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Imagine where the Church would be today if wives respected their husbands as they
ought. What power would God unleash through godly men who were respected in
their homes?
This book is a collection of Nancy Wilsons columns-for-women from the pages
of Credenda/Agenda magazine. In one place now, wives can read the biblical
n so is my beloved among the sons. What is your perspective when you look at your
husband? Is it biblical or does it stem from modern lies?
o Persuasions:
This has long been one of our most popular books, and its now published in a new
format. This collection of easy-to-read dialogues between Christians and non-
Christians are helpful introductions to the defense of Christian faith against a host
of common objections from atheism, agnosticism, pantheism, hypocrisy, femi-
nism, and more. Great for family reading or to give to a non-Christian friendThey
all walk toward the Abyss for different reasons, each of them with varying
P persuasions. Along the way, they meet Evangelist, and as a result they face the Great
Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You
s will say to me then, Why still find fault? For who resisted His will? But indeed, O
man, who are you to reply against God?Romans 9:1820
Hard words indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, Gods words. In
this book, the reader will find an unapologetic treatment of many such passages in
Scripture. Perhaps the discovery will be made that our difficulty is not in the text,
but rather in our hearts. Through lively conversations, this book seeks to understand
the liberty of God.
When visitors arrive, before virtually anything is said or done, what is one of the first things they
notice about your family? In many cases, it is the spiritual aroma. The source of this aroma is
the relationship between husband and wife. Many can fake an attempt at keeping Gods
standards in some external way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of
pleasure to God.
This book aims to provide biblical advice for marriages, advice rarely heard in most books
on marriage. Godly marriages proceed from an obedient heart, and the greatest desire of an
obedient heart is the glory of God, not the happiness of the household.
God has designed each family to be a culturewith a language, customs, traditions, and countless
unspoken assumptions. The culture of the family intimately shapes the children who grow up
in it. It is the duty of the father to ensure that the shaping takes place according to biblical wisdom.
Through the Messiah, God promised blessings to His people, their children, and their
childrens children forever. The norm for faithful members of the covenant is that their children
will follow them in their faithfulness. Unless we reestablish faithful Christian culture in countless
homes, we will never reestablish it anywhere else.
Postmillennialism Amillennialism Historic Premillennialism Dispensational Premillennialism
Hermeneutics Historical, grammatical. Context and Historical, grammatical. Context and Historical, grammatical. Context and Historical, grammatical. Strong
genre are important interpretive genre are important interpretive genre are important interpretive inclination toward literalism. Scripture
considerations. Scripture interprets considerations. Scripture interprets considerations. Scripture interprets is divided into dispensations. Prophecy
Scripture. Scripture. Scripture. is to be interpreted literally.1
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Second Coming Christs Second Coming comes after Christs Second Coming comes after Christ comes before the millennium Christ comes before the millennium
the millennium (i.e., postmillennial) the millennium (i.e., postmillennial) (i.e., premillennial), but after the (i.e., premillennial). Christ comes and
and initiates general resurrection, the and initiates general resurrection, the tribulation. raptures the Church, followed by 7-
judgment of all men, and the eternal judgment of all men, and the eternal year tribulation, then He comes again
state for believers and unbelievers. state for believers and unbelievers. to establish an earthly kingdom.
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Kingdom, Gods kingdom is a present earthly Gods kingdom is a present reality that Gods kingdom is a present reality that An earthly kingdom will be established
Timing of reality that began at the first advent. began at the first advent. began at the first advent.1 during the future millennium. The
kingdom is in no sense present today.2
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Kingdom, The kingdom is spiritual in nature, The kingdom is spiritual in nature. The kingdom has come, but not with The Second Coming will establish the
Nature of encompassing heaven and earth. It will The kingdom is growing in that the transforming power. Neither good nor kingdom suddenly and cataclysmically.
grow gradually as more and more turn gospel will reach every tribe, tongue, evil will prevail. Christ does not reign as king now. The
to Christ and are saved. Gods and nation.1 However, relatively few future earthly kingdom will be
kingdom will fill the whole earth. will be saved. primarily Jewish.
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Kingdom, Christ reigns now from heaven. His Christs reign is not an earthly reign, Christ reigns now in heaven, but His Christ will reign in a future millen-
Christs Reign in kingdom is on earth. He will continue but a heavenly one. Christ reigns in present reign is invisible to the world. nium in bodily form on the earth after
to rule until He has put all enemies heaven over the souls of believers who Only Christians see it by faith. The the Second Coming. He will rule from
under His feet (1 Cor. 15:25). have died.2 public manifestation of Christs glory a physical throne in Jerusalem. The
will not take place on earth until the kingdom has a political dimension to
millennium. 2 it.
