Unit Rate Comparision For DBST: Average

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Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Unit Rate

Contract-4: Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre

Pay Item No. Item Description Quantity Unit Shashemene-Dodola Shashemene-Dodola Road Project, Average
Junction Lot-2 Km Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
35-Dodola Junctio 1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira
Item No.
STD and HIV/AIDS Alleviation Measures
STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation measures during the period
12.01 P.S. 370,000.00
1 allowed for completion of the Works

Contractor's charges and profit associatied with administration of the

12.02 % 20 0.20 0.20 74,000.00
2 above Item 12.01

STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation measures during the Defects

12.03 P.S. 110,000.00
Liability Period

Contractor's charges and profit associatied with administration of the

12.04 % 20 0.20 0.20 22,000.00
4 above Item 12.03
Office for the Engineer, Joint Laboratory and Surveying Equipment

Temporary Facilities

5 14.01(a)(i) Office 3 Mth 15,000.00 6,000.00

6 14.01(a)(ii) Joint Laboratory 3 Mth 25,000.00 50,000.00

7 14.01(a)(iii) Joint Surveying Equipment 3 Mth 42,000.00 30,000.00

Office accommodation and equipment

8 14.01(b)(i) Provide and Place L.S

9 14.01(b)(ii) Service 27 Mth 9,738.80 1,000.00

Joint Laboratory

10 14.01(b)(i) Provide and Place L.S

11 14.01(b)(ii) Service 27 Mth 7,177.70 1,500.00

Joint Surveying Equipment

12 14.01(b)(i) Provide L.S

13 14.01(b)(ii) Service 27 Mth 3,618.26 2,000.00

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group I – Installations
Unit Rate Amount
Shashemene- Contract-4: Shashemene-
Pay Item No. Item Description Unit Dodola Junction Dodola Junction Lot- Average Alemaehu Berehe
Lot-2 Km 35- 1Shashemene-Km 35
Item No. Dodola Junctio

Additional office and laboratory equipment ordered by the

14 Engineer (Provisional Sum) P.S. 100,000.00 100,000.00
Allow percentage on-cost to invoiced amounts for
14.01(f) 20.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
15 equipment supplied under Item 14.01(e) % 20.00 20.00
Laboratory testing to be carried out in external laboratory, as
16 ordered by the Engineer (Provisional Sum) P.S. 100,000.00 100,000.00
Allow percentage on-cost to laboratory testing under Item
14.01(g) 20.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
17 14.01(g) % 20.00 20.00

5,807,388.32 4,629,500.00
To Bill Summary
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group II – Earthwork and Site Clearance

Item Pay Item Unit Quantity Unit Rate (ETB)

Description Shashemene- Contract-4: Shashemene- Ziway-Butajira-Gubre Average
Dodola Junction Dodola Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract 1:
Lot-2 Km 35- 1Shashemene-Km 35 Ziway-Butajira
Dodola Junctio

2.1 17.01 Clearing and Grubbing ha 30.0 8,428.20 14597.23 1370740 464,588.48
Maintenance of the existing road,
2.2 18.01 accommodating traffic, constructing and km 34.4 110,407.00 483000 296,703.50
maintaining diversions

Traffic diversion work on Ukoma river bridge

18.02 including maintaining the diversion maintaining lump sum 350000 350,000.00

2.3 21.01(a) Excavation for open drains in soft material m3 83880.0 50.40 41.13 45.77

2.4 21.01(b) Excavation for open drains in hard material m3 9320.0 74.00 259.66 166.83

Grouted Rubble gutter as per drawing for grades

2.5 24.01(c)
more than 5%
m2 22746.0 184.75 194.12 189.44

Rectangular paved waterway with precast units

2.6 24.01(d)
in Concrete Grade 1:2:4 as per drawing
m2 21270.0 315.90 168.59 242.25

2.7 24.01(e) Mortared Rubble Masonry gutter m2 950.0 276.30 194.12 235.21

2.8 34.01 (a) Cut and Borrow to Fill, Ordinary Fill m3 57631.0 61.35 70.77 60.00 64.04

2.9 34.01 (b) Cut and Borrow to Fill, Rock Fill m 3

6360.0 189.80 188.18 55.00 144.33

2.10 34.04 (a) Cut to spoil in soft material m3 254980.0 40.00 37.29 20.00 32.43

2.11 34.04 (b) Cut to spoil in Hard material m 3

12540.0 139.50 180.71 120.00 146.74

Total Carried to General Summary

Note 1 :Pay item 34.04 includes disposal and compaction of excavated material within ROW
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group III – Improved Subgrade, Subbase, Base and Shoulders

Quantity Unit Rate (ETB)

Item Pay Item Description Unit Dodola Contract-4: Shashemene-Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre Road Average
Junction Lot- Junction Lot-1Shashemene-Km Project, Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35- 35 Butajira

