Loan Product Advisor Documentation Matrix: Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide)
Loan Product Advisor Documentation Matrix: Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide)
Loan Product Advisor Documentation Matrix: Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide)
Use the following information as a reference for documenting your Loan Product Advisor loans. For complete
documentation information and specific program eligibility requirements, refer to the Freddie Mac Single-Family
Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide). We recommend bookmarking the Guide link ( for
easy access.*
What Has Changed in this Reference?
This reference is updated to coincide with new and significant changes to documentation requirements announced in
Guide Bulletins. Recent changes include:
Topic Change Effective Date
Rental Housing For second home, investment property and/or As of November 5, Bulletin 2020-31
Payments loans with a non-occupying co-borrower, 2020, but may
include any rental housing payment for any implement
borrower who does not own, but rents their immediately
principal domicile.
Monthly Obligations Various updates: Documentation of liabilities; As of November 5, Bulletin 2020-31
documentation of proceeds from a loan 2020, but may
secured by the borrower’s assets; and age of implement
documentation requirements for contingent immediately
liabilities excluded from the DTI ratio.
Tax Exempt Income For Social Security income (i.e. retirement As of September 2, Bulletin 2020-36
income, disability benefits, survivor benefits 2020
and Supplemental Security Income): Guide Bulletin
15% of the tax-exempt portion of the income 2020-36 Highlights
may be used without obtaining additional Quick Tutorial
Wedding Gift Funds Extending the time frame for wedding gift As of September 2, Bulletin 2020-36
funds to be on deposit from 60 days to 90 2020
days. Guide Bulletin
2020-36 Highlights
Quick Tutorial
Home equity line of If the HELOC monthly payment amount is not As of November 5, Bulletin 2020-38
credit payments captured in the mortgage file documentation 2020, but may
or in the credit report, use 1.5% of the implement
outstanding HELOC balance. immediately
Loan Product Advisor Additional flexibility to the loan amount Settlement dates on Bulletin 2020-43
resubmission tolerance resubmission tolerances for refinance and after
update transactions. February 4, 2021
Note: Vertical revision bars " | " are also used in the margin of this reference to highlight these new requirements and
significant changes.
*The Guide on AllRegs is the official electronic version of the Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide.
Table of Contents
Asset Documentation
Verification Requirements
Requirements for Resubmission to Loan Product Advisor After the Note Date
Additional Resources:
Reminders for Loan Product Advisor Resubmissions after the Note Date
AIM for Self Employed with Loan Product Advisor Job Aid
The analysis, verification, calculation and determination of the stable monthly income amount is integral to the overall
qualification of the borrower and determination of the borrower’s capacity to repay the mortgage and other monthly
obligations. Refer to Guide Topic 5300 for complete requirements and guidance for the analysis, stability, history,
continuance and documentation for all stable monthly income and asset qualification sources.
Employed Income
Primary employment Primary employment earnings – documentation requirements:
earnings: Obtain all the following:
▪ Base non- ▪ Year-to-date (YTD) paystub(s) documenting all YTD earnings, W-2 form(s) for the most
fluctuating recent calendar year, and a 10-day pre-closing verification (10-day PCV)
earnings, and OR, all the following:
▪ Fluctuating hourly
▪ Written verification of employment (VOE) documenting all YTD earnings and the earnings
for the most recent calendar year, and a 10-day PCV
(Guide Sections
5303.2(a)(i) and (c)) Primary employment - history requirements
In most instances, the borrower should have at least a two-year history of primary employment
documented on Form 65, Uniform Residential Loan Application and verified in accordance with
Topic 5300.