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Millennium, We are in the millennium now. The We are in the millennium now, but The millennium is future. Christ will The millennium is future. Righteous-
the millennium will never become a rule with absolute control. It will be a ness will prevail. The O.T. Jewish
Description millennium will slowly, progressively
become a golden age. Some older golden age. The millennium is the time of righteous rule.3 economy will be restored. Temple
advocates believed that the millen- church age. After the millennium will worship, priestly order, and animal
nium proper would begin at a future be the Second Coming followed by sacrifices will be restored.
date, but most now hold that it began the eternal state, the latter being a
with Christs death and resurrection. golden age. 3
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A prolonged period of time, greater A prolonged period of time, greater Generally (but not always) thought to Exactly 1000 years. The Second
than a 1000 years. The Second than a 1000 years.4 The Second be 1000 years. The Second Coming Coming precedes the millennium.
Coming follows the millennium. Coming follows the millennium. precedes the millennium.
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Satans binding and At Christs death and resurrection, At Christs death and resurrection, The binding of Satan does not take The future Second Coming causes
current status Satan was bound, meaning his ability Satan was bound, meaning his ability place until the Second Coming.4 Satan to be bound 1000 years. Satan is
to deceive the nations was restricted, to deceive the nations was restricted. [T]his age is a present evil age (Gal. 1: not bound now. Satan rules the
thus opening the door for worldwide Binding does not mean that Satans 4); Satan is its god (2 Cor. 4: 4).5 kingdom of this present world3 and
evangelism. The preaching of the ability to deceive is stopped alto- controls the world system.4 Satan is
gospel has a deleterious effect on gether. It means he cannot prevent the alive and well on planet earth.
satanic activity. God, not Satan, nations from learning the truth about
Postmillennialism Amillennialism Historic Premillennialism Dispensational Premillennialism
Tribulation Culminated in A.D. 70. Roughly A.D. The church is in the tribulation now, A future 7-year period immediately A future 7-year period immediately
6470, beginning with the persecution but the tribulation will grow progres- preceding the Second Coming. The preceding the Second Coming. The
of Christians by Nero. Was predicted sively worse.5 Christians must expect Church will go through the tribula- Church escapes the tribulation via
by Christ to be within a generation to suffer tribulation and persecution tion. 6 rapture. Jews who subsequently
(Matt. 24:34) and was experienced by during the entire church age.6 believe remain behind.
John (Rev. 1:9).
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Antichrist(s) The Antichrist is viewed in the past, There will be a future establishment A future Antichrist (an individual) will A future Antichrist (an individual) will
as various individuals, a movement or of the kingdom of Antichrist over the inflict persecution on Christians before become the world dictator and
spirit (1 Jn. 4:3) of deception. John entire world.7 The Antichrist is an the rapture.7 persecute both Jews and Christians. He
wrote even now many antichrists individual. will reach his dominant political
have come (1 Jn.2:18).1 position after the rapture.5
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Rapture The rapture occurs at the end of the The rapture occurs at the end of the Posttribulation: rapture will take place Pretribulation: rapture will take place
millennium when believers who have millennium when believers who have at the end of a future tribulation but at the beginning of a future tribulation
just been raised from the dead, just been raised from the dead, before the millennium. and before the millennium. The
together with believers who have just together with believers who have just Church gets raptured out of the world.
been transformed are caught up in the been transformed are caught up in the Believing Jews remain and suffer
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. clouds to meet the Lord in the air.8 persecution.
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The Temple The temple and the O.T. sacrificial The temple and the O.T. sacrificial The temple and the O.T. sacrificial The Jewish temple will be physically
system are done away with forever. system are done away with forever. system are done away with forever.8 rebuilt. The sacrificial system will be
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Israel The prophecies and promises to Israel The prophecies and promises to Israel The prophecies and promises to Israel Gods original plan to establish the
are fulfilled in the Church. Ethnic Jews are fulfilled in the Church. Jews will are fulfilled in the Church. There will kingdom at the first advent was
will ultimately be converted over time continue to be converted to Christ be a future salvation of Israel.9 thwarted when the Jews rejected
through the preaching of the gospel. until the Second Coming.9 Christ. The Jewish kingdom will be set
up at Christs Second Coming.
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Israel & the Church The Church is spiritual Israel. It is the The Church is spiritual Israel. It is the The Church is spiritual Israel. It is the Israel and the Church are separate and
Israel of God. There is neither Jew Israel of God. There is neither Jew Israel of God. There is neither Jew distinct peoples of God. The Church is
nor Greek, all are one in Christ. nor Greek, all are one in Christ. nor Greek, all are one in Christ. an interruption of Gods program for
Israel brought about by Israels
rejection of the kingdom offer.6
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The Church Over time the Church will grow and The Church can look forward to The worlds hatred of the gospel will The Church will eventually lose
flourish. The Great Commission to increasing apostasy, tribulation, and lead to a last convulsive persecution influence, fail its mission, and become
disciple all nations will be fulfilled. persecution toward the end times. 10 that decimates the church.10 corrupt.
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Historic Optimistic. Prophecies of destruction Pessimistic. Only a small proportion Pessimistic. Unbelief and apostasy will Pessimistic. Unbelief and apostasy will
Expectation are viewed preteristically (in the past). of the world will be saved. The increase. Prophecies of destruction are increase. Prophecies of destruction are
Over time the nations will be kingdom of evil is growing. Apostasy viewed futuristically. The gospel will viewed futuristically. The gospel will
converted to Christ through the and tribulation will culminate in the be preached to all nations, but will not be preached to all nations, but will not
preaching of the gospel. The Great emergence of a personal Antichrist. be effective. be effective.