Capping Layer as per Division 3400 of Technical

3.10 34.01 (c)
m3 2,194.00 81.80 76.30 79.05

Gravel subbase Type-1, in the pavement and in

the shoulders constructed from material obtained
from borrow and compacted to 97% B.S. Heavy
3.20 35.01
or Modified AASHTO MDD as per Division 3500
m3 85,131.00 105.40 81.82 93.61
of Technical Specifications and as directed by the

Subbase Type-2, in the pavement and in the

shoulders constructed from material obtained
from crushed gravel or crushed stone material
3.30 35.02
compacted to 97% B.S. Heavy or Modified
m3 56,737.00 220.00 152.60 180.00 184.2
AASHTO MDD as per Division 3500 of Technical
Specifications and as directed by the Engineer

Crushed stone base compacted to 98% Modified

AASHTO Density as per Division 3700 of
3.40 37.01
Technical Specifications and as directed by the
m3 80,905.00 247.55 192.98 250.00 230.18

Mixing and compacting soil binders into base for

3.50 37.02
shoulders and unsurfaced junctions
m2 2,250.00 19.45 5.31 12.38

Total Carried to General Summary

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group IV – Bituminous Pavement Works

Item Pay Item Unit Unit Rate (ETB)

Description Dodola Contract-4: Shashemene-Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre Road
Quantity Junction Lot- Junction Lot-1Shashemene-Km Project, Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35- 35 Butajira

Prime Coat using MC-30 Cutback Bitumen @ 1.0

litre/m2 as per the stipulations contained in
4.1 41.01 (a)
Division 3500 of Technical Specifications and as
litre 285,830 15.00 13.62 15.00
directed by the Engineer.

Construct Double Seal Surface Treatment using

19.0mm Nominal Size Aggregates for the first
seal and 9.5mm Nominal Size Aggregates for the
4.2 43.01 (a)
second seal and 80/100 pen bitumen as per
m2 264,880 35.75 28.29 40.00
Division 4300 of Technical Specifications and as
directed by the Engineer.

Bituminous Binder Variation: 80/100 penetration

4.3 43.02 (a)
litre 20,610 14.60 13.38 15.00

4.4 43.03 (a) Aggregate Variation19 mm Aggregate m3 4,020 307.10 342.92 120.00

4.5 43.03 (b) Aggregate Variation 9.5 mm Aggregate m3 1,800 327.30 342.92 120.00

Single Seal Surface Treatment using 9.5mm

4.6 43.04 (a)
Agregates and 80/100 bitumen
m2 20,920 20.50 13.17 27.00

Total Carried to General Summary







Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35
Existing Structures
Sub-Total, Structures (Existing)

Bridges (New)


5.2.1 21.02 (c) Clearing vegetation from around new bridges Lump Sum 1.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 3,400.00

5.2.2 24.01 (b) Grouted stone pitching m2 500.00 194.05 194.12 194.09

5.2.3 61.01(a) Additional foundation investigations P.S.

Allow percentage on-cost to amounts under Item
5.2.4 61.01 (b)
% 20.00 20.00 20.00
Excavation for structures (bridges), 0-2m depth in
5.2.4 61.02 (a) (i)
soft material
m3 250.00 57.25 83.63 70.44
Excavation for structures (bridges), 2-4m depth in
5.2.5 61.02 (a) (ii)
soft material
m3 200.00 68.70 100.36 84.53
61.02 (a) Excavation for structures (bridges), etc. in
(iii) increments of 1m depth in soft material
m3 300.00 74.45 120.43 97.44

5.2.7 61.02 (b) excavation in hard material irrespective of depth m3 175.00 90.95 259.66 175.31
additional excavation required by the Engineer
5.2.8 61.02 (c)
after the excavation has been completed
m3 360.00 85.90 120.43 103.17

5.2.10 61.06 (c) Backfill behind abutments/wingwalls m3 450.00 105.20 151.02 128.11

5.2.9 61.06 (f) Foundation fill m3 250.00 83.75 151.02 117.39

Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield
5.2.11 63.01 (a)
strength steel, Grade 40
tone 2.00 12,686.30 13,410.00 13,048.15
Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield
5.2.12 63.01 (b)
strength steel, Grade 60
tone 85.00 15,223.60 16,092.00 15,657.80

5.2.13 64.01 (a) (i) Class "A" concrete, C-25 in foundation m3 155.00 2,047.70 2,498.62 2,273.16

64.01 (a)
Class "A" concrete, C-25 in substructure m3 120.00 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35
64.01 (a)
Class "A" concrete, C-25 in superstructure m3 40.00 2,205.70 3,128.57 2,667.14

64.01 (a)
Class "A" concrete, C-30 in superstructure m3 120.00 2,647.00 3,239.94 2,943.47

5.2.17 64.01 (a) (v) Concrete Class "A", Grade C-25 in approach slab m3 20.00 2,205.70 3,128.57 2,667.14

