
2.4. Temperature, humidity and wind
2.5. Patterns affecting Philippine weather and climate
3. Precipitation: Spatial Distribution
3.1. Types, form and variation
3.2. Measurement of precipitation
3.3. Analysis and Interpretation
4. Elements of hydrology
4.1. Rainfall Data Analysis
4.2. Stream flow and Stream Flow Hydrographs
4.3. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
4.4. Groundwater
5. Hydro meteorological Instrument
5.1. Statistical Treatment of Hydrologic Data
5.2. Concepts of Probability
5.3. Probability Distributions of Hydrometer Logical Data
5.4. Frequency Analysis
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

2. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Course Contents
Course Description Soil-plant-water relationships; flow measurement; use and
selection of pumps; survey of irrigation and drainage systems;
system planning and design
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Surveying, Hydrometeorology, Differential Equation, Principles
of Soil Science, Principles of Crop Science
Co-requisites None

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Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. discuss the importance and purposes of irrigation and
drainage engineering for sustainable agriculture;
2. interpret the field data for designing irrigation and drainage
3. design of irrigation and drainage systems;
4. evaluate irrigation and drainage systems
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Irrigation and Drainage Systems
1.1. Basic soil-plant-water relations
1.2. Mechanical and Physical Properties of Soil
1.3. Measurement of Soil Moisture Content
2. Flow of water into and thru the soil
2.1. Infiltration and hydraulic conductivity of soil
2.2. Crop water requirements for Irrigation
2.3. Methods of Estimating Evapotranspiration
2.4. Consumptive Use
3. Crop responses to flooding and water logging
4. Water flow measurement
5. Methods of irrigation application and systems application
5.1. Surface Irrigation Method
5.2. Subsurface Irrigation Method
5.3. Overhead Irrigation Systems
6. Estimation of farm drainage requirements
6.1. Surface Drainage Systems
6.2. Subsurface Drainage Systems
6.3. Pumps Wells
6.4. Planning, design, operation and maintenance of
irrigation and drainage systems
7. Computer applications in irrigation and drainage
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

3. Land and Water Conservation Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name Land and Water Conservation Engineering
Course Description Planning, design, construction and maintenance of water
conservation systems; soil erosion control systems.
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec; 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec; 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the principles of Land and Water Engineering;
2. Discuss the soil and water conservation practices;
3. Discuss the soil erosion process and the applications of
various soil erosion control practices;

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4. Design structures for soil and water conservation;
5. Design vegetated waterways; and
6. Evaluate land water conservation systems.
Course Outline 1. Importance of soil and water conservation;
2. Sustainable Water Resources Development and
2.1. Sources of Water
2.2. Water resources assessment/characterization
2.3. Water Resources Development
3. Soil erosion and its control
3.1. Mechanics of Soil Erosion
3.2. Measurement of Soil Erosion
3.3. Soil erosion control
3.4. Sediment transport and sedimentation
3.5. Transported materials/sediments
3.6. Vertical distribution of sediment flow
3.7. Measurement/prediction of sediment transport and
sediment yields
4. Flood-Damage Control
5. Principles for the planning, design and construction methods
for water conservation structures;
5.1. Small Farm Reservoirs (SFRs)
5.2. Small Water Impounding Projects (SWIPs)
6. Rainfall harvesting Techniques
6.1. Storage system
6.2. Distribution system
6.3. Groundwater recharge
7. Computer applications in soil and water conservation
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

4. Aquaculture Engineering

Course Contents
Course Name Aquaculture Engineering
Course Description Principles of planning aquaculture systems; layout of farm
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec; 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec; 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, h, k, l
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the fundamentals of aquaculture operations and
their requirements;
2. Describe the basic biological characteristics and;
requirements of important aquaculture species common in
the ASEAN countries;
3. Apply engineering principles in the planning, design, and
operation of aquaculture systems;

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4. Design an aquaculture system.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Aquaculture
1.1. Definitions
1.2. General Overview
2. Importance of aquaculture systems
3. Survey of aquaculture systems in the Philippines
4. Review of basic biological characteristics and requirements
of important aquaculture species (tilapia, milkfish, prawn,
catfish, mudfish and eel)
4.1. Selection criteria and characteristics of important
aquaculture species
4.2. Production cycles of selected aquaculture species
4.3. Environmental and water quality requirements
4.4. Culture practices and other considerations
5. Aquaculture production systems, design and requirements
5.1. Aquaculture site selection criteria
5.2. Aquaculture processes
5.3. Pond System
5.4. Pen and Cage System
5.5. Tank and recirculating system
5.6. Flow-through systems
5.7. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
5.8. Integrated systems
5.9. Hatchery Design and Construction
6. Technical and economic feasibility considerations
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

III.5.4. AB Process Engineering

1. Properties of AB Material

Course Contents
Course Name Properties of AB Materials
Course Description Physical characteristics, electrical, mechanical, thermal and
optical properties of AB materials
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Materials and Processes of AB, Thermodynamics and Heat
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, e, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Define the different engineering properties of agricultural
and biological materials;