Tip income - Cash and charge tips reported on IRS Form 4137:
All the following:
▪ IRS Form 4137 for the most recent two years
▪ Complete federal individual income tax returns covering the most recent two-year period
10-day PCV
▪ Written VOE documenting all YTD earnings (including payout(s) of RS or RSU) as well as
earnings for the most recent two calendar years, and a 10-day PCV. Employment and
income verifications obtained through a third-party verification service provider as
described in Guide Section 5302.3 are permitted, provided that the documentation clearly
identifies and distinguishes the payout(s) of RS/RSU
Note: A military Leave and Earnings Statement dated no more than 120 days prior to the Note
Date is acceptable documentation for the 10-day PCV.
Military entitlements Additional Employed Income – Military entitlements
(e.g., as flight or History of receipt: A history of receipt is not required for the income to be considered stable
hazard duty, rations, Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years
clothing or quarters
Calculation: Current fixed monthly amount
(Guide Section
5303.3(d)) Obtain all the following:
▪ YTD Leave and Earnings Statement, W-2 form for the most recent calendar year, and a
10-day PCV
OR, all the following:
▪ Written VOE documenting the current monthly fixed entitlement amount(s) and type(s) and
the earnings for the most recent calendar year, and a 10-day PCV
Military Reserve and Additional Employed Income – Military Reserve and National Guard income
National Guard History of receipt: One year
income Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years
(Guide Section
Calculation: 12-month average
Obtain all the following:
▪ YTD Military Leave and Earnings Statement, W-2 form for the most recent calendar year,
and a 10-day PCV
OR, all the following:
Written VOE documenting all YTD earnings and the earnings for the most recent calendar
year, and a 10-day PCV
Self-employed Income
Self-employment A borrower who has an ownership interest of 25% or more in a Partnership, S Corporation
indicator and/or Corporation is considered to be self-employed. A borrower who is a sole-proprietor is
(Guide Section 5304.1) considered to be a self-employed borrower.
The Seller must indicate to Loan Product Advisor that a borrower is self-employed when the
borrower meets Freddie Mac’s definition of self-employed as stated above. This is required in
all cases where the self-employment income and/or loss is used to determine the borrower’s
stable monthly income for qualifying.
Business income and Refer to Guide Section 5304.1 for requirements and guidance pertaining to the business and
analysis income analysis:
(Guide Section ▪ Business and income analysis:
5304.1(d)) - Business review and analysis
- Use of business income reported on the borrower’s personal returns
- Use of business income not reported on the borrower’s personal returns
Alternative The Seller may consider alternative sources if the above are not
sources available, such as:
▪ Preparer of the tax returns for the business (e.g., accountant),
provided the preparer has an arm's length relationship with the
▪ At least one months' business bank statement that supports the
current existence of the business and the level and type of income
and expenses reported on the business tax returns
Date The verification must be completed prior to the Delivery Date, but no
requirements more than 120 days prior to the Note Date
*Note: For Social Security income (i.e. retirement income, disability benefits, survivor benefits and
Supplemental Security Income):
▪ 15% of the tax-exempt portion of the income may be used without obtaining additional
documentation. (To gross up beyond the 15%, additional documentation must be obtained,
as stated above.)
Dividend and interest History of receipt: Most recent two years
(Guide Section 5305.2) Continuance: Document that sufficient assets remain after closing to support continuance of the
dividend and interest income, at the level used for qualifying, for at least the next three years
Calculation: 24-month average
▪ Complete federal individual income tax returns for the most recent two-year period, or
▪ Year-end asset account statements for the most recent two years evidencing all dividend and
interest income for each year for the income producing asset(s),
▪ Evidence of sufficient assets to support the qualifying income
Assets as a basis for Assets that will be used by the borrower for the repayment of their obligations may be used to
repayment of qualify. Refer to Guide Section 5307.1 for requirements
(Guide Section 5307.1)
Asset documentation must be maintained in the mortgage file and must also meet the general
requirements for verifying documents (5102.3), age of documentation (5102.4) and asset eligibility
and documentation requirements (5501.3). In addition:
▪ For purchase transactions, document the source of funds for any large deposit when the
deposit is needed to qualify the borrower for the mortgage transaction. A large deposit is any
single deposit that exceeds 50% of the sum of:
− The total monthly qualifying income for the mortgage.