1:3:6 concrete in leveling course, rigid apron and

5.2.18 64.01 (b)
cutoff walls.
m3 22.00 1,614.15 2,178.22 1,896.19

1:4:8 concrete in leveling course below

5.2.19 64.01 (b)
m3 20.00 1,403.60 2,178.22 1,790.91

Proprietary Expansion Joints: Prime cost sum

5.2.20 67.01 (a) allowed for purchase and taking delivery of P.C. Sum 1.00 1.00
expansion joints
Proprietary Expansion Joints: Percentage on
5.2.21 67.01 (b) prime cost for charges and profiton pay item % 0.00 20.00 20.00 20.00

5.2.22 67.02 Installation of proprietary expansion joints m 28.00 250.00 30.00 140.00

Expansion joint as detailed on the Drawings

5.2.23 67.03 and/or specified in the Special Provisions m 34.00 450.00 500.00 475.00
(elastomeric type for 40mm movement)

5.2.24 67.04 Filled Joints m 18.00 280.00 500.00 390.00

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

5.2.25 67.05 Sealing of Joints m 18.00 320.00 500.00 410.00

5.2.26 68.03 Elastomeric bearings No. 6.00 4,500.00 15,000.00 9,750.00

5.2.27 69.01 (a) Concrete Railing m 68.00 1,079.00 537.87 808.44

5.2.28 69.01 (b) Metal railing m 18.00 885.00 4,000.00 2,442.50

5.2.29 69.04 Reinforced Concrete wearing coat m2 195.00 385.20 360.00 372.60

5.2.30 72.01 Weep holes No. 28.00 84.00 40.00 62.00

5.2.31 72.03 Drainage Pipes as per drawings No. 15.00 91.00 200.00 145.50

72.08(a)& Filter media below stone piching, behind walls

(b) etc.
m3 150.00 256.45 200.00 228.23

Sub-Total, Bridges (New)

Existing Structures

5.1.1 21.02 (c) Clearing vegetation from around bridges Lump Sum 1.00 5,000.00 2,500.00

5.1.2 21.02 (d) Grouting of cracks in masonry joints m 119.00 24.00 20.00 22.00
Dumped rip rap to protection of structures using
5.1.3 24.02 (b) Stones 50-100kg and more than 25% weighing m3 8.00 189.20 200.00 194.60
over 75 kg
Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield
5.1.4 63.01 (a)
strength steel, Grade 40
tonne 2.50 12,686.30 12,410.00 12,548.15
Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield
5.1.5 63.01 (b)
strength steel, Grade 60
tonne 2.80 15,223.60 16,092.00 15,657.80
Concrete Class "A", Grade C-25, in approach
5.1.6 64.01 (a) (i)
m3 50.00 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14
Concrete Class "A", Grade C-25, in general
5.1.7 64.01 (a) (ii)
bridge repairs
m3 38.00 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14
64.01 (a) Concrete Class "A", Grade C-25 in repair of
(iii) existing wearing coats, kerbs etc.
m 3
50.00 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

5.1.9 64.04 Epoxy bonding of New Concrete Surface to Old m2 68.10 120.00 100.00 110.00
Installation of Expansion joints (Elastomeric Strip
5.1.10 67.03
Seal Type)
m 22.00 450.00 500.00 475.00

5.1.11 69.01 (a) Concrete Railing m 10.00 1,079.00 537.87 808.44

5.1.12 69.01 (b) Metal railing m 20.00 885.00 4,000.00 2,442.50

5.1.13 72.01 Weep holes as per drawings m 22.00 84.00 40.00 62.00

5.1.14 72.08 (a) Filiter Media behind abutments/wingwalls/walls m3 170.00 256.45 200.00 228.23

5.1.15 72.08 (b) Filter Media below stone pitching m 3

130.00 256.45 200.00 228.23

Sub-Total, Structures (Existing)

Existing Culverts: Extension/Rehabilitation

21.02 (a)&
Desilting culverts and dispose m3 35.00 58.00 200.00 129.00

Clearing vegetation at inlet/outlet of existing

5.3.2 21.02 (c)
LS 2.00 300.00 150.00

Grouting of cracks in masonry and concrete pipes

5.3.3 21.02 (d)
and headwalls
m 80.00 24.00 20.00 180.00 74.67

5.3.4 22.01(a) Excavation for pipe culvertsin soft material m3 55.00 50.40 83.63 45.00 59.68

5.3.5 22.01 (b) Excavation for pipe culvertsin hard material m3 7.00 74.00 259.66 150.00 161.22

Backfilling in pipe culverts using approved

5.3.6 22.02
m3 43.00 105.15 86.65 100.00 97.27
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

Extending concrete pipe culvert, 900 to 1200mm

5.3.8 22.03 (iii)
m 12.00 1,790.40 1,229.18 1,509.79

5.3.9 22.06 (a) (i) Bedding for Pipe Culverts, Class"A" Bedding m3 13.00 1,415.90 2,387.25 1,901.58