Commission will be fulfilled. The idea of widespread conversions
and societal improvements is rejected.
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The Hope of the The conversion of the nations through The eternal state is held out as the The post-tribulation rapture. The pretribulation rapture.
Church the spread of the gospel and the work future hope of the church.11
of the Holy Spirit.
All millennial views see Christs coming as the blessed hope. Moreover, they place great hope in the anticipation of eternity in heaven. The hope listed here is the present and immediate hope of
believers as viewed from a millennial perspective.
Mutterings on the
Regnant Follies
Cave of Adullam:
State Church
Carol Mann teaches kindergarten in Augusta,
Georgia. She now admits that she made a
mistake when she threw away twenty-three
religious Christmas cards brought to school by
one of her students. Brooke Rollins had made
the cards on a computer with her mother s
help. She had then brought them to class to
give to all her classmates. She made her fatal
error when she asked her teacher, no doubt in a
sweet little voice, to distribute them. But
instead of winding up in the cute but sweaty
palms of the kinderkids, they ended up in the
TRASH!!!!! Carol was backed up in her deci-
sion by the principal of the school, who said
that the cards looked too much like religious
tracts to be distributed. Whoa. The cover of the
card portrayed the Nativity scene with an
ascending Christ with visible crucifixion wounds.
Man. Religious Christmas cards. Things are gettin
ugly out there, man.
Amherst College is ensconced in Massachusetts and is
therefore liberal. The Spectator, a student paper at the
school, is not so liberal. During gay pride month some
sinner on staff with the paper took the homosexual
propaganda that had been distributed on campus, and
rewrote it. Whoever it was, he did it well. Replacing all
references to gay with straight and so forth, the work
was run in the paper under the heading of Celebrate
Heterosexuality. As a result, all funding to the paper
has been cut off. Those on the throne say that the
article was offensive and of course, homophobic. As
Ross Cohen, a Spectator writer put it, We rewrote the
gay propaganda . . . as straight propaganda and they
didnt like it.
They ought to run the article again, this time substitut-
ing for all references to sexuality of any kind a more discreet
praise of guacamole dip.
The exegetical basis for this is more completely laid out in my position paper
Women in Combat, available from us upon request. More information on the issue is
available from an organization called Hope for America. Contact Robert Miller at
Hebrews: The Epistle of Warning (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publ., 1985) p. 244.
All millennial views see Christs coming as the blessed hope. Moreover, they place
great hope in the anticipation of eternity in heaven. The hope listed here is the present
and immediate hope of believers as viewed from a millennial perspective.
Kenneth Gentry, He Shall Have Dominion (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian
Economics, 1992) p. 373.
Jay E. Adams, The Time is at Hand (Greenville, SC: A Press, 1987) p. 44.
Anthony A. Hoekema, Amillennialism, in Robert G. Clouse, The Meaning of the
Millennium: Four Views (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1977) p. 169.
Adams, The Time is at Hand, pp. 910.
Hoekema, Amillennialism, p. 155.
William E. Cox, Amillennialism Today (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed,
1966) p. 139.
Anthony A. Hoekema, The Bible and The Future (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
1979) pp. 150151.
David J. Engelsma, A Defense of (Reformed) Amillennialism (1), Introduction.
See web site which is a reprint
of a series of editorials in the Standard Bearer from April 1, 1995 through December 15,
Hoekema, Amillennialism, pp. 182183.
Hoekema, The Bible and The Future, p. 147.
Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1941) p. 718.
Adams, The Time is at Hand, p. 13.
Historic Premillennialism
Erickson, Contemporary Options in Eschatology, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House, 1977) p.106.
George Eldon Ladd, Historic Premillennialism, in Robert G. Clouse, The Meaning of
the Millennium, p. 32. Also, Erickson, Contemporary Options, pp. 101102.
Erickson, Contemporary Options, p.101.
Ladd, Historic Premillennialism, p. 17.
George Eldon Ladd, See web site
which is a preprint of a chapter called The Antichrist And The Great Tribulation
(pages 58-72) in The Last Things, An Eschatology For Laymen (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
Erickson, Contemporary Options, p.145.
George Eldon Ladd, The Blessed Hope (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1956) p. 74.
Ladd, Historic Premillennialism, p. 26.
Ladd, Historic Premillennialism, p.28.
George Eldon Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
1974) p. 203.
Dispensational Premillennialism
Charles C. Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today (Chicago: Moody, 1969) p. 88.
Robert P. Lightner, The Last Days Handbook (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1990)
p. 113.
John MacArthur, Alone with God (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1995) p. 69.
John A. Witmer, A Review of Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth, Bibliotheca
Sacra (July/September 1992) p. 272.
John F. Walvoord. Major Bible Prophecies (New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1991) pp.
J. Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1958) p. 201.