− The amount derived from the asset calculation for establishing the DTI ratio in accordance
with the requirements of Guide Section 5307.1, if applicable.
▪ When a large deposit is not verified and is not needed to qualify the borrower for the mortgage
− Reduce the funds used for qualifying purposes by the amount of the unverified deposit.
− For Loan Product Advisor mortgages, enter the reduced amount of the asset into Loan
Product Advisor.
▪ When a single deposit consists of both verified and unverified funds, use just the unverified
amount when determining whether the deposit is a large deposit.
▪ When the source of funds can clearly be identified (e.g., direct payroll deposits or tax refund),
additional documentation is not required.
▪ If an account was opened within 90 days of a direct verification (i.e., VOD) and/or reflects a
current balance significantly greater than the average balance, document the source of funds.
▪ You must consider any liabilities resulting from all borrowed funds.
Additional resources available are Understanding Loan Product Advisor's Determination of Total
Funds to Be Verified and Understanding Loan Product Advisor's Determination of Reserve
Gift of equity: A gift of equity must be reflected on the Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement.
▪ Investment Property Mortgages: Gift funds or gift of equity are not an eligible source of funds
▪ Second Home Mortgages with LTV/TLTV/HTLTV ratios greater than 80%: Minimum
contribution from borrower personal funds must be 5% of value when gift funds or grants are
used for the transaction.
Gift funds received as Provide the following:
a wedding gift ▪ A copy of the marriage license or certificate
(Guide Section ▪ A verification of the gift funds in the borrower’s depository account
5501.3(c)) The gift funds must be on deposit in the borrower’s depository account within 90 days of the date
of the marriage license or certificate
A gift or grant from an Provide documentation supporting a gift or grant from an agency. Examples of acceptable
agency documentation include copies of grant program materials, award letters or terms and conditions
(Guide Section provided to the borrower. The documentation must:
5501.3(c)) ▪ Establish that the funds were provided by an Agency
▪ Establish that the organization has an established gift or grant program
▪ Establish that the funds are a gift or grant that does not have to be repaid
▪ Provide evidence that the funds were received by the borrower or by the Seller on the
borrower’s behalf
▪ Identify the donor’s mailing address
Employer Assisted In addition to the documentation requirements for specific benefit types, the following
Homeownership requirements must be met:
(EAH) Benefit ▪ EAH Benefits must be documented with a copy of the employer benefit program that provides
(Guide Section the amount of the benefit and the terms of the program
5501.4(c)) ▪ Evidence of receipt of the EAH Benefit must be provided (e.g., funds on deposit in borrower’s
account or funds reflected on the Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement)
Interested party ▪ Document the amount and source of all interested party contributions in the mortgage file and
contributions show on the Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement
(Guide Section ▪ If financing concessions exceed Freddie Mac’s limits (see Guide Section 5501.5(b)) and an
5501.5(e) unplanned buydown is involved, include a written analysis and documentation in the mortgage
file evidencing the unplanned buydown met each of the conditions in Guide Section 5501.5(d)
Earnest money The source of the earnest money deposit for a purchase transaction must be from an eligible
deposit source meeting the requirements of Guide Section 5501.3 and documented in accordance with
(Guide Section 5501.1) the requirements for the applicable asset type. Account statement(s) or direct account verification
must cover the period up to and including the date the earnest money deposit funds cleared the
Note: Ensure the earnest money deposit is not counted twice in the evaluation of the mortgage
(i.e., deducted from the funds to close and counted in assets).
Evidence of When assets that are invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, U.S. government Securities,
liquidation retirement accounts or other securities are needed for closing, evidence of liquidation is required
(Guide Section unless the combined value of the assets is at least 20% greater than the amount from these
5501.3(b)) assets needed for closing.
Business assets Document according to the asset type.