5.3.10 22.06 (a) (ii) In Class"B" Bedding m 3

12.00 111.25 88.53 99.89

Class "B" masonry headwalls, retaining walls and

5.3.11 22.06 (c)
aprons for pipe culverts
m3 61.00 945.40 796.34 870.87

5.3.12 22.09 Remove and deliver pipes, all diameters m 33.00 289.00 300.00 294.50
Grouted stone pitching as per drawing at inlet and
5.3.13 24.01 (b) outlet of culverts as per Specifications and as m2 176.00 194.00 199.18 196.59
directed by the Engineer.
Excavation for slab/box/arch culverts and
61.02 (a)
headworks in soft material (in all depths)
m3 144.00 50.40 83.63 67.02

Excavation for slab/box/arch culverts and

61.02 (b)
headworks in hard material (in all depths)
m3 15.00 74.00 259.66 166.83

Backfilling behind abutments/wingwalls and fill

above culverts (slab/box/arch)
m3 27.00 105.15 86.65 95.90

Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield

63.01 (a)
strength steel, Grade 40
tonne 0.30 12,686.30 13,410.00 12,750.00 12,948.77

Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield

63.01 (b)
strength steel, Grade 60
tonne 0.70 15,223.60 16,092.00 15,657.80

64.01 (a) (ii) Class "A", Grade C-25 in Slab Culverts m3 35.00 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14
Class "B" masonry in abutments, piers,
74.03 headwalls, retaining walls and cut-off walls for m3 282.00 945.40 796.34 870.87
slab culverts
Sub-Total, Existing Culverts: Extension/Rehabilitation
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

Culverts: New

5.4.1 21.02 (c) Clearing vegetation at inlet/outlet of culverts LS 3 300.00 150.00

5.4.2 22.01(a) Excavation for pipe culverts in soft material m3 1610 50.40 83.63 67.02

5.4.3 22.01(b) Excavation for pipe culverts in hard material m3 530 74.00 259.66 166.83

Backfilling in pipe culverts using approved

5.4.4 22.02
m3 2300 105.15 86.65 95.90

22.03 (a)
Concrete pipe culvert, 900 to 1200mm diameter m 310 1,790.40 1,024.32 1,407.36

5.4.6 22.06 (a) (i) Bedding for Pipe Culverts, Class"A" Bedding m3 505 1,415.90 2,387.25 1,901.58

Class "B" masonry headwalls, retaining walls and

5.4.7 22.06 (c)
aprons for pipe culverts
m3 360 945.40 796.34 870.87

Grouted stone pitching (150mm thick) at inlet and

5.4.8 24.01 (b) outlet of pipe culverts as per Specifications and m2 410 194.00 194.12 194.06
as directed by the Engineer.
Excavation for slab/box/arch culverts and
5.4.11 61.02 (a)
headworks in soft material (in all depths)
m3 3200 50.40 83.63 67.02

Excavation for slab/box/arch culverts and

5.4.12 61.02 (b)
headworks in hard material (in all depths)
m3 605 74.00 259.66 166.83

Backfilling behind abutments/wingwalls and fill

5.4.13 61.04
above culverts (slab/box/arch)
m3 1320 105.15 86.65 95.90

Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield

5.4.14 63.01 (a)
strength steel, Grade 40 in culverts
tonne 10.3 12,686.30 13,410.00 13,048.15
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

Steel Reinforcement in structures, High yield

5.4.15 63.01 (b)
strength steel, Grade 60 in culverts
tonne 38.6 15,223.60 16,092.00 15,657.80
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works

Item Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract Average
Junction Lot-
2 Km 35- 1: Ziway-Butajira
1Shashemene-Km 35

5.4.17 64.01 (a) (ii) Class "A", Grade C-20 in Slab Culverts m3 320 1,740.60 3,017.19 2,378.90

64.01 (a)
Class "A", Grade C-25 in Slab Culverts m3 480 2,047.70 3,128.57 2,588.14

Weep holes in abutments and wingwalls as per

5.4.19 72.01
drawings and as directed by the Engineer
m 320 75.00 40.00 57.50

Class "B" masonry in abutments, piers,

5.4.20 74.03 headwalls, retaining walls, cut-off walls and inlet m3 1230 945.40 796.34 870.87
and outlet works for culverts

5.4.21 92.01 Testing of precasted members for structures No. 12 1,800.00 3,000.00 2,400.00

5.4.22 92.02(a) Additional testing orderded by the Enginer PS

Allow percentage on-cost to invoiced amounts for

5.4.23 92.02(b)
testing carried out under Item 92.02(a)
% 20 20.00 20.00 20.00

Sub-Total, Culverts (New Construction)