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2. Explain the importance of engineering properties of
agricultural and biological materials to agricultural
processing; and
3. Identify different methods in determining or measuring
these properties.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Engineering Properties of AB Materials
1.1. Importance and Significance
1.2. Properties of AB Materials
2. Physical Characteristics
2.1. Size of AB Materials
2.2. Shape of AB Materials
2.3. Surface Area of AB Materials
2.4. Porosity of AB Materials
3. Electrical Properties
3.1. Dielectric Properties
4. Mechanical Properties
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Compressive and Tensile Resistance
4.3. Impact Resistance
4.4. Vibration
5. Thermal Properties
5.1. Thermal Conductivity
5.2. Specific Heat
5.3. Enthalpy and Latent Heat
5.4. Thermal Diffusivity
5.5. Mass Diffusivity
6. Optical properties
6.1. Color Theory and Models
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

2. AB Products Processing and Storage

Course Contents
Course Name AB Products Processing and Storage

Course Description Principles and practices in the primary processing, handling,

and storage of agricultural crops including refrigeration and
cold storage systems
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites Properties of AB Materials, Prin. of Animal Science, and
Prin. of Crop Science
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course

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Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the principles underlying agricultural processing,
handling and storage operations;
2. Apply knowledge to practical problems in processing,
handling and storage of agricultural crops;
3. Operate agricultural process equipment including
laboratory systems; and
4. Design the components of cold storage systems for
agricultural crops.
Course Outline 1. Introduction to AB Processing
1.1. Definition, Activities
1.2. Importance
1.3. Trends in Agricultural Processing
2. Postharvest Operations and Losses
2.1. Basic Postharvest operations
2.2. Crop Spoilage and Postharvest Losses
3. Moisture and Moisture Content
3.1. Moisture in dried products
3.2. Methods of Determining MC
3.3. EMC, water activity, sorption isotherms, glass
4. Psychrometry
4.1. Composition of dry/moist air
4.2. Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air
4.3. Thermodynamic Properties of Saturated Water
4.4. Psychrometric charts
4.5. Typical air-conditioning processes
4.6. Case Study: Drying capacity of moist air
5. Drying
5.1. Theories and Principles of Drying
5.2. Trends in Drying of AB Materials
6. Milling
6.1. Principles
6.2. Operations of Milling
6.3. Milling of some AB Materials
7. Storage and Handling
7.1. Basic Storage and Handling Principles
7.2. Requirements of Storage and Handling AB Materials
8. Refrigeration and Cold Storage
8.1. Vapor- compression refrigeration system
8.2. Main components of a typical refrigeration system
8.3. Refrigerants
8.4. Estimating the refrigeration load
8.5. Commodity Storage requirements and compatibility
8.6. Cold Chain Systems
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

3. Food Process Engineering

Course Contents

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Course Name Food Process Engineering

Course Description Unit operations in agricultural process engineering including

dehydration, freezing, size reduction and enlargement,
evaporation for fluid concentration, mechanical separation,
and mixing.
Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites AB Products Processing and Storage

Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the principles unit operations underlying
agricultural processing
2. Compute material and energy balances for various unit
3. Analyze thermo-physical properties of processed
4. Develop the proper combination of unit operations for a
specific product
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Unit Operations
1.1. Overview of Agricultural Process Engineering
1.2. Postharvest Losses for Grains and other AB
1.3. Unit Operations
2. Mass and Energy Balances
2.1. Introduction to mass/ Energy balances
2.2. Analysis and Computation
3. Application of Fluid Flows in AB Materials
3.1. Fluid Statics and Dynamics
3.2. Viscosity and Flow
3.3. Losses
4. Application of Heat Transfer in AB Materials
4.1. Modes of Heat Transfer
4.2. Overall heat Transfer Coefficient
4.3. Applications
5. Drying of AB Materials
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Moisture of Dried products
5.3. Development of sorption isotherms
5.4. Trends in Drying AB Materials
6. Size Alteration of AB Materials
6.1. Size Reduction
6.2. Size Enlargement
7. Evaporation
7.1. Principles and Importance

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7.2. Applications
8. Mechanical-Physical Separation of AB Materials
8.1. Theory
8.2. Techniques or Methods of Separation
9. Mixing of AB Materials
9.1. Principles
9.2. Mixing of Solid AB Materials
9.3. Mixing of Liquid AB Materials
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

4. Design and Management of AB Processing Systems

Course Contents
Course Name Design and Management of AB Processing Systems
Course Description Principles and practices in plant design; process and
economic analysis; agricultural plant operation and

Number of Units for 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)

Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 5 units (2 lec, 3 lab)
per Week
Prerequisites AB Products Processing and Storage
Co-requisites None
Program Outcomes a, c, d, e, g, h, k
Addressed by the Course
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the principles and practices of the plant design
2. Determine the principles and characteristics of different
material handling equipment for agricultural processing
3. Perform a process analysis of the plant
4. Design a processing plant for a particular agricultural
Course Outline 1. Overview of Process analysis and plant design
1.1. Economic and Technical Aspects of Agricultural
Processing Plant Design
2. Process and Material Flow
2.1. Activity symbols
2.2. Types of process charts
2.3. Chart design and construction
2.4. Layout Diagram and Layout Procedures
2.5. Mass and Energy Balances
3. Design and Selection of Plant Equipment
3.1. Materials Handling Equipment
3.2. Performance Analysis
3.3. Power requirements of Plant Equipment

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4. Agricultural Processing Plant Safety
4.1. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
4.2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
4.3. Other Standards
5. Environmental Laws and Assessment
6. Organization Structure
6.1. Definition of Organizational Structure
6.2. Elements of Structure
6.3. Common Role
7. Plant Financial Analysis
7.1. Cash Flow
7.2. Feasibility
7.3. Financing Options
Laboratory Equipment See Annex IV

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