(Guide Section As described in Guide Section 5501.3(a)(iii), documentation of large deposits is not required
5501.3(b)) provided the Seller:
▪ Reviews a minimum of the most recent two months of the business account statements, and
▪ Determines the deposits are typical for the borrower’s business
Refer to Guide Section 5304.1(f) for additional requirements when self-employed income from the
business is used for qualifying.
Source of funds from ▪ Funds must be transferred into a United States or State regulated financial institution and
outside the United verified in U.S. dollars prior to the closing of the mortgage transaction, or
States and its ▪ Combined value of the assets must be at least 20% greater than the amount from these
territories assets needed for closing
(Guide Section Refer to Guide Section 5102.3(b) for additional requirements when funds from outside the United
5501.3(b)) States and its territories are used to qualify the borrower for the mortgage transaction.
Credit data for Loan Obtain the same type of credit report for all borrowers from:
Product Advisor ▪ Infile(s) or merged/joint merged obtained through Loan Product Advisor
Mortgages ▪ Infile(s), merged/joint merged, or RMCR obtained outside of Loan Product Advisor
(Guide Sections 5201.1 Once you have selected a type of credit report, review all reports of that type for all borrowers.
(c)(ii) and 5203.1(h) All infiles for an individual borrower must be dated within 14 days of each other. Retain all
and (i)) credit reports in the file.
All credit reports must be dated within 120 days before, as applicable, the Note Date, or for
Construction and Renovation Mortgages, the Effective Date of Permanent Financing, the
modification date for Seller-Owned Modified Mortgages, the Conversion Date for Seller-Owned
Converted Mortgages or the date of the assumption agreement.
For mortgages with borrowers who do not have a usable credit score, see Mortgages for
Borrowers Without Credit Scores.
Credit report inquiries Determine if additional credit was granted. If additional credit was granted, verification of the
within previous 90 debt must be obtained, and the debt must be considered when qualifying the borrower.
(Guide Sections
5201.1(e) and 5202.6)
Verification of Direct verification of housing payment history is not required if all borrowers have a usable
Housing Debt credit score.
(Guide Sections Third-party documentation to verify the payment amount is required if the credit report does not
5201.1, 5202.1, 5202.2, contain a required monthly payment. Examples of acceptable third-party documentation
5401.1, 5401.2 and include (but are not limited to) a Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement (if recently
5101.9(c)) purchased), billing coupons, tax statement, insurance statement and, if applicable, HOA/Condo
Reminder: When application indicates property owned free and clear, total monthly debt must
include taxes, insurance, and HOA or Condo fees, as applicable.
Caution (A-minus eligible) loans: If not adequately shown on the Loan Product Advisor
credit report, directly verify the payment history of that mortgage debt for the most recent 12
months. During the most recent 12 months, if any borrower was 30 days or more delinquent
more than once, or 60 days or more delinquent on any directly verified mortgage or
combination of directly verified mortgages, the mortgage is ineligible for delivery to Freddie
Caution (not A-minus eligible) loans: When the borrower has a housing payment history,
verify both current and prior housing payment histories for the most recent 12 months (or length
of housing payment history if less than 12 months) in accordance with Section 5202.2(b) and
payment amount for any debt (housing or other) not reported on the credit report.
Documentation of Effective for mortgages with Settlement Dates on and after November 5, 2020, however, may
Liabilities implement earlier.
(Guide Section ▪ Documentation of all payment amounts included in the monthly DTI ratio, except as
5401.2) otherwise stated in Section 5401.2.
▪ Documentation of the remaining term for installment loans omitted from the DTI ratio if
there are 10 or fewer months of payments remaining.
Topic Documentation
Child support Effective for Mortgages with Settlement Dates on and after November 5, 2020:
(Guide Section 5401.2) • The monthly payment amount must be documented in the Mortgage file with a copy of the
signed court order, legally binding separation agreement and/or final divorce decree, or
equivalent documentation.