Road Side Drainage

5.5.1 21.02 (h) Subsurface Drains m 47 161.65 300.00 230.83

Grouted stone pitching in Gutter drain as shown

5.5.2 24.01 (b)
in the drawings
m2 210 194.05 199.18 196.62

5.5.3 24.02 (d) Synthetic fiber filter fabric m2 76 345.00 300.00 322.50

Sub-Total, Road Side Drainage

Total Carried to General Summary

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VI – Environmental Works

Item Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (ETB) Amount (ETB)
Shashemene- Contract-4:
Dodola Shashemene-
Junction Lot- Dodola Junction Average Alemaehu Berehe
2 Km 35- Lot-1Shashemene-
Dodola Km 35

6.1 12.01 Transplanting of Trees, Crops and Other Plants
30,000.00 30,000.00

Add % to Pay Item 12.01 above for overhead

6.2 12.02
and profits
% 20 20.00 20.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
Provision of Physical Barriers for the Protection
6.3 12.03 and Preservation of Socially and Archaeological
30,000.00 30,000.00
Sensitive Sites

Add % to Pay Item 12.03 above for overhead

6.4 12.04
and profits
% 20 20.00 20.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

6.5 17.02 (a) Dismantling and disposal of pipe culvert m 367.00 83.40 200.00 141.70 30,607.80 73,400.00
Demolition and remove slab, arch and box
6.6 17.02 (b)
culverts and dispose
m2 171.00 125.15 200.00 162.58 21,400.65 34,200.00

6.7 17.02 ( c ) Dismantling Utility Poles including disposal no 13.00 76.15 200.00 138.08 989.95 2,600.00
Dismantling and disposal of Houses block
6.8 17.02( d )
construction , approx 16 m2
no 7.00 449.30 1,200.00 824.65 3,145.10 8,400.00

Dismantling and disposal of Houses of wooden

6.9 17.02 ( e)
construction, approx 16 m2
no 7.00 337.00 800.00 568.50 2,359.00 5,600.00

Demolition and remove masonry, and

6.10 17.02 (f)
unreinforced concrete and dispose
m3 2100.00 81.00 200.00 140.50 170,100.00 420,000.00

Demolition and remove reinforced concrete in

6.11 17.02 (g)
wingwalls and headwalls etc. and dispose
m3 96.00 607.65 400.00 503.83 58,334.40 38,400.00

Demolition and remove existing 25 m span

6.12 17.02 (h) steel truss bridge with concrete deck at Ch. no 1.00 7,969.60 10,000.00 8,984.80 7,969.60 10,000.00
59+226 on Ukoma River

Dumped rip-rap for erosion protection (stones

6.13 24.02 (b) weighing 50-100kg and more than 25% m3 35.00 189.20 200.00 194.60 6,622.00 7,000.00
weighing over 75kg)

6.14 24.07 Dumping of boulders in erosion gullies m3 350.00 141.90 200.00 170.95 49,665.00 70,000.00
6.15 51.01 (a) Gabions Boxes as shown on drawings m3 200.00 529.25 600.00 564.63 105,850.00 120,000.00
6.16 51.01 (b) Gabions Mattress as shown on drawings m3 900.00 396.90 700.00 548.45 357,210.00 630,000.00
6.17 56.01 Stockpiling Topsoil m3 4500.00 31.90 20.00 25.95 143,550.00 90,000.00
6.18 56.02 (a) Topsoiling m3 12000.00 30.40 40.00 35.20 364,800.00 480,000.00
6.19 56.02 (b) Provide and apply chemical fertilizers tone 11.00 5,370.50 5,000.00 5,185.25 59,075.50 55,000.00

6.20 56.03 (a) Planting of grass cuttings ha 17.90 14,820.00 60,000.00 37,410.00 265,278.00 1,074,000.00

6.21 56.03 (b) Seeding ha 18.00 7,071.30 60,000.00 33,535.65 127,283.40 1,080,000.00

6.22 56.04 Provide seedling and labour for trees plantation no 5690.00 7.25 100.00 53.63 41,252.50 569,000.00

6.23 Total carried to General Summary 1,887,492.90 4,839,600.00

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VII – Road Furniture

Item Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (ETB)

Shashemene- Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Dodola Shashemene-Dodola Road Project,
Junction Lot-2 Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
Km 35-Dodola 1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira

7.1 52.01 (a) Concrete guide posts No. 14 183.05 200.00 500.00 294.35

7.2 52.01 (b) Concrete culvert marker posts No. 14 183.05 200.00 500.00 294.35

7.3 52.01 (c) Concrete kilometre posts No. 35 586.55 200.00 500.00 428.85
Guardrails on steel posts, galvanized: W-Beam
7.4 53.01 (a)
m 228 8,200.00 4,000.00 6,100.00

7.5 53.01 (b) Tubular Guardrail m 8 12,300.00 4,000.00 8,150.00

Guardrail terminal section, in accordance with the
7.6 53.02
No. 11 4,100.00 25,000.00 14,550.00

