WRiting Skill Worksheet2020 Diwali (Solved)
WRiting Skill Worksheet2020 Diwali (Solved)
WRiting Skill Worksheet2020 Diwali (Solved)
The editor
National daily newspaper
Subject-public movement to clean river Yamuna
Dear sir,
I am Mangesh, a member of NGO AWAAZ. Through the columns of your
newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the public towards the need of public
movement to clean the Yamuna river.
The Yamuna river is becoming more and more contaminated day by day. The
residents are polluting the river with garbage, sewage and filth. The river water
is full of plastic, chemicals and other waste materials.It is not fit for human
consumption. The people have been demanding for water treatment plant
The authorities have not yet responded to the repeated request
I request you to print this problem in your newspaper and arouse public
interest.We all need to get together in order to get a plant set up in the area.
Yours sincerely
Q2. Sneha wanted to write a story but could not go beyond a line or two. Taking
help from the information given below along with the lines Sneha wrote a complete
story. (150-200 Words) (5 Marks)
Mr. Agarwal was a wealthy businessman. One day he was alone sitting at the dining
table when….
Mr. Agarwal was a wealthy businessman. One day he was alone sitting at the dining
table when a thief entered his home. He thanked the thief for giving him company as
he was only alone at the home and it was his 30th birthday. He gave the thief food
and drinks. The thief was also very happy as Mr. Agarwal was such a kind
businessman. When the thief was leaving he was given a purse full of silver coins as
a return gift. After this many years passed by, his fortune was changed and his
business was ruined and Mr Agarwal became poor. Today is Mr. Agarwal’s 50th
birthday and again he was alone and now he had no food, no drinks. Suddenly the
bell rang and a man emerged. Mr Agarwal recognised him as the old thief who had
entered his home on his 30th birthday. He had came with fruits,sweets and drinks
and a bag full of money which he brought as a gift for Mr. Agarwal.