• To omit child support from the debt payment-to-income ratio due to 10 or fewer months of
payments remaining, the Mortgage file documentation must show that there are 10 or
fewer months of payments remaining.
Alimony or Maintenance When alimony or maintenance payments have more than 10 months of payments remaining,
Payments in lieu of including these payments in the calculation of the debt, the payments must be
(Guide Section 5401.2) deducted from the Borrowers stable monthly income as determined in accordance with
Section 5301.1. The reduced stable monthly income must be used to qualify the Borrower.
• The monthly payment amount must be documented in the Mortgage file with a copy of the
signed court order, legally binding separation agreement and/or final divorce decree, or
equivalent documentation.
• To omit alimony due to 10 or fewer months of payments remaining, the Mortgage file
documentation must show that there are 10 or fewer months of payments remaining.
Student Loans
(Guide Section 5401.2) Debt Type Eligibility and Documentation Requirements
In repayment, ▪ If the monthly payment amount is greater than zero, use the
forbearance or monthly payment amount reported on the credit report or other
deferment file documentation, or
Note: Documentation of HELOC terms, including the monthly payment amount continues to be
required for HELOCs originated concurrently with the First Lien Mortgage, as stated in Section
A payment of up to 12 months of homeowner’s association dues by an interested party is not considered an abatement but
is considered an interested party contribution and is subject to all requirements for interested party contributions and other
Lender credit (Guide Sections 5501.6)
May be used provided it meets all of the following requirements:
▪ The amount of the lender credit must:
o Be derived from an increase in the interest rate (i.e., premium pricing), or
o Be funded directly by the Seller
▪ The lender credit must not require repayment
▪ The Seller must not use funds from a third party to provide a lender credit
▪ Lender credit may only be used as a credit towards the borrower’s closing costs. In the event the lender credit exceeds
the amount of the borrower’s closing costs, the following requirements apply:
o The lender credit must be reduced so it does not exceed the amount of the borrower’s closing costs, or
o The amount of the lender credit that exceeds the borrower’s closing costs must be applied as a principal
curtailment to the mortgage and must be clearly reflected on the Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement.
(See Section 6302.32 for delivery requirements for Mortgages with principal curtailments.)
▪ Lender credit derived from an increase in the interest rate (i.e., premium pricing) must not be used as a credit towards
funding a temporary subsidy buydown plan on a “no cash-out” refinance mortgage.
Lender incentives (Guide Sections 5501.6)
The Seller may provide the Borrower with a cash or a cash-like (e.g., a gift card) incentive that is not lender credit toward
the Mortgage transaction as described in Guide Section 5501.6(a), provided that:
▪ The amount of the incentive does not exceed $500.00
▪ No repayment is required, and
▪ The amount is documented in the Mortgage file
The incentive is not considered cash out to the Borrower and does not have to be included in the calculation of the
Mortgage proceeds, including the calculation of cash back to the Borrower. These requirements apply regardless of
whether the incentive is provided before, at or after the Mortgage closing.
Cash back on purchase transactions (Guide Section 4305.1)
The Borrower may receive cash back, or a principal curtailment may be made, only as a result of the following:
▪ Reimbursement for the overpayment of costs, fees and charges paid by the Borrower in connection with the purchase transaction
▪ In jurisdictions where real estate taxes are paid in arrears, receipt of funds from the property seller for real estate taxes that cover a
period prior to the Note Date
▪ Refunds mandated by federal laws or regulations
The minimum Borrower contribution, if applicable, must be met at closing. If the projected cash back, as described above, results in the
Borrower not meeting the minimum Borrower contribution at closing, the excess amount of the cash back must be applied as a principal
Any cash back or principal curtailment must be reflected on the Settlement/Closing Disclosure Statement. In instances of reimbursement
for the overpayment of costs, fees and charges, and/or refunds mandated by federal law or regulation, the Mortgage file must include
documentation supporting the amount and the reason for the reimbursement and/or refund.