7.7 54.01 (a) Traffic signs No 15 767.60 1,400.00 1,083.80

7.8 54.01 (b) Direction signs No. 10 1,919.10 1,400.00 1,659.55

Concrete in road sign footings including

7.9 54.03
excavation and backfilling(20/20)
No. 25 409.40 315.00 350.00 358.13

7.10 55.01(d) Road studs No 2,000 373.75 300.00 336.88

7.11 55.03 (a) Reflectorised roadmarkings white 100 mm wide m 34,500 6.44 12.00 20.00 12.81

7.12 55.03 (b) Reflectorised roadmarkings yellow 100 mm wide m 37,500 6.44 12.00 20.00 12.81
Reflectorised white paint lettering and symbols,
7.13 55.03 (c)
junctions etc
m2 215 98.90 100.00 200.00 132.97

7.14 55.04(a) Variation in rates of application: White paint Lit 50 138.00 100.00 260.00 166.00

7.15 55.04(b) Variation in rates of application:Yellow paints Lit 50 138.00 100.00 260.00 166.00

7.16 55.04(c) Variation in rates of application: Glass beads kg 10 197.80 200.00 280.00 225.93

Total carried to General Summary

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule

8.1: LABOR

Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item NO Description Unit Sum Lot 2 Dodola Contract-4: Shashemene-Dodola Ziway-Butajira-Gubre Road
Junction Lot- Junction Lot-1Shashemene-Km Project, Contract 1: Ziway- Average
2 Km 35- 35 Butajira

8.01 The amount of this bill is a Provisional Sum

Providing labor at site inclusive of all expenses.

The rate inserted herein is to include all costs of
labor such as insurance, accommodation,
traveling time, overtime, use and maintenance of
small tools of the trade, and supervision.

Only the actual time engaged upon the work will be

paid for.

(i) Unskilled mandays 1100 31.6 15.00 3.00 16.53

(ii) Semi-skilled mandays 1850 47.4 18.00 12.00 25.80

(iii) Skilled mandays 2050 97.8 20.00 20.00 45.93

Sub total of pay Item 8.01

Allow percent for Contractors over head ,Administration
,profit as percentage of pay item 8.01
percentage 20 35.00 20.00 25.00

Total, Day Work, Labour

Carried to Summary for Day work Schedule
* To be entered by the Bidder
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule


Unit Rate (ETB)

Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Pay Item Dodola Average
Description Unit Sum Lot 2 Shashemene-Dodola Road Project,
Junction Lot-
Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35-
1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira

The rates inserted are to include for, Providing

material at site including transportation, delivery
8.03 to the site and storage and handling as directed
by the Engineer. All materials are to comply with
the requirements of the Specifications.

(i) Stone Aggregate Coarse75 mm cu. m 110 213.30 120.00 166.65

(ii) Stone Aggregate 50 mm cu. m 110 213.30 120.00 166.65
(iii) Stone Aggregate 25 mm cu. m 110 230.35 150.00 190.18
(iv) Stone Aggregate 19 mm cu. m 240 230.35 150.00 190.18
(v) Stone Aggregate 12.5 mm cu. m 350 245.50 180.00 212.75
(vi) Stone Aggregate 6 mm cu. m 400 245.50 180.00 212.75
(vii) Stones for masonry cu. M 80 131.00 75.00 103.00
(viii) Stones for stone pitch, riprap, etc. cu. m 80 131.00 75.00 103.00
(ix) Portland Cement tone 33 1,089.70 165.00 150.00 468.23
(x) Bitumen….Grade80/100……..(bulk) tone 12.5 7,803.50 7,500.00 7,651.75
Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule


Unit Rate (ETB)

Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Pay Item Dodola Average
Description Unit Sum Lot 2 Shashemene-Dodola Road Project,
Junction Lot-
Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35-
1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira

(xi) Bitumen .Grade…150/200…..(drum) tone 7.5 8,500.00 7,500.00 8,000.00

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule


Unit Rate (ETB)

Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Pay Item Dodola Average
Description Unit Sum Lot 2 Shashemene-Dodola Road Project,
Junction Lot-
Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35-
1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira

Reinforcement Steel.. Deformed bar

reinforcement (diameter 10 to23 mm), grade 60
tone 2.5 6,721.00 6,530.00 13,000.00 8,750.33

(xiii) Dynamite including caps, fuse, etc. tone 1 36,517.50 40,000.00 38,258.75
Structural Steel..Grade 0

(xiv) Select granular backfill m3 50 78.90 99.00 88.95

(xv) Concrete cinder bricks no. 1000 12.00 2.00 7.00
(xvi) Fine aggregate for concrete cu. M 75 193.65 150.00 171.83
(xvii) Sand - fine cu. M 100 189.30 150.00 169.65
(xviii) Coarse sand cu. M 75 189.30 150.00 169.65
Sub Total of Pay Item 8.03

Allow percent for Contractors over head ,Administration

8.04 ,profit as percentage of pay item 8.03
percent-age 20.00 35.00 20.00 25.00

Total for Daywork: Material

Carried to Summary for Day work Schedule

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule


Unit Rate (ETB)

Contract-4: Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Pay Item Dodola Average
Description Unit Sum Lot 2 Shashemene-Dodola Road Project,
Junction Lot-
Junction Lot- Contract 1: Ziway-
2 Km 35-
1Shashemene-Km 35 Butajira

* To be entered by the Bidder

Unit Rate comparision for DBST

Group VIII – Daywork Schedule

8.3: Equipment

Unit Rate (ETB)

Pay Item Dodola Contract-4: Shashemene- Ziway-Butajira-Gubre
Description Unit Sum Lot 2
NO Junction Lot- Dodola Junction Lot- Road Project, Contract 1: Average
2 Km 35- 1Shashemene-Km 35 Ziway-Butajira

the rates inserted herein are to include all

operational and maintenance costs, fuel, oil,
grease, driver's/operators' and furn boys' wages.
8.05 Only time actually employed upon the work will
be measured and the rates shall include for idle
time, traveling an

(i) Truck (10 to 12 tone) hours. 405 363.40 120.00 241.70

(ii) Dozer - Cat D6 or equal hours. 50 635.65 250.00 350.00 411.88
(iii) Motor Grader hours. 151 633.00 420.00 526.5

(iv) Roller- smooth wheel - Static ( 8 to 10 tone) hours. 200 299.80 250.00 250.00 266.6

Roller- smooth wheel - Vibratory ( 8 to 10

hours. 125 326.80 250.00 300.00 292.27

(vi) Pneumatic Tired Roller (20 tone) hours. 125 335.80 250.00 200.00 261.93
(vii) Crane (5 tone) hours. 25 445.70 350.00 397.85
Truck mounted water sprinkler (10 cu. m
hours. 125 302.00 70.00 186.00

(ix) Front end loader (1.5 cu. m) hours. 50 400.15 280.00 340.08
Mobile concrete mixing plant (1 cu m
hours. 75 84.10 250.00 350.00 228.03

(xi) Pump Set (5 hp) hours. 50 34.15 15.00 24.58

Sub Total, Pay Item 8.05

Allow percent for Contractors over head

8.06 ,Administration ,profit as percentage of pay item

20.00 35.00 17.50

Total for Daywork, Equipment

Carried to Summary of Day work Schedule

* To be entered by the Bidder
Contract-4:Lot. 2 Km 35 - Dodola Junction
Group VIII – Daywork Schedule

Description Amount (ETB)

Alemayehue Berehe
8.1 Total for Daywork: Labor 387,528.00 122,580.00
8.2 Total for Daywork: Material 776,164.32 650,862.00
8.3 Total for Daywork: Equipment 593,091.00 388,827.00

TOTAL FOR DAYWORKS (provisional sum) 1,756,783.32 1,162,269.00

Total carried to General Summary 1,756,783.32 1,162,269.00

Nazareth-Assela-Dodola Shashemene-Goba Road Upgrading Project Ethiopian Roads Authority
Contract-4:Lot. 2 km 35- Dodola Junction Addis Ababa
Section-VIII, Bidding Document, Bill of Quantities Ethiopia

Contract-4:Lot. 2 Km 35 - Dodola Junction

Amount (ETB)
General Summary Page
Alemayehue Berehe

Group I – Installations 8 5,807,388.32 4,629,500.00

Group II – Earthworkand Site Clearance 9 37,505,842.15 48,508,587.59

Group III – Selected Subgrade, Subbase, Base and Shoulders 10 41,706,211.85 31,415,881.22

Group IV – Bituminous Pavement Works 11 16,310,358.00 13,933,532.40

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works 18 9,958,823.29 12,062,742.52

Group VI – Environmental Works 19 1,887,492.90 4,839,600.00

Group VII – Road Furniture 21 3,327,916.15 2,771,975.00

Group VIII– Daywork Schedule 27 1,756,783.32 1,162,269.00

Subtotal of Bills (A) 118,260,815.98 119,324,087.73

Specified Provisional Sums included in subtotal of bills (B) 878,600.00 878,600.00

Total of Bills Less Specified Provisional Sums (A - B) (C) 117,382,215.98 118,445,487.73

Add Provisional Sums for Contingency Allowance(10% of C ) (D) 11,738,221.60 11,844,548.77

VAT 15% of (A+D) (E) 19,499,855.64 19,675,295.48

Bid Price ( A+D+E ) (Carried forward to Form of Bid) (F) 149,498,893.21 150,843,931.98

a. All provisional sums are to be expended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of the Engineer in accordance with Sub-
Clause 52.4 and Clause 58 of part I of the Conditions of Contract.

Bidder must sign on each page of bill

Page: 27
General Summary
Nazareth-Assela-Dodola Shashemene-Goba Road Upgrading Project Ethiopian Roads Authority
Contract-4:Lot. 2 km 35- Dodola Junction Addis Ababa
Section-VIII, Bidding Document, Bill of Quantities Ethiopia

Contract-4:Lot. 2 Km 35 - Dodola Junction

Percent expressed Percent expressed in

Amount (ETB) in terms of Average terms of Engineers
of Bidders Estimate
General Summary Page

Alemayehue Average of Engineeres Alem. Alem.