Mortgages secured by a Manufactured Home (even if located within a condominium project) must be submitted to Loan
Product Advisor and must identify the property as a single-wide or multi-wide Manufactured Home. In addition:
▪ An appraisal reported on Appraisal Form 70B, Manufactured Home Appraisal Report, is required for all Manufactured
▪ If the property is a Manufactured Home located in a Condominium Project, the project must be approved through an
acceptable reciprocal review process. For details, refer to Guide Chapter 5701. The project information section of Form
465, Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report, must also be completed and attached as an addendum to Form
For purchase transactions, verify the property seller is the Owner of Record. For refinance transactions, verify the borrower
is an Owner of Record. For transactions involving the payoff of a land contract, verify the borrower is a vendee on the
recorded land contract, and the property seller is the vendor and Owner of Record. Evidence verification with
documentation in the file.
If Loan Product Advisor returns an excessive value message or a message notifying you of REO activity within the
preceding 24 months, review the appraisal report carefully to ensure property value is supported.
Freddie Mac recommends the use of Loan Collateral Advisor, our web-based tool that analyzes appraisal reports and
provides Freddie Mac’s view of appraisal quality and risk. More information about Loan Collateral Advisor can be found on at
Date and verification requirements for Loan Product Advisor results, employment, income, source of funds and
payment history (other than credit reports) (Guide Sections 5101.1(b), 5101.7, 5102.4 and 5301.1)
Date Requirements
▪ A mortgage that was processed through Loan Product Advisor and received a complete assessment (a Risk Class of
Accept or Caution) on the Last Feedback Certificate must have a Settlement Date no more than 12 months after the
Note Date, or for Construction Conversion and Renovation Mortgages, the Effective Date of Permanent Financing.
▪ Loan Product Advisor results must be dated within 120 days prior to the Note Date. However, if the Seller determines
after the Note Date, or the Effective Date of Permanent Financing for Construction Conversion and Renovation
Mortgages that the information entered into Loan Product Advisor was not true, complete, and accurate and does not
match the terms of the mortgage to be delivered to Freddie Mac, the mortgage must be resubmitted to Loan Product
Advisor after the Note Date or the Effective Date of Permanent Financing, as applicable, but prior to the Loan Product
Advisor Assessment Expiration Date and Delivery Date, unless otherwise prohibited or not required by Guide Section
▪ Verifications of employment, income, current receipt of income, source of funds and payment history must be dated no
more than 120 days before the Note Date and must be used in evaluating the creditworthiness of the Borrower. Any
information verified more than 120 days before the Note Date must be reverified. Verifications made after the Note Date
do not satisfy the requirements of Guide Section 5102.4. For eligible properties impacted by a disaster, certain age of
documentation flexibilities may apply. Refer to Guide Sections 4407.2 and 4407.3 for additional information.
Verification Requirements (Guide Sections 5102.3 5302.1 through 5302.5 and 5501.3)
General Requirements for Verifying Documents: VOE, VOD and mortgage or rental verification forms
▪ For more information on automating the manual processes for income verification, refer to AIM.
▪ Written verifications:
− Standard verification forms such as original verifications of employment (VOE), verification of deposit (VOD) and
mortgage or rental verification forms must be sent directly from the originator to the borrower’s employer, depository,
creditor or landlord and upon completion, returned directly from the entity to the originator.
− Facsimile verification forms are acceptable if it is clear from the document that the information was sent by facsimile
transmission directly from the source to the originator and are considered to be originals.
− The original documents must not contain any alterations, erasures, correction fluid or correction tape.
− The Seller’s mortgage file contains legible copies of the originals.
− The copies must have been made by the originator or the applicant directly from the originals. Copies provided by
any other source, such as the applicant, agent or builder, are not acceptable. A picture of a document may be
provided by the borrower to provide verification of income, employment and assets
▪ Electronic verifications (VOE, VOD, VOM/R) are computer-generated documents, accessed and printed from an
Intranet or Internet. This includes online bank statements, investment account statements and employment and/or
income statements. The borrower may provide the electronic verification directly, or the originator may obtain it directly
from the employer, depository or other institution.