Berehe Berehe Berehe
Ketema Bidderes Estimate Ketema Ketema

Group I – Installations 8 5,807,388.32 4,629,500.00 5,218,444.16

Group II – Earthworkand Site Clearance 9 37,505,842.15 48,508,587.59 43,007,214.87 9,670,042.00 87.21 112.79 387.86 501.64

Group III – Selected Subgrade, Subbase, Base and Shoulders 10 41,706,211.85 31,415,881.22 36,561,046.54 27,558,702.00 114.07 85.93 151.34 114.00

Group IV – Bituminous Pavement Works 11 16,310,358.00 13,933,532.40 15,121,945.20 12,792,332.00 107.86 92.14 127.50 108.92

Group V – Bridges, Culverts, Drainage & Protection Works 18 9,958,823.29 12,062,742.52 11,010,782.91 8,465,310.00 90.45 109.55 117.64 142.50

Group VI – Environmental Works 19 1,887,492.90 4,839,600.00 3,363,546.45 1,694,334.00 56.12 143.88 111.40 285.63

Group VII – Road Furniture 21 3,327,916.15 2,771,975.00 3,049,945.58 1,176,620.00 109.11 90.89 282.84 235.59

Group VIII– Daywork Schedule 27 1,756,783.32 1,162,269.00 1,459,526.16 1,088,204.00 120.37 79.63 161.44 106.81

Subtotal of Bills (A) 112,453,427.66 114,694,587.73 113,574,007.70 62,445,544.00 99.01 100.99 180.08 183.67

Specified Provisional Sums included in subtotal of bills (B) 878,600.00 878,600.00 878,600.00 878,600.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Total of Bills Less Specified Provisional Sums (A - B) (C) 111,574,827.66 113,815,987.73 112,695,407.70 113,255,697.71 99.01 100.99 98.52 100.49

Add Provisional Sums for Contingency Allowance(10% of C ) (D) 11,157,482.77 11,381,598.77 11,269,540.77 11,325,569.77 99.01 100.99 98.52 100.49

VAT 15% of (A+D) (E) 18,541,636.56 18,911,427.98 18,726,532.27 18,818,980.12 99.01 100.99 98.53 100.49

Bid Price ( A+D+E ) (Carried forward to Form of Bid) (F) 142,152,546.99 144,987,614.48 143,570,080.73 144,278,847.61 99.01 100.99 98.53 100.49

a. All provisional sums are to be expended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of
the Engineer in accordance with Sub-Clause 52.4 and Clause 58 of part I of the Conditions of

Bidder must sign on each page of bill

Page: 27
General Summary
114,759,529. 149498893 130.2714
150843932 131.4435
Gondar Humera
-Dansha Hunan Gogob- Assela- Dodola-
Item No SUR Hunda Gashana Dodola Guba
1 Clearing and grabbing (ha) 4,248.77 8,500.00 13,412.31 16,463.49 17,354.53

Cut and borrow to fill Compacted

to 93% modified AASHTO
2 density 41.73 25.00 25.05 51.68 45.45
5 Cut to spoil Rock excavation(m3) 28.08 21.43 65.36 123.96 79.86
Cut to spoil Soft excavation(m3)

Unstabilized gravel Sub Base

compacted to 97% of Modified
Road Basesdensity
Crhed 25m
6 thickness (M3)
compacted to 100% of modified 108.63 76.82 215.39 122.16 76.82
AASHTO density, 200 mm layer
7 thickness (m3) 222.92 143.82 230.73 228.03 184.81
MC -30 cut back bitumen applied
8 19
at .8mm Chipping
liters per squatm14 literes per
(litter) 9.16 6.47 7.37 8.37 10.63
sq. m with 180/200 at 1.3 literes
per sq. m first seal and 9.5 mm
chippings at 14 liters per sq m
with 180/200 bitumen at 1 liters
9 per sq. m second seal (m2) 28.90 19.91 31.72 25.79 29.09

Grouted stone pitching 200 mm

10 normal thickness 86.95 101.46 80.70 241.58 104.00

Class B cement mortared stone

11 masonry walls 437.54 411.06 343.70 559.00 413.20
12 Open Drain in Soft Material
13 Open Drain in Hard Material
14 Reinforcemt High Tensile Steel

Average of the percentage

Note: there is some difference in the specification

Average Delbena Jinak Serdo Average Ketema
11,995.82 10,000.00 11,710.70

37.78 42.00 38.38

63.74 63.74
35.00 35.00

119.96 80.00 114.25

202.06 180.00 198.91

8.40 12.00 8.91

27.08 35.00 28.21

122.94 130.00 123.95

432.90 650.00 463.91

70.00 70.00
100.00 100.00
14,000.00 14,000.00
Percentage of
Ketema's Unit rate
with the Average








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