Income and asset qualification sources
▪ IRS Form 4506-T (Guide Section 5302.5):
− All Borrowers, whose income is used to qualify or whose assets are used as a basis for repayment of obligations in
accordance with the requirements in Guide Section 5307.1, are required to sign Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form
4506-T (or an alternate form acceptable to the IRS that authorizes the release of comparable tax information). The
Form 4506-T must be signed no later than the Note Date.
Resubmission to Loan Product Advisor (Guide Sections 5101.6 and 5101.7) (continued)
Loan amount changes on refinance transactions (effective for mortgages with Settlement Dates on and after
February 4, 2021):
Loan amount decreases
- The loan amount decreases by no more than 5% on a refinance transaction and at the time of the most recent Loan
Product Advisor submission mortgage insurance is not required on the mortgage, or
- The loan amount decreases by no more than 5% on a refinance transaction and at the time of the most recent Loan
Product Advisor submission mortgage insurance on the mortgage is required, and
o The change does not impact the amount of the mortgage insurance coverage, and
o The amount of the mortgage insurance premium collected by the Seller is based on the new loan amount
and the Seller obtains a new mortgage insurance certificate, and
- For Mortgages that qualify for an appraisal waiver, the Seller has not accepted the appraisal waiver offer.
Loan amount increases
- For refinance transactions when the loan amount increases by no more than $500 or up to 1% of the loan amount,
whichever is less and based on the new loan amount at the time of the most recent Loan Product Advisor
submission mortgage insurance is not required on the mortgage, or
- For refinance transactions when the loan amount increases by no more than $500 or up to 1% of the loan amount,
whichever is less and based on the new loan amount at the time of the most recent Loan Product Advisor
submission mortgage insurance on the mortgage is required, and
o The change does not impact the amount of the mortgage insurance coverage, and
o The amount of the mortgage insurance premium collected by the Seller is based on the new loan amount
and the Seller obtains a new mortgage insurance certificate, and
- For Mortgages that qualify for an appraisal waiver, the Seller has not accepted the appraisal waiver offer.
- The increase in the monthly debt payment results in a debt payment-to-income ratio that meets the requirements in
Section 5101.6(b)(i) referenced above under #3 Debts/income.
If the Risk Class and/or Documentation Level changes as a result of the resubmission, the Seller must meet the new
Resubmission to Loan Product Advisor After the Note Date (Guide Section 5101.7)
A mortgage cannot be resubmitted to Loan Product Advisor after the Note Date or the Effective Date of Permanent
Financing for Construction Conversion and Renovation Mortgages if:
▪ Resubmission is more than 120 days after the Loan Product Advisor Assessment Expiration Date displayed on the
Feedback Certificate in effect as of the Note Date; or
▪ A borrower is being added or deleted, or a change is being made to a borrower’s last name or Social Security Number;
▪ A new credit report company needs to be selected; or
▪ The single or joint merged credit report indicator changes; or
▪ The order of borrowers’ changes on a joint merged credit request; or
▪ The merged credit report number does not match the merged credit report number from the most recent complete
▪ If the mortgage cannot be resubmitted to Loan Product Advisor after the Note Date, or the Effective Date of Permanent
Financing for Construction Conversion and Renovation Mortgages, the mortgage must be manually underwritten and is
considered a Non-Loan Product Advisor Mortgage.
Note: Select the appropriate Loan Processing Stage, which is Post Closing Quality Control. Once Post Closing Quality
Control is selected, you must remain in that processing stage for the life of the loan.
This document is not a replacement or substitute for the information found in the Freddie Mac Single-Family
Seller/Servicer Guide or terms of your Master Agreement or other Pricing Identifier Terms.
© 2020 Freddie Mac